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a guest
Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. $ # Generate 8 MB of random data
  2. $ head -c 8M < /dev/urandom > data.txt
  3. $ # Flush and clear the cache so we get the data from disk
  4. $ sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && cargo script
  5. 3
  6. Compiling posix_fadvise_test v0.1.0 (file:///home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286)
  7. Advised result: HashResult { hash: [173, 168, 157, 204, 185, 126, 165, 177, 195, 111, 94, 179, 252, 59, 25, 169], time: Duration { secs: 0, nanos: 10050785 } }
  8. $ # Comment out the call to advise_willneed, save, flush again and re-run
  9. $ sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && cargo script
  10. 3
  11. Compiling posix_fadvise_test v0.1.0 (file:///home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286)
  12. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ 53:2 warning: function is never used: `advise_willneed`, #[warn(dead_code)] on by default
  13. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ fn advise_willneed(file: &File) {
  14. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ let len = file.metadata().unwrap().len();
  15. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/
  16. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ unsafe {
  17. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ assert_eq!(
  18. /home/austin/.cargo/script-cache/file-posix_fadvise_test-8d6a7e80a3131286/ libc::posix_fadvise(
  19. ...
  20. Advised result: HashResult { hash: [173, 168, 157, 204, 185, 126, 165, 177, 195, 111, 94, 179, 252, 59, 25, 169], time: Duration { secs: 0, nanos: 33213398 } }
  21. $ # Significantly slower!
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