
project phoenix 2

Apr 1st, 2021
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  1. Their work could not wait.
  3. Not with the advances that Osrona was doing towards them, and the rest of the world seeking to undermine them one way or another- considering such circumstances, it's only natural that they would find themselves in this predicament.
  5. But..
  7. "Hello, Amelia."
  9. It does not mean he'll just hang his head low and allow them all to be taken over in such manner. As long as he still has breath in his body, there will be work done.
  11. "I think it's time we continue where we left off, yes?"
  13. "There are two more phases left, and I need you for both."
  15. Luckily, considering that they already constructed the Sphere, the rest should go smoother and faster- but it should be done nonetheless.
  17. "Are you up for it?"
  18. (Marcel Delisle)
  20. Once more, she was found idly stood by one of her sisters' grave. An odd spot for many, but it was abundantly clear why she found the spot ideal.
  22. "Greetings," she chimed in her often monotone demeanor. "The continuation of the project? Very well."
  24. There was no beating around the bush. She knew the process and partially remembers the state in which the machine has been left in.
  26. Such was soon to change of course.
  28. "What will be the agenda for today?" She questions, making swift movements to follow suit back into the building site.
  29. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  31. As long as they could continue their work,
  32. they will succeed.
  34. One way or another, it's a tool for them to become superior to those around them- not only on the battlefield as per Empire's militaristic focus, but in advancements as well. Eventually, this could be the reason they'll come out on top as well..
  36. But there's still a long way to get to that.
  38. "Come."
  40. When they enter the great hall, the Sphere stands constructed and ready- yet, it remains inactive, for it still lacks the essentially energy cores; one being the empowered Spire Shard that would burn forever in conjunction with the power of the sun..
  42. And the power of the sun itself.
  44. To that end, the levitating, sealed tomb with such immense energy source is brought in - the impossible heat emanating from inside threatening to burn everything alive and eradicate in an instant, should it ever be unsealed; but gladly, the seal behind it was strong.
  46. "Today we will be aligning the power cores to the Sphere - both the shard and the tomb."
  48. There, he shows another blueprint to Amelia; one that essentially displays the following..
  50. - - -
  52. 1. The tomb is linked to the Sphere through runework; it is directly connected to the Shard as the means of processing its vast power.
  53. 2. The runework distributes power flow through the Sphere to avoid overload, otherwise storing the power in the Shard.
  54. 3. The Shard allows for energy to be utilized - but requires a proficient artificer to do so.
  56. - - -
  58. "That, and-"
  60. Another blueprint. But..
  62. This time? It seems like magitech device, one that is installed in the body- through powerful runework, it feeds constant supply of energy into the body - the bio-based runes constantly sustain the flesh, protecting it from the injuries.
  64. Whereas the magitech 'core' of such magitech fusion ensures that the body could not be destroyed - unless it sustains critical injury that leads to death.
  66. "I called it the Project: Phoenix."
  68. "A magitech device that could turn any soldier into host of unending strength and energy to carry on."
  70. "A perfect vigor- a super-soldier, if you may, that would not be held down by the wounds or anything alike."
  72. Yet, he already begins preparing something; it seems that the prototype for this Project Phoenix will be created out of the most excellent materials.
  74. There's a lot of Arcanium about..
  76. "I will be the one to test it during third phase - once we finish the magitech enhancements."
  77. (Marcel Delisle)
  79. As the two passed through the streets, a growing parade of synthetic minions would slowly trail the duo's movements.
  81. Each one keenly follows their maker, an army that would soon take up the job of aiding the construction once more.
  83. Upon their arrival into the building site? An entire staff of mechanical builders has flanked the sides of the room, ready to work.
  85. Eyes turn to focus on the schematics. Its details noted on as her hands begin to conduct and motion her creations to begin the preparations.
  87. "Do you propose I use a specific set of runic circuitry? One of your brand perhaps, or will my usual attempts do? I assure you, it will be equally effective nonetheless, it is moreso on preference," she comments, stepping off to the side as much of the materials are slowly primed and prepared.
  89. Only upon the following blueprint's presentation would she pose much heavier queries. "Project: Phoenix... And I assume that this is... safe, yes?" By no means was she against it, more on she seemed ecstatic to see it come to fruition. It was more on... "I simply wish to be sure that uncertainties will not cause any problems to the affected target of this project."
  90. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  92. Tasks had to be delegated to be done quicker.
  94. While the brigade of synthetic workers come around to aid them, already Marcel finds the necessary Shard, all to have it placed relatively close to the tomb - but at the safe distance, of course. Amelia and her minions would need that to work.
  96. "What's needed for runework is.."
  98. "Having the tomb be the power source - and having these runes draw out the energy source from inside, spreading onto the Sphere."
  100. "The Shard should be processing core - one that hosts the processed power and acts as a medium to draw out this energy."
  102. It's relatively simple, in theory- the main bulk of work is actually knowing how to construct such runes. Then again.. why overcomplicate it, when everything genius is simple?
  104. "I will begin constructing the magitech device that will draw from this energy source."
  106. So it'd seem that Amelia is left up with the runework- naturally, the Arcanium he previously got would already be taken from his deposits, if only to be taken to the forge for smelting. With schematics placed nearby, the estimation is made for the needed Arcanium.
  108. If she cared to take a peek - it seems that such Arcanium isn't only about connecting the power-transfer and relevant runework all across the body, but something else in particular..
  110. An Arcanium core - meant to be placed in the recipient's chest.
  112. "--It does have one potential flaw, in theory."
  114. "The instalment of Arcanium core in the chest may have certain consequences, if not done correctly - but if you remember, I already have one."
  116. He nearly died as result of acquiring such injury, but it came by convenient.
  118. "I'm the perfect test subject."
  120. "I would not require another surgery like that - and such installation can't go wrong."
  122. Simply because there's no installation to begin with.
  124. "And by the way, unless you had questions, you can begin by connecting the tomb's energy source to the rest of the Sphere - and establishing runework net to spread it across the Sphere."
  125. (Marcel Delisle)
  127. "This is noted," she replies, nodding as the set preparations are set to work.
  129. For a project of this size and caliber, small runes were easily deemed as insignificant and likely useless.
  131. No, for a piece like this, something much larger is needed.
  133. Luckily, Amelia needed to put herself in any dangerous situations concerning the building of the machine. Her familiars were more than enough to extend out as her hands, allowing the intricate runework to begin to line the key parts of the sphere.
  135. Runic circuitry native to Barsburg begins to be created. A perfected version of it from decades of arduous study, trial and error, and work.
  137. "Yes, I remember the surgery for this," she announced, somewhat remembering the fateful day whence the group returns from a dangerous expedition. "If you are assured of the results, then I will simply assume you have run therequisite numbers and made the conclusion that the margin of error is small enough to push through."
  138. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  140. It is akin to a subtle exo-skeleton.
  142. A device that is attached via runework to the body of the host, enhancing one's circuits and further fuelling them with bio-based runework to protect from the injury. While the power of the normal magi might just not be enough to do that..
  144. When it's fuelled by the power source they intend to make?
  145. That should be more than enough.
  147. The construction of such device from the Arcanium goes steady- following the schematics, it seems to almost stretch out to all four limbs; these four connections all leading back to the centrepiece of the body, the Arcanium core, meant to host such immense power and process it around the body.
  149. As well as a battery, meant to take the re-chargeable energy to hold for several years.
  151. "I already did the necessary calculations."
  153. "But we cannot allow ourselves to stall any longer."
  155. A thought that causes him to almost frown, despite beingso focused at his work. Each time that he thinks about it, there is always an assumption that what awaits ahead simply won't end well for Achyon. In truth...
  157. He expects a disaster.
  158. Very, very soon.
  160. "Osrona is at our door."
  162. "They are shameless enough to ally themselves with literal monsters and savages - knowing full well what empowering such obscene creatures will do."
  164. "Yet they don't care. Their tunnel vision is pointed to eradicate us all."
  166. Deft hands continue to click together the various details of such device- piece by piece, creating the necessary framework to ensure that it would cover all of the body - starting from the core..
  168. And stretching to all of the limbs.
  170. "We need this. We need much more than this."
  172. "As soon as possible. Or there just won't be tomorrow to look forward to."
  174. A fatalistic view, one he felt strongly about. But really..
  176. Was he wrong?
  177. (Marcel Delisle)
  179. The backdrop lies much more of the creation itself. Monotonous in nature, yet made swiftly thanks to the marvels of magitech.
  181. In hours, the very lines of sigils and glyphs would find its creation completed. An equal amount spread-out throughout the sphere to avoid overweighting upon one singular point.
  183. Just as Marcel requested.
  185. "There is no use pondering over what the Osronans wish to do. Their Faith is a farce all made to make its people all too dulled to speak out against their leaders," she commented. Her opinion on the Shimmering City was all too vocal, and for good reason.
  187. "However, I ask you not to worry as much. We are making good time and we are in a steady pace with all this. It is only a matter of time before this project finds fruition," she remarks.
  189. And with the completion of this project? Perhaps it would be time to finally enact the notion of the citybeing pulled forth from the ground up. A fortress of steel, ripe to take down whatever blockade is found in their way.
  190. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  192. Perhaps she was right to be this calm.
  194. Perhaps they'll weather through the storm and Osrona will begin to fall down once more - as it always has. They'd have to just live through it..
  196. Or maybe their reckoning is coming closer than they think.
  198. Regardless, it is something that only continues their work as a whole- no matter how he feels about it all, it seems that it could become the very drive to their motivation, ensuring that their progress would never stop.
  200. After all..
  201. Being so close to destruction motivates you, does it not?
  203. "Maybe I'm overthinking it."
  205. "But I hear daily reports about someone being captured, or someone being dead. Now, with Valium almost becoming a traitor, even a synthetic breaking out from the grasp.."
  207. "It feels like everything is just falling apart."
  209. Maybe Marcel would have to become far more ruthless once more. Maybe that's the only way...
  211. Yet for now, where the essentials of the constructing such device is finished and the core is connected to all four outstretching parts of such small exo-skeleton, it would be the time to proceed with the required runework.
  213. The bio-runes are carefully inscribed through meticulous process and great attention to detail, intended to regenerate the flesh rapidly as well as protect it from taking too much damage. Fuelled by the most powerful energies, these runes could supply not only such support for the body..
  215. But also tireless energy - making one full of perfect vigor.
  217. "How goes connecting the tomb, the Shard and the Sphere?"
  219. Seems she already connected the tomb.
  220. (Marcel Delisle)
  222. "Decades prior to this, Achyon found itself in a similar predicament," she reveals. Her memory is hazy, perhaps Marcel would remember the dark portion of the city's history.
  224. Because easily, it was one Amelia could not forget.
  226. "Achyon had been pushed back heavily at this time. Sivlerwall was held by Osrona, the Fireblooded and Moxtli vied to push back our city, and even had another Synthetic go rogue in their time of activation." Truly, it might have been best to forget such a time. Yet one was doomed to redo their mistakes if one did not acknowledge the root of it. "Yet years later, despite the heavy damages incurred, not only were we able to reclaim Silverwall, eradicate Moxtli and the Fireblooded's misplaced arrogance, and eventually destroy the rogue Synthetic, but we were able to achieve much more; ADAM among one of them."
  228. She pauses, as if to allow the anecdote to sink in. "Thus I implore you, the moment you believe we will not win is the moment Osrona wins. Putting their faith in useless 'gods' are the Shimmering City's work. We get things done ourselves."
  230. Soon, much of the connecting runes have already found itself accomplished. Synthetic work not only made for bearing a notable resistance to any heat or radiation, but made for an effective result of work.
  232. "The circuitry is almost accomplished," she answers. "All that is missing is the actually connection of the shard and the tomb to the machine. I assume you do not wish to allow the power to begin flowing without proper preparations. Thusly so, I will wait for your cue."
  233. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  235. The runework was rumoured to be the language of the Angels.
  237. Yet the Empire would deny such, of course.. or at least attribute it to something else- to the skill of humanity; what remains true is that it's rather flexible, potent tool used for construction of all kinds of things.
  239. In skilled hands, it could create the very fabric of existence as a whole.
  241. On his side, it comes to the point of assuring that all of the runes are well connected across the magitech device- and that the Arcanium particles are functioning well. An exo-skeleton made out of magitech that could feed not only the immense power into the body of magi..
  243. But ensure their physical safety, for the most part.
  245. "I remember."
  247. "I think I joined the military around that time as a young boy - but the Silverwall Mines were just won."
  249. "It was not an easy time. I remember being ambushed right outside the walls, even as a child. They truly did notcare about trying to kill even the youngest of the Empire."
  251. And essentially shut it down. But that makes him ponder.. why were they ever showing this mercy to others, when they get none?
  253. Though..
  255. "I'm finished on my part. All that remains is testing."
  257. A pause, to which he adds.
  259. "Simply connect the Shard and the tomb - but do not activate the runes yet."
  261. "The activation will be the next and last, third phase."
  263. One where they'll have to see the results for themselves. Otherwise?
  265. For the second stage, they're practically done.
  266. (Marcel Delisle)
  268. As requested, much of the circuits would be found connected. Its soft blue glow glimmers with light as the complete circuit begins to flow latent mana.
  270. Like a machine being plugged in, but not turned on.
  272. The soft whirrs that emanated from the sphere itself was already a telling enough sign, this thing was more than ready for whatever completion it needed.
  274. "It is done," she announced, snapping her fingers as the synthetic familiars drift off, allowing them to marvel over their creation.
  276. More than half way done, soon they would be on the final stretch.
  277. (Amelia Locke pyr Aertas)
  279. Now all that remains is the final stage.
  281. The calibrations necessary for them to ensure that it would be working are done, tuning in the runework accordingly- yet it would only be a matter of time until they could activate it, soon enough to show the glory of their progress.
  283. "Thank you for your help, Amelia."
  285. "It has been invaluable to me."
  286. (Marcel Delisle)
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