
Anon in Discordia - Chapter Two

Sep 9th, 2012
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  1. Chapter Two – A Misunderstood Person You Are
  8. >Groggily waking up, you flutter your eyes open in an attempt to look around where you are.
  9. >There isn’t much light here, only a very dim light bulb is illuminating the room in passive faded yellow.
  10. >As your eyes start to gain focus you can see on your body ropes are wrapped around yourself, stretching a bit you can tell they’re very tight.
  11. >Oh and there’s a lot of sharp things hanging off the walls.
  12. >You feel yourself pale a bit looking at each tool lying about the place and the many strange contraptions lying amuck.
  13. >Sharp things were never a good thing for anyone, ever.
  14. >Piles of metal can be just seen off to the side of your view along with other materials around it; a table sits in front of you.
  15. >You try your best to get out of the binds but they tightly hold you in place.
  16. >You can also see to the right of you something leading up, though you can’t tell what it is.
  17. “Where the fuck am I?” you question quietly to yourself doing your best not to freak out.
  18. >‘ANON!’ you hear sharply in your head. ‘I’ve been trying to talk to you for a while now! Where are you?’
  19. >Still struggling against the ropes to get free, you grunt in response to her.
  20. >Stupid fucking Twilight getting you into this bullshit, not the first day on your stupid quest of hers did you get captured here!
  21. “I have no idea, one second all I see is a dark place and the next I’m here. Something conked me out from the door way real hard and tied me up; I thought you had my back!”
  22. >‘I couldn’t see them! They must’ve been hiding in the dark for you.’
  23. “Well now that you CAN see, try and find me a way out okay?”
  24. >‘Hmmm…’ you hear her sound out. She must be looking around the room.
  25. >Good, she can do that and you can keep trying to unbind yourself from these ropes.
  30. >They don’t seem to be getting any looser but you refuse to stop hoping they will unbind if given enough attention.
  31. >‘Well this is interesting’ you hear Twilight speak in a curious tone.
  32. “What?”
  33. >‘I have NO idea where you are right now!’
  34. Stupid fucking….”Twiiiilight, you were SUPPOSED to be looking for a way out for me, not inspecting the place!”
  35. >‘Well all I see is a bunch of materials off to the side, a whole mess of tools lying about everywhere even off the walls and the only way out seems to be a set of stairs.
  36. >’I can’t be certain but, I don’t think your inside the Sugarcube Corner right now, they wouldn’t have something like THIS around.’
  37. “Well gee, thanks” you reply in a mocking tone.
  38. >‘If you get the chance ask them about it this place, it would be interesting to find this attached to Sugarcube Corner, I wonder what they use it for, oh maybe…’ you tune out her nonsensical blathering from your mind.
  39. >Just then you can hear a door creaking open, presumably from the stairs Twilight just mentioned.
  40. >A clip, clop, clip, clop could be heard growing louder with each step, creaking boards accompany these sounds.
  41. >Finally you can hear them stopping just off to the side of you where you can see something just standing there.
  42. >You see your captor step back walking behind you, humming while you presume it’s examining you.
  43. >Coming around to the front of you is another pony.
  44. >This one had long loose hair hanging from its body with a very quizzical face staring back at you, looking you up and down inspecting you.
  45. >It gives a sniff in your direction, the pony licking its lips slightly.
  46. >You can’t help but feel it is appraising you for something…
  47. >You could somewhat tell it was a girl from how the pony resembled Twilight in a feminine way.
  52. >‘Pinkie!’ you hear Twilight screech out.
  53. “Pinkie?” you question to Twilight.
  54. >You forgot you were speaking out loud and apparently what you said was some sort of trigger to the pony in front of you.
  55. >Its face immediately scrunches up in rage as she bares her teeth at you.
  56. >The pony immediately rears its forearm (forehoof?) back at you, slamming it against your jaw in a resounding Crack!
  57. >White is all you see in a flash, a single audible note rings in your ears as you try to stay conscious.
  58. >You fail at that as your head slumps down, knocked out.
  63. >You wake back up some time later, feeling pain immediately from your jaw, its presence thrumming into you.
  64. >You can taste blood as well, must’ve been a hell of a hit that pony gave you.
  65. >You can see you were repositioned slightly so you can spot the stairs more now, and the table is off the side of you; must’ve been when you got hit you think.
  66. “Twilight…” you coarsely speak quietly, your jaw making it very difficult to speak.
  67. >‘Anon, you’re awake! Are you feeling okay?”
  68. >Of course you weren’t feeling okay! You just got clocked in the damn face.
  69. “Feel…..shitty…” your slurred out reply was. “Hard…….”
  70. >‘Well if it’s hard to talk just direct what you want to say to me in your thoughts, we can speak like that!’
  71. ‘ I can just talk like this?’
  72. >‘Yep! Fascinating right?!’
  78. >God damn it Twilight should’ve told you something like that, your struggling with the rope more fervent than before to try and get lose.
  79. ‘Wasn’t that Pinkie fella one of the Elements you were discussing before?’ you question, trying to loosen the ropes.
  80. >‘Yeah, no that was my mistake.’
  81. >’That was Inkie, Pinkie’s sister.’
  82. >’Though it sure was a surprise seeing her hit you like that, she didn’t seem violent when I met her that one time at one of Pinkies parties.’
  83. >’She must be worried about her to hit you like that.’
  84. >You couldn’t fully agree with that assessment how she was looking at you.
  85. ‘Just, see if there’s something you might’ve missed here while I try to get out of the ropes here.’
  86. >And with that several boring hours pass by with you moving around inside your binds.
  87. >You didn’t feel much progress but hoped it would soon bear fruit with due time.
  88. >You can hear the door upstairs opening up with a creek, your actions stopping right there.
  89. >You hold still as can be, your arms slump down tired from moving about and chafed from the ropes rubbed raw on your skin.
  90. >Clip, clop, clip, clop, a slow step could be heard once more.
  91. >Was that supposed to be somewhat intimidating towards you or used to scare you?
  92. >Not so much intimidating when you know the steps belong to plushy looking ponies.
  93. >Oh look, it’s the same pony from before.
  94. >Goody, looks like she brought a friend with her!
  95. >Interesting that these ponies could come in different shapes and colors, the only major difference is those markers on their asses, tattoos maybe to identify them with perhaps?
  96. >The amber colored one had Cakes while Inkie didn’t have one, maybe she didn’t want one.
  97. >The one with the cake tattoos was squarer looking though, and a bit more colorful then the Inkie pony.
  102. >He was holding what appeared to be a cup.
  103. >Wait, how the hell is he holding that in his hooves?
  104. ‘Twilight, do you know who the fuck is that?’
  105. >‘Yeah, that’s Mr. Carrot Cake! He runs the Sugarcube Corner, but why is he here?’
  106. >’Maybe he wanted to see what came into his store?’
  107. >’Oooh! Maybe this room really IS attached to it, ask him that!’
  108. ‘Beat up jaw…remember?’
  109. >Yeah, you’re just gonna call him Mr. Cake instead.
  110. >Mr. Cake walks directly up to you and tilts your head back easily with your injured chin, shoving his glass to your lips pouring the contents into your mouth.
  111. >Ah, water.
  112. >You gulp down eagerly just now realizing how much you needed it.
  113. >After the cup was finished he drops his hoof from underneath your chin letting it fall down.
  114. >“Feeling better?”
  115. >You nod your head up and down as an answer, looking up to see the two just staring at you.
  116. >The dark toned pony, Inkie continues to staring a hole straight into your head, she looks barely contained.
  117. >As quick as she could, you see Inkie darted right up to you slamming her hooves on top of your bound legs, shoving her face directly into yours.
  118. >Holy fuck her hooves hurt.
  119. >“WHERE’S PINKIE?!”
  120. “F-fhuwat?” you garble out in a reply.
  121. >Your jaw was still throbbing in pain making it difficult to speak.
  126. >“You mentioned Pinkie just a while ago now where IS SHE?!”
  127. >Inkie lifts her hooves quickly then slams them full force into your legs.
  128. “Graghrugle!” you screech out.
  129. >Is she trying to break your fucking legs?!
  130. >You could already feel them becoming sore and tender from her weight being placed on them.
  131. >“Inkie! Back up, it’s not gonna be able to talk with that darn jaw like that.”
  132. >You see Mr. Cake pushing up against Inkie forcing her off of your legs, Inkie still full on glaring at you, nostrils flared and eyes slit narrowly to you as she huffed air in and out.
  133. >Mr. Cake was doing his best to shove her away from you, bumping the table off the side tools falling from the force.
  134. >“Now we just need to let its jaw heal and it can tell us where Pinkie and Twilight are, okay then Inkie?”
  135. >“It’s just another of those bucking Imaginati things roaming the places, why should I – “
  136. >“Inkie!” Mr. Cake says loudly, staring at the grey toned pony.
  137. >Inkie grits her teeth hard, turning her direction over to Mr. Cake.
  138. >He flinches slightly but holds his ground against her.
  139. >A few tense moments go by; the only thing heard is Inkies consistent hard breathing.
  140. >In a sudden jerk Inkie turns away from Mr. Cake and rushes up the stairs.
  141. >Mr. Cake just stares up from there watching the retreating form of Inkie before squaring his gaze at you.
  147. >“She should calm down soon enough; I don’t think you’re an Imaginati and I’m certain she knows that too but you are a stranger we’ve never seen before.”
  148. >”I also I know what I heard when you came in, you mentioned Twilight here.”
  149. >”Inkie says you called out her sister’s name when she came down here as well.”
  150. >”You best be straight with us when you can speak more clearly.”
  151. >A grumble can be heard right then, your stomach demanding attention at the moment.
  152. >“…..I’ll be back down with something soft to eat.”
  153. >Mr. Cake turns and heads back up the stairs, the door could be heard closing.
  154. >Only a few seconds later do you hear a major commotion coming from up above you, sounded like an argument was happening there.
  155. >Probably concerning what to do with you, you suppose.
  156. ‘Twilight, what the fuck was that?’
  157. >‘Well, I’m not sure. I’ve never seen anypony that upset to hurt somepony before like that!’
  158. ‘….Twilight, were you sheltered as a child or something?’
  159. >‘Why would I be sheltered, I lived with the Princess since I was a little filly!’
  160. ‘I see…’
  161. >Fucking sheltered pony, this was going to get old real fast with her around.
  162. >You can hear the door opening up from the stairs once more.
  163. >And there’s the creaking board sound.
  164. >You see Mr. Cake walking down with a plate held in his mouth.
  170. >Placing it on the table beside you, he grabs what looks like a rainbow colored pastry.
  171. >You see him playing around with it until he walks over with a small piece easy enough to slip inside your mouth.
  172. >After feeding you the pastry and another small glass of water the pony retreats back upstairs leaving you somewhat full from the small meal.
  173. >And now you’re alone once more.
  174. >You continue your struggling in the ropes trying to get lose somehow.
  175. >This goes on for what seems like several hours just trying to get out and away from the psychotic ponies here.
  176. >‘Anon, I don’t think that’s going to work. You’ve been doing that for so long without any improvement.’
  177. ‘Well what else am I supposed to do here?’
  178. >‘Once your jaw is healed you can just explain why you’re here, the situation should then be resolved!’
  179. ‘…you really believe they’re just going to up and believe that I was magically whisked away from my land to help them out here?’
  180. >‘It depends on how you put out the information Anon. For example, just explain who I am and how I can talk to you in your head!’
  181. ‘….so instead they’ll think I’m some strange looking person they’ve never seen before that has someone they know just capable of talking in their head?’
  182. >‘Yep!’
  188. ‘They’ll think I’m a freaking loony!’
  189. >‘Well with THAT attitude they will.’
  190. ‘Look, just, I’ll think of something to say.’
  191. >You pause a moment trying to recall what the two ponies said earlier.
  192. ‘Hey Twilight, what’s this Imaginati that those two ponies were talking about?’
  193. >‘I..I have no idea. Hold on one moment okay, let me see if there’s something in the books I have here.’
  194. ‘Not like I have much a choice there…’
  195. >You wished there was something to keep your mind on as you struggle slowly against your binds.
  196. >Small little steps could be heard up above you, a sign they were moving about upstairs.
  197. >Twilight came back for a moment stating she couldn’t find any information on what an Imaginati was but would continue searching.
  198. >Time flew by as you sat there unable to move or speak at the moment.
  199. >You could feel yourself getting drowsy though from the lack of activity and swiftly fall asleep.
  205. >You’re lying on a beach, enjoying the sun as it beams its rays on you.
  206. >Down on a towel with nothing on but a pair of shorts and sunglasses you stretch a bit in your prone position feeling pretty damn good.
  207. >Reaching over beside your umbrella you pick up your Pina Colada and take a cool sip out of the coconut shell.
  208. >What a relaxing place here, you could lie here and never leave so long as you had your drinks in supply.
  209. >You see your drink refilling upon command in the shell, a happy thought of forever drinking the intoxicating beverage leaves you with a smile.
  210. >You’d usually try and figure out how you go to such a place but couldn’t find any fucks to give at the moment.
  211. >Lifting your head you look around you once more, the view was amazing.
  212. >Crystal sparkling clear water, a blanket of white sand outstretched before you, a purple unicorn standing by your feet, wide open blue sky not a cloud in sight.
  213. >Life was pretty damn perfect at the moment.
  214. >Wait, purple unicorn? You sit straight up, looking directly at it and the thing waves at you.
  215. >“Hey there Anon.” you see it look around. “Nice place you have here”
  216. “Bwhauahaha!”
  217. >You fucking stand straight up and do a full sprint down the beach, Pina Colada in hand (No drink left behind!) trying to run from the cute abomination.
  223. >“Wait, Anon! Come back!”
  224. >Fuck that shit; you don’t listen to a creepy ass purple unicorn, toked up or not!
  225. >You sprint like hell down the beach, though difficult without shoes or pavement here.
  226. >You look back seeing that thing started chasing you!
  227. >Downing your drink in one go, you chuck the shell straight at the things head.
  228. >With a loud sounding Clonk! you see a direct hit was achieved, shell now properly adorned on the unicorns head.
  229. “Bulls eye Mother Fu-“
  230. >Splash!
  231. >You see nothing but water now; holy fuck the ocean ate you!
  232. >You struggle to swim to the top but the darn thing kept pulling you back under.
  233. >It became hard to breath with no air trying to hold your breath for dear life.
  234. >You feel yourself getting light headed from the lack of air trying best not to breathe as you attempt to rise.
  235. >Your body thrashes for air though, and with that you take a deep gulp…
  241. >You try and thrash about but it feels like you got caught on some seaweed that got bound up against you. How the fuck did that happen?
  242. >Opening your eyes as you splutter out water, you see a blurry figure standing in front of you, looking oddly like a shaped horse.
  243. >“Ooops, missed your mouth.”
  244. >Trying to take deep breaths to assure that you are not drowning and are in fact not in the ocean you can see that Inkie pony threw water on your face, a cocky ass grin planted on her face.
  245. >“Darn it Inkie go back upstairs I’ll feed the thing.”
  246. >“But Mr. Cake, I didn’t MEAN to shove that water up its nose and all over it!”
  247. >You see it now has a hoof just lying on your cheek, tilting you directly in its face as it gleams out a smile reaching from ear to ear.
  248. >“It’s not like I tried to drown it or anything.”
  249. >“INKIE! Just, go!”
  250. >The pony leans to the side of you, its head close to the side of your own.
  251. >“I’m going to find what you know on Pinkie then keep you to myself, you’re just too interesting to let loose from me my little pet…” she whispers to you quickly.
  252. >The fuck?
  253. >Mr. Cake walks up to Inkie in an attempt to get her off but she quickly slides off your body.
  254. >You see the grey toned pony staring directly into you, the movement from her hoof from before having reawaken the pain in your jaw.
  255. >Your sights get sucked into her purple orbs, more out of fear of looking away from her direction.
  256. >The pony quickly shoots you a grin, and with that she immediately goes back upstairs, leaving Mr. Cake feeding you another pastry thing.
  257. >After feeding time for you Mr. Cake leaves you to yourself; you feel very vulnerable all of a sudden tied to the chair there.
  263. >Inkie sure had a different tone to her this time around calling you her ‘pet’; you didn’t like it very much what she had in mind for you.
  264. >There was something seriously wrong with that Inkie pony here, whispering that very odd message to you.
  265. >You needed out, the sooner the better.
  266. ‘Twilight, are you there?’
  267. >‘Anon? Yeah here, still haven’t figured what those Imaginati they were talking about. Try asking them when they come back, they can probably tell you.’
  268. ‘No, that’s not what I wanted to ask. I need to know if you can use any type of magic to spell me outta here.’
  269. >‘Sorry can’t do magic of that caliber so far away from you, most I can do is the whole speaking to you.’
  270. >Shit, there goes that idea.
  271. ‘Well can’t you speak to them like you are to me right now and get them to let me go?’
  272. >‘Once again, no. I only had a single crystal left after I made the portal, accidently of course, and this spell took every drop of it just to cast it on you back in your world which allows me to talk to you whenever I want.’
  273. >‘Sorry I can’t be of help here…’
  274. >You just sigh at that. Figures you’re on your own here.
  275. >Time just seems to pass by very slowly for you.
  276. >You forgo struggling against the ropes, your wrists feel burnt out and raw from your attempt to free yourself.
  277. >Hours go by just sitting in this room.
  278. >You don’t understand why they don’t just force you to speak even with the swollen jaw.
  279. >Guess they want to be civilized about this you figure.
  280. >You feel yourself getting tired once more and with reluctance to do so you fall asleep once more.
  286. >You wake up trying to clear your eyes of the sleep but can’t, have forgotten you were tied up.
  287. >Thankfully this time you are alone here as far as you can see.
  288. >You jaw feels in alright shape by now, definitely not as swollen as before.
  289. >You wonder how long it took to heal that injury.
  290. ‘Hey Twilight, you there?’
  291. >A pause hangs in the air from your question.
  292. ‘Twilight?’
  293. >‘Oh, sorry… was trying to recharge some of these crystals, it’s….very tiring to do so and so much more to go, I’m not even close to a tenth of one of them.’
  294. ‘Oookay then, well I was just wondering how long I was asleep, or better yet how long I’ve been here.’
  295. >‘Including your entry to the place I’d have to say about two days or so.’
  296. ‘Two days?! Well fuck, doesn’t that sort of set us back or anything?’
  297. >‘Yes but there isn’t much we can do until we start collecting the artifacts so –‘
  298. >You hear the door opening suddenly, slamming up against the wall.
  299. >Descending from the stairs you can see the two ponies from before, both Mr. Cake and Inkie standing beside one another in front of you.
  300. >Mr. Cake walks up to you checking your jaw, seeing it’s healed to his standards before nodding to himself, stepping back beside Inkie
  307. >“Okay I believe your jaws healed up nicely enough to speak, now mind telling us who and what you are, why you’re here and most importantly what you know of both Twilight and Pinkie?”
  308. >“Are you serious?!” Inkie redirect’s her stare at Mr. Cake. “You can’t just talk to it all nonchalantly, you need to show that thing who the boss is! Be more aggressive here, maybe a smack or two would-”
  309. >“Inkie, I believe we already discussed we would do this my way here?”
  310. >Inkie just grimaces at the amber colored pony before whipping her head away from him.
  311. >“Fine, just hurry up.”
  312. >Mr. Cake turns to you once more repeating his question as before.
  313. ‘Twilight, what should I say?’
  314. >‘Just tell them the truth! I’m sure they’ll understand the situation.’
  315. >With a heavy sigh at the stupidity of this, you go with Twilights plan and explain to them how you crossed to different worlds, how Twilight ‘borrowed’ you to help with this problem of theirs against Discord and how she is currently talking to you in your head.
  316. >Mr. Cake just gives you a dumbfounded look like it’s hard to believe, Inkie just gives you a deadpanned expression.
  317. >“You really expect us to believe that?” Inkie says. “Do you have any proof of what you just said, or that she is talking to you right now?”
  318. >“Uuum” you grumble out, trying to think of something here.
  319. ‘Twilight, a little help here, give me something to make it believable.’
  320. >‘..alright, I think I got something. Just repeat exactly what I say.’
  321. ‘Okay’
  322. “Cross my heart, hope to fly? Stick a….cupcake….in my eye? Twilight, this isn’t a fucking joke here!!!”
  329. >Strange enough you hear Mr. Cake chuckle at what you said.
  330. >“Yeah, I remember Pinkie having her and the girls say that all the time as promises” you hear Mr. Cake say.
  331. >“So that story you said before is true after all, huh?”
  332. >“What?!” you hear Inkie exclaim quite loudly.
  333. >“Please don’t tell me you believe that from something anyone could have picked up from my sister!?”
  334. >“I’m gonna give the fella the benefit of the doubt here.” Mr. Cake replies to Inkie.
  335. >“Now if I untie you, will you stay put and not be a hindrance to us?”
  336. “Yes!”
  337. >“Buck no!” Inkie cracks out.
  338. >“That story just doesn’t make sense Mr. Cake! I mean, it’s even wearing one of those darn coats those Imaginati wear!”
  339. “Okay, seriously. What the fuck is an Imaginati?” you ask.
  340. >“You don’t know?” Mr. Cake says. You can hear Inkie groan in frustration.
  341. >“The Imaginati are those creatures that Discord made to roam around making everything ‘orderly’ chaotic where he is not. Don’t know where the name came from though…”
  342. >Mr. Cake tilts his head quizzically at you.
  343. >“You wearing one doesn’t put much confidence you won’t try to attack us though….”
  344. >You can see Inkie smiling at this, hoping to get Mr. Cake back on her side.
  351. “I saw one of those things just standing outside slapping animals around.” You quickly reply.
  352. “So I beat the crap out of it, it turned into a weird black cloud and vanished. It left this cloak behind which fit me enough to wear, need to wear if from the weather and all, right?”
  353. >“Well I’ll be, you actually beat one of those things!” Mr. Cake says in a surprising manner.
  354. >You can hear Inkie’s teeth grinding with her jaw clenched tightly, staring at you.
  355. >“Well darn, anything that can beat those can’t be that bad! Let me just get you outta those ropes here…” you see Mr. Cake walking up to release you.
  356. >Yes, freedom!
  357. >“Mr. Cake, wait!”
  358. >Inkie goes up to him, pushing the orange pony away from you.
  359. >“I particularly don’t trust the guy; I mean we haven’t even talked to the others up top about this!”
  360. >Shut up you stupid grey pony!
  361. >“Plus if it could beat up one of those things, what’s to say it won’t do the same to us?”
  362. >”I say we go upstairs and talk about this, give it a day before we go about releasing the guy and all WITH everyone’s agreements, okay?”
  367. >Mr. Cake hums at this, looking to the side in thought for a bit.
  368. >“Yes…I guess that sounds reasonable here.”
  369. >NO!
  370. >“Right, let’s go and talk about this more upstairs, k?”
  371. >“Sorry stranger, just tough it out a little more and we’ll see what to do with you.”
  372. >And with that they both retreat back upstairs, leaving you tied to the damn chair.
  373. >You feel pretty darn pissed off right about now, so close to getting out too.
  374. >You scream out explicates and damnation all around inside your head, not wanting your ‘hosts’ to hear it.
  375. >After a few minutes you finally calm down to a reasonable level, your breath heavy in the air.
  376. >‘You know’ you hear in your head, Twilight popping out of nowhere once more ‘you’ve got some anger problems. Wanna talk about it?’
  377. ‘Fuck off Twilight’ you respond in an angry tone. ‘Not in the mood right now to listen to you at all.’
  378. >‘Hmph! Well fine, be a rude pony right now, I’ll just go back to charging these crystals here. Just try not to do anything stupid while I’m away?’
  379. >Once more, you’re left alone sitting there hopeful you’ll be out soon.
  380. >You’re surprised you hadn’t had the need to use the restroom at all; of course you haven’t been eating much so nothing to produce as shit and piss.
  381. >You could really use a shower though, you felt really dirty and in need of one.
  382. >Time passed you by sitting in that chair in the dimly lit room.
  383. >You started to feel drowsy and soon fell back to sleep once more.
  389. >A sharp blast of pain could be felt on your chest, like something slammed into you at full force.
  390. >You jolt your head up suddenly, croaking out a groan, the lack of air in you making it mute.
  391. >Your vision slowly clears itself from its sleep, as does the vision of one grey toned pony once more grinning at you.
  392. >“Sorry, did I wake you?”
  393. >Inkie slams her hooves on your legs like she did before but with added force.
  394. >You scrunch up your face from the attack.
  395. >You go to wail out your pain but find your mouth quickly being stuffed full with something; you recognize it as cloth.
  396. >You look straight at her, the pony just giving you a slight smile.
  397. >“We wouldn’t want to wake everyp0ny up from their sleep, would we? Oh no, can’t have that. You must be quiet here.”
  398. >She walks around you and out of your vision.
  399. >You can hear her humming to herself; little clangs and shuffles sound out in a silent manner behind you.
  400. >She returns walking on her hind legs; you didn’t even know they could do that, with her forehooves holding a bulging bag, her back turned to you.
  401. >She wobbly goes to the table on the side of you and shoves the bag onto the table, loud bits of clangs could be heard from it.
  402. >Inkie immediately pushes herself against the table in an attempt to muffle the noises, her ear pointing up to see if anyone heard.
  403. >Half a minute later she stands back up and onto her usual quad way of walking once more going through the bag.
  409. >“You see, it didn’t take much effort at all to get them to understand what a daaangerous creature you are, lying about that silly story of yours to them.”
  410. >Returning your sight to Inkie’s front you see her slowly making her way to you.
  411. >A glint of light could be seen quickly from her hair but it disappears as she turns around, sitting on your lap with her back against you.
  412. >It was uncomfortable to say the least as you were tied up with her weight on you.
  413. >Inkie leans back into your chest, her hoof coming up to your face slowly stroking it.
  414. >You try to tell her to fuck off but it only comes out muffled.
  415. >“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you,” Inkie replies quietly to you, “you’re gonna have to sound out a bit more clearly.”
  416. >Inkie leans over to your side sitting on you as she bites your earlobe; you feel more pressure against your lap, her body forcing itself into your groin.
  417. >You feel your lobe break skin as she earnestly begins to suckle on the blood coming from it, that fucking hurt you bitch!
  418. >You can feel a heat coming into your lap as she roughly grinds into your crotch, your manhood reacting quickly to the forced sexual feel against your will.
  419. >You hear her groan on in your ear suckling your lobe which turns into a chuckle.
  420. >She lets go of your ear, pressing her face up against yours forcing it to the side.
  421. >You can feel her other hoof prodding downwards between her legs onto your erect region
  422. >“Oooh, someone’s getting excited here….” she slowly licks from the side of your cheek up your face, reaching to the side of your eye as she directly looks into it, “but I didn’t give you permission to do so.”
  423. >You can see her slowly move a hoof up to her hair, retrieving a long metal needle from her mane.
  430. >You really need to ask Twilight how ponies can hold things in their hooves.
  431. >She holds it up to your eye, the tip barely making contact as she keeps looking directly into your sights.
  432. >Your heart beats hard, pumping at an intense speed inside of you.
  433. >You can see her eyes widening slightly, her purple rimmed eyes turning into small pinpricks, her ears flattening up and pinned back against her head.
  434. >A long taut open grin grows across her face tightly, her breath hard on your face.
  435. >“So for that, you must be puh-nished”
  436. >Inkie slowly turns the needle in front of your eye, the glint of metal reflecting off of it.
  437. >Slowly you can feel her legs spread on either side of your bound legs, her grinding becoming slowed down but not waning from activity.
  438. >The needle gradually removes itself from your eye being raised in the air, your heart thumping from over exertion, what the fuck is wrong with this pony?!
  439. >In a flash she brings her needle down, imbedding it into your inner right thigh deeply.
  440. “URRRRGH!!!!”
  441. >You bolt up in the air from the pain, Inkie bouncing into your lap along with you; a groan of pleasure is emitted from Inkie at this.
  442. >You try to scream out in pain but the cloth smothers out your voice.
  443. >You can feel blood very slowly bleed out into your pants from your wound, your crotch feeling heated where Inkie sits.
  444. >You hear her groan lustily at your pain as she brings her arm around you directing your sights into her gaze.
  445. >She lets out a heavy breath, her crazed looks strikingly clear on her face.
  446. >“You see, I’m quite certain you know that I know you know where Pinkie is…”
  452. “I don’t know where she is!” you scream out, but due to the cloth it warps into incoherent gibberish.
  453. >She presses her forehead up against yours, pressing down on it forcefully.
  454. >“Oh ,shshsh, there, sshhhh…” she stares hard into your eyes, her excited breath beating down on your face.
  455. >“You see, I’ve already had a nice talk with the folks here and they AAALLL agreed to release you…”
  456. >You feel something being left in the air here…
  457. >“But I convinced them you might be a danger to them, what with being able to beat up one of those Imaginati’s and all…”
  458. >You feel her once more grinding hard into your lap, the feeling becoming dampened wet from her activity.
  459. >“So, I, myself, PERSONALLY…..volunteered to take you out of here…”
  460. >Your eyes widen at the implications to what she just said.
  461. >“I told them I would take you far, FAR away from here, and I might be a while with it….”
  462. >She slowly licks your chin, continuing up along your mouth and nose leaving a wet trail on your face.
  463. >“And I’ll have AAALL the time I need to find out where Pinkie is, and to enjoy my toy better alone….”
  464. >Fucking crazy pony! You see her slowly reach behind her head once again, pulling out another needle.
  465. >Your eyes widen at the shining metal held up high in her hoof.
  466. >“But for now, why not have some…fun…”
  467. >She quickly slams the second needle into you, this time into your left thigh.
  468. >You muffle out a scream in anguish at the pain, once more jolting back in the air which only excites her even more.
  475. >Inkie pivots her body around so her front is facing you as she sits in your lap.
  476. >She pushes on of her hooves down between her thighs moving your hidden erection in line with her hoof held in place, her head placed beside your head tilted down.
  477. >You can feel her grind into you harder, her backside hitting the two needles on opposite ends slowly being hit with each thrust she makes on your body.
  478. >You whimper out each time she hits them with her body which only makes her activity harder on you.
  479. >You can feel a cold, clammy sweat envelope you from fear of the demented pony.
  480. >Her breathing becomes heavy with pants on your neck as she crushes up against her hoof and your bulging groin in your now moistened pants, small whimpers coming from her.
  481. >You try to call out to Twilight, really anyone but can’t seem to find a way to think clearly, your mind becoming blank to anything but what was happening here.
  482. >Your mind is dizzying in and out, your heart constantly beating on you.
  483. >She wraps her other hoof around your tethered body, biting down hard against your shoulder as her activity speeds up dramatically, her pumping on your groin and her hoof becoming furious, the pain from the needles becoming clearer.
  484. >Her moaning becomes louder, but muffled through her clenched teeth on your shoulder.
  485. >A loud thump could be heard from above signaling someone was up. Inkie slowly stops her movements, breathing heavily on you, her saliva dribbling down your shoulder.
  486. >You force air quickly through your nose, your heart beating madly.
  487. >She lightly releases your shoulder from her biting, leaning her forehead on it.
  488. >“Th-they woke up early.” A long winded sigh is heard from her. “Oh, poo. I was, sooo close too…”
  496. >She leans back against the needles sitting up once more in your lap, a whimper being forced from your throat.
  497. >Her other hoof trails alongside your face, her wet sex leaving your side slick with the stuff.
  498. >“But that’s okay, I’ll have time to play with my new pet later…”
  499. >She whips her body off of you on the side, slowly coming up against the middle of your legs.
  500. >You eye her as she kneels down in between them, placing a hoof on both needles before biting your groined pants, tugging back and pulling away with her teeth clenched.
  501. >She gave you that same look from before, the creepy grin reappearing once more.
  502. >With a quick sharp tug she pulls out both needles, another shock of pain surfacing on your legs as a whimper comes from your silenced throat.
  503. >She slowly licks both needles from your blood, staring at you the entire time.
  504. >Once cleaned she returns to her bag and places them in there.
  505. >“I didn’t even get to play with my other instruments in here. Well, I guess later we can have some more fun.”
  506. >She slowly places the bag off the table and behind you before trotting quickly up the stairs to see to the ponies upstairs.
  507. >Your breathing becomes haggard quickly trying to get more oxygen in.
  508. >She forgot to take the cloth out!
  509. >You tilt the chair back and forth as you tried to force the cloth from your mouth, the air going to your nostrils not enough in your current state as you panic.
  510. >You feel your world floating for a brief moment before you collapse on your side.
  517. >You shove your tongue up against the material, and in a few seconds the cloth gets dislodged from your throat.
  518. >You breath heavy gulps of air, sweat beading all over you.
  519. >You can still feel the pain in your legs as some blood becomes present on your pants.
  520. >You really needed to get out of here, fast.
  521. >And hit something as well, you feel frustrated and violated from that pony.
  522. >Your fists would do well to make you feel a bit better about the situation.
  523. >A few minutes pass by; your breathing becomes normal once more.
  524. >You still feel out of it and your heart won’t stop its quick beating though as you attempt your muscles to relax from the tension before.
  525. >You keep hearing thumps upstairs, just what were they doing?
  526. >A few more minutes go by; your heart slowly begins to slow down, your head clearing out more.
  527. >Clangs could be heard up there, along with some unintelligible yelling.
  528. >A crash could be heard, sounded like glass breaking.
  529. >All of a sudden the door crashed back open and a body is thrown downstairs.
  530. >You can see it’s the body of Mr. Cake.
  531. >Dear god did Inkie get him too?!
  532. >Your heart starts to beat up once more as you stare at Mr. Cake whom groans from the flight down the stairs.
  538. >“Should’ve just listened to me here, now stay there while I go take who I want out here.”
  539. >You didn’t recognize that voice, it sounded rough and male to you.
  540. >You see Mr. Cake weakly struggle to standing up but the fall must have jarred him up quite a bit.
  541. >“Leave us be!” Mr. Cake grumble out quietly, only you could hear them though.
  542. >You easily put two and two together here; someone must’ve busted in and is doing harm against the ponies upstairs.
  543. >You might be able to work with this.
  544. “Hey, hey!” you call out to Mr. Cake getting his attention.
  545. “I can help you out here, just untie me and I’ll deal with the guy!”
  546. >Mr. Cake wearily looks at you, then up the stairs, once more back to you.
  547. >He takes a deep gulp of air, doing his best to find words in his shaky form.
  548. >“How do I know you won’t just, turn around and hurt us?”
  549. >Fucking Inkie, convincing them that stupid shit.
  550. “Look, just promise that after I get this guy you help me out by letting me go afterwards, that’s all I ask.”
  551. >Mr. Cake stares at you, trying to come up with a decision to make here.
  552. “Twilight wouldn’t want any…pony being hurt and so under that obligation I am here to help you.”
  553. >Of course that was a fucking lie; you would’ve bolted out of there in an instant.
  554. >But they still have your bag plus supplies here, and beating up a pony making trouble upstairs shouldn’t be too difficult.
  555. >With a bit of hesitation, you see Mr. Cake slowly making his way to your back, unwinding the ropes with his teeth and hooves.
  562. >Wait, how did they manage to tie you up in the first place without hands?
  563. >So many questions here, but you hold back from asking as Mr. Cake loosened you up until the binds around your arms came free.
  564. >With your arms free, you quickly go down to your feet undoing the knots around those.
  565. >Slowly you stand back up to full height but nearly fall back down from your punctured legs
  566. >You see Mr. Cake somewhat cowering at you, he must’ve forgotten how tall you were and it intimidated the guy.
  567. >You hobble your way up the stairs to the still open door, looking around the place for whatever intruder there was.
  568. >Walking into the place, you see you are placed by one of the shelves held inside what looked like a kitchen, a shelf itself tilted off to the side.
  569. >Must’ve been what was hiding the door and thereof the room downstairs.
  570. >You see a lot of broken glass about and much of the kitchen wares cluttered about.
  571. >The chaos doesn’t appear to be too present here; the walls were the only thing to be affected in this entire place with how they looked warped inwards.
  572. >You see a doorway off to the side and sluggishly make your way to it.
  573. >You see the entrance way once more, a small dim light being present this time around.
  574. >A small group of ponies are cowering in the corner, their eyes stuck on you like you were about to eat them.
  575. >On the other side you see Inkie, sprawled against the floor knocked out.
  576. >Well, there’s one good thing out of the way. Just need to beat up this pony and be on your way.
  583. “Where the intruder?” you ask the grouped ponies.
  584. >None of them answer you, must be too scared to even speak.
  585. “Quickly, where. Is . The intruder!”
  586. >Your forceful voice makes them jump a bit.
  587. >One of the ponies, this once cream colored, pointing out the doorway.
  588. >You make your way out of the entrance way with heavy feet, trying to forget the pain in them.
  589. “Stop right there!” you shout out.
  590. >You didn’t see the intruder immediately but hoped the screaming would stop the pony once it heard you.
  591. >“What was that?” you hear gravelly being directed at you over on your right.
  592. >Looking over you see, well, it’s definitely NOT a pony.
  593. >It looks like an overgrown dog hunched over itself, its arms appearing to reach to the ground and tiny ass legs holding its bulking form somehow.
  594. >A big fucker here, you thought.
  595. >And he was holding a pony, this one minty colored to it.
  596. >You could see its eyes were held on you, as if asking for help.
  597. >But fuck man, you thought it was a small pony not an overgrown demon dog.
  598. >Couldn’t just walk away either, you did just call it out and all.
  599. “Unhand the minty pony and back off you overgrown pile of shit.”
  600. >Well, that definitely pissed it off as a scowl was directed to you.
  601. >The dog lightly tosses the pony to the side, its small body bouncing off the ground in a heap.
  602. >The pony pulls itself away from the dog as it makes its way to you in a light jog, its tiny legs doing surprisingly well to pick up speed.
  607. >You see it pulls its arm back and attempts to slap you down.
  608. >You jump back from the attack as it smacks the ground loudly.
  609. >Your legs feel battered though as pinpricks of pain reawaken at your thighs.
  610. >You needed to make this quick, not sure how long your legs would last here.
  611. >The demon dog continues its attacks swinging arm after arm at you, attempting to slam you into the ground in massive swipes.
  612. >Strange enough this reminded you of Thor a bit.
  613. >A plan quickly formulates in your head.
  614. >When it swipes its left arm at you, you slide on the outside of it and quickly snap your legs at its little limbs, using your weight for the attack where your legs had no real force.
  615. >You hear a satisfying snap from the contact, a wail of agony coming from the dog.
  616. >You weren’t fast enough to get away though as it slaps its massive arm into your chest, making you soar away.
  617. >You thump against the ground rolling across the surface as you made contact with it, dirt flies all over you, your head feeling jumbled about.
  618. >You can feel blood dripping down your face as you heard the dog still yowling in pain from your attack.
  619. >You feel dizzy from the dogs strike but persist in standing up on weak legs.
  620. >Trying to get your breath back you see the dog is now kneeling on one of its arms, the damaged limb was shown at an awkward angle.
  621. >You take a moment to clear your double vision, getting some much needed oxygen.
  622. >That dog wasn’t going anywhere no more but could still make an attack on the ponies and more importantly, you.
  623. >Doing your best to forget the throbbing pain in your legs you quickly make towards the dog.
  629. >It was slow on your charge as it dealt with its pain; you ran on its side and make a jump on its back holding its neck in a clench.
  630. >You roughly try slamming your knees into its back using the same strategy when up against Thor.
  631. >Sadly it doesn’t seem to have as much of an effect, your damaged legs just weren’t giving enough force on the weak attacks of your, the dog just ignoring you trying to shrug you off.
  632. >So you do the next best thing by tightening your grip around its tiny head trying to knock it out.
  633. >The dog, noticing your change up in attacks, immediately starts slamming its arms against its back to get you off.
  634. >You wondered why it didn’t just grab you and throw you off.
  635. >The beating was just as weak as your legs but they still had an effect, you continued to hold its neck in a tight clamp as your struggled to keep on.
  636. >You could hear its breathing becoming harder and harder as it started to choke, your breathing matching its.
  637. >Your back felt bruised and beaten up from the dog’s relentless attacks over and over to get you off.
  638. >You could see its arms where becoming heavier, you felt a pang of relief this was going your way.
  639. >Finally with a small grunt, you growl out with one final bit of energy and successfully stop its breathing, though in an unintentional manner as you hear a snap.
  640. >The dog quickly collapses on its face, its life snuffed out from your own hands.
  641. >You roll of its body in a thump with your face to the sky panting for air.
  642. >Your vision becomes blurred as you look at the pink clouds and dark rainbow colored sky.
  643. >A minty looking pony could be seen in your sights trying to talk to you before you black out.
  651. >Slowly, you feel yourself awakening on top of something soft and fluffy.
  652. >A nice change from the chair and all.
  653. >You open your eyes to look at where you were currently held at.
  654. >You see a few dozen ponies looking at you.
  655. >You recognize Mr. Cake standing beside a light blue pony and two little ponies being held by them.
  656. >You see the minty colored one standing off to the side of you and the cream colored on beside it.
  657. >So many different ponies here for you to remember them all right then.
  658. >You feel your body wanting more sleep from your over exhausted muscles and slowly droop your eyes down.
  659. >You immediately feel a pressure inside of you, it needed loose right there.
  660. >You quickly look around seeing a door off to the side, spotting only a sink from your view.
  661. >Without a moment to waste you dump your body on the floor, shuffling to the room and slamming it shut.
  662. >The ponies just look at one another from the strange behavior until they heard a quick stream of water on the other side.
  663. >“Well, the guy HAS been tied to a chair for three days, hasn’t been to a restroom and all” you could hear a pony state to the others gathered there.
  664. >“There’s some soaps and a towel in there if you would like a shower!” you hear from a feminine voice say.
  670. >Looking around you see the items.
  671. >Stripping quickly you proceed to clean them to the best of your ability, the crotch needed extra attention.
  672. >You see on the countertop they tried to leave you some clothing, a shirt to be specific, how thoughtful of them.
  673. >You weren’t even aware how they managed to make clothing or what they did with clothing in this world.
  674. >Getting the water out of your clothing and letting them drip dry, you jump in the shower and blast hot water on you.
  675. >You just now notice your injuries are pretty healed up, even the punctures on your legs though it still stung; how the fuck did that happen?
  676. >Your thighs burned like fiery hell, but you could still walk.
  677. >The hot water does well on you though relieving some of the tension in your muscles from a good hot shower.
  678. >You quickly scrub off all the grime and sweat accumulated on you, being gentle around your thighs for obvious reasons.
  679. >You just stand there for a bit letting the water beat down on you not really sure when the next time you would have another shower.
  680. >You hear shuffling on the other side of the door as you let the hot water pelt down against you.
  681. >Feeling fully drenched and relaxed you get out and dry off.
  682. >Putting on the red and black shirt the left you, you could feel it was obviously made for a pony in mind since it hugged tightly to your neck.
  683. >You put on your still damp clothing hoping it would dry in time as you make your way out.
  689. >You see only a few p0nies this time around, Mr. Cake, the cream colored pony and the minty one you saved earlier.
  690. >Mr. Cake walks up to you and hands you your bag.
  691. >“Here I filled it up with as much food and supplies I could before it started glowin’, couldn’t get any more after that. Ms. Redheart healed most of your injuries she could. ”
  692. >You grab the bag, slinging it over yourself.
  693. “Tell her thanks, and thank you for returning the bag. It was a…gift from Twilight, guess it just filled up and wouldn’t take any more in.”
  694. >“So you really do know Twilight? Cause the way Inkie made it out…”
  695. >You become rigid once you hear Inkie’s name, looking around for the retched little pony.
  696. >“It’s alright, she’s still asleep from that dog knocking her senseless. We appreciate you stopping the diamond dog from kidnapping Lyra, even though you killed the guy.”
  697. >Well, it was him or me you think to yourself. You see Mr. Cake frown at you.
  698. >“Inkie’s… been very off with knowledge that her sister Pinkie isn’t around here. She was just frantic without knowing where she was, I hope you understand that.”
  699. >The fuck you will!
  700. >Stupid crazy ass pony, you hoped she was in a fucking coma.
  701. >You feel like she was just using her sister as an excuse, trying to get you outta the place for her to ‘release’ you, conveniently in her care with none the wiser here.
  702. >You pull out of your thoughts seeing the minty pony walk up to you; Lyra, Mr. Cake said her name was.
  703. >“Um…thank you for saving me back there, not sure what would have happened to me if you didn’t, just, thank you.”
  710. >Well, first fucking polite pony you’ve seen here, maybe they’re not all bad.
  711. “No problem.” You say smiling at the pony.
  712. >You rub the ponies head like you would affectionately for a dog, trying not to rub against her horn too roughly.
  713. >You see her shudder a bit from the rubbing; you weren’t too hard were you?
  714. >Pulling your hand away you see flutter her eyes a bit before her gaze stares at your hands as you stand there.
  715. “So,” you return your attention to Mr. Cake, “Twilight mentioned that room I was in and wondering what it was and such…”
  716. >“Pinkie, she liked to build things from time to time. She even helped repair a lot of our stuff, though she often time wrecked them.”
  717. >”We didn’t have much of a reason for it so we allowed her to use that special room to put her supplies there and build to her heart’s content.”
  718. >You go to ask what specifically, but stop spotting Lyra walk up to you once more, or more specifically to your hand and hesitantly pushing her head up it.
  719. >Against your better judgment you scratch around her ears, a small groan of content squeaks out from her, nice ponies get rubbings.
  720. >You look at Mr. Cake, a small shrug in his shoulders.
  721. >The cream colored one just gives you an awkward grin and a small chuckle, a light blush on her face.
  722. >“Please, do keep a look out for Pinkie on your journey and tell her the Cakes are waiting here for her. And a hi to Twilight from us when she pops back up.”
  723. “Sure then, will do my best there.”
  728. >You really would like to spend the night here and rest up before leaving but, you don’t want another encounter with Inkie close by.
  729. >She’d be more likely to hog tie you down and drag you off to the middle of nowhere to play with her ‘toy’.
  730. >You shudder at the thought of Inkie having her way with you.
  731. >With nothing more to keep you here you remove your hand from Lyra and make your way out the doorway down another set of stairs of the bakery making your way to the entrance way.
  732. “Aaalright then, I’ve got to keep moving and such.”
  733. >“Oh right! Well, I hope you take care, and please don’t take what we did too personally we were just looking out for one another and all.”
  734. >You don’t hold no grudge, except for Inkie whom you vow to stay very, very far away from in the future.
  735. >You do a wave goodbye to them; the other p0nies just stare at you like they just wanted you gone; behind them you see Lyra waving enthusiastically at you with a big smile, you hear a small bye from her.
  736. >You smile back to her; it’s really nice to see a nice, polite sane pony around here finally.
  737. > Outside the Sugarcube Corner, you see it’s only starting to get dark, nighttime should finally arrive here.
  738. >You can see the road way looks much…further away now, maybe it was moved out further in the chaos?
  739. > As you walk off down the road for only a few brief steps, you immediately halt.
  740. >You don’t know what to do next.
  746. ‘Twilight! You there?’
  747. >You wait for a response for a few short seconds.
  749. >‘Anon? Hey Anon, how you doing?! Oh! You got out of the ropes, see I told you they’d let you out!’
  750. >Not without a fight you think to yourself.
  751. ‘Where the hell where you back there, couldn’t you oh I don’t know just pop out and help?’
  752. >’I didn’t know you were in need of help!’
  753. >’Anyways I was busy charging crystals; it takes a lot out of me to do so’
  754. >’I told you this beforehand, what did something bad happen?’
  755. >Inkie’s crazed smiling face is up close to yours breathing heavily on you, you see in your bottom sights her hoof slowly trailing its way down your chest making its way down-
  756. >You quickly shake your head of the vivid image, where the fuck did THAT come from?
  757. ‘You know what, I’ll explain it later. I got food and supplies, now where do I go to next?’
  758. >‘Your first stop is inside the Everfree Forest. Luckily for you two of the artifacts should be held there though it’s difficult to get one of them, nigh impossible.’
  759. ’What do you mean by that?’
  760. >’…I’ll explain later’
  761. >You chuckle at your own words thrown back at you.
  762. ‘Alright then,’ you think out, readjusting the bag on your shoulder. ‘Just lead the way I guess.’
  763. >‘Right!’
  769. ~End Chapter Two~
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