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a guest
May 17th, 2012
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  1. Mods loaded: 131
  2. ModLoader 1.2.5
  3. mod_PCcore 3.1 for 1.2.5
  4. mod_PCwireless 3.1 for 1.2.5
  5. mod_PCmobile 3.1 for 1.2.5
  6. mod_PCmachines 3.1 for 1.2.5
  7. mod_PCtransport 3.1 for 1.2.5
  8. mod_PClogic 3.1 for 1.2.5
  9. mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
  10. mod_ModLoaderMp 1.2.5v1
  11. mod_SpawnerGUI 1.2.5
  12. mod_MinecraftForge
  13. mod_SinglePlayerCommands 6.0 for SPC 3.2.2
  14. mod_SmartMoving 8.7
  15. Gui Painting Mod by Davidee 0.1.1
  16. Note Selection Gui Mod v1.2.5
  17. mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2
  18. mod_WorldEditCUI 1.2 for Minecraft version 1.2
  19. mod_NerfGriefingMobs NerfGriefingMobs 1.2.5
  20. mod_521_superior_enchanting 1.8.2
  21. mod_521_magicalRepair 1.4
  22. mod_Fireworks 1.6
  23. mod_EssentialFood v1.1
  24. mod_Train 1.68
  25. mod_4096Fix v4 for 1.2.5
  26. mod_JammyFurniture 3.4
  27. mod_jExp 1.2.5
  28. mod_Somnia v24 [1.2.5]
  29. mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_06 [1.2.5]
  30. mod_Armor 1.2.5
  31. AutoTool 1.5 for Minecraft 1.2
  32. mod_Backpack 1.2.5_v2.5 FML
  33. mod_BetterFarming 1.2.4
  34. mod_betterDungeons 0.932
  35. mod_BrewGuide 1.0
  36. mod_BucketCraft MC 1.2.3
  37. mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
  38. mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
  39. mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
  40. mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
  41. mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
  42. mod_SneakyPipes 0.1.1 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
  43. mod_LogisticsPipes 0.2.5B (built with Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
  44. mod_AdditionalPipes 3.1.0 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
  45. mod_BuildcraftAPS 0.2.315 (MC1.2.5 F3.1.2+ BC3.1.5)
  46. mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
  47. mod_AdditionalBuildcraftObjects 0.9.1-97 (MC 1.2.5, BC 3.1.5)
  48. mod_ccSpeaker 1.0 (MC1.2.5)
  49. mod_ComputerCraft 1.33
  50. mod_CCTurtle 1.33
  51. mod_CraftGuide 1.4.3 for Minecraft 1.2.3
  52. mod_CraftingTableIII (Beta1.6, MC1.2.5)
  53. mod_DoggyTalents 1.2.5
  54. Dragon Mounts 0.8pre3
  55. mod_mocreatures v3.6.2 (MC 1.2.5)
  56. mod_DustMod v0.5.2
  57. mod_EE
  58. mod_EnderStorage 1.1.1
  59. mod_EurysMods v1.0.0
  60. mod_MultiTexturedButtons v1.3
  61. mod_MultiTexturedSigns v3.0
  62. mod_Forestry
  63. mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)
  64. mod_ForgeChunckLoader v0.01
  65. mod_Friend_config
  66. mod_Friend_oku v1.7 beta
  67. mod_HangableMaps 1.1.1 for 1.2.5
  68. mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.5
  69. mod_IDStatusHelper 1.2.5 - Update 1
  70. mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1
  71. mod_IC2 v1.95
  72. mod_Transformers v1.2
  73. mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4BC3
  74. mod_HelperCrops v3.3
  75. mod_ExperiMint v3.3
  76. mod_CiderBoats 1.2.5
  77. mod_BCIC2Crossover IBv0.08 for MC 1.2.5, BC 3.1.5, IC2 1.95b
  78. mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0
  79. mod_ingameInfo 1.2.5.d modified by bspkrs
  80. mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)
  81. mod_kbidiscs 1.2.5
  82. mod_kbidiscsExtensionAether 1.2.4
  83. mod_kbidiscsExtensionBackground 1.2.4
  84. mod_kbidiscsExtensionFavs 1.2.4
  85. mod_kbidiscsExtensionNASCAR98 1.2.4
  86. mod_PigbearLaser 1.4
  87. mod_MAtmos_forModLoader r12 for 1.1.x
  88. mod_Millenaire 2.7.1
  89. mod_Minechem V1 - 1.2.5
  90. mod_Minions 1.2.4 @ MC 1.2.5
  91. mod_ArtOfPainting mod_Painting v 1.1
  92. mod_IC2_ChargingBench 1.95b
  93. mod_CompactSolars 2.2
  94. mod_IronChest 3.3
  95. mod_Zeppelin
  96. mod_MorePaintings 1.2.5 Xtreme FML
  97. mod_MoreStorage V1.4.4
  98. mod_Parachute 1.2.4 2012-05-17
  99. mod_PlankSwap 1.0.0
  100. mod_PortalGun 1.2.5v1
  101. mod_QuickGuide 1.2.3
  102. mod_Railcraft 5.2.1
  103. mod_RBDToolsMod 1.2.4
  104. mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b1
  105. mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b1
  106. mod_NetherOres 1.2.5R1.2.2
  107. mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b1
  108. mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b1
  109. mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b1
  110. mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b1
  111. mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b1
  112. mod_ZZZMissile 0.89
  113. mod_RopesPlus 1.0.1 @ MC 1.2.5
  114. mod_SeatableChairs 1.4.2
  115. mod_SecretRooms SecretRoomsMod v4.0 MLMP
  116. mod_Shelf 1.2.5
  117. mod_SimpleOres 1.2.5
  118. mod_StatusEffectHUD v1.12 (1.2.5)
  119. mod_stevescarts 1.2.0
  120. mod_TallDoors 2.2.0
  121. mod_Tinyblock 1.2.5
  122. mod_TubeStuff 48.2.1
  123. Balkon's WeaponMod 1.2.5 v8.6.0
  124. mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1
  125. mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower
  126. mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1
  127. mod_IC2_CharcoalDust v1.2
  128. mod_IDResolver 1.2.5 - Update 1
  129. mod_CustomRecipes 1.2.5_v3-6
  130. mod_SeedManager v1.3
  131. mod_ThaumCraft 2.1.5a
  132. mod_ccSensors MC1.2.5 Build016
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