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Jun 12th, 2019
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  1. # database:
  2. # type: mysql or sqlite
  3. # username: name of the mysql database user
  4. # password: mysql user's password
  5. # host: mysql host name or ip
  6. # port: mysql port, default is 3306
  7. # database: name of the database used
  8. # table: name of the table used
  9. # converter: EXPERIMENTAL - be sure to make a backup first!
  10. # REMEMBER: converter only works for MySQL databases, so be sure to use MySQL for both previous plugin and this plugin as well before converting
  11. # cc: find "db-prefix" setting from your old Creative Control config and copy the value here
  12. # sc: find "MySQL.TableName" setting from your old ShareControl config and copy the value here
  13. # general:
  14. # save-interval: time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) between each sync to database (recommended: 1200 - 36000)
  15. # track: whether to save blocks/items placed in creative mode and remove their drops
  16. # worldedit: REQUIRES WORLDEDIT
  17. # enabled: whether to save blocks/items placed with WorldEdit in creative mode and remove their drops
  18. # extended: whether to save blocks/items placed with WorldEdit in any gamemode and remove their drops (above must be true)
  19. # separate-invs: whether creative and survival/adventure inventories should be separate
  20. # remove-invalid-items: whether to remove invalid items (with custom NBT) from creative players' inventories (REQUIRES ProtocolLib)
  23. # disabled-worlds:
  24. # list of worlds this plugin is disabled in
  25. # by default, creative players can't travel to worlds listed here
  26. # if you want to allow everything, delete the list and put "[]" after "disabled-worlds:"
  27. # command:
  28. # description: the main command description
  29. # aliases: other forms of the main command
  30. # regions: REQUIRES WORLDGUARD
  31. # enabled: whether using creative should be limited to certain region(s)
  32. # whitelist: list of WorldGuard region names where entering creative mode (via the main command)
  33. # and placing blocks/items in creative mode is allowed
  34. # armor:
  35. # enabled: whether to automatically put non-removable colored armor on creative players
  36. # color: leather armor color value (from this site, for example:
  37. # permissions:
  38. # enabled: whether or not to give special permissions to players in creative mode
  39. # list:
  40. # list of permissions that are added, when player is put into creative mode, and removed, when their creative mode is removed
  41. # to remove a permission instead of adding, just add "-" in front of it
  42. # disable:
  43. # interact:
  44. # inventories: whether to disable interaction with inventories (chests, hoppers, villagers etc)
  45. # entities: whether to disable interaction (right-clicking) with entities (breeding, armor stands, touch holograms etc, excluding item frames)
  46. # breeding: whether to disable animal breeding (this setting won't affect anything if above "entities:" is set to "true") - 1.10+ ONLY
  47. # item:
  48. # drop: whether to disable item dropping in creative mode
  49. # pickup: whether to disable item pickup in creative mode
  50. # throw: whether to disable throwing/shooting items (splash potions, eggs, arrows etc)
  51. # commands:
  52. # list of commands which are disabled for creative players
  53. # supports powerful RegEx -
  54. # if you want to allow everything, delete the list and put "[]" after "commands:"
  55. # combat:
  56. # pvp: whether to disable player vs player combat
  57. # pve: whether to disable player vs entity combat
  58. # creation:
  59. # wither: whether to disable creating Wither from creative blocks
  60. # snow-golem: whether to disable creating Snow Golem from creative blocks
  61. # iron-golem: whether to disable creating Iron Golem from creative blocks
  62. # messages:
  63. # if you wish to disable a message, replace it with 'none'
  64. # text formatting is supported:
  65. # %mills% is replaced with time taken by the task (only on db-done)
  66. # %blocks% is replaced with number of blocks processed by the task (only on db-added, db-removed, db-loaded)
  67. # %material% is replaced with material name of the block (only on block-added, block-removed, block-info-true, block-info-false)
  68. # blacklists:
  69. # available values are listed here (for the latest Spigot version):
  70. # if you want to allow everything, delete the list and put "[]" after "use:", "interact:" and/or "break:"
  71. # place:
  72. # list of items that creative players cannot place
  73. # interact:
  74. # in-hand:
  75. # list of items that, while holding in hand, creative players cannot use/interact with anything
  76. # also blocks items from being placed, but for that use ""
  77. # INK_SACK is blacklisted, because bone meal is also an Ink Sac and it can be used to grow trees too quickly
  78. # EYE_OF_ENDERs, for example, are blacklisted because they drop or become a part of the End portal
  79. # when shot, which is interfering with survival experience
  80. # if you use version below 1.10 and want to disable animal breeding (but not interacting with entities),
  81. # this is a good place to list items used in breeding
  82. # if you use 1.8, comment out (add '#' in front) or delete SPLASH_POTION and LINGERING_POTION,
  83. # because they will throw errors, and add POTION
  84. # on-ground:
  85. # list of items that, while placed in the world, creative players cannot use/interact with
  86. # SIGNs are blacklisted, because some shop plugins allow selling items by clicking on a sign
  87. # JUKEBOXes and FLOWER_POTs are blacklisted, because they could be used to smuggle stuff into survival mode
  88. # break:
  89. # list of items that creative players cannot break
  90. # whitelist:
  91. # available values are listed here (for the latest Spigot version):
  92. # if you want to exclude a block/item from being tracked, add it into the list (see blacklist for example format)
  93. # if you want to track everything, leave it as default: "[]" after "whitelist:"
  94. #
  95. database:
  96. type: sqlite
  97. username: root
  98. password: ''
  99. host: localhost
  100. port: 3306
  101. database: rc_database
  102. table: rc_table
  104. converter:
  105. cc: cc_
  106. sc: blocks
  108. general:
  109. save-interval: 10000
  110. track: true
  111. worldedit:
  112. enabled: true
  113. extended: false
  114. separate-invs: true
  115. remove-invalid-items: false
  116. disabled-worlds:
  117. - 'survival'
  118. command:
  119. description: 'Allows player to switch between creative and default gamemodes.'
  120. aliases:
  121. - 'restrictedcreative'
  122. - 'gm 1'
  123. - 'gm 0'
  124. - 'gmc'
  125. - 'gms'
  126. regions:
  127. enabled: false
  128. whitelist:
  129. - 'building_competition'
  130. armor:
  131. enabled: false
  132. color: 16711680
  133. permissions:
  134. enabled: false
  135. list:
  136. - 'prefix.creative'
  137. - '-prefix.survival'
  138. disable:
  139. interact:
  140. inventories: true
  141. entities: true
  142. breeding: true
  143. item:
  144. drop: true
  145. pickup: true
  146. throw: true
  147. commands:
  148. - '(.*)(buy|sell)(.*)'
  149. - '(.*)(chest)(.*)'
  150. - '(.*)(vp)(.*)'
  151. - '(.*)(slimefun)(.*)'
  152. - '(.*)(sf)(.*)'
  153. - '(.*)(kit)(.*)'
  154. - '(.*)(mobarena)(.*)'
  155. - '(.*)(ma)(.*)'
  156. combat:
  157. pvp: true
  158. pve: true
  159. creation:
  160. wither: true
  161. snow-golem: true
  162. iron-golem: true
  164. messages:
  165. prefix: '&2&lCreative > '
  166. no-permission: '&cYou don''t have enough permissions to do that!'
  167. no-console: '&cThis command can only be used in-game.'
  168. disabled: '&cYou can''t do that in creative mode.'
  169. disabled-interact: '&cYou can''t do that, because that was modified in creative mode.'
  170. reloaded: '&aConfig reloaded!'
  171. db-load: '&eLoading data from database...'
  172. db-save: '&eSaving data to database...'
  173. db-added: '&eAdded %blocks% new blocks to database.'
  174. db-removed: '&eDeleted %blocks% old blocks from database.'
  175. db-deleted: '&eDeleted database. Full restart is required for changes to take effect.'
  176. db-loaded: '&eLoaded %blocks% blocks from database!'
  177. db-done: '&aDone! Took %mills%ms'
  178. creative-on: '&aCreative mode enabled!'
  179. creative-off: '&aCreative mode disabled!'
  180. wrong-convert: '&cCorrect usage: /rc convert <cc|gmi|sql>'
  181. wrong-block: '&cCorrect usage: /rc block <add|remove|info>'
  182. cancel: '&cCancelled!'
  183. block-add: '&aRight-click a block/entity you want to add to the database. Type "/rc block add" again to cancel.'
  184. block-added: '&aAdded %material% to the database!'
  185. block-remove: '&aRight-click a block/entity you want to remove from the database. Type "/rc block remove" again to cancel.'
  186. block-removed: '&aRemoved %material% from the database!'
  187. block-info: '&aRight-click a block/entity you want to know more about. Type "/rc block info" again to cancel.'
  188. block-info-true: '&aBlock/entity %material% is placed in creative mode!'
  189. block-info-false: '&aBlock/entity %material% is not placed in creative mode.'
  190. disabled-region: '&cYou can''t do that outside the allowed region.'
  191. block-stats: '&eTotal creative placed blocks and entities: %total%'
  192. disabled-creature: '&cYou can''t do that, because a part of the creature was placed in creative mode.'
  194. blacklists:
  195. place:
  196. - 'BEDROCK'
  198. - 'TNT'
  199. - 'SAPLING'
  200. interact:
  201. in-hand:
  202. - 'SPLASH_POTION'
  204. - 'MONSTER_EGG'
  205. - 'FLINT_AND_STEEL'
  206. - 'FIREBALL'
  207. - 'EXP_BOTTLE'
  208. - 'INK_SACK'
  209. - 'EYE_OF_ENDER'
  210. - 'EGG'
  211. - 'LAVA_BUCKET'
  212. - 'WATER_BUCKET'
  213. on-ground:
  214. - 'JUKEBOX'
  215. - 'FLOWER_POT'
  216. - 'SIGN_POST'
  217. - 'WALL_SIGN'
  218. break:
  219. - 'BEDROCK'
  222. whitelist: []
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