
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 17

Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. ''Hey man, what's up?''
  2. >Ty's gravelly voice answers you, taking the familiar, upbeat tone he always does while talking on the phone
  3. >''Not much G, not much at all. You?''
  4. ''Shit man, same old, same old. When you coming?''
  5. >''Well, if you want me that bad, I can be there in five, okay?''
  6. ''Alright bro, do it.''
  7. >''Sure thing, see ya.''
  8. >Well, that was quick
  9. >Flying up from the couch, you waltz up to the sound system and flip it on
  11. >Walking up to the couch, you slump down heavily
  12. >Celestia was acting all awkward again, and you're in desperate need of coffee
  13. >Actually, you're in desperate need of something that'll kill your hangover and stop the pain flaring under your bandages
  14. >Coffee will have to do
  15. ''Thank God for Biggie.''
  16. >You mutter to yourself, stretching yourself out
  17. >''Anon?''
  18. >Celestia is standing at the foot of the stairs, holding something in her hand
  19. >She also looks pissed, and is coming closer by the second
  20. ''Uh, yeah?''
  21. >''What's this thing I found in your pocket?''
  22. >She is holding up a small baggie, filled with white powder
  23. >Shit
  24. ''It's, uh, my prescription meds.''
  25. >You try to reach for the little bag, only for her to pull it away
  26. >''Medications don't come in unmarked baggies, Anon! Is there something you want to tell me?''
  27. >You stand up, her smoldering eyes following you
  28. ''It's just something old, C. Forget about it.''
  29. >''Anon, how long? Does your family know?''
  30. ''I said forget it.''
  31. >''What the hell has happened to you, Anon?''
  32. >The air feels thick, almost suffocating
  33. >''Anon?''
  34. ''Please don't tell my family.''
  35. >She scoffs at you, contempt in her eyes
  36. >''Why wouldn't I tell them that their only son's turned into some junkie?''
  37. ''I'm not an addict, Celestia!''
  38. >''Yeah, that sure explains this!''
  39. >She waves the baggie in front of your nose
  40. ''I'm not an addict, I swear!''
  41. >''Then what was this doing in your pocket, huh? Let me guess, you were just holding it for a friend, am I right?''
  42. ''No, not exactly.''
  43. >You motion for her to take a seat and slump on the couch with a heavy sigh
  44. ''Want some coffee? This is going to be a lon-''
  45. >''Just tell me why. Please.''
  46. >She is still standing in the center of the room with her arms crossed, disapproving glare aimed straight at you
  47. ''Alright. Well, after I got out of college, I couldn't find a job anywhere, okay? There was nobody hiring, and the job market was fucking dead, alright?''
  48. >''So you decided to start ruining lives instead of making one for yourself.''
  49. ''I didn't get into this just to ruin motherfuckers, even if that's what you want to believe. Jesus Christ, look at it from my point of view, okay? Nobody's hiring, the rent's unpaid, heating's off, I scrape by with one meal a day and I'm fucking covered in medical bills, alright? This wasn't something I just decided to do. It's what I had to do, alright?''
  50. >''Why didn't you just apply at the grocery store, liquor store, anywhere?''
  51. >You snort, anger bubbling up again
  52. ''You really think they gonna hire a motherfucker who's been caught stealing?''
  53. >''Drug dealing, stealing, the list just goes on, doesn't it?''
  54. ''Look, I didn't want to steal. I hadn't eaten in three fucking days, alright? Three fucking days! You know what that does to you? Besides, it was just one time.''
  55. >''Yeah, I'm sure you're a paragon of morality now.''
  56. ''Fuck you! You have no idea what that's like, okay? You've been stuck in your fucking desk job so long that you can't even fucking comprehend that others may not have it as easy as you!''
  57. >You rise up, feeling the blood pump violently through your veins
  58. >''I wasn't-''
  59. ''I don't give a fuck, C! Don't you fucking understand? It's not about morality, it's about survival, plain and simple! So, I sell some stuff to a motherfucker who's already busy ruining himself, so what? If he don't get it from me, he's going to find someone, something, anything to get his rocks off. At least they stay a little docile when they're high.''
  60. >She sneers again, eyes smoldering with anger
  61. >''Yeah, I can definitely see your contributions to the community. At least I helped people back at the school, gave them an edu-''
  62. ''Yeah, you helped them! Whole lot of good it did to you, miss ex-principal. If I remember everything correctly, you were the one who broke in to my fucking house after they threw your deadbeat ass out on the street. Wake the fuck up, missy! If you're going to stay under my roof, you better keep your mouth shut about this.''
  63. >She looks shocked, before setting her mouth in a grim line of determination
  64. >''Alright.''
  65. >She heads towards the stairs and throws the baggie at you
  66. ''What?''
  67. >''I guess I'm not staying, then.''
  68. ''Where the fuck you gonna stay then?''
  69. >''Anywhere but here, that's for sure.''
  70. ''What the fuck is this, Celestia? I take you in, give you a place to stay, pay for a hundred bucks worth of fucking panty liners and useless shit, and now you bail on me?''
  71. >She is already heading up the stairs, not reacting in any way
  72. ''Fine! Get the fuck out of my house!''
  73. >For what feels like hours, you stand in the middle of the room, hands shaking, trying to control your breath
  74. >You don't know if it's regret or rage, but you feel miserable
  75. >Jesus fucking Christ
  76. >After all you've done for her, she just decides to leave?
  77. >You could've sworn you two had something going on
  78. >Or maybe that's just wishful thinking
  79. >Anyway, you need a beer
  80. >Sipping the ice cold brew while leaning on the counter, you contemplate life
  81. >Or try to at least
  82. >Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?
  83. >She's already lost her job, her home, and her bank account
  84. >Possibly her sister too
  85. >She doesn't need any more stress
  86. >Especially not from you
  87. >That's what you get for not checking pockets
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