
A family of 'Zetas' ENGLISH

Feb 18th, 2013
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  1. A family of 'Zetas'
  3. * Once the governments of Mexico and the United States declared dead Heriberto Lazcano, Los Zetas leadership passed to Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, the Z-40, The Mona or The Dead. It belongs to a large family of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, consisting of 13 children, of which at least six have been involved in drug trafficking in the past 15 years. In intelligence documents from both countries and U.S. courts records, process data found revealing about life, crime and tragedy involving the clan Treviño.
  5. Process
  6. Anabel Hernandez
  7. Sunday, October 28, 2012
  8. Number 1878, 12.
  10. The Z-40 was born on June 28, 1973 in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Los Zetas stronghold for more than a decade. His parents are Rodolfo Trevino, who was already 49 when Michelangelo was born and Arcelia Maria Morales, then 34.
  13. The couple Treviño Morales fathered a large family: Juan Francisco alias Kiko Ozuna (1955), Arcelia, Chelo (1957), Irma (1959), Alicia (1961), Rodolfo (1963), Maria Guadalupe (1964), Joseph (1966) , Ana Isabel (1968), Jesus (1970), Michelangelo (1973), Oscar Omar Alejandro or 42 (1976), Cristina (1978) and Adolfo (1980).
  16. According to information from government intelligence agencies, both Mexican and American, to 2007 Mary Arcelia Morales was alive and now have 74. Lived in Nuevo Laredo, had a passport to visit legally to some of his children and grandchildren living in the United States and was in a van named Lincoln Navigator.
  18. The story of the crime Treviño began 19 years ago, with Juan Francisco, alias Kiko Ozuna, the eldest of the couple Treviño Morales.
  22. The December 29, 1993, in a review that the Customs Service U.S. did random, Juan Francisco's vehicle was stopped and he twice refused to take more than $ 10,000 in cash. When searching the car found 47 000 $ 984, which were confiscated.
  25. That year the DEA and Border Patrol had launched an investigation into trafficking tons of marijuana from Laredo to Texas, but they only had a few pieces of the puzzle. According to the criminal case 3:95-CR-189-R, filed in the Northern District Court of Texas and has a copy of which, in October 1994 the U.S. government indicted Juan Francisco Treviño, another Armando Treviño-name is not known if his family-, Abraham Padilla (Benny), Abel Lopez, Fernando Quiroz (Vanna), Hipolito Ortiz (Polo), Oscar de Leon (Pelon) and Edel Isaac of conspiracy to possess more one thousand kilograms of marijuana with intent to distribute. At that time, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales was just 21.
  27. On Oct. 18, 1994 Juan Francisco Treviño, Treviño and Pedro Armando Sanchez appeared before a judicial officer and, based on current law, which called for a speedy trial should be conducted in the 70 days to voluntarily appear before the justice.
  29. On May 26, 1995 Juan Francisco filed a motion to be scrapped charges against him for not having been prosecuted expeditiously. On 15 June 1995, a trial court held a hearing and dismissed the charges against him in October 1994 fincaron.
  31. Ozuna Kiko would immediately thought of prison. Do not expect that days earlier, on June 7, the prosecution had begun a new indictment against him for another conspiracy to distribute more than a ton of marijuana in U.S. territory. While waiting for speedy trial, the DEA obtained sufficient evidence for an indictment. As in most cases, the agency got it via accomplices who joined the program of informants and protected witnesses. These statements completely sank Juan Francisco.
  33. Everardo Ramirez, presented by the prosecution as a government witness, told the court that a subject of surnames Ozuna Tovar introduced him to Juan Francisco Treviño, who offered him employment. The job was transporting marijuana from Laredo to Dallas. Ramirez's first duty was to store the grass in his home for several days and then take it to the house of Paul de Luna.
  35. "The next month, at the request of Tovar Ozuna, Ramirez agreed to store and deliver marijuana was to be transported to Dallas. The work of Juan Tovar for marijuana Treviño was crossing the river (Bravo) Ramirez. In turn, Ramirez took home the Paul de Luna, where it was stored and then transported by a company of the border, "said court documents.
  37. Ramirez testified that he participated in trafficking marijuana from Laredo to Dallas about three times a month for a year and a half. He added that the greatest burden of stored drug was 600 pounds (272 kilograms) and in U.S. territory carrying the drug in Suburban vans used by the private roads of a large area ranch to evade police checkpoints. Frank Staggs, the ranch owner, said the property was keeper Armando Treviño.
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  41. Everardo Ramirez also said she was meeting at a hotel in Dallas with José Treviño Morales, brother of Juan Francisco, who would be responsible for paying for their services. The U.S. government took years to detect and deter criminal activities of Joseph, who 17 years later was found to be the head of the money laundering network of Los Zetas in that country through the business of racing quarter horses mile.
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  45. Another key informant was Joe Chavez, who worked for Kiko Ozuna. In December 1993 approached the DEA special agent Armando Ramirez to volunteer as an informant. "He had the feeling that this thing (the criminal network) was going to collapse," he said in court documents. On January 24, 1994 Joe blew the whistle to DEA special agent on a shipment of marijuana that was to deliver in Dallas on January 26. Ramirez's agent, undercover, Joe Chavez helped to load more than 463 kilos of marijuana in a Suburban attached to a mobile home in Laredo.
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  49. When the shipment arrived in Dallas and waited some agents who arrested Trevino and Abel Lopez Riky. "Chávez said the confiscated marijuana was destined or belonged to Juan Francisco Treviño Morales," stated in the court documents. That was enough for the older brother Treviño lost all illusion out of jail.
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  53. On December 1, 1995 Kiko Ozuna was sentenced to 22 years in prison, which met in 2017, when he is 62 years old. He was held in a prison near Laredo and, according to the judgment, will leaving five years supervised release "under normal conditions and with four additional conditions".
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  57. Juan Francisco Treviño Morales is still in prison. His younger brother, Miguel Angel, followed suit and got over it, to become the leader of one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the continent: Los Zetas, which last year the Obama administration called "global threat" comparable with the Italian Camorra, the Yakuza in Japan and the Circle of Brothers in Russia.
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  61. The "Z-40"
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