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Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. 13:52] Maeve (owletrocks): Hello!
  2. [13:52] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): damn
  3. [13:52] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): been a fuckin minute
  4. [13:52] Maeve (owletrocks): You still don't own a shirt
  5. [13:52] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): yes
  6. [13:53] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): IM SHIRTLESS!
  7. [13:53] Maeve (owletrocks): i dont own pants tho so it might be ok
  8. [13:53] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): damnit!
  9. [13:53] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): you do XD
  10. [13:53] Maeve (owletrocks): they don't fit correctly
  11. [13:54] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): what have you been uptoo
  12. [13:54] Maeve (owletrocks): hi myther
  13. [13:54] mythter: Hello
  14. [13:55] Maeve (owletrocks): idk not a lot
  15. [13:55] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): well shit...same here but
  16. [13:55] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): crazy weekend for me
  17. [13:56] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): and you still got your pudgy belly like before
  18. [13:56] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  19. [13:56] Maeve (owletrocks): yer
  20. [13:56] Maeve (owletrocks): wait this?
  21. [13:56] Maeve (owletrocks): this avi's belly@
  22. [13:56] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): yes
  23. [13:56] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): you had it the last time i saw you
  24. [13:56] Maeve (owletrocks): hm ok
  25. [13:57] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): srill smoking i see
  26. [13:57] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): still*
  27. [13:58] Maeve (owletrocks): yer
  28. [13:58] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): i started vaping
  29. [13:58] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): good shit
  30. [13:58] Blitz19: @.@
  31. [13:58] Blitz19: hwllo! :V
  32. [13:58] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): hello! <.<
  33. [13:59] Maeve (owletrocks): hello blitz:)
  34. [13:59] mythter: o/
  35. [14:00] Maeve (owletrocks): im rarely online now yeh im usually too busy
  36. [14:00] Blitz19: im shirtless too :v
  37. [14:00] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): ha
  38. [14:01] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): oh god now im starting a trend
  39. [14:01] Blitz19: *XD*
  40. [14:01] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  41. [14:01] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): im about to be busy next week for the next 6 months
  42. [14:01] Maeve (owletrocks): sounds like deployment?
  43. [14:01] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): no
  44. [14:02] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): im starting CDL school
  45. [14:02] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): to drive big shit
  46. [14:02] Blitz19: :o
  47. [14:02] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): officially 10k in debt as of today XD
  48. [14:03] Blitz19: what is CDL?
  49. [14:03] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): oh yeah i forgot you guys arnt from america
  50. [14:03] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): Commercial Drivers Licenes
  51. [14:03] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): im getting my current drivers licenes Class D bumped up to a Class A
  52. [14:03] Maeve (owletrocks): ill be back here in like 2-3 mins
  53. [14:03] Maeve (owletrocks): can you wait that long
  54. [14:03] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): no
  55. [14:04] Blitz19: yes lol
  56. [14:04] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): i have ADD out of the ass
  57. [14:04] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): jk i can wait
  58. [14:04] Blitz19: *XD*
  59. [14:04] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): rip
  60. [14:04] Blitz19: im floating now :v
  61. [14:04] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): damn!
  62. [14:04] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): scary shit
  63. [14:05] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): illuminati confirmed
  64. [14:05] Blitz19: :O!
  65. [14:06] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): ikr
  66. [14:06] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): well shit
  67. [14:06] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): my add is acting up
  68. [14:06] Maeve (owletrocks) is offline.
  69. [14:06] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): help me!
  70. [14:07] Blitz19: lol
  71. [14:07] Evan Preston (velocitygaming) starts pulsing
  72. [14:07] Maeve (owletrocks) is online.
  73. [14:07] mythter: Blitz Blaine xD
  74. [14:07] Blitz19: who is blaine?
  75. [14:07] mythter: Street magic artist
  76. [14:08] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): oh good
  77. [14:08] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): my add is depleting now
  78. [14:08] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  79. [14:08] mythter: wb
  80. [14:08] Maeve (owletrocks): Hello!
  81. [14:08] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): illuminati confirmed
  82. [14:08] Blitz19: hello! :3
  83. [14:09] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): im not british so how do i say it XD
  84. [14:09] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): also feel badd man for yall
  85. [14:09] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): article 13 is a laughing stock in the USA
  86. [14:09] Maeve (owletrocks): trump is the laughing stock in the world
  87. [14:10] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): confirmed no russian interfearance with the muller report though
  88. [14:10] Maeve (owletrocks): also do you know what article 13 is
  89. [14:10] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): the end of the internet in the european union
  90. [14:10] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  91. [14:10] Maeve (owletrocks): yet here we are
  92. [14:10] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): not suppose to take effect till 2 years from now
  93. [14:11] Maeve (owletrocks): no its already in effect
  94. [14:11] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): oh?
  95. [14:11] Maeve (owletrocks): and it doesnt end the internet
  96. [14:11] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): its against copyright
  97. [14:11] Maeve (owletrocks): its copyright enforcement yes
  98. [14:11] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): and the youtubers in the european union
  99. [14:11] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): who make money will now basicly need to take the videos down
  100. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): or pay a large fee with there video to the point where there not making a proft
  101. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): it
  102. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): profit
  103. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): or in some cases jailtime
  104. [14:12] Maeve (owletrocks): well hopefully pewdiepie will die off thats a plus side.
  105. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): with all seriousness
  106. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): though net neutrality is the same shit
  107. [14:12] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): but
  108. [14:12] Maeve (owletrocks): net neutrality is not the same at all
  109. [14:13] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): that got re reppealed
  110. [14:13] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): net neutrality allows the isp of america to throttle connections as they see fit
  111. [14:13] Maeve (owletrocks): net neutrality was going to prevent ISPs offering "premium" internet packages. it was going to prevent throttling of sites
  112. [14:13] Maeve (owletrocks): yes
  113. [14:14] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): and control what content we see through the internet
  114. [14:14] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): through the premium fee
  115. [14:14] Maeve (owletrocks): yes its a bigger deal than baww no more stolen videos
  116. [14:14] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): which in a sence is kinda like article 13
  117. [14:14] Maeve (owletrocks): no
  118. [14:14] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): i said kinda
  119. [14:14] Maeve (owletrocks): the only similarity is that they are laws and the internet
  120. [14:14] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): not exactly because article 13 would not fly with our laws
  121. [14:15] Maeve (owletrocks): you sure?
  122. [14:15] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): um
  123. [14:15] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): people profit alone with startup isps
  124. [14:15] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): theres even a town somewhere in the us with there own internet
  125. [14:15] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): the us goverment allows people to essentially make there own internet servers
  126. [14:16] Maeve (owletrocks): mmhm
  127. [14:16] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): comcas/xfinity/ time werner/ coxs etx
  128. [14:16] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): etc
  129. [14:16] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): the big name companys buy out the smaller companys
  130. [14:17] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): thats why article 13 would never fly because if that was the case
  131. [14:17] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): there would be startups banding togeather taking down the corporates
  132. [14:17] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen) is online.
  133. [14:17] Maeve (owletrocks): except they never could?
  134. [14:17] Maeve (owletrocks): imagine a bunch of startups taking on amazon
  135. [14:17] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): you sure about that?
  136. [14:18] Maeve (owletrocks): or a bunch of startups taking on disney
  137. [14:18] Maeve (owletrocks): they couldn't compete in the slightest
  138. [14:18] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): what if a company offers better deals then amazon
  139. [14:18] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): people go where the deals go
  140. [14:18] Maeve (owletrocks): a brand is more powerful than a deal
  141. [14:18] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): and save money
  142. [14:18] Maeve (owletrocks): come to sergeis internet shop market everything very cheap
  143. [14:18] Maeve (owletrocks): ship from china
  144. [14:19] Maeve (owletrocks): very cheap deal for you
  145. [14:19] Maeve (owletrocks): vs next day delivery... or same day delivery
  146. [14:19] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): how about a website called wish
  147. [14:20] Maeve (owletrocks): do you think wish will dethrone amazon?
  148. [14:20] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): anything is possible
  149. [14:20] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): the term the sky is the limit is true
  150. [14:20] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): maybe in your market shit wouldnt fly
  151. [14:21] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): think of it like this
  152. [14:21] Maeve (owletrocks): id rather not
  153. [14:21] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): america is alot bigger then the european union
  154. [14:21] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): territory wise
  155. [14:21] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): alaska alone is a third of the us
  156. [14:22] Maeve (owletrocks): eu has over double the population
  157. [14:22] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): along with trade deals with canada
  158. [14:22] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): its fuckin huge
  159. [14:22] Maeve (owletrocks): whats your point
  160. [14:22] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): fgts
  161. [14:23] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): ha
  162. [14:23] Blitz19: nepu
  163. [14:23] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): ahaha
  164. [14:23] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): blitz
  165. [14:23] mythter: Hey Neph!
  166. [14:23] Maeve (owletrocks): whats your point
  167. [14:23] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): hey mythter, how's going man
  168. [14:23] Maeve (owletrocks): america is big so A13 or similar wouldnt work there?
  169. [14:23] mythter: i'm going sleep soon
  170. [14:23] Maeve (owletrocks): try uploading a movie to youtube as an american, see how fast it's removed
  171. [14:23] Blitz19: goodnight myther!
  172. [14:23] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): likewise
  173. [14:23] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): lol@fcc
  174. [14:23] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  175. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): 2 things
  176. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): i dont wanna upload a movie
  177. [14:24] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): article 13 is a bitch
  178. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): and i cant upload a movie
  179. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): and i couldnt before a13
  180. [14:24] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): oh it is
  181. [14:24] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): thats standard youtube policy
  182. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): a13 is stronger copyright than before
  183. [14:24] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): the difference
  184. [14:24] Maeve (owletrocks): ok what is A13 in your mind
  185. [14:25] Maeve (owletrocks): remind me
  186. [14:25] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): check this little thing we have fair use
  187. [14:25] mythter: Bye everyone
  188. [14:25] Maeve (owletrocks): yes i know what fair use us. doesnt stop copyright holders in america taking down american youtubers
  189. [14:25] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): blitz needs a tracksuit
  190. [14:25] Blitz19: bye mythter!
  191. [14:25] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): its a major loophole to uploading copyrighted material
  192. [14:25] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): then he can be subaru
  193. [14:25] Maeve (owletrocks): jim sterling is based in an america and he still gets flagged
  194. [14:25] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): but change the sound
  195. [14:25] Blitz19: natsuki?
  196. [14:25] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): and the video
  197. [14:25] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): done
  198. [14:26] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): go fuck emilia (?
  199. [14:26] Blitz19: i love Rem :v
  200. [14:26] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): me too
  201. [14:26] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): wait rem is the blue haired one right
  202. [14:26] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): now how so can american youtubers still upload material like gameplay footage of there own game
  203. [14:26] Blitz19: *XD*
  204. [14:26] Blitz19: yes
  205. [14:26] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): good you're a man of culture (?
  206. [14:26] Blitz19: xDDD
  207. [14:26] Maeve (owletrocks): i mean im quite sure we can still do that
  208. [14:26] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): dafuq
  209. [14:27] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): actually making a profit
  210. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): uploading game videos isn't against youtube's policy
  211. [14:27] Maeve (owletrocks): suggesting youtube makes ppl money still
  212. [14:27] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): but in the european union it is now
  213. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): imma clear something out
  214. [14:27] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): XD
  215. [14:27] Maeve (owletrocks): doesnt your youtube channel have like 2 COD videos and nothing else?
  216. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): regardless if you make money or not
  217. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): copyright laws still apply
  218. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): no matter if you make money or not
  219. [14:27] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): maybe some people are permissive with non-profit content
  220. [14:28] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): but if they wanna shut you down they can
  221. [14:28] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): my 2 cents
  222. [14:28] Maeve (owletrocks): youtube is a bit weirder as companies can go "thats fine but give me its money"
  223. [14:28] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): Article 13, which was approved by the European Parliament today, includes a so-called “Copyright Directive” that makes platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube liable for whatever is contained in the content users upload to those platforms. Fair play to the broader strokes of these laws: Creators deserve credit for their work, and tech giants are badly in need of regulation. In reality, though, Article 13 doesn’t really accomplish either of those things. Companies will either have to pay rights holders (read: usually other big companies) for any copyright-infringing content, or—and this is the more likely outcome—they’ll have to meticulously scrub uploads of any content that might cross the line. On sites like YouTube and Twitch, where creators regularly create videos and streams using everything from video game footage to emotes of copyrighted characters, this could signal a sea change.
  224. [14:28] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): the problem of art 13 is
  225. [14:28] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): it's so fucking vague we don't even know what we're facing
  226. [14:29] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): it could easily be interpreted as a censorship attempt to prevent independent new outlets from doing their job
  227. [14:29] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): some people compare it to china's censorship too
  228. [14:29] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): and with reason
  229. [14:29] Maeve (owletrocks): tbh in the UK we have like porn laws now
  230. [14:29] Maeve (owletrocks): i think what i make is illegal
  231. [14:29] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): lol
  232. [14:29] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): I mean hentai is illegal in japan
  233. [14:29] Blitz19: what?
  234. [14:30] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): unless you put black bars on the dick
  235. [14:30] Maeve (owletrocks): yes that's correct
  236. [14:30] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): it's retarded
  237. [14:30] Maeve (owletrocks): in the uk you cant make porn that involves like BDSM or face sitting
  238. [14:30] Maeve (owletrocks): or even squirting
  239. [14:30] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): lol
  240. [14:30] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): lol
  241. [14:30] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): how's that even a thing
  242. [14:31] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): ahaha
  243. [14:31] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): come to los vegas
  244. [14:31] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): las vegas*
  245. [14:31] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): los vogos
  246. [14:31] Maeve (owletrocks): no thanks
  247. [14:31] Evan Preston (velocitygaming): can make porn and shit
  248. [14:31] Blitz19: los vagos
  249. [14:31] Maeve (owletrocks): but its a law that was strongly opposed
  250. [14:31] Maeve (owletrocks): but is in effect but i dont think its enforced
  251. [14:31] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): I can see subverse being region locked in the UK
  252. [14:31] Maeve (owletrocks): mind you i hate british porn british people are ugly
  253. [14:32] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): lol I hear that stereotype a lot
  254. [14:32] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): is there any actual reason to that
  255. [14:32] Maeve (owletrocks): yes
  256. [14:32] Maeve (owletrocks): theyre an ugly lot here
  257. [14:32] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): I remember seeing someone in YT comments
  258. [14:32] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): complaining of the faces in star citizen being ugly
  259. [14:32] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): they were like "that's what you get for photoshooting people in the UK"
  260. [14:32] Maeve (owletrocks): :<
  261. [14:34] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): I still wonder how you look (?
  262. [14:34] Maeve (owletrocks): i thought i showed you
  263. [14:34] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): you never did
  264. [14:34] Nephuc Tomsen (shakeno.tomsen): you were always like ":<"
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