
Royals // Celestia, Luna

Nov 14th, 2015
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  1. >You avert your gaze haphazardly from the woman on the bed, choosing instead to look down at the floor.
  2. >She doesn't seem all that keen on covering up.
  3. "I- Uh, pardon the intrusion, Celestia asked for your presence, I assumed you were awake."
  4. >You hear Luna sigh and fall back down onto her bed.
  5. >"Honestly, I never get my fair share of sleep around here. Did she say what for?"
  6. "No, just that it was important."
  7. >You hear a muffled groan as she buries her head in a pillow.
  8. "Should I report anything back?"
  9. >Still, you try look everywhere but at Luna herself, her robe just centimetres away from falling off her shoulders at any given moment.
  10. >And she never tries to close it.
  11. >"No, no. It's fine, I'll be there."
  12. >You nod and close the door to the darkened room, sighing once outside.
  13. >Always sleeping, that one.
  14. >You start walking through the long corridors of the palace, making your way back down the stairs and to your own room.
  15. >The sun had just risen, the day just beginning.
  16. >What to make for breakfast?
  17. >Celestia isn't the type to eat this early, instead preferring to be awake for a few hours before having a meal.
  18. >Eating too fast after she gets up makes her sick, apparently.
  19. >Luna, on the other hand.
  20. >Opening the kitchen door you walk through, bidding good morning to the head chefs and professionals in their clean and pristene chrome coated kitchen appliances.
  21. >They're the ones that feed the guests, dignitaries and ambassadors from other lands.
  22. >You think there's a few from Saddle Arabia at the moment, maybe that's what this meeting is about.
  23. >Winding your way through the large kitchen you pass through another door and down a stone staircase.
  24. >With every step down you feel the air getting colder.
  25. >It's an old palace, the kitchen was made before artificial cooling.
  26. >So they just build it low to keep everything cold.
  27. >But it does hell to your fingers when you're trying to cook anything, numb for quite a while after.
  28. >You close up your jacket and get to work.
  29. >Since you were small you always preferred this kitchen to the newer one.
  30. >You know all the cooks here on a first name basis.
  31. >They feed the staff and quite occasionally do open days where regular citizens can have something to eat.
  32. >But that wasn't your job.
  33. >Your job was to cook specifically for the ones who run this whole shebang.
  34. >The two princesses themselves.
  35. >Making your way to the fridge you get out all the stops.
  36. >Bacon, sausage, meats galore.
  37. >Two eggs and plenty of seasoning.
  38. >And bread for the toaster.
  39. >Crack the eggs, put em in a pan, cut the meat, add to eggs, season that bitch.
  40. >While that's cooking you fill a small pot with milk and put it on the stove.
  41. >This is for Celestia's coffee.
  42. >You fill the kettle with water and also place that down on the stove.
  43. >That's for Luna's.
  44. >With the eggs done you plop them onto a plate, add the 2 pieces of toast and place a lid over it to keep it steamy.
  45. >You pour the hot milk into a mug and add half a teaspoon of coffee for Celestia, topping it with a little bit of sugar.
  46. >Conversely you pour hot water into another mug and put one /and/ a half teaspoons of coffee, no milk.
  47. >That one's Luna's.
  48. >You're pretty sure Celestia doesn't even like coffee, but Luna got into it and Celestia seemed envious of her ability to down the stuff.
  49. >You've tasted Celestia's coffee before, it's barely recognisable.
  50. >Not bitter at all.
  51. >Placing everything on a platter you walk up the stairs and out the kitchen door, again bidding good morning but this time to different guests coming for their breakfast.
  52. >After years of doing this task you can walk pretty damn fast without spilling anything.
  53. >Good thing, too, considering how many bloody stairs are in this building.
  54. >There are elevators as well but hardly enough of them.
  55. >Something about keeping the castle 'historically intact'.
  56. >Seems like they're just scared of keeping up with the times, to you.
  57. >Up the stairs and to the large, regal and heavy doors of the main chambers.
  58. >You've only been inside a handful of times, cleaning or otherwise in there for some kind of maintenance.
  59. >When there are meetings going on the outside is lined with guards, and they handle everything past this line.
  60. >You tell one which item to give to which princess, and he takes it through the doors out of your sight.
  61. >But as you're about to walk away, he comes back through the doors.
  62. >"Princess Luna is still absent from the meeting. Princess Celestia has requested you escort her here from her chambers."
  63. >You internally sigh.
  64. "Aye."
  65. >You take off in the direction of Luna's room, power walking.
  66. >The worst part is that this isn't a seldom occurrence.
  67. >Luna can't be setting a good example to other leaders if she's always late.
  68. >She is younger than Celestia, but still.
  69. >You /think/ she's older than you.
  70. >Actually, you've never asked.
  71. >You used to call her auntie so you assumed she was.
  72. >Oh well.
  73. >Up the stairs we go again.
  74. >You skip stairs two at a time, passing room by room and hallway by hallway.
  75. >The castle is needlessly large, yes, but it gives one hell of a workout.
  76. >No overweight or unfit staff here.
  77. >Before long you find yourself before the large and dark doors of Luna's room.
  78. >Again.
  79. >Better to knock this time.
  80. >Three short knocks gets you no answer, so you wait before again raising your hand to her door.
  81. >Before you can get to the second tap, the door opens and you see Luna standing there, hair and robe more dishevelled than before.
  82. >"Anon."
  83. "Luna. Did you..."
  84. >"I fell back to sleep, yes."
  85. >You facepalm.
  86. "For Christ's sake Luna, the meeting's already begun."
  87. >"The meeting? What meeting?"
  88. "The one I told you about when I first woke you up?"
  89. >"I don't recall."
  90. "Of course you don't. Come on let me in we've got to get you dressed."
  91. >You try take a step inside but feel the door start closing, Luna hiding behind it.
  92. >"I- I can dress myself, thank you very much!"
  93. "I'm sure you can, but you've got to be ready in around negative 6 minutes so you need all the help you can get."
  94. >You push past the door and into Luna's room, walking to her bathroom.
  95. "Get yourself changed while I'm in here, tell me when you're ready."
  96. >Closing the door you open a few cabinets to collect brushes and combs, waxes and pins, everything to prep her up.
  97. >You wait inside the room until you hear Luna confirm that you can come out.
  98. >She's changed into a quite simple outfit, which usually wouldn't be all to acceptable, but considering how late she is it'll have to do.
  99. >You motion for her to sit down at her dresser, laying down your equipment.
  100. >She works on her makeup while you brush and do up her hair, both rushing to get it done but taking enough time to make her look as if she didn't get up 3 seconds ago.
  101. "You really need to brush your hair more." You comment while trying to force out a knot.
  102. >"But it takes so looong."
  103. "That's what happens if you've got long hair. You have to take care of it." You pause. "If you don't want to brush it we could just cut it short."
  104. >Upon your finishing your sentence Luna covers her head with her hands, distraught on her face.
  105. >"No! Anything but that!"
  106. >Her reaction makes you smile.
  107. "Well then you've just got to take better care of it, you've got no choice."
  108. >She looks down and frowns like a child would, trying to retort in some way.
  109. >She hates being told what to do, and you're sure she wouldn't take this type of lip from just anybody, but you've been doing this for years and this is one of the perks.
  110. >Hell, there have been times where you've helped her with Royal duties.
  111. >That's not something that's usually handed down so easily.
  112. >"I'm done."
  113. >You look from her hair to the mirror, her face properly and beautifully highlighted with makeup.
  114. "Good, I'm almost finished here myself."
  115. >"Once you're done that, make sure to button up this dress."
  116. "Will do."
  117. >You finish her hair and move it away from her lower back, beginning from the bottom and going up to close the dress.
  118. >Running into her closet, you grab a shawl type article and throw it to her, completing the outfit.
  119. >"Why do you suppose I need this?"
  120. >You walk towards the door, opening it.
  121. "Because you're bound to get bored and try find something to fiddle with otherwise, and last time you did that with your sister's hair."
  122. >She huffs, the blush almost coming through her makeup.
  123. >"That was one time!"
  124. "Indeed it was. Come along now."
  125. >You lead Luna by the hand, escorting her to her destination.
  126. >Not as fast as you'd usually walk, but these royalty types always do take their bloody time.
  127. >"Did you make breakfast?"
  128. "I did."
  129. >"And coffee?"
  130. "Coffee too, and it would have been hot had you arrived on time. Now I'm sure your toast is hardened, and your drink lukewarm at best."
  131. >Without turning your head you look over to Luna, her expression of morning grogginess quickly shifting to rapidly increasing despair.
  132. >"But I didn't mean to go ba-"
  133. >She stops walking and goes to wipe her eyes.
  134. >Uh oh, oh no, you can't have this on your hands.
  135. >She'll smudge everything!
  136. >And if she gets to the meeting in a bad mood Celestia will have your head.
  137. "D- don't worry. I'll make it again after your meeting, just like before. Don't mess up your look, okay?"
  138. >She stops and looks back up, sniffling.
  139. >"Okay."
  140. "Let's just get you there for now."
  141. >Her usual stoic, cold, and sometimes stone like behaviour doesn't kick in until around an hour after she wakes up.
  142. >Until then it's like dealing with an 8 year old.
  143. >You guide Luna to the doors of the meeting hall, the guards outside bowing to her.
  144. >"What'll you be doing while I'm in there?"
  145. "I've got to deal with a few things in the garden, check up on staff... The usual, really."
  146. >"When's your day off?"
  147. "Tomorrow."
  148. >She purses her lips.
  149. >"I don't want to go in there."
  150. >You sigh.
  151. "Don't whine, Celestia must be plenty mad as it is."
  152. >"You promise you'll make breakfast again?"
  153. "I promise."
  154. >She walks away from you and breathes heavily a few times before entering the doors.
  155. >A routine to get her into princess mode.
  156. >The guards push open the doors and she steps in, a new regal movement to her step.
  157. >"You'll have to pardon my late intrusion, I was busy caught up in a matter regarding the ambassador of-"
  158. >The door slams shut and all sound from within is cut off from you.
  159. >Now for your real job, not Princess babysitting.
  160. >Before beginning your duties you run down to the kitchen and tell them what to make for Luna, listing the specific ingredients and ways to make it.
  161. >Yeah, you promised to do it, but there are things you need to get done and you aren't sure how long your jobs are going to take.
  162. >Much less how long her meeting is going to be.
  163. >After leaving the kitchen, you begin with your mental checklist.
  164. >Let's check on how the admin are dealing with the ambassadors and guests.
  165. >You make it to the offices, quite hidden from the rest of the palace, so as to hide all of the actual work that goes into keeping the place running.
  166. >Making your way into the boss's office, you stand in the door as she finishes a phone call.
  167. >"-yes, I understand that. Indeed."
  168. >She paces around the room and motions for you to come in, telling you to close the door while you're at it.
  169. >"I agree... Well, I thank you for your time, it was a pleasure."
  170. >She puts down the phone and facepalms, sighing into her hand.
  171. "Something happen?"
  172. >"Just more people saying they're coming over. They barely give you time to plan anything, these damned families."
  173. >She quickly jolts up and blushes, looking at you.
  174. >"Uh, no offence meant."
  175. "None taken. I completely agree with a lot of what the staff says about roya- I mean, 'us'."
  176. >She chuckles, shaking her head.
  177. >"Sorry, I forget that you're actually part of the family. It's more the people like Blueblood that the staff complains about, I'm sure none of it is directed at you."
  178. >You shrug.
  179. "I understand. Watching people like him get away with what they do is frustrating, even for someone like me. More to the point, how is everything?"
  180. >She sits down at her desk.
  181. >"For the most part, 'everything', is running smoothly. What we need is an extension on our contract for foods brought to the palace, and a new filing system for the royal archives and library."
  182. "When do they need to be finished by?"
  183. >She flips through some papers.
  184. >"Contract runs out at the end of the month, and I've already called a few people for the library problem."
  185. >You lean back in your seat, looking to the ceiling.
  186. >Just concrete and florescent light bulbs, much less grand than the rest of the palace.
  187. "I'll do the food contract, and call off the people you called. I'll get it sorted."
  188. >"A- Are you sure? You don't need to do it all yourself, I can do at least o-"
  189. "I assure you, it's the least I can do. In return, just make sure all the staff is working as they need to, fulfilling any guest requests as best they can, alright? The last thing we need is someone going on about how their time here wasn't perfect."
  190. >She leans back in her seat and shrugs, sighing.
  191. >"If that's what you want, fine. I just feel like you've got a lot on your plate as it is."
  192. "It's nothing I can't handle. Besides, I can get these done a lot faster than this department would on it's own, so it's a win for everyone."
  193. >You open the door and walk out, making your way out of the offices and out into the palace again.
  194. >You flip through the files, looking at the contractor for palace food.
  195. >The Apples.
  196. >They've been supplying the castle for generations now, and Celestia's taken a liking to them.
  197. >Having this contract renewed every 2 years is a pain, since both parties know it's not going to fall through anytime soon.
  198. >You could call the current applicant up to Canterlot for a meeting, but considering where she is, that would take a while.
  199. >It does need to be done by hand though.
  200. >One of the old rules when it comes to dealing with Royal documents.
  201. >Putting that file down, you flick through the other one, regarding the Royal archives and library.
  202. >It's full with names of well-renowned library and file holders in the immediate area, phone numbers and contact addresses page after page.
  203. >Don't need those.
  204. >There's someone you have in mind that would do it for free, actually.
  205. >And enjoy it, too.
  206. >Shame that she's not in the palace.
  207. >You sigh.
  208. >Looks like your day's been planned for you.
  209. >You go up to your chambers and change out of your uniform, instead donning some dress pants, a dress shirt, a waistcoat and tie.
  210. >You stuff the documents you need in a bag and sling it over your shoulder. Packing a bit of food too.
  211. >Were it your choice, you wouldn't bother dressing fancy, but it's still business you have to attend to.
  212. >Checking yourself out in the mirror, you nod to yourself before grabbing your coat and heading to the door.
  213. >Taking one last look inside, you turn off all the lights and close the door, locking it.
  214. >On your door handle you place a card stating that you're out and proceed to make your way out of the palace.
  215. >Outside, you greet the valet and he runs off to get your car, with you sitting on a bench to wait.
  216. >Whipping out your phone, you read through some e-mails as the valet returns.
  217. >Hearing a car roll up you avert your gaze from your phone and thank young man, getting into your car and driving off.
  218. >Careful not to go too fast.
  219. >These rocks can do hell to the bottom of your car if you aren't careful.
  220. >Making your way out of the gates, you turn on the radio and get ready for the ride.
  221. >You and the road for the next hour and a half.
  222. >You've been down to the town a few times before, specifically when Twilight Sparkle was named a Princess and needed help with her new duties.
  223. >Hopefully she won't be too busy and you can ask her for that archive favour.
  224. >You don't know her too well as you're much more acquainted with Cadence, being more her age.
  225. >But back when Cadence was still Twilight's babysitter, you remember hearing about her a lot.
  226. >Never had you imagined she would become the next princess.
  227. >Though her skills are something to behold indeed.
  228. >Making your way onto the highway, you follow the large open roads to your destination.
  229. >Every now and again a car passes you, and you watch as the children inside gawk at your car.
  230. >Having the palace insignia on the car always gave you a wide breadth while driving.
  231. >It's one of the perks, you suppose.
  232. >As your off-ramp draws nearer you switch lanes to the right, turning on your GPS to guide you the rest of the way.
  233. >You use it as little as you can, since the voice creeps you out.
  234. >The programmers tried to make it sound regal, so they hired someone to copy the way Celestia would speak.
  235. >And it would be fine if they got it right, you reckon, but the way it is now, it's just slightly too uncanny for you to handle.
  236. >As the roads thin you drive slower and slower, the ride becoming increasingly filled with holes.
  237. >And at one point the road stops completely, giving in to just dirt.
  238. >How... quaint.
  239. >It continues to fill you with shock that a Princess can live out in a place like this.
  240. >So far removed from the city.
  241. >[Stop here. You have reached your destination.]
  242. >This is it?
  243. >You look out your window at the wooden gate.
  244. >This does seem like the place.
  245. >Parking your car away from the road, you get out and walk to the gate, searching for a bell of some sort.
  246. >Finding it, you buzz in.
  247. >["Granny Smith here, what aen I do fer ya?"]
  248. >The voice takes you slightly aback.
  249. "Erm, yes... I'm here on Royal duty? It's about our contract renewal for the-"
  250. >"[Come right on in, young'n, make yourself comfortable.]"
  251. "Thank you."
  252. >The gates open and you walk down the driveway into the compound, the smell of compost and animals becoming more prominent as you travel further.
  253. >Compared to most palace staff, you're probably one of the least posh in the bunch, but in this environment...
  254. >This is a bit more than you're used to.
  255. >From the house you see the door open, an old woman stepping out and waving hello to you.
  256. >Well, at least they're polite.
  257. >Making your way up the dirt path, careful not to irreparably damage your shoes, you greet the woman at the door.
  258. "Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Anon. Smith, if I remember correctly?"
  259. >"Granny Smith, that's me alright. Come inside, come inside, I'll get somethin' fer ya quick."
  260. >She turns around and into the house and you follow, albeit slightly uncomfortable.
  261. "That's really not necessary. I only need to be in for a few moments, there's no need to-"
  262. >"You just sit down right there n' I'll get you somethin' you like, don't you worry."
  263. >It seems as if denying it will get you nowhere.
  264. >You decide to just graciously accept her offer and take a seat.
  265. >After a few minutes she comes out of the kitchen and places a plate down in front of you, a piece of apple pie with cream on the side.
  266. >"Must've been a mighty long way to come here from the palace, what brings ya?"
  267. >You search through your bag and take out the file you packed.
  268. "Yes, what I've got here is the contract between the palace and your establishment, listing you as the primary food providers for the Princesses. It'd been two years, and it needs resigning."
  269. >"Ah see."
  270. >You flip through a few pages before soming to a stop.
  271. "Though, I think there may be a problem. You're Granny 'Smith', yes?"
  272. >"Mhmm."
  273. "I've got this signed under the name 'Apple'. Was there a change I should know about?"
  274. >The old woman nods a few times before replying.
  275. >"See's, I don't this place anymore. I've given it up to my granddaughter, so she's the one that signed that paper last."
  276. "So she's the 'Apple', I see. Unfortunately, I've got to have her sign it off to me herself, do you have any idea where she may be?"
  277. >After looking out the window, the old woman turns to you and shakes her head.
  278. >"Not at the moment, no. She's bound to be back home soon, finishin' work up with her brother. If you hang around for a while longer, Ah'm sure she'll show."
  279. "Is there no way to contact her?"
  280. >She shakes her head again.
  281. >"Not when they're out in the orchards, Ah'm afraid."
  282. >You sigh.
  283. "Very well, I'll just stay here until then, If that's alright with you."
  284. >"Stay as long as you need, deary. Anyone from the palace is welcomed here on the Apple orchard."
  285. "I thank you for your hospitality. If I'm not wrong, the Apples have been supplying the palace with food for almost 100 years, have you not?"
  286. >'Granny' Smith chuckles to herself.
  287. >"Sheesh, has it been that long already? Doesn't feel like all that long's passed."
  288. "You speak of it like you remember it."
  289. >"Ah sure do. It was my Daddy that first struck up that deal with the palace all those years ago. Was the Royal family that gave us the bits to get this farm off the ground, you know? E'er since then, we've been caterin' to all yer needs."
  290. "I wasn't aware of that. I assure you, the Princesses thank you for your continued patronage."
  291. >Just then, the door opens and you hear heavy footsteps enter.
  292. >"Granny, you got any- oh."
  293. >In comes two young adults, messy from their work outside, perplexed as to why a stranger sits in their house.
  294. "Are these your grandchildren?"
  295. >"That's them."
  296. >You explain the situation to everyone present in as much detail as before, with the family occasionally looking at each other, an emotion you can't quite pinpoint showing on their faces.
  297. >After a while of explaining and them asking to clarify, they seem to understand.
  298. >The young woman is the one to have the final say on the matter, however.
  299. >"Thank you fer comin' down all the way to give this to us, but Ah'm afraid we're gonna need some time to think it over."
  300. >You raise a brow.
  301. "Is anything wrong?"
  302. >"N- no, we'll just need a little more talking about it before we're sure. We can send it in the mail when we sign it, can't we?"
  303. >You scratch your head, still confused.
  304. "I suppose so, but it needs to be done by the end of the month."
  305. >"That's plenty of time. Thanks fer comin' in person, sorry to waste your time."
  306. "It's fine, no need to apologise."
  307. >You let yourself out of the house and walk back up the way, still wracking your head for what you may have done wrong.
  308. >It's been in effect for nearly a century, why would they talk it over?
  309. >Maybe something's changed?
  310. >It does seem odd that such a young woman is in charge of the establishment.
  311. >What looked like her older brother didn't say much at all, either.
  312. >Getting into your car, you attend your next point of business.
  313. >Princess Twilight.
  314. >Getting off the dirt roads is hard at first, but as the asphalt gets smoother and smoother you start to feel more confident in the fact that you're not about to explode.
  315. >As you near Twilight's 'castle', the neighbourhoods become cleaner and more akin to what you're used to.
  316. >You're still iffy about calling it a castle, considering it was just newly erected.
  317. >Castles always seem old when you think of them.
  318. >This is more like a mansion designed to look like a castle.
  319. >The guards instantly recognise your car and give you all the entrance you need, a valet at your door as soon as you get out.
  320. >You hand him the keys and walk inside, asking for Twilight and getting a security guard to escort you to her.
  321. >When were all these officers moved here?
  322. >Twilight is royalty now, so it makes sense that she has guards.
  323. >Led to large doors, the large man with you pushes them open and shows you to the inside of the room, heavily decorated in crystalline structures.
  324. >You were never a fan of it, honestly.
  325. >"The Princess will join you shortly."
  326. >You're left alone in the room again, and you take a seat on one of the couches.
  327. >Again, you're made to wait.
  328. >Hopefully it goes better this time.
  329. >The door opens again, this time Twilight stepping through, and you hop to your feet and bow.
  330. >You hear her giggle and tell you to stop, and you comply.
  331. >"I still haven't gotten used to that part. It's still uncomfortable." She quickly gasps and covers her mouth with a hand, exclaiming "Wait, shouldn't I be bowing too? You're part of the Royal family too- more than I am, really."
  332. >You wave it off.
  333. "No, there's no need. I have no claim to the throne, or at least, no realistic claim to it. Someone in your position is much more deserving of respect than I."
  334. >She giggles again.
  335. >"Don't say it like that."
  336. >You fish around in your bag, taking out the file you brought.
  337. "Pardon the intrusion, I didn't make an appointment, but I feel as if this may be a job you'll enjoy."
  338. >"A job?" she asks.
  339. "Bear with me."
  340. >You explain the situation to Princess Twilight, asking her the question.
  341. "So, would you like to come to Canterlot again for a little while as the co-ordinator for an overhaul of the Royal libraries and archives?"
  342. >Her smile gives it away, but she still feigns as if she's weighing her options.
  343. >"I - I suppose I could. But my duties here could- But I mean..."
  344. "If you're busy, we could just hire someone el-"
  345. >"No, no! I mean, no. It's acceptable. I can find somewhere to fit it in my schedule. When do you need this to be done?"
  346. >You shrug.
  347. "Any time you have free, really. It's not urgent, but some guests have noticed that the libraries need fixing."
  348. >She furrows her brow.
  349. >"I see. I think I can do it by next month, or perhaps the end of this one. Just depends on how much work comes my way in the next week or so."
  350. "Again, there's no rush. You can take your time."
  351. >"I'd rather get it done now instead of later, though. Besides, visiting Canterlot again will be fun. Are Celestia and Luna going to be there next month?"
  352. >You look to the ceiling, mentally flipping through both of their schedules to see their meeting and vacation days.
  353. "Yes, they should be. Luna may be away for a few days, at most, but they should remain in Canterlot for the next few months for the most part."
  354. >You finish giving Twilight the details and give her a few papers to sign, bidding her a farewell and walking outside.
  355. >The valet goes to find your car and you wait again, deciding to e-mail admin and tell her about the contract with the Apples.
  356. >You tell her to find some replacements in case this deal goes south.
  357. >Being completely cut off would be the worst case scenario.
  358. >Come to think of it, there isn't much time before the month ends.
  359. >This should have been signed ages ago.
  360. >You sigh.
  361. >Maybe you need to hire more people to do these jobs.
  362. >Everyone in that department's got their hands full dealing with all the guests and general running of the palace, and all of the Royals are busy doing... Royal stuff.
  363. >You're the only one with an ambiguous job description.
  364. >Royal, yet worker.
  365. >Your car pulls up in front of you and you put your phone away, hopping in.
  366. >Back to Canterlot for you, back home.
  367. >Thank God.
  368. >Getting onto the highway again, you turn on the radio and listen to the news.
  369. >Not much going on.
  370. >Pulling into the palace gates, the guards recognise you and wave, and you wave back.
  371. >You pull up in front of the palace and give the keys to the valet, stepping inside.
  372. >It's...
  373. >4 PM.
  374. >How long have you been gone?
  375. >What time did you leave?
  376. >You wonder if the meeting Luna and Celestia had is over.
  377. >It should be.
  378. >Before going to check that you go to your room, unlocking it and stepping inside.
  379. >Getting your bag and jacket off, you decide to not change back into uniform and continue the day in what you currently have on.
  380. >Not like it matters what you wear.
  381. >You flop down onto your bed, hitting it with a 'pomf'.
  382. >You're more tired than you thought.
  383. >Quickly, you roll off of the bed, lest you pass out and end up screwing your sleep cycle up.
  384. >Speaking of, you should check that Luna isn't sleeping again.
  385. >There have been too many times where she's bothered you in the middle of the night because she 'can't sleep'.
  386. >How many times do you have to tell her to just not sleep during the day.
  387. >Again turning off the light and closing the door, you make your way around the palace grounds.
  388. >You check the meeting hall, and are told by the guards that the meeting ended quite a while ago.
  389. >Apparently Celestia asked for you after the meeting.
  390. >Crap.
  391. >It's probably about Luna being late.
  392. >You make your way up to Celestia's chambers and knock on the large door, but get no answer.
  393. >She must not be in.
  394. >You linger for a minute and knock again, but the lack of a response shows you that she isn't in.
  395. >You're bound to run into her sometime today.
  396. >While turning around to attend to your other duties, you find your gaze stopping on Luna's door.
  397. >Maybe you should just.
  398. >Check to see if she's in.
  399. >You sigh to yourself.
  400. >Sometimes it feels like you take care of her like a nanny would.
  401. >You walk up and knock on the tall door, waiting to hear a response.
  402. >A soft mumble is all you get, but that's response enough for you to enter.
  403. "Luna?"
  404. >"Anon?"
  405. "What have I told you about sleeping in the middle of the day? Go outside, do something, come on. The weather's great."
  406. >Luna grumbles into her pillow, a few curses mumbled along with it.
  407. >You walk around her room to the windows, drawing open the curtains.
  408. "I know you don't like it, but you've got to get up sometime, you know? Celestia can't be doing everything."
  409. >"Celestia doesn't do everything! I do a lot too!"
  410. >You look back at Luna, her make up smudged on her pillow, hair as dishevelled as it was this morning.
  411. >She didn't even bother taking off the dress.
  412. "You look a right mess, you know that?"
  413. >All you get in return are more groans.
  414. >She smacks her head back down into her pillows, rolling around on her double-king sized bed.
  415. >Pulling up about 16 of her duvets up to eye level to block the increasing amount of light in the room, she belts out her usual phrase.
  416. >"I... Am the PRINCESS... Of the NIGHT."
  417. "That you are."
  418. >"The NIGHT, Anon!"
  419. "I understand that."
  420. >"You clearly do not!"
  421. "Luna, Celestia agrees with me when I say you spend too much time in here. What if instead of me coming in here to wake you, you had her?"
  422. >You look back to Luna and raise your brows, waiting for an answer.
  423. >"Ughh."
  424. "That's what I thought."
  425. >"She'd probably jump on me and drag me out of bed every morning."
  426. >You chuckle.
  427. "Don't my methods seem a little more delicate when you think of it that way."
  428. >"The worst part is that she'd probably be laughing the whole time."
  429. >Your chuckle devolved into a full-blown laugh.
  430. "That does seem likely, if I'm honest."
  431. >You finish opening all the curtains and look to the bed, a mass of covers cocooned around the 'Princess of the Night'.
  432. "You're just making this worse for yourself, you know that, right?"
  433. >In a swift motion you tear one layer off from her blanket fortress.
  434. >"Stop iiiiit!"
  435. >Letting it fall to the floor, you start on the second layer.
  436. >Ripping it off, you add it to your growing pile.
  437. >Layer 3, 4, and 5 come off soon after.
  438. >With each layer you rip off, wails come from the woman underneath.
  439. >By the tenth or so layer, you can make out her silhouette from below the sheets.
  440. >Her legs kick and she rolls herself deeper into her coffin to no avail.
  441. >One after the other you rip everything off, leaving naught but a very angry Princess clutching onto her last baby blue blanket.
  442. >If looks could kill.
  443. "Come on, let's at least get you cleaned up. Look at what you've done to your pillows."
  444. >You point to her multitude of pillows, about a third of them smudged in lipstick or mascara.
  445. "At least wash it off before you sleep. You should see your face."
  446. >Angrily she lifts herself from her bed, still wrapped up in her blanket, and makes her way to the bathroom.
  447. >You call a few maids in and instruct them to change the pillows with makeup on them, apologising for all of the times this exact thing has happened.
  448. >They laugh it off, used to Luna's antics at this point.
  449. >You hear a scream come from the bathroom door as Luna no doubt sees herself in the mirror.
  450. >"Why didn't you tell me about this?!"
  451. "I did."
  452. >"Did not!"
  453. >You sigh and fix up her room along with the maids, all snickering.
  454. >At this point you can't do much more than shrug and mumble 'Royals." along with the rest of them.
  455. >You thank the maids after tidying up and Luna emerges from the bathroom, face washed.
  456. >And in tow a fucking soaked blanket.
  457. "Did you /really/ need to keep the blanket on while you washed your face?"
  458. >"Mhmm."
  459. >She drops like a corpse down into her bed again, unmoving and unthinking within seconds.
  460. "No, no no no, come on. Up you get."
  461. >You lift her, cocoon and all, out of her bed and carry her towards her wardrobe.
  462. >Putting her down you take off the last layer covering her, much to her behest.
  463. "Let's get this off, come on. You ruin all your best clothes this way."
  464. >"It's not my fault they're so hard to get off."
  465. "You could always just call in a maid, you know."
  466. >She moans and groans again.
  467. >You lift her hair from her back to reveal the buttons beneath, slowly undoing them so that you don't tear the fabric.
  468. >Luna is much too violent with her wardrobe, true, but some of the things Royals wear literally have the structural integrity of a potato chip.
  469. >With all the buttons undone you lay Luna's hair back down as she angrily tells you to turn around.
  470. >"And no peeking!"
  471. >You cringe.
  472. "Why the hell would I peek, what do you think's wrong with me?"
  473. >"You wouldn't?"
  474. "Of course not, Jesus."
  475. >W- why not?"
  476. >You nearly do a spittake.
  477. "Are you serious?"
  478. >"What, it's not like guys /wouldn't/ want to peek, right?"
  479. >You furrow your brows in confusion and scratch your head, getting it all straight in your head.
  480. "Sure, normal guys totally would. I mean, you're the Princess for crying out loud."
  481. >"But I mean like, if I wasn't a Princess."
  482. >You pause.
  483. "Well- I mean, yeah, still. Regardless, any normal guy would totally check you out if you were in front of him, no doubt about it."
  484. >"Why did you say you wouldn't, then?"
  485. >You chuckle.
  486. "Luna, come on."
  487. >"What?"
  488. "We're related, for Christ's sake. We grew up together."
  489. >She goes silent, none of her usual retorts or angry remarks snapping back at you.
  490. >"You can turn around now."
  491. >You turn, spying her now in just a large dark shirt and socks.
  492. "Socks?"
  493. >"It's cold."
  494. >Shuffling to the centre of her room, Luna falls down onto her bed, caterpillaring her way to the centre of her duvet pile and wrapping herself in it again.
  495. "Your hair is still a mess."
  496. >A drowned out scream lurches around the room, surely deafening if not for the blanket fort.
  497. >You slowly walk to the edge of Luna's resting place, poking around her cocoon and opening a hole.
  498. >Little more than her face shines out from the all encompassing hump of covers.
  499. "It's only 5. At least promise me you won't fall back to sleep for another few hours. Don't you have any work to do?"
  500. >She continues to scowl at you, digging herself deeper to the duvet core.
  501. >You stand at her bedside for a minute or two, judging whether or not to pull her out.
  502. >She'd probably claw your face off if you did it again.
  503. >And maybe she'll get out of her bed if you leave the room.
  504. >You make your way towards the door.
  505. >You look back at Luna, unmoving.
  506. >A light chuckle is all you can muster as you leave and close the door behind you.
  507. >Today's just about over, isn't it?
  508. >A few more check ups and everything should be done.
  509. >Then you make dinner, head back to your room, and tomorrow's a 'free day'.
  510. >How exactly 'free' it'll be is debatable, though.
  511. >Heading outside of the palace you walk to the gardens, taking a stroll through the grounds.
  512. >If Celestia's got nothing else to do, she should be somewhere around here.
  513. >It doesn't help that the garden is bloody massive.
  514. >Pacing around the multitude of hedges and decorated hills, you ask a group of workers if they saw the Princess.
  515. >Each gives you a different direction to travel in, though they did see her outside.
  516. >You look around you again.
  517. >You're near the maze, with no one in sight.
  518. >It's not likely that Celestia went in there, considering her terrible sense of direction.
  519. >Deciding that you'll just meet her at dinner time and cease your wild goose chase, you sit down on a bench and try relax.
  520. >Ah, cold.
  521. >You'd better head insid-
  522. >"Looking for someone?"
  523. "Jesus!"
  524. >You look to your side at the person sitting on the bench next to you.
  525. >"Can't aid you there, I'm afraid."
  526. "You scared me, Celestia. How did you manage to sneak up on me?"
  527. >She points behind her.
  528. >"I was sitting right there, on the grass. I'm surprised you didn't notice."
  529. >You look at the grassy patch and try to remember if you saw anyone there.
  530. "Really? Right there?"
  531. >"Are you sure you don't need spectacles, Anon?"
  532. >You huff.
  533. >"Maybe we can get you one of those large old monocles grandfather would wear."
  534. >A memory of the old man walking with a plate sized piece of glass in his pocket forces you to smirk.
  535. "I don't think that will be necessary."
  536. >You yawn and cover your mouth, aiming away from the Princess.
  537. >"Are you tired?"
  538. "Somewhat."
  539. >"I didn't see you around the palace today. And you never made lunch either, where were you?"
  540. "Ah, down at Twilight's place. Had some contract business to do."
  541. >"What for?"
  542. "Food shipping, nothing big. Though I suppose I should let you know that Twilight may be coming next month."
  543. >She looks shocked.
  544. >"What for? She prefers her small town a lot more than here nowadays."
  545. "The Royal archives are in need of upheaval. You understand why Twilight couldn't turn that down, right?"
  546. >Celestia smiles.
  547. >"That explains it."
  548. >You both sit there in silence a few moment longer, with you actually itching to go inside but not wanting to be rude.
  549. "Aren't you cold?"
  550. >Quizzically, she looks down at herself and to you.
  551. >"Why would I be, it's such a pleasant day."
  552. "Not chilly to you?"
  553. >Celestia shrugs her shoulders, not really feeling it.
  554. >A toothy grin slides across her face as she looks over and you prepare for the worst.
  555. >"What, does little tiny Anon need some warmth? Are you fingers frigid? It's okay little babby."
  556. "Shut up."
  557. >She scoots over to you and leans herself against you, hugging you tight.
  558. >You pull away as much as you can, but she constantly pulls you tighter.
  559. >"Young ones these days, always in need of protection from their elders."
  560. "I'm literally 5 years younger than you."
  561. >"I'll make it all better small one, it's okay."
  562. "I am taller than you."
  563. >"Little small baby child."
  564. >You groan.
  565. >This situation is all too familiar for you.
  566. >Ever since you were a child, since Celestia was older, she took care of you and Luna.
  567. >That all changed once you turned around 16, and you became her caretaker instead.
  568. >But she never changed her attitude.
  569. >You're sure that she's just trying to annoy you at this point.
  570. >At least you don't get it as bad as Luna does.
  571. >Maybe that's why she's such a recluse.
  572. >There's only one way out of this situation.
  573. >You have to accept it.
  574. >As much as your pride deteriorates, you have to lean into the hug or you'll be here for hours.
  575. >You lean your weight into Celestia's arms, and she hugs you tighter in response.
  576. >"Awh, looks like little Anon is finally being honest with himself. Do you need some love from your auntie?"
  577. "Please stop."
  578. >"How rude. I am your aunt, you know."
  579. >You raise a brow and look down at her.
  580. "Yeah, like thrice removed."
  581. >"Oh, look what a smart boy little Anon's grown to be. Family's family, all's well that ends well."
  582. >You hold back a deep groan and let Celestia have her fun, trying your best not to push her away.
  583. >She can fake cry for days.
  584. "The sun's setting."
  585. >"Mh."
  586. "You hungry yet?"
  587. >"Since this morning, remember? You never made lunch."
  588. "yeah, didn't you just get something from the other chefs then?"
  589. >"No, why would I?"
  590. >You take a moment to process this baffling information.
  591. "Wha- because you were hungry? Have you not eaten anything today?"
  592. >"I had a little bit of Luna's breakfast before she showed up, I suppose."
  593. "Nothing since then?"
  594. >She shakes her head no.
  595. "Celestia, come on. You can't do that, you gotta eat."
  596. >"You never made anything!"
  597. "I was working!"
  598. >"How is that my problem?"
  599. >You inhale deeply and hold your breath to calm down.
  600. "I'll go make dinner now, give me an hour."
  601. >"That long?"
  602. "If you'd told me earlier, I could have made something. Now you're just going to have to wait."
  603. >Celesita pouts on her shoulder, faking a sniffle.
  604. "And don't snack. I've already told the dessert staff to not feed you within 2 hours of meal times, so don't even try."
  605. >She lets go of you, distraught, despair, confusion, and anger flushing her face.
  606. >"What? How could you- I mean, I don't snack- why would you do that? Are you calling me fat?"
  607. "I keep track of dessert stock, don't even try it."
  608. >You get up off the bench and offer Celestia a hand, but she refuses.
  609. "Come on, you'll freeze out here. The sun's already down."
  610. >"I don't need help from someone like you."
  611. "Someone like me? Looking out for your general well-being? It's literally in my job description."
  612. >Well, no it's not.
  613. >You don't have a job description.
  614. >She upturns her nose away from you, "Hmph"-ing you in the process.
  615. >You sigh.
  616. "Come on, Tia."
  617. >That got her attention.
  618. >She smiles and takes your hand, holding it as you pull her up.
  619. >Her hands are always warm.
  620. >...
  621. "Ah, shit."
  622. >Hot oil flies back out onto your hand, burning it.
  623. "Hey, Cherry, could you check on the stove? Make sure I didn't burn anything."
  624. >You don't usually make this much for dinner, but considering neither of the Princesses ate today, you might as well go all out.
  625. >And you do feel somewhat guilty about leaving without telling them.
  626. >It's not like you could've done anything.
  627. >They were in a meeting.
  628. >Really, it's their fault for being so picky.
  629. >You're gone for a single afternoon and they fall apart.
  630. >What if you get sent to another palace to do a job there?
  631. >What're they going to do then?
  632. >With help, you turn off all of the heaters and stoves, gathering all of the food you've prepared.
  633. >If there are guests eating as well you usually have an entire team up in here, but tonight it's just the two of them.
  634. >You haven't seen Luna around since this afternoon either.
  635. >If she fell asleep you're going to have her head.
  636. >The one thing you told her not to do.
  637. >She's younger than both you and Celestia but it's not like she has to act like a child all the time.
  638. >You pour everything onto a platter, making it look pretty.
  639. >Those sisters and their aesthetics.
  640. "Thanks for the help, I'll try clean up later."
  641. >Up the stairs and to your left, you greet a guard as he opens the door for you.
  642. >Sometimes they wave back, but not usually.
  643. >They've been trained to only respond to Royalty.
  644. >And even though you're technically part of the family a lot of them forget.
  645. >Not like it bothers you much anyhow.
  646. "Alright Celestia, Luna, here's dinner. I don't know why you two didn't eat beforehand but regardless, here it is."
  647. >You place down the large platter on the table, taking out the smaller dishes that were in it.
  648. "Eggplant parmigiana, crown roast of pork with cranberries, and some bourride with aïoli. Yes Luna, I know you don't like eggplants but they're good for you, and I even made pork to go along with it so I don't want to hear any complaints."
  649. >You look over to the younger princess, eyes squinted at you, curses definitely being repeated in her head.
  650. >If anyone were to walk in on this scene, it would be something to behold.
  651. >First they would see the pristine and picture perfect radiance of Celestia, and then looking at Luna...
  652. >Matted hair, crumpled shirt, no pants, grumpy.
  653. >But you'll admit that there's some charm to her complete disregard of her image.
  654. >Placing everything around the table, you stand back and wish the princesses a good evening before beginning to head out again.
  655. >"Anon, won't you stay with us tonight?"
  656. >You turn back around to Celestia, readying her place to eat.
  657. >And Luna, already eating.
  658. "Sorry, I've got a few more things to attend to, specifically considering the mess I left when making this. Pork grease is one hell of a substance, you know?"
  659. >She looks mildly disappointed, but more or less understands.
  660. >It's unfortunate that you've been spending a decreasing amount of time with Celestia and Luna, as one of you are always caught up in work.
  661. >Especially as you all get older.
  662. "I'll see you both tomorrow, Princesses."
  663. >You walk out of the door and progress to the kitchen.
  664. >Just this one last job and you're done for today.
  665. >Then you sleep, and tomorrow will hopefully be a free day.
  666. >You get some help from a few remaining kitchen staff, and together manage to finish the clean up relatively quickly.
  667. >They all head back to their quarters, and you head to your room.
  668. >Unlocking the door and turning on the light, the urge to just lay down instantly is hard to resist.
  669. >Before you can think of doing that, however, you've got to get undressed.
  670. >Luna might be okay with ripping all of her dresses, but you don't have her budget when it comes to clothes.
  671. >Getting ready for bed, you walk to the wall and turn the light off.
  672. >You walk straight towards your bed, unsure of just when you'll collide wi-
  673. >There is it.
  674. >You fall onto it and almost immediately close your eyes, with just enough time to pull up some covers over your body.
  675. >Pushing any work thoughts or troubles from your mind, you're lulled into a deep sleep, the silence of the night soothing you.
  676. >
  677. >
  678. >....
  679. >A creak somewhere in your room wakes you up.
  680. >Thinking nothing of it, you switch positions and cover yourself with the blanket you managed to kick off sometime during the night.
  681. >You close your eyes again, content to sleep, before you hear the creak again.
  682. >What is it this time?
  683. >You open your eyes and listen more carefully, wondering just where the creaking is coming from.
  684. >Another one follows.
  685. >Directly behind you.
  686. "What is it?"
  687. >You say it in an authoritative tone, because if there's someone there they'll have to answer, and if there isn't no one knows.
  688. >"I- I can't."
  689. "Luna, really? Are you serious right now?"
  690. >You sit up in your bed and rub your eyes, slightly frustrated at the woman standing next to your bed.
  691. >"I couldn't get to sleep, Anon."
  692. "Of course you can't get to sleep if you don't go to bed and roam around in the halls instead, what are you thinking?"
  693. >"I- I tried! But I just couldn't get comfortable no matter what I did."
  694. >You sigh.
  695. "This is because you sleep during the day, Luna. You have to fix your sleeping pattern, you can't keep doing this."
  696. >Leaning over your bed you turn on a lamp, illuminating the room somewhat, as well as Luna.
  697. >You shield your eyes as they adjust, as does she.
  698. "So, what do you want? I have actual work to do in the mornings, you know? You can't keep waking me up in the middle of the night for stuff like this."
  699. >She doesn't respond, probably a little intimidated at how angry you seem to be.
  700. >You'd be lying if you said you weren't at least a little mad.
  701. >She's not a kid any more, why does she need to come to your room?
  702. >Shifting her weight from foot to foot, Luna twiddles her thumbs, holding the pillow in her arms tighter.
  703. >"I- I wanted, I mean, I was wondering if I could... with you." She quickly loses her composure and stops looking you in the face, or anywhere around you, staring at the ground instead. "I mean, I shouldn't, you're- you're right. I'll just- go."
  704. "Wait."
  705. >You stop her before she runs off, lifting up your covers and motioning her over.
  706. "Just this once, alright?"
  707. >She smiles lightly, but a genuine one nonetheless.
  708. >Luna slides into your bed, hugging you before lying down.
  709. "Just get to sleep."
  710. >True to her name, Luna really is the 'Princess of the Night'.
  711. >For as long as you can remember, she's always been restless at this time.
  712. >Back when you Celestia and Luna all shared a room, even though you had separate beds, by morning the maids would find you all in the same one, one way or another.
  713. >As Celestia grew to be about 12, she got her own room, leaving just you and Luna together.
  714. >It's also why you're closer to her than you are to Celestia, and less reserved with what you say in her presence.
  715. >At first, Luna could barely cope with her big sister being gone, crying sporadically through the night or kicking and hitting you when you tried to calm her down.
  716. >You finally found a method that worked sooner or later, and as long as you held her hand throughout the entire night, she slept more or less soundly.
  717. >After some time both you and Luna wanted separate rooms, following Celestia's example, but after getting them Luna would still travel over to your room and sleep there for the night instead of staying in her own.
  718. >This continued until she was 13.
  719. >You were 16 at the time and put your foot down, telling her outright that you didn't want her in your room any more.
  720. >Puberty does weird things to people, and you weren't exempt from having the typical 'edgy' phase either.
  721. >Luna stopped coming to your room, for the most part, but little by little it started again about a year ago.
  722. >Now she does it about once a month, and as much as you love her to bits, it's kind of getting on your nerves.
  723. >It sure is easy to disturb someone when they're asleep when you're not even expected to be up before noon, but your schedule calls for you to be up at 8.
  724. >You look down into your hand, Luna's smaller, whiter fingers intertwined in them.
  725. >You sigh and turn the lamp off, resting your head on your pillow and closing your eyes again.
  726. >Crap, now you're awake again.
  727. >You open your eyes and look at Luna, sleeping.
  728. >Did she brush her hair?
  729. >That's rare.
  730. >Suddenly she backs into you, pushing against your body with her own.
  731. "Luna, what are you doi-"
  732. >"Do you not want me to do this anymore, Anon?"
  733. "What?"
  734. >"Do you?"
  735. >You pause for a few moments trying to find the most delicate way to put this.
  736. "Honestly, I think you're old enough to not need this any longer. You should understand that we can't act the same as we did when we were kids, Luna."
  737. >Waiting for a response from her, you get none.
  738. >For a while, you just assume she fell asleep, but a tightening grip on your hand tells you otherwise.
  739. >"I can't help it, you know? It doesn't feel the same if... you're not there."
  740. >Unsure of how to reply you wait for her to perhaps continue, but she turns around to face you, eyes wide open.
  741. >Crap, you're on the spot now.
  742. "You seemed to be doing fine before."
  743. >Confusion.
  744. >"Before?"
  745. "Remember, back when I told you to stop coming in my room? You never came back in for like another year."
  746. >The confusion on her face turns to mild perturbation and anger when she realises what you said.
  747. >"That was the worst year of my life, Anon. That's when my sleep schedule went completely off the rails, dozing off during the day instead. Did you not notice that?"
  748. >You're taken aback slightly at the sudden confrontation.
  749. "I never... thought of it that way, I guess."
  750. >There's a pause amidst the two of you again, but it doesn't seem as if you can feign being asleep to fix it.
  751. >"Why does everyone sleep at night, Anon?"
  752. "... What do you mean?"
  753. >"Everyone else progressively gets more and more tired as the sun goes down, but it does the exact opposite to me. It's lonely when you're the only one awake."
  754. >You bring your hand up to her face, brushing strands of her hair from her face.
  755. "I understand that, Luna. I do. Well, at least I think I do, but you get what I mean."
  756. >She smiles a little, lightening the mood somewhat.
  757. "But you're a Princess now, you have to understand. You're next in line for the throne, do you understand? A future queen shouldn't require for her... nanny, or whatever I am, to soothe her to bed every night."
  758. >The solemn look returns to her face, but it seems as if she understands what you're saying, for the most part.
  759. "Could you imagine what it would look like to anyone outside the palace? You can, can't you?"
  760. >She remains silent, but you carry on.
  761. "I guess- I guess that's why I pushed you away. You've got to understand the power you hold now."
  762. >A- Anon?"
  763. "Yes?"
  764. >She inhales deeply before retorting.
  765. >"Could you... close your eyes? Just."
  766. "Close them? Alright."
  767. >You do as you're told and lay your head on your pillow, expecting to rest again.
  768. "What, are you finally letting me sl-Mmph- Luna!"
  769. >You jump backwards, kicking out and rolling right off your bed into the floor, still dazed.
  770. >Dazed from what just happened and from falling out your bed.
  771. >Managing to free yourself from the straitjacket of covers, you stand up next to the bed and touch your lips.
  772. >Luna just...
  773. >She really did.
  774. >Why?
  775. >Why would-
  776. "What the hell was that about?"
  777. >"Okay, okay Anon I'm going to need you to calm down."
  778. "Calm down? Luna, you just kissed me on the mouth, how can I be remotely calm?"
  779. >"Don't freak out, alright? I just- I just wanted to try it, I've never done it befo-"
  780. "So you did it to /me/? Luna, we're literally related by blood, what were you thinking?"
  781. >She stands on her knees in the middle of your bed whilst you pace around, rubbing your lips occasionally.
  782. >"I- I wasn't thinking, it's just- You were there, and I felt like I could, maybe, I don't know."
  783. "Jesus, Luna."
  784. >You brush your arms against your lips, trying to get the memory - or something - off.
  785. >It was soft, she just...
  786. >You walk from your bed into your bathroom and slam the door.
  787. >Your eyes brun when the light turns on, and you take a look at yourself in the mirror.
  788. >A blank face stares right back at you, hair a mess from sleeping, a crease from the pillow on your left cheek.
  789. >Turning the tap on, you watch as the water runs and you wash your face off, time after time.
  790. >You look back at your reflection, the top of your shirt now wet, dripping water from your chin and nose.
  791. >Grabbing a towel you dry off and just stand in the bathroom for a few more minutes, hoping to any sort of God that once you step through the door this wouldn't have happened.
  792. >How are you going to wake her up tomorrow?
  793. >Why would she so that?
  794. >Aren't you a brother to her?
  795. >Hand on the doorknob you turn slowly, reluctant to ever leave this room.
  796. >As soon as the door opens, you hear sobs coming from your bed.
  797. >Soft, muffled, obviously made into a pillow, but the feather stuffing can only mask so much.
  798. >The light from the bathroom illuminates your dark room, most importantly the bed.
  799. >Luna lies in the centre, balled up as small as she can be, hugging her pillow, face down into it.
  800. >Small convulsions in time with the sad sounds emanating through the walls.
  801. >And they chill you to your very core.
  802. >Luna doesn't cry.
  803. >As moody as she is, she never completely loses it.
  804. >Your heart drops straight from your chest down into your feet, making your body feel progressively heavier with each new sob or sniffle.
  805. >Putting one foot in front of the other you make it to your bed and crawl slowly towards her, stopping just before reaching out.
  806. >Your hand touches her shoulder, silencing her loud moans.
  807. >You hold her with both hands and pick her up, bringing her entire body close to your chest, cradling her.
  808. >She whispers soft apologies into her pillow as you rock her slowly, just trying to calm her down.
  809. "No, Luna, it's okay. I freaked out, I'm sorry I scared you. I shouldn't have shouted."
  810. >You don't stop moving, feeling her erratic breathing slowly go back to normal, her sobs becoming quieter.
  811. >She stops hugging her pillow, moving her arms to link around your neck, resting her head in your neck, continuing to occasionally sniffle and cry.
  812. >Scootching back on the bed, you move yourself to lay your back on the headboard, rubbing Luna's back like you would a child.
  813. >She tries to speak, broken voice and all, but you hush her and let her calm down.
  814. >Her tears and spit travel down your neck onto your chest, but you don't bother to wipe it off with anything, focusing more on Luna's well-being.
  815. >The shirt'll get it anyways.
  816. >With your hand on her back you feel her breathing slow and steady, back to a normal and comfortable pattern.
  817. >Sometimes she jolts back into conciousness, grips your neck to see if you're still there or something, and loosens back up again.
  818. >You don't dare let go.
  819. >No matter her reasons for what she did, there's no denying that you love her more than anything else in the world.
  820. >She's just... confused, is all.
  821. >Still young.
  822. >Hell, being a princess is undoubtedly repressing.
  823. >Patting around on the bedsheets, you find a cover, draping it over her back and shoulders.
  824. >You're not cold or anything, considering she's clasped right on top of you, but Luna's got problems with being akin to a dead body to the touch.
  825. >Whereas Celestia barely ever sleeps with any blankets, or clothes for that matter, Luna needs winter jackets and thick heavy duty duvets.
  826. >You think she's asleep.
  827. >Hasn't moved in a while.
  828. >You continue stroking her on the back, running your fingers through her long dark hair.
  829. >She did brush it.
  830. >Actually doing something you told her to, that's new.
  831. >Despite what happened, everything seems to have calmed down.
  832. >Maybe tomorrow won't be as horrible as you thought.
  833. >You were seriously worrying about how you could face Celestia again, knowing what you had done.
  834. >What would drive Luna to do something like that?
  835. >You sigh.
  836. >The reasons don't matter.
  837. >Your job is to take care of the Princesses.
  838. >Luna and Celestia are under your protection.
  839. >No matter what that protection entails.
  840. >It's the least you could do.
  841. >You find yourself slipping in and out of conciousness, the soft and timed breathing of the woman atop you soothing your mind to sleep.
  842. >Was it Luna that needed to hold your hand the whole night to sleep, or was it that you had to hold hers to do the same?
  843. >
  844. >
  845. >...
  846. >"Anon."
  847. >Voices penetrate through your slumber.
  848. >"Anon."
  849. "What?"
  850. >You wait for a response.
  851. >Nothing.
  852. >Opening your eyes, you look down.
  853. >Stilll there.
  854. >"Anon."
  855. "What is it?"
  856. >She doesn't reply.
  857. >Is she?
  858. >"An- Anon."
  859. >That's peculiar.
  860. >Say any word enough times and it starts to sound weird, right?
  861. >"Ano-"
  862. >The grip around your neck increases as Luna hugs your tighter for a few seconds, close enough to hear the air passing through her nose.
  863. >She relaxes and you move back to resting on the headboard, ready to go back to sleep until you feel her fingers moving behind you.
  864. >As her head slowly rises.
  865. >She blinks a few times, her eyes likely crusted over from the uh... crying.
  866. >You bring your hand to her face and wipe her cheeks with your thumb.
  867. "You awake?"
  868. >She merely nods in response.
  869. >Softly, you pat her on the head, smiling down at her.
  870. >But you don't get the response you want.
  871. >Luna bites her lips and closes her eyes hard, but her vocal chords betray her.
  872. >Another sob makes it's way out, and with it come a torrent of tears and sniffling.
  873. >You hug her again and caress her back slowly like you did before.
  874. >Just something to keep her calm.
  875. >"I'm s- sorry. I'm s- so sorry-"
  876. "It's fine it's fine, there's nothing wrong, you don't need to apologise."
  877. >"A- Anon, I'm so sorry, I ca- I can't.."
  878. "You don't need to apologise, Luna."
  879. >"I can't he- help myself, Anon, I c-"
  880. "It's okay. It's okay. Just stay calm."
  881. >"I wanna do it again."
  882. >What.
  883. >What?
  884. "What?"
  885. >"I can't stop th- thinking about it. I'm so sorry, A- Anon. I-"
  886. >The rest of her words are overshadowed by the sobs.
  887. "S- Surely you don't mean the-"
  888. >She nods into your chest, continuing to sob.
  889. >"I kn- know you don't like i- it, but-"
  890. >You feel your hands start shaking lightly and your own breathing becoming increasingly laboured.
  891. >Just when you thought everything was fine again.
  892. >Murphy's law.
  893. >Luna moves and raises her head again, her face so red you can see the flush in complete darkness, as well as hear her heart thumping against her chest.
  894. >"I'm sure- if I just- one last..."
  895. >She raises herself towards you and you try move your head back, banging it against the headboard.
  896. >Her arms hold your face still as you try tilt it away leaving only the option to push her off or try reason with her.
  897. "Luna, Luna now listen, we don't nee- Mh-"
  898. >Again, she touches your lips to hers, kissing you repeatedly.
  899. >Describing your mouth as being filled with cotton wouldn't even begin to cut it.
  900. >Your arms drop from her back down to your sides, limp and heavy.
  901. >Never would you forcefully push her off, no matter the circumstances.
  902. >But Luna never pulls away, continuing to kiss you, ranging from light pecks to deep and long kisses.
  903. >Her breathing fast, erratic and forceful.
  904. >The hands previously holding you down now travel along your head and neck, gripping hair, tracing your jaw, caressing your neck...
  905. >You don't know how much time passes before Luna stops, resting both of her hands on your cheeks.
  906. >Cold and small fingers, ones so familiar to you.
  907. >Yet also completely alien.
  908. >She doesn't move away from you, her face still right on top of yours.
  909. >With every breath she or you makes, your lips touch again, along with the hot air from each others mouths.
  910. "L- Luna, why- since whe-
  911. >"Always... every day, I wanted - wanted more."
  912. >She dives into you again, her tongue touching yours, passing another threshold that you couldn't come back from.
  913. >Luna's tongue dances around your own, rousing it in every which direction.
  914. >And regardless of how you try resist she again ends up on top.
  915. >Pulling back away from her causes her to pull your head forward towards her, deeper into the moment.
  916. >None of this makes any sense.
  917. >At few select moments Luna stops, almost violently.
  918. >Most likely to not pass out from oxygen deprivation.
  919. >Her mouth agape, breathing heavy.
  920. >So heavy that you can feel each warm and humid movement of air past your face.
  921. >Spit, drool, what have you, dripping out from her mouth and down her chin.
  922. >You're unsure of whether it's hers, yours, or a concoction of the two.
  923. >But you don't doubt that you look the exact same.
  924. >Even less than ten seconds later, Luna just as violently plunges back onto you, starting the entire movement over again.
  925. >Seconds and minutes become undistinguishable from one another as she continues.
  926. >Both of your shirts are wet at the collar, the dripping saliva adding to the dark staining.
  927. >You haven't moved at all yet.
  928. >You're unsure of what you could do.
  929. >As time goes on, Luna becomes more and more bold, moving her hips along your upper leg, rubbing the two of you together.
  930. >Before long she raises herself up, standing on her knees.
  931. >Hands behind your head, she pulls your hair down, forcing your head up.
  932. >Continuing there, Luna fully gyrates her whole body onto yours, emboldening herself more with every grind.
  933. >Stopping again for a breath, she speaks.
  934. >For pretty much the first time this began.
  935. >She leans in close to your ear, whispering softly.
  936. >"Touch m - me too."
  937. >Her voice soothes.
  938. >It always has.
  939. >Now that same voice says things you'd never thought you'd hear.
  940. >To you, no less.
  941. >You feel her fingers touch yours as she takes you by the wrist.
  942. >Bringing your hands to her hips, placing them there.
  943. >She squeezes your hand, causing you to put pressure down her her hips.
  944. >You know she's trying to show you what she wants, but...
  945. >There's no way you can bring yourself to do it.
  946. >Luna lets go of your hands, holding your face again.
  947. >Leaning down, she breathes another message into your ear, pleading and broken.
  948. >"Please."
  949. >Your gaze meets hers, her light eyes glistening even in the darkness of the night.
  950. >Her eyes are still red, inflamed from tonight's stages.
  951. >Yet she still cries.
  952. >The lines on her face are clear, shining when the light hits them.
  953. >That's right.
  954. >It's your job to not let that happen.
  955. >As long as Luna's under your protection, you swore she wouldn't cry.
  956. >And you would do whatever it took to fulfil that.
  957. >But tonight alone, she's already shed more tears than in the last few years combined.
  958. >You love Luna, so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to do this for her.
  959. >If you have to cast aside your own biases and precognitions to protect her, so be it.
  960. >You apply pressure to your hands, tightening your grip on her hips and pulling her down towards you.
  961. >Running your hands up her body from there, you grab her tank top by the arms and raise it up and off of her.
  962. >She raises her arms to help you.
  963. >You trace back down her figure, the feeling of bare skin soft underneath your fingertips.
  964. >She moans and grips your head in her arms, grabbing tufts of hair as you trace over her more delicate areas.
  965. >Bringing her down to your level again you lean in and kiss her, feeling the edges of Luna's lips raise into a smile as she reciprocates.
  966. >Your tongues intertwine with one another haphazardly, violently being pushed from one mouth to the other randomly.
  967. >Her hands move from your head downwards, gripping your arms and torso on the way there before pulling at the hem of your shirt.
  968. >You move away from her, letting go of her sides and raising your arms as she brings the shirt up and over you as well.
  969. >It's freezing.
  970. >The only warm parts of your body are the ones that Luna is sitting on, radiating some of herself on you.
  971. >Bending your knees and pushing down on your feet, you tilt yourself forward towards the bed, carrying Luna down with you.
  972. >Her hair splays out in all directions on the white bedsheets, painting a portrait of her night sky.
  973. >Kissing her on the mouth first, you peck down her jaw, neck, and chest, bringing your hands down with you.
  974. >Moving your hands underneath the strap of her bra, you move your hand around her ribs and to her back.
  975. >Luna raises herself slightly, letting you undo the back.
  976. >Undoing the clasp, you bring the bra forward and lift it off of her, throwing it to a corner of the room.
  977. >When you look back you see her arms crossed over her chest, hiding them from view.
  978. >You hold her hands in yours, kissing her again as she slowly lets you move her hands away from her chest, pinning them to the bed.
  979. >Bringing her hands together above her head, you hold both of them in your left hand, freeing your right.
  980. >Without breaking your kiss, your right travels slowly and delicately down her neck and collarbone, stopping there.
  981. >You feel Luna's breathing change, getting heavier, faster, deeper, and louder.
  982. >And you begin going down again.
  983. >Once just above her breast Luna holds her breath, but you circle around it rather than going straight down.
  984. >She arches her back and moans into your mouth in protest, trying to move her pinned arms to no avail, as you're the one in control now.
  985. >Circling back around, you end up at Luna's collarbone, tracing over the outline with the tip of your nail.
  986. >Now you move your hand straight down, following her breast's curve.
  987. >Your palm moves over her raised nipple as you continue down, cupping her breast gently in your hand.
  988. >Using your thumb and index finger,you squeeze her nipple lightly, turning and pulling ever so slightly.
  989. >Even the small movement gives her enough of a sensation to moan again, right into the kiss.
  990. >Her tongue stops moving with yours, instead lying limp in her own mouth.
  991. >Seemingly, the only functions she can continue to maintain are breathing and moaning.
  992. >Breaking the kiss you go back down her neck and collarbone, turning more to the left as opposed to straight down.
  993. >Sticking out your tongue, you lick down to her nipple, pinching it between your lips.
  994. >Upon contact, Luna gyrates almost her entire body, thrusting her hips into the air, grinding them against yours before falling back down again.
  995. >Her moans would be worryingly loud, were it that your room was near any others.
  996. >Her stomach tenses and falls wildly at seemingly random intervals, shaking the large bed.
  997. >You move your legs from either side of her and instead place your right leg in between hers, pushing upwards and into her crotch.
  998. >In turn, she pushes her body down onto your leg, rubbing herself against you.
  999. >The heat radiating out from her is enough to indicate her arousal.
  1000. >Even without considering how quickly you can feel your leg becoming wet.
  1001. >And you haven't even taken her panties off yet.
  1002. >Your attention is brought back to her face again once you hear her attempt to make words.
  1003. >You kiss her on the cheek, listening to see if she if she was indeed speaking or if she just moaned erratically.
  1004. >A few loud and heavy breaths later, you think you hear it again.
  1005. >"F- Fuck me."
  1006. >You look her in the eyes, the crystal clear colour of her own staring right back at you.
  1007. >She smiles at you, gently, raising herself up to kiss you ever so lightly and slowly on the lips.
  1008. >You let go of her arms, giving her freedom to move them again.
  1009. >Her hands instantly travel to your face, holding you and caressing your cheeks.
  1010. >You place yours on her back, lifting her off the bed and closer to you, passionately as opposed to violently.
  1011. >Raising her all the way, she now sits on you, the warmth and heat from her now directly above your own groin.
  1012. >She moves slowly, as if trying to ingrain every moment and movement into her memory.
  1013. >Ever since the two of you started this, never did you have a slow and controlled kiss, until now.
  1014. >You feel every bump in her back, every breath she takes, every movement of her lips.
  1015. >Slowly and deliberately.
  1016. >Taking your hand in her own, she guides you down to her panties, the only article of clothing left on her.
  1017. >The only thing preventing either of you from crossing that taboo line forever.
  1018. >Pulling it down, you hear it tear, not really caring at this point any more.
  1019. >Sliding it off of her legs, you look her in the eyes for confirmation.
  1020. >The looks at you with the same eyes from before.
  1021. >The same acceptance.
  1022. >You put your thumbs under the elastic of your own underwear, pulling them down and off the end of your leg.
  1023. >You throw it to a random corner of the room, suddenly about 300% more ashamed now that you're completely naked.
  1024. >Luna must be this nervous too, right?
  1025. >You lean back down onto the bed, along with her, both of you completely naked.
  1026. >Her legs are crossed in front of her, blocking any view.
  1027. >You just need to get her comfortable.
  1028. >Starting at her ankle, you run your hands up her legs, feeling Luna shaking under your touch.
  1029. >When you're about halfway up her thigh, you stop, letting her adjust.
  1030. >Her breathing slows, she stops shaking as much, and you continue.
  1031. >Placing both your hands on her legs, you pull apart slowly.
  1032. >She struggles in protest at the beginning, but moves with you after the first second.
  1033. >The night is still dark, your vision impaired, but you nonetheless can see Luna for all she is.
  1034. >Completely stripped of all clothing or barriers, just for you.
  1035. >You lean back down and kiss her, lining yourself up with her body.
  1036. >She links her arms around your neck, nodding slightly to give you the go ahead.
  1037. >Using your hand to help guide yourself, you find her entrance and prod it, eliciting a large breath from her.
  1038. >Unsure of how much force to use, you start off very lightly, pushing only a bit harder before you start to slide inside of her.
  1039. >The more you feel you push, the more you get pulled further in.
  1040. >The tight, wet walls bear down on your shaft with every one of Luna's small convulsions, and you feel a force pushing back on you.
  1041. >Luna hugs you tighter, knowing what comes next.
  1042. >You can still feel her shaking.
  1043. "Is... it okay?"
  1044. >She takes a few seconds to respond, but whispers her answer in your ear.
  1045. >"It's fine."
  1046. >With that, she hides her face in your neck, practically hanging herself off of you.
  1047. >Moving yourself against her hymen, still very lightly, you start to feel it slowly give way.
  1048. >You continue applying the same small pressure, entering at an even and gradual pace.
  1049. >After getting the head through, the rest slides in relatively easily.
  1050. >You stroke Luna's head, running her long hair thorough your fingers.
  1051. "There... that didn't hurt too much, did it?"
  1052. >You feel her shake her head in the crook of your neck, causing you to smile.
  1053. >You wait there until she tells you to move, and you start to slowly pull yourself back out.
  1054. >Halfway out, you slide yourself back in again, feeling her grip on you tighten in time with her breathing.
  1055. >The hot and sticky breaths pass over your ear, accented with small, barely audible, moans of pain and pleasure.
  1056. >Luna whispers words, sometimes too quiet to make out, most of them somewhere along the lines of curses.
  1057. >But some not.
  1058. >As you push yourself in and out of her, giving her as much control as possible, you hear a single line whispered to you.
  1059. >"Faster."
  1060. >You follow her orders, hilting and pulling out with a greater force and speed than before.
  1061. >Every time you thrust inside her she whines, breathing in sharply as you move yourself out.
  1062. >You move your hands down to below her bottom, preventing her pelvis from moving back as you continue thrusting.
  1063. >Luna crosses her legs behind you, keeping you as close to her as possible.
  1064. >You can't see her face, and she can't see yours, but the both of you are so feral at this point that it doesn't matter any more.
  1065. >Luna's nails clench down into your back as you get faster and harder, hilting against her with loud slaps.
  1066. >Whines, whimpers, and moans go away, Luna either unaware of how loud she's being or not caring.
  1067. >She practically screams into your neck, most of the time just saying your name, fragmented by the clapping together of your bodies.
  1068. >Teeth dig into your neck, causing you pain, but not nearly enough to get you to stop.
  1069. >In between her throws of ecstasy, Luna shouts out commands and curses.
  1070. >"H- harder! Aah - deeper! I - Hah - Fffuck!"
  1071. >Until tonight, you'd heard Luna cuss only a handful of times.
  1072. >You were sure it was because she was so protected and pure.
  1073. >But the waves of swears as you pound into her show you an entirely new side of her.
  1074. >The side of what she's really like once you strip everything but raw feeling away.
  1075. >Her nails dig deeper into your back, scratching you open as you continue.
  1076. >Every time she screams, she clenches down onto you, squeezing your shaft for everything it's worth.
  1077. >You feel liquid dripping down off your balls onto the bed, coating it in a growing puddle of fluid.
  1078. >Pulling her hips in towards you even more, you smash inside as hard as you can, feeling the head of your penis hit a barrier.
  1079. >The moment you touch it, Luna convulses and her arms let go of you, seemingly limp.
  1080. >She falls down into the bed with her spine arched completely back, her neck craned back as far as it could stretch.
  1081. >Sounds more akin to wails and sobs escape her, high pitched and completely instinctual.
  1082. >A small part of you worries for her, but the rest of your body can't stop to check.
  1083. >The pressure on your dick compounds incredibly with every time you hit the end of Luna's insides, welling up a tingling inside of your lower gut.
  1084. >You're about to cum.
  1085. >Cum right at the entrance of Luna's womb.
  1086. >If you don't pull out, she's bound to get pregnant.
  1087. >Your Luna, with your child.
  1088. "Luna - I'm about - hah - to cum."
  1089. >As you say that, you feel her legs tense and bring you closer into her, only bringing you further to the tipping point.
  1090. >With her legs locked behind you, you try pull out but to no avail.
  1091. >The familiar welling at the base of your dick telling you that you've got mere moments before it's too late.
  1092. >"In me. I want - Ah - I want it in me, Anon!"
  1093. >If...
  1094. >If she says it's fine, then it should be, right?
  1095. >Since she said you could...
  1096. >Just in time, the rational side of you kicks back in.
  1097. >She probably isn't thinking about what she's saying.
  1098. >There's no telling what would happen if you let this continue.
  1099. >Reaching behind yourself, you unlock Luna's legs and pull your entire length out from her, cumming as soon as you get your head through.
  1100. >Rope after rope flies and falls onto her stomach, coating her.
  1101. >You nearly fall atop her while riding out the waves, catching yourself.
  1102. >She grabs your face and violently collides with you, sticking her tongue into your mouth without giving you any forewarning.
  1103. >The kiss is sloppy, wet, and uncoordinated, but passionate.
  1104. >It breaks with the two of you too tired to continue, so you just lay above her and try get somee stamina back into you.
  1105. >All you can hear are each other's breaths, and all you can see are-
  1106. >Well, you can see pretty well actually.
  1107. >You look to your side and out of the window.
  1108. >The sun's coming up.
  1109. >What the?
  1110. >How is it morning?
  1111. >You did that all night?
  1112. >You look back down at Luna, not having realised yet.
  1113. >Her eyes are glazed over, almost lifeless in their expression.
  1114. >Exhaling, you move your body over and fall to her side, rolling off of the bed and hobbling your way into the bathroom.
  1115. >Need something to clean up with.
  1116. >You rest on the sink a while, still exhausted.
  1117. >Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too.
  1118. >Through the door you see Luna, completely unmoving other than her breathing, still just as heavy as yours.
  1119. >The girl you always thought of as a sister.
  1120. >You've cared for her as long as you can remember, treating her with care.
  1121. >Because she was the Princess, and protecting her was your duty.
  1122. >She's grown up to be fine woman.
  1123. >You're confident that she could do her job as Queen if it fell upon her.
  1124. >A bit moody, but nonetheless benevolent and sympathetic.
  1125. >You collect some tissues from the bathroom and walk back to her.
  1126. >She looks at you as you walk over, the only indication she's concious.
  1127. >You wipe her stomach off, flushing the paper down the toilet and going back to bed.
  1128. >Crawling next to her, you pick her up and bring her to the head of the bed, laying her down on a pillow.
  1129. >You cover her in a duvet, getting under it yourself and lying next to her.
  1130. >She moves her head from the pillow to your shoulder, cuddling up to you.
  1131. >"I never thought that... this would ever really happen."
  1132. >Her voice cracks at the end, sending a chill up your spine.
  1133. >Are you actually serious right now?
  1134. "Hey, don't cry. What's wrong? Did I do something?"
  1135. >She shakes her head, sniffling.
  1136. >"N- no, I'm just happy, is all."
  1137. >She wipes her eyes and smiles at you, so you smile back.
  1138. >You close your eyes and lay your head back, just basking in the peace and quiet.
  1139. >Wait, actually, let's backtrack here.
  1140. "You almost forced me to cum in you."
  1141. >She doesn't respond, but instead puts her head down, hiding under your arm.
  1142. "Do you realise what could have happened? Had I not..."
  1143. >Again, she doesn't reply, refusing to even look up.
  1144. >But she does nod slightly in her hiding spot, so you don't think you have to lecture her on it.
  1145. >And now you feel bad.
  1146. >Sigh.
  1147. >Grabbing her by the shoulders, you pull her up onto your chest.
  1148. >She resists like a cat being pried from it's hole, but stops after you hug her.
  1149. "... I love you. You know that, right?"
  1150. >You look down at her to gauge her reaction, her beetroot red face and wide eyes indicative of embarrassment.
  1151. >She looks away form you, again refusing to make eye contact.
  1152. >"I - I love... you too."
  1153. >Her face gets somehow redder as she covers it with her hands, trying to hide her expression.
  1154. >It forces you to laugh and you lay your head back down, closing your eyes to relax.
  1155. >"D- don't just say it like that."
  1156. "Hm?"
  1157. >She digs herself back under your arm, just showing you the top of her head.
  1158. >"I'll get wet again."
  1159. >Chuckling uncomfortably at her remark, you rest your head back into your pillow and close your eyes.
  1160. >God, you're tired.
  1161. >Your mind travels back to what you just did.
  1162. >The depravity, the tension, the raw sexual desire.
  1163. >You definitely cannot let anyone know.
  1164. >Ever.
  1165. >This is a secret you keep until you die.
  1166. >You will do anything to keep Luna happy, but it's not like anyone needs to know how far you'll go.
  1167. >This is something between you and her, and it's going to remain that way.
  1168. >Her soft breathing is soothing.
  1169. >You feel her breasts move against your chest as she slowly inhales and exhales.
  1170. >Stop thinking about it, Anon.
  1171. >Stop sexually objectifying your... aunt.
  1172. >Gross.
  1173. >You're going to have to research how closely you two are related.
  1174. >And what... detrimental effects it could have.
  1175. >Not that you're thinking about seriously staying with Luna all your life.
  1176. >From a young age you've accepted that she's going to marry some nice prince from another kingdom, and he'll be sure to take good care of her.
  1177. >... He better, lest you use your connections to make sure no one hear from him again.
  1178. >But this is just a phase Luna is going through.
  1179. >You'll indulge her sexual fantasies for now, waiting for her to get out of it.
  1180. >It's probably just what the princess lifestyle has done to her.
  1181. >When she turned 18, the exact MONTH she turned 18, she had already received three marriage proposals.
  1182. >Since then, she's probably received near 100 of them.
  1183. >On the contrary, princesses aren't allowed to spend too much time around boys at all, much less date or have boyfriends.
  1184. >It's actually a pretty oppressive system, when you think about it.
  1185. >Growing up in the age of social networking and the internet, however...
  1186. >Luna must know of what many women before her were oblivious to.
  1187. >That must be pretty hellish.
  1188. >Princes don't go through the same kind of treatment, unfair as it is.
  1189. >They can have affairs in their youth as much as they want.
  1190. >Even you had a girlfriend in high school.
  1191. >Though, you aren't a prince, so it's not like anyone would care.
  1192. >And neither Luna nor Celestia actually went to school.
  1193. >You remember them asking you what it was like, stuck inside the palace walls with their private tutors.
  1194. >You sigh.
  1195. >...
  1196. >Wait.
  1197. >You open your eyes, scanning your room, looking at Luna, staring out the window.
  1198. >There's something you're forgetting.
  1199. >Something important.
  1200. >Your gut is telling you that something's off.
  1201. >Well, it's been saying that ever since you dicked your aunt, but besides that.
  1202. >What is it?
  1203. >You look out the window at the gradual sunrise.
  1204. >Sunrise.
  1205. >Rise.
  1206. >Sun.
  1207. >You look to Luna.
  1208. >Princess of the Night.
  1209. >Back out the window.
  1210. >Day.
  1211. >Princess of the Day.
  1212. >Celestia.
  1213. >The sun is up.
  1214. >If the sun is up, that means-
  1215. >Oh, crapbaskets.
  1216. "Luna! LunaLunaLuna! Get up, now!"
  1217. >You jump out of bed, running to pick up all the clothes littered on the floor.
  1218. >"Huh?! What? No! No goodnight mouse! What?"
  1219. >You stop.
  1220. "What?"
  1221. >"What?"
  1222. "Were - were you quoting Goodnight Moon again?"
  1223. >She crosses her arms, looking away.
  1224. >"You know I don't like that story!"
  1225. >Pfft.
  1226. "A- are you serious? Still?"
  1227. >You can't stop the laughter.
  1228. >Oh, God.
  1229. >She hated that story as a kid.
  1230. >Celestia loved it, but Luna avoided ever even mentioning it's name.
  1231. >Wait, shit, no.
  1232. >The problem at hand.
  1233. >You start chucking clothes at Luna, explaining.
  1234. "Luna! You have to get out of here, right now! The sun's up!"
  1235. >She dodges some of the clothes, your underwear smacking her right in the face.
  1236. >" So wha - Pfwe - gross! So what?"
  1237. "Who wakes up when the sun rises, Luna?"
  1238. >She realises.
  1239. >"C- Celestia."
  1240. "Exactly!" you say, running to the drawer and getting your underwear and trousers on.
  1241. "And!" you continue, "It's my 'day off'!"
  1242. >You make air quotations at 'day off'.
  1243. >She looks confused.
  1244. >"And what does that mean?"
  1245. "It means that every time I have a day off, Celestia comes and makes sure to fill it with stuff! So get up!"
  1246. >She moans and groans, kicking around the bed, but obliges.
  1247. >"Find my panties, I don't know where you threw them."
  1248. >Guh.
  1249. "I don't remember either, look for them!"
  1250. >You go to your door, locking it.
  1251. >Oh God, it was open all night?
  1252. >Imagine what could've-
  1253. >No time.
  1254. >Running to your dresser, you throw on a pair of boxers and pants.
  1255. "Luna, you have to get out of here! Right now!"
  1256. >"I can't find my bra!"
  1257. "Just put on your shirt and go to your room, I'll give it to you lat-"
  1258. >"Nooonnnyyyyyy~~. Oh, the door's locked. That's weird."
  1259. >You crane your head to the door, the knob rattling.
  1260. >"Anon? Are you awake? Won't you have breakfast with me?"
  1261. >No.
  1262. >Nnnooooo.
  1263. >Why now?
  1264. >You and Luna have a conversation with your eyes, blaming one another for this happening.
  1265. >You whisper shout at her.
  1266. "Hide."
  1267. >"Where you idiot?"
  1268. "I don't know, just... cover yourself in the blankets, I'll go with her and you come out when it's safe."
  1269. >"And then what?"
  1270. "Then you walk back to your room, we'll talk about this later."
  1271. >"You're just going to leave me?"
  1272. "What the hell do you want me to do?"
  1273. >"I don't know, just-"
  1274. "Precisely. Just go back to your room for now, okay?"
  1275. >She falls back onto the bed, hiding in the sheets.
  1276. >You walk up and breathe a few times, unlocking the door.
  1277. >Opening it a little, you peek out.
  1278. "H- Hey Celestia, is it morning already? Wow, felt like I uh, barely slept."
  1279. >"Oh no. Are you stressed about anything? You shouldn't work yourself too hard."
  1280. >You laugh it off.
  1281. "No, no, it's fine. So uh, what brings you here?"
  1282. >"What do you mean? We always eat together on your off days."
  1283. "Right, right, uh. Well, let me just get ready, then, and I'll be right out."
  1284. >You go to close the door, until Celestia continues.
  1285. >"I was thinking about inviting Luna this time, too. I know she won't enjoy being up this early, but I feel as if I've been a little too distant with her recently. I'll go get her while you chan-"
  1286. >You throw the door open again.
  1287. "A- Actually there was something I wanted to tell you! come right on in, uh, I had to tell you about the uh, food - uhm - contract. That- that I did yesterday."
  1288. >"Contract? What do you-"
  1289. "I'll explain, I'll explain, you can just wait, riiiiiight here."
  1290. >"Okay then. So what is it abo- do.... Do you have two pairs of pants on?"
  1291. "What? I do-"
  1292. >Yes, you do.
  1293. "Yes, I do."
  1294. >She laughs, mockingly.
  1295. >"Is there any reason /why/?"
  1296. "Uh. I don't.... no, I think I was just confused. Kind of out of it this morning."
  1297. >She keeps laughing.
  1298. >"I can tell."
  1299. >You jump out of the extra clothes, covering yourself up with a shit.
  1300. >Celestia walks into your room, looking around.
  1301. >"So, what did you want to talk about?"
  1302. >You turn back around.
  1303. "Right, it's ab- HM."
  1304. >"What? What's wrong?"
  1305. >IT'S RIGHT THERE.
  1306. >About three feet behind Celestia, peeking out from behind the bed.
  1307. >Luna's black, lacy bra.
  1308. >"Is there something beh-"
  1309. "Alright so this contract yeah, it's from the Apples, you remember the Apples right? They're the Apples."
  1310. >You make a mad dash towards Celestia, focusing her attention on you.
  1311. >Talking to her, you slowly back her up into the wall, getting closer to the ornament on the floor without having her look at it.
  1312. >"A- Anon, you're- you're a little cl - close."
  1313. "Every two years we've got to renew our contract with then so I thought 'Hey I'll do that' but then it turns out whups they don't seem interested and I just found that really weird, don't you think it's weird?
  1314. >Celestia hits the wall, an increasing look of worry painted on her.
  1315. >"Anon. Close. Very close."
  1316. >Shuffling around with your foot, you kick the clothing back, hiding it fully behind the bed, never breaking eye contact.
  1317. "And that's all I had to say about that."
  1318. >You swiftly turn around, pacing back to your dresser and getting a tie on.
  1319. >Celestia stays on the wall, more than a little perplexed.
  1320. >"I see."
  1321. >That was too close.
  1322. >You can't do this much longer.
  1323. >"Did you manage to find out what was wrong?" She says as you hear the mattress being shook.
  1324. >What.
  1325. >You crane your head around, seeing Celestia sitting on your bed, continuing the conversation.
  1326. >Crap.
  1327. >Luna is quite literally naked less than a foot from her.
  1328. "Uuuuh."
  1329. >You can't think of anything to day.
  1330. >What do you say?
  1331. >You quickly throw on a waistcoat, not even buttoning it.
  1332. "Okay I'm ready let's go."
  1333. >"What? You have no-"
  1334. >Walking over to her, you grab her by the hands and drag her out of the room, closing the door behind you.
  1335. >"Shoes.", she finishes.
  1336. >You try laugh it off.
  1337. "We're only going out to the gazebo, right? We don't need shoes. Ha ha ha."
  1338. >She looks confused again, but not to a large enough extent to know you're hiding anything.
  1339. >Thank every deity or God out there that made her so trusting and airheaded.
  1340. >Once outside, the cold air nips at your toes, but the increasing level of sunlight warms you up at least a little.
  1341. >Why does Celestia need to be up so early?
  1342. >There is no reason to be up at...
  1343. >What time is it?
  1344. >7?
  1345. >Oh, well.
  1346. >That is pretty reasonable, you suppose.
  1347. >It just sucks that you have to get up this early on an off-day, too.
  1348. >At least you don't need to make breakfast.
  1349. >You wait about half an hour into breakfast to excuse yourself again.
  1350. >Telling Celestia that you're going to the bathroom, you walk back into your room.
  1351. "Luna? You in here?"
  1352. >Walking to the bed, you lift the sheets up, checking under it.
  1353. >Gone.
  1354. >Must be in her room.
  1355. >Thank goodness.
  1356. >Nothing bad happened, it seems.
  1357. >You go into your bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror.
  1358. >Wow.
  1359. >That is terrible.
  1360. >This is the worst bedhead you've had in weeks.
  1361. >Augh.
  1362. >And you couldn't shower this morning, even after...
  1363. >The intense 'workout' you did last night.
  1364. >Oh well.
  1365. >Looks like cologne will have to do.
  1366. >Using water and gel you fix your hair, properly doing your tie, tucking in your shirt, and getting shoes on before leaving the room again.
  1367. >Sigh.
  1368. >"That took you a while."
  1369. >You chuckle.
  1370. "Yeah, I decided to fix myself up a tad as well."
  1371. >"I noticed. You look a lot better now. I chose to go to Luna's room when you were away, and it looks like she's already up."
  1372. >Act surprised, Anon.
  1373. "Really? That's a new record for her. Did you ask her to come down?"
  1374. >"I would have, but she was in the shower."
  1375. >Hm.
  1376. >Lucky her.
  1377. >"One of the maids will inform her once she's finished."
  1378. "I see."
  1379. >You both continue eating in relative, the occasional quip being said between you.
  1380. >"Any idea what it is that kept you up so late?"
  1381. >You almost choke.
  1382. "Uhm, hah, well... How do I describe it?"
  1383. >"Describe?"
  1384. "I mean... It started out okay, I was sleeping fine. Then I woke up, angry, as one does when they're roused unexpectedly. Then I couldn't get back to sleep because I was thinking about too many things, and I tossed and turned in bed so many times that I tired myself out, but by the time I got comfortable it was already morning."
  1385. >She thinks about what you just said.
  1386. >"So... just a restless night?"
  1387. >You pause.
  1388. "Pretty much."
  1389. >As the sun continues to glow in the sky, you feel the cold dew covered garden heating up.
  1390. >The peace doesn't last long, however, as you recognise familiar steps coming towards you on the stone garden path.
  1391. >"Good morning Luna."
  1392. >You look over.
  1393. >Her hair's still wet, but she's changed and made herself look presentable.
  1394. "H- Hey."
  1395. >Your voice cracks, making you keep quiet.
  1396. >She responds to Celestia, not making eye contact with you.
  1397. >Each conversation comes and goes within a second, being shut down instantly by either you or Luna.
  1398. >Celestia ends up just taking to herself for the most part, since you can't think of a word to say to Luna now, and it doesn't look like she can either.
  1399. >You want to ask for the salt, but you feel like as soon as you open your mouth you'll belch out something along the lines of 'So about that sex we had'.
  1400. >Better to just keep quiet altogether for now.
  1401. >Celestia seems to notice how quiet you got once her sister showed up.
  1402. >She looks to you.
  1403. >Then Luna.
  1404. >Back to you.
  1405. >Her.
  1406. >You.
  1407. >Her.
  1408. >Table.
  1409. >"This is good." She finishes, probably having given up trying to keep conversation going.
  1410. >You finish your tea, bidding them an almost curt goodbye before leaving.
  1411. >You'll have to apologise to Celestia later, but to be put in that situation this early after... what you did.
  1412. >It's too much, at least for now.
  1413. >You walk back into your room, closing the door behind you and just standing there.
  1414. >You loiter around your room until breakfast is over, and you're sure that the two sisters have left the premises, probably back into their own chambers.
  1415. >No one's knocked on your door, so that's good.
  1416. >You can do what you need.
  1417. >Okay, first things first.
  1418. >Taking care of business.
  1419. >Can't let anyone know.
  1420. >Making your way over to your dresser, you open a few of your drawers, searching.
  1421. >It must be here somewhere.
  1422. >Haven't worn the dam thing in ages, but you know you own it.
  1423. >Pulling out large wads of clothing and chucking them onto your bed, you search deeper into the cupbaords.
  1424. >This is going to be a crappy clean up.
  1425. >Grabbing a hold of what you think is a hood, you pull it out.
  1426. >There we go.
  1427. >Hoodie.
  1428. >Something the palace dress code certainly doesn't let their staff wear, so you've sort of just let it rot here.
  1429. >Good thing you finally have a use for it.
  1430. >Putting it on, you search in a cupboard designated 'winter clothes'.
  1431. >Headwear.
  1432. >Here we are.
  1433. >A beanie.
  1434. >Along with a hood, this should cover you just fine, right?
  1435. >Let's add a scarf for good measure.
  1436. >Putting them all on, you adjust yourself in the mirror, almost shocked at how...
  1437. >Citizen-like you look.
  1438. >It's not bad, really.
  1439. >And now to get a more 'lax' pair of pants on.
  1440. >Dress pants won't work.
  1441. >You must have jeans somewhere.
  1442. >Bought them around the same time as the hoodie.
  1443. >Finding them, you struggle into the waist.
  1444. >Crap.
  1445. >it's been years.
  1446. >You remember these being baggy.
  1447. >They're really tight now.
  1448. >Or are they?
  1449. >You can pull these off as skinny jeans.
  1450. >Yeah.
  1451. >Why would anyone wear these of their own accord?
  1452. >How does this not cut off circulation?
  1453. >Ah well, it's just for now.
  1454. >Checking yourself in the mirror again, you look both ways before exiting your own door.
  1455. >Facing away from any palace authority on your way out, you make it to the door, meeting with the valet.
  1456. >"Good morning Sir, do you have a reference nu- ... Anon? Is that you?"
  1457. "Yes, it is."
  1458. >"I apologize, you look, uh, different. I'll get your car righ-"
  1459. >You cut him off.
  1460. "Look, kid, I need you to do me a favour."
  1461. >You walk closer to him, making sure that no one's watching you two talk.
  1462. >You pull out your wallet and fold up a 10 dollar bill, laying it in his hand.
  1463. "Get me /your/ car, this time."
  1464. >He looks at you strangely, and at the money in his hand.
  1465. >Thoroughly confused.
  1466. >As he should be.
  1467. "If anything happens to it, I'll pay back in full. Don't worry. There's just something I need to do... without makinga scene."
  1468. >Again he looks at you, deciding to just take the money.
  1469. >"Alright, er- Sir."
  1470. >He runs off, with you pacing around impatiently as he gets his own ride.
  1471. >Yours has the palace emblem on it, along with the licence plate.
  1472. >Not good for anything you want to do yourself.
  1473. >Great for finding parking spots.
  1474. >In time, an old and slightly beaten up car makes it's way to the roundabout.
  1475. >Wow.
  1476. >That works.
  1477. >Normal cars aren't different from the ones you've been driving, right?
  1478. >He gets out, gesturing you in.
  1479. "Thanks."
  1480. >"No problem."
  1481. >You shut the door.
  1482. "I'll be back in like an hour, I'm not taking it anywhere far."
  1483. >You take off, getting the seat adjusted and feeling the ride out.
  1484. >Smells like old weed.
  1485. >Eh, it's no surprise.
  1486. >The valet can't be any older than 20.
  1487. >Once you get to the main roads, the reality of having a car like this hits you.
  1488. >Everyone is so rude.
  1489. >These roads are barbaric.
  1490. >Every man for himself taken to a whole new level.
  1491. >Dog-eat-dog.
  1492. >This is new.
  1493. >Once you make it onto the smaller roads it only gets worse, with everyone clamouring to get ahead just a little bit faster than everyone else.
  1494. >Why?
  1495. >It's not like they're ALL in a rush.
  1496. >This is crazy.
  1497. >Finding the centre of town, you have to drive around for a full 20 minutes before you find anywhere to park.
  1498. >A nightmare of U-turns and roundabouts, off-ramps, and near-death experiences.
  1499. >Is this how hard life is for normal people?
  1500. >The government should do their damn job.
  1501. >Ah, wait.
  1502. >You are the government.
  1503. >Right.
  1504. >Walking in the morning sun to a centre, you move through warm, sun filled side-walks and cold, damp, shadow cast buildings.
  1505. >That's the nice thing about a city like Canterlot.
  1506. >It's organic.
  1507. >The city itself can be dated back to being thousands of years old, long before it was ever called Canterlot.
  1508. >As such, the foundations have evolved with the people and times, meshing into a large mess of infrastructure.
  1509. >None of that 'city planning' stuff.
  1510. >Although, this does lead to congestion problems, that's an issue.
  1511. >And finding things is a pain.
  1512. >The street names are complete havoc.
  1513. >Ah, well.
  1514. >Walking into the centre, you look inside at all of the stores.
  1515. >There we go.
  1516. >Just... be incognito, Anon.
  1517. >Why are people looking at you?
  1518. >Women are staring.
  1519. >Crap, crap crap.
  1520. >Did you leave some palace thing on?
  1521. >Why are people looking at you as they pass by?
  1522. >Sure, if you had a huge sign on you saying you were from the castle.
  1523. >But you're sure you don't.
  1524. >Your underwear has-
  1525. >No, stupid.
  1526. >They can't see your underwear.
  1527. >Making your way into the store you want, you hobble about.
  1528. >Walking around the store, you see what you need, but pass it about 5 times.
  1529. >Never brave enough to pick it up.
  1530. >Ah, it's so weird.
  1531. >Sucking it up, you take the items out, shuffling slowly to the take out counter.
  1532. >The man working scans your items, chuckling.
  1533. >"Someone in trouble?"
  1534. >You rub the back of your head, trying not to look embarrassed.
  1535. "Aye. Well, I hope not."
  1536. >That's how locals speak, isn't it?
  1537. >"Need a bag?"
  1538. >Right.
  1539. "Yes, please."
  1540. >You walk out with your items, legging it to your- er - the valet's car.
  1541. >Time to get back home.
  1542. >A few near-death experiences and new curse words leant later, you arrive back at the familiar gates.
  1543. >The guards stop you, but once you take off your beanie they recognise who you are.
  1544. >They ask you for the story, but you just brush it off as a 'long story' type situation.
  1545. >Not much longer now.
  1546. >You pull up, thanking the valet for his favour, and walk in.
  1547. >Shoving the plastic bag into your hoodie, you powerwalk upstairs.
  1548. >Don't let anyone see you, Anon.
  1549. >Once up, a maid almost stops you before noticing who you are.
  1550. >"Day off?"
  1551. >You just smile and nod, continuing.
  1552. >Crap.
  1553. >Just focus.
  1554. >Approaching the large door, you open it quickly before again closing it.
  1555. >"Wh- Who are y- Anon?"
  1556. >Luna takes her earphones out, spinning around in her chair.
  1557. >"What's with the get up?"
  1558. "I had to do something, it's weird."
  1559. >"I think it looks hot."
  1560. >She stares a while, making you feel slightly objectified, if nothing else.
  1561. >Sighing, you take out the plastic bag, dropping it down on her table.
  1562. "Alright, look. Take one form this pack now, just uh- read the recommended dosage for your body type or whatever, and then these, you have to take every day."
  1563. >You show her the pack, shaking it in your hand.
  1564. >Luna gets up and walks over, taking the packet from your hand.
  1565. "Listen, it's really important that you remember to take these, okay? If you forget a day, the consequences could literally be world-ending."
  1566. >Her brow furrows.
  1567. >"Anon, is this... Is this birth control?"
  1568. >Hearing her say the word makes you bite your tongue, looking away.
  1569. >You manage to mumble out.
  1570. "Y- yeah."
  1571. >She stares at the packet a bit longer, laughing.
  1572. "Wha- what? It's not funny, Luna, it's really serious. I don't know how long this uh- morning after stuff can go on for. It's already been a few hours, come on."
  1573. >She turns the packet around, reading it.
  1574. >"But you didn't even, like-"
  1575. >You roll your eyes.
  1576. "Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm in it. Last I was aware, you're not on your period, so there's a fair chance you could be ovulating."
  1577. >"How do you know when my period is?"
  1578. >You raise your brow at her.
  1579. "Is that a serious question?"
  1580. >She sighs.
  1581. >"Sure, sure. I'll take these, if you're that worried. Though... what did you get the second pack for?"
  1582. "Second pack? Oh, I just... I do-"
  1583. >"When did we establish that this was going to be a long term thing? I thought you didn't want to do it last night, much less ever again. But from the looks of /these/ little pills here... you want to continue-"
  1584. >She counts how many packets there are.
  1585. >"Oh my. For the next three months?"
  1586. "No, I didn't mean that- That's just - it's the only one they sold, and I just wanted to make sure, you know? Like, I didn't-"
  1587. >She giggles at you, walking off into her bathroom.
  1588. >Was she serious when she said it was a one time thing?
  1589. >You just... assumed.
  1590. >Neither of you really talked it out, since morning came so fast, it-
  1591. >Luna steps back out of the bathroom.
  1592. "Is that it? Will the pill work?"
  1593. >She waves it off.
  1594. >"Relax, it says it works within 72 hours."
  1595. "Three days?"
  1596. >"Yeah. It's only been half a day, at most. Stop getting so worked up about it."
  1597. >What?
  1598. >How can she be saying that?
  1599. "Why aren't you worked up about it? This is your body, and future, that we're talking about."
  1600. >She pauses, blank eyed.
  1601. >And just shrugs.
  1602. >"Eh."
  1603. "Eh?"
  1604. >"Eh."
  1605. >You sigh.
  1606. "Seriously, Luna."
  1607. >"What? Come on, nothing's going to happen. Trust me this time."
  1608. >Her small arms wrap around you, rubbing your back.
  1609. >"Thanks for doing that, though."
  1610. >You return the hug, albeit still a little on edge.
  1611. >"Now, back to those /other/ contraceptives you bought."
  1612. >You instantly try break the hug, but she pulls you in tighter.
  1613. >"What exactly did you have in mind when you bought those, hey Anon?"
  1614. "I - I don't-"
  1615. >"Expecting more of last night, are you?"
  1616. >You feel your face get hotter, the blush probably visible.
  1617. >"Well, since you're just so desperate for more of that, I guess we could... continue, if you want."
  1618. "No, that's not what I wan-"
  1619. >"You don't?"
  1620. "Uh, no, I mean- it's not that I don't-"
  1621. >"Then you do expect more. You're bolder than I thought about all this, Anon. I think I can feel it poking me in the st-"
  1622. >You unlink her arms and push her away, not looking in even her general direction.
  1623. "Have a nice day goodbye I have work to do ha ha ha-"
  1624. >The door shuts as you leg it back to your room, hands in your pockets to hide the...
  1625. >Visitor.
  1626. >God damnit Luna.
  1627. >Adjusting your pants a couple times on the way over, you make your way to your room, closing the door.
  1628. >As you change out of your clothes, part of you nags you to look for Celestia and talk to her, considering that's what she was planning your day off to be.
  1629. >A day with her.
  1630. >But another part of you just can't be bothered.
  1631. >After all the work you've been doing, you really just want a genuine day off.
  1632. >From everyone.
  1633. >At least for a while.
  1634. >You strip down into just your underwear, keeping the hoodie.
  1635. >And wobble off to your bed.
  1636. >Might as well get all the sleep you missed yesterday.
  1637. >You stir in and out of sleep, waking up to a slightly darker room each time.
  1638. >Turning your head, you look out the window, the sun painting the sky an orange before the sun slowly falls behind the hills.
  1639. >Hearing your door creak open, you shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep.
  1640. >Circling around your room, you hear the click-clacking of maid shoes, probably there to drop of laundry of some such.
  1641. >Once they realise that you're 'asleep' , they tread more carefully, talking amongst themselves.
  1642. >You hear a few 'Ooh's from them, feeling an intense glare on your uncovered upper body, but can't pull the covers up lest they find out you aren't actually asleep.
  1643. >They finish their business and leave, and you once again open your eyes to look out the window.
  1644. >The orange sky turns to a light blue-purple, and dims further until a dark blue is all that remains.
  1645. >The city below illuminates the night sky in yellow light, blocking out most of the stars up above.
  1646. >Nothing angers Luna more.
  1647. >As the last trickles of sun leave the sky and darkness takes over, the dark lulls you back into sleep.
  1648. >Again, you're roused from your slumber, for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight.
  1649. >For some reason, you can't seem to stay asleep for more than 20 minutes at a time.
  1650. >You sigh into the empty room, staring at the dark ceiling.
  1651. >Somehow, you find yourself breathing shallow and quickly, unsure of when you started to do so.
  1652. >You have to calm yourself down and close your eyes before you feel relaxed again, changing your position to lay on your side, looking out your window.
  1653. >The anxiety won't go away.
  1654. >The moon is bright tonight.
  1655. >Clear, pale, almost shining.
  1656. >Almost as if perfectly timed, a small sliver of light illuminates your wall, growing in width.
  1657. >The slow creaking of your door is heard as the light floods in, brightening your previously black room.
  1658. >In the centre of the torrent of light, a shadow stands.
  1659. >A shadow that you're all too familiar with.
  1660. >However faint, you hear the tip-tapping of feet against the marble floors, progressively louder as they near the edge of your bed.
  1661. >Crawling up your headboard, you look in the direction of the light, only to shut your eyes as they adjust.
  1662. >You raise your arm in front of your face, blocking the blistering white.
  1663. >Slowly, you lower it, blinking the pain away.
  1664. >Luna's silhouette is highlighted against the light pouring in from behind her.
  1665. >Her hair almost shining a bright blue around her.
  1666. >She twiddles her fingers, not looking you directly in the eye, almost as if waiting for your approval.
  1667. >That's new for her.
  1668. >You reach over to the edge of your bed and flip the covers over, patting it twice lightly.
  1669. >Even in the darkness, you see her smile.
  1670. >She rushes over, and the door creaks back closed as she reaches the side of your bed.
  1671. >Bouncing up onto the pillow-y sheets, Luna moves towards you slowly, even crawling over you before stopping.
  1672. >With one leg either side of your own, she turns to face you, resting herself on top of you.
  1673. >She touches your neck with her cold, thin fingers, causing you to flinch slightly.
  1674. >Continuing up your face, she leans into you and locks lips, no words needing to be exchanged.
  1675. >This continues only briefly, as her left hand travels back down your neck and collarbone, past your chest and torso, descending to your hips.
  1676. >Forking one of her fingers under the elastic of your undergarments, she slides them off.
  1677. >You lift your pelvis off of the bed to aid her.
  1678. >Tracing in with her index finger, you feel her nail move across your pelvic line and to your penis.
  1679. >She takes it in her hand, the cold causing you to inhale sharply as she runs her hand along it's length.
  1680. >Letting go briefly, Luna fumbles with her large shirt.
  1681. >Using both hands, she lifts it up from the bottom and over her head, throwing it across the room.
  1682. >Nothing underneath.
  1683. >Again, she grips your shaft and positions it right below her, slowly pushing down.
  1684. >You inhale deeply when you feel the tip touch her entrance, the resistance pressing onto you.
  1685. >She looks down and closes her eyes, readying herself.
  1686. >Apparently holding her breath, Luna continues to lower herself, pushing past the head and slowly exhaling as she continues.
  1687. >Exhaling slowly, she reaches the end of your length and hilts against you, pressing upon your groin completely.
  1688. >Once there she stops and whimpers, holding herself back.
  1689. >Short, gasping breaths escape her as she lifts her head back up to yours, looking you in the eyes again.
  1690. >Her piercing jewels, even in this darkness, seemingly shining.
  1691. >You lean in for another kiss, but she moves her head to the side, dodging it.
  1692. >Much to your own confusion, you look back and try gauge what could be wrong.
  1693. >Biting softly down onto her lip, she turns her head back towards you and speaks under her breath.
  1694. >"Hold me."
  1695. >You oblige, moving your hands from your sides up her legs, lightly caressing her on the way.
  1696. >Both travel up her pelvis and rest above her hips, squeezing tightly on the supple skin.
  1697. >She quickly closes the distance between you two, gyrating her hips and kissing you simultaneously.
  1698. >Moving in small circles down on you, her breathing rapidly increases in volume and pace, becoming short and loud.
  1699. >Yours follow suit.
  1700. >Moving herself up, you feel yourself slide out of her before being plunged back into her warmth, each stroke falling easier than the last.
  1701. >Luna continues at her slow pace, moving both her hands down to your hips to steady herself and you grip her own.
  1702. >The kiss breaks as her tongue becomes unco-operative, losing her better motor skills to the other sensations below.
  1703. >Loud breathes become soft whines, which in turn develop into loud ones as time goes on.
  1704. >Periodically, Luna slows her pace on you, tensing her stomach and biting down on her lip or tongue, panting.
  1705. >You move your own hips up and into hers, helping her with the tiring burden of satisfying the two of you, as she loses herself to the hard, passionate movements.
  1706. >Her legs move and shake, her grip tightens, and her nails dig into your skin, all while letting out loud, uncontrolled moans.
  1707. >In the sensational waves, she lifts herself up and off of your length, exposing your wet and throbbing erection to the cold outside air.
  1708. >Half a minute passes and her moans quiet to gasps, her body shaking less often and not as violently.
  1709. >Exhaling loudly, she falls back onto your body, grasping your face and resting her head on your chest.
  1710. >She rests herself down on your member, sliding up and down it slowly, but not inserting it.
  1711. >Every time she moves across the tip, it almost slips its way in, but never quite making it there.
  1712. >"Ever since I left- All day- I couldn't stop thinking about... this. About you."
  1713. >She runs a hand down to her crotch, pulling herself open with her fingers.
  1714. >"It hurt so much, every time I thought back to last night. It hurt- deep inside."
  1715. >With the help from her fingers, you're guided back into her, the wet, muscular walls pressing down onto you.
  1716. >"I jut bided my time, all day. I didn't get a single thing done. The maids are going to wonder how my sheets got so soaked, for sure."
  1717. >Pushing forward, you lay her down on the bed and lay on top of her, beginning to thrust forcefully against her.
  1718. >Nails dug into your back, legs wrapped around yours, she clings to you as you slam ever harder, trying to get deeper with each thrust.
  1719. >You fight against yourself to keep from moaning out in pleasure, something Luna probably doesn't even try to do, judging by the noise she's making.
  1720. >The welling in your groin tells you all you need to know, signalling the coming of your climax.
  1721. >Thrusting down into your last, you pull out and slide yourself against her clitoris and up, releasing onto her stomach in ropes of seed.
  1722. >Both you and her stay there in an afterglow, breathing heavy as the moonlight basks down, flushing the room in ambient light.
  1723. >You get up and get tissues to wipe her clean, throwing them in the toilet.
  1724. >Climbing back into bed with her, she clings to you under the covers, cuddling you possessively.
  1725. >The night still draws on, the two of you together in calm, just happy that the other is there.
  1726. >"Why didn't you do it?"
  1727. >You turn and look down at her.
  1728. "Do what?"
  1729. >"Finish. Inside, I mean."
  1730. >You close your eyes and rest back onto your pillow, responding.
  1731. "Fear, I guess."
  1732. >"I took the pills you gave me. It's fine."
  1733. "I know, it was just a last second thought."
  1734. >"Don't you think it would feel better?"
  1735. >You feel her nails trail up your thigh and to your crotch, playing with you.
  1736. >"Letting out that thick, hot cum in me?"
  1737. >She faces you, eyes half lidded, toothy sly smirk on her face, speaking in hushed, breathy whispers.
  1738. >"Watching it overflow inside me, trickling down and out my thigh, falling down onto the bedsheets?"
  1739. >She leans in closer, squeezing your now engorged erection in her hand.
  1740. >"You're imagining it right now, aren't you?"
  1741. >Using one of her fingers to play with the tip, you exhale sharply before flipping over her, taking charge.
  1742. >With your own hand you grip her crotch, two of your fingers pressing down hard on her opening.
  1743. "Considering how wet you are down here, your imagination is a lot more vivid than mine is."
  1744. >Your two digits are almost sucked in by her folds, lubricated and gyrating incessantly.
  1745. "Is that what you want? To feel it throbbing inside you as I gush out inside of you?"
  1746. >Your fingers drive deeper inside her, eliciting a moan from above as Luna grips the bedsheets and closes her eyes.
  1747. "How about feeling it trickle down out of you and forming into pools, dripping out of you from the sheer amount there is?"
  1748. >She increases in volume as you finger her faster, feeling your fingers somehow get even more lubricated than they were before.
  1749. "No matter how much you wipe it away, more and more comes out, sticking to the inside of your legs in long droplets?"
  1750. >Luna plays with one of her breasts, pinching her nipple tightly to gain even more pleasure.
  1751. >Her cries are loud and not at all rhythmic, instead just full of raw sexual feeling and passion.
  1752. "Is that what you want?"
  1753. >You stop moving your fingers, taking them out of her, much to her displeasure.
  1754. >She stops arching her back away from the bed, falling down onto it.
  1755. >Opening her eyes, you direct her attention at your erection, right in front of her now opened, wet, hole.
  1756. >She looks back up at you, trying to sit up and kiss you before you push her down.
  1757. "Is that what you want?"
  1758. >Again, she looks down and then back up at you, shifting her gaze haphazardly.
  1759. >Ever so slightly, she nods her head, a shameful look on her face.
  1760. "Say it."
  1761. >She furrows her brow and looks up, angry.
  1762. >"N- no!"
  1763. >You smirk.
  1764. "If you don't, I won't know what you want me to do."
  1765. >"But you, you-"
  1766. "I what?"
  1767. >"I- ..."
  1768. >She stays silent, clenching her jaw and closing her eyes, an intense blush crawling up her face.
  1769. "You have to ask for what you want, or you're never going to get it."
  1770. >"J- Just- I know that!"
  1771. "Then?"
  1772. >She balls up her fists, still angry, but sounds out the words.
  1773. >"I- I want you to c- cum... in me."
  1774. >She exhales loudly after saying it, still angry.
  1775. >"There, I said it! Happy?"
  1776. >You smile wider.
  1777. "I see."
  1778. >You press against her opening, craving your attention, causing her to gasp.
  1779. "I guess I could do that, considering that I could just..."
  1780. >Quickly moving your hips, you force your head into her, parting her insides and penetrating her.
  1781. >You sigh.
  1782. "But, honestly..." You say as you retreat out of her and crawl off of her.
  1783. "I have work tomorrow. Best get some sleep."
  1784. >You smile wide and true down at her, still processing what you just said.
  1785. >Rapidly, you grab the covers and throw them over yourself, balling up and falling face down into a pillow.
  1786. >"W- w- w- wait!"
  1787. >Through the covers, you feel her punching your back over and over, throwing a tantrum.
  1788. >"No fair! You can't do that! I won't allow it! I even- I even said it! I said it, I did!"
  1789. >Under your protective cover shield, you can't stop yourself from laughing at her rage.
  1790. >"It's not fair, I did everything right! I did what you said! It was so embarrassing! You can't do that! Anooon! Listen to me!"
  1791. >Loudly, you snore, angering her more.
  1792. >"Stop acting dumb, you idiot! Get up! It's not faaair! Meanie! Meanie, meanie, meanie, meanie, meanie!"
  1793. >Her hits become less and less herd as she continues, probably tiring herself out.
  1794. >"It's unfair! Unfair, unfair... Un- unfair..."
  1795. >Luna stops, and you hear nothing from her, but you're sure she's still on the bed since you didn't feel her weight shift off.
  1796. >You listen for her, hearing nothing.
  1797. >Even closer, you listen, trying to hone in on anything.
  1798. >You soon manage to key into her soft blubbering, making out her words.
  1799. >"I even- I even said the words. I- I said it. Even though it w- was really hard, I still-"
  1800. >Oh.
  1801. >Well...
  1802. >Did- Did you upset her?
  1803. >"Anoooooooon." She sobs quietly. "You're being m- meeaann."
  1804. >Slowly, you come out of your coverings, sitting up and facing Luna.
  1805. >She's staring face down, hands up at her eyes, wiping them with balled up fists.
  1806. >She sniffs loudly, now using her entire arm to wipe her eyes, finding her hands to be unsatisfactory.
  1807. >"M- meanie."
  1808. >Using both of your hands, you grab her wrists and pull them away from her face, trying to get a look at her.
  1809. >As you pull them away, she looks further down at the bed, her hair covering her face from view.
  1810. >Moving her hands down to her sides, you travel back up with yours, moving her hair behind her ear and using the other to lift her chin towards you.
  1811. >She pretty much refuses to look in your direction, staring at a nearby wall instead.
  1812. >Her eyes are red, swollen too.
  1813. "Were- were you actually crying?"
  1814. >She furrows her brows again, throwing a balled up fist at you, hitting you on the shoulder.
  1815. >"What do you mean!? You forced me down, and- and made me say that, and then you just- play it off as a joke? It... It wasn't funny, Anon."
  1816. >Shit.
  1817. "I- uh, sorry, Luna. I didn't- I didn't realise you'd take it like that. I just wanted to have a little fun, I didn't mean to say anything that hurt you."
  1818. >She sniffs again.
  1819. "I'm sorry, really."
  1820. >Ever so slightly, she smiles, still wiping her eyes.
  1821. >"That was r- really embarrassing, you know?"
  1822. >Moving her legs, she shuffles towards you, and you accept her into your arms.
  1823. "Was it? You said the much more, just a few minutes before... I didn't think it was that ba-"
  1824. >"It's different when you say it... and when someone else... commands you to."
  1825. "Commands?"
  1826. >"It was- it was so... crushing. I couldn't breathe, it was like there was a weight on my chest."
  1827. >You kiss the top of her head, furrowing your own brow.
  1828. >Maybe... well, maybe this was something you should have thought about before doing.
  1829. >Being a Princess, Luna's probably never gotten commands from any one before.
  1830. >Even you have never... /commanded/ her to do anything.
  1831. >Perhaps it's something she's never experienced before, that's why she took it so hard.
  1832. >Never expected she would take it like that, though.
  1833. >You fall down onto the bed, hearing a yelp from below you as you drop her onto the bed.
  1834. >Her smile's back.
  1835. >You kiss her on the head again, moving your hands down her figure.
  1836. "I guess I'll spoil you this time, Princess."
  1837. >You go to guide yourself in, before she stops you.
  1838. >"Wait. D- don't call me Princess."
  1839. >You sigh.
  1840. "Luna?"
  1841. >She looks away, biting her lip.
  1842. >"N- not that one, either."
  1843. >Confused, you look at her, wondering what she could be talking about.
  1844. >Other?
  1845. >Name?
  1846. >What?
  1847. >You look down, closing your eyes, rummaging the corners of your mind, searching for something- anything.
  1848. >Opening your eyes again, you look into her eyes, Luna still looking sheepish and uncomfortable.
  1849. >Then it clicks.
  1850. "L-"
  1851. >She looks at you, waiting.
  1852. "Lu-"
  1853. >God, this is hard to say.
  1854. >The last time you did, you were like six.
  1855. >Still, she stares at you, hoping.
  1856. "L- Lulu?"
  1857. >A large, uninhibited smile glows across her face, and she pulls herself in to kiss you.
  1858. >You both share a deep and long kiss as she wraps her arms around you, continuing to round two of the night.
  1859. >Work is going to be a bitch tomorrow.
  1860. >But you can indulge her, you suppose.
  1861. >This once.
  1862. >
  1863. >
  1864. >...
  1865. >You roll to the right, extending your arm out across the sheets.
  1866. >Pivoting around, you search for another body in the bed, some source of warmth that you could latch onto.
  1867. >Opening your eyes, you see nothing but the large expanse of your empty bed before you.
  1868. >Already left, huh?
  1869. >Well, it's for the best, you suppose.
  1870. >The sun's already up.
  1871. >Whereas Luna's been sleeping in less and less, it seems as if you've been doing just the opposite.
  1872. >You sit up, blinking a few times to get accustomed to the light level of the room.
  1873. >Rolling your shoulders, you stretch before flinging your feet off the bed and standing up.
  1874. >Better to get up in one swift motion than stay in bed.
  1875. >Rip the band-aid off all at once.
  1876. >Oh, shit, nevermind.
  1877. >You bring your hand to your head to try stop it from swimming, depths shifting and colours changing.
  1878. >As it fades, you walk to your dresser, choosing your outfit for the day and hopping into the bathroom.
  1879. >Closing your bedroom door behind you, you button up your waistcoat and slick your hair back, ready to tackle the day.
  1880. >You walk down to the kitchen, greeting the maids you meet along the way cleaning the governor's bedrooms and the like.
  1881. >Heading past the illustrious and perfect stainless-steel kitchen, bidding the chef a good morning, you head down the stone steps and enter into the old, cold, and damp one.
  1882. >It may have the atmosphere of a dungeon, were the kitchen supplies not littered around it, but you've found that the food made down here has a certain refinement to it that the one upstairs just can't match.
  1883. >Maybe it's all the spirits of the dead haunting this room.
  1884. >The castle is hundreds of years old, built upon the foundations of another castle that was just as, if not older.
  1885. >Better not let Celestia in on your theory.
  1886. >Ghost stories were never her thing.
  1887. >With a little help from the other cooks you finish both meals, place them on a silver platter, and head back up the sloped stone steps.
  1888. >Walking out the eating area, you trek over to Celestia's room, a tad out of breath by the time you get there.
  1889. >There really is no reason for castles to be this big.
  1890. >Other than to flaunt the overabundance of wealth you have.
  1891. >Hm.
  1892. >Well, that's probably the point.
  1893. >You knock twice and wait a moment before pushing the large door open, the guard on the left of you helping to move the bloody thing.
  1894. >Again, much too big to be a functional door, just like everything else.
  1895. >You enter the room as the door closes behind you, stepping towards the small table in Celestia's room.
  1896. >It's ornate and very Elizabethan in structure, with lots of floral patters and worn out antique looking wood.
  1897. >Very different to Luna's.
  1898. >She straight up has a glass table she got for her massive behemoth of a PC.
  1899. >You look to Celestia, sitting at her dresser with no fewer than seven maids packed around her, either fixing her hair, her makeup, her dress, her earrings, whatever need be done.
  1900. >With a wave into the mirror, she spots you behind her.
  1901. >You gesture to the table, showing her that her meal's there, and she silently thanks you back.
  1902. >Tilting her head slightly, she silently tells you to check on Luna, probably still worried that she may be sleeping.
  1903. >You nod, pushing the door open again and stepping out.
  1904. >Now with only half the weight to carry, although Celestia's meals are never the really heavy ones, you make your way to Luna's door, which instead of being even remotely close to her sister's, is another hike and a half down the halls.
  1905. >You'd think working for them for nearly two decades would get you used to it, but the distances seem to increase with time.
  1906. >Again, knocking on the door twice, you wait before heading inside.
  1907. >The door shuts behind you as a waft of shampoo and soap drift across the room, the bathroom door leaking a thick steam that almost looks like fog.
  1908. >You place Luna's plate on her table, moving her keyboard out of the way.
  1909. "You know, having a shower with water that hot is gonna do terrible things to your skin when you're older."
  1910. >A voice answers back from the plume of steam.
  1911. >"That's for future me to worry about. Right now all that matters is that I wanted a hot shower."
  1912. >Luna steps out from the wall of smoke, wrapped in a navy blue towel frmo her chest to mid thigh.
  1913. >Running her hands through her hair, she pays little mind to the water droplets she's leaving all over the floor.
  1914. "No maids again?"
  1915. >You scan the room again, and just as you thought, there's nobody but the two of you.
  1916. >"No, I told them to only start coming in at 11."
  1917. >You sigh.
  1918. "Luna, you can't just shove them out of your room every morning."
  1919. >"Why not?"
  1920. >She walks up to you, standing just a foot away, still running her hands through her hair.
  1921. "People are bound to think something's up, if you keep saying that you don't need maids for this or that, whatever it may be."
  1922. >Luna looks to the door, pursing her lips.
  1923. >"But you can do all the stuff they do, I don't need them to-"
  1924. "It's been two weeks since we started doing... this, Luna. We've got to stop cutting corners to try see each other more. You, especially."
  1925. >Luna crosses her arms in anger, resting all her weight on one leg and sticking out her hip to look even more annoyed.
  1926. >"Oh, like you're not always finishing up early so you can come in here and have your way with me."
  1927. >Her brow raised, waiting for an answer, forces you to surrender.
  1928. >You raise your arms up above your head and chuckle, admitting defeat.
  1929. "You're right, you're right. Both of us are terrible at this."
  1930. >Stepping out of the puddle she's formed and towards you, Luna speaks.
  1931. >"Why do we need to hide it, anyways? It's not like anyone here would care, you know."
  1932. "I'm not worried about anybody here, barring maybe Celestia. But imagine the international turmoil if it was found that a pure, chaste, maiden of the night was actually... well, none of those things."
  1933. >She huffs, looking annoyed again.
  1934. "With her butler/ babysitter no less."
  1935. >"Still..." Luna mumbles as she raises herself onto her tiptoes to reach you.
  1936. >Craning your neck down and placing a hand under her arm, you meet her a little more than halfway.
  1937. >Not so easy for her to reach you when she's not wearing her platform shoes.
  1938. >Bringing your neck back away from her a few seconds in, you try to stop yourself from going any further.
  1939. "Doing this right by the door to your room really isn't the best spot."
  1940. >Clasping both of her arms behind your neck, she pulls herself up to you and meets you there, mumbling something along the lines of "don't care."
  1941. >And she claims that you're as bad as she is.
  1942. >Both of your hands travel down her back and under her, gripping the bottoms of her thighs and pulling them up and around you.
  1943. >Locking her legs behind your back, she crawls up your body until you don't have to lean it down, losing herself more and more in the moment.
  1944. >But so are you.
  1945. >You almost lean back too far, having to catch yourself from falling over at any moment.
  1946. >Both you and Luna exchange loud breaths to each other in between locking tongues and lips.
  1947. >Walking forward, you hit the side of her bed and throw her down onto it, placing yourself on top of her and continuing.
  1948. >With both her hands now free, she whips them down to your buckle, undoing it within seconds.
  1949. >She's done it enough times to get very, very good at it.
  1950. >In another second your pants are down enough to get under the waistband of your underwear, and you press yourself up to her, naught but the fabric holding you back.
  1951. >Luna gasps, speaking in between hot and damn near sticky breaths.
  1952. >"And I just showered, too."
  1953. >You both smile a little as you pull down your waistband with your thumb, using the rest of your hand to slip yourself in.
  1954. >The kiss stops for a few seconds, both of you taking in the new sensations.
  1955. >Moving almost immediately, you stick your thumb in Luna's mouth to try and snuff out any noises.
  1956. >You pry off her towel, revealing her naked body in full, and start working your way around her breasts.
  1957. >Luna bites down on your finger, trying her damnedest not to moan out and possible alert the guards outside.
  1958. >The doors are probably thick enough to muffle a gunshot, but it never hurts to be careful.
  1959. >Releasing her peach coloured nipple from your mouth, you manage to breathe out to her that you're about to cum.
  1960. >She nods and moans a yes, tying her legs behind your back and pushing her hips into yours with every thrust.
  1961. >Paired with the bodily fluids that sex induces and the water that coated Luna prior, smacks are heard as you hilt into her.
  1962. >Pushing in deep one final time, you feel yourself throbbing and pulsing, releasing thick wads of semen into her.
  1963. >Loud and out of breath, Luna moves her hips up and down slightly , feeling every beat of you inside her.
  1964. >"Th- this is one of the best parts."
  1965. "The end?"
  1966. >She smiles.
  1967. >"Ha- No. When you cum, it, - ha - moves."
  1968. >You both calm your breathing as you slowly pull out, whipping your dick back into your pants as you do up your buckle.
  1969. >Sighing one last time, you look over to Luna's table.
  1970. "You'd better eat quick, it's gonna get cold."
  1971. >She replies after a pause, still breathing heavily.
  1972. >"Gimme a minute, I can't move my legs."
  1973. >You walk into the bathroom, wiping the foggy mirror with a hand and looking at yourself in it.
  1974. >Gotta fix your hair.
  1975. >Using a little water you put it back in place, the gel obviously not able to hold it during strenuous... activity.
  1976. >You straighten your shirt and tie, walking back out into Luna's room.
  1977. >Picking her up off of the bed, you walk with her to her dresser, where she promptly falls face first on the table.
  1978. >You sigh.
  1979. "Come on Luna, you're gonna be late."
  1980. >"Who's fault is that?"
  1981. >Tch.
  1982. >You get out her panties and wrap her bra around her, putting both her arms through it.
  1983. >Fixing her boobs into place, you clasp it shut behind her and hand her the panties.
  1984. "Put those on yourself."
  1985. >She groans but concedes and does as you say, finally being co-operative.
  1986. "I'll see you later today, yeah?"
  1987. >She shakes her head.
  1988. >"I have to go out of town. It's only an hour by plane, but I won't be back until late tonight."
  1989. >You bite your lip.
  1990. "Oh... Well, I doubt I'll be asleep yet, I'll see you then. Try behave yourself."
  1991. >You place your hand on the door, ready to push it open before Luna stops you.
  1992. >"Anon."
  1993. >You freeze.
  1994. >"I- I love you."
  1995. >You half breathe half laugh, stepping towards her.
  1996. >Hugging her from the back, you give her a small peck on the cheek.
  1997. "Love you too, Lulu."
  1998. >Walking out of her door, you flag down a maid and tell her to help Luna with getting ready.
  1999. >Now, onwards with the rest of today's chores.
  2000. >Working with the other staff members, you check up on everyone else in the castle until around noon, where you escort Luna out the door of the castle and into her car.
  2001. >You wave to her as the car pulls out, only heading back inside once she's out of sight and over the horizon.
  2002. >The guards close the main door and take their posts as you walk in, feeling a buzzing in your pocket.
  2003. >[I don't want to go.]
  2004. >30 seconds.
  2005. >It literally took her 30 seconds of not seeing you to text.
  2006. [You'll be back before you know it, just remember why you're going. It's serious business.]
  2007. >[Uugh.]
  2008. >You shove your phone into your pocket, ignoring the vibrations and pings coming from it as you continue your work.
  2009. >The messages stop about an hour later.
  2010. >She's probably on the plane now.
  2011. >Luna's only started going on business trips recently, and they're slowly getting more and more frequent.
  2012. >It used to be just Celestia going, since she was the only one old enough, but that put a whole lot of undue stress on her.
  2013. >Her schedule is finally calming down now that Luna can take care of some things herself.
  2014. >Although she still hasn't completely abandoned her more childish tendencies.
  2015. >Finishing everything you had to do for that day in terms of admin and management, you loosen your tie and lie on you bed.
  2016. >7:30.
  2017. >Impressive how fast you can get all of your stuff done when Luna isn't here.
  2018. >You usually only finish by 9:30.
  2019. >A whole two hours from now.
  2020. >Man, she takes up way too much of your time.
  2021. >Though, to be fair to her, you're guilty of wasting her time too.
  2022. >Celestia doesn't eat until around 10:00, but since you're done so early you might as well just ask if she wants to eat now.
  2023. >You didn't make her all that much this morning, and on her particularly busy days she doesn't have lunch.
  2024. >It's a wonder how she keeps all that weight on her... chest.
  2025. >She eats like half of what Luna does, but they're like three times large-
  2026. >You know what, let's stop there.
  2027. >Pulling out your phone, you scroll though the 8 messages Luna sent you.
  2028. >Everything ranging from 'I miss you's to 'stop ignoring me's to 'I hate you's.
  2029. >You can't help but laugh.
  2030. >Sitting up in your bed and stepping out of your room, you embark on the walk to Celestia's room.
  2031. >The heavy door creak open as you step inside, but reveal that Celestia isn't in them.
  2032. >Hm.
  2033. >It's already this late, and usually by the time the sun goes down Celestia's already pretty tired out.
  2034. >Her internal clock really relies on the sun.
  2035. >It makes her a nightmare ball of energy in the summer though.
  2036. >When the sun sets at 11:30 and rises again at 3:30.
  2037. >If anything, it's inhuman.
  2038. >But considering that the sun's been down for about 3 hours now, she should be ready to pass out.
  2039. >You exit the room and walk down the carpeted halls, full of memorabilia of the olden days, drapery and stained glass windows to show adversity.
  2040. >Maybe here.
  2041. >You stand before a large door, red and lined with bronze.
  2042. >You nod to the guards as they open it for you, using large circular handles that they have to pull open.
  2043. >Their triceps game must be stronk.
  2044. >Sure enough, at the enormous oak table sits Celestia, forking her way though paperwork.
  2045. >You look to her left, glancing at the coffee mug.
  2046. >Much stronger than what you make her in the mornings.
  2047. >She must have had heaps to do today.
  2048. "Evening, Celestia."
  2049. >Her head darts up, seemingly shocked at your entrance.
  2050. >"Oh, Anon! I didn't notice you come in."
  2051. >Really?
  2052. >The hulking slab of wood and metal opening like a goddamn floodgate didn't tune you into that?
  2053. "You must be really busy, sorry."
  2054. >She waves it off.
  2055. >"No, no, it's fine. I was just about to call it a day, actually. Sitting in this chair for 9 hours can't be good for my legs."
  2056. >9 hours?
  2057. "9 hours? You've been here since 10?"
  2058. >A shrug.
  2059. >"Just about."
  2060. >You shake your head.
  2061. "Have you eaten at all?"
  2062. >Celestia looks up to the roof, trying to recollect everything from the previous few hours.
  2063. >"I- ... Don't think I did, actually. Huh. I forgot about that."
  2064. "I figured as much. Come on, finish up here and I'll bring something up to your room."
  2065. >"Wait. Maybe... Mh. Could you bring it outside, to the gazebo?"
  2066. >Out there?
  2067. "Are you sure? It's cold out there, Celestia. Even for you."
  2068. >"I'll be sure to dress for the occasion."
  2069. >About half an hour later, you find yourself under the gazebo, darkness all around.
  2070. >The moon doesn't reflect any light, being just a sliver in the starry night sky.
  2071. >You suppose that's one of the good things about being do high up in this castle.
  2072. >You're above all the lights and noise of the city below.
  2073. >Still, it's a marvel that a city as ancient as this one supports it's own weight.
  2074. >A shiver travels down your spine in the crisp night, your teeth chattering a little too.
  2075. >"Oh, Anon. Did I keep you waiting?"
  2076. >You turn to see Celestia walking towards you, dressed in a white double breasted coat and a pair of jeans.
  2077. >Jeans?
  2078. >Since when has she owned jeans?
  2079. "No, it's fine. You better eat quickly though, it's bound to get cold soon."
  2080. >You rub your arms for warmth and she smiles, shaking her head before tossing you a hoodie.
  2081. >You catch it, recognising it as your own.
  2082. "Oh, did you-"
  2083. >"I knew you'd be cold out here, so I took the liberty."
  2084. >You chuckle.
  2085. "Thanks."
  2086. >You put it on as she sits down, taking the covers off of the dinner platters.
  2087. >"Looks nice."
  2088. "It's nothing special."
  2089. >"A shame that Luna isn't back yet. I didn't think she'd take this long."
  2090. >You look over to the third tray of food, shrugging.
  2091. "Oh well, I'll make something else when she gets back."
  2092. >"You're going to wait up for her?"
  2093. >You smile.
  2094. "That's my job, isn't it?"
  2095. >Celestia keeps eating, as you do the same.
  2096. >"Speaking of Luna, though..."
  2097. >You freeze.
  2098. >Over the last few weeks, you've gotten better at hiding just what... you're doing, but the paranoia still stays.
  2099. "What about her?"
  2100. >Celestia furrows her brows.
  2101. >"I don't know... To you, Anon, does it seem like she's gotten... happier?"
  2102. "Happier?"
  2103. >"More energetic, more willing to be out and doing things, positively giddy."
  2104. >Nights upon nights of steamy screaming nights cloud your mind.
  2105. "M- more energetic, perhaps."
  2106. >A good thing you aren't eating this inside in the light, lest Celestia see how flushed your face it right now.
  2107. >"Has anything changed between you two?"
  2108. >You spittake, almost choking on your food.
  2109. >Celestia drops her cutlery and reaches out to you as you down your glass of wine in an effort to get so piss drunk you pass out.
  2110. >"Are you okay? What's wrong?"
  2111. "N- nothing. I just- Change? Wh- what makes you think that?"
  2112. >Crap, Anon, you're making it too obvious.
  2113. >Just lie.
  2114. >You've lied before, why is it so hard now?
  2115. >Is it because of her?
  2116. >Aaah, think.
  2117. >Celestia sits back down, averting her gaze from you and pondering.
  2118. >Not something she does usually.
  2119. >Prolonged eye contact is kind of Celestia's thing.
  2120. >"I- I don't know. I noticed that you've been calling her by //that // name again."
  2121. "You mean-"
  2122. >"What you used to call us, remember?"
  2123. >You smile.
  2124. "Yeah, I remember."
  2125. >"So what changed?"
  2126. >You sigh, acting like you're reminiscing, but inside your mind is on fire.
  2127. >What do you say?
  2128. >Try as you might, you haven't been able to think of a single reason as to why you're acting so different towards Luna.
  2129. "I- I, well, nothing, really. I guess I just started to... listen to her more?"
  2130. >Celestia raises a brow, confused but somewhat intrigued.
  2131. "There were a lot of things she couldn't talk to anyone about, apparently. Not the maids, or any of her advisors."
  2132. >You bite your cheek, rocking back in your chair a bit.
  2133. "She came to my room once and I guess we just - talked."
  2134. >"What about?"
  2135. >You pause.
  2136. "Princess duties, mostly."
  2137. >Celestia looks away again, pensive.
  2138. >It's not like you're lying either.
  2139. >This is all true, it's just missing... a few details.
  2140. >Ever since you and Luna got closer, she has been a lot more open with you.
  2141. >Venting about her responsibilities and duties like she's never had a chance to before.
  2142. >"Surely she could have just... told me."
  2143. >You stop rocking.
  2144. "What do you mean?"
  2145. >Celestia puts her elbows down on the table, a defeated look on her face.
  2146. >"I share more of her duties than anyone else, why didn't she just talk to me about it, if it was such a burden to her. Both of us could ha-"
  2147. "That's simple."
  2148. >Celestia looks up at you, looking for an answer.
  2149. "She doesn't want to disappoint you. You're her big sister, the reigning monarch of this land."
  2150. >You pause a moment, looking up to the sky and at the sliver of moon in the night sky.
  2151. "Luna puts up a front of strength around you to keep you from worrying about her, lest she add more to your plate."
  2152. >Celestia sits transfixed on you, listening intently.
  2153. "You're a good person, Celestia. The entire country is lucky to have someone like you in it, but you worry too much. If Luna would complain to you about everything, you'd just try to... fix it all."
  2154. >"But of course, Its my du-"
  2155. "And you'd work yourself to death."
  2156. >She pipes down again, biting her tongue.
  2157. "Luna just needed someone to talk to. Someone to listen to her. Nothing needed fixing, or changing, but she just wanted someone she could trust to //be there//."
  2158. >"To be there, huh?"
  2159. "I make it sound like she's a problem child, but that's the general jist of it, yeah."
  2160. >Silence ensues between the two of you, and after a while you begins to pack away all of the trays and dishes left on the platter.
  2161. >Crap, she really looks depressed.
  2162. >Maybe you were too ham-fisted.
  2163. "Celestia... Luna loves you dearly, and wants more than anything to impress you. It may be a weird mentality of hers, believing that the only way to look strong is to show no weakness whatsoever, but that's just the type of girl Luna is."
  2164. >She sighs again, lifting her head from her hands, nodding.
  2165. "I'm sure as time goes by, Luna will become more accustomed to her responsibilities and open up more towards you as a helping hand, instead of just venting to me."
  2166. >You motion a guard over to take the tray away, thanking him silently as you help Celestia up.
  2167. "Don't beat yourself up over it, Celestia. You're one of the kindest people I know, and you can be sure that Luna loves you dearly, even if she does have a funny way of showing it."
  2168. >Celestia nods again, still obviously sad and probably overworked.
  2169. "We both do."
  2170. >You reach your hands out and wrap them around her back, hugging her lightly as she does the same.
  2171. "You're tired, aren't you? Let's get you up to bed."
  2172. >She nods into your hoodie and you break the hug, walking her back to her room.
  2173. >You hold her hand the whole way there, stopping at her door and wishing her a good night as she walks in.
  2174. >Crap, she's probably sad now.
  2175. >You sigh.
  2176. >Oh well, she'll be over it by tomorrow morning.
  2177. >You walk back through the hall, lined with yellows and red tapestries from wall to wall.
  2178. >"Anon!"
  2179. >You feel something crash into your back, nuzzling you tightly.
  2180. "Hey, Lulu. Speak of the devil, huh?"
  2181. >"Hm?"
  2182. >You smile.
  2183. "It's nothing."
  2184. >
  2185. >Today you wake up like you usually do, a curtain of dark blue starry hair drowning you.
  2186. >You sit up, careful to not pull any of Luna's hair as you do so, getting a few lone strands out from your mouth.
  2187. >Looking at her sleeping, it's hard to believe she'd be the confrontational, argumentative woman she is.
  2188. >Hard to believe such a small body can be so sexually driven, too.
  2189. >You roll your shoulders to knock out a knot in your back, throwing one of your legs off the side of the bed.
  2190. >Before you manage to get up, you feel a hand on your own, a soft grip holding you there.
  2191. >"Just a few more minutes..."
  2192. >You chuckle, lowering yourself back down to the bed, holding her hand in yours.
  2193. >What's the time, anyway?
  2194. >Peering at it in your peripheral vision, you manage to make out the clock through the dark.
  2195. >Seven, huh?
  2196. >Whatever, you have a few minutes to spare.
  2197. >Scootching back up the bed, you place your head on Luna's ribcage, rising and falling with her breaths.
  2198. "Got anything to do today?"
  2199. >It takes her a while to respond, and when she does, it's all croaky and sluggish.
  2200. >"Mhnn.. E- mails."
  2201. "Nothing else?"
  2202. >"Mh-mh."
  2203. >You'll take that as a no.
  2204. >You close your eyes, letting out a long breath.
  2205. "I've got to do our profit-loss statements today, kill me."
  2206. >Through her tired haze, Luna still manages to laugh quietly at your suffering.
  2207. "Oi, you're the princess, why aren't you involved in the budgeting of the castle?"
  2208. >"Because I have you to do that for me."
  2209. >You can't help but smile.
  2210. >After laying there another minute, you raise your head off of her and sit up straight, making sure you don't drift back off to sleep.
  2211. >Leaning down, you peck Luna lightly on the cheek, stroking her hair out of her face.
  2212. >She lifts her head about an inch to try give you one back but gives up, deeming it to be too tasking for this early in the morning.
  2213. >You let go of her hand, getting up and walking to your bathroom.
  2214. >She's up by the time you're ready, wrapped in her blanket that she brings with her every night.
  2215. >You run your hand through your hair, parting it away from your face.
  2216. >She walks up to the bathroom door, still in her half sleep delirium, resting in the doorway.
  2217. "Heading up to your room?"
  2218. >She nods.
  2219. "Sure you can make it?"
  2220. >Nod.
  2221. "I'll see you at breakfast, then."
  2222. >Nod.
  2223. >Picking herself up off the wall she walks towards your door, standing there for a few moments, mildly swaying.
  2224. "Forget something?"
  2225. >You stand there, across the room, waiting for her to move or reply.
  2226. >Without a word, she turns back around and moves towards you, speeding up with every step.
  2227. >You brace to catch her, but she stops herself right as you gets to you, standing on her tip toes.
  2228. >A quick peck to the lips and she turns back around towards the door once more.
  2229. >"Love you."
  2230. >You straighten your tie.
  2231. "Love you too."
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