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Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. 妹と呼んでね お兄ちゃん
  2. お兄ちゃんと 私の仲でしょ
  3. Call me your younger sister, big brother
  4. Big brother and I are relatives after all
  6. 前世から ずっと 一緒になるって決まってたんだもん
  7. 前世から 再び逢うヤクソクしてたの
  8. From long ago we had decided to be together
  9. From long ago we had promised to meet again
  11. お兄ちゃんどこ行くの?
  12. そのアコは魔女なのよ!?
  13. お兄ちゃんそんなヤツの所に行かないで
  14. お兄ちゃんどいて!そいつ殺せない!
  15. Big brother, where are you going?
  16. Isn't that Ako the witch?!
  17. Big brother, don't go to her place
  18. Big brother get out of the way! I can't kill her!
  20. 魔女が側にいるのね お兄ちゃん
  21. お兄ちゃんには 私が必要なの!
  22. The witch is by your side, big brother, right?
  23. I am needed by my big brother!
  25. お兄ちゃんは 魔女に殺されるかもしれないのよ!だから今すぐ
  26. 2人で 救世主を探しにゆこうよ
  27. Big brother may be killed by the witch! So right away
  28. Let the two of us go look for a savior
  30. お兄ちゃんなにするの?
  31. パトカーを呼ばないで!
  32. どうしてこんなのに乗らなくちゃいけないの!?
  33. お兄ちゃん!このままだと捕まるよ!
  34. Big brother, what are you doing?
  35. Don't call me a "patrol car"!
  36. Why despite all that aren't you going with me?!
  37. Big brother! At this pace you'll be caught!
  39. コミケに逝こうよ お兄ちゃん
  40. 裂かないでよね 私達の仲を
  41. Let's go to Comiket, big brother
  42. Don't tear our relationship
  44. ミスドから ずっと お兄ちゃんを見守っていたんだもん
  45. そいつなの 思い出してよ魔女の名前を
  46. From Mis'Do' I was keenly watching over big brother
  47. It's her - remember, the name of the witch
  49. お兄ちゃん大丈夫?
  50. 今そいつ殺すから!
  51. お兄ちゃんそんなヤツを鞄で庇わないで
  52. 魔女さん!?ラリアットはやめてよね♪
  53. Big brother are you alright?
  54. Because I'm going to kill her now!
  55. Big brother, don't protect her with your bag
  56. Ms. Witch? Please stop your lariat ♪
  58. お兄ちゃんどこ行くの?
  59. そのアコは魔女なのよ!?
  60. お兄ちゃんそんなヤツの所に行かないで
  61. お兄ちゃんどいて!そいつ殺せない!
  62. Big brother, where are you going?
  63. Isn't that Ako the witch?!
  64. Big brother, don't go to her place
  65. Big brother get out of the way! I can't kill her!
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