
Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-03 1720 +cabadejo

Jan 3rd, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-03 1720 +cabadejo
  2. https://plus.google.com/+LestaNediamHQ/posts/MvwN8cbQ9tQ
  3. https://pastebin.com/VWGZBDxC
  4. __
  7. +cabadejo __ [WARNING! THIS IS LONG! NO NEED TO READ IT! It will be posted to my Google Plus - if you do read it and want to reply then you can do so either here or there or both - it doesn't matter.]
  9. ____
  11. Yes, all good points. This reply is going to be posted to my Google Plus so I am writing it with "everyone" in mind and not just you. I'll also give a link to the forum thread so that anyone else can see the thread I am talking about if they want.
  13. ____
  15. It was interesting that the gentleman created an entirely new profile at that forum *just to dispute my video!*
  17. And he did an awful job of it too (thankfully the others on that thread quickly cottoned on).
  19. There is only one problem though. *Someone had included my "Kjell Lindgren" slip WITH that other popular but CATEGORICALLY FALSE slip (the one where the "astronaut" says [words to the effect of], _"from across the country where I'm talking to you now"_).*
  21. At first blush the "astronaut" who gave us that "slip" seemed to have implied he was not at that moment aboard the alleged "ISS" but he did not actually say anything wrong. *At some point I will probably post a video on it* (as part of Lesta's "War on Disinformation"! On that note: I have another video on the way which calls out a specific user).
  23. A character I despise who calls himself "BzTruetalk" has actually done a video on that particular slip and accurately enough pointed out why it was not really a slip (I wrote a comment there but I am pretty sure he has blocked me so it's not visible).
  25. ____
  27. This makes sense to me: "They" can take a few *innocent* statements and blow them out of proportion to give the appearance of being a genuine slip. I have suggested that disinformation ALWAYS gets (tacit) support and (most of the) views *because* it works to the benefit of the lie system to have people believing *wrong* things. People who believe the WRONG THINGS can be no threat to the lie system.
  29. And by having a false slip that is popular and known by everyone (everyone who is aware of the alleged "ISS" drama knows about that "slip") it serves to pollute and dilute any GENUINE slips that DO occur. The lie system is prone to only a few kinds of mistake - genuine "duping delight" and genuine "misspeaking". And so it is a problem if every time my video pointing out a slip comes up that other people then associate mine with "that other slip" and talk about it. *THIS IS A DISASTER!*
  31. Anyone who watches the OTHER slip and realises he said nothing wrong *then has an increased possibility of dismissing mine for no reason other than: "the first slip was innocent and nothing and so this one is probably also nothing".* (This all falls into "doubt suppression training" - by rejecting a flawed slip a person is more skilled at rejecting slips and may be more able to reject a genuine slip etc.)
  33. (Hopefully that makes some sense! As usual I am typing quickly.)
  35. When I say, _"I can only do so much"_ - one of the things I mean is that I can't include every nuance/possibility in my videos/writing. I tend to cover the nuances/"plausible explanations" as they arise in comments [that's what I am using the comments section for] but I am powerless to address nuances as they arise on external forums that I don't even know about!
  37. (The solution is to cover more nuances in my videos but that means requiring more time to make them. However, I see that I really do need to make more of an effort to address some of the main objections that could be cited. I have done that at times but need to be more consistent.)
  39. It may be wishful thinking to expect but people need to take my videos/writing as *separate* to what other people are doing. After one year of being on YouTube - and for one reason or another - I don't endorse any other channels or videos. Of course I don't know of all channels and there may be some who are pointing out things I can support but at this instant I can't think of any.
  41. I can't stop people lumping my "stuff" with other people's "stuff" but unfortunately it is only going to make it easier for "normal people" to reject my observations and ideas etc.
  43. I don't want to be "paranoid" (persecution vs paranoia!) and think that the lumping my videos/posts with "flawed videos" is a way to cheapen my observations. At some point I can see that happening but I don't think that's why it is being done at the moment. I think that people see a range of things that resonate and they are sharing groupings of such material - and so mine is in amongst it. I don't think there is a sinister intention to cheapen what I am doing but at some point that may become a strategy of various agents and useful idiots of the lie system. All I can do is point out that I am not affiliated with anyone else and I am not responsible for what anyone else does.
  45. ____
  47. I can also foresee at some point a lie system agent or "useful idiot" going through ALL of my videos and choosing the WEAKEST of my observations and words and then making a big deal out of them such as alleging that "Lesta is saying X and is all about those things" - while ignoring and overlooking my stronger videos, words, observations AND updated observations/corrections.
  49. ____
  51. I think a lot of people view that other "slip" as genuine - *but it really isn't.* And unfortunately it serves to weaken what I have pointed out.
  53. ____
  55. That is why I insist that we must seek *true things for true reasons.* Rather than latching onto *anything* that seems to support our case. We must be able to justify every assertion otherwise we must not frame it as an assertion (except perhaps to provoke a discussion with "normal people"). All of the FALSE things (disinformation) are really lie system "tricks and traps" to get a person (a "truther") who is "waking up" to *commit to believing.* It is all about getting a person to COMMIT to a BELIEF. (For we are ALL belief controlled.)
  57. If a person commits to believing and are later shown that those things they believed ARE WRONG then they become at risk of going the opposite direction and rejecting EVERYTHING - including valid things. This is a lie system strategy. *"I was misled this whole time! These things are REAL! The people saying they are not are ALL wrong and crazy - they are intentionally misleading people! They were intentionally misleading ME! They are ALL 'shills'!"* - i.e., something like that and so on and so forth.
  59. I have seen this before - it first came about during "TransAsia". The form was: "I thought X wasn't TRUE but I now see that X is TRUE and everyone saying it isn't is a liar and a shill". But there are other implications: If you DISBELIEVE an EVENT because of DISINFORMATION then you are at risk of believing the event IF that disinformation is ever shown to you to be WRONG.
  61. I have seen this happen with the alleged "Sandy Hook". Some people have rejected the event by citing disinformation. Later when that disinformation was proven to be wrong they have gone in the opposite direction. They now assert "Sandy Hook" was a real event but it seems because their reasons for doubt were shown to be wrong. Of course - that could have been a play all along and in some cases it likely is. For SOME of the people to go in this reversal it would surely be a play.
  63. *And this seems to be one of the primary purposes of disinformation.* It seems the whole point of disinformation is to get people to believe it so that it can be rejected later on. "Normal people" will NEVER believe it - because they can immediately see its problems. But other people who are vulnerable to it may be tempted to believe it. Once they have committed to a belief in it - that belief can be destroyed later on. And when it is destroyed the person can go in the opposite direction. When people believe disinformation (for at least a while) and then later realise it was never true then if that person is honest they will experience a turnaround. They may be disgusted and angry at EVERYONE who is pointing out an event is flawed (and not just those who peddled the disinformation).
  65. It is said that the most fervently religious people are those who have taken on a new religion. And certainly, the strongest opponents to a belief are those who have rejected a belief they once held strongly. Kind of like a Christian who then becomes an "Atheist" may be a much stronger "Atheist" than a "normal person" who was never religious. Or an "Atheist" who finds "God" becomes a very strong advocate for Christianity. And so on. When a person realises they have been believing something false there is a risk of that person going HARD in the opposite direction.
  67. The lie system seems to know this and goes about manipulating people in this way. Even common criminals, con-artists, crooks etc. seem to be aware of this aspect of human nature.
  69. If a person ACCEPTS some false "slips" and they are BELIEVED (hence now "belief controlled" by them) and those false "slips" are later discovered to be false - then that person might be more inclined to reject my slip NOT because what I have pointed out is somehow false but because "it must ALL be false because ALL of the other 'slips' have turned out to be nothing".
  71. (Yes - I know - I'm being repetitive! These points should be mindful to all people at all times!)
  73. ____
  75. I do see in time the lie system dealing with this as follows: "X was wrong; Y was wrong; Z was wrong *and so obviously Lesta is also wrong".* There is no need to even make an effort to claim I have asserted something as wrong! All that needs to be done is to have examples of ACTUAL falsehoods and to lump my observations and ideas in with them. *X is wrong, Y is wrong, Z is wrong and so even if we can't think of a good reason why it must be that Lesta is also wrong - Lesta must be wrong!*
  77. I expect at some point lie system agents or its "useful idiots" will make these kinds of worthless arguments. Not yet - but at some point. Because I am NOT pointing out things which ARE false. *At the very worst I am pointing things out which come down to a subjective interpretation - but since we are never going to have any "hard evidence" (what a "normal person" requires) it is all we have to work with!* (i.e., "The lie system does not make [fatal!] mistakes")
  79. ____
  81. But there is nothing that can be done about it. I can't control what other people do (and I must not even try - that is why I am not doing anything about any imitation or tributes or whatever you want to call it). All I can do is mention these things when the topic comes up and perhaps when laziness gets the better of me refer people to past comments like this one where I mention many of these things.
  83. __
  85. Since I have written this message for "everyone" (with "everyone in mind") I am going to post this publically. As usual I won't ever reveal the content of a private message/thread except when it is the only way to clear my name!
  87. One of the reasons I *generally* avoid private messaging (i.e., don't prefer it) is because what I have to say is wasted on just one or a handful of people. It is not a good use of my time because I would need to rewrite it for a public post and it takes a long time just to write one of these Lesta-sized comments in the first place!
  89. (For other things that we talk about in private - especially when it comes to bouncing around thoughts/ideas - it is appropriate to talk privately). _I just want to be clear on that!_
  91. It's just that in situations like this (if I am on a private thread) if I am inclined to go off on a rant/ramble I'll just write the entire message from the outset like this, _"to everyone"_ and then I can directly copy/paste it as a Google Plus post and minimal time has been lost. And nothing about what I have written will give away anything else that has happened on the private thread! (Although obviously that forum thread came up - but that is a public forum post!)
  93. Anyway! _And doing things in this way gives me an excuse for being so repetitive!_ )))
  97. __________________________________________
  98. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  99. https://pastebin.com/Bfr5RMSg
  101. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  102. https://plus.google.com/+LestaNediamHQ
  104. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  105. https://pastebin.com/WV42jUb1
  107. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
  108. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3DalBOEZ6RqSyHk8_mGV7w
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