

Mar 20th, 2014
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  1. ⟺ an adult character as a child or teenager; a child/teenage character as an adult
  2. ♥your character in their dream career
  3. ± an orphaned character if one or both of their parents had lived; a non-orphaned character if both of their parents had died (what would change?)
  4. § your character in the Star Wars universe (or a general futuristic space-y sci-fi universe, if unfamiliar with Star Wars)
  5. ⚔ your character in the Lord of the Rings universe (or a general medieval fantasy universe, if unfamiliar with LotR)
  6. ☣ your character in the Walking Dead universe (or a general zombie apocalypse scenario)
  7. ◈ your character in the modern mundane world (what was their youth like? how would they be different? what would they do? etc.)
  8. ✧ your character without most, or at least one, of the major traumas in their life (where would they be if they’d made a better decision, if so-and-so hadn’t died, if they’d succeeded at such-and-such, etc.)
  9. ✦ your character without most, or at least one, of the positive outcomes in their life (bad end — if they’d lost that battle, if they hadn’t saved so-and-so, etc. — but assume they lived)
  10. ♠ your character wakes up as their favorite animal (how would they react? — or as a human or even another animal for animal characters)
  11. Ⓢ your character as a superhero (or with superpowers)
  12. ⓿ your character in a world where superheroes (or superpowered individuals) are considered mundane/the norm
  13. ◼ your character in a GRITTY FILM NOIR MYSTERY
  14. ☠ your character playing Sburb (Homestuck); if your character’s from Homestuck, your character if Sburb never happened/if their life went normally
  15. ★ your character at Walmart
  16. ♦ your character as a house/common pet (cats, dogs, mice, birds, lizards, horses, etc. — what antics would they get up to? what breed would they be?)
  17. ♣ your character in a high school musical/play chosen by the asker (WILDCATS IN THE HOU— ahem I mean)
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