
Anon: magicless shadow gamer

Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And your life sucks
  3. >You've always wanted to be a wizard
  4. >Not like those new age power of thought kind of wizards
  5. >But an actual wizard
  6. >And here you are
  7. >Living in a world of colourful, magical ponies
  8. >And the queen of magic tells you that you can't use magic
  9. >Why?
  10. >Something to do with biology
  11. >You didn't get any of that
  12. >You were too busy holding back your tears
  13. >But as a token of friendship
  14. >She gave you access to her private study, where she keeps her..."special" books
  15. >On the condition that you never to speak to anyone of it
  16. >Turns out she has been collecting and studing scriptures regarding the black arts
  17. >And since you can't possibly do any sort of magic
  18. >Forever
  19. >It won't matter if you read them or not
  20. >And here you are
  21. >Going through tomes and tomes of books
  22. >Basically just skimming through them
  23. >Hoping to find some sort of way that Twilight overlooked to become a true wizard
  26. >So far you haven't found anything of worth
  27. >Maybe they would have had worth
  28. >If only you could actually do anything
  29. >You close a weird, flesh covered book and get up from your chair
  30. >You go through the shelves
  31. >Dusty old tomes
  32. >And clean new ones
  33. >She has been writing essays on some of the practices and ways they could be improved
  34. >On theory of course
  35. >As you look through the books something odd catches your eye
  36. >Not a tome with an unsettling aura, as someone might suspect
  37. >But a rather ordinary looking notebook
  38. >Squished between "Souls: a greener power source" and something you can't possibly pronounce
  39. >It's almost like the notebook was hidden in plain sight
  40. >No one would pay attention to a small notebook when you have all these manuals of the unholy
  41. >You take it out and examine it
  42. >Nothing out of the ordinary
  43. >It's in perfect condition
  44. >The edges just seem a little bent
  45. >The cover is a shade of yellowish brown
  46. >At the bottom right corner there is a sticker
  47. >"Research on Shadow Games"
  48. >What the hell
  49. >You like games
  50. >And it is pretty light compared to the bricks you had to go through
  51. >Might as well give it a read
  53. >You list trough the notebook
  54. >It's filled from beginning to end
  55. >Formulas
  56. >Incantations
  57. >Instructions
  58. >Symbols
  59. >"...dangerous..."
  60. >"...forbidden..."
  61. >"...death..."
  62. >...madness
  63. >"...soulless husk..."
  64. >"...gambling..."
  65. >"...use of enchanted items..."
  66. >Hold on
  67. >You go back
  68. >"In shadow games normally an enchanted item is used. A deck of cards or a chess set are more traditional examples, but there are items that can evoke a shadow game in any situation. No real magic is required by the used, however..."
  69. >No real magic is required by the user
  70. >Well now
  71. >There seems to be a light in the tunnel
  72. >You put the notebook in your backpack and get back home
  73. >Finally, you'll have a nice bedtime read
  76. >By morning you have basically memorized the entire thing
  77. >The short version
  78. >For anyone that might be reading your mind right now
  79. >Is that shadow games are basically magical gambles
  80. >You and a opponent have a competition in which cheating is strictly prohibited
  81. >If any cheating occurs or the losing party doesn't fulfill their part of the bargain, there will be a
  82. >"Penalty game"
  83. >In a shadow game anything can be gambled
  84. >From material things
  85. >To knowledge, memory and souls
  86. >Lives as well
  87. >But that really didn't need explaining
  88. >A penalty game can also have a horrible effect on the cheater
  89. >They range from physical injury, hallucinations to madness, death and soulloss
  90. >Where does the soul go?
  91. >Who knows?
  92. >Doesn't matter
  93. >The important thing is that you will be able to do magic
  94. >Well not exactly do magic
  95. >More like do something to activate a magical game
  96. >But all in all
  97. >It's the same
  98. >It's morning as of now
  99. >And you've already bought yourself all sorts of games
  100. >You've bought yourself playing cards
  101. >A chess board
  102. >All manner of dice
  103. >Jenga
  104. >The shopkeeper offered you some sort of new collectable card game
  105. >But you refused
  106. >You used to play one back on Earth
  107. >Your savings went by you pretty quickly
  109. >In her notebook, Twilight describes a pendant she has that can supposedly evoke a shadow game in any situation
  110. >It's supposed to be some sort of ring with a triangle in it an an eye
  111. >In any case, she'll probably be reluctant to hand it over
  112. >You are dealing with black magic that you are actually capable of using in some way
  113. >So, the best procedure would be to just take it from her
  114. >It's probably in her private study
  115. >Where else would she keep it?
  116. >Probably under her pillow
  117. >Or maybe in her dungeon
  118. >Does she even have a dungeon?
  119. >If not, she should get one
  120. >What's the point of having a castle if you don't have a dungeon?
  121. >Well, besides the power symbol
  122. >She isn't really wagging any wars
  123. >But then again, she does have all those forbidden books
  124. >And now that she has real political power...
  125. >Oh
  126. >You are at the front of the castle already
  127. >You do lose yourself in thought quite often
  128. >Anyway
  129. >You knock on the door
  130. >...castles shouldn't have doors
  133. >Twilight was delighted to see you again
  134. >After some tea and a quick chat, she allowed you to go to her study
  135. >She is all-for learning, regardless of the subject or ability of the student
  136. >Bless her heart
  137. >You enter the room and start looking around
  138. >It's actually quite big
  139. >Besides the desk and the bookshelf
  140. >She has all manner of knick-knacks
  141. >Bones
  142. >Medallions
  143. >Ragdolls
  144. >It's astonishing how much you didn't pay attention to this place when you first entered
  145. >This place seems more like an attic than a secret space for the study of the arcane
  146. >And there is no way in hell that you can believe that 3 moldy pillows are actually an essential part in a ritual
  147. >Who knows, maybe it really was an attic at first
  148. >It is in one of the towers
  149. >In any case, you start rummaging
  150. >Hoping that you find the ring
  153. >Two hours later and nothing
  154. >At the very least you did clean her room
  155. >You sit on a chair and hold your head
  156. >Where could this thing possibly be
  157. >You went through her stuff
  158. >Checked the chests
  159. >The desk
  160. >All of the bags
  161. >Maybe it really is in the dungeon
  162. >Or maybe
  163. >One of the books on the shelf is hollowed out and the key is in it
  164. >You walk towards the bookshelf
  165. >Going through the names of every single book, one by one
  166. >Trying to find the odd one out
  167. >"Necronomicon"
  168. >"Soulconsumption"
  169. >"Eldritch and unholy: basic guide to the other side"
  170. >"Faust"
  171. >Faust?
  172. >The play?
  173. >It's probably this one
  174. >Of course
  175. >What else could it be?
  176. >A story of a man trading away his soul
  177. >Perfect allegory for gambling
  178. >You slowly pull the book out
  179. >You open it and
  180. >Words
  181. >Just words
  182. >It's just the play
  183. >Why would she have a play on her shelf of evil books?
  184. >You throw the book at a supply shelf
  185. >Accidently hitting the ink bottles
  186. >They all break and ink starts dripping on the floor
  187. >Oh shit
  188. >You quickly pull the rug before the ink gets to it
  189. >You get the moldy pillows and start soaking the ink up
  191. >Great
  192. >Now you have to clean this mess and buy Twilight more ink
  193. >You look through one of the chests
  194. >You remember seeing a pair of gloves there
  195. >You put them one
  196. >Pony gloves have to be the most uncomfortable thing you've worn
  197. >You start picking glass pieces from the shelf
  198. >And every piece you pick up, you lose hold of
  199. >This will take forever
  200. >You just swipe your hand through the shelf, hoping you'd get all the pieces
  201. >And you feel a sudden pain in your fingers
  202. >Your first reaction is to put them in your mouth
  203. >That was a bad reaction
  204. >Turns out pony ink tastes as bad as human ink
  205. >You spit it out and look for what hit you
  206. >It's an ink bottle
  207. >A still intact one
  208. >Weird
  209. >You grab it and jerk it
  210. >It's stuck
  211. >You try to pull it by force, but can't seem to manage
  212. >You pull even harder
  213. >There click
  214. >The whole shelf starts turning
  215. >A secret room?
  216. >In Twilight's secret study?
  217. >We are getting into deep shit now
  219. >You walk into the hidden room
  220. >It's dark
  221. >You take slow, cautious steps
  222. >Suddenly a rows of torches fire up revealing a hallway
  223. >Pretty big place for a secret room
  224. >In a tower...
  225. >At the end of the hall, you see it
  226. >The pendant
  227. >It looks exactly the same as the one sketched in the notebook
  228. >You run towards when everything starts to get
  229. >Misty
  230. >Purple
  231. >Dark
  232. >Oh shit!
  233. >It's a shadow game!
  234. >You read about those!
  235. >But how does it work?
  236. >You look around and notice that the last five rows of tiles are glowing slightly
  237. >You turn towards the walls
  238. >A message slowly appears
  239. >"To reach the Millennium Ring, you'll have to pass the five judgments of body, strength, mind, will and soul. With each row, you will be faced with a challenge. You can not pass through a row without completing it or there will be a penalty game. Good luck."
  240. >So
  241. >It's a test to determine if you are worthy
  242. >You are pretty sure you are more than worthy
  243. >You are ready to beat this
  245. >Ponies are pretty short compared to you
  248. >You stretch your hand and grab the pendant
  249. >Since you haven't actually passed through any row, you aren't cheating
  250. >You wait for a moment, just in case if the shadows decide you've cheated
  251. >Nothing
  252. >The mist is still here though
  253. >You can actually decline a shadow game
  254. >You turn your back and leave the room
  256. >As you walk away the mist disperses and the torches die down
  257. >You exit the room and close the shelf
  258. >You look at the pendant
  259. >A wooden ring, in it a golden triangle with an eye
  260. >From the ring, five golden pendulums hang freely
  261. >The rope on it is kind of small for you
  262. >But that can easily be fixed
  263. >Right now, you have to finish up cleaning this place and get gaming
  264. >The mess takes you about 20 minutes to clean up
  265. >You pat yourself on the back for a job well done
  266. >You put the pendant in your backpack and get going
  267. >On your away to the door, Twilight stops you
  268. >"Are you done for today, Anon?"
  269. "Oh, yeah, yeah...I gotta...go for a know...too much black magic haha"
  270. >At the utterance of those last words, her eyes got wide and she jumped on you, putting her hoof on your mouth
  271. >"Anon! Never say that! Ever! Do you know what could happen if anyone found out? Public execution! And that's if I'm lucky! You'll get it much worse!"
  272. >You gulp
  273. >She slowly lifts her hoof from your mouth
  274. "R-right...I'll keep it in mind."
  275. >"Don't make me regret this, Anon"
  276. >Her tone turned cold
  277. >You quickly get up, say goodbye and exit
  279. >Until nightfall, you didn't take the medallion out
  280. >What was it called?
  281. >The millennium ring?
  282. >That was it, yeah
  283. >You bought yourself a nice string and went home
  284. >You were thinking of what kind of game you could play and with who
  285. >The local bar seemed like an easy target
  286. >Filled with drunks all ready to get a free beer
  287. >Might as well hit the bar and test this sucker out
  288. >You run the string through the hole at the top and made a knot
  289. >You slowly put it around your neck
  290. >You wait to feel the magical powers engulf you
  291. >And you are left waiting
  292. >Huh
  293. >Maybe they'll engulf you at the bar
  296. >The Fox and Owl bar
  297. >A gathering for lowlifes
  298. >They serve cheap whiskey to cheaper clients
  299. >Enter
  300. >You
  301. >Anon
  302. >You open the door with the wind waving your blazer
  303. >Some of the ponies look at you
  304. >None of them care too much
  305. >You walk in
  306. >The stench mold and tobacco assaults your nostrils
  307. >You sit at the bar
  308. >The bartender walks up to you
  309. >"What will you be having?"
  310. "Give me a beer"
  311. >Your answer is a cool as a razor blade
  312. >"What kind?"
  313. "What?"
  314. >"What kind of beer would you like?"
  315. "Well...umm...lager?"
  316. >"Alright. What brand?"
  317. >"Umm...amm...Goblincatcher?"
  318. >The bartender leaves you to take a look
  319. >Well
  320. >Morale got a bit low
  321. >But that doesn't matter right now
  322. >You take the notebook out for one final time
  323. >You quikly check the more important parts
  324. >You put it back and you are ready to find your victim
  325. >You find a lone pony sitting in a booth
  326. >He's the one
  327. >The bartender returns with your beer
  328. >You paying him and drink it up for courage
  329. >It's game time
  331. >You walk to the booth and you stare at the stallion
  332. >He seems older than you, has unkept beard and smells like he hasn't washed in days
  333. "Drinking alone?"
  334. >He only moves his eyes towards you
  335. >"What's it to you?"
  336. "Oh, nothing, I thought you might enjoy some company or a game maybe"
  337. >"What kind of game?"
  338. "Geemu no jikan da"
  339. >Those were the supposed words to activate the shadow game
  340. >"Whatcha say, boy?"
  341. >You ignore him and sit at the table
  342. >You take out the 4 aces from your deck
  343. "It's simple"
  344. >You shuffle them and lay them facing down
  345. "You have to pick out two cards. If you pick out the two aces of the same colour, you win."
  346. >He scratches his chin
  347. "Two out of three. If you lose, you buy me a drink. If you win, I buy you a drink. Deal?"
  348. >He takes a swing from his cup
  349. >"Deal"
  350. "Geemu start"
  351. >"Whatcha say, boy? Speak up!"
  353. >You ignore him again and push the cards towards him
  354. >He picks one up
  355. >The ace of spades
  356. >He picks a second one
  357. >Ace of diamonds
  358. "Oh, too bad. You lose the first round"
  359. >He gets visibly annoyed
  360. >That's good
  361. >Supposedly a shadow game can also disrupt a person's calm and make them act more irrational
  362. >Or this could be attributed to the fact that you are teasing a drunk stallion
  363. >You take the cards, reshuffle them and lay them
  364. >He picks up the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds
  365. "Very good. One on one. This one's a tie breaker"
  366. >"You sure talk a lot for a bar gambler"
  367. >You shuffle and lay the cards again
  368. >Ace of hearts and ace of clubs
  369. "Heh...too bad. You lose"
  370. >"So I did. Ain't buying nothin though"
  371. "You sure? We had a deal. It's only fair..."
  372. >"Listen, kid, I know how this game works. On my second turn, there is a one in three chance of drawing the right card. I just wanted to humour ya. So now you can buzz off and be happy I'm not smashing your head in"
  373. "I really think you should honour our deal"
  374. >"The hell did I just say?!"
  375. >He starts to get up
  376. "Batsu geemu!"
  377. >"What are you yap ugh!"
  378. >He fell on the table
  379. >That was the incantation for the penalty game
  380. >And it worked
  381. >You check his pulse
  382. >He's still alive
  383. >Maybe the penalty game is to fall asleep?
  384. >You should reread how penalty games worked exactly
  385. >But you can do that later
  386. >The important thing is
  387. >Now
  388. >You are a shadow gamer
  389. >You really did it
  390. >You can do magic
  391. >Kinda
  392. >sorta
  393. >Not exactly
  394. >But still
  395. >You get up from your seat and push the stallion on his
  396. >You look around
  397. >You notice the darts board
  398. >You look at it a bit and remember how you got the ring
  399. >You go in the center of the bar
  400. >You clear your throat
  401. >And you start yelling
  402. "I've got a proposition to everypony here. Whoever beats me, get's to drink the entire night! I'm paying!"
  404. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  405. >And what do you know
  406. >It won't be the quiet Saturday you were hoping for
  407. >You were called to the hospital because of some strange incident
  408. >Seems like last night ten ponies at a bar suddenly dropped
  409. >Not dead
  410. >Just in a coma
  411. >The occurrence was a bit too suspicious and that's why they called you for your expertise
  412. >You examine the ponies
  413. >Lifeless
  414. >Yet still alive
  415. >You are pretty sure what this is
  416. >Black magic
  417. "Where did you find the bodies?"
  418. >A local guard turns towards you
  419. >"At the Fox and Owl bar, ma'am!"
  420. "How where the situated?"
  421. >"Around a darts board, ma'am"
  422. >Darts board
  423. "Anything out of the ordinary?"
  424. >"No, ma'am"
  425. >Strange
  426. >No killings
  427. >No death
  428. >No blood
  429. >No signs of resistance
  430. >This wasn't a ritual
  431. >But a darts board?
  432. >How does it tie to all of this?
  433. >Were they playing when this happened?
  434. >Wait
  435. >Oh, no
  436. "Officer, it seems that there might have been some magical anomaly going on. A realease of energies from with the planet. It happens quite often really, but it seems this was stronger and it his these ponies a bit too much. They should be fine in a week or so. You don't really need my help. There's nothing to investigate"
  437. >"Yes, ma'am! Sorry to bother you"
  439. >You are running in toward you secret study
  440. >Something like this couldn't be happening again
  441. >Shadow games should have been lost by now
  442. >Someone has been poking their nose, where they shouldn't have
  443. >You reach the study room
  444. >Turns out Anon cleaned this place pretty well
  445. >You should thank him next time around
  446. >You search your bookshelf
  447. >You can't believe you have to do this all over again
  448. >Where did you put that thing?
  449. >It's supposed to be between "Souls: a greener power source" and the deep sea seapony dictionary
  450. >There's nothing there
  451. >Did Anon mess your books up?
  452. >Wait
  453. >You turn towards the supply shelf
  454. >There's only one ink bottle
  455. >Oh, no
  456. >You pull it
  457. >The shelf opens
  458. >You walk through the corridor
  459. >The torches light up
  460. >Oh, no, no, no
  461. >The ring is missing
  462. "Jesus pony Christ, Anon!"
  464. >"Anon! Get out here, right now!"
  465. >You are Anon
  466. >And you have been most rudely awoken by some carzy pony banging on your door
  467. >You check the clock
  468. >It's 9 o'clock
  469. >You get out of bed
  470. >Get dressed
  471. >Just as you are about to open the door it comes crashing down
  472. >On the other side an angry Twilight is glaring at you
  473. "You are going to pay for that, right?"
  474. >"Anon, what did you do?"
  475. >She most rudely dodged the question
  476. "I think it's more important what I didn't do, which is not break your door down"
  477. >She trots in (uninvited)
  478. >Magics the door up
  479. >And leans it where it normally was
  480. >"Anon, what have you been up to?"
  481. >You scratch the back of your head, trying to think
  482. "Mostly sleeping"
  483. >Twilight is obviously frustrated
  484. >"Did you perhaps take something of mine? Accidentally?"
  485. >You scratch your chin
  486. >"Something resembling a circle. With golden pendelums"
  487. "Hm..."
  488. >"Perhaps you found it behind a shelf?"
  489. "Sorry Twilight, I can't say that I have"
  491. >You look at your chest
  492. >You notice the ring
  493. " mean the milenium ring?"
  494. >Twilight pounces on you
  495. >"Shhh! Be quiet!"
  496. "Pfff"
  497. >She removes her hoof from your mouth
  498. "Why? What's the matter?"
  499. >"The walls have ears..."
  500. >Aaaalrightie...
  501. >Ominous
  503. >"Anon, do you know what you did last night? Do you remember anything?"
  504. "Yeah. I went to a bar and challenged everypony there to a shadow game and..."
  505. >"No! You do not do that!"
  506. >She climbs off you
  507. >"You do not just go around challenging ponies to shadow games left and right"
  508. "Well...why not?"
  509. >She looks dumbfound
  510. >""Why not"...You just don't do that sort of thing!"
  511. >You cross your arms
  512. " said that there's no way I could do magic, yet I did magic. There's no reason for me to trust you in regards to these subject matters. Now begone"
  513. >You motion her with your wrist to leave
  514. >"First off, technically you aren't doing magic. You are just evoking preexisting magics. It's, like, a totally different thing. Second..."
  515. >A magical aura envelops you and viciously bends you towards her
  516. >She buries her muzzle in your ear
  517. >"You do not go around practicing the dark arts, risking the lives of many and exposing yourself"
  519. >She let's you go
  520. >"The only reason to use that thing is for self defence and I doubt 26 drunkards were posing a real threat to you"
  521. >The extends her hoof
  522. >"Hand it over"
  523. >You clutch the ring
  524. "N-no. It's mine now. I took it fair and square"
  525. >"You stole it and you are irresponsible. Hand it over. I promise I'll give it to you when you are worthy"
  526. >Her hoof is still out
  527. >You are still clutching it
  528. >No way in Hell you are going to give away your only source of magic
  529. >An idea springs to mind
  530. "Well, Twilight, I could just give it over, buuuut..."
  531. >You start playing with the pendant's rope
  532. "...that'd be too simple, now wouldn't it?"
  533. >She's undeterred
  534. "I suggest we play a game. If you win, I'll give you this medallion back. If I win..."
  535. >You tap your chin slowly
  536. "...IIII...get your castle. We can play a simple, one round game of rock-paper-scissors. Deal?"
  537. >Her expression doesn't change
  538. >"How do you play?"
  539. >You smirk
  540. >Geemu no jikan da
  541. "You have to choose either rock, paper or scissors and form your choice with your hand"
  542. >You quickly show her the three signs
  543. "Rock betas scissors, scissors beats paper and paper beats rock. Ready? Geemu start!"
  546. Of course, it's obvious that you'll choose paper
  547. >Horses don't have fingers, so any sign can automatically be viewed as rock
  548. >Easy game
  549. >Easy life
  550. >You throw your arm, fingers extended
  551. >As expected, Twilight just rose her hoof
  552. "Paper beats rock, Twi. I think I'll be moving in today. After lunch. Be sure to make Spike clean the main hall. I want it so clean that I could eat off the ground. I've always wanted to do something like that in a castle"
  553. >"I'm sorry, what?"
  554. "I said be sure to have moved out after lunch and make Spike clean the whole place?"
  555. >"Why?"
  556. "I'll be moving in there! I beat you in the shadow game!"
  557. >"No, you haven't"
  558. "Yes, I have"
  559. >"No, you haven't. I never accepted the challenge"
  560. "Yes, but..."
  561. >Wait
  562. >What?
  563. >Twilight smirks
  564. "You can't do that!"
  565. >"Why not?"
  566. "Erm..."
  567. >She blows her bangs out of her eyes
  568. >The fall in the same place, but the gesture is what counts
  569. >"I knew it. There was no way you could have defeated 26 ponies without a sever handicap"
  570. "Not my fault you are all short"
  571. >"It's a miracle you passed the judgment of soul"
  572. "The what?"
  573. >"The judgment of soul. One of the five judgment laid on the tiles."
  574. >You scratch your neck
  575. "Sorry. Doesn't ring a bell"
  576. >"The things you had to do to get the ring"
  577. "OOOOooo...nah. I skipped them. I just grabbed the thing and wazoo!"
  578. >Twilight slaps her face
  579. >"This can not be happening"
  580. "Fraid it is. Now be gone! I have breakfast to attend to"
  581. >You flick your wrist back and forth
  582. >Twilight magics the door away
  583. >"I'll be back for you, Anon. And I will be taking my ring"
  584. >She slams the door behind her and it falls on your feet
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