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a guest
May 3rd, 2015
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  1. # This configuration was auto-generated by NoCheatPlus.
  2. savebackconfig: true
  3. configversion:
  4. notify: true
  5. created: 785
  6. saved: 785
  7. logging:
  8. active: false
  9. maxqueuesize: 5000
  10. extended:
  11. status: false
  12. backend:
  13. console:
  14. active: false
  15. prefix: '[NoCheatPlus] '
  16. asynchronous: true
  17. file:
  18. active: false
  19. prefix: ''
  20. filename: nocheatplus.log
  21. ingamechat:
  22. active: false
  23. prefix: '&cNCP: &f'
  24. subscriptions: false
  25. data:
  26. expiration:
  27. active: false
  28. duration: 60
  29. history: false
  30. consistencychecks:
  31. active: true
  32. interval: 10
  33. maxtime: 2
  34. suppresswarnings: false
  35. protection:
  36. plugins:
  37. hide:
  38. active: true
  39. nopermission:
  40. message: '&4Nie masz dostepu do tej komendy.'
  41. commands:
  42. - plugins
  43. - null: null
  44. - wg
  45. - pex
  46. - we
  47. - help
  48. - version
  49. - icanhasbukkit
  50. unknowncommand:
  51. message: Nieprawidlowa komenda. Wpisz /pomoc.
  52. commands: []
  53. commands:
  54. consoleonly:
  55. active: false
  56. message: '&4Nie masz dostepu do tej komendy.'
  57. commands:
  58. - op
  59. - deop
  60. clients:
  61. motd:
  62. active: true
  63. allowall: false
  64. checks:
  65. blockbreak:
  66. direction:
  67. active: true
  68. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:5:if cancel
  69. fastbreak:
  70. active: true
  71. strict: true
  72. delay: 100
  73. intervalsurvival: 100
  74. grace: 2000
  75. actions: cancel vl>0 log:fastbreak:3:5:cif cancel
  76. frequency:
  77. active: true
  78. intervalcreative: 95
  79. intervalsurvival: 45
  80. shortterm:
  81. ticks: 5
  82. limit: 7
  83. actions: cancel vl>5 log:bbfrequency:3:5:if cancel vl>60 log:bbfrequency:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfrequency
  84. noswing:
  85. active: true
  86. actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
  87. reach:
  88. active: true
  89. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
  90. wrongblock:
  91. active: true
  92. level: 10
  93. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bwrong:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:bwrong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickwb
  94. blockinteract:
  95. direction:
  96. active: true
  97. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
  98. reach:
  99. active: true
  100. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
  101. speed:
  102. active: true
  103. interval: 2000
  104. limit: 60
  105. actions: cancel vl>200 log:bspeed:0:2:if cancel vl>1000 cancel log:bspeed:0:2:icf cmd:kickbspeed
  106. visible:
  107. active: true
  108. actions: cancel vl>100 log:bvisible:0:10:if cancel
  109. blockplace:
  110. against:
  111. active: true
  112. actions: cancel
  113. autosign:
  114. active: true
  115. skipempty: false
  116. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bautosign:0:3:if cancel
  117. direction:
  118. active: true
  119. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
  120. fastplace:
  121. active: true
  122. limit: 22
  123. shortterm:
  124. ticks: 10
  125. limit: 6
  126. actions: cancel vl>100 log:fastplace:3:5:cif cancel
  127. reach:
  128. active: true
  129. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
  130. noswing:
  131. active: true
  132. exceptions:
  133. - WATER_LILY
  135. actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
  136. speed:
  137. active: true
  138. interval: 45
  139. actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:if cancel vl>1000 log:bpspeed:3:5:cif cancel
  140. chat:
  141. color:
  142. active: true
  143. actions: log:color:0:1:if cancel
  144. commands:
  145. active: true
  146. exclusions: []
  147. handleaschat:
  148. - me
  149. level: 10
  150. shortterm:
  151. ticks: 18
  152. level: 3
  153. actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel
  154. captcha:
  155. active: false
  156. characters: abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXYZ2346789
  157. length: 6
  158. question: '&cPlease type ''&6[captcha]&c'' to continue sending messages/commands.'
  159. success: '&aOK, it sounds like you''re not a spambot.'
  160. tries: 3
  161. actions: cancel cmd:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcaptcha
  162. text:
  163. active: true
  164. allowvlreset: true
  165. frequency:
  166. normal:
  167. minimum: 0.0
  168. factor: 0.9
  169. weight: 6
  170. level: 160
  171. actions: cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:f cancel
  172. shortterm:
  173. minimum: 2.0
  174. factor: 0.7
  175. weight: 3.0
  176. level: 20.0
  177. actions: log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel
  178. message:
  179. lettercount: 1.0
  180. partition: 1.0
  181. uppercase: 1.0
  182. afterjoin: 1.5
  183. nomoving: 1.5
  184. repeatviolation: 1.0
  185. repeatglobal: 1.0
  186. repeatself: 1.5
  187. words:
  188. lengthav: 1.0
  189. lengthmsg: 1.0
  190. noletter: 0.0
  191. global:
  192. active: true
  193. weight: 1.0
  194. words:
  195. active: false
  196. prefixes:
  197. active: false
  198. similarity:
  199. active: false
  200. player:
  201. active: true
  202. words:
  203. active: false
  204. prefixes:
  205. active: false
  206. similarity:
  207. active: false
  208. warning:
  209. active: false
  210. level: 67
  211. message: |-
  212. &e>>>
  213. &e>>> &cPlease &eslow down &cchat, &eyou might get kicked &cfor spam.
  214. &e>>>
  215. timeout: 10
  216. relog:
  217. active: false
  218. timeout: 5000
  219. warning:
  220. message: '&cYou relogged really fast! If you keep doing that, you''re going to be banned.'
  221. number: 1
  222. timeout: 60000
  223. kickmessage: Too fast re-login, try with a little delay.
  224. actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmd:tempkick5
  225. logins:
  226. active: false
  227. startupdelay: 600
  228. perworldcount: false
  229. seconds: 10
  230. limit: 10
  231. kickmessage: Too many people logging in, retry soon.
  232. combined:
  233. bedleave:
  234. active: true
  235. actions: cancel log:bedleave:0:5:if cmd:kickbedleave
  236. enderpearl:
  237. active: true
  238. preventclickblock: true
  239. improbable:
  240. active: true
  241. level: 300
  242. actions: cancel log:improbable:2:8:if
  243. invulnerable:
  244. active: true
  245. triggers:
  246. always: false
  247. falldistance: true
  248. initialticks:
  249. join: -1
  250. ignore:
  251. - FALL
  252. modifiers:
  253. all: 0
  254. munchhausen:
  255. active: false
  256. actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:munchhausen:0:60:if
  257. yawrate:
  258. rate: 380
  259. penalty:
  260. factor: 1.0
  261. minimum: 250
  262. maximum: 2000
  263. improbable: true
  264. fight:
  265. canceldead: true
  266. toolchangepenalty: 500
  267. pvp:
  268. knockbackvelocity: default
  269. yawrate:
  270. active: true
  271. angle:
  272. active: true
  273. threshold: 50
  274. actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:3:5:f cancel vl>250 log:angle:0:5:cif cancel
  275. critical:
  276. active: true
  277. falldistance: 0.06251
  278. actions: cancel vl>50 log:critical:0:5:cif cancel
  279. direction:
  280. active: true
  281. strict: false
  282. penalty: 500
  283. actions: cancel vl>5 log:fdirection:3:5:f cancel vl>20 log:fdirection:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:fdirection:0:5:cif cancel
  284. fastheal:
  285. active: true
  286. interval: 4000
  287. buffer: 1000
  288. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:i vl>30 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:if
  289. godmode:
  290. active: true
  291. minage: 1100
  292. maxage: 5000
  293. actions: log:godmode:2:5:if cancel vl>60 log:godmode:2:5:icf cancel
  294. noswing:
  295. active: true
  296. actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
  297. reach:
  298. active: true
  299. survivaldistance: 4.4
  300. penalty: 500
  301. reduce: true
  302. reducedistance: 0.9
  303. reducestep: 0.15
  304. actions: cancel vl>10 log:freach:2:5:if cancel
  305. selfhit:
  306. active: true
  307. actions: log:fselfhit:0:5:if cancel vl>10 log:fselfhit:0:5:icf cancel cmd:kickselfhit
  308. speed:
  309. active: true
  310. limit: 15
  311. actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
  312. shortterm:
  313. ticks: 7
  314. limit: 6
  315. inventory:
  316. drop:
  317. active: true
  318. limit: 100
  319. timeframe: 20
  320. actions: log:drop:0:1:cif cancel cmd:dropkick:0:1
  321. fastclick:
  322. active: true
  323. sparecreative: true
  324. tweaks1_5: true
  325. limit:
  326. shortterm: 4
  327. normal: 15
  328. actions: cancel vl>50 log:fastclick:3:5:cif cancel
  329. instantbow:
  330. active: true
  331. strict: true
  332. delay: 130
  333. actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:5:if cancel
  334. instanteat:
  335. active: true
  336. actions: log:instanteat:2:5:if cancel
  337. fastconsume:
  338. active: true
  339. duration: 0.7
  340. whitelist: false
  341. items: []
  342. actions: log:fastconsume:2:5:if cancel
  343. gutenberg:
  344. active: true
  345. actions: cancel log:gutenberg:0:10:icf cmd:kickinvaliddata
  346. items:
  347. active: true
  348. open:
  349. active: true
  350. close: true
  351. cancelother: true
  352. moving:
  353. creativefly:
  354. active: true
  355. ignoreallowflight: false
  356. ignorecreative: false
  357. model:
  358. creative:
  359. horizontalspeed: 100
  360. verticalspeed: 100
  361. maxheight: 128
  362. spectator:
  363. horizontalspeed: 400
  364. verticalspeed: 100
  365. maxheight: 128
  366. actions: log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel
  367. morepackets:
  368. active: true
  369. seconds: 6
  370. epsideal: 20
  371. epsmax: 22
  372. burst:
  373. packets: 40
  374. directviolation: 60
  375. epmviolation: 180
  376. actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel vl>100 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel cmd:kickpackets
  377. morepacketsvehicle:
  378. active: true
  379. actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel
  380. nofall:
  381. active: true
  382. dealdamage: true
  383. resetonviolation: false
  384. resetonteleport: false
  385. resetonvehicle: true
  386. anticriticals: true
  387. actions: log:nofall:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:nofall:0:5:icf cancel
  388. passable:
  389. active: true
  390. raytracing:
  391. active: true
  392. blockchangeonly: false
  393. actions: cancel vl>10 log:passable:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:passable:0:5:icf cancel
  394. untracked:
  395. teleport:
  396. active: true
  397. command:
  398. active: true
  399. tryteleport: true
  400. prefixes:
  401. - sethome
  402. - home set
  403. - setwarp
  404. - warp set
  405. - setback
  406. - set back
  407. - back set
  408. survivalfly:
  409. active: true
  410. extended:
  411. vertical-accounting: true
  412. falldamage: true
  413. actions: log:flyshort:3:10:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:10:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel vl>1500 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfly
  414. hover:
  415. active: true
  416. step: 5
  417. ticks: 85
  418. loginticks: 0
  419. falldamage: true
  420. sfviolation: 500
  421. trace:
  422. size: 60
  423. mergedist: 0.9752
  424. vehicles:
  425. preventdestroyown: true
  426. enforcelocation: default
  427. velocity:
  428. graceticks: 20
  429. activationcounter: 80
  430. activationticks: 140
  431. strictinvalidation: true
  432. tempkickillegal: false
  433. loadchunks:
  434. join: true
  435. sprintinggrace: 2.0
  436. assumesprint: true
  437. speedgrace: 4.0
  438. enforcelocation: default
  439. net:
  440. flyingfrequency:
  441. active: true
  442. seconds: 5
  443. packetspersecond: 60
  444. actions: cancel
  445. reduceredundant:
  446. active: true
  447. seconds: 3
  448. actions: cancel
  449. keepalivefrequency:
  450. active: true
  451. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:keepalive:0:10:if vl>40 cancel log:keepalive:0:10:icf vl>100 cancel log:keepalive:0:10:icf cmd:kickalive
  452. sounddistance:
  453. active: true
  454. maxdistance: 320
  455. strings:
  456. angle: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit multiple entities at the same time. VL [violations].'
  457. ban: ban [player]
  458. ban-ip: ban-ip [ip]
  459. bautosign: '[player] failed [check]: failed autosign with [tags]. VL [violations].'
  460. bbfrequency: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break too many blocks within time frame. VL [violations].'
  461. bdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of their line of sight. VL [violations].'
  462. bedleave: '[player] failed [check]: sends bed leave packets (was not in bed). VL [violations].'
  463. bpspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to throw projectiles too quickly. VL [violations].'
  464. breach: '[player] failed [check]: exceeds block-interact distance ([reachdistance]). VL [violations].'
  465. bspeed: '[player] failed [check]: interacts too fast. VL [violations].'
  466. bvisible: '[player] failed [check]: interacts with a block out of sight. VL [violations].'
  467. bwrong: '[player] failed [check]: broke another block than clicked. VL [violations].'
  468. captcha: '[player] failed captcha repeatedly. VL [violations].'
  469. chatnormal: '[player] failed [check]: potentially annoying chat. VL [violations].'
  470. color: '[player] failed [check]: sent colored chat message. VL [violations].'
  471. commands: '[player] failed [check]: issued too many commands. VL [violations].'
  472. combspeed: '[player] failed [check]: performs different actions at very high speed. VL [violations].'
  473. critical: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a critical hit but wasn''t technically jumping [tags]. VL [violations].'
  474. drop: '[player] failed [check]: tried to drop more items than allowed. VL [violations].'
  475. dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Dropping items too fast.
  476. fastbreak: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break blocks ([blockid]) faster than possible. VL [violations].'
  477. fastclick: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move items in their inventory too quickly. VL [violations].'
  478. fastconsume: '[player] failed [check]: consumes [food] [tags] too fast. VL [violations].'
  479. fastheal: '[player] failed [check]: regenerates health faster than usual. VL [violations].'
  480. fastplace: '[player] failed [check]: tried to place too many blocks. VL [violations].'
  481. fdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit an entity out of line of sight. VL [violations].'
  482. flyshort: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move unexpectedly. VL [violations].'
  483. flylong: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move from [locationfrom] to [locationto] over a distance of [distance] block(s). VL [violations].'
  484. freach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack entity out of reach. VL [violations].'
  485. fselfhit: '[player] failed [check]: tried to self-hit. VL [violations].'
  486. fspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack with too high a frequency. VL [violations].'
  487. gutenberg: '[player] failed [check]: created a book with too many pages. VL [violations].'
  488. godmode: '[player] failed [check]: avoided taking damage or lagging. VL [violations].'
  489. improbable: '[player] failed [check]: meets the improbable more than expected. VL [violations].'
  490. instantbow: '[player] failed [check]: fires bow too fast. VL [violations].'
  491. instanteat: '[player] failed [check]: eats food [food] too fast. VL [violations].'
  492. keepalive: '[player] failed [check]: spams keep-alive packets (god/freecam?). VL [violations].'
  493. kick: kick [player]
  494. kickalive: ncp kick [player] Too many keep-alive packets.
  495. kickbedleave: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Go find a bed!
  496. kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] You interacted too fast!
  497. kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] Enter the captcha!
  498. kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're still not allowed to spam!
  499. kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You're not intended to spam!
  500. kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] You're not allowed to spam in chat!
  501. kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] Too many chat messages, take a break.
  502. kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're not allowed to spam commands!
  503. kickfly: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Wylacz Fly oszuscie!
  504. kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] You did something too fast!
  505. kickgod: ncp kick [player] God?
  506. kickinvaliddata: ncp kick [player] Invalid data.
  507. kickpackets: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Too many packets (extreme lag?)
  508. kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] You tried to hit yourself!
  509. kickwb: ncp kick [player] Block breaking out of sync!
  510. knockback: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a knockback but wasn''t technically sprinting. VL [violations].'
  511. morepackets: '[player] failed [check]: sent too many moves ([packets] [tags]). VL [violations].'
  512. munchhausen: '[player] failed [check]: almost made it off the pit. VL [violations].'
  513. nofall: '[player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage. VL [violations].'
  514. chatfast: '[player] failed [check]: acted like spamming (IP: [ip]). VL [violations].'
  515. noswing: '[player] failed [check]: didn''t swing arm. VL [violations].'
  516. passable: '[player] failed [check]: moved into a block ([blockid]) from [locationfrom] to [locationto] distance [distance] . VL [violations].'
  517. relog: '[player] failed [check]: relogs too fast. VL [violations].'
  518. tellchatnormal: 'ncp tell [player] &cNCP: &eToo many messages, slow down...'
  519. tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 Wait a minute!
  520. tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You have five minutes to think about it!
  521. compatibility:
  522. exemptions:
  523. remove:
  524. join: true
  525. leave: true
  526. managelisteners: false
  527. bukkitapionly: false
  528. blocks:
  529. ignorepassable:
  530. - WOODEN_DOOR
  532. - TRAP_DOOR
  535. allowinstantbreak: []
  536. overrideflags:
  537. snow: default
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