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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. if (isServer) then
  2. {
  3. waitUntil {sleep 5; a3a_var_started};
  4. private ["_holder", "_attackTime"];
  5. _holder = false;
  6. _attackTime = time;
  7. while {true} do
  8. {
  9. if (east countside playableUnits < 8) then {["Победа ФРГ. ГДР понесли серьезные потери и отступили!", west] call a3a_fnc_endMission;};
  10. if (west countside playableUnits < 4) then {["У ФРГ не осталось сил для обороны переправы. Победа ГДР!", east] call a3a_fnc_endMission;};
  11. sleep 10;
  12. if ((west countSide list tg1 < 2) && (east countSide list tg1 >= 3)) then
  13. if ((east countSide list tg1 < 2) && (west countSide list tg1 >= 3)) then
  14. {
  15. if (!_holder) then
  16. {
  17. _attackTime = time;
  18. _holder = true;
  19. flgN setFlagTexture "screen\GDR.paa";
  20. };
  21. }
  22. else
  23. {
  24. if (_holder) then
  25. {
  26. _holder = false;
  27. flgN setFlagTexture "screen\FRG.paa";
  28. };
  29. };
  30. if (_holder && (time > _attackTime + 600)) then
  31. {
  32. ["ГДР успешно форсировали реку!", EAST] call a3a_fnc_endMission;
  33. }
  34. };
  35. };
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