
Knights of Rhimellot (Day 3)

Jun 22nd, 2020
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  1. “Axcyuse me, trayvellurs.” The French Kiki whispered from the open door. Kayla and I sat up in our dozy state. “Masteh Graham askduh you to meet him in privet.” I rubbed my eyes together in an attempt to make my vision clearer, I noticed the Kiki was blushing. I looked to my side and saw Katli was completely naked.
  3. “Ugh, it’s hot as shit in here!” She bent over to pick up her leather bikini, her ass in plain view of the doorway.
  5. “Well, pleese tayk yor tym. The bankwet room is down the hall and to the left.” She walked off. I looked back at Katli, her rear end now concealed by her panties.
  7. “Well you heard the girl, let’s get some grub!”
  9. ********************
  11. Lord Graham sat in a red upholstered chair with baskets of fruit and bread in front of him on a table. He leaned his pale head back on the leather throne as a succubus fed him grapes straight from the vine before giving her a sloppy kiss.
  13. Grape juice soaked his small brown beard and dripped onto his tunic, staining a picture of the sun. Even though he was inside, he still wore a chain mail coif underneath his crown.
  15. “Ah, you’re finally awake.” He spoke in a smooth but demeaning tone. “What brought you two here last night?”
  17. “Lord Graham, we’re travelers sent by King Gilliam to slay the beast of Blackholde. We were provided food and shelter from the storm thanks to your Kikimora maid. If you wish, you may join us on our quest.” The lord slammed his gloved hand onto the round table.
  19. “Damn it, Heleanor.” He muttered under his breath before turning back to us. “If you so desire, I shall order some of my knights to assist you on your quest, as long as we can split the treasure 50/50 between us.”
  21. “Whoa whoa whoa, hotshot! There’s treasure?” Katli cut in. The king picked up a grail of wine and took a sip.
  23. “Likely. Tolk, bring in the map!” He yelled out. Seconds later, a chained up goblin scurried in and unfolded the most intricate map of the land I’ve seen yet. “Speaking with nearby villages, we’ve concluded that the beast has been spotted within 20 kilometers of the Cleesean cave.” He pointed at a large rock formation on the map. “Before the beast began to appear, the cave was a hotspot for mining and spelunking. Now, no one dares venture there, as we believe the beast resides there, not Blackholde.” I felt sort of embarrassed that I had no idea about any of this, I’m sure our king would’ve let us know.
  25. “So, if we kill the beast, we open the cave again?”
  27. “Yes. But those who have seen the beast seldom live to tell the tale of the horrors; so foul, so cruel. Bones of dozens of men lie strewn about the cave. It’s been seen flying above the villages and burning down trees in search of its next victims. I’m surprised you two have decided to take it on.”
  29. “Yeah, why’s that?” Katli questioned the king.
  31. “Where’s all of your supplies? You can’t defeat it with only that? You need power.” Lord Graham clapped his hands. “General Terry!” A man in a red tunic and metal helmet rushed over.
  33. “Yes, Lord Graham?”
  35. “Assemble the artillery, you’re headed on a quest to kill the beast of Blackholde.” The general stiffened up.
  37. “The b-beast? Are you sure that’s the best idea, Lord?” One look at the king changed his skepticism. “Of course, sir.”
  39. ********************
  41. Katli and I were now accompanied by General Terry, Fiakhiss, a Jinko soldier, and six various knights. Lord Graham was also gracious enough to lend us stronger materials and supplies, in the condition we returned them (if we lived).
  43. A new map I was given showed we could cut through the forest of Caerbannog, and we could be at the cave by tomorrow. With everything in tow, we went our way.
  45. The deep, wooded thicket had already succumbed to nightfall, as most of the day before was spent planning our attacks. The crystal moonlight was our only source of illumination against the trees that were several meters high.
  47. “What are you fine ladies and gentlemen up to?” We jumped at a voice that came from the trees. The knights huddled together while looking around for the noise, it snickered at us. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” The voice was a woman’s, soft and calm. The flapping of wings blew wind into the crowd until it stopped once a pair of taloned feet stomped on the dirt below. An Owl Mage stood before us.
  49. Her entire body was the shape of a large egg, due to her holding her brown feathered wings against herself. Her fluffy head of nougat hair flowed down past her back and mostly covered her eyes.
  51. “Don’t look into her eyes!” Fiakhiss demanded. “You’ll fall under her spell!”
  53. “Nonsense. I’m just here to ponder why you are out so late on this trail.” I could tell she was eyeing one particular knight down. Terry stepped forth.
  55. “We’re on a quest to slay the beast that lies within the Cleesean cave. It has killed many citizens of nearby villages.”
  57. “Tsk tsk.” The owl went off. “I don’t know what you are speaking of, I have no recollection of that place.”
  59. “We should be there by tomorrow, but there’s no way we’re traveling at night. If you do not mind, may we set up camp in this forest?” He asked.
  61. “Go right ahead, it’s our pleasure.”
  63. Wait a second... Our?
  65. Rustling came from the trees, bushes, and the bog surrounding us. Before we knew it, an Alraune, Bicorn, Ant, Bunyip, and Mantis approaches us like we were meek prey.
  67. “Looks like we have some boys tonight, girls!” The owl screeched. Each one went after a knight, Katli grabbing a hold of me to make sure I was safe. When I opened my eyes from the chaos around me, each knight was now paired with one of the mamono that had now tagged along in our troop. Sure, we didn’t plan on it, but more help to slay the beast is fine.
  69. Most of the new couples had already started love-making, so Fiakhiss, Terry, Katli, and I set up our tents to get ready for the long battle tomorrow.
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