
athletic server

May 27th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. s: &c[Server]&f
  3. p: &cYou dont have permission
  4. cpe: &c&l CP &4>&c> &c&nエラー&f
  5. cp: &a&l CP &3>&a>&f
  6. ln: &c> &9&l LoNetwork &3>&a>&f
  7. nc: &cNot found command Error 101
  9. command /language [<text>]:
  10. aliases: /lang
  11. trigger:
  12. if arg 1 is not set:
  13. send "{@ln} &a/lang jp set player language to JP"
  14. send "{@ln} &a/lang us set player language to US"
  15. if arg 1 is "jp":
  16. set {_cooldown} to difference between {lang.%player%.lastlang} and now
  17. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  18. send "{@ln} 1秒以上開けて設定してください"
  19. stop
  20. set {lang.%player%.lastlang} to now
  21. send "{@ln} あなたの言語を日本語に設定しました"
  22. set {} to true
  23. set {} to false
  24. set {lang.admin.%player%} to false
  25. execute player command "jp on"
  26. execute console command "playsound block.note.bass master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1 1"
  27. if arg 1 is "us":
  28. set {_cooldown} to difference between {lang.%player%.lastlang} and now
  29. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  30. send "{@ln} Wait 1 seconds!"
  31. stop
  32. set {lang.%player%.lastlang} to now
  33. send "{@ln} i made the language to English"
  34. set {} to false
  35. set {} to true
  36. set {lang.admin.%player%} to false
  37. execute player command "jp on"
  38. execute console command "playsound block.note.bass master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1 1"
  40. if arg 1 is "admin":
  41. if {ln.admin.%player%} is true:
  42. set {_cooldown} to difference between {lang.%player%.lastlang} and now
  43. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  44. send "{@ln} 1秒以上開けて設定してください"
  45. stop
  46. set {lang.%player%.lastlang} to now
  47. send "{@ln} あなたの言語をAdminに設定しました"
  48. set {} to false
  49. set {} to false
  50. set {lang.admin.%player%} to true
  51. execute player command "jp on"
  52. execute console command "playsound block.note.bass master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1 1"
  53. else:
  54. send "{@ln} {@p}"
  55. if arg 1 is "gui":
  56. open chest with 3 row named "&alanguage settings" to player
  57. wait 1 tick
  58. format slot 10 of player with red wool named "&cJapanese" to run [execute player command "lang jp"]
  59. format slot 11 of player with blue wool named "&9English" to run [execute player command "lang us"]
  60. format slot 16 of player with black wool named "&cAdmin" to run [execute player command "lang admin"]
  61. format slot 26 of player with arrow named "&cReturn" to run [execute player command "userconfig"]
  63. command /pvp [<text>]:
  64. permission: ln.admin
  65. permission message: {@p}
  66. trigger:
  67. if arg 1 is not set:
  68. send "{@ln} /pvp enable enable pvp"
  69. send "{@ln} /pvp disable disable pvp"
  70. if arg 1 is set:
  71. if arg 1 is "enable":
  72. enable pvp
  73. send "{@ln} PvP is now enable"
  74. if arg 1 is set:
  75. if arg 1 is "disable":
  76. disable pvp
  77. send "{@ln} PvP is now disable"
  79. command /lobby:
  80. trigger:
  81. teleport player to {lobby}
  82. if {} is true:
  83. send "{@ln} ロビーへテレポートしました"
  84. if {} is true:
  85. send "{@ln} You teleported to lobby"
  86. if {lang.admin.%player%} is true:
  87. send "{@ln} ロビーへテレポートしました"
  89. command /setlobby:
  90. permission: ln.admin
  91. permission message: {@p}
  92. trigger:
  93. set {lobby} to location of player
  94. send "{@ln} ロビーをセットしました"
  96. command /checkpoint [<text>]:
  97. aliases: /cp
  98. trigger:
  99. if arg 1 is set:
  100. if arg 1 is "latest":
  101. teleport player to {checkpoint.latest.%player%}
  103. command /hat <text>:
  104. trigger:
  105. if arg 1 is "gui":
  106. open chest with 6 rows named "&eHat Options" to player
  107. wait 1 tick
  108. format slot 0 of player with barrier named "&eBarrier" to run [execute player command "hat air"]
  109. if {} is true:
  110. format slot 53 of player with end rod named "&eエンドロッド" to close then run [execute player command "hat end rod"]
  111. format slot 1 of player with plain glass block named "&eガラス" to close then run [execute player command "hat glass"]
  112. if {} is true:
  113. format slot 53 of player with end rod named "&eEndRod" to close then run [execute player command "hat end rod"]
  114. format slot 1 of player with plain glass block named "&eGlass" to close then run [execute player command "hat glass"]
  115. else:
  116. format slot 53 of player with end rod named "&eEndRod" to close then run [execute player command "hat end rod"]
  117. format slot 1 of player with plain glass block named "&eGlass" to close then run [execute player command "hat glass"]
  118. if arg 1 is "glass":
  119. if {} is true:
  120. equip player with plain glass block
  121. if {hat.all.%player%} is true:
  122. equip player with plain glass block
  123. if {} is false:
  124. send "{@ln} {@p}"
  125. if arg 1 is "air":
  126. equip player with air
  127. send "{@ln} Hat Reset Finishing..."
  128. if arg 1 is "end rod":
  129. if {hat.endrod.%player%} is true:
  130. equip player with end rod
  131. if {hat.all.%player%} is true:
  132. equip player with end rod
  133. else:
  134. send "{@ln} {@p}"
  136. command /teleporter <text>:
  137. trigger:
  138. if arg 1 is set:
  139. if arg 1 is "gui":
  140. open chest with 3 rows named "&bTeleport Menu" to player
  141. wait 1 tick
  142. format slot 10 of player with beacon named "&9Lobby" to close then run [execute player command "lobby"]
  143. else:
  144. send "{@ln} {@nc}"
  146. command /setadmin [<offline player>]:
  147. permission: ln.admin
  148. permission message: {@p}
  149. aliases: /sa
  150. trigger:
  151. if arg 1 is not set:
  152. send "{@ln} /setadmin <player> set player to admin"
  153. if arg 1 is set:
  154. set {lang.admin.%arg-1%} to true
  155. set {ln.admin.%arg-1%} to true
  156. set {} to false
  157. set {} to false
  158. set {hat.all.%player%} to true
  159. send "{@ln} &cyou are now admin good luck!" to arg-1
  160. loop all players:
  161. if {} is true:
  162. send "{@ln} &c%arg-1%さんが運営になりました! &fこれからもよろしくおねがいします" to loop-player
  163. if {} is true:
  164. send "{@ln} &c%arg-1% has been administered! &fI hope for your continued support from now on" to loop-player
  165. else:
  166. send "{@ln} &c%arg-1%さんが運営になりました! &fこれからもよろしくおねがいします" to loop-player
  168. command /removeadmin [<offline player>]:
  169. permission: ln.admin
  170. permission message: {@p}
  171. aliases: /ra
  172. trigger:
  173. if arg 1 is not set:
  174. send "{@ln} /removeadmin <player> remove admin from player"
  175. if arg 1 is set:
  176. set {lang.admin.%arg-1%} to false
  177. set {ln.admin.%arg-1%} to false
  178. set {} to true
  179. set {} to false
  180. set {} to false
  181. set {hat.all.%arg-1%} to false
  182. set {} to true
  183. set {teleport.void.%arg-1%} to false
  184. send "{@ln} &cYou are remove the admin by %player%" to arg-1
  185. send "{@ln} &cYou remove the admin of player is %arg-1%"
  187. command /userconfig:
  188. trigger:
  189. open chest with 3 row named "&e%player% config" to player
  190. wait 1 tick
  191. if {} is true:
  192. format slot 10 of player with eye of ender named "&aプレイヤーを非表示" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 hide"]
  193. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&a言語設定" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  194. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&eブロックヘッドの設定" to run [execute player command "hat gui"]
  195. if {} is true:
  196. format slot 10 of player with eye of ender named "&aHide Players" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 hide"]
  197. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&alanguage settings" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  198. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&eBlockHead options" to run [execute player command "hat gui"]
  199. if {lang.admin.%player%} is true:
  200. format slot 10 of player with eye of ender named "&aプレイヤーを非表示" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 hide"]
  201. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&a言語設定" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  202. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&eブロックヘッドの設定" to run [execute player command "hat gui"]
  204. command /userconfig2:
  205. trigger:
  206. open chest with 3 row named "&e%player% config" to player
  207. wait 1 tick
  208. reveal all players from player
  209. if {} is true:
  210. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&aプレイヤーを表示" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 show"]
  211. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&a言語設定" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  212. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&eブロックヘッドの設定" to run [execute player command "hat gui"]
  213. if {} is true:
  214. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&aShow Players" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 show"]
  215. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&alanguage settings" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  216. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&alanguage settings" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  217. if {lang.admin.%player%} is true:
  218. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&aプレイヤーを表示" to run [execute player command "userconfig3 show"]
  219. format slot 16 of player with nether star named "&a言語設定" to run [execute player command "lang gui"]
  220. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&eブロックヘッドの設定" to run [execute player command "hat gui"]
  222. command /userconfig3 <text>:
  223. trigger:
  224. if arg 1 is "hide":
  225. wait 1 tick
  226. hide all players from player
  227. execute player command "userconfig2"
  228. stop
  229. if arg 1 is "show":
  230. wait 1 tick
  231. reveal all players from player
  232. execute player command "userconfig"
  233. stop
  235. command /athle [<text>]:
  236. trigger:
  237. if arg 1 is set:
  238. if arg 1 is "gui":
  239. open chest with 6 rows named "&cAthletic selector" to player
  240. wait 1 tick
  241. format slot 0 of player with gunpowder named "&cRankUp Parkour" with lore "&e難易度 &f★★★★☆☆" to close then run [execute player command "athle RankUp"]
  242. if arg 1 is set:
  243. if arg 1 is "RankUp":
  244. execute console command "tp %player% 1039 38 765"
  245. stop
  247. command /ban <offline player>:
  248. permission: ban.admin
  249. permission message: {@ln} {@p}
  250. trigger:
  251. broadcast "{@s} &f%player%さんが'%arg-1%'さんにbanを試みましたが失敗しました"
  252. wait 5 tick
  253. kick the player
  255. command /banticket [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  256. permission: ln.admin
  257. permission message: {@ln} {@p}
  258. trigger:
  259. if arg 1 is not set:
  260. send "{@ln} player is not selected!"
  261. if arg 1 is set:
  262. if arg 2 is not set:
  263. send "{@ln} reason is not text"
  264. if arg 1 is set:
  265. if arg 2 is set:
  266. if {} is true:
  267. send "{@ln} あなたは&cAdmin&fにbanされました! 理由: %arg-2% 解除申請はこちらから"
  268. if {} is true:
  269. send "{@ln} You are banned from &cAdmin &fReason: %arg-2% banned appeal" to arg-1
  270. wait 2 tick
  271. kick the arg-1
  272. ban the arg-1
  273. send "{@ln} You are banned a %arg-1% Reason: %arg-2%" to player
  275. every 10 seconds:
  276. loop all players:
  277. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&c>>&9---------%loop-player%&9--------&c<<"
  279. every 120 seconds:
  280. broadcast "{@ln} Discord Server"
  282. on right click with fire charge:
  283. cancel event
  284. name of held item contains "&aCheckpoint"
  285. teleport player to {checkpoint.latest.%player%}
  287. on left click with fire charge:
  288. cancel event
  289. name of held item contains "&aCheckpoint"
  290. open chest with 4 row named "&aCheckpoints" to player
  291. wait 1 tick
  292. if {} is true:
  293. format slot 0 of player with fire charge named "&c最新のチェックポイント" to close then run [execute player command "checkpoint latest"]
  294. if {} is true:
  295. format slot 0 of player with fire charge named "&cLatest checkpoint" to close then run [execute player command "checkpoint latest"]
  296. else:
  297. format slot 0 of player with fire charge named "&c最新のチェックポイント" to close then run [execute player command "checkpoint latest"]
  299. on right click with eye of ender:
  300. cancel event
  301. name of held item contains "&ePlayers config"
  302. execute player command "userconfig"
  304. on right click with nether star:
  305. cancel event
  306. name of held item contains "&bTeleporter"
  307. execute player command "teleporter gui"
  309. on right click with magma cream:
  310. cancel event
  311. name of held item contains "&cAthletic selector"
  312. execute player command "athle gui"
  314. on right click on sign:
  315. line 1 of clicked block is "Checkpoint"
  316. if player is on ground:
  317. set {_cooldown} to difference between {cp.%player%.lastused} and now
  318. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  319. send "{@cpe} 1秒以上開けて設定してください"
  320. stop
  321. set {checkpoint.latest.%player%} to location of player
  322. set {cp.%player%.lastused} to now
  323. send "{@cp} チェックポイントを設定しました"
  324. execute console command "playsound block.note.pling master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  325. wait 4 tick
  326. execute console command "playsound block.note.pling master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  327. else:
  328. send "{@cpe} 空中でチェックポイントを設定することはできません!"
  330. on inventory click:
  331. if player has permission "ln.admin":
  332. stop
  333. else:
  334. cancel event
  335. send "{@ln} {@p}"
  337. on chat:
  338. cancel event
  339. if {} is true:
  340. broadcast "&b>> &f%player% &7[JP] &f%colored message%"
  341. if {} is true:
  342. broadcast "&b>> &f%player% &7[US] &f%colored message%"
  343. if {lang.admin.%player%} is true:
  344. broadcast "&7[Admin] &b>> &f%player% &7[JP] &f%colored message%"
  346. on walking on sponge:
  347. player's gamemode is adventure
  348. teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%}
  350. on damage:
  351. damage cause is fall:
  352. cancel event
  354. on damage:
  355. victim is a player
  356. heal the victim
  358. on first join:
  359. set {} to true
  360. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  362. on join:
  363. wait 1 tick
  364. set slot 0 of player to 1 fire charge named "&aCheckpoint"
  365. set slot 2 of player to 1 nether star named "&bTeleporter"
  366. set slot 6 of player to 1 eye of ender named "&ePlayers config"
  367. set slot 8 of player to 1 magma cream named "&cAthletic selector"
  368. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  369. set the join message to "{@ln} %player%さんがサーバーに参加しました"
  371. on quit:
  372. set the quit message to "{@ln} %player%さんがサーバーから退出しました"
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