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Feb 6th, 2011
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  125.                         <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href="" title="17:00" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">04.02.2011</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Stephanie Booth">Stephanie Booth</a></span>                    </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  128.                         <p class="bb-post-separator"><strong>[fr]</strong></p><div class="other-excerpt" lang="fr"><p class="oe-first-child">Notes de la conférence Lift11 à Genève.</p></div><p class="bb-post-separator"><strong>[en]</strong></p><script type="text/javascript">tweetcount_url='';tweetcount_title='Lift11: Jennifer Magnolfi, Programming space habitat';tweetcount_short_url='';tweetcount_cnt=1;tweetcount_src='RT @stephtara';tweetcount_via=false;tweetcount_size='small';tweetcount_api_key='R_17cd7163e45be0c37bbac4933dc4a5e0';</script><div style="float:right;margin-left:10px;"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div><p><em>Live and India-lagged notes from the <a href="">Lift11 Conference</a> in Geneva. Might contain errors and personal opinions. Use the comments if you spot nasty errors.</em></p>
  130. <p>Integration of technology in space habitats. Human Space Flight Program. Currently: extend human presence beyond low-earth orbit. So, the Moon, and long-duration stays on the Moon, and then Mars.</p>
  132. <p>So, beyond 2-3 days: real habitation.</p>
  134. <p>Exploring different kinds of designs. In the same mass of packing volume, you can have different solutions.</p>
  136. <p>Architectural concepts and operational concepts.</p>
  138. <p>Incremental expansion of human space exploration capabilities.</p>
  140. <p>This is now not just about surviving in space, but about living. 2.5 years of mission.</p>
  142. <p><em>steph-note: tired/headache tuned out, but there is a whole area of work about designing spaces people can live in for long-term missions</em></p>
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  243.     <p class="title">ok, doesn&#039;t seem to be the pharma hack described by @<a href="" class="external">pearsonified</a> /c @jwajsberg</p>
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  255.     <p class="title">wish google webmaster had a button for &quot;omg sorry my site is full of spam and I&#039;m trying to fix it, please don&#039;t punish me too much&quot;</p>
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  268.     <p class="title">well, at least I understand why I&#039;m having google indexing problems now -- just wish I could wipe this shit away from my site</p>
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  272.     <p class="title">the problem I&#039;m facing -- see what google sees when it crawls #<a href="">ctts</a> <a href="" class="external"></a> :-( (plugins and theme seem clean)</p>
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  276.     <p class="title">grmbl looks like I still have spam/malware on my site, anybody available to help out? #<a href="">ctts</a> </p>
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  280.     <p class="title">f*** (sorry for the language) google webmaster help shows #<a href="">ctts</a> is indexed as a load of spam, still :-(</p>
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  296. Somali pirates pose with their weapons. For all the efforts to combat it, piracy is posing an even greater threat to the world&rsquo;s shipping.">theeconomist:
  298. Somali pirates pose with their weapons. For all the efforts to combat it, piracy is posing an even greater threat to the world&rsquo;s shipping.</a></p>
  299.         <p><a href="" rel="me" class="external" title="The customer isn&rsquo;t paying us for whitespace. They&rsquo;re paying us to fit all of their marketing messages on this mailer. Fill it up with more text.">The customer isn&rsquo;t paying us for whitespace. They&rsquo;re paying us to fit all of their marketing messages on this mailer. Fill it up with more text.</a></p>
  300.         <p><a href="" rel="me" class="external" title="Untitled">Untitled</a></p>
  301.         <p><a href="" rel="me" class="external" title="A South Sudanese girl is more likely to die in childbirth than to learn to read and write.">A South Sudanese girl is more likely to die in childbirth than to learn to read and write.</a></p>
  302.         <p><a href="" rel="me" class="external" title="&hellip;that when you&rsquo;re buying books, you&rsquo;re optimistically thinking you&rsquo;re buying the time to read them.">&hellip;that when you&rsquo;re buying books, you&rsquo;re optimistically thinking you&rsquo;re buying the time to read them.</a></p>
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  305. kml:&nbsp; nowhere but higashi-ikebukuro (via guen-k)">ferrydust:
  307. kml:&nbsp; nowhere but higashi-ikebukuro (via guen-k)</a></p>
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  310. The Book of Tomorrow (by S H A N N O N)
  311. The Book of Tomorrow&nbsp;by Cecelia Ahern">reccicastlecobbles:
  313. The Book of Tomorrow (by S H A N N O N)
  315. The Book of Tomorrow&nbsp;by Cecelia Ahern</a></p>
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  318. Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don&rsquo;t: Traditional rewards aren&rsquo;t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories &mdash; and maybe, a way forward.">teachingliteracy:
  320. Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don&rsquo;t: Traditional rewards aren&rsquo;t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories &mdash; and maybe, a way forward.</a></p>
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  322.     <p class="ff-meta"><small><a href="" class="external">Sunday 2:46</a></small></p>
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  330.     <p class="ff-meta"><small><a href="" class="external">Saturday 22:34</a></small></p>
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