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May 12th, 2020
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  1. [Battle]
  2. EncounterInterval=960
  3. AutoPotionOverhealLimit=-1 ; Maximum oveheal in percents, -1 to disable a new behaviour
  4. Enabled=0
  5. GarnetConcentrate=0 ; 0 - Default, 1 - Disable "Garnet can't concerntrate"
  6. NoAutoTrance=0
  7. SelectBestTarget=1 ; 0 - Original, 1 - Estimate the best target via IEstimateBattleScript
  8. Speed=0 ; 0 - Default, 1 - Fast, 2 - Turn-based
  9. [Icons]
  10. HideCursor=0
  11. HideCards=0
  12. HideExclamation=0
  13. Enabled=0
  14. HideQuestion=0
  15. HideBeach=0
  16. [Cheats]
  17. SpeedFactor=2
  18. LvMax=0
  19. Attack9999=0
  20. BattleAssistance=0
  21. Enabled=1
  22. MasterSkill=0
  23. GilMax=0
  24. NoRandomEncounter=0
  25. Rotation=0
  26. Perspective=1
  27. SpeedMode=1
  28. [Export]
  29. Languages="US", "UK", "JP", "ES", "FR", "GR", "IT"
  30. Text=1
  31. Path=%StreamingAssets%
  32. Battle=0
  33. Field=0
  34. Audio=1
  35. Graphics=1
  36. Enabled=0
  37. [Hacks]
  38. AllCharactersAvailable=0 ; 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Only main characters (Quina, Eiko, Amarant), 3 - Only minor characters (Cinna, Marcus, Blank). Be careful:
  39. FrogCatchingIncrement=1 ; Number of frogs per catch
  40. Enabled=0
  41. HippaulRacingViviSpeed=33 ; Vivi's speed in the hippaul racing
  42. RopeJumpingIncrement=1000 ; Number of points per jump
  43. [Graphics]
  44. UseGarnetFont=0
  45. MovieFPS=20
  46. BattleSwirlFrames=60
  47. BattleFPS=20
  48. WidescreenSupport=1
  49. Enabled=1
  50. GarnetHair=0 ; 0 - Default, 1 - Long, 2 - Short
  51. SkipIntros=2 ; 0 - Don't skip, 1 - Skip logos, 2 - Skip logos and movie, 3 - Don't reset at the title
  52. [TetraMaster]
  53. DiscardMaxSum=480 ; Maximum sum of attack power, phisical and magical defence for auto discard (numbers on the card * 16)
  54. DiscardFlexibleCards=1 ; Enable to auto discard Flexible cards (?X??)
  55. Enabled=1
  56. DiscardAssaultCards=0 ; Enable to auto discard Assault cards (?A??)
  57. DiscardAutoButton=1 ; Will add "Auto" button to the discard card dialog
  58. DiscardExclusions=56, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 98, 99, 100 ; Disable auto discard for these cards
  59. DiscardKeepSameArrow=0 ; Minimum number of cards with the arrows in the deck for auto discard
  60. DiscardKeepSameType=1 ; Minimum number of cards with the same type in the deck for auto discard
  61. DiscardMaxAttack=224 ; Maximum attack power for auto discard (number on the card * 16)
  62. DiscardMaxMDef=255 ; Maximum magical defence for auto discard (number on the card * 16)
  63. DiscardMaxPDef=255 ; Maximum phisical defence for auto discard (number on the card * 16)
  64. DiscardMinDeckSize=10 ; Minimum number of cards in the deck for auto discard
  65. ReduceRandom=1
  66. [Import]
  67. Audio=1
  68. Graphics=1
  69. Enabled=0
  70. Field=0
  71. Path=%StreamingAssets%
  72. Text=1
  73. [System]
  74. StreamingAssets=C:\Program Files\Moguri Mod\StreamingAssets\
  75. Enabled=1
  76. MoguriFolder=C:\Program Files\Moguri Mod\
  77. [Font]
  78. Size=24
  79. Enabled=0
  80. Names="Arial", "Times Bold"
  81. [Debug]
  82. SigningEventObjects=0
  83. Enabled=0
  84. [AnalogControl]
  85. MinimumSpeed=5
  86. Enabled=1
  87. StickThreshold=10 ; 0...100
  88. [Fixes]
  89. Enabled=1
  90. KeepRestTimeInBattle=1
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