

Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. -- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
  2. -- Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Method not found: '!0 Autodesk.Max.ITab`1.get_Item(IntPtr)'.
  3. -- MAXScript callstack:
  4. -- thread data: threadID:7648
  5. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  6. -- [stack level: 0]
  7. -- In ww_wwdt_makeVMFBrush(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormVMF.mse; position: 65969; line: 1888
  8. -- member of: StructDef:wallwormVMF
  9. -- Defined in encrypted script
  10. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  11. -- [stack level: 1]
  12. -- called from obj loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormVMF.mse; position: 158372; line: 4364
  13. -- Defined in encrypted script
  14. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  15. -- [stack level: 2]
  16. -- called from outputVMF(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormVMF.mse; position: 158444; line: 4366
  17. -- member of: StructDef:wallwormVMF
  18. -- Defined in encrypted script
  19. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  20. -- [stack level: 3]
  21. -- called from btn_export.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\WallWormUtilities\; position: 34193; line: 675
  22. -- member of: Rollout:WallWormVMFExport
  23. -- Locals:
  24. -- ended: undefined
  25. -- vmf: undefined
  26. -- seconds: undefined
  27. -- started: 68619313
  28. -- addednoticice: undefined
  29. -- minutes: undefined
  30. -- Externals:
  31. -- chk_compile: RolloutControl:chk_compile in rollout:WallWormVMFExport : CheckBoxControl:chk_compile
  32. -- wallworm_addVMFRootNode: Global:wallworm_addVMFRootNode : wallworm_addVMFRootNode()
  33. -- WallWormVMFExport: Rollout:WallWormVMFExport
  34. -- wallworm_file_vmf_presets: Global:wallworm_file_vmf_presets : (wallwormVMF nodes:undefined errors:#() sv:StringStream:"// VMF File generated by the Wall Worm VMF Exporter 2.62
  35. //
  36. versioninfo
  37. {
  38. "editorversion" "400"
  39. "editorbuild" "6455"
  40. "mapversion" "9"
  41. "formatversion" "100"
  42. "prefab" "0"
  43. }
  44. visgroups
  45. {
  46. visgroup
  47. {
  48. "name" "Default Layer"
  49. "visgroupid" "10"
  50. "color" "88 144 225"
  51. }
  52. visgroup
  53. {
  54. "name" "Layout"
  55. "visgroupid" "11"
  56. "color" "184 228 153"
  57. }
  58. visgroup
  59. {
  60. "name" "Hints"
  61. "visgroupid" "12"
  62. "color" "229 154 215"
  63. }
  64. visgroup
  65. {
  66. "name" "Light Entities"
  67. "visgroupid" "14"
  68. "color" "166 229 229"
  69. }
  70. visgroup
  71. {
  72. "name" "Terrorist"
  73. "visgroupid" "15"
  74. "color" "148 177 27"
  75. }
  76. visgroup
  77. {
  78. "name" "Counter Terrorist"
  79. "visgroupid" "16"
  80. "color" "28 28 177"
  81. }
  82. visgroup
  83. {
  84. "name" "Spawn Entities"
  85. "visgroupid" "17"
  86. "color" "214 229 166"
  87. }
  88. }
  89. viewsettings
  90. {
  91. "bSnapToGrid" "1"
  92. "bShowGrid" "1"
  93. "bShowLogicalGrid" "0"
  94. "nGridSpacing" "128"
  95. "bShow3DGrid" "0"
  96. }
  97. world
  98. {
  99. "id" "1"
  100. "mapversion" "9"
  101. "classname" "worldspawn"
  102. "skyname" "sky_day01_01"
  103. "startdark" "0"
  104. "gametitle" "0"
  105. "newunit" "0"
  106. "maxoccludeearea" "0"
  107. "minoccluderarea" "0"
  108. "maxoccludeearea_x360" "0"
  109. "minoccluderarea_x360" "0"
  110. "maxpropscreenwidth" "-1"
  111. "minpropscreenwidth" "0"
  112. "detailvbsp" "detail.vbsp"
  113. "detailmaterial" "detail/detailsprites"
  114. "coldworld" "0"
  115. " filename:"C:\Users\Matthew Fuller\Dropbox\Level Design\source_engine_assets\CSGO\levels\de_tube_ww\de_tube.vmf" outputModels:false outputDisplacements:false outputBrushes:true outputPointEntities:false outputBrushEntities:false outputLights:true exporterVersion:2.62 weldWorldGeometry:false invertAlpha:false runVBSP:true runVRAD:true runVVIS:true vradBoth:false vradFinal:false vvisFast:false launchGame:true compileMap:true lightMultiplier:200.0 lightEnvMultiplier:20 includeHidden:true visOpts:"" radOpts:"" bspOpts:"" refCollection:#() scenObjectCollection:#() calculateSkybox:false skyboxHelper:undefined skyScale:16 skyScaleIn:0.0625 lightmapScale:16 skyTransform:(matrix3 [0.0625,0,0] [0,0.0625,0] [0,0,0.0625] [0,0,0]) skyOrigin:[0,0,0] brushNum:3 sideNum:7 groupNum:16 processedObjects:#($Box:WestWall001 @ [-1088.000000,-0.000006,0.000000]) EXCLUDE:#($<root>, $Dummy:Map Limits @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Box:WestWall001 @ [-1088.000000,-0.000006,0.000000]) EmbedWWMT:false EmbeddWWMTTex:false EmbedSky:false EmbedCVXProps:false EmbedWorldTex:false EmbedWAVs:false EmbedVBSP:false HDRBrightness:(color 255 255 255) AmbientLDR:(color 255 255 255) AmbientHDR:(color 255 255 255) UseBrightness:true UseLDRAmbient:true HDRScale:1.0 SunSpreadAngle:0 AmbientHDRScale:1.0 AmbientScale:2.0 skyname:"sky_day01_01" MaxPropScreenWidth:-1 MinPropScreenWidth:0 DetailSprites:"detail/detailsprites" DetailVBSP:"detail.vbsp" BreakNonPlanarFaces:false precise:true _this:undefined devmap:undefined compileLogWindow:true vbsp:undefined worldspawn:$<root> allObject:#($Box:WestWall001 @ [-1088.000000,-0.000006,0.000000], $Box:SouthWall001 @ [0.000000,-1088.000000,0.000000], $Box:Sky001 @ [0.000000,-0.000015,512.000000], $Box:NorthWall001 @ [0.000000,1088.000000,0.000000], $Box:Ground001 @ [0.000015,0.000108,0.000046], $Box:EastWall001 @ [1088.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Box:CharacterReference001 @ [64.000000,-64.000000,0.000000], $Box:BlockCover001 @ [448.000000,256.000000,0.000006], $Box:BlockCover002 @ [-448.000000,-256.000000,0.000000], $PolyMesh:Hint000 @ [-128.000000,-640.000000,42.666668], $PolyMesh:Hint001 @ [554.666687,-512.000000,170.666672], $PolyMesh:Hint002 @ [256.000000,640.000000,170.666672], $PolyMesh:Hint003 @ [-682.666687,-682.666687,170.666672], $PolyMesh:Hint004 @ [-512.000000,512.000000,170.666672], $PolyMesh:Hint005 @ [42.666668,597.333374,0.000000], $PolyMesh:Hint006 @ [682.666687,682.666687,170.666672], $PolyMesh:Hint007 @ [-469.333344,-469.333344,170.666672], $Dummy:Map Limits @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Free_Directional_Light:light_environment001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,240.000000], $Editable_Poly:info_player_terrorist001 @ [640.000000,511.999969,8.000000], ...) objectCollection:#() shapeCollection:#() lightCollection:#($Free_Directional_Light:light_environment001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,240.000000]) cameraCollection:#() helperCollection:#() mapPropertyNode:$Dummy:Map Limits @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000] legacyEntities:false pv:getVert() gv:getVert() pgetFaceNormal:getFaceNormal() polyopgetFaceMatID:getFaceMatID() polyopgetFaceVerts:getFaceVerts() polyopgetFaceSmoothGroup:getFaceSmoothGroup() getMapVert:getMapVert() getMapSupport:getMapSupport() getMapFace:getMapFace() polyopgetFaceArea:getFaceArea() meshopgetPolysUsingFace:getPolysUsingFace() polyopgetElementsUsingFace:getElementsUsingFace() getMapForCoords:getMapForCoords() actualBrushes:1 actualEntities:1 brushSideMax:128 vmfHelper:dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMFHelper defaultMaterialName:"tools/toolsnodraw" layerID_Cache:undefined layerID_Cache_Get:undefined validTextureFilenames:#() invalidTextureFilenames:#() checkValidFile:checkValidFile() wallworm_vmfExport_invalidValues:#("", ";", "\", undefined))
  116. -- rootNode: SystemGlobal:rootNode : $<root>
  117. -- owner: Rollout:WallWormVMFExport
  118. -- ------------------------------------------------------
  119. -- [stack level: 4]
  120. -- called from top-level
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