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Venks being fuckn weird on the forums

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Jan 23rd, 2021
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  2. [b]Posting about what prejudices you have because that's a great idea or something.[/b]
  3. I get this post is old, blabla people grow out of their cringe but this is a little relevant to what happened.
  4. [url][/url]
  5. [i]Second: Women. Again there are few exceptions. Like my youngest sister who is practically a guy so I'm not sure if that counts and girls who's sweetness was lost decades ago. I just can't stand women. They don't know what double standards are. Use circular logic that makes no sense in arguments. Have no respect for themselves. [b]Use sex to get attention/feel better about themselves[/b][/i]
  7. because he never capitalized on that ever or fed into it ever I guess. That's more incidental earlier2000s edge but fuck, the unwitting grooming sucked.
  9. [i]What? Never. Watch I'll say something postive: Women are great for sex. Aslong as you don't mind the drama that comes attached.
  10. ... I tried.[/i]
  12. something something common denominator between "man im sick of drama" and causing like all of the drama they find themselves in. Again, this is twelve whole years ago - but also I would've been like... 16 then? I don't recall the nonsense stopping at 15 so it feels relevant in light of that. man i had shit taste.
  13. rest of the posts there are a dumpster fire and I'd be there all day going into them, moving on.
  16. [line]
  19. [b]this weird fucking hypothetical question[/b]
  20. [url][/url]
  21. It's basically "who is the worst guy, the guy that was good all his life up until he rapes a 'young girl' for Some Reason but totes wasn't able to control himself or: the guy that would dice your mother into sashimi but also he's too wimpy to follow through?"
  23. [i]Which is the better man? There is no right answer only your own.[/i] like why are you the guy attracted to children asking if there's a hypothetical in which kiddiefucker mckenzie is morally better than idk, some other wanker off to the side corner? It's not 'deep' it's just creepy posting.
  26. [line]
  29. [b]Not mentioning "oh yeah there is cybering everywhere" when posting their chatroom link[/b]
  30. [url][/url]
  31. The link is defunct so I can't see if the actual chatroom itself had a "oh yeah sometimes we're cybering in genchat" warning but there was none in the actual thread itself and in combing PMs and intermittently wanting to destroy my eyeballs he admitted there would be cybersex in it, DMs or otherwise. Which, yanno, Oddworld Forums had a lot of dippy younger teenagers on it back then, not cool.
  32. Fourteen years ago so dumbass 17 year old probably didn't think of that, still creepy, not like he didn't add at least one person my age to his 'harem' going off of DMs anyway.
  35. [line]
  38. [b]Can't find evidence, being gross in a blog post about rape[/b]
  39. I can't remember the user's name and it doesn't seem I can search a person's blogpost comments so welp. That would be a lot of sifting through for shit I can't find so if you disregard this one, fair.
  40. Person makes a thread about being sexually assaulted, people respond with advice, Venks' advice was along the lines of "blabla do x or enjoy being molested for the rest of your life, if you don't stand up for yourself no one will".
  41. Fucking gross, I think I tried bringing it up to a friend at the time who fell for the harsh-but-true fallacy. This ignores that sometimes the freeze part of fightflightfreezefawn is just how you get through the moment alive because surprise, rapists can get violent.
  42. also yanno maybe don't bring up 'do x or idk enjoy the experience of being molested' as even a rhetorical because fucking yikes
  45. [line]
  48. [b]Having to be told not to post mature or mature-ish content in the all-ages rpg board[/b]
  50. Milder example but also like, don't?
  53. Example that got nuked for violence - I recall a description about pulling out intestine in an imagined torture/animal mauling scene, just generally being too specific about what that entails.
  55. A lot of stuff is things that on their own could be 'okay they fucked up but a learning moment I guess' but they never really did learn where it would've mattered.
  57. I could probably find more examples of "in hindsight, redflagged like hell" if I kept digging but honestly, I wanted to get the examples off the top of my head off my chest. Just another 'yep this thing' post before I go back to the non-OWF void.
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