
area curve

May 15th, 2014
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  1. (9:28:52 PM) PlanckWalk: Okay, so more like y = a e^-(kx)
  2. (9:30:41 PM) PlanckWalk: timeshifter: The relation f(x+1) = a e^(-k(x+1)) = a e^(-kx) e^-k = e^-k f(x) gives you k = -ln(0.4)
  3. (9:32:44 PM) PlanckWalk: mxms: It will hold for some choice fo a
  4. (9:33:43 PM) timeshifter: ok so
  5. (9:34:06 PM) timeshifter: if i plot y=e^-ln(0.4)x
  6. (9:34:22 PM) timeshifter: that satisfies the f(x+1)=0.4*f(x)?
  7. (9:34:37 PM) PlanckWalk: Yes
  8. (9:34:42 PM) timeshifter: with you so far
  9. (9:34:56 PM) PlanckWalk: Any constant multiple of that also satisfies it
  10. (9:35:03 PM) timeshifter: which is a
  11. (9:36:12 PM) PlanckWalk: The integral is (-a/k) (e^(-12 k) - e^(-0 k)), i.e. (a/k) (1 - e^(-12 k)) = 1000. So a = 1000 k / (1 - e^(-12 k))
  12. (9:37:03 PM) timeshifter: man i wish i'd remembered more of my calculus class
  13. (9:37:12 PM) PlanckWalk: timeshifter: e^(-12k) is really close to 0, so a ~= 1000 k
  14. (9:37:35 PM) timeshifter: and we know k, so that's just substitution
  15. (9:37:39 PM) PlanckWalk: Yes
  16. (9:38:11 PM) PlanckWalk: So numerically, f(x) ~= 916.3 e^(-0.9163 x)
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