

Dec 13th, 2019
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  1. on right click:
  2. player's tool is emerald named "&aShop &7(Right Click)"
  3. open chest with 5 row named "&aShop" to player
  4. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to nether star named "&aStatus" with lore "&1" and "&fYour Coins: &6%{coins.%player%}%" and "&fYour Cash: &e%{cash.%player%}%" and "&2"
  5. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to bow named "&aKit & Parks"
  6. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to slimeball named "&aCostume"
  7. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cClosed"
  8. on right click:
  9. player's tool is player's skull named "&aProfile &7(Right Click)"
  10. open chest with 5 row named "&aProfile" to player
  11. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cClosed"
  13. on inventory click:
  14. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aShop":
  15. cancel event
  16. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aProfile":
  17. cancel event
  18. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aCostume":
  19. cancel event
  20. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aKit & Parks":
  21. cancel event
  22. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aKill Effect":
  23. cancel event
  24. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aDeath Sound":
  25. cancel event
  26. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aVictory Dance":
  27. cancel event
  28. if name of clicked item is "&cClosed":
  29. close player's inventory
  30. if name of clicked item is "&aCostume":
  31. open chest with 5 row named "&aCostume" to player
  32. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to nether star named "&aStatus" with lore "&1" and "&fYour Coins: &6%{coins.%player%}%" and "&fYour Cash: &e%{cash.%player%}%" and "&2"
  33. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to slimeball named "&aKill Effect"
  34. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to jukebox named "&aDeath Sound"
  35. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to dragon egg named "&aVictory Dance"
  36. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cClosed"
  37. if name of clicked item is "&aKit & Parks":
  38. open chest with 5 row named "&aKit & Parks" to player
  39. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to nether star named "&aStatus" with lore "&1" and "&fYour Coins: &6%{coins.%player%}%" and "&fYour Cash: &e%{cash.%player%}%" and "&2"
  40. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cClosed"
  41. if name of clicked item is "&aKill Effect":
  42. open chest with 5 row named "&aKill Effect" to player
  43. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cClosed"
  44. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to nether star named "&aStatus" with lore "&1" and "&fYour Coins: &6%{coins.%player%}%" and "&fYour Cash: &e%{cash.%player%}%" and "&2"
  45. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&aNone"
  46. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to glass named "&cLIGHTNING BOLT" with lore "&1" and "&7Price: &e800" and "&2" and "&cLOCKED" and "&3" and "&8Click to buy!"
  47. if {kf.lightningbolt.%player%} is true:
  48. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to glass named "&aLIGHTNING BOLT's" with lore "&1" and "&aUNLOCKED" and "&2" and "&8Click to selected!"
  49. if name of clicked item is "&cLIGHTNING BOLT":
  50. if {cash.%player%} >= 800:
  51. set {kf.lightningbolt.%player%} to true
  52. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to glass named "&aLIGHTNING BOLT's" with lore "&1" and "&aUNLOCKED" and "&2" and "&8Click to selected!"
  53. remove 800 from {cash.%player%}
  54. send "&aYou purchased &6LIGHTNING BOLT"
  55. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  56. stop
  57. else:
  58. send "&cYou don't have enough cash!"
  59. execute console command "/playsound entity.endermen.teleport master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  60. if name of clicked item is "&aLIGHTNING BOLT's":
  61. set {kf.lightningbolts.%player%} to player
  62. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  63. send "&6LIGHTNING BOLT &ais set!"
  64. if name of clicked item is "&aNone":
  65. delete {kf.lightningbolt.%player%}
  66. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  67. send "&6None &ais set!"
  69. on death of player:
  70. if {kf.lightningbolts.%player%} is set:
  71. strike lightning at the victim
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