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New New New Unanointables

a guest
Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. Items that can't spawn w/ anointments
  2. * Amazing Grace
  3. * Amber Management
  4. * Babymaker (Obtained from Claptrap quest)
  5. * Big Succ
  6. * Black Flame
  7. * Brashi's Dedication
  8. * Buttplug
  9. * Chadd
  10. * Cold Shoulder
  11. * Fingerbiter
  12. * Gettleburger
  13. * Girth Blaster Elite
  14. * Hand of Glory
  15. * Hot Drop
  16. * Hyper-Hydrator
  17. * Kenulox
  18. * Kevin's Chilly
  19. * Linc
  20. * Null Pointer
  21. * Pa's Rifle
  22. * Peacemonger
  23. * Portapooper
  24. * Rogue-Sight
  25. * RYNO (Not obtainable (yet))
  26. * Sellout
  27. * Starkiller
  28. * Suckerpunch
  29. * The Emperor's Condiment
  30. * The Ice Queen
  31. * The Killing Word
  32. * The Leech
  33. * THE TWO TIME
  34. * Traitor's Death
  36. * Melter Masher
  37. * Just Kaus
  38. * Firecracker
  39. * Kaleidoscope
  40. * **PURPLE** Love Drill
  41. * Sacrificial Lamb
  42. * The Cure
  43. * Seventh Sense
  44. * Pricker
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