
[RGRE][hiatus] Knightpony and ClericAnon (Title Pending)

Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. >"Eugh! A fly in my mouth! Disgusting!"
  2. >The stallion behind you gags and spits out a small fly.
  3. >Wasn't your fault that he'd been following you around with his mouth open.
  4. >"Can't we take a break? My legs are tired and my hooves are covered with blisters! Blisters, I say!"
  5. >The colt complains again.
  6. >You grunt.
  7. >You're Golden Crest, one of the finest swordsmares in all of Eque--
  8. >"Achoo! My, it's too cold! May we please get to shelter, posthaste?"
  9. >The colt sneezes and complains again.
  10. >As you were narrating in your head, you are one of the finest swordsmares in all of Equestria.
  11. >And if it weren't for your obligation to Queen Jewel VI and that Her Majesty had an awful habit of losing her son to dragonesses and necromancesses, you would be retired and at home with a faithful husband and two children.
  12. >Well, you would, if you had the time to court a stallion in the first place and wed him.
  13. >"Ugh. This is taking too long. I hope Mother has prepared me a banquet again for when I return."
  14. >The metal clanking with each step and the voice of the prince are the only audible noises you could hear as you walk through the dirt path.
  15. >The monotone and rhythmic sounds mixed with the white noise put you into a contemplative state.
  16. >The forest doesn't seem to look good this time of the year.
  17. >Full of dead trees and fog.
  18. >The occasional large spider.
  19. >Was that a shadow?
  20. >...
  21. >Nevermind, must have been your imagination.
  22. >...
  23. >Is there more to life?
  24. >Is this the most that life could give you?
  25. >This life is absolute garbage, then.
  26. >You'd wish you could just leave the prince alone to bandits.
  27. >His complaints and gripes could be enough to take care of the bandit problem.
  28. >Maybe it could even convince them to become productive members of society.
  29. >Faust knows that we need more farmers.
  30. >...
  31. >You wonder if that old man baker's son is still unwed.
  32. >You used to play with the colt before you were sent to study in Canterlot when you were younger.
  33. >He was pretty handsome, too.
  34. >...
  35. >"EEK! Bandits!"
  36. >The sudden shout of the prince brings you out of your trance.
  37. >Sure enough, there were bandits flanking the road.
  38. >They were in different sizes and shapes.
  39. >There were 3 Earthens, a Horned, a Winged, and a strange bug-like pony.
  40. >Each one of them holding different weapons in either their hoof or their mouth.
  41. >"Hey there. Why don't ya hoof over the little princeling and we'll let ya go. Don't worry, we'll treat him real nice. Ain't that right, girls?"
  42. >The bug-pony, apparently the bandit leader steps forward, brandishing a decorated dagger.
  43. >The bandits all laughed and leered at the prince.
  44. >They all took a few steps forward, readying their weapons.
  45. >The prince begins to shake beside you, his princely robes and garments rippling.
  46. >"H-Hey! D-Don't come near!"
  47. >"Come on, we don't wanna hurt ya. We're nice mares, after all."
  48. >A large Earthen grabs the prince's hoof and immediately you take your sword to smack the hoof away with the pommel.
  49. >The bandit leader is visibly ticked off.
  50. >"What the hell, mare! Just let us play with the princeling!"
  51. >You immediately coil into a stance.
  52. >The bandit leader laughs and tenses her body while still appearing quite ticked.
  53. >"Hah! The mare thinks she can fight, eh? Six versus one! Hah! Just how are ya getting out of this one? Not even the best fighter in all of Equestria can beat six decent mares on her own."
  54. >You grip the sword harder in your hoof.
  55. >It's true.
  56. >Six against one is impossible.
  57. >You look around you.
  58. >Bandits surround you and cover every angle to escape.
  59. >Fighting them all at once is suicidal.
  60. >You have to think of a way.
  61. >The prince taps you on your withers.
  62. >"M-Madam Knight... I-I don't want to get hurt..."
  63. >You gulp.
  64. >You're gonna need to stall a bit.
  65. "Just who are you, huh? Attacking colts out of nowhere?"
  66. >You catch the bandit leader off guard.
  67. >"Ain't it clear, ya idiot? We're bandits! That's what we do! That's it. I'm countin' to 5. You either give us the princeling or we hurt both of ya! One!"
  68. >This is bad.
  69. >You're greatly outnumbered and you've got a prince to protect.
  70. >"Two!"
  71. >Think! Think!
  72. >"Three!"
  73. >You haven't graduated at the top of your class in the Canterlot for nothing!
  74. >Damnit, all those classes mean nothing when you're outnumbered.
  75. >"Four!"
  76. >Oh Faust, you're an idiot. You should have realized this sooner.
  77. >You grab the prince close to you and whisper in his ear.
  78. "Run when I say. Alright? Good."
  79. >"W-What!? What kind of help is that?"
  80. >"Fiv--"
  81. >The bandit leader barely counted to five before you smack her snout with the flat of your blade.
  82. >She falls to the ground, clutching her snout.
  83. >Everypony winces and freezes at the sudden movement.
  84. >You quickly grab the prince and pull her outside of the circle of bandits.
  85. "Run! Run! Go!"
  86. >He makes a mad dash in the other way.
  87. >Taking this opportunity, you stomp on one of the bug-pony's hooves and gallop with all your might.
  88. >The bandits scramble around with their weapons and give chase.
  89. >"Ya ain't gonna get away with hurtin' our boss!"
  90. >"Damnit! Swift Gale, get her!"
  91. >You look back and see the Winged push herself to catch up.
  92. >She's holding a small iron club.
  93. >Judging by the creation, it was made for swift, blunt strikes.
  94. >You slow down to a halt, engaging the Winged.
  95. >The Winged swoops and attempts to attack, swinging the club above your head.
  96. >You duck and swat her out with your blade with all your force, sending her just a few feet away from a tree.
  97. >You continue to run away from the outlaws.
  98. >Trotreoria comes into view; you're almost at the bridge to the gates now.
  99. >"Fuck! They're almost there! Blinding Light!"
  100. >You glance back and see the Horned pony charging a bright light.
  101. >The rest of the bandits look away, but you're a second too late.
  102. >You're blinded and can't see anything.
  103. >You trip and tumble on the bridge, metal clanking as it meets stone.
  104. >"We got her! If we can't catch the princeling, then send the knight a message!"
  105. >Instantly you feel an intense pain in your right hind leg.
  106. >"Heh, that'll teach her! Girls, we gotta run!"
  107. >You hear the sound of hooves hitting dirt as the outlaws escape.
  108. >You scream in pain as you attempt to stand again.
  109. >It's no use; you take a few steps before you drop to the stone bridge.
  110. >You drag yourself to the other end of the bridge.
  111. >The gates were closed and not a single guard was on duty.
  112. >Damn undermared force.
  113. >You drag yourself forward again.
  114. >Dear Faust, the pain is making you tired.
  115. >As you slip between the state of consciousness and unconsciousness, you hear voices behind the gates.
  116. >"Gua--s! S---pony! H---!"
  117. >You decided to take a nap from all the pain.
  118. ---
  119. >Looks like you were going to die, after all.
  120. >So much for retiring after this last mission.
  121. >...
  122. >Elysium seems a lot less bright than you imagined.
  123. >Is this even Elysium?
  124. >...
  125. >You feel warmth all over your body, like a comforting wave in this otherwise cold and unfeeling Equestria.
  126. >You could hear muffled noises around you.
  127. >They sound a lot like a conversation between a mare and a stallion.
  128. >Was Faust and one of Her Angels conversing?
  129. >...
  130. >You try to move but a sharp pain shoots through your hind leg.
  131. >"Take it easy there. We managed to extract the arrow and treat your wound with honey, but you still need to remain in bed to let your wounds heal."
  132. >Was that a stallion?
  133. >You blink your eyes open and see a strange hooded bipedal creature covered in robes.
  134. >It looked like a cross between a Mino and a Dog.
  135. >Instantly, you worry and questions fill your mind.
  136. "Where's the prince? Where am I? Who are you? What are you?"
  137. >The biped remains calm and removes its hood.
  138. >You've seen nothing like it.
  139. >It had an indescribable face, like one of Faust's Angels.
  140. >It was a nice thing to look at, to say the least.
  141. >Smelled good, too.
  142. >"Keep calm. The prince is safe. He was the one who called attention to you. You're in the medical ward of the castle."
  143. >It had a slightly deep pitch somewhere between tenor and baritone, so it must be male.
  144. >You look at the clinic and find that you are indeed on a bed for the injured.
  145. "W-wait, so who and what are you?"
  146. >"I am Anonymous. I am one of the clerics serving in the medical ward under orders of the Church of Faust. I am formally one of the Solarists, a religious order of the Church of Faust."
  147. >The cadence of his voice certainly was pleasing and soothing.
  148. >Anonymous sits on a chair larger than you usually see.
  149. >Presumably made for his size.
  150. >You notice that his build was much like a Minotaur's.
  151. >He was much more lithe and graceful than that of a Minotaur's, however.
  152. >He also had one more finger to his hand, unlike the four fingers on a Minotaur.
  153. "I meant more along the lines of 'What race are you?'"
  154. >Anonymous remains silent before composing a reply.
  155. >"Honestly, I myself do not know. I only remember being raised by the Sisters and Mother Abbess of Anweopony. They told me that I was a child of the Elder Ones, and a special gift from Faust."
  156. >You listen intently.
  157. >Anonymous gazes at the high ceiling blankly, probably contemplating on whatever.
  158. >A few moments of silence and boredom pass.
  159. "I-I'm Golden Crest, by the way."
  160. >Anonymous nods.
  161. >"Yes, I am aware. The Queen told me when she had brought you in for treatment. I must go, now. I am to be summoned at the Queen's court in a few moments from now."
  162. >Anonymous rises from his chair and walks out.
  163. >You inspect the room once more.
  164. >Various instruments and bottles of differing healing concoctions fill the room.
  165. >Beside you is a drawer with three books beside you.
  166. >'Getting Closer To Faust', 'Restoration Magic 101', and a diary.
  167. >Must be Anonymous' diary.
  168. >It was worn and the pages were yellow.
  169. >...
  170. >If that was his diary, then this must have been his room used as a clinic.
  171. >Those experiments must have been his personal work, then.
  172. >What a strange colt.
  173. >You wonder what secrets Anonymous might hide.
  174. >The diary taunts you from just out of your reach.
  175. >If you could take a quick look and put it back, none would be the wiser.
  176. >...
  177. >No, you shouldn't.
  178. >...But maybe just a peek.
  179. >You shift to reach for the diary, only for the pain in your leg to shoot up again.
  180. >You grit your teeth and ease back into the bed.
  181. >Maybe falling asleep wouldn't be so bad.
  182. ---
  183. >It's been a couple of weeks since you have been bandaged by Anonymous.
  184. >Your leg is beginning to be usable without much pain.
  185. >*knock* *knock*
  186. >"Hello?"
  187. >You quickly arise to the sound of knocking at the door.
  188. >You feel your injured leg and move it a bit.
  189. >It's relatively less painful than before.
  190. >It must be from Anonymous' treatment.
  191. >You have to thank the... Mino? Dog? Thing? Thing. Later.
  192. >*knock* *knock*
  193. >The knocking at the door repeats.
  194. >"Anonymous?"
  195. >It's the sound of somepony at the door.
  196. >You rise from the bed and grab for a crutch that was leaning on the wall.
  197. >"H-Hello? Anypony?"
  198. >Holding the crutch steady with your hoof, you slowly shuffle to the door.
  199. >You open the door and find a young Winged mare a foot shorter than you.
  200. >She had a satchel at her side, filled to the brim and bulging with letters and scrolls.
  201. >Is she a scribe?
  202. >"I swear that this is--oh! I-I didn't know Brother Anonymous had somepony here."
  203. >You raise an eyebrow at the young mare.
  204. >Was this not a clinic that Anonymous uses to treat the ill and injured?
  205. >Nevermind; this is not important.
  206. >What's more important now is the business this mare has here.
  207. >Noticing your gaze, the mare scratches behind her head in embarrassment.
  208. >"Apologies. Did not expect somepony here. I am Private Message. Messenger around the queendom. I usually help around with Brother Anonymous' letters. Y'know, sending messages to the convent, and other churchly things. You know, some ponies actually say that he's an airhead, y'know. All rumors though."
  209. >Private Message shifts a bit around before straightening up.
  210. >"Oh, I remembered! Umm..."
  211. >She fumbles around for a letter in her bag before fishing out an indistinct rolled up scroll.
  212. >"Here's for Anonymous. It's a letter from the Queendom of Bovinia."
  213. "Bovinia? What would a cleric have to do with them?"
  214. >Eyebrows furrowed, you stare at the rolled up message.
  215. >"I'm not permitted to know the details. Integrity, and all that. I have to leave, now. You'll not earn much as I do lollygaggying!"
  216. >She hooves you the scroll and dashes away.
  217. >Searching for any more guests, you close the door.
  218. >You inspect the wax seal on the scroll.
  219. >The letter appears to bear a crest flanked by horns and hammers.
  220. >There's no doubt to it.
  221. >It's the royal seal belonging to the Queendom of Bovinia, home to smiths and warrior Minotauresses.
  222. >What in Tartarus does the Queen of Bovinia want from Anonymous?
  223. >...
  224. >You must know.
  225. >No. It isn't very honorable of a mare like you to bear witness to the secrets of a stallion.
  226. >Still, you feel like you must know.
  227. >Tartarus, it's maddening to want to know more about the strange creature Anonymous.
  228. >The diary, the scroll, both hiding secrets of how Anonymous thinks and what his intentions might be for somepon--thing as peculiar as he.
  229. >You glance behind you to check if there was anypony spying on your immoral deed.
  230. >You try to lift the Bovinian seal holding whatever information that Anonymous is hiding from everypony else.
  231. >The seal heats up to a burning temperature as you attempt to pry it open, and you drop the message.
  232. >Curses. Of course they would magically seal it.
  233. >You nurse your burned hoof and pick up the scroll, grumbling to yourself.
  234. >The fact that it was magically sealed makes it even more suspicious.
  235. >An unknown creature of this land parleying with a different queendom.
  236. >You sigh and set down the scroll on one of the counters of vials that Anonymous had.
  237. >This isn't right.
  238. >A cleric mustn't keep many secrets.
  239. >...
  240. >Shaking your head, you dispel those thoughts and climb onto the bed to rest.
  241. >You attempt to close your eyes and try to nap.
  242. >...
  243. >You shift once to get more comfortable.
  244. >...
  245. >You shift again.
  246. >...
  247. >You grunt in frustration and quickly sit up.
  248. >You have to know what secrets Anonymous must be keeping.
  249. >Rising from the bed, you grab the crutch and take a slow step to the counter keeping the scroll intact and clean from your hooves.
  250. >Before you could get anywhere near, the door opens and a guardspony stands at the door.
  251. >The unfeeling eyes of the guardsmare scans you from top to bottom before resuming to proper position.
  252. >"You are Madam knight Golden Crest, correct? Patient to Brother Anonymous?"
  253. >You nod.
  254. >"The Queen summons you. She wishes to see you within 20 minutes. She requests that she sees you at the great chamber."
  255. "Yes. I will be there punctually."
  256. >The guardspony nods and looks away.
  257. >"I would recommend you change into a more...presentable outfit for Her Highness."
  258. >She marches off.
  259. >You check yourself at the mirror and find yourself still wearing the dirty tunic from a few weeks ago.
  260. >It is covered with the dirt that found its way through the chinks in your armor.
  261. >Sweat stained the torso, tears run from the seams, a patched hole seems to be coming off.
  262. >Wasn't a very pretty sight.
  263. >Taking a spare shirt, you change from your grimy vestments to a cleaner, lighter set.
  264. >You leave the room, grabbing the crutch.
  265. ---
  266. >The guardsmares see you and salute.
  267. >"Good day, Golden Crest. The Queen is in the chambers."
  268. >You return the salute and the guards allow you in.
  269. >"Ah, you are here, Madam Golden Crest."
  270. >The Queen notices your arrival from the medical ward.
  271. >"Please do sit with me."
  272. >You take a seat at the other end of the table.
  273. >The servants set the utensils and platings in front of you, almost instantly, as they use their magic.
  274. >The Queen quietly clears her throat and speaks.
  275. >"I would like to thank you once more, for saving my son. I really must tighten security more often."
  276. "'Tis nothing, milady. Anything for the heir to the throne. I would sacrifice my life for the least of the Crown's demands."
  277. >It was a lie and you know it.
  278. >You'd sooner run away and live peacefully with a family without having to worry about the dangers of knighthood.
  279. >It wasn't a realistic alternative, however.
  280. >The Queen looks away; she knows.
  281. >"Yes, yes. I understand that you do desire respite and reprieve for all that you have done. I apologize, but I must be direct."
  282. >Oh Faust, another mission.
  283. >The Queen senses your misery and disappointment and sighs.
  284. >"There is much chao outside and inside of Trotreoria. The people speak of a forest nearby called Hollow Woods. They say that mares and stallions alike have been drawn to Hollow Woods late at the middle of the night. Strange things have happened."
  285. >This is interesting.
  286. "Yes... and?"
  287. >"That is about as much of what is confirmed. Some say that they return with their eyes glowing in unnatural colors. Others say that mares return acting like colts, and colts--mares. Our mares have reported their comrades returning broken, a shell of their former self. This is much too harmful to consider as a myth."
  288. >This is certainly strange.
  289. >But you're not an idiot.
  290. >It's a death wish.
  291. >A suicide mission.
  292. "Your Highness. If I may. You don't plan on sending me there to investigate it myself, do you?"
  293. >The Queen looks down at her food, intending to move the vegetables around.
  294. >"As I have said, I apologize. You are the most competent knight in our force, but I am not foolish. You will be working with a group."
  295. >A group?
  296. >"Please. Dine first, then we shall speak further. You must be hungry from the little rations that you have been served. I myself must finish eating."
  297. ---
  298. >You follow the Queen into the barracks.
  299. >"As I have said, you will not venture alone into Hollow Woods."
  300. >The Queen stops at the door to the war room, where the general and her mares plan for any invasion.
  301. >"I have tasked a band of adventurers to assist you on your trial. Do understand that they do not have as much knowledge and experience of the battlefield as you do."
  302. >The war room was full of noise, even from outside.
  303. >The Queen opens the door and pushes you in.
  304. >"General Cutter shall brief you all on the introductions."
  305. >All noise inside dies out as the group of young fighters eye you up and down.
  306. >You hear murmurs and comments passed around within the group.
  307. >General Cutter clears her throat and the asides stop.
  308. >"Mares, this is Madam knight Golden Crest. I expect that all of you respect her, as she is the one with most first-hoof knowledge of the field and will be your leader."
  309. >You wince.
  310. >Leader?
  311. >You may have graduated at the top of your class from the Canterlot Military School, but you never expected to lead.
  312. >You discarded most of that knowledge when you started taking missions solo.
  313. >How in Tartarus are you going to lead these?
  314. >"Golden Crest, here are the individuals."
  315. >A small, thin Earthen mare in a tunic takes a step forward.
  316. >Her fur was a light shade of gray, and her short mane was a muddy brown.
  317. >Her soft golden-brown eyes looked everywhere else but you.
  318. >"This is Pummel Rock, squire of Hard Pavise. You remember Hard Pavise, don't ya? Of course you do. Pummel Rock's the most stubborn little mare I've seen in this group, not even the worst of Faust can take her down. Got a point you want held? Need something covered? Call on lil' Pummy here."
  319. >Pummel Rock nods and steps back.
  320. >She's supposed to defend you?
  321. >This mare's so small you could trip her and send her to the medical ward.
  322. >General Cutter laughs.
  323. >"I know what you're thinking. She's small, but when you see her in her armor though..."
  324. >She laughs again.
  325. >You understood what she was going to say.
  326. >Next, a lithe, Winged stallion wearing padded armor steps forward.
  327. >He had a light-purple coat and a dark gray mane.
  328. >"Now, now. I know you hate working with crazy colts, but listen to me. He calls himself Liquid Serpent. I call him Lick. He's the designated thief, spy, ranger, whatever ya call it. He's fantastic utility and can get most things from a guarded safe without much trouble. Obsessed with these small crossbows that fit in your hooves. He can spin 'em. He'll be able to take a few blows before he'll need healing."
  329. >The stallion eyes you with those lavender eyes then curtsies and steps back.
  330. >"We've also got this girl right here. I'm not sure if it's 'cause of all the time she spends alone, but she's pretty... uh... eccentric. Her name's Thaumator Gee."
  331. >An electric-blue-maned Horned covered in robes steps forward.
  332. >Her coat was a peach yellow, and her eyes glowed a light orange.
  333. >"We just call her Thaum, or TG for short. Despite how she always blabbers on about her 'Magical Realm' or whatever name in Tartarus she thinks of, she's actually a decent magus. She'll freeze anypony ya need. She's a bit weak though, so you're gonna need to let Pummy take the hits."
  334. >Thaum slides on his hood and slinks to a corner.
  335. >"We have a fourth one. Ain't from this group of fighters though. He's a strange one, actua--"
  336. >The door to the war room slams open.
  337. >In the doorway was a panting Anonymous, the cleric who bandaged you up and helped you recover.
  338. >"I apologize, but... I was going to get Golden... Crest her new sword delivered from Bovinia but... I had to get it myself at the gates because... it was late..."
  339. >Anonymous nearly collapses, a fine sword clanking to the ground.
  340. >He did this for me?
  341. >But, the suspicious letter...
  342. >"Good job, Anonymous. Sorry, but it was supposed to be a surprise. We got you a brand new sword, Golden. Straight from the Queen of Bovinia's smiths."
  343. >General Cutter picks up the sword and you pick up Anonymous.
  344. >"I... I ran all the way here. Than...Thanks."
  345. >General Cutter interrupts you.
  346. >"This here is Anonymous, but I don't think you need introductions."
  347. >She turns to the rest.
  348. >"Alright, squirts. You all might be a bit more fresh than Golden, but she's got a lot more experience. I'm trustin' you all to be back with a report on Hollow Woods. That clear?"
  349. >The group salutes and files out, leaving you, Cutter and Anonymous.
  350. >"Seems like I've got a lot in my hands, huh?"
  351. >Anonymous scratches his head.
  352. >Cutter grunts an agreement and sends you two off.
  353. ---
  354. >Staring at the door to the war room, you sigh and take a step back.
  355. >Sending Golden Crest off to Hollow Woods was definitely a bad idea.
  356. >Not a single mare has returned without something wrong happening.
  357. >Some of your subjects have not even been reported as being seen.
  358. >You are after all the Queen, and your responsibility is to take care of every single individual underneath your hoof.
  359. >You face the exit and slowly walk.
  360. >Golden Crest was supposed to retire a week later, after all.
  361. >It didn't seem so right sending her off on a dangerous journey before she retires.
  362. >But you trust her.
  363. >You've seen what she's done before.
  364. >She isn't one of the best swordsmares of your realm without such feats of ability and skill.
  365. >"Mother, what are you doing here?"
  366. >Your son breaks you out of your reflection.
  367. "Might I ask you the same, Emblem?"
  368. >Your son scrunches up and releases before narrowing his eyes.
  369. >"Mother, you are at the courtyard. Madam Hard Pavise has summoned me here for my regular training."
  370. >You look around yourself and flinch a bit.
  371. >By Faust, he's right.
  372. >"Mother, is it about the knight that saved me? Golden Crest, am I correct? What about her bothers you so, Mother?"
  373. >You nod and look away.
  374. "I am worried. The fire in the heart and soul of Golden Crest is dead. She no longer shares the same passion for glory and righteousness that she once had."
  375. >Emblem stares.
  376. >"Were you and Crest once sisters-in-arms, Mother?"
  377. >Chuckling, you smile and stare away.
  378. >It was much too long since you and Crest once fought together.
  379. "Of course, my foal. Long ago, we were the closest of partners. I was the crown princess to the throne when I studied in Canterlot with Crest. Do you remember why I had to?"
  380. >Emblem did not waste time before answering.
  381. >"Grandmother was busy with the war against your aunt to personally teach you. I know."
  382. "Yes, yes. I was never close with mother nor aunt. Your grandmother had to send me to Canterlot where I trained instead of being taught by her. There I met Golden Crest. She held a fire to one day fight under the Queen and for Faust. She wasn't content with staying in the same conditions. She always had to best herself and explore."
  383. >You swallow a bit and face your son.
  384. "She was ecstatic to learn that she would be able to spar and train with me. I was a stallionizer and she remained a swordsmare fit for the tales I read you to sleep. This remained for most of our tenure as soldiers and knights. When we graduated and I claimed the throne, she swore her loyalty to me."
  385. >"Then why does he not share the same passion as he used to?"
  386. "Your Father was married to me. I had you. I spent less time sparring and honing my skills as a swordsmare, resulting in an unpolished sword hoof. Because of that, I nearly caused Crest to die in one of her missions clearing a coven of elite witchponies. She spent months contemplating more about herself rather than the queendom."
  387. >Emblem looked down and scratched the ground.
  388. "She began to lose the love for serving the queendom and began thinking about what was in it for her. She couldn't quit because she was bound to me. We agreed that she would be allowed some more years before retiring. It was painfully ironic for me to send her on a suicide mission before her retirement."
  389. >Very painfully ironic.
  390. >What you told her wasn't exactly the whole truth to the story.
  391. >Hopefully you could keep the rest of the story to yourself.
  392. >Taking a sharp breath, you hope to Faust that you were right about sending her to take care of Hollow Woods.
  393. >You watch the pillars of the courtyard, hoping that the torches they hold somehow bear any of the fire left in Golden Crest.
  394. ---
  395. >The trek to Hollow Woods was just about as painful as one could imagine.
  396. >You are Golden Crest, one of the greatest swordsmare--you've repeated this already.
  397. >Once famed and respected, you were now reduced to a foalsitter to three foals in grown ponies' bodies.
  398. >Instead of peace and quiet contemplation, you got these squirts.
  399. >That Thaum mare kept on bothering Lick.
  400. >Something about impressing him with her cryomancy and about her tightness or something.
  401. >Lick promptly shaved a few inches off of Thaum's tuft to intimidate her.
  402. >What in Faust's name?
  403. >After getting Thaum off of him, Lick decided it was a good idea to climb Pummel's huge armor to establish his rank.
  404. >It was madness having these foals in pony bodies as your group.
  405. >You've had enough of the shenanigans of these fresh adventurers.
  406. >They all shared the common trait of being highly obnoxious.
  407. >Every few miles somepony had to take a break to readjust their saddles or to rest their hooves.
  408. >Not you, though.
  409. >You kept watch while Anonymous tended to the equipment.
  410. >Speaking of the thing, he was trailing far behind, keeping an eye out for anything.
  411. >Anonymous was starting to take labored breaths and slowing down.
  412. >You motion to the group to take a break and rest at a stump.
  413. >Anonymous takes a seat and you approach him.
  414. "How are you doing? Do you see anything suspicious?"
  415. >Anonymous shakes his head and reaches for his canteen stuck to his belt.
  416. >"Nothing."
  417. >Anonymous takes a sip of water.
  418. >"Sorry. Not very used to a lot of exercise and hiking."
  419. >You feel sorry for the Mino-thing.
  420. >The rest of the party was trained to endure this but Anonymous was only ever trained in holy arts.
  421. >He'd barely stand a fight and live.
  422. >You frown and look at him.
  423. >Anonymous sees your pitying face and immediately stands.
  424. >"D-Don't worry about me. I can still go. I'm only getting started!"
  425. >He nearly topples over before regaining balance.
  426. "Be careful, there. I don't want any of the group getting hurt. I already have a leg still healing."
  427. >Anonymous wobbles a bit then exhales.
  428. >"So much for the professional, stoic Anonymous. Now you know that I'm not good at keeping up a serious face."
  429. >He grabs his staff and bag then stretches.
  430. >"But, I can fight, you know! The sisters from the convent were I was raised taught me a little bit of self-defence!"
  431. >Anonymous strikes an unintimidating fighting stance.
  432. "You're a stallion--a male, you know. You shouldn't be fighting, even if you were trained a little. I couldn't deal with somepo--someone like you having to deal with getting hurt. Please."
  433. >Anonymous frowns and huffs, walking away.
  434. >You sigh and turn to the rest of the group, whose dumb antics never seem to end.
  435. >Lick and Thaum are being chased around by Pummel, who seems to be surprisingly agile despite wearing the mountainous armor.
  436. >You couldn't help but sigh.
  437. >They reminded you of when Jewel and you were still young.
  438. >And Anonymous kind of reminded you of...
  439. >Do you even remember what he reminded you of?
  440. >Do you even remember what Jewel was like when she was younger?
  441. >Strange, you swore you could remember some of your earlier memories.
  442. >...
  443. >What happened after swearing loyalty to Jewel?
  444. >"Crest!"
  445. >What was that!?
  446. >*snap!*
  447. >"Oh Faust!"
  448. >You jerk your head to the sound of the noise.
  449. >"Boss! H-Help!"
  450. >It's those bandits from before!
  451. >Their leader is still as menacing and pissed off as ever.
  452. >"Hey, knight! Looky 'ere! We've got a present!"
  453. >You quickly look to where the bug-pony was.
  454. >*bang!*
  455. >Fuck, fuck!
  456. >Not again!
  457. >You grasp for your sword in your hoof and swing wildly.
  458. >The sword gets caught and you get a solid blow to your breast.
  459. >Alright. This isn't working.
  460. >Clear your head; think first.
  461. >Your mares where definitely to your left and behind you when the bug-pony called you.
  462. >The flash was from the front, and Anonymous was--
  463. >*crack!*
  464. >A hoof crashes on your face.
  465. >"H--a-a! S- t-is -s th- f-n-st s--rd-m--e -f th- Qu-e-!"
  466. >Your blood boils as you just barely swipe at the wind and the bug-pony mocks you.
  467. >"C-me -n!"
  468. >Another wave in a vain attempt to slash at the bug-pony.
  469. >Another hoof slaps you with precision.
  470. >It comes down straight to your face, throwing you off the ground.
  471. >The bug-pony laughs again; each syllable stoking the fires of your anger.
  472. >Each noise accenting your embarrassment of a fighter.
  473. >The party looked up to you and you failed them on the first skirmish.
  474. >"Sh-meful ef--rt, ma-am kn---t!"
  475. >The bug-pony stomps on your sword-hoof and spits on you.
  476. >You saw white, not because of the flash, but because you succumbed to your rage.
  477. >You couldn't control yourself.
  478. >You began swiping and slashing and cutting everywhere and in every direction, occasionally making contact with flesh.
  479. >Metal slashes do cause a few cuts, but you barely felt it.
  480. >It didn't matter anymore, anyways.
  481. >It wasn't about of finding the leader anymore, but taking out every droplet of your fury through your blade.
  482. >Hot tears of your wrath leaked through your lids snapped shut.
  483. >The metallic scent of blood mixed with the earthy smell of dirt.
  484. >It was short and quick, yet the moment felt like an eternity.
  485. >Every second tearing at you and slowing you down.
  486. >Every heartbeat pumping you with sense and reality of your actions.
  487. >Soon, the strength in your hooves give out and you could barely lift yourself and you crumple to the floor.
  488. ---
  489. >Huddled over a small cot in a tent, you are cleaning Golden Crest's wounds and body.
  490. "Another clean rag, please, Pummel."
  491. >"Yessir, Anonymous."
  492. >Pummel moves over from your bag a piece of cloth.
  493. >You apply a solution on the rag before cleaning the cuts on Golden Crest.
  494. >The way that she acted, though.
  495. >Out of the boundaries of a pony snapping.
  496. >It was certainly the mark of a rage spell.
  497. >She never recognized the signs until she fainted from the stress of the spell.
  498. >The sudden switch in mood, the sudden increase of strength and speed, ignoring the wounds.
  499. >This worries you more than it should.
  500. >The side effects of a rage spell should subside given enough time away from stress, but the team couldn't afford staying a few more days.
  501. >Also, the Horned pony at the sight shouldn't have been able to cast a rage spell so quickly after casting a flash spell.
  502. >...
  503. >Is it because the group's near Hollowed Woods already?
  504. >You must write it down in your journal.
  505. ---
  506. >Once more, you were on the trail to Hollowed Woods.
  507. >As the woods approach, the trees begin to act differently
  508. >Some completely lose color, turning monochrome, while others overloaded with color, causing the group to cast their eyes elsewhere.
  509. >Some trees bent in a loop, other trees grew inside-out.
  510. >A strange fog became more apparent once the group reached the entrance of Hollowed Woods.
  511. >A chill runs through your bones.
  512. >"Y-You felt that, right, ma'am?"
  513. >Thaum shifts uncomfortably.
  514. >Golden Crest nods and stares back at the entrance.
  515. >She glances to her sides, her eyes narrowing in distrust.
  516. >Facing Lick, she motions to you.
  517. >"Lick, you guard Anonymous here. I'm trusting you with his safety."
  518. >Lick affirmatively nods and flanks you, a few feet from contact.
  519. >She turns to the rest.
  520. >"Mares, we're going to Hollowed Woods. We might not be able to leave unscathed, but that's just fine. I've been through worse. You'll go through worse."
  521. >Golden Crest looks at you and coughs.
  522. >Lick blinks.
  523. >"You, uh, stay here. It's not safe."
  524. >She turns away and waves for the mares to start walking.
  525. >Wait, what?
  526. >You have to go, too!
  527. "Hold on, I have to go Hollowed Woods too!"
  528. >You stamp your staff to the ground, your robes swishing along the motion of your arms.
  529. >She lifts her head and continues.
  530. >You growl and push Lick away from you.
  531. "Come on!"
  532. >Golden Crest halts for a moment.
  533. >She turns towards you, a hint of worry in her eyes.
  534. >Just as quick as it appeared, the worry was replaced with bitterness.
  535. >The group stares at Golden and in turn she looks at the others.
  536. >"No."
  537. >She turns and marches to the entrance.
  538. >That's not fair!
  539. >You stride and hold Golden Crest.
  540. >"What are you doing?"
  541. "Let me go with you."
  542. >"You can't, and that's final."
  543. >She narrows her eyes in anger.
  544. "Why can't I go?"
  545. >"You're a stal--male. I don't want to see males get hurt. Stay. Here."
  546. "Lick's a male!"
  547. >Golden snaps.
  548. >"He can take care of himself! He's trained! What are you even trained in? Healing scratches and cleaning spirits? You're barely any more fit to battle than a master! Why do you even need to go to Hollowed Woods, anyway?"
  549. >Every single member fell silent.
  550. >"Do you know what our mares have reported to happen? Do you? I'll tell you. Some mares haven't been sighted in nearly two months since news of the Hollowed Woods started appearing. Some returned insane. Others without a limb and disfigured. I want to keep you safe."
  551. "Why?"
  552. >She stares and blinks.
  553. >"I don't know and I don't care. I don't need a reason to defend others. Is that enough for you?"
  554. >Her eyes stare off at nowhere before settling on you again.
  555. >"Stay here."
  556. >Golden turns to the rest of the group.
  557. >"We have to go."
  558. >They exchanged glances of reluctance and trail her.
  559. >Pummel looks at you before following suit.
  560. ---
  561. >"Hey, Ma'am? You don't think that was a bit unnecessary, snapping at Anonymous?"
  562. >Thaum nudges you, approaching from the back.
  563. >You bite your lip and close your eyes.
  564. "I didn't want to."
  565. >The fog grows thicker.
  566. "I really didn't want to."
  567. >Thaum brings out a dark orange crystal before focusing some magic into it, dissipating the fog.
  568. >"Then why'd you do it? You knew that Anonymous was a bit childish."
  569. "You don't need a reason to protect people. If Anonymous was here, he'd be dead on our first skirmish."
  570. >The trees and roots seem to end here.
  571. >Just an empty, circular area of grass.
  572. >It seems that you and the group have reached a clearing.
  573. >It didn't seem very strange, save for a crystal embedded into the ground.
  574. >The crystal glowed a dark indigo within, the deep glow occasionally pulsating.
  575. >It was alluring, like a dark mystical beauty.
  576. >T̴o̵u҉c͟h҉ it̛.̵
  577. >What was that?
  578. >҉̧̧͢T̡͢ó̷͝ù̕͘c̴̡̀h̛́͘̕ ̸̧͢͠ì͝t̵҉̸.͟҉
  579. >What's that voice?
  580. >You hear an unbearable, screeching noise.
  583. >̴̗̰̙̙ͯ͑͛͒ͣ͒̃̌͗͛ͦ͊̒̑̊̉̊͟T̰̪̘̗̬͗͊ͮ͊ͯ͂̋ͩͫ̑ͨ͘͝ͅÒ̢͒̑̏ͩ͒̅ͬ͋̐̂̓̈́̆̽ͫ̈́̈͏͖͓̬̬͚̲͝U͌̆̋̋ͭ̅̐҉̷̢̱̫̭͙̠̜̠͉̱͞ͅC̷̗̠̱̣̱̥͍̬̤͖̺͍̝̹̙͗̽͌ͩͦ̈̓ͬ̂̀́́͐̄ͨ̕ͅͅH̡̹̬̼̥͓̣͕̣̻͖͋̓̉ͤ͗̈́͢͜ ͨ̈̀͒ͩ̽̀͏̡̘̯̠̟̝̹̥͍I̢͎̰̜ͥ͑͆͋͆̾́̉̆̈͂͌ͫ́̚̚͘Ṯ̵̪̯̜̤̳̦̝̗̹̥͓̮̦̪̮̭ͣͬͨͮ̊̆̃̀͜ͅͅ
  586. ≯̡͚̤͙̯̗͔̞̠͍̘̥̻͉̋ͣ̅̌̏̿̋ͦ̔̔͝͠ͅE̴͔͔̫̘̟̣̗̳̪͎̮̣̫̪̅̇̆ͥ̅̈́ͪͭ͛̓ͨ̃̈͂̔͝E̵̴̖̻͉̲̜̻͖̰̞͇̞̱̩͓̿ͩ̅ͯ͌̉̈́̓̇ͨ͌ͧ̄̚Ḛ̷̷̴̡̣̩͕̱͍̟̥̹̓ͮͫͤ̿͐̆̚͟E̵̴̷͓̳̱͔͈̥̻̤̙̰̦̭̦ͬ͛̄͒̾̔Ȩ̷̫̙̦̮͍̰̬̫̞̼̖͋ͤ̎̓ͥ̀̿Ȇ̫͚̗̯̦͈̭̱̈́̀̄ͩ̈ͦͮͦͭͭ͜Ȩ̺̱͓͉̭̹̤̻͈̎ͪ̆̃̎͂ͥͤ̉̂͌͆ͯ̆̈ͮ͘̕͢͡ͅ
  589. >"Ma'am!"
  590. >You blink your eyes open.
  591. >A sharp pain runs through your front hooves.
  592. >Pummel and Thaum are holding you with fearful eyes.
  593. >The crystal was gone.
  594. >We weren't at a clearing anymore.
  595. "W-What happened to the crystal?"
  596. >They switch glances and look at you again.
  597. >"Ma'am, what crystal?"
  598. >Did they not see the crystal?
  599. "A-And the clearing?"
  600. >Thaum looks worried.
  601. >"Ma'am, we've only gone so far as fifty hooves. There wouldn't be a clearing for a while."
  602. >By Faust, this is bad.
  603. >You gulp and push them away.
  604. "Nevermind that. We forge on through."
  605. >You wave your hoof for them to follow you.
  606. >They don't follow you.
  607. "Come on, mares."
  608. >They stay put.
  609. >"Are you sure? Just a while ago you were spacing out, Ma'am. Just before you stopped, you began shaking."
  610. >Pummel looks at her hooves.
  611. >"We... We don't have to continue, do we, Madam?"
  612. >You scowl at Pummel and Thaum.
  613. >"A-Alright, Ma'am."
  614. >They straighten up and follow you through the forest.
  615. ---
  616. >You kick some dirt and huff.
  617. >Waiting for Golden Crest was painful.
  618. >Every minute felt like an hour.
  619. >Lick stayed unmoving at your side, as if the stallion was fashioned out of stone.
  620. >You poke Lick and he does not flinch.
  621. >This is torture.
  622. "Can't I step inside, just a little bit?"
  623. >Lick shakes his head and scowls at you.
  624. >You throw back your head in boredom.
  625. >...
  626. >What's taking Goldie so long?
  627. >By now she should be back.
  628. >It's getting dark now.
  629. >Should you use your flare?
  630. >Hmm... Nah.
  631. >...
  632. >What time is it now?
  633. >You've spent so much time doing absolutely nothing that it could be recorded as an immeasurable feat only you could have done.
  634. >Just end this life now, Faust. Anything could be better than this boredom.
  635. >...
  636. >What games could you play? Oh, what games could be played?
  637. >Hoofrock-Hoofpaper-Hoofscissors?
  638. >You attempt playing Hoofrock-Hoofpaper-Hoofscissors with yourself.
  639. >Unfortunately you didn't have hooves, since you were Anonymous.
  640. >Anonymous, the only of your kind, destined to wait here.
  641. >Destined to die of boredom.
  642. >...
  643. >You tap your feet to a rhythm known only to you.
  644. >Created just a second ago, your rhythm fills your head and urges you to move.
  645. >With the rhythm, just the perfect tune writes itself into your head.
  646. >"Don't do that."
  647. >A hoof on your shoulder stops you in your tracks
  648. >Lick grumbles and stops you from bursting into song.
  649. "Jerk."
  650. >You pout and huff.
  651. >Lick is unmoving.
  652. >You cross your arms and turn away from him.
  653. >Stupid idiot.
  654. ---
  655. >This must be the sixth time that we've came across this exact same stump.
  656. >Faust be damned. This forest is driving you mad.
  657. >You stomp your hoof and kick the dirt.
  658. "Damned woods. Damned place."
  659. >You pick up a stone and hurl it at a tree.
  660. >It bounces off the tree with an indent.
  661. >You growl.
  662. >"Ma'am?"
  663. >You turn to Thaum and scowl.
  664. "What is it? Is it important?"
  665. >Thaum flinches in intimidation and looks around, avoiding your gaze.
  666. >"N-Nothing."
  667. >She scratches the back of her head with her hoof and looks away.
  668. >The three of you return to the path.
  669. >You turn right.
  670. >Left.
  671. >Right.
  672. >The damned stump again.
  673. >The Faust damned stump again!
  674. >You growl and smack a tree with your hooves.
  675. >"Ma'am?"
  676. >Stomping your hoof, you fuss and kick.
  677. >"M-Madam?"
  678. >You unsheathe your sword and whack the stump in anger.
  679. >The stump gives slightly and shakes.
  680. >The top crumbles and inside is a...
  681. >"What's inside?"
  682. >Everypony peers inside to see a doll of a hooded pony.
  683. "It's... It's a doll."
  684. >The doll was grayish brown and looked like it had a rough texture.
  685. >You were sure that the doll was made from the same fabrics that potato sacks are made from.
  686. >You're unsure if you want to touch it.
  687. >"It's not much, is it, Ma'am?"
  688. >You pick up the doll and the sound of a glass shattering echoes throughout the woods.
  689. >Your hoof recoils in instinct to pain as it bleeds slightly from what looks like a small paper cut.
  690. >"why did you touch my doll"
  691. >A small colt's voice emits through the small burlap pony.
  692. >This isn't good.
  693. >You grab your sword again.
  694. >The woods fades into an eerie black and white, almost fittingly.
  695. >"Madam, do you see this!?"
  696. >Pummel assumes a fighting stance.
  697. >The trees stretch upwards, looking more like iron bars and teeth looking to take a bite.
  698. >Everything seems to stretch and warp in a non-Hooveclidean sort of way.
  699. >It's that damn doll's fault!
  700. >You grab the doll and it shakes violently.
  701. >Its plush limbs flails in every direction, whipping and pulling from everywhere.
  702. >A scream rattles your bones as the doll thrashes and jerks.
  703. >"give me back my doll please"
  704. >The voice rumbles out from nowhere but you could feel it vibrating your bones.
  705. >A pull from the doll breaks it free from your grasp.
  706. >"please don't take my doll"
  707. >The small plush pony floats itself to the middle of the group.
  708. >Its button eyes glow with menacing blue light.
  709. >A whirlwind spins the trees and the air whips and tears through anything with vicious force.
  710. >The whirlwind scrapes and scratches at the metal lining in your armor.
  711. >"leave now leave now leave now"
  712. >The voice remains a bone-chilling monotone.
  713. >Your armor tears and your fur rips from your skin, stinging horribly.
  714. >Pummel struggles and faces you.
  715. >"Madam! We must heed its advice! We have to leave Hollowed Woods! It's too dangerous, even for you, Madam! Madam, this isn't good!"
  716. >You grit your teeth and sheath your sword.
  717. "Mares, stand your ground! We're not leaving!"
  718. >You dig your hooves into the ground.
  719. >You could barely move a bit.
  720. >The whirlwind is forcing you back and pushing you down.
  721. >Thaum attempts casting but the magic fizzles and wears out.
  722. >"Dammit! Ma'am, we have to flee! Even my magic can't get through!"
  723. >A low growl comes from your throat.
  724. >You aren't going to flee from any fight.
  725. >You'd rather die than be branded a coward.
  726. "I said, we're not leavi--"
  727. >"PURIFY! DISPEL!"
  728. >A voice comes from behind you and the wind stops.
  729. >All movement from the trees end.
  730. >The burlap doll falls silently to the ground.
  731. >"Scan."
  732. "We could have handled that, you know."
  733. >You grumble.
  734. >"Yeah, right."
  735. >You turn to look behind you and you see Anonymous standing, holding his staff.
  736. >He was angry, alright.
  737. >"You said you had this taken care of! I come to check on you, and I see you three nearly killed! Mares and their dumb pride! If I were here, I would have checked the doll with a spell first, then dispelled any spirits!"
  738. >You hear Anonymous groaning.
  739. "And what about you, huh!? I told you to stay back with Lick! Where is he, anyways!?"
  740. >"That-That's not important right now! I have to go with you! Who knows what will happen?"
  741. >Anonymous stamps his staff on the ground and stands firmly.
  742. "Not in Tartarus! Let me get this in your no-good stallion head! I don't want you hurt! Now go back and let us finish the quest."
  743. >Anonymous's stance faltered and he looked down.
  744. >You turn your back to Anonymous.
  745. >"M-Madam, if I may, I'd take a short break here...with Anonymous."
  746. >"Me too. I'll stay here for a bit, Ma'am."
  747. >You fix your jaw and huff.
  748. "Fine. I'll go on ahead."
  749. >You begin a rigid walk deeper into Hollowed Woods.
  750. >...
  751. >Alone again, huh?
  752. >You had an outburst again.
  753. >You shouted and hurt his feelings.
  754. >Why did you do this?
  755. >You aren't usually like this when you're angry.
  756. >...
  757. >These rocks look very interesting.
  758. >Ugh!
  759. >You unsheathe your sword and whack at the trees with all your force.
  760. >The sword gets stuck and you trip from the momentum.
  761. >You land flat on your muzzle, probably bruising it.
  762. >Screw the trees!
  763. >Screw the ground!
  764. "Ugh! Screw everything!"
  765. >You throw your hooves at the ground in frustration.
  766. >"I see you're angry. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  767. >You look up and see a familiar figure.
  768. ---
  769. ///Under Construction
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