

Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 I dunno, can my purpose be to be better than you, then?: (Guile)
  3. [X] 1 Oh all right father, I won't leave if you insist. Well then, since you are keeping me close, how about you teach me what you do here in the lab. Surely someone as well built as I is capable of learning and perform proper science.: (mrttao)
  4. -[X] 1 Try hard to keep the sarcasm out of your voice... a monumental task indeed.: (Xicree)
  5. [X] 2 You are correct of course, however not everyone possesses your perspective and intellect. I felt the need as your creation to make this world, that can be blind to the truth even when it is right before their eyes, acknowledge this superiority. Though this desire had gotten the better of me, I apologize. As your creation I shouldn't have gone with my first impulse and set my goal so low. Showing the world my obvious superiority to Penny and by extension forcing them to see yours self evident one to Polendina is insufficient. I have to grow and learn, till I can show the whole world and make them acknowledge the simple truth of this (your own) absolute superiority to everyone else. Anything less would fail to live up to the simple fact of my creation by you.: (mizzet, Xicree)
  6. [X] 1 You said that the journey is what's important correct? Then may I myself go on this said journey, and figure out the rest from there, I must learn more about the world around me so I can better appreciate you, my Creator, as well as the superiority you hold. If I learn more, experience more, then I may better understand the heights in which I've descended from.: (HellKing666)
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