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May 16th, 2019
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  1. Establishing a National Antifascist Working Group
  2. Authors: AVA - Heart of The Valley, Ben C. - Portland, James B. - Portland, Nick M. - Heart of the Valley
  4. The Resolve:
  5. Be it therefore resolved that DSA create a national working group dedicated to antifascist organizing.
  6. -Said group will provide information and instruction to help DSA members to disrupt fascist organizing in their region.
  7. -Said group will provide resources and trainings to help DSA chapters ensure security at their meetings and events.
  8. -Said group will provide a secure online platform for antifascist organizing across DSA chapters.
  9. -Said group will coordinate antifascist praxis with existing antifascist and community defense groups.
  10. -Said group will have a process by which interested DSA members may apply to join, and applicants will be accepted after the assessment that they do not jeopardize the security of the other group members, or the antifascist community at large.
  11. The Rationale:
  12. Whereas, numerous DSA chapters have been threatened, infiltrated, and have otherwise experienced violence from fascist and alt-right organizations. Our members have been assaulted, doxed, and threatened because of their politics. It is imperative that we fight back against these aggressions.
  13. Whereas, fascists and the far right pose an existential threat to marginalized communities, and it is the responsibility of leftists to advocate for and protect these communities. People of color and LGBTQ+ people experience the brunt of fascist violence. Leftists, who believe in egalitarianism and equity, must fight for the safety of the systematically oppressed.
  14. Whereas, antifascist tactics have been historically proven to disrupt and stop the incursion of fascism into vulnerable communities.
  15. Whereas, DSA, as the most prominent and mainstream socialist organization in the USA, is uniquely positioned to promote mainstream acceptance of antifascism as a viable tactic. Historically, DSA has not pulled its own weight in the struggle against the far-right. It is time that we change this. We have more power than any other leftist organization in the united states, and thus have the potential to massively impact the fight against fascism.
  17. The Cost:
  18. The working group would require little staff time and involvement. It would cost $2,000 annually to facilitate its actions.
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