
An Exploration of Slaine Troyard

May 27th, 2015
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  27. I know there’s been a lot of hate for him online throughout the series, but now that its done I did want to explore Slaine’s character and say somethings as a counter to some of the hyperbole. I don’t really expect to convince anyone to change their minds (I’m sure everyone whose watched the show is set in their opinions one way or another, etc), so if anyone wants to dismiss this as words of a “Slaine fan” etc, then thats fine. Much of this will be summary, but but you can’t really explore the character without it (yes, there will be a TL:DR at the end).
  29. ******Who is Slaine?******
  30. [Source: kanmuri (Pixiv)]
  32. To borrow a few suggestions; A Friend, A Terran, A Traitor, A Bat, A Hero, A Child, A Gull, A Son, A Wolf, A Husband (and varying other names to others, I’m sure). I think this is a great image, because aside from the obviously excellent artwork, I feel that it demonstrates a really good understanding of Slaine as a character and his varying aspects.
  34. Some may see him as having an identity that changes throughout the series’, but I would argue that Slaine was all these things because he is the most human of all the characters in the show. I found his ongoing efforts to be the only thing that kept me watching when I batch-watched the first season, and had me genuinely interested in what would happen week-by-week in the second. That and Sawano’s soundtrack. The multifaceted nature of who Slaine was during the story’s events carried this show. Without him, it would have been nothing but comically caricatured villains riding their monsters-of-the-week with little purpose other than to demonstrate how OP Inaho is. In any case keep those labels in mind as we’ll go over some now, and some I’ll come back to later;
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  43. Slaine, The Child
  45. Saved by Princess Asseylum, Slaine Troyard is the son of the respected Dr Troyard (who we barely have any info on). Slaine’s father seemed to significantly aid development of Aldnoah for use on Vers, and he saved the life of Count Saazbaum many years prior to the story. Apparently the only living member of Slaine’s family, he unfortunately died in Slaine’s childhood years, leaving Slaine alone in a foreign land…
  49. Slaine, The Terran
  51. Slaine is now (the sole?) Terran on Mars, a nation for whom a significant portion of their culture is built around a caste system and a dislike of Terrans. Despite his father’s contributions to Vers, you can guess what this means for where he ends up in that system; a low ranking servant under the ‘noble’ Count Crutheo, and an underdog to say the least…
  55. Slaine, The Friend
  57. …Ironically however, this same Terran birth and childhood mean that Slaine has firsthand knowledge of Earth, and Asseylum ’s admiration/curiosity toward Earth allow for Slaine to serve as an instructor, sharing his love for nature with her and a friendship between the two to form. From the impact of their (admittedly troped) “fated” meeting [beginning of S1-Ep05], to the fact that she is the only one who seems to treat him with any decency - over time, Asylum becomes extremely important to Slaine and he comes to care for her greatly. This relationship sets the foundation for many of the events in the story.
  59. The very first thing we are introduced to in A/Z, is a scene of Asseylum and Slaine (…crashed by Crutheo, with a stern look to remind Slaine of his “place”), followed later by a scene [S1-Ep01 09:58-13:04] of Asseylum explaining her desire to for a better relationship between Earth & Mars. Upon hearing this Slaine gives her his pendant; a memento from his only family member, and perhaps the most precious thing he owns - as a protective charm for her journey… only to be once again interrupted by Crutheo and reminded, more harshly, of his place in Vers society.
  61. Oblivious to Slaine’s abuse, the princess holds on to the pendant, It carries the hope for the dream she goes on to re-affirm to Eddelritto and at this point the pendant becomes representative of the good will and the relationship that exists between the two despite their differing births, homeland, and social status - and a symbol of that dream. This is obviously important for later in the story.
  63. [S1-Ep05 09:53-10:40 (flashback)] Slaine is also a contributor to Asseylum’s dream.
  64. Asseylum: “Birds?”
  65. Slaine: “Yes.”
  66. Asseylum: “And they’re animals that fly in the sky?”
  67. “If I go to Earth, I can see them, right?”
  68. Slaine: “Yes. The scars from Heaven’s Fall are healing, albeit slowly.”
  69. “Nature is strong. When humans are gone, it immediately starts to reclaim the land.”
  70. Asseylum: “When humans are gone?”
  71. Slaine: “Yes. Devastated regions are soon filled with green, in stark contrast to when they were populated—”
  72. Asseylum: “It’s so sad that we cannot all live together.”
  73. Slaine: “But we can! With careful thinking and hard work, its possible!”
  74. Asseylum: “Really?”
  75. Slaine: “Yes!”
  76. “We can all live together.”
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  88. ******What does he really want? What’s his motivation?******
  90. An excellent question, but not one with a simple answer. I could just say: “he did it for the princess”, and for the most part it would be true — but that wouldn’t do anyone any justice, so you’d need to semi-dissect several events and consider “who” Slaine is to then get those answers. (which brings us on to the next question…)
  92. ******Why did he do “ABC” in episode “XYZ”?******
  94. I’m going to skip parts of the first few episodes as I covered their relevance in the Child/Terran/Friend above and move on to:
  98. Slaine, The Traitor
  101. [S1-Ep02] introduces us to Trillram, Vers’ retaliation for Earth’s “assassination” of its princess, some further reminder’s of Slaine’s low class as a Terran [09:32-09:55] and his hesitation to fight against Earth forces [11:57-12:20].
  103. [S1-Ep03 22:18-END]
  104. But its the epilogue of [S1-Ep03 22:18-END] where Slaine begins to significantly deviate from the actions of the Vers incursion. Upon learning that Asseylum is alive, but still is at risk from other members of the Vers nobility itself, the once hesitant underdog gains some teeth. ‘Slaine the Terran’, ‘Slaine The Friend’ become ‘Slaine The Traitor’ and he kills his compatriot, Trillram, in order to protect the princess. It is here we first see that Slaine is willing to do wrong, if its the only way for him to right another wrong.
  106. [S1-Ep04 10:20-11:33]
  107. During an attempt to speak to Crutheo and suggest that further action in the area might harm the nature Asseylum was fond of (completely misunderstood by Crutheo), Slaine is once again violently ‘reminded’ of his lowly Terran status. Also, importantly, it is here that he first comes to understand the Orbital Knights’ desire for conflict with Earth, that had been pent up for the last 15 years. Slaine decides that in his position, he cannot afford to trust anyone out of fear that they may learn he princess is alive and may attack her again. The episode ends with Slaine determined to get clearance to sortie but is yet again denied, and further ‘reminded’ of his lowly status by Crutheo [21:38-END], with the insult carried on by Vlad [S1-Ep06 06:30-06:50] in the next episode.
  109. After the ceasefire announcement, and Crutheo using the audience chamber to communicate with the Emperor - Slaine sees a chance to ask for help from the one person he can be certain has Asseylum’s wellbeing as an interest [16:13-16:59], her grandfather. Alas, Count Saazbaum, true mastermind behind the assassination attempt, is two steps ahead of him, and has set a trap that Slaine has walked into [20:18-END]. Despite Slaine’s efforts the ceasefire is cancelled and Slaine is now considered a Terran spy.
  112. [S1-Ep06]
  113. Opens with declaration of war from the Emperor. Having no power or authority of his own, unable to trust the Vers nobility, and his best hope rebuked by the deceived Vers emperor himself — Slaine is now painfully aware that there are no options available to him to save the princess. While being labelled as a traitor and hunted, he realises finding Asseylum is something he must do for himself. Slaine decides to follow up on the only clue to her whereabouts he has… the orange cataphract responsible for defeating several Vers units. — the underdog breaks away from his former masters, steals a carrier and takes to the sky…
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  128. Slaine, The Bat
  131. …Saving the orange cataphract and the Wadatsumi’s forces from Count Femieanne and her Hellas, [S1-Ep6 21:15-END]
  133. [S1-Ep07]
  134. Sees Slaine continue to support the Wadatsumi’s Earth forces, with the highlight being direct cooperation between Inaho in his Slepnir and Slaine in his carrier.
  136. The most important part of the episode however, follows the inaugural launch of the Deucalion, and Slaine’s realisation that Asseylum is here when he sees her/Aldnoah light on the ship [19:10-END]. There’s a lot of potential for debate for this section alone and the story could have been completely different had events here occurred differently;
  138. [20:45-END]
  140. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum! I’ve finally found you!”
  141. Inaho: “Your princess died… why were you searching for her?”
  142. Slaine: “huh?”
  143. Inaho: “You must have known she was alive. How?”
  144. Slaine: “What do you mean?”
  145. Inaho: “Answer me.”
  146. Slaine: “Let me meet the princess.”
  147. Slaine: “Answer my question first.”
  149. Slaine: “Do you intend to make use of there princess for your own ends?”
  150. Inaho: “Use her? What’s it to you?” [lit. “Using her? Would that be a problem?”]
  151. Slaine: “You…”
  154. Slaine: “Are you my enemy?”
  155. Inaho: “You are my enemy.”
  157. Inaho hears Slaine’s joy over finding the Asseylum over their shared comms, yet believes Slaine to be suspicious due to his knowledge of Asseylum being alive (theoretically, he would know if he was one of the attackers). I can understand Inaho’s initial suspicion, but wouldn’t anyone realistically take the time to hear out someone who had just helped them?
  159. Meanwhile, Slaine’s inability to trust anyone so far leads him to request to speak to Asseylum directly. Much in the same way the Orbital Knights have made use of Asseylum and her death for their own ends, Slaine fears that the princess he’s finally found, may again be at risk of exploitation for similar means and after a brief standoff he fires at Inaho while Inaho fires back.
  161. The most disappointing portion however, is Inaho’s response to Slaine’s question. They both want to protect Asseylum despite their doubts in each other. Thematically, Slaine is effectively asking if they want the same thing. Initially I believed Inaho is denying this for no real reason (other than writers driving plot events). However, I think his dialogue with Slaine gives away that the “logical” portion of his character that he so well known for, is prepared to include Asseylum in his plans if need be. In any case this is important for the story at two more points so keep it in mind.
  163. [NOTE (1): If Inaho’s concern was solely trust - he could have easily granted Slaine a meeting with her by telling him to land first/meeting him with armed guards. Additionally If he genuinely believed Slaine to be one of the forces after Asseylum’s life (and thus a further risk) why not kill him instead of just shooting him down? He chooses not kill him, but deny him access.]
  165. [NOTE (2): During his discussion with Asseylum, Inaho acknowledges that Slaine fears Asseylum is being used [S1-Ep08 13:48] - Showing that he knows Slaine isn’t a threat to Asseylum (logically: why would someone who is supposedly one of the people out to kill the princess be concerned at her being used?). This adds to my suspicion that its not just that he wants to prevent him reaching Asseylum for protection, but also because he perceives the presence of “Princess Asseylum” as valuable (a proven trump card) and thus Slaine who would threaten that advantage is designated an “enemy”]
  167. [NOTE (3): As an interesting aside that I won’t delve into outside here: Inaho fights side-by-side with here with Slaine against a Martian Cataphract but somehow considers him a threat to Asseylum and an enemy, but later in Ep09/10 Rayet can quite literally kill Asseylum and the situation ends with him having no problem with her. …ok.]
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  180. Slaine, The Hero
  183. [S1-Ep08]
  184. After a brief flashback to Slaine’s first meeting with Asseylum, we see the bat returned to being an underdog, captured by his former master. Slaine is cruelly tortured as a lowly Terran spy by Crutheo seeking answers, after the events of the last episode. Having exhausted all of his options, Slaine uses silence as his last means to protect Asseylum; holding valiantly under this duress, refusing to give away any information to those he is unsure of he can trust.
  186. Crutheo’s anti-terran disgust blinds him to the meaning of the few statements Slaine does give out
  187. [09:06] “Are you still loyal to Princess Asseylum?”
  189. [10:48-11:33]
  190. Slaine: “Count. Do you care for your princess?”
  191. “Are you her ally?”
  192. Crutheo: “Yes, of course I am.”
  193. “Now, spit it out.”
  194. “For your crimes, I sentence you to watch as I give your Terran friends an even greater taste of fear.”
  195. Slaine: “I knew it. You were lying.”
  196. “Her highness only wished for peace, and yet you tried to use her death for your own gain,”
  197. “You would trample her dream.”
  199. [09:53-10:40] gives us another glimpse and Slaine & Asseylum’s childhood together (and perhaps the moment that gave birth to her dream), as a contrast to the lone Terran on Mars’ treatment at the hands of other Versians. [Them discussing birds is also a moment significant to the plot later]
  201. Following a scene [14:12-16:28] where Asseylum tells Inaho about the (symbolic) pendant she received from Slaine, how she learned about Earth from her time with him, and it leading to her resolve for her dream, we get a monologue from Slaine;
  203. Slaine: “Back then, Princess Asseylum saved my life.
  204. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be alive.
  205. So… This time… I will protect her.
  206. I can’t tell them she’s alive.
  207. I won’t let anyone use her as they want.
  208. Be they Martian or Terran.”
  210. [17:34-END] Following Crutheo’s realisation that the princess is alive and his gaining an insight into Slaine’s efforts and motivation, he is unceremoniously killed off by Saazbaum, as you all know.
  212. Although I failed to mention earlier, we see here again in this episode that Saazbaum has begun to take an interest in Slaine. Taking custody of the injured and unconscious underdog leads us to events that the end the first season and set up the next portion of Slaine’s character arc.
  214. [NOTE: I thought it was interesting to highlight Crutheo was originally the one charged with the care / protection of Princess Asseylum. Tharsis was Crutheo’s personal cataphract. Following Crutheo’s acknowledgement of Slaine’s loyalty to Asseylum he is killed and Slaine eventually comes into possession of Tharsis at the end of S1 officially inheriting the role of one charged with her care/protection.]
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  227. I’d previously used he labels to explore Slaine sequentially ep-by-ep, but its important to understand they can apply across multiple events (for example, understanding ’Slaine The Friend’ underpins almost all of his actions, while ‘Slaine The Child’ could also overlap with events for ‘Slaine The Son’, ‘Slaine The Terran’ with ‘Slaine the Wolf’ and so on). However for these last 4 labels I’m going to cover multiple episodes in each as they overlap time-wise. I will also partially explore some of the other characters to help further the exploration of Slaine, then say a bit about the ending.
  230. Slaine, The Son
  233. [S1-Ep09 START-01:45] The State of Vers, pt 1
  235. Begins with Saazbaum’s exposition; saving Slaine to repay Dr Troyard (for having saved Saazbaum’s own life), being impressed with the lengths Slaine has gone to for Asseylum’s sake - as well as confessing that he is the mastermind behind the assassination plot. But why would conflict with Earth be so important to the Orbital Knights? Why would some of the Vers nobility go so far as to kill their own princess to achieve it? What would cause someone with such privilege to be so displeased, that they would betray the loyalty the had sworn? Over a dinner that would be considered a simple meal by Earth standards, but luxurious by Vers’ - Saazbaum delivers an alternative look on the Vers way of life, opening the eyes of both Slaine and the audience.
  237. Transcript [16:31-19:41]
  239. Slaine: “Count.”
  240. Saazbaum: “Yes”
  241. Slaine: “Why are you so determined to sweep Earth into battle?”
  242. Saazbaum: “It is a lord’s duty to his vassals to fight to expand his territory”
  243. Slaine: “That’s your only reason?”
  244. Saazbaum: “It is that great a cause”
  245. “I hear these are animals that are capable of flight.”
  246. Slaine: “That’s right. Or actually, that particular species is flightless.”
  247. Saazbaum: “An unimaginable luxury to the people of Vers, who subsist on chlorella and krill.”
  248. “I feel outraged at the Terrans who thought nothing of sending them as relief supplies.”
  249. Slaine: “This is no luxury item.”
  250. “It has been preserved and processed to survive space transportation.”
  251. Saazbaum: “That culture is the sole domain of Earth, blessed as it is by air, water, and bountiful flora and fauna.”
  252. “Through Aldnoah, we have greatly advanced technology on our homeland of Vers, but culture remains stagnant and almost non-existent.”
  253. “There is no reason we should not seize this world and its abundant resources.”
  254. Slaine: “But that doesn’t justify your using Princess Asseylum—“
  255. Saazbaum: “It is too late. War is already upon us.”
  256. “Her highness will serve as our sacrifice.”
  257. Slaine: “She hasn’t done anything wrong!”
  258. Saazbaum: “She is royalty. Her very heritage makes her guilty.”
  259. “Fifteen years ago, the royal family whipped the knights into a frenzy and set them on Earth.”
  260. “They will atone for that with their own flesh and blood.”
  262. Slaine: “Please don’t kill the princess.”
  263. Saazbaum: “The people of Vers are forced to serve in a feudal society entered around Aldnoah.”
  264. “Every inhabitant of this pitiful, ramshackle nation looks upon Earth’s illustrious history with hatred. It’s absurd.”
  265. “The government controls the masses by repeating, ‘Hate Earth’. ‘Envy Earth’. ‘Resent Earth’.”
  266. “Their cause, built on top of that corrupt foundation, could only be sustained through an invasion.”
  267. “You must have realised this after all the wounds you’ve received.”
  268. “To keep their grip on Vers strong, the royal family chose to kindle the flames of conflict.”
  269. “That conflict lead to Heaven’s Fall. The same Heaven’s Fall that claimed the life of my betrothed, Orlane!”
  270. “This war is my vengeance.”
  271. “This war is my calling.”
  272. “I will show no mercy to those who defy me— not even the son of the man to whom I owe my life.”
  275. This is another scene full of things that could be debated, but I’m only going to highlight a few for their relevance here:
  276. ‘a lord’s duty to his vassals’
  277. ‘an unimaginable luxury’
  278. ‘culture remains stagnant and almost non-existent’
  279. ‘the royal family controlling vers through sentiments of war’
  280. ‘you must have realised this after all the wounds you have received’
  282. Saazbaum delivers a crushing depreciation of the Vers empire to Slaine (and to the audience through Slaine). The key points taken away are that the fierce anti-Terran sentiment, mass poverty of the lower classes, the class system itself, and lack of hope for change within Vers — are the result of the means the royal family uses to control Vers’ population. Their society can only be sustained through redirecting the anger of the frustrated towards those living on Earth, abundant in its resources. Their hatred now so ingrained that conflict was an inevitability.
  284. This is all prefaced by Saazbaum’s declaration that his role, as someone with power, is to fight to provide a better means for those without, who serve under him. This is particularly true in the case of Vers’ common citizen who subsist on resources so limited, that a processed chicken meal would seem like a luxury. It is ended with a call for Slaine’s acknowledgement in the context of everything he has seen so far. This calls back to the many hardships ‘Slaine The Terran’ has faced throughout the earlier episodes, his first insight into Orbital Knights desire for conflict with Crutheo [S1-Ep4], and of course, his torture in the previous episode. It is this innate understanding of Vers hardship, and his ability to endure/oppose it for a cause —noted at the beginning of the episode— that interests Saazbaum. Leading him to begin to see similarity between the two, and begin a journey that will have him see Slaine as an heir to his cause. These themes are continued in Saazbaum’s second major exposition in the next episode.
  286. [S1-Ep10 11:30-16:05] The state of Vers, pt 2
  287. Transcript
  288. Saazbaum: “We gave our all for our nation“
  289. “With Aldnoah’s power, granted to us by His Majesty, we pulled the masses, cultivated the wastelands of Vers, expanded our borders, and endeavoured to riches.”
  290. “But no matter our efforts, we could not overcome our limitations.”
  291. Slaine: “Limitations?”
  292. Saazbaum: “Water and air.”
  293. “During the era of the civilisation that created Aldnoah, the planet was covered in both. But Vers’ current atmosphere is so thin that is might as well be a vacuum, and precious little water remains underground.”
  294. “In fact, it is because of this thin atmosphere that we are plagued by dust storms. And that means no matter how much land we have. we cannot hope to harvest much from it.”
  295. “The more the population grows, the less we can meet demands and the further we fall into poverty.”
  296. “We should have known habitation of that world was a fool’s errand.”
  297. Slaine: “…”
  298. Saazbaum: “But our second leader, Emperor Gillzeria, believed in the power of Aldnoah.”
  299. “He poured all his strength into creating an industrial revolution.”
  300. “The royal family, wielders of Aldnoah, held absolute power and turned a deaf ear to the people’s suffering. And then, the bubbling rage of the masses was directed against Earth.”
  301. “The emperor whipped the people of Vers into a frenzy with claims that Earth; with their claims of sovereignty, denial of independence, and attempts to rule from afar; was their enemy and the source of their suffering.”
  302. “Horrifyingly, his baseless lies were well received.”
  303. “The people of Vers came to believe that they were superior, and that the subhumans who hoarded Earth’s bounty for themselves were evil.”
  304. “We plotted an invasion and travelled via the Hypergate, gathering our forces on the moon, and foolishly believing all the while that justice was on our side.”
  308. Amidst the conflict of Eps11-12 we have Slaine out searching for Asseylum. Midway through 12 we have a scene where he is targeted by an Earth Forces Areion and hesitates to fire before being saved by some Vers soldiers [S1-Ep12 10:20-10:59].
  309. Slaine: “This way!“
  310. Soldier: “Terran forces have entered the castle. We have to shore up our defenses!“
  311. Slaine: “Did you save me?”
  312. Soldier: “?”
  313. Slaine: “You must have known I’m a Terran.”
  314. Soldier: “Who are you fighting right now? Who did you point your gun at? Nobody aims at his comrades. That’s all.”
  317. This is a short scene but is worth thinking about in a larger context of Slaine’s journey so far. It is important because up until now, Slaine the Terran / Slaine The Traitor had been at the mercy of the Vers society and treated adversely because of it. With his identity torn between the two, neither Earth nor Mars are truly a haven for him —he is an outsider to both– his only respite is with his princess. Slaine’s status as Terran forces’ enemy despite being a Terran himself; endeavouring to find and protect the Vers Empire’s princess from enemies that are other Versians, has lead him to struggle through doubt, hesitation and wavering during the season. Saazbaum’s critiques on the state of Vers (and the idea that it may not be worth serving in its current incarnation) have only added to this. This soldier teaches him that once the conflict starts, all of that becomes meaningless; conflict only defines enemies and allies and Vers is the side Slaine happens to be a part of.
  320. During the fight with Inaho, Saazbaum reiterates some of his motivation [15:28-17:17]. Although it isn’t about Slain directly - his “the regret of having failed to protect the one you loved!” is important for later as part of understanding that Saazbaum/Slaine’s relationship has a mutual effect on the other.
  322. Saazbaum: “You filth could never understand!”
  323. “The envy and hatred towards Terrans that we were indoctrinated with tarnished our souls and robbed us of our humanity!”
  324. “You could never understand us, living in the lap of luxury on your beautiful, abundant planet!”
  325. “The resentment at being forced to hate another. The sense of futility at realising what had to be done!”
  326. “The regret of having failed to protect the one you loved!”
  327. “You could never understand any of that!”
  331. [16:23-END] A/Z’s tagline “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” is a reference to Fiat justitia ruat caelum
  334. I mention Piso’s justice because it plays a part in the cliffhanger end portion of [S1-Ep12]. I won’t discuss it too deeply as I think it’s been covered to a fair degree in other places. In short though, A/Z does not map 100% to the tale - but adapts the premise of 3 men being sentenced to death by a judge, the first being innocent, the second for not fulfilling his duty in executing the first, and the third man being responsible for the deaths of the first two.
  337. @@ In De Ira (On Anger), Book I, Chapter XVIII, Seneca tells of Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, a Roman governor and lawmaker, when he was @@ angry, ordering the execution of a soldier who had returned from a leave of absence without his comrade, on the grounds that if @@ the man did not produce his companion, he had presumably killed the latter. As the condemned man was presenting his neck to the @@ executioner's sword, there suddenly appeared the very comrade who was supposedly murdered. The centurion overseeing the execution @@ halted the proceedings and led the condemned man back to Piso, expecting a reprieve. But Piso mounted the tribunal in a rage, and @@ ordered the three soldiers to be executed. He ordered the death of the man who was to have been executed, because the sentence
  338. @@ had already been passed; he also ordered the death of the centurion who was in charge of the original execution, for failing to @@ perform his duty; and finally, he ordered the death of the man who had been supposed to have been murdered, because he had been @@ the cause of the death of two innocent men.
  339. @@
  340. @@ In subsequent versions of this legend, this principle became known as "Piso’s justice", a term that characterizes sentences that @@ are carried out or passed from retaliation — whose intentions are technically correct, but morally wrong — and this could be
  341. @@ construed as a negative interpretation of the meaning of Fiat justitia ruat caelum.
  346. The first 'death' then, is Asseylum.
  348. [Though the judge/executioner in this case is Saazbaum], her death represents the death of first man; to be executed because his sentence was already passed (the assassination attempt from S1-Ep01).
  351. The second 'death' is Saazbaum.
  353. His death represents that of the second man; sentenced for failing to carry out his duty; the execution of the first man [S1-Ep01]. After this entire season searching for her, Slaine finally gets to see Asseylum, only for her to be shot in front of his eyes by Saazbaum — causing Slaine to snap and fire at him in a blind rage. Saazbaum’s 'execution’ by Slaine is thus, ironically, for actually carrying out the first man's sentence.
  355. The third 'death' is Inaho.
  357. He represents the third man; his sentence issued for being the cause of deaths of the first two men [relevant because he has endangered the princess and defeated the count. Asseylum’s direct involvement in the conflict and her very presence on Saazbaum’s Landing Castle to shut down the Aldnoah drives — are a role only she can provide — can interpreted by Slaine as a result of her being made use of, as per Slaine/Inaho’s dialogue in S1-Ep07]. So ends the first season, but not the character development. There are several more examples of Slaine The Son, to be seen in the second season, but the ending of S1 also marks the beginning point of Slaine voluntarily returning to the Vers forces as Slaine The Gull, and eventually Slaine The Wolf.
  364. The second season fast forwards us 19 months ahead, bringing with it many new avenues for discussion, new characters and a flashback to the full events at the end of the last season which we’ll look at first
  366. [S2-Ep12 15:14-16:40]
  367. Following Inaho’s ‘death’ as the third man [see above], Slaine approaches Saazbaum with a deal;
  368. Saazbaum: “Pull the trigger, Slaine”
  369. <SILENCE>
  370. Slaine: “I’ve finished off the Terran soldier who vexed us at every turn.”
  371. “My mind is finally made up.”
  372. “For all my transgressions against you —past, preset, and future— I ask your forgiveness,”
  373. <AIMS GUN>
  374. “Count Saazbaum”
  375. “The castle is swarming with Terran invaders.”
  376. “Let us escape in the Tharsis”
  377. “With Princess Asseylum”
  378. “Your life rests in my hands, Count.”
  379. Saazbaum: “…”
  380. Slaine: “Will you die with your ambitions unrealised?”
  381. “…Or live in a world with Princess Asseylum?”
  382. “Please make your decision.”
  385. [though unrevealed until now] I would also argue that there was an additional third ‘death’ at the end of S1. This additional ‘death’ is of the wavering, doubts and hesitation Slaine has had through the events of the first season. Those could also be considered to have lead to the ‘deaths’ of the first two men [Slaine saving Saazbaum from Inaho, leading to him firing at Asseylum; and Slaine’s firing at Saazbaum in rage after Saazbaum’s “You saved me, Slaine. Well Done.”]. Slaine gains a new resolve in desperation, and chooses to aid Saazbaum in return for treatment/protection for Asseylum. The offer he presents Saazbaum also marks the beginning of the ‘third option’ — A changed form of Vers which doesn’t require the princess as a sacrifice to placate the Orbital Knights against the state of Vers/its control (but to save her, it may instead require the sacrifice of her dream…).
  388. [S2-Ep01(13) 05:50-06:50] Some things change, some cannot be changed
  389. Returning 19 months into the future, we now see Slaine returned to the Vers military, serving as a Knight under Saazbaum (and uniform having gone from blue to grey):
  391. Saazbaum: “One would never have guessed from your elegant landing that the gravitational field here is unstable.”
  392. “Your skills have increased tenfold, Slaine.”
  393. Slaine: “Your words honour me, Count Saazbaum.”
  394. Saazbaum: “I was right to have knighted you.”
  395. “How was the battle?”
  396. Slaine: “I destroyed four enemy units.”
  397. Harklight: “A clear victory. Sir Slaine(-sama).”
  398. Slaine: “Please dont call me that, Mister Harklight(-san).”
  399. “You don’t have to address me with ‘Sir’ (-sama).”
  400. Harklight: “I must decline.”
  401. “I am your manservant.”
  402. Slaine: “But you’re my senior, and I’m a Terran.”
  403. Harklight: “You are nonetheless a knight.”
  404. “Moreover, you shouldn’t address me with ‘Mister’(-san), Sir Slaine.”
  407. Here the audience also meets Harklight for the first time and we see short subtle, but interesting interaction hinting at the rigidity of Vers culture and Slaine’s ongoing inability to change it at the level he is in, despite his rise. (Arguably, his new higher status may actually confer more limitations on his ability - which we will explore later in ‘Slaine, The Wolf’). Following this the audience also meets Lemrina for the first time, but the majority of her interactions with Slaine will be explored in ‘Slaine, The Husband’.
  411. [S2-Ep02(14) 08:02-09:29] The state of Vers, pt 3
  413. Following Saazbaum’s audience with the Emperor, this episode gives us an assessment on Vers society from Slaine’s perspective and shows how similarly to Saazbaum he has become in his view of the nation. We also see Saazbaum’s longer term plan for Vers take shape, something that will affect Slaine for the later portion of the series:
  415. Saazbaum: “Slaine. What do you think of Vers?”
  416. Slaine: “I have no right to harbour an opinion about our sacred motherland.“
  417. Saazbaum: “I would hear it. You may speak freely.”
  418. Slaine: “Ours is a society where the powerless rabble struggles in dire poverty.”
  419. “By conquering the Earth and acquiring its vast resources, we could gain wealth and prosperity.”
  420. “That said…”
  421. Saazbaum: “Yes?”
  422. Slaine: “Any wealth thus acquired would inevitably be hoarded by the already powerful, and I have doubts that the commoners’ lives would change appreciably.”
  423. Saazbaum: “What would you suggest then?”
  424. Slaine: “Aldnoah”
  425. “Those who possess the power of Aldnoah receive all.”
  426. “That is the root of all problems.”
  427. Saazbaum: “Well said.”
  428. “We owe much to His Imperial Majesty for discovering Aldnoah.”
  429. “However, he has been frugal in restoring this power upon others, and he must be blamed for having created a highly stratified society.”
  430. “Once we have achieved victory and conquered the Earth, we will bring change to the red planet.”
  431. “Lend me your aid, Slaine.”
  432. Slaine: “I will, Count Saazbaum.”
  436. [S2-Ep03(15) 04:39-07:20] An heir in spirit, An heir in name
  438. Brings us Counts Marylcian and Barouhcruz and a reminder that though Slaine the Terran has been accepted by Saazbaum and his subourdinates over the last 19 months, the same cannot be said for the other Orbital Knights.
  439. Transcript
  440. Barouhcruz: “Oh, I thought I smelled something foul.”
  441. “It seems a stray dog had wandered in.”
  442. Marylcian: “And a rather mangy one at that.”
  443. Barouhcruz: “Why are you here?”
  444. Slaine: “Count Barouhcruz, Count Marylcian.”
  445. “I came here that I might join the battle as well.”
  446. Barouhcruz: “Terran dog.”
  447. Marylcian: “Let me remind you of your place.”
  450. Marylcian: “Count Saazbaum?”
  451. Saazbaum: “Slaine Troyard here is my retainer.”
  452. “I apologise for any offence he may have caused.”
  453. “Should he be mistreated for no reason, however, you should not expect my mercy, Count Marylcian.”
  454. Barouhcruz: “If you wish to keep a Terran dog, that is your business.”
  455. “But promoting him to knighthood is carrying the joke too far.”
  456. Saazbaum: “Count Barouhcruz, you have no right to opine on the treatment of my retainers.”
  457. Barouhcruz: “…”
  458. Marylcian: “We have every right when it is wee who must fight alongside him!”
  459. “How could anyone march to battle with someone who could betray them at any moment?”
  461. Slaine: “If that is your concern, please strike me down here and now.”
  462. “It is as you say. If we go to war together, you will surely betray me before long.”
  463. Marylcian: “You wretch—”
  466. Saazbaum: “Men!”
  467. “Hearken, all who hear me!”
  468. “Under the laws of His Imperial Majesty, I adopt Slaine Troyard as my son.”
  469. “All present are my witnesses!”
  470. Slaine: “Count…?”
  471. Saazbaum: “Arise, Slaine.”
  472. “As of this moment, you are my son.”
  473. “Would you raise your hand against him even now, Count Marylcian?”
  474. Marylcian: “If such is the extent of your fondness for him, so be it.”
  475. “But if I should ever detect the slightest hint of suspicious behaviour, I will not hesitate to kill him.”
  477. Slaine: “I apologise”
  478. “You did not have to do that for me.”
  479. Saazbaum: “Do not worry. I made my decision some time ago.”
  480. Slaine: “…?”
  481. Saazbaum: “Should I fall in battle, I need an heir to succeed me.”
  482. “From now on, think of me as your father.”
  483. Slaine: <BOWS>
  485. Harklight: “Congratulations, Sir Slaine.”
  486. “Becoming the Count’s heir has brought you one step closer to your dream.”
  487. Slaine: “Please, Mister Harklight.”
  488. “I have no dreams.”
  491. Saazbaum intervenes in Slaine’s persecution; first denying Marylcian from (symbolically) striking Slaine in a means similar to how he would have been struck by Crutheo (to remind of of his “place”). Following Slaine’s astute assessment that he would be the one at risk of being shot in the back, Saazbaum defends him a second time by official adopting him. Raising him from a knight to the son of a count ascends Slaine not only to be his son thematically, but now in name as well - and protects Slaine from them by making him their equal. Interestingly, Slaine is just as shocked by this as Marlycian / Barouhcruz are, but this protection is short lived as being raised again comes with its own disadvantage and limitations as we see in later episodes.
  494. [18:04 + 19:35-19:55] Sentence of the third and second men, succession of an heir
  495. The end portion of the episode covers the battle between Earth Forces’ Trident base and Vers Lunar base culminating in a stand off between between Inaho/Inko/Slaine/Saazbaum in which a well prepared volley of rounds almost destroys Inaho and kills Saazbaum.
  497. Saazbaum: “Impossible!”
  498. “How could my Dioscura be felled by mere debris?!”
  499. Slaine: “That wasn’t debris. It was bullets.”
  500. “I fired them in advance of the battle.”
  501. “I aimed them so that they’d wrap around the Earth and pass through that very spot.”
  502. Saazbaum: “Slaine?”
  503. Slaine: “This was originally a trap I devised to defeat Kaizuka Inaho.”
  504. “It didn’t factor in your dimensional barrier, of course, but I figured if anyone could disable it, he could.”
  505. Saazbaum: “Slaine!”
  506. Slaine: “Shut up!”
  507. “Did you honestly believe I would swear loyalty to you?”
  508. “To the man who pulled the trigger on Princess Asseylum?”
  509. “Did you think I would just forgive and forget?”
  510. “My second volley’s almost here.”
  511. “Farwell.”
  512. “…”
  513. “…Father.”
  514. Saazbaum: “Not bad.”
  516. So fulfils the death of the second man [again, ironically for actually carrying out the sentence of the first]. Slaine’s plan to destroy both Inaho and Saazbaum is only partially successful thanks to Inko saving Inaho at the last second. Here Slaine shows that despite serving under Saazbaum for all this time, he was still unable to forgive him for attacking Asseylum (and the subsequent comatose state she is in). However, despite his statement, he does acknowledge his mentor/protege relationship (in calling him Father) and chooses to carry on Saazbaum’s will to create a new form of Vers empire to better provide for its citizens.
  518. Slaine: “Today, I lost my father for the second time.”
  519. “He was a great man who gave everything for the glory of the Vers Empire.”
  520. “I swear, here and now, to carry on my fathers’ wills and fight for an even greater Vers future!”
  521. “Hear me, my lords of the Orbital Knights.”
  522. “Now is no time for petty infighting.”
  523. “As knights of the noble Vers Empire, is it not our duty to join forces and eliminate the rebels of Earth?”
  524. “In the name Her Highness Asseylum Vers Allusia, let us drop the hammer of justice on those who defy us!”
  525. “Our princess remains on the moon base, waiting for the right time…”
  528. Harklight: “Brilliant speech, sir.”
  529. Slaine: “Mister Harklight, you were born into the third class, right?”
  530. Harklight: “Yes, sir. They were poor and could not hope for much, but my parents endured much during my upbringing and spared no expense in ensuring that I could serve the Orbital Knights.”
  531. “It is for that reason I have the utmost respect for you, Sir Slaine, who rose to the rank of count despite your Terran heritage.”
  532. Slaine: “The era to come will belong to people like us.”
  533. “Follow me, Harklight.”
  534. Harklight: “Of course,”
  535. “Count Slaine Saazbaum Troyard.”
  537. And with the closing of the episode, we get some insight into Harklight, the completion (chronologically) of ‘Slaine, The Son’ and the beginning of the path of ‘Slaine, The Wolf’, but we will end this section with a flashback in S2-Ep08(20) of the first time Slaine sees Asseylum comatose in the medical tank following her treatment.
  542. [S2-Ep08(20) 01:49-02:28] “The regret of having failed to protect the one you loved!”
  543. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum!”
  544. “What is this?”
  545. Saazbaum: “I’ve done all I can.”
  546. “All we can do is pray now”
  547. “Forgive me, Slaine”
  548. Slaine: “But…”
  551. This is where Saazbaum’s earlier “The regret of having failed to protect the one you loved!” from [S1-Ep12] comes back into play. The regret in Saazbaum’s face/words is clear. I note it because I believe it speaks to him also seeing more of himself in Slaine over time and hence why he chooses him as an heir.
  556. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  557. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  558. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  559. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  560. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  561. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  565. Slaine, The Gull
  568. ‘Slaine The Bat’ explored his resolve to find and protect Asseylum, culminating with him aiding Earth Forces against a Vers opponent. innability to see that objective through sees him returned a road with doubt and a confusion (“Are you my enemy?”). The end of S1 changes this. After having seen Asseylum gravely injured before his very eyes, Slaine has discarded his hesitations and returned to Vers military with new strengths; a more fierce determination to protect Asseylum (even prioritising her, over her dream); a rise in status; and the Tharsis, A cataphract far more capable than the skycarriers he previously used — with the power to predict future events on the battlefield. Symbolically these three things see Slaine go from being someone carried by events, to one who the agency to predict and influence them himself; the seagull flying higher and soaring more freely than the bat ever could…
  571. [S2-Ep01(13) 21:32-END] Amidst the changes, one thing remains the same.
  573. The first episode of the second season ends with Slaine returning to the side of the comatose Asseylum in her medical tank. This is a contrast against all the new things shown through the episode. Its purpose is to indicate that despite the outward changes, the thing that still underpins purpose of his actions is Asseylum.
  576. [S2-Ep02(14) 06:33-07:37] The Princess’ carers
  577. Slaine is not the only one for whom the comatose princess still holds great importance. Eddelrittuo is seen here cleaning her tank - implied to be at the expense of time/attention she should supposedly be devoting to Lemrina. Here we see that the two have a much more friendly relationship than at the beginning of the first season. Their bond presumably formed over caring for Asseylum over the last 19 months. Their interactions will be important later, and at the end Eddelrittuo will be one of the few (in-narrative) who understand Asseylum’s importance to Slaine and speak on his behalf.
  579. Eddelrittuo: “Sir Slaine.”
  580. Slaine: “Eddelrittuo, will Princess Lemrina be fine on her own?”
  581. Eddelrittuo: “…”
  582. Slaine: “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”
  583. Eddelrittuo: “I’m sorry.”
  584. Slaine: “Oh, we found the ship you mentioned.”
  585. Eddelrittuo: “The Deucalion?”
  586. Slaine: “It looks like they were secretly repairing it.”
  587. “I was told it defeated Baron Yacoym and ascended into space.”
  588. Eddelrittuo: “…”
  589. Slaine: “We might be forced to fight them.”
  590. “Do you think that would make Princess Asseylum sad?”
  591. Eddelrittuo: “When will Her Highness awaken?”
  592. “Or will she never…”
  593. Slaine: “She will”
  594. “I’m sure she’ll smile again.”
  595. “I know it.”
  596. Eddelrittuo: “Your Highness…”
  600. Three further things are interesting to note here; The first is Slaine acknowledging that the things he needs to do, may go against Asseylum’s wishes. The second is that up until now he has continued to hold on to the belief that Asseylum will one day recover. As Eddelrittuo wavers, he reassures her. The final is Lemrina listening in on their conversation and generally being aware of how much importance her sister has to them despite her incapacitation. This also contributes to Lemrina’s complex regarding her place as secondary, but I leave further discussion of this until ‘Slaine, The Husband’.
  605. [S2-Ep03(15) 18:42-END] Sentence for the second man, escape for the third
  606. The end portion of the episode covers the battle between Earth Forces’ Trident base and Vers Lunar base culminating in a stand off between between Inaho/Inko/Slaine/Saazbaum in which a well prepared volley of rounds almost destroys Inaho and kills Saazbaum.
  608. Saazbaum: “Impossible!”
  609. “How could my Dioscura be felled by mere debris?!”
  610. Slaine: “That wasn’t debris. It was bullets.”
  611. “I fired them in advance of the battle.”
  612. “I aimed them so that they’d wrap around the Earth and pass through that very spot.”
  613. Saazbaum: “Slaine?”
  614. Slaine: “This was originally a trap I devised to defeat Kaizuka Inaho.”
  615. “It didn’t factor in your dimensional barrier, of course, but I figured if anyone could disable it, he could.”
  616. Saazbaum: “Slaine!”
  617. Slaine: “Shut up!”
  618. “Did you honestly believe I would swear loyalty to you?”
  619. “To the man who pulled the trigger on Princess Asseylum?”
  620. “Did you think I would just forgive and forget?”
  621. “My second volley’s almost here.”
  622. “Farwell.”
  623. “…”
  624. “…Father.”
  625. Saazbaum: “Not bad.”
  627. Slaine’s plan to destroy both Inaho and Saazbaum [the ‘third’ and ‘second’ men who both have responsibilities in endangering Asseylum] is only partially successful thanks to Inko saving Inaho at the last second. Here Slaine shows that despite serving under Saazbaum for all this time, he was still unable to forgive him for attacking Asseylum (and the subsequent comatose state she is in). However, despite his statement, he does acknowledge his mentor/protege relationship (in calling him Father) and chooses to carry on Saazbaum’s will to create a new form of Vers empire to better provide for its citizens.
  631. [S2-Ep06(18) 12:31-13:28] Roses, duels, and challenges beyond your ability to overcome
  632. These two scenes are densely layered with points relevant to the Gull, the Wolf, and the Husband which I will explore appropriately in their respective sections. On the surface level, we see Slaine and Eddelrittuo discuss roses, their meanings and Slaine’s upcoming duel. Underneath however, we are also looking at Slaine losing hope that Asseylum will ever truly recover (and thus the reason he agrees to Lemrina’s offer [see ‘Slaine, The Husband’]) and Slaine’s acceptance of his own limitations, despite how far he has come.
  634. Slaine: “These are flowers called ‘roses’ that bloom on Earth”
  635. Eddelrittuo: “…”
  636. Slaine: “Is something the matter?”
  637. Eddelrittuo: “Is this duel really such a good idea, Sir Slaine?”
  638. Slaine: “I’ve fought for my life many times before.”
  639. Eddelrittuo: “But…”
  640. Slaine: “Are you worried about me, Eddelrittuo?”
  641. “You were always so suspicious of me, too.”
  642. Eddelrittuo: “That was a long time ago.”
  643. Slaine: “Roses symbolise many different things. Red roses represent love, while blue roses represent miracles.”
  644. Eddelrittuo: “Miracles…”
  645. Slaine: “Blue roses have another meaning, though”
  646. Eddelrittuo: “…?”
  648. Slaine (monologue): “That one…”
  649. “…That one may apply here.”
  651. [continued during Slaine / Marylcian’s duel 15:49-16:38]
  653. Eddelrittuo: “Blue roses symbolise miracles.”
  654. “But they can also mean… impossibility.”
  655. “Is it really impossible?”
  656. “Will you never wake up from your slumber after all?”
  657. “Please…”
  658. “Grant us a miracle!”
  661. Slaine (monologue): “That’s right.”
  662. “It’s impossible.”
  663. Eddelrittuo: “I’ll believe in you!” [lit. “I’ll believe.”]
  664. Slaine: “There are no miracles.”
  666. It will be easier to grasp what’s happening in different layers between the two scenes by breaking them down into three themes;
  668. ***Roses, hope and impossibility****
  669. @@ Red Roses symbolise love, however blue roses []
  670. @@
  671. @@ Are often portrayed in literature and art as a symbol of love and prosperity to those who seek it.
  672. @@ […]
  673. @@ In some cultures, blue roses are traditionally associated with royal blood, and thus the blue rose can also denote regal majesty @@ and splendor. In Chinese folklore, the blue rose signifies hope against unattainable love.
  674. @@
  676. Up until now, Slaine has held on to the hope that Asseylum would be able to recover, but nearly 2 years in a comatose state is a long time. And much as Eddelrittuo’s hopes wavered in S2-Ep02(14), so too has come the time for Slaine — His earlier discussion with Lemrina being the trigger. Her life has been saved, but to him, nothing he is currently capable of will wake her short of a miracle / with the means available to him, awakening her is an impossibility.
  679. ***Slaine’s duel as a metaphor***
  681. Despite the stigma of his Terran birth, Slaine has come a long way. In the intro I said; “Symbolically these three things [lack of hesitation, rise in rank, Tharis] see Slaine go from being someone carried by events, to one who has the agency to predict and influence them himself; the seagull flying higher and soaring more freely than the bat ever could…” However, back in ‘Slaine, The Son’ I also said; “Arguably, his new higher status may actually confer more limitations on his ability/come with its own disadvantages - which we will explore later in ‘Slaine, The Gull’ & ‘Slaine, The Wolf’”.
  683. Slaine is now a Count. The once-underdog has come to gain true strength. A strength of will, a strength in force [figuratively] now that he can command his own division of Orbital Knights, and a strength of force [literally] in Tharsis. Tharsis is the most symbolically relevant (obviously because The Gull’s namesake comes from its appearance, but also) because of its ability to predict the future while in combat. It represents Slaine’s ability to create a future through his own means.
  685. The declaration of adoption that once protected Slaine from Marylcian unfortunately allows him to openly attack Slaine in the form of a duel. Marylcian himself, represents the existing Vers society and the strength of its anti-Terran contempt. He is Crutheo, minus Crutheo’s respectability, rationality or restraint. He symbolises Vers’ disdain/desire for conflict with Terrans that Slaine —despite how far he has come— still lacks the power to overcome. It is thusly appropriate that Slaine’s opponent in Marylcian is Herschel: a unit capable of firing with a disparate, but cumulative force so great, that Slaine’s new strength (Tharsis’ ability to predict the future) is still not enough to overcome it alone. Such is shown in the beginning portion of the duel.
  688. ***There are no miracles***
  690. Rousing Asseylum from her coma and changing Vers’ mindset to support Asseylum’s dream are impossibilities for Slaine. Outcomes beyond his strength, resolvable only by a miracle, perhaps one sleeping for 19 months. Though with everything that’s happened, would it even be enough? In place of his discarded hopes is the realisation that there is still something he can do; and options still open to him within his means. Slaine defeats Marylcian not through overcoming his overpowering assaults — but through using the nature/characteristics of Hershel against him. He defeats the multi-directional force of Herschel’s attack by leading it into a place where he can control/limit its focus. So too will be the case with how he handles the Orbital Knights and the future of Vers.
  692. As the symbolic duel comes to an end, we also see Slaine / Lemrina move forward in a similar manner; They aren’t going to miraculously overcome everything thats happened up until now — but will instead make use of the nature/characteristics of the situation, focusing the desires of the Orbital Knights under them and announce the building of a new kingdom. For them, there are no miracles, only what they are able to realistically achieve through their own means…
  703. [S2-Ep07(19) 06:44-07:44] The miracle
  704. Of course in true A/Z plot-twist fashion however, the instant Slaine loses hope and resolves to make a decision, the epilogue and following episode have the ‘miracle’ occur (after Lemrina’s intervention) and Asseylum wakes from her coma. Here we see Slaine thusly have her moved to a private room on his Landing Castle in secret from all (including Lemrina). But what happens now?
  707. [10:58-11:11] Even with the miracle, would anything change?
  708. Inaho: “It doesn’t matter if she’s real or not.”
  709. “I doubt anyone would listen to her.”
  710. “Not even if she tried for peace between Earth and Mars again.”
  712. …As Inaho notes to Yuki, things have come to a point where that dream isn’t a realistically possible outcome. Asseylum’s awakening is only half of the ‘miracle’, overturning the state of the worlds, their two cultures and the war is the other. Slaine is aptly aware of the duality and how a recovered Asseylum might feel about the what has/will come to pass [S2Ep02(14) “We might be forced to fight them.” - “Do you think that would make Princess Asseylum sad?”]. What follows on from this is Slaine being affected by that inner conflict.
  715. [11:13-11:44-14:23] “Will I have changed in her eyes”
  717. Harklight: “With your permission, I’d like to begin preparing for the attack on Earth.”
  718. Slaine: “…”
  719. Harklight: “Sir Slaine?”
  720. Slaine: “I heard you.”
  721. “Proceed as planned.”
  722. Harklight: “Of course.”
  723. “Her Highness has yet to—”
  724. Slaine: “She’ll wake up soon. I know it.”
  725. Harklight: “I certainly hope so, sir.”
  726. Slaine: “So do I.”
  727. “But at the same time, I’m afraid.”
  728. Harklight: “?”
  729. Slaine: “Nevermind.”
  732. Slaine: “Has there been any change?”
  733. Eddelrittuo: “No. They believe she may remain in this condition for some time.”
  734. Slaine: “We can wait.” [lit. “We’ll wait as long as it takes.”]
  735. “It’s all we do” [lit. “We’ve gotten used to waiting.”]
  736. Eddelrittuo: “I bet she’ll be surprised to find out how much has changed.“
  737. Slaine: “And me?”
  738. “Will I have changed in her eyes?”
  739. Eddelrittuo: “I’m sure she’ll think you’ve grown into a fine man.”
  740. Slaine: “…”
  741. “I’ll come again.”
  744. Eddelrittuo: “Sir Slaine!”
  745. Asseylum: “…rittuo …Eddelrittuo.”
  746. Eddelrittuo: “Your Highness…”
  747. Asseylum: “I…”
  748. Eddelrittuo: “Your Highness! You’re Awake!”
  749. Slaine: “Your Highness, its me! Slaine!”
  750. “Do you remember? Its Slaine! Slaine Troyard”
  751. “Slaine Troyard…”
  752. Asseylum: “Slaine…”
  753. “Slaine… Slaine… Slaine… Slaine…”
  754. Slaine: “Your Highness!”
  755. “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say my name again!”
  758. One thing I haven’t really mentioned yet, is how everything Slaine has endured or endeavoured through for Asseylum’s sake, she has largely been oblivious to. This is particularly noted during [S1-Ep08] scene of her seeing the birds (Slaine had taught her about) on Earth for the first time juxtaposed against Slaine’s torture by Crutheo. At varying points, Slaine has;
  759. - fought for
  760. - been hurt for
  761. - blurred the lines of ‘allies/enemies’ for
  762. — [and now at this stage] set clear enemies/allies for
  764. […] the sake of protecting Asseylum. The latter of which [swearing loyalty to Saazbaum in return for Asseylum’s treatment, returning to Vers forces] required putting aside protecting Asseylum’s dream for the sake of being able to protect the princess himself. The timing of Asseylum’s return will mean that the only endeavours she will see Slaine having made, will unfortunately be ones that went against what she sought.
  766. Her recovery is thusly simultaneously a source of immense joy for him — a chance to reconnect with the person he has sought after for so long; and of immense fear — fear of knowing that the progression of the war and what he has had do for it will bring sadness to Asseylum.
  769. [S2-Ep08(20) 14:14-16:33]
  770. Slaine: “And how have you fared since?”
  771. Asseylum: “Physically, I feel fine.”
  772. “However, my memory is still rather hazy.”
  773. Slaine: “That’s hardly surprising.”
  774. “The very fact that you regained consciousness was nothing short of a miracle.”
  775. “Please…”
  776. “Pleased do not force yourself to remember.”
  777. Asseylum: “Thank you, Slaine.”
  778. Slaine: “I’m afraid I must take my leave now.”
  779. “Please get some rest.”
  782. Slaine: “I can guess what you wish to ask about.”
  783. “The proclamation, yes? Taking me as her husband and founding a new kingdom…”
  784. “That proclamation issued by Princess Lemrina was born from the weakness in my heart.”
  785. “I tried to hold on to my faith that Princess Asseylum would awaken some day, but I suppose I must have given up hope somewhere deep down.”
  786. “But then a miracle took place, as if to reprimand me for being such a fool.”
  787. “With the situation having changed so drastically, the one thing I must focus on now is how I can make Her Highness happy.”
  788. “I can spare a thought for nothing else.”
  789. Eddelrittuo: “But what of Princess Lemrina?”
  790. Slaine: “I understand what she is looking for.”
  791. “She likely seeks the same thing I do— a place where she can find solace.”
  792. “But that is something that neither of us will ever obtain.”
  793. “We cannot tell her everything yet.”
  794. “It may be that she hates herself for what she’s doing right now, but that does not concern me.” [lit. “However, even if i’m discriminated against for it, or cursed for it, I don’t care (are my thoughts).]
  795. “Its ironic. I had waited with such hope for Her Highness to awaken.”
  796. “But now, my greatest hope is that her memory never returns.”
  798. Slaine addresses Eddelrittuo’s questions & provides some insight for her (and the audience) about what happened, and what is to come. Much of this I’ve already covered earlier so won’t go over again except to say it continues to highlight Asseylum being a priority again for Slaine following his brief zetsubou. And that with the timing of her recovery, he’s indicating that he will try to reconcile what he feels she would want with what has already been set into motion regardless of what that means for Lemrina/himself. [I will cover the Lemrina portion in ‘Slaine, The Husband’]
  806. [S2-Ep10(22) 16:03]
  807. Some wrongly speculated that Slaine would dispose of them following their confrontation with him. With an understanding of his character its clear that he may confine them to prevent them from stopping him, but allowing harm to come to them was never something he would do. During the UEF attack, we see that upon learning the princesses are in danger and without guard, Slaine immediate reaction is to rush out and to protect them himself… [leading him to a cross paths with Inaho once again.]
  809. [17:43-18:06] “Are you my enemy”
  810. Slaine: “I didn’t expect to see you here, Kaizuka Inaho.”
  811. Inaho: “Slaine Troyard…”
  812. […]
  813. Inaho: “Where’s Seylum—Princess Asseylum?”
  814. “Keep her out of this!”
  815. Slaine: “Out of it? She and my goal go hand in hand.”
  816. “That’s all there is to it!”
  817. Inaho: “So you’re just using her?”
  818. Slaine: “Using her? What’s it to you?” [lit. “Using her? Would that be a problem?”]
  819. Inaho: “You were the enemy from the day we met!” [lit. “(You) were always an enemy”]
  820. Slaine: “If that was all, there would be no need for hate!” [lit. “If (we) weren’t enemies, there would be no need to hate (you).”]
  822. Along the way, Slaine and Inaho once again cross paths, but this time the doubts of [S1-Ep07] and the positions are reversed. Inaho spots steam pipes he can use to make his escape and successfully baits Slaine into position by using Asseylum’s name and a repeat of their dialogue from their first meeting [see: ‘Slaine, The Bat’].
  824. What’s interesting here is that Slaine in their previous meeting sought to protect Asseylum herself and protect “Princess Asseylum” from those who would use her. Circumstances, however have lead him to using “Princess Asseylum” (Lemrina) to protect Asseylum and achieve his goals. As for Inaho, he was the opposite ready to protect Seylum-san, but ready to utilise “Princess Asseylum” if needed but now through circumstances has come to want to protect both Asseylum and “Princess Asseylum”.
  826. This presents both an irony (on Slaine’s part) and a hypocrisy (on both their parts); as Slaine has become Saazbaum, while Inaho doesn’t really have the moral high ground he thinks he does. [His challenge to Slaine “So you’re just using her?”, met with Slaine throwing his own words back at him “Using her? Would that be a problem?”]. Their dialogue ends with a reference to the “Are you my enemy/You are my enemy?” and its interesting to look into what they think;
  828. - Inaho has gone from “You are my enemy.” to “You were always an enemy.”
  829. - Slaine has gone from “Are you my enemy?” to “If we weren’t enemies, there would be no need to hate (you).”
  831. Inaho’s statements speak to the logic of their positions, then and now, Slaine is an enemy to him logically because he obstructs Inaho’s advantage and objectives. Slaine has gone from confusion over whether or not Inaho is an enemy when they supposedly wanted the same thing (to protect Asseylum), to an acknowledgement of base human nature in conflict. These speak to their different perspectives regarding war (but mutual understanding of it) that I will go over in Asseylum’s confrontation with Slaine [‘Slaine, The Wolf’ S2-Ep09(21)].
  834. [21:24] Slaine reaches the area only to find the (symbolic) pendant.
  836. Slaine goes back to searching for the princesses, and arrives at the sealed bulkheads too late, but finds the pendant he once gave Asseylum laying on the floor having been dropped in her escape from the UEF attack. Its return to Slaine as a result of Asseylum’s awakening is important for the end of the series. But the immediate metaphor is that the dream (pendant: symbol for peace/good relations between Earth/Mars) is easily lost without realising it, as a result of the conflict. [+ Slaine’s move to protect Asseylum may once more lead him to it?]
  840. [S2-Ep11(23) 09:46-10:53] Eddelrittuo’s defense.
  842. Asseylum: “Why would Slaine instigate this war?”
  843. Eddelrittuo: “Your Highness…”
  844. Asseylum: “The Slaine I knew was kind.”
  845. “He loved nature and the Earth.”
  846. “He would never start a meaningless war.”
  847. “So why?”
  848. Eddelrittuo: “You Highness…”
  849. “Sir Slaine hasn’t changed one bit!”
  850. Asseylum: “?”
  851. Eddelrittuo: “I cannot judge if he is right or wrong.“
  852. “But you were always foremost in his thoughts.”
  853. “He did everything for your sake, caring not if it put his status or his life in danger.”
  854. “…Always believing …that one day… you would awaken…”
  856. Earlier I mentioned Asseylum being oblivious to all that Slaine has been through for her sake. This has been somewhat of a running theme throughout the show, and even when the two are finally face to face and get to talk, its not something that is mentioned. [nor is there any kind of scene in the finale, I feel to the detriment of the show but that will be covered in the end…].
  858. For that reason, its fortunate that we have Eddelrittuo speak out here. Having initially disliked Slaine and his closeness to the princess at the beginning of the show, she has over time come to be on much better terms with him due to their mutual affection for Asseylum. She is thus the most appropriate person to speak out on his behalf to the princess when she questions his motives.
  860. He has come to see things he cannot unsee/and has done things that cannot be undone. Circumstances have indeed affected him — but beneath all of those is that same boy she grew up with, and the same boy who cares for her above all, as we’ll come to see in the ending.
  865. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  866. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  867. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  868. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  869. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  870. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
  875. Slaine, The Wolf
  879. [S2-Ep04(16) 05:03-06:54] Post-succession discussion with Lemrina
  881. Lemrina: “How did the nobles act after that?”
  882. Slaine: “They don’t wish to openly express their disapproval.”
  883. “Or so says Harklight.”
  884. Lemrina: “Do you think so too?”
  885. Slaine: “No.”
  886. “The are simply hesitant to broach the subject of inheritance while the dead are still being mourned.”
  887. “The situation will change before long.”
  888. Lemrina: “There is no doubt that the loss of Count Saazbaum is a heavy blow to Vers.”
  889. “I am the result of an indiscretion my father, the second emperor Galleria, made on the moon.”
  890. “His second sin was Heaven’s Fall, which cost him his life even as the very moon was shattered.”
  891. “Count Saazbaum found me and swore his allegiance to me when I had nothing.”
  892. “I don’t know id he had any ulterior motives… but that is fine.”
  893. “I find it more difficult to trust someone without Machiavellian ambition.”
  894. “I hope you’re looking forward to the shouldering the run of their envy, Slaine.”
  895. “All of Count Saazbaum’s privileges are now yours, as well as guardianship of Princess Asseylum.”
  896. Slaine: “Come what may, I am prepared.”
  897. “I would not leave this duty to anyone else.”
  898. Lemrina: “That outfit looks good on you.”
  899. “I hope you won’t forget. The princess you must protect right now is in front of you.”
  900. <scene cuts to image of Asseylum>
  901. Slaine: “I have never forgotten.”
  903. Lemrina and Slaine discuss what awaits the new Count following his succession; what Saazbaum was, and what it will mean for Slaine to be the new ‘Saazbaum’. Slaine astutely surmises that the grace period surrounding his succession will not last. He may be a Count now — even taking the place of a high ranking one — but he is only one of many. The fallen Saazbaum was a man of rank the Orbital Knights respected and were hesitant to cross; but that very status is desirable to many of his new peers who would see it as an affront to be held by a Terran. Feudal politics allows only the briefest of wakes, and there are many other Orbital Knights who would seize the opportunity to increase their own standing at the expense of his.
  905. Slaine however is undeterred. His power is not unlimited, but he has come a long way from where he began — and at last he has as last gained enough strength for his main personal objective, and the motivation he has never forgotten.
  909. [08:03-08:25] A father’s teachings.
  910. Slaine: “Any knight can simply slay those who defy him;”
  911. “An exceptional knight proves himself so superior that none dare try.”
  912. Harklight: “Words of wisdom.”
  913. Slaine: “They’re Count Saazbaum’s.”
  914. “Which is why his peers must be reminded as such.”
  916. [16:54-17:34] + [19:53-END]
  917. Marylcian: “The gall.”
  918. Barouhcruz: “However, his results speak volumes.”
  919. “He accomplished his mission with flying colours.”
  920. Marylcian: “None can all him a traitor now”
  921. Barouhcruz: “Great causes seek the strong.”
  922. “That mangy cur has draped himself in a wolf pelt” [lit. The mangy cur (changed into/taken) the form of a wolf.]
  924. Using their munitions shipments against them, Slaine single-handedly destroys the UEF Trident Base, decisively ending the stalemated battles of between the Earth and Mars space forces over the last 2 episodes. He alone, fulfils a task a significant portion of Vers forces were previously unable to achieve. What follows are two scenes of acknowledgement from both sides as to the prowess of the new Count Saazbaum. Of particular relevance is the Martian side, for the fuedal society of Vers recognises ability through achievements and its now forced to accept that Slaine is far more than a mere Terran, and is in fact worthy of his place as one of their nobility. A concept that in time, some may be receptive to, but others will refuse to accept…
  928. [S2-Ep05(17) 19:44-END] Marylcian’s audience and challenge
  930. “A knight can simply slay those who defy him”
  931. Slaine’s ascent has become a double edged sword. As a Count, he can be challenged by another to a duel. The status that once granted him protection, now see’s his life at risk from Marylcian once more. Marylcian finds Slaine’s very ascent itself an affront, and seeks to and use his death as proof of Versian superiority and usurp his position. Marlcian’s challenge is symbolic, and represents the fact that as far as Slaine has come — there is still much to challenge him and things that already exist in the world that he doesn’t have the power to directly overcome. I go over the duel itself in ‘Slaine, The Gull’, however I did want to point out something that I noticed on subsequent watching;
  933. Though Slaine, Lemrina & Harklight are obviously shocked by Marylcian’s challenge — I found it very interesing that so too was Barouhcruz. He is both shocked when Marylcian initially says “However, we have a matter of even greater import to discuss.” [20:23], remains silent to see what Marylcian says [21:22], and is visibly as shocked as the others are at Marylcian’s challenge [22:00].
  935. The implication is that he had no idea that this was the true purpose of their journey to the moon base. I think this is interesting because where Marylcian represents the old Vers society outlook, could Barouhcruz represent those who are initially hesitant, but could come to believe in Slaine and a new form of Vers providing he shows himself a leader capable of serving the best interests of its people?
  940. [S2-Ep06(18) START-02:23] “No Lowly Terran”
  942. Slaine: “Count Zebrin, Count Raffia, Count Olga.”
  943. “Thank you for allowing me to intrude upon your valuable time.”
  944. Raffia: “I am sorry for your loss, Count Troyard.”
  945. Zebrin: “Count Saazbaum’s passing was a great tragedy.”
  946. Raffia: “Yes.”
  947. Olga: “My father owed much to him.”
  948. “If there is anything I can do to help, my assistance is yours.”
  949. Slaine: “Thank you for your kind words.”
  950. “However, this is not the time to give in to personal feelings.”
  951. Zebrin: “Most admirable.”
  952. Olga: “Now is the time for the Orbital Knights to unite and launch a renewed offensive.”
  953. Raffia: “That is the best way to honour Count Saazbaum.”
  954. Slaine: “I agree.”
  955. “We must all set our ships upon the same course.”
  956. Raffia: “Ah, now I see.”
  957. Zebrin: “Do you mean to take the helm, then?”
  958. Slaine: “If you would honour me thus.”
  959. Zebrin: “That aside; I am given to understand that you will duel Count Marylcian?”
  960. “Such infighting strikes me as the prices opposite of unity.”
  961. “What say you, Count Troyard.”
  962. Slaine: “…”
  963. “No lowly Terran…”
  964. “‘No lowly Terran could ever be a match for the mighty Vers.’”
  965. “That conviction makes you inattentive. It makes you careless. It makes you negligent.”
  966. “And ultimately, it becomes your undoing.”
  967. “Such are the Orbital Knights right now.”
  968. Zebrin/Raffia: “!”
  969. Zebrin: “Watch your mouth, Count Troyard!”
  970. Slaine: “As you are aware, I was not born on Vers.”
  971. “However, it is easier to see some things from an outside perspective.”
  972. “And I believe it is my duty to punish the hubris that lead to this particular duel.”
  973. Zebrin/Raffia: “…”
  974. Olga: “Very well. You have a point.”
  975. Raffia: “Count Olga!”
  976. Olga: “It is difficult to admit, but he is right. Partly, at least.”
  977. “I shall leave the matter to your discretion, Count Troyard.”
  978. “Your attack on Trident base was magnificent.”
  979. Zebrin/Raffia: “…”
  980. Slaine: “Count Zebrin, Count Raffia; Thank you for bearing with my incivility.”
  982. Here we see Slaine proceeding forward and deftly handling political interactions with some of the other Counts. He highlights his outsider, Terran status, and raises two points that have been clear throughout the series;
  983. 1) Cooperation is the way forward and The intra-political machinations the clans indulge in must cease.
  984. 2) The hubris of the Orbital Knights towards Terrans has allowed for the downfall of many of their peers, and underestimating Terrans has allowed the war to continue for as long as it has.
  986. Slaine answers Zebrin’s question with painful truth. Thankfully the older and wiser Olga is willing to acknowledge it staying the protests of his peers. Should Slaine, a Terran himself, succeed in the duel - this will demonstrate the folly of that hubris — providing a valuable lesson to the other Orbital Knights, and suggesting that changes to the way they have done things up until now are required.
  990. [06:06-07:35 addressed in ‘the husband’] “An exceptional knight proves himself so superior that none dare try.”
  992. I will save the bulk of the analysis for this scene for ‘Slaine, The Husband’ as I think that is where its is most fitting.
  994. Lemrina: “Will you really duel him, Slaine?”
  995. Slaine: “Yes.”
  996. “I cannot back down from this challenge.”
  997. Lemrina: “This all happened because I allowed Count Marylcian to dock.”
  998. Slaine: “No. Rather, I should thank you.”
  999. Lemrina: “…?”
  1000. Slaine: “You’ve given me a chance to prove my valour.”
  1001. “Should I prove victorious, it will discourage opposition from the other Orbital Knights.”
  1002. Lemrina: “…”
  1003. Slaine: “You need not worry.”
  1004. Lemrina: “Your dream might yet come true, it seems.”
  1005. Slaine: “I have no dreams.”
  1006. Lemrina: “‘The Terran once held in contempt will one day rule Vers.”
  1007. “Ever since we first met, I’ve felt that you and I were kindred spirits.”
  1008. Slaine: “Do you still hold on to your grudge against the royal family?”
  1009. Lemrina: “Yes”
  1010. “I find it highly gratifying to see someone with no connection to the royal family at all, like you, gaining political power.”
  1011. “And I think there’s something you’ll never let go, too”
  1012. “…Namely my sister.”
  1013. Slaine: “…”
  1014. Lemrina: “You seem to genuinely love her.”
  1016. Slaine: “…”
  1017. Lemrina: “Would you allow me to help you?”
  1018. “I don’t mind being her substitute.”
  1020. …However, This is being noted here because it highlights three things:
  1022. The first, that Slaine is able to realise that what should be an attack against him can be turned into something beneficial if he is victorious. Much as Saazbaum taught him, further proving his prowess over his peers will deter others who would stand against him.
  1024. The second is in Slaine’s “I have no dreams”. This is his second utterance [the first to Harklight at the end of S2-Ep3(15)]. Both are relating to a rise in status, and both are denied by Slaine to people he would have no reason to lie to about them to. My assumption is that Slaine doesn’t desire power or ascension for his its own sake (thus the response he gives) but merely releases he needs it to protect Asseylum or carry on the legacy Saazbaum has mentored. For his nu-Vers cause in particular, rather than an ambition, it strikes me as “a cause he feels he has been entrusted with/a responsibility towards”.
  1026. The third is that the idea for the marriage (and resulting increase Slaine’s political power) actually comes from Lemrina. This (and the duel itself) are a turning point for Slaine as significant as the end of the first season, and once again Asseylum’s importance to Slaine (in this case, her absence) is a significant motivator. [The duel itself is explored in ‘Slaine, The Gull’]
  1029. [19:40-END]
  1030. Setting the stages of the endgame is Slaine/Lemrina’s proclamation, intending to create a new Vers (nu-Vers? Neo-Vers? Vers[ion] 2.0?) kingdom on Earth with the land and resources they’ve obtained. [Presumably, this is not the last stage of the plan - the final stage being to ascend the Mars throne make changes for the kingdom and its citzens there as well or begin re-migrating people and resources — harkening back to Saazbaum’s goals).
  1035. [S2-Ep07(19) START-01:28] Commitment born of hope, commitment born of despair
  1036. The intro sees a repeat of last episode’s proclamation, with some extended dialogue following up on Slaine’s conversation with Zebrin, Raffia, and Olga about uniting the Orbital Knights under one banner. The proclamation begets a renewed spirit and zeal in the Orbital Knights, which serves as an ironic comparison to Slaine as we see below.
  1039. [03:01-04:44]
  1040. Slaine: “The war against Earth proves as difficult as it always has.”
  1041. Harklight: “Yes.”
  1042. “That said, Her Highness’s words were surely messianic for our deeply unsettled knights.”
  1043. Slaine: “Messianic?”
  1044. Harklight: “Nobody doubts that you are the ultimate originator of that proclamation.”
  1045. “The knights that are unsure about our ability to continue this war seek someone to lead them.”
  1046. “I am sure they have found that leader in you”
  1047. Slaine: “You honour me.”
  1048. “On the other hand, this will also mean that rebellious factions will plot against me.”
  1049. “For that, I will require your assistance.”
  1050. Harklight: “You wish to make an example, then?”
  1051. Slaine: “No, dealing with them individually will only bog us down.”
  1052. “I need you to root out the most dangerous elements.”
  1053. “We can let the appropriate authorities handle it from there.”
  1054. Harklight: “…”
  1055. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum’s name alone should be enough.”
  1056. “It should not prove too difficult to stripping of the knighthoods with some flimsy accusation.”
  1057. Harklight: “…”
  1058. Slaine: “You disapprove? Too dirty a trick?”
  1059. Harklight: “No, my lord. Quite the opposite.”
  1060. “It's only natural that you should stop at nothing to achieve your goal.”
  1061. “Since the announcement, I…”
  1062. “If I may be so bold, you seem to have prepared for the worst.”
  1064. Slaine (monologue): “I wanted to be with Her Highness.” [lit. “I wanted to be close to Her Highness”]
  1065. “I wanted to be worthy of her.”
  1066. “I wanted to devote what power I had to her.” [lit. “be of service/use to her.”]
  1067. “But…”
  1068. “If power is the only thing left that I can aspire to now…” [lit. “If there’s nothing my hand can (grasp/reach) other than power…” ]
  1070. Asseylum’s importance to Slaine is reiterated in this monologue. To aid in explaining why he would take up Lemrina’s offer and change in the way we are seeing. To understand this, we need to look back on everything thats happened to Slaine overall.
  1072. Slaine’s past as a lowly Terran servant in a society that has been made to despise Terrans cannot be overstated. It was specifically beaten [yes, pun intended] into the audience throughout the earlier episodes for that reason. His past with Asseylum and the warmth she gives him are respite for the outsider. Their time together, and interaction without regard for status/birth/differences is an important connection for the boy who has none to call family, and a haven for he who has no place to call home. Asseylum is everything to him; and in return he would gladly offer the best of everything that he is, everything that he could be, and everything he is capable of - for her sake.
  1074. But over the course of the series, being mentored by Saazbaum on the realities of Vers widens his worldview. The princess is as important to him as ever, but this is now also balanced with the teachings of his mentor, and all that he has seen for himself.
  1076. Slaine has given into the idea that Asseylum’s recovery will never come to pass (and by extension nor will the realisation of her ideals). His hope of offering everything to his princess has died, and with it, the last of his hesitations. All that remains here is his changed worldview and pursing “what he is capable of” for its sake. Thus we see him go all in, showing no scruples for dealing with further potential opposing knights. It is in Harklight’s words that we see its purpose:
  1078. “The knights that are unsure about our ability to continue this war seek someone to lead them.”
  1080. The reality is that if Vers’ forces want victory, unity is a necessity. Open division in the Orbital Knights against a united UEF would be their downfall and Slaine must keep the Orbital Knights united under him in order to control them. Many will understandably be displeased by this turn, and it marks a point where Slaine has come closer to Saazbaum than ever before. A shrewd but unpleasant move to avail potential feudal politics, lest another Marylcian appear.
  1083. [10:58-11:11]
  1084. Inaho: “It doesn’t matter if she’s real or not.”
  1085. “I doubt anyone would listen to her.”
  1086. “Not even if she tried for peace between Earth and Mars again.”
  1088. [17:55 + 19:43-22:05]
  1090. While in the garden he he had built for her Slaine walks in and overhears Asseylum recalling birds she saw on Earth. I’ve seen it speculated that he leaves because Asseylum says Inaho’s name but this is unlikely. The memory of the birds themselves are the key; for it was Slaine who taught her about them [see: ’Slaine, The Friend’].
  1092. Slaine: “The first shot has been fired.”
  1093. “We are at war now.” [lit. we can’t go back now]
  1094. […]
  1095. Slaine: “Right. It’s too late for doubts now.”
  1096. “I’ve come too far to turn back.”
  1098. The birds are a reminder of how far the war, (and he himself) currently are away from Asseylum’s dream of uniting Earth/Mars. As much as Slaine would like to be able to offer the princess what she wants, it likely wouldn’t be possible for Asseylum to reach out and turn things around. What options are left to him can only allow him to go forward (against Asseylum’s wishes) to make the best of a bad situation for his side.
  1103. [S2-Ep08(20) 08:49-09:26] Knights pledge of fealty, for now at least
  1104. Slaine: “We shouldn’t let our guard down.”
  1105. “Nothing is less reliable than a knight’s pledge of fealty.”
  1106. Harklight: “I understand entirely.”
  1107. “Now, how should I answer Count Barouhcruz’s request?”
  1108. Slaine: “Let him have his wish.”
  1109. Harklight: “My lord?”
  1110. Slaine: “Mazuurek, right?”
  1111. “He can meet the princess if he so desires.”
  1112. “She will be only too happy to help us grow in power.”
  1113. “For now, at least.”
  1116. A short scene demonstrating Slaine’s understanding that the words of a knight alone are not to be trusted. The other Orbital Knights may swear loyalty for now but its not something he can ever trust on its own. He does still recognise that he can use the opportunity to increase is power base, but its accompanied by an ominous statement regarding Lemrina and the part she plays. Many speculated it to mean Slaine intends to dispose of Lemrina at some future point. I doubted this (and events of course go to show the opposite). I suspect the only motivation Slaine would have to harm Lemrina would be if she tried to harm Asseylum. In any case this line is never elaborated or followed up on in any way.
  1121. [S2-Ep09(21) 02:26-03:39] Ruled by Aldnoah
  1122. Slaine: “What happened after that, Harklight?”
  1123. Harklight: “We conquered the Lake Victoria area from the beachhead created by our Landing Castle.”
  1124. Slaine: “Good Work.”
  1125. Harklight: “I’m sure the combined might of several Orbital Knights awed more than just the UE.”
  1126. “I would expect this success will have impressed upon everyone the value of a leader.”
  1127. “They never expected a difficult battle, lulled into security by the power of Aldnoah.”
  1128. Slaine: “Aldnoah…”
  1129. “Count Saazbaum once lamented our stratified society based around the privilege of Aldnoah.”
  1130. “He went as far as to say the emigration to Mars was a mistake in the first place.”
  1131. Harklight: “…”
  1132. Slaine: “That power, Aldnoah, allowed humanity to spread to every corner of Mars and start this very war.”
  1133. “Princess Asseylum, Princess Lemrina… Both are victims of Aldnoah.”
  1134. “As are we.”
  1135. “But the days when that power ruled us are no more.”
  1136. “The land we have conquered shall be the first stone of an empire that spans Earth.”
  1137. “We will combine the power of Aldnoah with the vast resources that Earth holds, and build our own world.”
  1140. Here we have an expansion on Slaine’s goal. If he can’t make the princess’ dream a reality, what is it that he plans to do in its stead? The answers lie in the cause he succeeds from Saazbaum and to understand it, lets once again look at some points I mentioned from Saazbaum/Slaine’s first discussion [re-read: ’Slaine, The Son’ S1-Ep09]:
  1142. ‘a lord’s duty to his vassals’
  1143. ‘an unimaginable luxury’
  1144. ‘culture remains stagnant and almost non-existent’
  1145. ‘the royal family controlling vers through sentiments of war’
  1146. ‘you must have realised this after all the wounds you have received’
  1148. The effect Aldnoah has had on Vers is key to all that has occurred so far. Its limited dissemination allowed for the feudal society that has simultaneously sustained and suppressed those of Mars. It made one man a king, allowed many to be followers, and made innumerable victims — shaping the destiny’s countless others over the last 3 generations.
  1150. Saazbaum’s implication is that going to Mars to begin a colony was a mistake. But it is Slaine’s expansion that explains why; Aldnoah allowed for Mars settlers to become the independent nation of “Vers” - an entity separate from the Earth of which it derived (and something he comes back to in his talk with Asseylum below). The purpose of the new Kingdom he intends to create is to fulfil the ‘lord’s duty to his vassals’, and in doing so free them from the holds Martian settlement under the grip of Aldnoah based society. Leaving them with a world where its citizens have Aldnoah benefits but are not utterly dependent on it thanks to the vast natural resources the Earth provides comparative to Mars.
  1153. [14:38-17:14 + 19:32-19:56 + 21:30] Confrontation, and compromise.
  1154. Having awoken and regained her memories, Asseylum is confronted by Lemrina. Following an offscreen discussion, the two swap places, allowing Asseylum to confront Slaine about his actions so far.
  1157. Slaine: “You sent for me, Princess Lemrina?”
  1158. Asseylum: “Slaine… What is the meaning of this?”
  1159. Slaine: “?”
  1160. Asseylum: “Princess Asseylum— my sister— has already awoken.”
  1161. Slaine: “…I always knew this day would come.”
  1162. Asseylum: “Would you do me the courtesy of explaining yourself?”
  1163. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum’s memories have not yet fully returned.”
  1164. “I needed you to continue acting as her, as you have so gracefully done.”
  1165. “For the sake of the new world we are creating.”
  1166. Asseylum: “New world?”
  1167. Slaine: “Yes.”
  1168. “A world free of worry, with no conflict or sadness, where everyone can live happily ever after.”
  1169. Asseylum: “And who will ensure the future of this world?” [lit. who will (control/supervise) this world?]
  1170. Slaine: “That would be Princess Asseylum Vers Allusia.”
  1171. Asseylum: “And you really think she wants that?”
  1172. Slaine: “I am aware that she does not.”
  1173. “Which is exactly why I will create that world and offer it unto her.”
  1174. Asseylum: “…”
  1175. Slaine: “Your Highness, do you know why wars take place?”
  1176. Asseylum: “Well… They are a means of negotiation between governments.”
  1177. Slaine: “No. Wars take place because there is someone to fight.”
  1178. “To eliminate war, we must either invade and gain control,” [lit. invade and become one (assimilate)]
  1179. “Or completely wipe out all opposition so that only one side remains.” [lit. destroy the opponent, leaving only one side]
  1180. “The history of humanity is one fraught with conflict.”
  1181. “The very instant that Mars split off from Earth, it was inevitable that war would occur.”
  1182. “Even if I had not done what I had, I’m sure that someone, one day, would…”
  1183. Asseylum: “You’ve… changed.”
  1184. Slaine: “?”
  1185. Asseylum: “You’re no longer… the Slaine I knew, are you?”
  1187. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum?”
  1189. Lemrina: “I told her everything.”
  1190. Asseylum: “In the name of Asseylum Vers Allusia, first princess of the Vers Empire:”
  1192. “I order you, Count Slaine Saazbaum Troyard, to declare an immediate cease-fire.”
  1193. […]
  1195. Asseylum: “Slaine.”
  1196. “Please, put and end to this.”
  1198. Slaine: “Princess Asseylum.”
  1199. “I am no longer subject to your authority” [lit. “I can no longer follow your orders”]
  1200. “You see… I am a citizen of the Vers Empire no more.”
  1202. “Forgive me, but I must take you both into custody.” [lit. I’m very sorry, but I must place everyone in custody]
  1206. Here we have Slaine explain to “Lemrina”; the reasons for why he has lied to her for the last few episodes, reiterate the purpose behind the new kingdom they are creating, and finally explain how he plans to reconcile the disparity between Asseylum’s ideals with the goals he has inherited from Saazbaum.
  1208. Before I extrapolate on these, I’m going to reference the conversation Inaho had with Asseylum [S1-E12] regarding war.
  1212. @@ [S1-Ep12 04:03-05:17]
  1213. @@
  1214. @@ Asseylum: “You must hate us, don’t you”
  1215. @@ “You must hate Vers for what we’ve done to Earth and its people.”
  1216. @@ “You hate us, don’t you?”
  1217. @@ Yuki: “…”
  1218. @@ Inaho: “Seylum.”
  1219. @@ “When do wars end? Do you know?”
  1220. @@ Asseylum: “When the people on both sides throw away their hatred and wish for peace.”
  1221. @@ Inaho: “No.”
  1222. @@ Asseylum: “?”
  1223. @@ Inaho: “War is simply the continuation of politics by other means”
  1224. @@ “There is war even without hatred.”
  1225. @@ “Territory, resources, interests… Ideology, religion, pride…”
  1226. @@ “Those are the reasons wars are fought.”
  1227. @@ “Wars end when their goals are achieved.”
  1228. @@ “The only other way, is when so many people are killed that it is no longer economical.”
  1229. @@ “Anger and hatred are only tools to tilt the war in your favour.”
  1230. @@ “I’m not interested in those emotions.”
  1231. @@ Asseylum: “Inaho…”
  1232. @@ Inaho: “That’s why I would never hate anyone merely for being a Martian.”
  1235. I previously mentioned that Inaho/Slaine have different perspectives regarding war (but mutual understanding of it) [Slaine, The Gull S2-Ep10(22)]. This is reflected in Inaho asking Asseylum “When do wars end?”, while here Slaine is asking why they occur in the first place. True to their characters Inaho speaks with an understanding reflecting logic that oversees conflicts and war’s viability as a tool, while Slaine here speaks with an understanding of the emotions that underpin conflict and allow war to occur in the first place. Its important to note that nothing Inaho says there nor what Slaine says here refutes the statements of the other.
  1237. Neither are solely correct — and the true answer, of course, is that both logic and emotion play their parts in why wars begin and end. Though Inaho and Slaine’s perspectives differ, their answers thus overlap: From Vers’ perspective; ending the current war requires they must either invade Earth and assimilate the remains of its population after defeating the UEF or destroy everything entirely leaving only Vers forces. The war is a war for territory, resources, interests, ideology (et al) and will end when those goals are achieved. The combined insight is a realistic appraisal of the situation.
  1239. Slaine intends to pursue the option to invade and assimilate, and then having done the ‘dirty work’, intends to present to Asseylum with the new world that has the best that Vers/Earth have to offer [Aldnoah’s power without the dependancy and cultural ramifications thanks to the resources of Earth]. Asseylum of course, would be unhappy with what it took to get there [which Slaine is of course aware of] then disables her Lemrina disguise and at gunpoint orders Slaine to issue a ceasefire.
  1244. If Asseylum is so important to him, why would he now go against her wishes here? Why a new kingdom instead of “peace” with Earth?
  1246. [short answer] - Right now, what she wants is unrealistic.
  1247. [long answer] - Before the war started, there was a chance for peace — but nearly 2 years in and knowing what he knows about Vers’ culture, is there hope? Would even Asseylum be capable of turning things around? And if she did - would anything change for Vers and its Aldnoah based feudal way of life?
  1249. Let’s take a look at the answer she gives to Slaine when he asks why she thinks wars occur:
  1251. Asseylum: “Well… They are a means of negotiation between governments.”
  1253. The answer she has learned from Inaho overlooks the emotional contribution to conflict that arises from human nature and it only taking two entities for conflict to occur; This is what Slaine alludes to in his response of “Wars take place because there is someone to fight.”
  1255. The key to Slaine’s thought process is his earlier discussion with Harklight, he references Saazbaum point about emigration being a mistake. Aldnoah allowed Vers to be an independent entity from Earth and human nature made it inevitable that conflict would arise between the two.
  1257. Additionally even if things change between Earth/Mars, it doesn’t immediately address the current (old-Vers) Aldnoah based society on Mars that remains. With the current feudal system and nobility as gatekeepers - what level of benefit would appreciably reach its citizens, as per his talk with Saazbaum [‘Slaine, The Son’ S2-Ep02(14)]? The princess could theoretically get her wish but nothing really improve for Vers citizens. Slaine can’t follow Asseylum’s order despite her importance to him, because metaphorically he cannot return that Vers he has known up until now.
  1259. What Slaine believes is that realistically, the optimal future of Vers and the Asseylum’s dream of peace between Earth/Mars is going to be a compromise. Both are important to him, but he can only reconcile the disparity through doing something he knows the princess would not want; If conflict only requires 2 entities to exist, the two entries must be made one —The new kingdom— and led by someone who has the best intentions for both parts.
  1261. This could partially be described as Asseylum desiring co-existence, but Slaine believing only unity is feasible. The metaphorical difference between the two alluding to how he could go against her overt wish for the sake of partially granting that wish.
  1264. [Of course, we in the audience know that a “PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING” resolution awaits us at the ending of this show. Its the way the plot has been set up and so it is what we are going to get. But for those in the narrative’s universe, thats not the case. The current societal/idealogical/ political states of both sides make it extremely unlikely for that to occur. An unrealistic proposition with only 3 episodes remaining for resolution… unless the writers forcefully insert some form of plot coupon they can trade in to create the ending they want…]
  1271. [S2-Ep10(22) START-00:44] Behold the plot coupon; Klancain’s arrival.
  1273. Slaine: “Count Crutheo?”
  1274. Harklight: “Yes. His eldest son inherited the title.”
  1275. Slaine: “Klancain…”
  1276. Harklight: “He is reputed to be extremely loyal to the emperor.”
  1277. Slaine: “By now the knights are split clean into those on my side and those on the Emperor’s.”
  1278. “If we can convince him to rejoin us, perhaps the other will rethink their allegiance.”
  1279. Harklight: “I agree.”
  1280. Slaine: “It will depend on whether or not he is trustworthy.”
  1282. Here we have a brief but necessary introduction into who Klancain is. [I’ll be blunt in that I don’t like Klancain. Why? Because his entire existence is a plot device for the purpose of making the ending work the way they wanted it to. He should have been introduced earlier in the series and given more relevance then. Him only appearing with 3 episodes to go just feels like poor writing.] Here we see glimpses at Slaine looking beyond the war with UEF, and noting the importance of recruiting loyalists from ‘old’ Vers into his plans for a new kingdom.
  1284. [05:50-08:04] Slaine and Klancain meet.
  1285. Transcript
  1286. Slaine: “I apologise for the delay.”
  1287. “You've come a very long way of your condolences over the death of my father.”
  1288. Klancain: “We are a great distance from Vers.”
  1289. “My condolences for your father and my congratulations for your succession are long overdue.”
  1290. Slaine: “I fear I must apologise for failing to congratulate you on your own succession, Count Crutheo.”
  1291. Klancain: “Please, call me Klancain. I am still unaccustomed to my father’s title.”
  1292. Slaine: “Very well.”
  1293. “Princess Asseylum was looking forward to seeing you again after so long, but…”
  1294. Klancain: “I was given to understand that she is not in good health.”
  1295. Slaine: “It’s nothing grave, but she should be given time to recuperate.”
  1297. Slaine: “I am deeply indebted to your father.”
  1298. Klancain: “Was he not hard on you?”
  1299. “He was a painfully austere man.”
  1300. Slaine: “He taught me many valuable things.”
  1301. “I doubt that I would be standing here right now were it not for him.”
  1302. Klancain: “I saw the Tharsis.”
  1303. Slaine: “…”
  1304. Klancain: “I am glad that it has been of use to you.”
  1305. “Also, I heard en route that you had proclaimed your intention to found a new kingdom here.”
  1306. Slaine: “It was Princess Asseylum’s wish.”
  1307. Klancain: “Was it also His Imperial Majesty’s?”
  1308. Slaine: “…”
  1309. “As I understand, his health is failing.”
  1310. Klancain: “He has the best doctors, equipped with the best medical technology.”
  1311. “there is no need to worry about him.”
  1312. Slaine: “I am glad to hear that.”
  1313. “If we should see Princess Asseylum’s wishes come to fruition, I am sure His Majesty would be overjoyed as well.”
  1314. Klancain: “One would hope so.”
  1315. Slaine: “If you were to assist us in our struggles, Lord Klancain, it would bolster morale a great deal.”
  1316. Klancain: “I am looking forward… to seeing how your new kingdom will affect the future of Vers.”
  1319. Slaine and Klancain dance around each other verbally while attempting to gain abetter understanding of each other. Klancain of course doesn’t trust Slaine at all (notice he doesn’t drink any of the tea). Aside from the irony in their discussing things Slaine has learned from his time with Crutheo, this section is mainly interesting because of the differences it highlights between the two;
  1321. Slaine and Klancain are both sons who have inherited their father’s titles and positions (literally / figuratively). Klancain is loyal to the Vers Empire to a fault, where as Slaine seeks to change it (much as Crutheo/Saazbaum). Who is the head of the empire doesn’t seem to matter as much to Klancain as long as they are the head — when Slaine says “It was Princess Asseylum’s wish”, Klancain retorts “Was it also His Imperial Majesties?”. He strikes me as someone blindly following the orders /direction of whoever is head of state, but our lack of time with him makes it hard to gain any real understanding of him: How does he feel about the war? How does he feel about Terrans? How does he feel about the state of Vers? Does any of it even affect him having grown up as the son of a respected nobility like Crutheo?
  1323. The show gives us little to go on, but Klancain strikes me as a “what if” for Slaine. What if Slaine wasn’t a Terran who had been through everything her had, but was instead a son of the Vers nobility? Would he be Klancain? Would his loyalty to Asseylum and the importance to him be substituted by blind imperial loyalty to Vers throne? In any case their meeting is cut short thanks to the UEF attack.
  1328. [S2-Ep11(23) 02:53-03:14-04:30] “You were the one who taught me that.”
  1329. Slaine: “Lord Klancain, where do you mean to take Princess Asseylum?”
  1330. Klancain: “Ah, Count Troyard. I am presently evacuating Her Highness to protect her from our enemies.”
  1331. Slaine: “The moon base is heavily fortified. There is no place safer.”
  1332. Klancain: “I seem to recall a battle raging within it.”
  1333. Slaine: “Have no fear. All enemy forces have been eradicated.”
  1334. “Please return at once.”
  1335. Asseylum: “No!”
  1336. “I will not return.”
  1337. Slaine: “…”
  1338. Asseylum: “I… watched birds on Earth.”
  1339. Slaine: “Your Highness…”
  1340. Asseylum: “The Earth was recovering, and mankind was coexisting with nature.”
  1341. “You were the one who taught me that.”
  1342. “That mankind and nature… That Earth and Vers… could prosper together!”
  1344. Slaine: “…Yes.”
  1345. “It is as you say.”
  1346. “I said exactly that.”
  1347. Operator: “(I’ve dispatched Stygis Platoon in pursuit.)”
  1348. Slaine: “(Have them seize the ship.)”
  1349. Asseylum: “I beg you, Slaine.”
  1350. “Please stop this war, and make peace with Earth.”
  1351. Slaine: “Yes. Perhaps you are right.” [lit. I understand]
  1352. “Let us speak about that.”
  1353. Asseylum: “Slaine…”
  1354. Slaine: “The sector you are entering is dangerous.”
  1355. “You should return immediately.”
  1356. “Count Klancain, please turn back at once.”
  1357. Klancain: “I am afraid I cannot comply.”
  1358. “I shall observe Princess Asseylum’s orders.”
  1359. “Maximum power to stealth devices!”
  1361. Following the attack, Klancain has rescued Asseylum and escaped on his ship, the Hadriacus. prior to this he explains that he was sent on orders of the Emperor who had doubts about Saazbaum’s campaign against UEF. This is interesting because there are points where the Emperor directly praises ‘Asseylum’ (Lemrina) for her efforts in the war, and its later revealed that the Emperor doesn’t really seem to be sound of mind enough to be issuing any competent orders. [Did the Emperor really order this? or are the Loyalists just desperate to reclaim Asseylum to lead Vers in light of his failing mental/physical health?]
  1363. In any case the important part of this scene is Asseylum denying she will return, the return of the birds as a theme and a call back to ‘Slaine, The Friend’, showing both Asseylum breaking and cracks appearing in the Slaine that had hardened in the last few episodes. Asseylum recalling seeing birds alludes to the time the two of them spent together as children, Asseylum’s dream of peace between Earth and Mars and how Slaine was indeed someone who contributed to (if not planted the seeds of) the very dream itself.
  1365. Despite his momentary lapse, the wolf regains his composure following a whisper from one of the operators that units have been dispatched to pursue them. Klancain denies the request to return stating that he will follow the princess’ orders and activates Hadriacus’ stealth abilities.
  1370. [12:20-12:43] Forced hand and the Wolf’s end.
  1372. Harklight: “Sir Slaine. Earth forces have begun to gather.”
  1373. “What shall we do about them?”
  1374. Slaine: “No change of plan.”
  1375. “Launch all forces and intercept them.”
  1376. “Also, send a request for assistance from supporting Orbital Knights.”
  1377. Harklight: “Assistance?”
  1378. Slaine: “We will launch an all-offensive against the Earth forces. ”
  1379. “They shall learn how it feels to no longer have anywhere to go home to.”
  1382. [20:21-20:49]
  1383. Slaine: “Open a comms channel and contact all Orbital Knights!”
  1384. “The moon base has begun its all-out offensive on the United Forces of Earth!”
  1385. “Hear me, Knights that have travelled down to the satellite belt and to the planet’s surface.”
  1386. “Launch an attack against the forces of Earth, wherever you are!”
  1387. “Prove to them our immense strength once and for all!”
  1388. “and show them that resistance—”
  1391. The Wolf ends with the setup for the final battle and the last episode. Slaine orders his forces in space to prepare for the upcoming UEF attack, while ordering the Vers forces stationed in other locations in the belt and on Earth to simultaneously attack UEF posts in their vicinity. Timing having forced his hand. His declaration cut short thanks to Asseylum’s broadcast declaring the new Count Crutheo (Klancain) as her husband-to-be [replacing Lemrina/Slaine’s proclamation a few episodes ago] and declaring that Vers Empire wishes to make peace with Earth.
  1396. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
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  1405. Slaine, The Husband
  1408. ‘Slaine, The Son’, required me to somewhat look into Saazbaum. Here I will do the same with Slaine/Lemrina. What Slaine is to Lemrina is as interesting as what Asseylum is to Slaine, so I’ll look at her in a bit more depth than I did for Saazbaum. This section we’ll look at her and Slaine’s relationship and how she sees him throughout second half of the series.
  1411. [S2-Ep01(13) 06:51-08:31] Audience is first introduced to Lemrina
  1413. Lemrina: “Come in.”
  1414. Saazbaum: “Excuse us.”
  1415. “You appear quite well, Princess Lemrina”
  1416. Lemrina: “I am weary, Count Saazbaum.”
  1417. “How fares the world?”
  1418. Saazbaum: “Conquest of North and South America is complete.”
  1419. “We’re installing a new government.”
  1420. “As for Eurasia and the Far East, UE counterattacks continue due to the surrender of the Landing Castles there.”
  1421. Lemrina: “Will I ever set foot on Earth?”
  1422. Saazbaum: “We expect the military strength of the UE to be exhausted soon.”
  1423. “At that point, Your Highness will become ruler of Earth, as per your imperial bloodr—”
  1424. Lemrina: “Do not speak of that!”
  1425. Saazbaum: “Your Highness.”
  1427. Eddelrittuo : “Princess Lemrina…”
  1428. Lemrina: “I never asked for this blood to flow through my veins.”
  1429. “In fact, I hate it utterly.”
  1430. “The only reason I am allowed to live is because my blood holds power, for only royalty can stir Aldnoah to life.” [lit. “My blood’s only value is to let me live as a tool to awaken Aldnoah”]
  1431. Saazbaum: “I apologise for my careless remark.”
  1432. Lemrina: “It’s alright. I understand.”
  1433. “You were the one who extended the hand of friendship toward me, Count Saazbaum.”
  1434. “I may curse my blood, but I am grateful to you.”
  1435. “Slaine?”
  1436. Slaine: “Yes, Your Highness?”
  1437. Lemrina: “Will you teach me of Earth again?”
  1438. Slaine: “Gladly.”
  1440. Here we get our first look at the Lemrina and the first of several insights into her. Lemrina is the second Versian princess, up until now unbeknownst to the audience (and many in-narrative). What we are immediately given hints of is how much of a dislike she has for this heritage and hints at the nature of her relationship with Saazbaum and Slaine. Lemrina has a self-perception that her ability to activate Aldnoah is her only value, but accepts that its what allowed her bond with Saazbaum. Her relationship with Saazbaum may be a known quantity for her, but how it affect her interaction with others to come?
  1442. An exploration of Lemrina will look at ideas of self worth, identity, rejection and desire for acceptance — thanks to Aldnoah and its affect on her fate. *For all others capable of utilising Aldnoah for them it has bestowed privilege, but for Lemrina it has been a curse.* We see that Slaine and Eddelrittuo have been given similar roles to that which they served for Asseylum. Though in time we will come to see that it is Lemrina who desires a similar role as Asseylum to them.
  1444. [20:41-21:20] Following Lemrina’s speech as Asseylum
  1446. Lemrina: “How was that, Count Saazbaum?”
  1447. Saazbaum: “Excellent.”
  1448. “You were the spitting image of Princess Asseylum.”
  1449. “None would ever call your identity into question.”
  1450. Lemrina: “This is the problem with you men.”
  1451. Saazbaum: “?”
  1453. Lemrina: “At no point did I ask how well I’d concealed my identity.”
  1454. Slaine: “Masterfully done, Princess Lemrina.”
  1455. “Your majestic speech is sure to have moved the Orbital Knights as well.”
  1456. Lemrina: “Thank you, Sir Slaine Troyard.”
  1457. “Your consideration means far more to me than complements on my performance.”
  1458. Slaine: “You are too kind.”
  1460. In a scene following Lemrina’s performance under the guise of ‘Princess Asseylum’, we gain a further look at her relationship with Saazbaum and Slaine. What we see here is the first of Lemrina’s “tests”. In seeking appraisal from Saazbaum, she is also testing him (which he fails). His response in comparing her to Asseylum is a failure for reasons that will make more sense in later analysis. [But for now…] Where Saazbaum effectively comments on her value as a substitute, Slaine appraises the emotional value of her words themselves. Saazbaum speaks on ‘Princess Asseylum’, where as Slaine speaks to the value of Princess Lemrina — and thus passes the test that Saazbaum has failed.
  1467. [S2-Ep02(14) START-00:54] Lemrina in the low gravity dock + activating Stygis Platoon’s Aldnoah drives.
  1470. Lemrina: “I love this place.”
  1471. “Look, I can actually walk here.”
  1475. The episode begins with Lemrina, free of her wheelchair. playfully gliding through the dock while Slaine follows her. She activates the Aldnoah drives of the Stygis units. The low gravity environment enabling he to move freely despite her disability.
  1477. The scene is symbolic for a later “bird in a cage” scene I will discuss later [S2-Ep05(17)], Slaine referring to Lemrina as a victim of Aldnoah [S2-Ep09(21) 02:26-03:39], and my discussion of the ending.
  1479. For now though, the scene is important because her freedom from her disability is only possible in this military facility (in the confines of the low gravity gravity the dock provides). This represents Lemrina only having freedom as a result of the state of the war. Prior to Asseylum’s injuries, Lemrina’s existence was a secret despite being royalty.
  1483. [07:33] At the end of Eddelrittuo & Slaine’s scene, we see Lemrina had been listening to their conversation. The scene implies that the time / attention the two are spending there is at the expense of what they “should” be devoting to Lemrina (who is currently fulfilling Asseylum’s role). For Lemrina who overhears their ongoing devotion to Asseylum (at her expense no less), this strikes a nerve, and seems to be trigger for her second test - this time aimed at Slaine.
  1486. [09:52-13:37] differing origins, shared hardship
  1488. As Saazbaum’s forces are preparing to leave, Slaine notices that Tharsis’ drive has been forcefully deactivated. After spotting Lemrina, he quickly deduces that it was her doing and glides over to her.
  1490. Slaine: “Rise, Tharsis.”
  1491. “…?”
  1492. “It’s not activating? The Aldnoah Drive is powered down. Why?”
  1495. Slaine: “Princess Lemrina.”
  1496. Lemrina: “Is something the matter, Slaine?”
  1497. Slaine: “Why have you deactivated the Tharsis?”
  1498. Lemrina: “Whatever are you talking about?”
  1500. Slaine: “You are the only one here who can command Aldnoah.”
  1502. Lemrina: “That may be so.”
  1504. Slaine: “Please reactivate the Aldnoah Drive.”
  1505. Lemrina: “I don’t want to.”
  1506. Slaine: “Please.”
  1507. Lemrina: “Why don’t you ask my sister?”
  1508. Slaine: “…”
  1509. Lemrina: “I’ve been wondering for a while.”
  1510. “How can you, a Terran, operate the Tharsis?”
  1511. “She must be so happy to know that you still love her in spite of her condition.”
  1512. “We might have the same father, but because I have a different mother nobody pays me any heed.”
  1513. Slaine: “That’s not true at all.”
  1514. “We all admire, you Princess Lemrina.”
  1515. Lemrina: “You lie.”
  1516. Slaine: “It’s the truth!”
  1517. Lemrina: “Hardly.”
  1518. “It is merely my activation factor that you admire.”
  1519. “Isn’t that why you’re talking to me right now?”
  1520. Slaine: “…”
  1521. […]
  1522. Lemrina: “Do you want me that much?”
  1523. “Is Aldnoah that important to you?”
  1524. “I’m just a replacement for my sister.”
  1525. Slaine: “…”
  1526. Lemrina: “See? I was right.”
  1527. “I hate you.”
  1529. Slaine: “I was born on Earth.”
  1530. “When my father, a scientist, passed on, I lost the one protector I had on mars and began to serve the Orbital Knights as a servant.”
  1531. “I cannot claim to understand your pain, Princess Lemrina.”
  1532. “However, I too have been mistreated due to the circumstances of my birth, so I sympathise with that aspect of your hardship.”
  1533. “Please be assured of my heartfelt admiration, Princess Lemrina.”
  1534. Lemrina: “…Raise your head Slaine.”
  1536. “That should give you the ability to activate it by yourself, if only once.”
  1537. Slaine: “Thank you.”
  1538. Lemrina: “Best of luck. Now go, Sir Slaine Troyard”
  1541. […]
  1542. Harklight: “Sir Slaine:
  1543. Slaine: “I’m sorry it took so long.”
  1544. Harklight: “Well Done.”
  1545. Slaine: “?”
  1546. Harklight: “I am proud to have you as my master.”
  1547. Slaine: “You saw that? Well, that’s awkward.”
  1549. […]
  1551. Lemrina: “I will have everything that used to be yours.”
  1552. “So rest easy, my dear sister.”
  1555. Initially when Slaine states that Lemrina is the only one who has command over Aldnoah (and thus the only possible person who could be responsible), her retort has a playful tone. But when Slaine asks her activate Tharsis (i.e. specifically use her Aldnoah ability), she becomes more indignant and her tone becomes mocking as she replies “Why don’t you ask my sister?”. The entire dialogue is a reminder of how much of her sense of self is related to Aldnoah and her position as a “forgotten” princess — and gives away several insights into Lemrina:
  1557. The first is that she grasps Asseylum’s importance to Slaine, but assumes that Asseylum intentionally granted him Aldnoah abilities [still unexplained. see note below] due to that relationship. Slaine’s response irks her because she isn’t the only person who can command Aldnoah — the scenario allows her to highlight that she is only wanted for her Aldnoah ability. It speaks to her fears of only being wanted by others in Asseylum’s absence.
  1559. The second is that despite her currently acting as Asseylum, Lemrina actually hates being seen as her substitute. As an illegitimate child of Vers royalty she has been sidelined while Asseylum receives the adoration of Vers’ population. “Asseylum” is the most similar entity in her life and thus Lemrina measures her self [identity/self worth/etc] with her as a measuring stick. Her following comments hint that she sees her existence seen as secondary to Asseylum, even in Asseylum’s comatose state.
  1561. The third requires asking: “Why test Slaine specifically, and not Eddelrittuo as well?”. Slaine’s answer to her (in Saazbaum’s test) offered hope that he might be more than someone who sees her “as a tool to awaken Aldnoah”. But her overhearing his talk with Eddelrittuo and their devotion to Asseylum shakes those hopes. My assumption is that she needs to define her relationships with people (as its helped her understand her position until now). Thus the purpose of the test is to prove, not to Slaine but to HERSELF, that Slaine’s interest in her is solely related to Aldnoah.
  1563. Slaine, however, overcomes her expectations.
  1565. For unlike those who seek the advantages of her royal blood, he passes her test because he shows his respect comes from understanding how much of a hold on a person’s life their heritage can be. The foundation of their relationship can be one of a mutual understanding. For the princess who desires to be seen as more than a tool, in Slaine she sees the chance to be seen as an equal. This is how she begins to fall for him.
  1567. At the end we see that Lemrina, aspires to take the things that Asseylum has. But that I will explore in a later section.
  1569. Lastly (though unrelated to Lemrina), I thought it was interesting that Slaine was embarrassed over Harklight seeing what had occurred.
  1572. [NOTE: It is never actually explained how Slaine obtained the ability to use Aldnoah/use Tharsis. There are two main theories — the first is that his father who had a hand it development of Aldnoah usage on Vers somehow imbued him with it. The other more accepted theory is that he gained it during Asseylum’s kiss of life during their first meeting.]
  1576. [S2-Ep04(16) 05:36-06:54] The princess in front of him.
  1578. Lemrina: “I am the result of an indiscretion my father, the second emperor Gillezria, made on the moon.”
  1579. “His second sin was Heaven’s Fall, which cost him his life even as the very moon was shattered.”
  1580. “Count Saazbaum found me and swore his allegiance to me when I had nothing.”
  1581. “I don’t know if he had any ulterior motives… but that is fine.”
  1582. “I find it more difficult to trust someone without Machiavellian ambition.”
  1583. “I hope you’re looking forward to the shouldering the run of their envy, Slaine.”
  1584. “All of Count Saazbaum’s privileges are now yours, as well as guardianship of Princess Asseylum.”
  1585. Slaine: “Come what may, I am prepared.”
  1586. “I would not leave this duty to anyone else.”
  1587. Lemrina: “That outfit looks good on you.”
  1588. “I hope you won’t forget. The princess you must protect right now is in front of you.”
  1589. <scene cuts to image of Asseylum>
  1590. Slaine: “I have never forgotten.”
  1592. In the section above, I said: “My assumption is that she needs to define her relationships with people (as its helped her understand her position until now)”. That was influenced by Lemrina’s dialogue here, particularly the line;
  1594. “I find it more difficult to trust someone without Machiavellian ambition.”
  1596. Lemrina’s history
  1598. Lemrina reminds Slaine that one of the former Saazbaum’s privileges of the is the guardianship of ‘Princess Asseylum’. The implication as that as Slaine has taken on the mantle of the new ‘Count Saazbaum’, she intends to become ‘Princess Asseylum’ [“I hope you won’t forget. The princess you must protect right now is in front of you.”].
  1600. Slaine’s reply (and the cut in of Asseylum), is a reminder to the audience that he has never forgotten what truly motivates him and this also highlights a central theme in Lemrina/Slaine’s relationship. Earlier I also said: “For the princess who desires to be seen as more than a tool, in Slaine she sees the chance to be seen as an equal”. We will see that though Slaine does indeed see a parallel in Lemrina, the problem for her is that Slaine places Asseylum above all (including himself).
  1604. [S2-Ep05(17) 10:10-11:07 + 13:00-14:47 + 18:43-19:19] A need to prove your more than a substitute, more than a bird in a cage.
  1606. Slaine’s discusses birds with Eddelrittuo in their usual bonding time with Asseylum. They discuss those who can fly, those who can’t, those in cages. Many people have taken Slaine’s “because they are very beautiful” line to infer that he desires to keep Asseylum in a cage which I think is a misreading of the scenes metaphors. In a sense, Asseylum was indeed a bird in a cage prior to her descent to Earth. She was thus shielded from the harsher realities of Vers/Aldnoah. However, I believe the main metaphor of the scene is not about her at all — but is instead about Lemrina.
  1608. I argue that the scene highlighting for Lemrina/Asseylum isn’t to imply that, that’s what Slaine thinks of them — but is actually there to provide context to the audience for Lemrina’s actions later in the episode; Having just discussed with Slaine the impending threat from other Knights who seek his position, why would Lemrina grant an audience? Why would she allow the threat to someone who she was beginning to show much more of an interest in recently?
  1611. The answer is in the context of the provided above, [and also in the low gravity scene S2-Ep02(14)]. Lemrina is the bird, and her situation as Royalty/Aldnoah ability are her cage. Marylcian referring to her as a bird in a cage during his audience with her strikes a nerve with Lemrina. It renews the feelings she has after hearing Slaine/Eddelrittuo at Asseylum’s tank. Her fear of only being someone who is ‘kept’ for her activation factor / substitute for Asseylum are triggered by Marylcian’s words. Her need to assert herself above that position is the narrative justification for why she makes a decision that would antagonise Slaine/put him at risk. She wants to be seen as an equal and not a substitute to Asseylum, the one in whom she measures herself against. A reason she can’t bring herself to admit when asked by Slaine;
  1613. [18:43-19:19]
  1614. Slaine: “Who gave the Landing Castles permission to dock?”
  1615. Harklight: “Well…”
  1616. Lemrina: “I gave permission.”
  1617. Slaine: “Your Higness?”
  1618. Lemrina: “Count Marylcian requested a personal audience with Princess Asseylum.”
  1619. “So I granted it.”
  1620. “As Princess Asseylum—no, as a princess of Vers.”
  1621. Slaine: “Why would you do that?”
  1622. Lemrina: <SILENCE>
  1623. “Let’s be off”
  1624. “It would be poor manners to keep our guests waiting”
  1629. [S2-Ep06(18) 06:06-07:35] An offer.
  1631. Language translation is not a science. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way to translate something. However for the purposes of exploring this scene, I have chosen to make some changes to its translation to make it closer to what is ‘literally’ being said in Japanese. I have not changed the overall meaning, and have only done this to better highlight some of the subtleties of Lemrina’s talk with Slaine. [The original dialogue as subbed can be seen in ‘Slaine, The Wolf’.]
  1633. As a disclaimer, my understanding of the language isn’t vast by any means — but I know enough to know when parts of what I’m hearing differ from what I am told is being said by the subtitles. If you wish to ignore my interpretations in this and some other sections as a result then I will understand.
  1635. Lemrina: “Will you really duel him, Slaine?”
  1636. Slaine: “Yes.”
  1637. “I cannot back down from this challenge.”
  1638. Lemrina: “This all happened because I allowed Count Marylcian’s [visit/audience].”
  1639. Slaine: “No. Rather, I should thank you.”
  1640. Lemrina: “…?”
  1641. Slaine: “You’ve given me a chance to prove my valour.”
  1642. “Should I prove victorious, it will discourage opposition from the other Orbital Knights.”
  1643. Lemrina: “…”
  1644. Slaine: “You need not worry.”
  1645. Lemrina: “Your dream might yet come true, it seems.”
  1646. Slaine: “I have no dreams.”
  1647. Lemrina: “‘The Terran once held in contempt, will seize the reigns of Vers’.”
  1648. “Ever since we first met, I’ve felt that you and I were somehow similar.”
  1649. Slaine: “Are you unable to forget your [differing opinion on/objection to] the royal family?”
  1650. Lemrina: “Yes.”
  1651. “I find it highly gratifying to see someone with no connection to the royal family at all, like you, gaining political power.”
  1652. “And I think that there’s something that you’re unable to forget…”
  1653. “…Namely my sister.”
  1654. Slaine: “…”
  1655. Lemrina: “You seem to truly love her.”
  1657. Slaine: “…”
  1658. Lemrina: “If, you’re ok with me, would you allow me to help you?”
  1659. “I don’t mind being her substitute.”
  1661. This is a key scene for the direction Slaine takes towards the end of the series. It’s important to understand that despite her earlier desire to take from Asseylum, Lemrina isn’t merely tempting Slaine here — her decision also has portions of guilt and sacrifice to it that I will expand on.
  1664. Lemrina realises that being baited and giving in to her complexes allowed for Marylcian’s challenge (and the potential threat to Slaine’s life). Slaine reassures her by pointing out insightfully, that this threat can also be made into an opportunity.
  1666. More relevant though, is how much of an insight into the other they both have. Slaine mentions their opinions/objection to the Royal family. The sense is not of an outright hatred of them, but a sense of disagreement with what has come to pass under them (Aldnoah’s cultural effects) which the two share. Lemrina brings up Asseylum’s importance to Slaine, which he’s unable to deny and follows up with something that signifies a change in her character as well.
  1668. Lemrina: “If, you’re ok with me, would you allow me to help you?”
  1669. “I don’t mind being her substitute.”
  1671. Perhaps in (felicitous?) penance for allowing her complexes to threaten him, Lemrina makes an offer to Slaine that will have repercussions explored in [‘The Gull’ + ‘The Wolf’]. She offers to be Slaine’s princess. Not just acting as Asseylum for the Orbital Knights — but to become her for his sake. To provide a means for “the Terran once held in contempt, to seize the reigns of Vers” giving him the power to change it from its Aldnoah-dependant incarnation into something better.
  1673. For Lemrina, she is now offering to embrace the things that she hated about herself [being of value only in Asseylum’s absence, being considered a substitute, Aldnoah/the value of her heritage] for Slaine’s sake.
  1675. For Slaine this is a moment where his hopes that Asseylum will ever recover and things will ever become as she envisioned decline.
  1677. The episode ends with the proclamation and signifies Slaine metaphorically choosing realism over idealism. Affirming the hope of a miracle he believes will not come to pass (Asseylum), and choosing the reality that is in front of him (Lemrina).
  1680. [21:54-END (Epilogue)] I will be you.
  1683. Lemrina: “To me, you were always an unreachable dream, Sister.” [lit. “To me, you/onee-sama were someone to be admired”]
  1684. “You were beautiful, kind of heart, and loved by your people.”
  1685. “You had everything I did not.”
  1686. “However, you and I have one thing in common.”
  1687. “We both possess royal blood— the Aldnoah activation factor.”
  1688. “A power that Slaine has need of.”
  1689. “I have chosen Slaine.”
  1690. “And he has been kind enough to choose me.” [lit. “and he has chosen me”]
  1691. “From now on, I will be Asseylum Vers Allusia.”
  1692. “I will be you.”
  1693. “So you can sleep now, Sister.”
  1695. “…”
  1696. “Just kidding.”
  1698. “Even as a senseless puppet, you are still my sister.” [lit. “Even as a doll/puppet, you are still my sister”]
  1699. “Sweet dreams.”
  1703. The epilogue shows Lemrina’s belief that she has now risen above her previous standing by having become “Asseylum”. This is important not just because she sees an equal in him, but because she knows what Asseylum has meant to Slaine up until now. It is both acceptance and validation.
  1705. She hesitates at the last control and resonates the system. Is it because she still respects for Asseylum despite the bitterness from their differing circumstances? Is it because knows it would hurt Slaine to lose her? I think both.
  1707. In any case, the episode truly comes to an end with the irony that it was Lemrina who’s simultaneously responsible for triggering Slaine’s despair / invoking the miracle that restores it.
  1712. [S2-Ep07(19) 07:06-08:08-08:50] Already yours…
  1713. Lemrina: “No visitors?!”
  1714. “Has her condition declined that much?”
  1715. Slaine: “It was something of a miracles that she held on as long as she has.”
  1716. Lemrina: “How much longer does she have? Until later today? Tomorrow?”
  1717. Slaine: “We don’t know.”
  1718. “It’s equally possible that she may remain in this condition indefinitely.”
  1719. Lemrina: “I see.”
  1720. Slaine: “Know that I sympathise fully.”
  1721. “You may have mixed feelings, but she is, after all, your only sister.”
  1722. Lemrina: “You’re the one who’s truly in pain, aren’t you, Slaine?”
  1723. Slaine: “Please excuse me.”
  1725. Lemrina: “Slaine.”
  1726. Slaine: “!”
  1727. Lemrina: “It’s okay, Slaine.” [lit. “I’ll (permit/forgive) you, Slaine.”]
  1728. Slaine: “You don’t have to hold yourself back in my presence.” [lit. “…If today, you show tears in front of me”]
  1729. “You can cry for her if you need to.” [lit “…If you cry for her sake”]
  1730. “Because I… am already yours.”
  1731. Slaine: “…”
  1733. […]
  1734. Lemrina: “Could that have triggered it?”
  1735. “No… It couldn’t be.”
  1736. “I always admired you.”
  1737. “You had all that I did not.”
  1738. “And so I hated you.”
  1739. “Don’t worry, Sister.”
  1740. “I will be there for Slaine in your stead.”
  1741. “I will support him when you cannot.”
  1743. “…Why?”
  1746. With Asseylum's beginning to regain consciousness, we have Slaine move her to a private room aboard his landing castle. He lies to Lemrina stating her condition has deteriorated to discourage visitation. But why does he lie to Lemrina? She is one of the few who already knows about Asseylum’s incapacitation — so what does he gain from leaving her out of the loop?
  1748. Slaine understands Lemrina’s complex regarding Asseylum, so its partially to protect her during her convalescence, but I also believe it is to buy time while he figures out what happens now. Having just agreed to Lemrina’s proposal, delivered their proclamation, and intending to form a new nation on Earth — the timing of the princess’ recovery triggers a mix of emotions as we see in later episodes [explored in other sections].
  1751. The scene also gives examples of the insight the two have into each other, and their insight into the affect Asseylum has on their characters. In Slaine’s “You may have mixed feelings, but she is, after all, your only sister.”, but also in Lemrina’s “You’re the one who’s truly in pain, aren’t you, Slaine?”. For Lemrina who has no reason to doubt the situation, she can also understand the effect it would have on Slaine. She states a willingness to accept / forgive any devotion he shows Asseylum under the circumstances because Lemrina understands Slaine, as she has fallen for him. This is a contrast into her previous attempt to test him/distance herself from him
  1753. Later while alone, Lemrina reiterates her personal feelings regarding Asseylum. Ponder whether her actions in the epilogue led to the deterioration of Asseylum’s condition. Lemrina should feel victorious under the circumstances, having now obtained everything she thought she wanted — but as we can see this is not the case. Here, Slaine’s mixed feelings comment serves aptly, as Lemrina sheds tears for her loss and also for her guilt. This guilt also serves as a parallel for Slaine’s later in the episode.
  1755. [16:23-17:06] Lies and guilt.
  1757. Lemrina: “You want to give Eddelrittuo some time off?”
  1758. Slaine: “Yes.”
  1759. “Even a little is fine.”
  1760. “I’m sure that Princess Asseylum’s sudden turn came as a shock to her.”
  1761. Lemrina: “It must have, yes.”
  1762. “But how are you, Slaine? I’ve been worried.”
  1763. Slaine: “You are too kind.”
  1764. “You are the only one I can rely on now.”
  1765. “I will make Vers mine.”
  1766. “For Her Highness.”
  1770. Slaine lies again to free Eddelrittuo from her duties (to spend time with Asseylum). Eddelrittuo is the obvious choice, due to mutual importance Asseylum has two of them (and being a familiar face to Asseylum) — But it’s also important because it sets up a scenario similar to the scene [S2-Ep02(14)] where Slaine/Eddelrittuo are spending time with Asseylum at the expense of the time/devotion they “should” be giving to Lemrina [the trigger for Slaine’s last test] which comes into play again later.
  1772. We also have Slaine commit to pressing forward with their plan to take over Vers, but we see something interesting after he leaves Lemrina. Slaine sees himself in the reflection of the glass, and shows a disdain for the man in the mirror. The guilt we see over his actions (Lemrina’s deception), serves as the other half of the parallel I mentioned earlier.
  1776. [S2-Ep08(20) 11:26-12:32] A place of solace…
  1777. Lemrina: “I see.”
  1778. “So the preperations for the founding proceeding smoothly?”
  1779. Slaine: “Yes.”
  1780. Lemrina: “I’m so excited. A new kingdom.”
  1781. “And I can visit your homeworld, too.” [lit. “And I can visit your homeland, too”]
  1782. Slaine: “It’s a planet of apes, not men.” [lit. “Its a planet with (coarse/rough/unrefined) people.”]
  1783. “It may be where I am from, but it is hardly home— or rather, I suppose I never had a home.”
  1784. Lemrina: “We’re the same in that regard.”
  1785. Slaine: “…!”
  1786. Lemrina: “Neither Vers nor my noble rank offer me any peace.”
  1787. “Anywhere I may be together with you, more than anywhere else, is my home.”
  1788. Slaine: “…”
  1789. “You honour me.”
  1790. “I shall return later, then.”
  1791. Lemrina: “Wait, Slaine. I’ve had dinner prepared.”
  1792. Slaine: “Unfortunately, I still have many pressing matters to attend to.”
  1795. [15:48-16:06] …neither of us will obtain
  1796. Eddelrittuo: “But what of Princess Lemrina?”
  1797. Slaine: “I understand what she is looking for.”
  1798. “She likely seeks the same thing I do— a place where she can find solace.”
  1799. “But that is something that neither of us will ever obtain.”
  1801. [20:59-END] Lemrina goes to Asseylum’s empty tank while Eddelrittuo delivers the pendant
  1803. Lemrina: “How long will it be?”
  1804. “Tell me, Sister…”
  1805. “How long will it be before you release your grip on his feelings?”
  1808. Mid-way into the episode is a discussion of the foundations for the new kingdom. It leads to a mention of Slaine's "home”, and him admitting that he's never really felt like he ever had one. This begets a tender response from Lemrina, who once again parallels him by highlighting that her history has never really provided her with a "home" either — but also openly states that she has now come to have found one in being with him. For Lemrina, Slaine has come to be the haven/respite that Asseylum herself represents to Slaine.
  1810. What follows is him still showing more guilt while in her presence in his response. This is interesting given his later discussion with Eddelrittuo and his claim that he doesn’t care what people will think of him. The duality strikes me as him playing a role / attempting to harden himself and a inner conflict for the things he believes he needs to do, against who he naturally is.
  1812. In the same talk with Eddelrittuo, we see Slaine has given up the idea of ever finding a place of solace for himself? But why? What is this solace and why is it not possible for him to ever achieve it?
  1813. - We could partially say that its that because neither Earth not Mars as they are now really offer enough of an attachment for him to identify either as home, nor do they accept him as he is. But with this new kingdom he could hope to find something there, so this can’t be the entirety of the answer.
  1814. - I suspect that the real answer lies in his inner conflict [above], and him choosing realism over pursuit of Asseylum's ideals. This links back to the fears he expressed with her awakening; as much as he may feel a necessity to his actions [past, and those to come], he knows they will lead to Asseylum not forgiving him. But why no solace for Lemrina?
  1816. What Lemrina has found is peace in being with Slaine, and in their place together in the the upcoming new world. As we come to learn though, that place will not be what she thinks it is. Slaine intends to have neither of them lead the eventual new kingdom — instead handing its control/supervision over to Asseylum. He also realises that his due to the importance he places on Asseylum, he can't return what Lemrina feels for him.
  1818. Lemrina begins to feel like Slaine won't return her feelings. This is particularly devastating for her because where her previous fears stemmed from only being of value in Asseylum's absence, the current situation has her feeling that even in Asseylum's absence she won't have value to him she wishes she did. Lemrina realises that though she may be an equal to Slaine himself, she can never be equal to “Asseylum” for him.
  1820. The episode ends with Lemrina visiting Asseylum's tank to find she isn't there and has been moved. Realising Slaine has been lying to her [and neither Slaine nor Eddelrittuo are with her] is a return of a similar scenario [S2-Ep02(14)] where Slaine/Eddelrittuo spend time with Asseylum at the expense of the time/devotion they “should” be giving to Lemrina. This was the trigger for Slaine’s last test and is a trigger for a new one…
  1825. [S2-Ep09(21) 06:30-07:31] A failed test.
  1827. Having found out that Asseylum is not in her medical chamber, Lemrina asks Slaine of her status during their conversation. Slaine maintains his cover story of her condition having worsened which Lemrina knows not to be true. This is the first of Lemrina’s tests that Slaine fails and it leads to Lemrina taking matters into her own hands. She decides to seek out where Asseylum is and we see a scene of her later approaching Asseylum at gunpoint. The two come to some form of resolution offscreen and later swap places allowing for Asseylum to confront Slaine.
  1829. I understood that she would be angry finding out that Slaine had lied to her about Asseylum, but I’d always thought it was unrealistic how quickly Lemrina “switched sides”. On re-watching I thought about it in the context of it being another test and it made more sense to me. Here she doesn’t decide to join Asseylum, but I suspect she has things she wants to be confirmed from Slaine himself through the confrontation with Asseylum.
  1833. [S2-Ep10(22) 03:58-04:57] Who do you care for?
  1834. Eddelrittuo: “Forgive me, Your Highness.”
  1835. “I should have been more vigilant.”
  1836. Asseylum: “No.”
  1837. “It is I who must shoulder the blame.”
  1838. “None of this would have happened without my actions.”
  1839. Eddelrittuo: “But, Your Highness…”
  1840. Lemrina: “Exactly.”
  1841. “If you weren’t around, if you’d stayed unconscious, then I would have had everything under control.”
  1842. “Nobody wept for you, and he would not be as confused as he is now.”
  1843. Asseylum: “You care deeply for Slaine, don’t you?”
  1844. Lemrina: “And you? What about you?”
  1845. Asseylum: “…”
  1846. Lemrina: “Who do you care for?”
  1847. Asseylum: “I am devoted to the world of Vers and its people.”
  1848. “That is what I was taught, and how I lived.”
  1849. Lemrina: “I pity you.”
  1850. Asseylum: “…”
  1853. Following Asseylum’s confrontation with Slaine, we have a confrontation between Lemrina / Asseylum. Firstly acknowledging her role in being the opportunity that allowed the war to start [actions with good intentions can allow harm to occur]. Lemrina also laments her return grasping the effect it has on Slaine. She realises the situation isn't as simple as "Slaine turning on Asseylum" (as many would believe), and that there’s some inner conflict going on in him due to Asseylum’s return. It’s interesting that Lemrina responds angrily to Asseylum’s question. She perceives Asseylum’s jovial/carefree tone as an implication that her affection for Slaine has no affect on Asseylum; She’s angry that the person she cares for, cares about someone else who seems to not care at all.
  1855. When questioned if she has cares (implied romantically) for Slaine or anyone else, Asseylum's reply instead indicates a generalised agape affection towards Vers and its people. Lemrina replies that she pity’s Asseylum, but why?
  1856. — is it that being raised that way is part of Asseylum’s cage? [Does she even understand what it feels like to care for someone?]
  1857. — is it that she pities Asseylum obliviousness to how much Slaine cares for her?
  1858. — or is it that Asseylum does know but she can’t appreciate/couldn’t return those affections?
  1860. Considering the running theme of Asseylum being unaware of what Slaine has endeavoured through for her [and requiring Eddelrittuo’s defence of Slaine in the following episode], I’m going to assume its a combination of the first two and not the latter.
  1863. [16:10-16:44] This place is my only refuge.
  1865. Lemrina: “Why would you help me?”
  1866. Asseylum: “I need no reason to save a life.”
  1867. Lemrina: “The ego on you.” [lit. “(the/such) Arrogance.”]
  1868. Asseylum: “?”
  1869. Lemrina: “You have no idea how much it can hurt to be saved” [“The suffering of those you save never enters your mind, does it?”]
  1870. Asseylum: “…”
  1872. Eddelrittuo: “Princess Lemrina!”
  1873. Lemrina: “Keep going. I’ll stay here.”
  1874. Asseylum: “We have to escape!”
  1875. Lemrina: “Escape to where?”
  1876. “And from whom?”
  1877. Asseylum: “I’m certain we can find safety—”
  1878. Lemrina: “This place is my only refuge.”
  1880. “Go.”
  1882. Lemrina follows up on the earlier acknowledgement with another reminder that Asseylum’s actions (even with good intentions) can cause harm, Lemrina decides to part ways with her and Eddelrittuo. She also highlights that Asseylum’s circumstances are different from hers and reminds the audience that the this is the closest place she’s had to a home until now. The two statements being important for the ending.
  1889. [S2-Ep11(23) 07:08-07:36] I pity you both
  1894. Slaine: “!?”
  1895. “…”
  1896. Lemrina: “Is that my sister’s”
  1897. Slaine: “Princess Lemrina…”
  1898. Lemrina: “Did my sister…”
  1899. Slaine: “…”
  1900. Lemrina: “I see.”
  1901. “I wonder if we will see her again.”
  1902. Slaine: “I’m certain we will.”
  1903. Lemrina: “I pity you.”
  1904. “You…”
  1905. “And her both.”
  1907. Lemrina finds Slaine alone in the room with the empty tank as he stares at the pendant and is implied to be thinking of Asseylum.
  1909. She deduces that Asseylum has left, and when she asks Slaine if he believes they will see her again, he states he is certain that they will. Seeing him continue to place some faith in Asseylum, prompts Lemrina to state that she pities him and Asselum both.
  1911. Slaine, I suspect for his devotion to a princess who isn’t able to return those feelings for him.
  1912. Asseylum, I suspect for not being able to understand/accept something thats right in front of her.
  1913. (and I suspect also herself for being in a similar position to Slaine).
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  1927. [02:52] Why does Slaine just “give up” on his plan after “betraying” Asseylum?
  1929. LONG ANSWER: re-read ‘Slaine, The Wolf’ [S2-Ep09(21) Confrontation, and compromise.] then come back and read short answer.
  1931. SHORT ANSWER: Slaine doesn’t “betray” her — it’s not as simple as that. Asseylum desires co-existence, Slaine believes that only unity/assimilation is feasible at this stage in the war. After everything he has seen, and that has happened, Slaine may have diverged from Asseylum’s ideals (even being prepared to block her from stopping him) — but he was never going to consider her his enemy or allow his forces to actively attack her. She’s always been too important to him to let that become a scenario.
  1933. So with his princess having chosen to act and denounce him (effectively make him an enemy), we see him smile, and impressed by her actions — I believe this is when he makes his decision.
  1936. [03:08-03:54-04:40] Lemrina’s cage, and seeing whats important.
  1938. Lemrina then appears before him, and makes him another offer with a similar personal sacrifice to the one she made before his duel with Marylcian. She effectively says that its ok if he wants to keep going, because she will stand by him and continue to allow him Aldnoah rights if he wants to continue fighting, as this is her only home.
  1940. Slaine sees the underlying message in her words and thanks her for the kindness of her offer, but his mind has already been made (as we realise and they stroll towards the dock). At the beginning of [S2-Ep02(14)] I noted that the same dock was the only place Lemrina could be free (ironic because the military base and the state of the war itself) and Aldnoah/her heritage made her the bird in a cage more so than Asseylum [S2-Ep05(17)].
  1942. During there conversation about the lights during conflict, Slaine echoes some my earlier points about Tharsis [Symbolically these three things see Slaine go from being someone carried by events, to one who the agency to predict and influence them himself;”] — Followed by him stating that the futures he saw admidst the fighting showed him many things he expected, but couldn’t show him the things (he feels) were truly important.
  1945. [05:00] why does Slaine order surrender but stay in the base? and why send Lemrina away?
  1947. Upon reaching the dock we see what Slaine’s decision is. Believing that he can’t go back, but still placing his princess above all else, he realises there are still things he achieve within his means and so
  1949. The first is that he intends to offer himself as a sacrifice to end the war/ and create an opportunity for the peace between Earth / Mars that his princess desires.
  1951. The second is that he orders the surrender of his subordinates so that they don’t need to follow him (into death) and can return to serving under Asseylum.
  1953. The last, is that despite Lemrina’s affirmation that this is the only place she feels is her home, he orders her to be taken to a shuttle. But why? The answer is that the bird has been caged for so long that it has come to accept it as its home. Lemrina won’t get to stay with him — but she won’t be caught in the destruction, or be burdened by her Aldnoah related lifestyle that would have happened if he kept fighting instead. Slaine apologises for all his wrongs towards her and wishes her the best — choosing to free the bird that has been caged until now. Having formally been the only place she could move freely without her disability, its symbolic that here in the dock is where their separation happens and she is “freed”.
  1955. [06:16] Wearing the pendant (symbol of Asseylum’s dream)
  1956. Slaine returns to the control room, and before initiating the countdown puts the pendant back on. The symbol of his princess’ dream —a forgotten dream he helped foster— of goodwill between those of Vers and Earth, he wears once more before he commits to the sacrifice he is about to make for helping Asseylum realise it.
  1958. He smiles.
  1960. [06:56] Harklight’s return & Slaine’s return to the battlefield
  1962. As you may have noticed, unlike some other characters who had their own section I didn’t have a dedicated section for exploring Harklight. This is because he overlaps some of the categories.
  1964. Witness to his virtues and his follys, believer in the same cause and supporter through it all Harklight is Slaine’s right hand man. He’s seen Slaine rise as Saazbaum’s Terran retainer, through to a knight and up to becoming a count himself and leader of the Orbital Knights. Harklight (the son of low born Vers citizens who struggled to ensure he would lead a better life than them) is symbolic of all the non-aristocratic Versians for whom Slaine’s life could be inspirational for.
  1966. It’s appropriate then that the first one to turn back after Slaine’s order to surrender was Harklight. Slaine attempts to dissuade him, and orders him once more to surrender. Harklight responds by disobeying Slaine for the first time ever — choosing to fight to the end rather than let Slaine be the only one to die. The Stygis Platoon and eventually even Barouhcruz share the sentiment, choosing to follow Slaine into death and make a statement over Asseylum.
  1968. [08:50] Still something I must do - Why does Slaine go back out to fight after ordering surrender and if her intended to die/be a sacrifice?
  1970. He still intends to do that as we’ll see, but now that his subordinates have come back to fight for him — he doesn’t intend to abandon them. This is particularly true after he sees Inaho’s trademark orange unit killing some of them. Understanding Harklight’s desire to not leave with things feeling unfinished, Slaine engages Inaho. Thus begins the obligatory final fight between the two protagonists… only for their predictive systems to conveniently die simultaneously…
  1973. [10:31] “Cut all predictive imagers, I no longer need a future.”
  1975. Though he has no intention of holding back, Slaine also has no intention of winning. He still intends to have his death serve as an end point for the current conflict as shown in his line “Cut all predictive imagers, I have no need for a future.”. An intent lost on Inaho who seems to mitsakenly interpret his actions as fighting out of despair — corrected by Slaine’s “You don’t understand, This is precisely what I’ve wanted all along!”
  1978. [13:34] Harklight saves Barouhcruz and Herschel is damaged in the process (Him saving Barouhcruz, results in Barry finally thinking of him as an ally before the end, and they all ride in together of one last charge.)
  1981. [15:00] Slaine cuts the tether connecting Inaho to him as he falls into the atmosphere to prevent taking Inaho with him. Inaho grabs him and stabilises their descent [to save him as per Asseylum’s request] while Slaine tries to dissuade him believing that Inaho will also burn up on atmospheric entry.
  1984. [16:43] Saazbaum’s son
  1985. The episode “ends” with a reversal of the end of [S1-Ep12] with Inaho point the gun at Slaine and Slaine tapping his forehead much akin to the way Saazbaum did for him before immediately switching to the epilogue.
  1988. - - - - -
  1991. [16:47] Epilogue
  1992. — The epilogue shows Asseylum activate the first new Aldnoah drive on Earth as a symbol of good will
  1993. — We are told research is being done into activation privileges being available to all
  1994. — when this happens this will supposedly begin Aldnoah based industry and help Earth recover and provide economic capital for Vers
  1995. — Dr Troyard is name dropped again.
  1996. — Slaine is being scapegoated as the mastermind behind Asseylum’s assassination attempt. His name will go down in history as the man responsible for trying to kill Asseylum and starting the second war. Earth/Vers are using this as a foundation to set up a friendship treaty.
  1997. — There are still some of the Orbital Knights who have no intention of returning territory though Asseylum intends to serve as a negotiator.
  1998. — Mizusaki gives Marito some weird stare.
  2001. [18:25] Slaine is now being held in a plastic prison, because he’s apparently Magneto [he’s on suicide watch?]. I’m assuming that the resemblance to the end of Xmen with Xavier/Magneto is intentional. Inaho attempts to make conversation with him and encourage him to start eating his meals.
  2002. — Having been imprisoned
  2003. — classed as KIA
  2004. — being denounced by the princess he loves
  2005. — blamed for attempting to kill her
  2006. — blamed for starting the war
  2007. — having lost he people who believe in him
  2008. — and not even being allowed to die with them
  2009. — and guilt over everything thats happened…
  2010. Slaine obviously feels there is nothing left to live for anymore and doesn’t understand why he is being kept alive. The audience is then given a flashback to Asseylum’s request: that Inaho save Slaine “from the cycle of misery”
  2012. [20:03] His Princess’ forgiveness
  2013. Hearing that despite everything that happened, Asseylum wished for him to be saved (implying she forgives him) releases Slaine from guilt and cries. At this point Lemrina’s line to to Asseylum becomes relevant once more:
  2014. Asseylum: “I need no reason to save a life.”
  2015. Lemrina: Such arrogance...the suffering of those you save never enters your mind, does it?
  2017. Slaine was “saved” and we can see how well that turned out for him. Out of everything though, the worst thing they did to him was the scaepgoating. It’s fair enough using his death (+ surrender of Vers forces) as a marking point to end the war — that was his own objective. but to claim that he -of all people- masterminded Asseylum’s assassination attempt… [which doesn’t even make any sense as he only became a count/got any real power as of nearly 2 years into the war] is just too cruel a fate.
  2019. [20:38] Birds, one last time
  2020. The show ends with Slaine seeing the birds he once taught Asseylum about through the prison window while being transferred and scenes of Asseylum with Crutheo, Inaho being driven away by Yuki.
  2023. So yeh… I said there wouldn’t be a TL:DR…
  2025. TL:DR - Slaine did pretty much everything he did as result of how important Asseylum is to him. He goes through a lot through the show, but this is pretty much as true at the end as it was at the start. Now, whether you think Asseylum is worthy of that devotion is up to you. I’ve typed enough to get this all out of my system and I don’t really care anymore.
  2029. Stuff that still felt unresolved/handwaved/ignored
  2031. 1) some knights unwilling to give up territory (though partially addressed)
  2032. 2) Lemrina is implied to be the person who’s legs the Dr was looking at but why the need to be so vague? was it her? if yes then why not just show her?
  2033. 3) Inaho’s robo-eye was removed without any real repercussions. So much for all that tension of it being extremely OP but being balanced by progressively killing him… guess that one just went out the window.
  2034. 4) not necessary, but would have been nice to see some interaction/dialogue between Slaine/Rayet as a Terran on the side of Mars who fights other Terrans and the Martian on the side of Earth who fights other Martians (those two as enemy rival protagonists could actually have been more interesting than Inaho/Slaine)
  2035. 5) No final scene with Asseylum/Slaine, Asseylum/Inaho, Slaine/Lemrina (cathartic dialogue wise, not for shipping purposes). [Also sorry shippers, she ends up with neither Inaho/Slaine (which is of course fine unto itself) but instead ends up with some dude who didn’t exist 3 episodes ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ …ok.]
  2036. 6) Does Asseylum even know what “saving” Slaine has actually meant for him? She can’t really believe that it was Slaine who tried to kill her? Lemrina’s statement being prophetic is an understatement.
  2037. 7) What is going to happen to Aldnoah activation rights on Vers?
  2038. - will there be an increase in distribution under Asseylum considering that they are supposedly researching making the rights universal on Earth?
  2039. - Is the feudal system of counts, knights, commoners (serfs?) continue to exist?
  2040. - what level of any capital is going to filer down to the common citizen or be directed at improving their lives?
  2041. 8) Considering that the main return on the Aldnoah trade is going to be “capital”, how is that going to be turned into something useful for Vers? Going back to Saazbaum’s commentary in [‘Son’ S1-Ep10 11:30-16:05] The state of Vers, pt 2, The main problems of Mars’ lack of atmosphere / water against its growing population are unaddressed.
  2042. - “capital” isn’t going to fill lungs, water crops, or terraform an atmosphere.
  2043. - do they intend to ship massive quantities of air/water from Earth?
  2044. - is that even possible to get those quantities into orbit?
  2045. - without the hypergate is it even possible to get it from Earth orbit to Mars?
  2046. - Will this mean migration back to Earth?
  2047. 9) What happens when Earth develops its own ability to use Aldnoah / everyone gets activation rights independent of Vers?
  2048. - the ending indicates that their economy/trade is going to be heavily based on Aldnoah.
  2049. - Mars doesn’t seem to have much else to trade on other than this.
  2050. - will it be comparative to the fate of current nations who’s economies are heavily dependent of fossil fuels as their stores run out?
  2052. 10) No one on the Earth side died (personally I think someone should have died back at the end of [S2-Ep07(19)] when the other Cataphracts and second Landing Castle arrived for the sake of tension/dramatic effect. But nope, not only did no one die then or here in the ending — all of the named Vers characters are (heavily implied to be) killed off. This was something that was pretty bad through out the series to be fair so I won’t hold it against the ending too much specifically — but I will say that it meant there wasn’t as much tension in the combat as there could be. Any no-name earth character you knew was going to get wasted, named characters can get death flags from here to infinity and nothing happen. [Don’t even get me started on not one, but **TWO** characters getting shot in the head and having no long term ramifications…]
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  2063. Chance of a Sequel?
  2066. So yeh, the ending was weak and the show was bad. Not Guilty Crown bad… but still pretty bad. So much for “surpassing Gundam”. But lets say they decide they can get additional funding/there is more money to be made/ there is more story to be told etc — Where could they go from here?
  2069. [Option 1] Aldnoah: The Origin
  2070. Well, the first option is that they could do a prequel covering stuff some of the original emigration, but be more heavily focused on what happened up to the first war and around the Heaven’s Fall, Gillzeria as emperor and his relationships with whoever Asseylum’s and Lemrina’s mothers were. we could get some Marito/Humeray backstory. They could also then introduce Dr Troyard saving Saazbaum’s life and his decisions to become who we see in A/Z (as well as the beginning of that revolution).
  2072. Using Dr Troyard they could also give us some actual info on Aldnoah. They don’t really need to as I guess the story is about what causes war and people on different sides of it rather than on Aldnoah specifically — but I’m sure viewers would appreciate some extra info on Aldnoah and activation rights (possibly some intrigue where he figures out how to issue them freely and is killed because of it?) etc. Then they could fast forward so we get some cameos of Asseylum/Lemrina/Slaine/Inaho/Yuki/Rayet as kids. This is probably unlikely as I’m sure they’d want to leverage any existing fans of characters who wouldn’t really have much of a part to play in his story so who knows.
  2075. [Option 2] A/Z: Slaine’s Counterattack
  2076. If they did want to use Slaine again I doubt it would be on the UEF side, it would be Vers. The Magneto parallel could come into play bearing in mind that Magnet was never “evil” he was simply someone who did what he thought was best for his people. But they can’t just drop him back into a similar role or it would go against the portrayal of his character arc. So how would they resolve that?
  2078. As I’d said earlier: Slaine may have diverged from Asseylum’s ideals (even being prepared to block her from stopping him) — but he was never going to consider her his enemy or allow his forces to actively attack her. She’s always been too important to him to let that become a scenario.
  2080. But what happens if Asseylum’s efforts failed? as you can see in the “Stuff that still felt unresolved/handwaved/ignored” section, there’s still quite a few ways this could end up not working out for whatever reason. We also still have several of the Orbital Knights who have yet to give up their territory, and Lemrina so they could go somewhere with that, but they’s have to handle him being hidden and officially “dead” etc. If they did decide to go with a third season/cour and they wanted to use the existing characters, I’d say this is the most likely option but meh.
  2083. [Option 3] Aldnoah ZZ
  2084. [Time skip?] and move on to a whole new cast of characters. I think this is only really likely if it s many, many years before we see a sequel. But has the same lack of leveraging existing fans that makes it seem unlikely to occur.
  2087. [Option 4] Aldnoah 00: (A Ldnoah of the Trailblazer)
  2088. The Hypergate on the moon is destroyed but what of the one on Mars it connects to? What if that one can connect to other places Stargate SG1 style? could Mars’ original inhabitants return for a sequel to take over the Earth? Aliens? Is such a thing possible? …yes it is.
  2090. The benefits of this for the producers is that they then get to have a show where everyone’s favourite character is now somehow on the same side fighting for the same cause. Thus letting them maintain their “PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING” between Earth/Mars and they get to leverage all the characters they have that are still alive. The audience may also get to find out more about the aliens and about Aldnoah itself. But would A/Z without the politics even be as entertaining?
  2093. [Option 5] A/Z Gakkou
  2094. Or maybe they do none of these and do some random slice-of-life/comedy spin off where all the characters are in school or something for some reason [I’m sure if there isn’t a manga version of this out, its on its way…]. I’m sure everyone will have their own preference but I think 1+2 are the most interesting tbh (YMMV).
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  2098. On several occasions when Asseylum tried to thank Inaho for saving her, he states that he wasn’t saving her specifically, and only did it because of the conflict [Ep08 13:27] [S1Ep10 19:05 / S1-Ep11 00:23]. Obviously this changes as the series progresses but is an important distinction in the context of his dialogue with Slaine at the end of [S1-Ep07]. Also during his discussion with Asseylum, Inaho acknowledges that Slaine fears Asseylum is being used [S1-Ep08 13:48].
  2100. [S1-Ep8 07:51-08:09] Rayet makes a statement on Vers culture and society to which Asseylum is unable to refute. I didn’t include as the overall purpose is an exploration of Slaine and his actions/motivations but as its relevant overall i’ll include it here:
  2102. Rayet: “They rely on the superior technology of a long-dead super-civilisation called Aldnoah and cling to an archaic feudal system. The common people are obsessed with glory in battle, thinking only of improving their standing. And the nobility crush and betray them like it means nothing.”
  2105. [S1-Ep09 20:40-21:24] Rather than the “lol Slaine gave her the pendant for protection and it ended up killing her” - I felt that scene was a metaphor in in a different way;
  2107. During Rayet’s attempt to choke Asseylum using the pendant Slaine gave her, I felt this was a metaphor for her dream (which the pendant is symbolic of), while being full of goodwill/intentions - could also be something that puts her at risk from other Versians who don’t share that dream (who Rayet initially belongs to and symbolises) and use it as an opportunity to assassinate her [see bombing incident end of S1-Ep1]
  2110. [S1-E10 10:46-11:17] Marito’s “killed by your own” speech
  2111. Marito: “That girl’s father tried to kill the princess, a fellow Martian”
  2112. “The Martians then killed her father, and Rayet pointed a gun at the princess even though she too was a Martian.”
  2113. “And I… I killed my best friend.”
  2114. “How does it feel to be shot by your own side, Humeray?”
  2118. [S2-Ep(17) 06:31-06:56] Change it yourselves.
  2119. Maazurek: “I never expected such primitive interrogation methods.”
  2120. Inaho: “It would be a problem if you killed yourself with a poisoned tooth.”
  2121. Maazurka: “How antiquated.”
  2122. Inaho: “I’d say that describes your nation quite well”
  2123. Maazurek: “I suppose the feudal system in Vers must seem bizarrely outdated to a Terran.”
  2124. Inaho: “If you don’t like it, you should change it yourselves.”
  2125. Maazurek: “Only one born into a land of plenty would say that.”
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  2136. Questions & Answers
  2139. Holy shit you wrote a lot, you must have really liked this show - right?
  2141. Well actually I thought it was pretty mediocre. Aldnoah.Zero has the makings/premise of an excellent show but just doesn’t do itself any justice tbh. Still, it was a ride while it lasted — I’ll admit that I did find myself tuning in week by week. (surpass Gundam… lol)
  2143. But you still wrote a lot considering you didn’t like it…?
  2145. Well after it finished, I thought the ending was so weak that I didn’t even know what to think about it and the show as a whole — this started as a way for me to sort my thoughts out and maybe post an alternative to a lot of the Slaine-hate I’d been seeing week by week. As these things usually go though, one thing led to another and once I realised I was going to have to include transcripts/timestamps etc this thing just fucking ballooned and took on a life of its own.
  2147. You’re a total Slaine fanboy though right? I bet you’re right up there with Harklight and have dartboard with Inaho’s picture on it?
  2149. A/Z was a pretty weak show despite all its potential. For me the only thing that opened up the show into something worth following up was Slaine’s arc and how it expanded the rest of the universe. That and Sawano’s music of course. The Vers side of A/Z’s story was actually pretty interesting, Earth’s not so much. Slaine may have been written to be the antagonist but he wasn’t as much of a villain/asshole/whatever as people were making him out to be and I felt like I wanted to dig a little deeper into his motivations as he was pretty interesting.
  2152. But you sure seem like your #TeamSlaine and I get the feeling that you’re against #TeamInaho?
  2154. I’m not interested in the whole protagonist + shipping wars but I’ll admit some of what they did with Inaho did lower my enjoyment of A/Z.
  2156. I’m sure many will shoot me down for this but I actually feel like the biggest problem with the show was Inaho.
  2158. Not necessarily Inaho himself (He does come across as uninteresting, but I do get what they were doing with the subtlety of his character etc and how over the series you see more of it as a result of his interaction with Asseylum etc) so that isn’t my grievance.
  2160. My problem was how much focus they spent on making him OP as he was. He is almost single handily responsible for the UE forces victories across the entire series. This pretty much sucked any tension out of the battles and made them not as enjoyable to watch as they could have been. Almost the entirety of the other military forces are made to look incompetent so Inaho can swoop in and save the day and defeat villain of the week. No-name UEF characters were frequently slaughtered off, while the named ones were pretty much ineffective without him.
  2162. I found this to be a shame as the whole David vs Goliath aspect of the combat is actually quite relevant to the narrative (Terrans being far more formidable opponents than Vers forces expected etc). But the way it was played out was pretty boring to see episode after episode. Had I been tuning in week by week instead of batch watching after S1 had finished I likely would have dropped the show.
  2164. I even had to laugh as the found a way to make him even more OP in the second half of the show thanks to the analytical engine magic eye. Worst of all though is that even when the secondary characters finally did get to shine combat wise — they were all enabled by Inaho in some way or another. Thats a pretty disappointing waste of their other characters and I feel A/Z as a whole was sadly weaker for it.
  2166. So you think it would have better without him?
  2168. Nope, I just think they shouldn’t have made the rest of the UEF look like complete noobs and I think they should have let other characters (Rayet, Inko, Marito, Yuki etc) get to stand on their own a bit more. Marito for example could have been a good choice — they spent a fair amount of time trying to rebuild him after his PTSD and it would have been nice to see him be more competent after overcoming it. They pretty much do nothing with him after that though. Instead we literally get a scene in the Maazurek battle where he says he is grateful that they were able to get support from the Deucalion… then corrects that to say he is grateful that Inaho was there.
  2171. Ok so what now?
  2173. Nothing. I am pretty burnt out after writing this and have a lot of stuff to get back to. I doubt you’ll ever be seeing me do any follow ups to this [I didn’t even like A/Z that much tbh]. But anyways now that its over, feel free to;
  2175. - Agree with it
  2176. - Disagree with it
  2177. - Share it.
  2178. - Ignore it.
  2179. - Discuss it.
  2180. - Berate it.
  2181. - Celebrate it.
  2182. - Copy it.
  2183. - Write your own.
  2184. - Call me a fanboy/call me a hater.
  2185. - Re-watch the new Deus Ex/Star Wars/BvS/etc trailers.
  2186. - Realise how much potential A/Z did have, and be disappointed once more.
  2187. - Move on to whatever new show is on this season.
  2188. - Go outside and get some ice cream,
  2190. In any case, thanks for making the effort to read all of this.
  2192. Peace, I’m out.
  2194. T28.
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