

Jun 4th, 2009
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  1. DragonDarkWolf has joined the chat
  2. DragonDarkWolf: greetings
  3. DragonDarkWolf: hi
  4. Zer0bandit:, clothing.
  5. Zer0bandit: Sorry, that was awkward. Hi.
  6. DragonDarkWolf: lol
  7. DragonDarkWolf: its ok
  8. DragonDarkWolf: u have nice body
  9. Zer0bandit: I'm having a weird day. Everything is siezing up on me.
  10. Zer0bandit: Ahaha, thanks.
  11. DragonDarkWolf: u like man
  12. Zer0bandit: pardon?
  13. DragonDarkWolf: ues
  14. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  15. DragonDarkWolf: wut is it
  16. Zer0bandit: Did you mean 'you like mine'? If that's the case, I'll say you've got a pretty groovy outfit.
  17. DragonDarkWolf: will ya
  18. Zer0bandit: Yep
  19. DragonDarkWolf: let go ur room ok
  20. Zer0bandit: Uh, sure.
  21. Zer0bandit: Welcome to zer0space.
  22. DragonDarkWolf: no
  23. DragonDarkWolf: no way
  24. DragonDarkWolf: the 5th demanshin
  25. Zer0bandit: Nah, it's just the space between worlds.
  26. Zer0bandit: A non-space wedged open by eldritch magics.
  27. DragonDarkWolf: how
  28. DragonDarkWolf: i half high elf
  29. DragonDarkWolf: in the book there noting about this
  30. Zer0bandit: Of course this isn't in the book.
  31. Zer0bandit: This is only touched on in Kron's seventh black book, the dark prophecy.
  32. DragonDarkWolf: u ok
  33. DragonDarkWolf: know high elf trying feed the lust for magic
  34. DragonDarkWolf: thay trying rebeild the sunwell
  35. Zer0bandit: Heh.
  36. Zer0bandit: The high elves are doomed to fall with the rest of the enchanted lands.
  37. DragonDarkWolf: no
  38. DragonDarkWolf: we be come the blood elfs
  39. DragonDarkWolf: pls help us
  40. DragonDarkWolf: rebild the sunwell
  41. Zer0bandit: When we raise the queen of dark horizons, it will sound the death knell for the enchanted lands. The villages will be washed away by the sea and the very earth will tremble.
  42. DragonDarkWolf: that was over 5000 years back
  43. Zer0bandit: Yes, but with the words from the seventh black book and the emerald sword now in our hands, the seal of the elders can be undone.
  44. DragonDarkWolf: u saying we can stop the sunwell being deshed
  45. Zer0bandit: I'm saying that you're doomed to destruction as much as all the other pitiful creatures of the land.
  46. Zer0bandit: We will call up the horrors from the Pit.
  47. Zer0bandit: Your souls will be a fine tribute to the Elders.
  48. DragonDarkWolf: its was KJ that did it
  49. DragonDarkWolf: u saying we started
  50. Zer0bandit: ...what?
  51. DragonDarkWolf: his body start to glow
  52. Zer0bandit: I'm sorry, er, what's going on?
  53. DragonDarkWolf: no
  54. DragonDarkWolf: my body is weaking
  55. Zer0bandit: You'll make a fine snack for Kerriathrim.
  56. DragonDarkWolf: pls five me come magic
  57. DragonDarkWolf: give her lil kiss
  58. Zer0bandit: You had better not be attempting to force yourself upon a priestess of Lithander.
  59. DragonDarkWolf: i am a prince
  60. Zer0bandit: And I am a high priestess of the old one. What makes you think you would deign to stand in my presence?
  61. DragonDarkWolf: can u hand me
  62. Zer0bandit: ...What?
  63. DragonDarkWolf: u like come to my home
  64. Zer0bandit: Sure, why not.
  65. DragonDarkWolf: u look lovey
  66. Zer0bandit: Thank you. I do try.
  67. DragonDarkWolf: nuzlle up to her
  68. DragonDarkWolf: to bad it forbiddeb for blood elf be with some thing like u
  69. Zer0bandit: And too bad it's far below a priestess of the Old Ones to bed a lowly blood elf.
  70. DragonDarkWolf: i have powers it to to hard on me
  71. Zer0bandit: That must be difficult.
  72. DragonDarkWolf: its
  73. DragonDarkWolf: i am paned
  74. DragonDarkWolf: dark panined
  75. Zer0bandit: What a tortured soul.
  76. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  77. Zer0bandit: Nice house you have here.
  78. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  79. (Long pause)
  80. Zer0bandit: I have friends who have a steampunk mansion in similar style.
  81. (Extremely long pause)
  82. DragonDarkWolf: i like u
  83. DragonDarkWolf: to bad we forbidden
  84. Zer0bandit: Yeah.
  85. Zer0bandit: Even though here we are invisible to the world, it would be a grave sin to transgress the rules of our kingdoms.
  86. DragonDarkWolf: no 1 come here
  87. Zer0bandit: Really?
  88. DragonDarkWolf: the there law do not be here
  89. DragonDarkWolf: hold her clast
  90. Zer0bandit: Is it really safe?
  91. Zer0bandit: Our love can never be discovered!
  92. DragonDarkWolf: its safe here
  93. DragonDarkWolf: i know
  94. DragonDarkWolf: its really safe
  95. DragonDarkWolf: come here
  96. (He moves to a cuddling pose spot.)
  97. DragonDarkWolf: holds her
  98. DragonDarkWolf: brb ok
  99. Zer0bandit: Sure.
  100. DragonDarkWolf: kissies her lips
  101. Zer0bandit: I hear you blood elves are legendary lovers.
  102. DragonDarkWolf: u think we can
  103. Zer0bandit: If it's safe here.
  104. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  105. Zer0bandit: Though the land is war-torn and treacherous, I feel a strange peace here.
  106. DragonDarkWolf: it my hm,e
  107. DragonDarkWolf: my home
  108. Zer0bandit: It's lovely.
  109. DragonDarkWolf: can u handl me a prince
  110. DragonDarkWolf: rub on her belly
  111. Zer0bandit: We priestesses are trained to withstand many challenges. I am sure that a prince would be well within my ability.
  112. DragonDarkWolf: i know its tru a Priestesses need give her slfe to a man she want
  113. DragonDarkWolf: kiss her lips
  114. DragonDarkWolf: do u have home out side the magic ram
  115. Zer0bandit: I may know of a place where we can be safe beyond the reach of the world.
  116. Zer0bandit: Hidden in time and space.
  117. DragonDarkWolf: this good
  118. DragonDarkWolf: do u want this man
  119. Zer0bandit: That depends on whether you are man enough for me.
  120. DragonDarkWolf: can u handl a soob king
  121. Zer0bandit: I'm sure I can.
  122. DragonDarkWolf: good
  123. DragonDarkWolf: remove his cover armor
  124. Zer0bandit: *She toys with a lock of her hair as she watches him.*
  125. DragonDarkWolf: remove the plat arow my nack
  126. DragonDarkWolf: this his boots
  127. Zer0bandit: All that armour must be heavy.
  128. DragonDarkWolf: u like
  129. Zer0bandit: You must be so strong. I can see the muscle tone.
  130. DragonDarkWolf: its have for a ruge and hunter
  131. DragonDarkWolf: yes its heavy
  132. Zer0bandit: You're so masculine.
  133. DragonDarkWolf: a palinds know got the ashbringer
  134. Zer0bandit: Do you need me to help with your chainmail?
  135. DragonDarkWolf: some
  136. DragonDarkWolf: this not my tru skin
  137. Zer0bandit: Really?
  138. DragonDarkWolf: his skins turns
  139. DragonDarkWolf: u may help me
  140. Zer0bandit: *She begins to help with his armour.*
  141. DragonDarkWolf: *feel the top come free*
  142. Zer0bandit: Oh- did I get it?
  143. DragonDarkWolf: have u did this be for
  144. Zer0bandit: Oh, no, this is my first time.
  145. DragonDarkWolf: u going be hurt u alot
  146. Zer0bandit: i-is it?
  147. DragonDarkWolf: no
  148. DragonDarkWolf: i playing
  149. DragonDarkWolf: it only will hurt for faw mins
  150. Zer0bandit: Oh... well... I trust you.
  151. DragonDarkWolf: thin it start feeling good
  152. DragonDarkWolf: lay her in her bed
  153. DragonDarkWolf: kiss her
  154. Zer0bandit: Will you be gentle with me?
  155. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  156. DragonDarkWolf: pull her closter
  157. Zer0bandit: *She bites her lip, looking hesitant.*
  158. DragonDarkWolf: remove her clothes
  159. DragonDarkWolf: and my bottoms
  160. DragonDarkWolf: hold my cock up for her*
  161. Zer0bandit: *She blushes hotly.*
  162. Zer0bandit: How... I think... you'll have to guide me.
  163. DragonDarkWolf: lower ur pussy on my on to my cock
  164. DragonDarkWolf: ling his cock up to her pussy hole
  165. Zer0bandit: W-will it fit?
  166. DragonDarkWolf: it be lil tiet
  167. DragonDarkWolf: tiget
  168. DragonDarkWolf: u will love it
  169. Zer0bandit: *She bites her lip.*
  170. Zer0bandit: But it'll hurt?
  171. DragonDarkWolf: mmmm god u feel good
  172. DragonDarkWolf: start moveing her back up frw and down
  173. Zer0bandit: Ah! Ouch!
  174. DragonDarkWolf: mmmm u ok
  175. Zer0bandit: It hurts. You're so big...
  176. DragonDarkWolf: u say u can handl it
  177. Zer0bandit: I- I will...
  178. DragonDarkWolf: u pick me be by u
  179. Zer0bandit: I just need to get used to it.
  180. DragonDarkWolf: mmm ooooo
  181. DragonDarkWolf: re move my hand off her hips
  182. DragonDarkWolf: let her ride my on her own
  183. Zer0bandit: you're not all the way in yet...
  184. DragonDarkWolf: puck his cock in deeper
  185. DragonDarkWolf: rip tho a thin skin her pussy
  186. Zer0bandit: OH GOD YOUR TEARING ME APART !
  187. DragonDarkWolf: ur pussy soo nice
  188. Zer0bandit: it's so deep inside...
  189. DragonDarkWolf: pull all night cock in her
  190. DragonDarkWolf: the top go in her womb
  191. Zer0bandit: *She gasps, tensing up*
  192. Zer0bandit: Ah! You're- inside my--
  193. Zer0bandit: Im bleeding
  194. DragonDarkWolf: its ok
  195. DragonDarkWolf: ooooo
  196. DragonDarkWolf: u picked me
  197. Zer0bandit: it hurts
  198. DragonDarkWolf: u picked me why
  199. Zer0bandit: I... I couldn't help it.
  200. DragonDarkWolf: u wuted me
  201. DragonDarkWolf: mmmm
  202. Zer0bandit: from the moment I met you.
  203. Zer0bandit: *She breathes deeply, rocking back and forward a little.*
  204. Zer0bandit: You were right, it feels good.
  205. DragonDarkWolf: do u wut me
  206. DragonDarkWolf: want me only me
  207. Zer0bandit: yes... yes!
  208. DragonDarkWolf: mmm i going cum
  209. Zer0bandit: yes!
  210. DragonDarkWolf: cums in her womb and let my seed if life in hers womb
  211. Zer0bandit: ahh!
  212. Zer0bandit: *she breathes deeply.*
  213. Zer0bandit: thats so good
  214. DragonDarkWolf: hold her clost tell she here my heat
  215. Zer0bandit: I'm glad we could spend time together.
  216. DragonDarkWolf: u happy have a blood elf in u too
  217. Zer0bandit: It was certainly an experience.
  218. DragonDarkWolf: ceom lay down
  219. DragonDarkWolf: wut of u get pragnent
  220. Zer0bandit: well... I don't know.
  221. DragonDarkWolf: wut if u do
  222. DragonDarkWolf: wut will u do with the child
  223. Zer0bandit: I- I don't know.
  224. DragonDarkWolf: go to ur tru from
  225. Zer0bandit: What... here? I don't know if I should...
  226. DragonDarkWolf: its ok
  227. DragonDarkWolf: lovey
  228. Zer0bandit: If we're found like this...
  229. DragonDarkWolf: i be kill
  230. DragonDarkWolf: u been seel as slfe
  231. DragonDarkWolf: or seled up
  232. Zer0bandit: I would be banished to the abyss.
  233. DragonDarkWolf: wut about me
  234. Zer0bandit: Your soul would feed the Old Ones.
  235. DragonDarkWolf: wut if ur ppl find me in ur home
  236. DragonDarkWolf: i gave u mu soul
  237. Zer0bandit: they will take it from me.
  238. DragonDarkWolf: the old 1s
  239. DragonDarkWolf: will not like me
  240. DragonDarkWolf: my soul is not whole
  241. Zer0bandit: It will still be thrown into the abyss.
  242. DragonDarkWolf: can u handl it if thay find me in u
  243. Zer0bandit: If they find us, there is no hope.
  244. DragonDarkWolf: feel a power thow his body
  245. Zer0bandit: what!
  246. DragonDarkWolf: i feel some kind a magic going tho me
  247. Zer0bandit: I don't understand...
  248. DragonDarkWolf: u past me some ur power
  249. Zer0bandit: i-it's not possible!
  250. DragonDarkWolf: summin some power loww to will not go tho nighting
  251. DragonDarkWolf: boom!
  252. DragonDarkWolf: lil flash of light
  253. Zer0bandit: I- what's going on?
  254. DragonDarkWolf: babe i need sleep i been up all night
  255. DragonDarkWolf: and all the day
  256. Zer0bandit: oh, I see.
  257. DragonDarkWolf: give her some power
  258. DragonDarkWolf: let get some sleep
  259. Zer0bandit: You're such an enigmatic man.
  260. DragonDarkWolf: yes
  261. DragonDarkWolf: i about pass out
  262. DragonDarkWolf: ok
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