

May 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. if we should happen to die before we reach retirement age, the government just gobbles up all the money we put into SS, rendering all the time you were "working" for those benefits, essentially slavery hours, since you worked and your earnings were stolen. It has the compounding effect of giving the government a massive incentive to murder its own citizens. This was always the express purpose of SS, why else would they do it? Anyone could already go and open a savings account and plan for their own retirement. But the government had to compel this behavior by force and make it mandatory. Because there was always going to be a percentage of the population who die before they have a chance to collect. By forcing them to drop money into an account you can only use IF you reach a certain age, there would inevitably be people who spent a significant portion of their lives as slaves. Which, in turn, allows the elites at the top to continue being corrupt and pillaging the American economy without doing any actual work themselves and pitting identity groups against each other for amusement.
  3. I honestly don't understand why Leftists don't LOVE 1984. Sometimes you see them pretending to read it. But notice how none of them know how it ends? And they should!! Because at the end, they win.
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