
#PastebinMonday 02/06/2023 Reinventing a Part of the Wheel Edition

Feb 6th, 2023
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. I'm sitting here feeling like I'm reinventing a part of the wheel every time I jump back into preparing the speedrun tournament broadcast layouts. Though I don't have to redesign it to a great extent this time around, I do have a backend implementation to put together for Tetris Attack that I used for the last Pokémon Puzzle League tournament. It did make a lot of setup easier on me. Maybe I will share all of the secrets one day. It's still a pain to sit down and update the layout every time, however. It's not helping that I last designed the video parts of the Tetris Attack tournament when I was using Vegas Pro 14 to edit everything. Now that I am on DaVinci Resolve, I might have to reconstruct the tournament intro from scratch. I'll see later today if the XML export works, but Vegas loves to crash when trying to do anything complicated. I am tempted to sit down and design one standard layout that can be used for all of the tournaments to reduce this grief. Thanks to the shortened tournament format, I should have a lot of time to consider such a thing between tournaments.
  5. I also have something bothering me a mild amount. I'm now seeing Tweets from people that are followed by the people that I follow. It tempts me to engage in harmful Twitter discourse and tell the stupid people in the replies why they are so stupid. What do so many people have against the idea that one should not have to be employed to have free access to food, water, and a roof over their head? They must think that living is a privilege and not an inalienable right that was declared universally in 1948, or something. I could go on about that for eons, but I might lose a few brain cells in the process. I'm better off just laughing at their stupidity... or shaking my head at them. (Thank you, trihex.)
  7. I also can't help but notice an increasing number of people around my space turning to v-tuber avatars. I've talked about what kind of v-tuber I would want to be, but every implementation I can find doesn't give me a lot of the time or the ability to execute even a basic version of that vision. What do?
  9. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals:
  11. Goal #1A: finalize broadcast layouts for the upcoming Tetris Attack tournament. I still get distracted and procrastinate. I just need to have this done. I probably won't be able to practice until I get this done.
  12. Goal #5: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Maybe I do that part on stream? I still have not ruled that out. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. I definitely will NOT be able to do that on stream. I don't know if I can work on any of this during the tournament.
  13. Goal #6: clean up my own stream layout. I am brainstorming how I want the final theming to be. I probably want to give people multiple options, maybe allow spending bits to change the look. I don't have anything written down yet. I don't expect to get to this anytime soon.
  16. More Tetris Attack practice on Friday. I'm going to add to the time between hydration breaks so I can fit in Easy – V-Hard runs. Hate that my ad breaks interrupt runs in progress, but also hate the pre-rolls that I have to introduce to fit in longer runs. Hope those few minutes every hour don't scare off the people.
  18. That’s my life story for the week. Later, doods!
  20. --Cards
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