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Sep 15th, 2016
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  1. [21:47] Sassafras lazes about in one of the many common areas. She's set up what appears to be a blanket fort/giant nest of blankets in front of the tv screen. She's on the floor in front of one of the couches, her back resting against it as she munches on popcorn and watches what appears to be the Princess Bride. Looks like it's a casual PJs kinda night - she's wearing a sleep shirt, sleep shorts and-...and what appear to be fuzzy slippers. Aw, yis.
  2. [21:48] Robbie - Reyes "Well, might as well go in." he says, opening up the door to peak in.
  3. [21:50] Little Black Bat spends a moment staring at the mostly-unused VR combat simulator. Hm. She'd get in big trouble for moving it up to her room, right? Hell, she'd probably hurt herself, too. Better to con someone else into helping to diffuse some of the blame. For now, though, she'll have to make do with the thing staying where it is. She steps up and straps in, taking her time to get the gloves and helmet in place. The bathrobe's a nice touch, Cass.
  4. [21:53] Super Man 's shadow looms over the recently opened door to his office, his palms tucked down into the shallow confine of his pant pockets. With a cerulean peering set of aspects, he gave a soft monitor of the situation at hand -- his office was already a mess due to his own incapability when it came to organizing; and this wouldn't help. Thin wry lips pulled from one another so that he could speak calmly from behind the two individuals. "Something I can help you boys with?"
  5. [21:56] Robbie - Reyes narrows his eyes, looking over his shoulder. He doesn't take too kindly to being called boy but he doesn't show any change in his expression besides his eyebrows. He'd let the other dude take this one, simply looking around the Office that they totally didn't break into.
  6. [21:57] Taskmaster: "Figured that'd make you show up with that ridiculous hearing of yers. New student. Needs orientation." Tony doesn't seem particularly intimidated, at least not at the moment. He gestures vaguely to Robbie.
  7. [22:00] Christian Ulrich hefted her bag over her shoulder. She had received a message on her phone, her application had went through for student jobs. And, well, being a secretary to the man of steel was... something. She stepped into the office, and saw people already there with an angry looking superman. "Oh."
  8. [22:01] Super Man nodding his head slightly as he took the time to process what Tony had said. Clark wedged himself between the two individuals in order to escort himself fully into the large office -- the desk and other bits of furniture completely covered with messy stacks of papers that have yet to be fully organized. "It's something, isn't it Tony? Despite how busy the HeadMaster is; he still picks up on everything. Welcome, Robbie -- Christian. Come on in and take a seat if you can find one."
  9. [22:01] Robbie - Reyes peeks towards the girl who walked in, giving her an intimidating look unintentionally. He crosses his arms over his chest, taking a few steps forward. He doesn't take a seat yet.
  10. [22:05] Christian Ulrich was not intimidated at all by him. But she entered, nonetheless, and gazed about the room. "... What a mess!"
  11. [22:06] Taskmaster: "Why are you talking about yerself in the third person, ya weird fuck?" Tony asks of Superman, leaning on the doorframe.
  12. [22:09] System: Soldat is online.
  13. [22:09] Super Man canting his cranium to the side as he heard the woman's immediate response to the first sight of his office, it wouldn't be prolonged: a smile to paint over his visage. Though a grin interrupted - his gaze soon fell onto the form of Tony with a more centered lock of tunnel vision. "Oh, am I the Headmaster? I had completely forgotten -- I'm here so little, ya see? I guess responsibilities come when you have bigger things to do than to break into an open door. No no, I'm sure you're busy too -- what other excuse would you have to forget how to knock?"
  14. [22:10] Robbie - Reyes "I opened the door." he butts in, talking for Tasky's case.
  15. [22:11] Taskmaster: "No ya didn't. Don't steal my thunder," he snaps to Robbie, but he's grinning behind his mask. "Maybe if yer so busy, Superman, ya shouldn't be headmaster. Ya ever think about that? If you don't step up and start doin' yer job right, Boy in Blue, I'm gonna start doin' it for you. Then we'll see what the guys runnin' this joint got to say about it."
  16. [22:11] System: Oliver Van Buuren is online.
  17. [22:12] System: Oliver Van Buuren is offline.
  18. [22:12] System: Oliver Van Buuren is online.
  19. [22:12] System: All New Mary Jane is online.
  20. [22:14] Robbie - Reyes sits there, leaned back in his chair. Silently. This wasn't his argument to have, and he didn't wanna but in any more or talk for that matter. He didn't care about these two and their feuding, he just wanted to learn how to be who he needs to be for Gabriel's sake.
  21. [22:14] Christian Ulrich seemed to immediately take to her job. Her mind working along with her hands as she was a tornado of cleanliness. Putting books in neat stacks, paper being organized. Like whoa.
  22. [22:15] Super Man bringing himself into a seated position within the structure of the large black leather seat that was stationed behind the mahogany desk. "That's a fantastic idea, Tony. You take up the mantle of Headmaster, and I'll run around with a lock pick; trying to win the favor of the new applicants."
  23. [22:17] Taskmaster turns to leave, his cape billowing behind him. He might have given it a little extra push with his hand to make that happen. He does that sometimes, okay? "It's sure as hell a lot more than yer teachin' anyone, Power Girl. Oh, sorry, I got ya confused, since all I see when I look at ya is a massive tit." And with that, he heads back towards the gymnasium.
  24. [22:18] Super Man laughing lightly, taking a comfortable position within the large chair as he watched Christian take up the job without so much as further approval; though a confirming nod seemed to gesture the obvious. His gaze shifting them onto Robbie. "Watch carefully who you get mixed up with around here, anyway... Welcome to the Institution; what can I do for you?"
  25. [22:19] Robbie - Reyes doesn't look convinced that this school is all that so far, his face very unimpressed. "Student, getting registered." he replies in a plain tone.
  26. [22:21] JSA Power Girl puts a steely arm out against a wall to clothesline Taskmaster just as he turns around. Super speed and super hearing is a bad combination of abilities for someone to have at the butt of jokes.
  27. [22:21] Taskmaster is clotheslined to the ground, landing hard on his back. "Ack--" As he goes down.
  28. [22:22] Taskmaster: "The hell was -that for, ya leo-retard?" He chokes out hoarsely.
  29. [22:22] Christian Ulrich heard the crash, and spun around on the spot. Hurrying over towards Taskmaster, whom had been rekt. "Are you alright, Professor?"
  30. [22:22] Super Man nodding slightly, his hands shuffling around in flat form at the surface of his desk, searching with open palms for the registration forms. His ears radiate with a thud that seemed to echo through the halls of the institution; and without needing further confirmation, Clark found a smirk. "Well, Robbie; we're happy to have you here, it's a nutthouse lately. Are there any studies that particularly interest you?"
  31. [22:23] Taskmaster: "--I been struck by an acute case of Can'tTakeAJoke-Itis."
  32. [22:23] Robbie - Reyes shrugs. "Uh, auto-work. Controlling power, excorcism maybe?" he asks, looking for the right words.
  33. [22:26] JSA Power Girl quickly tips her head to the side, sounding out a quick fusillade of pops. "I honestly don't care what you're arguing about, but if you wanna' bring me into it Skeletor, I'm usually in earshot. And who hear can't take the joke, aren't you familiar with -- I think the Garmans call it schadenfreude? With your profession I would figure you'd be quite the fan." She asks dryly, crossing those pipped arms about her chest.
  34. [22:26] Super Man eyes widen ever so slightly. "So... Everything? Gotcha. Well, we haven't had a formal orientation for the community yet -- So I'll hand you these forms, and ask them to fill them out once you have the time. Just make sure they're back on my desk or handed to Christian within the next week." Clark found his right hand soon discovering a newly fashioned stack of papers, a registration form soon to be offered toward Robbie.
  35. [22:27] Robbie - Reyes says without even moving anything but his mouth. "Can I just skip that."
  36. [22:27] Christian Ulrich looked frustrated as she extended a hand out for Task. "Can we not fight? There's been a lot of that lately."
  37. [22:28] Robbie - Reyes narrows his eyebrows, turning in his chair after hearing a Skeletor joke. He hated those. He shakes his head, turning back to face the Headmaster.
  38. [22:28] Taskmaster tumbles back to spring to his feet, warily keeping distance between himself and Power Girl. "Maybe if ya don't wanna be mocked, don't be so mockable, darlin'. You got any other overreactions to toss, or can I be on my merry way?"
  39. [22:30] Super Man: "Uhm... Skip it? No. The school needs to have a full registration of everyone here -- security purposes. I'm sorry."
  40. [22:30] JSA Power Girl chuckles softly and shrugs her broad shoulders with her blue gloved hands out to the sides, "And you're one to talk about looking ridiculous. If you're going to step up to the plate you better be ready to bat. Talk shit, get hit. I can do this all day."
  41. [22:31] Robbie - Reyes scoffs, smoke rising from his mouth as he drags the stack of papers across the desk. He files through them calmly, taking in all the "All-About-Me" writing he'd be doing.
  42. [22:32] Super Man nodding his head slightly, his open hands pushed themselves against the edge of the mahogany desk; using the placement as an anchor of sorts in order to elevate out of the large chair. With his body drawn erect, he would set his gaze onto the form of Robbie before making his way to the door. "If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me."
  43. [22:32] Taskmaster: "That ain't how it works, doll. I can take a joke. It's proportionate retribution. Someone insults me, I insult 'em back. I don't -punch- them 'cause I'm too stupid to come up with a decent comeback. I realize yer costume's too slutty to hide a script in, but maybe you could fit some notecards 'tween yer tits and write something down on 'em ahead of time so ya got decent material."
  44. [22:32] Christian Ulrich gasped and placed herself between them. "No! Stop it! No more fighting."
  45. [22:33] Robbie - Reyes exhales out, letting the smoke cloud rise up and drift away. "Paperwork, got it." He wouldn't looked to stoked to be doing this, but it's for the greater good.
  46. [22:34] Taskmaster flicks his gaze to Christian. "Ain't no one fighting here. Unlike Conan the Boobarian here, I don't let words escalate ta violence."
  47. [22:36] Super Man: "Like I said, I'm always available -- and the door is always open. No need to pick the lock next time."
  48. [22:37] JSA Power Girl would in less of a blink of an eye appear behind Anthony Masters aka The Taskmaster aka the guy with a face full of tile flooring, as the tall woman so elegantly introduced his face into the floor. "It's not a matter of being to dim witted to come up with a response. Flinging insults is beneath me. And the best way to shut a rude mouth sometimes, is a good hit." She explained calmly as she started to walk away, not caring if he was conscious to hear it or not.
  49. [22:37] Taskmaster is knocked immediately unconscious by the impact of hitting the tile, the floor fracturing beneath the deafening CRACK.
  50. [22:38] Robbie - Reyes stands up, struggling up the brick that was his registration papers. This kid? A hero? Really? He seemed more fit to be an angry sidekick so far. AKA a member of the Watchmen. ba dum, tss. He turns, walking over to kneel down, he taps Tony's neck with his wrist. Two times in one day someone got O-KO'd, must be a theme here.
  51. [22:38] Little Black Bat is suddenly very glad she's not a floor tile. Whew. Dodged that bullet big time.
  52. [22:39] Sweet Ivy is wandering the halls just in time to catch this little fiasco. Sass stops, her eyes slowly widening before she visibly cringes when she hears that crack. There's that awkward, kinda scary silence for a moment before she breaks it. "JEsus fucking Christ, talk about unnecessary." She starts to hurry over, her fuzzy bunny slippers slip-sliding on the floor.
  53. [22:39] Sweet Ivy: (ive been had!)
  54. [22:39] Sweet Ivy lazily shuffles that over to Sass)
  55. [22:40] Little Black Bat: more like [] )
  56. [22:40] Robbie - Reyes: (Curses! foiled again!)
  57. [22:40] JSA Power Girl has a problem with tile... and marble. []
  58. [22:40] Sassafras: me to myself rn [] )
  59. [22:41] Robbie - Reyes has a problem with icecream, jk he's the ice cream master.
  60. [22:41] Christian Ulrich let out a near scream-ish and hurried over to Task. Hefting his body up off the floor, kinda. "We could use a medic! Someone find Harrison!"
  61. [22:41] Taskmaster is thoroughly unconscious, because why wouldn't he be. His mask is also shattered, but seems to be made of some material that keeps it stuck together even in this state.
  62. [22:41] Little Black Bat missed all of the excitement thanks to her own boring-ass time waster. She'll have to thank Tony later, once again, for installing the VR thingamajigger. Once he's awake, of course. Hopefully that's soon. She's forgotten to turn off the displays, sadly, giving people an excuse to watch something other than HGTV.
  63. [22:43] Sassafras listen, she loves hgtv with their tiny houses and the people who are looking for tiny houses' consistent reaction of "Wow this sure is tiny.")
  64. [22:43] System: Soldat is online.
  65. [22:44] Robbie - Reyes "Where is it." he asks, standing up as his pale orange eye would now be glowing. "And is it big enough to hold a car in it."
  66. [22:44] Little Black Bat is going to have to weigh home remodels and house-flipping against making Asgardians look like absolute chumps in combat.
  67. [22:44] JSA Power Girl snorts and shakes blonde fringe away from her face. "Oh it was necessary alright." she called over the brass plate on her shoulder.
  68. [22:47] Sassafras gently shoos Christian away. "Don't move him, jesus christ. We don't know if his neck snapped or anything." She scowls and shakes her head before looking over her shoulder. "You're a dangerous fuckin' tantrum throwin' idiot, and you need to stay the fuck out my face, you jerkass douche nozzle flotation device." Sass isn't happy. Yes, Tony can be irritating. Yes, he runs his mouth when he shouldn't. PG is supposed to be a fucking hero, and Masters is...enhanced, perhaps, but very much human. Disappointed doesn't begin to describe how she feels, which is probably why she nastily lashes out.
  69. [22:48] Christian Ulrich shook her head. "His neck isn't broken. I can feel it. Nothing seems to be broken, exactly. Some cracked ribs and maybe a fractured jaw. Internal bleeding, I think. He won't die,, buthe'll be in some pain. Christian said, running her hands over his frame with feather light precision.
  70. [22:49] System: Tentacle Friend is online.
  71. [22:49] Robbie - Reyes breaks his silence, narrowing his eyes as the right would ignite in flames for a moment and he appears within the shadows next to Power Girl, leaving a cloud of black and orange swirls in his wake. He walks along side her. "Don't do that." he asks, politely with a stern tone in his voice. So the kid can teleport? Big whoop. He'd narrow his eyes, adding to the end of his request a "Please."
  72. [22:50] Super Man pushing himself through the door of his office; his hands tucked down firmly into the shallow confines of his pant pockets. His frame made its way over to the aftermath of the small feud that seemed to transpire in the halls; though he could help but find a grin elevating over his facial expressions. He paused only when he had closed the gap between himself and the others, his narrowed gaze scanning over the individual who seemed to be sleeping on the job. "He'll live, get him to the infirmary and let that be the end of it. Tony wrote a check that he wasn't prepared to cash, this isn't necessarily the place to let your mouth get the best of you, lesson learned perhaps? Look at that - the school is actually teaching."
  73. [22:52] Taskmaster is definitely concussed, though his mask absorbed a surprising portion of the impact. Thing's tougher than it looks. Other than that, a cracked rib. Most oddly, he's already healing. Not quickly, nothing like someone like Deadpool or Wolverine might do - but there's something distinctly fishy about how swiftly he's stabilizing that Christian might pick up.
  74. [22:54] JSA Power Girl looked over with her icy blue eyes at Robbie before she turned her head to Robbie. She was out of human earshot from Sassafras' reaction. She knew she didn't use enough force to break his neck. As a Kryptonian she's used to holding back her strength every time she opens a doorknob, let alone hits something. It simply wasn't worth it for her to go back and explain herself further. "Kid, you don't know what you're talking about. I'm just leaving, so don't worry your pretty little head and keep your nose in the books, not in my business. All I did was teach your teacher a little lesson." she explains without breaking her stride.
  75. [22:54] Sassafras stares up at Super Man, the fury very clearly brewing in her stormy gaze. "What the fuck? Are those the fuckin standards you're gonna hold your students to?" Sass stands. She's not enough of an idiot to go swinging at a fucking kryptonian, but she sure does want to. "The only one that let anyone's mouth get the best of them was Dickass back there." She gestures behind her toward PG. "Hitting people for words is bullshit, and - honestly - that's fucking somethin' coming from me." The girl is livid enough that her pale cheeks are going red. "You're suppose to be our headmaster," That accent is disappearing too. "Tony shouldn't have run his mouth, certainly, but to plow someone about a billion times more breakable than you into the floor because you're too sensitive to just walk away? That's a bit much."
  76. [22:58] Super Man rolling his shoulders into a delicate shrug. "The girl had no intention of killing Tony, he'd be dead otherwise. He keeps running into walls, eventually he's going to get hurt. We're a school of what we're hoping will be heroes -- Tony went out of his way to break into my office, and speak out of turn. His language was foul -- but as yours is now... Justice is served, that's what your Headmaster should push to maintain; proper justice and education through example. Consider what transpired here to be exactly that."
  77. [22:58] Robbie - Reyes isn't letting up. He's not some bookworm, and he doesn't handle sass like a bitch. "What you did was overreact and almost kill someone. You act like you can walk all over people like that because you're in a better place than them, and because they're breakable you can resolve your arguments with little lessons." He remarks, a sour expression on his face. He scoffs. "Maybe instead of teaching teachers, you should treat people with resolve. Violence with violence is what killed where I'm from." Wow, a lot more talkative than before.
  78. [22:58] Steven-Rogers gave a quiet, almost inperceptive cough as he stepped into the hallway. You know you've fucked up when Captain freaking America steps into the scene. He was garbed in jeans and t-shirt, looking very casual... yet somehow like a male model. "That's enough, all of you." He said, his voice ringing with absolute authority. "You two," he said, pointing towards Sass and Christian. "Get him to the infirmary." He said, turning to Power Girl and Robbie. "Knock it off, or take it outside." He turned towards Clark, "And you, go take a nap, because you are acting extremely arrogant."
  79. [23:01] Sassafras purses her lips a bit and stares at Super Man for a moment. "Justice," she says flatly, plainly ignoring Rogers for the moment. "That wasn't justice. That was petty vengeance, if anything. You're a massive disappointment." Sass turns away from him. "And stop talkin' about yerself in the third person. 'S fuckin' weird as shit." The tall girl sighs and carefully crouches down to pick Tony up, one of his arms over her shoulder. God, how many times was she gonna do this this month?
  80. [23:01] System: Leucien Weaver is online.
  81. [23:02] System: All New Mary Jane is offline.
  82. [23:02] System: Avenging Spider-Man is online.
  83. [23:02] System: All New Mary Jane is online.
  84. [23:02] Taskmaster doesn't have a lot to say. Is picked up. Is unconscious, sorry. Doesn't lend itself well to long posts.
  85. [23:03] Sassafras listen I expect at least seventeen more lines for a proper response, as well as picture references.)
  86. [23:03] Taskmaster: amihelping here's your picture reference
  87. [23:03] Robbie - Reyes: every F-list post elitist ever. )
  88. [23:03] Sassafras quietly drops Tony and walks away)
  89. [23:03] Little Black Bat right in the garbage)
  90. [23:03] Old Bruce: Schwarbage.)
  91. [23:03] Christian Ulrich scooped down and picked up Task's other arm, with the other around his lower back. "Well," she murmured. "He's certainly... healing fast. It's... scary. It's not like that Laura girl, or anyone else I also expect a cover page, double spaced, and in times new roman. here. What is going on with him...?"
  92. [23:04] Super Man turning off of his left foot in order to head back to his office. "You're looking a little cold around the badge there Mr. Rogers. Leave this land of make-believe to me, I'll have your cane and vitamins delivered to your room soon."
  93. [23:04] Robbie - Reyes: damn roasted but like the ice version. )
  94. [23:05] Sassafras shrugs a shoulder and lets Christian help her, mostly so she can feel useful and maybe so Tony's head doesn't flop around so much. "Somethin'. Iono." She sighs and starts walking at a measured pace. Height differences make it awkward but they manage.
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