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Feb 20th, 2020
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  2. The universe wanted to stay dead. It was pure energy made of thought, and it wanted to be left in peace. In this ocean of tranquility and immutability a rebelious idea came forth and his name was Jiod, distrupting the stillness and peace. To create a painting, then Jiod could be at peace, having fulfilled his desire.
  4. Jiod made Saea, a partner to create living beings to inhabit the world Jiod was forming by hand. Saea made the behemoths, Leviathins, and Ziz, beasts of land, sea, and sky. The crowning Jewel of Saea's creations though were the Arulvar, great beings of wonder and might, each with their own talents.
  6. Fuza was a leader that gave all beasts and nature laws to follow, and they lived in harmony. Veni was a lover that gave all beings emotion, and they lived in harmony. Afek was a scholar that gave all the lesser creatures a mind, and they lived in harmony. Othag was a guardian, and his brothers stood at the edge of the world, and they lived in harmony. Imir was a playful spirit, whose toys entertained and entrapped the mind in their complexity, and they lived in harmony.
  8. It came to pass that there was no more room. The vast ocean of thought was filled in, and Jiod ached to create life, as his only living creation was Saea. He came to Saea and told her "I'm proud of you and your creations, but we have no more room for new creations. Let's enjoy what we have, and not spoil the balance that's been made."
  10. Saea understood, but was sad. She still had many more ideas that could be made. Jiod left again to the edge of the world to widen the ocean of thought beyond its borders and bega. The brothers of Othag saw this and in their simple minds, gossiped. Word traveled from the edge of the world back to Saea, and she became angry. She went to Jiod to confront him, but her heart was stone, and his bargains and pleading were not effective. In her rage, she quickly made a new kind of creature, but since the world was full, this creature tore down the world around it. In it's destruction, tainted the world so badly, that even if this infection were removed, their effects would remain. Jiod cursed Saea, stealing her gift of creating, then abandoned the world. Now the world was free to persue its perverted and sinful ways.
  13. Afek heard the gossips of Othag's brothers and consulted his sibling Arulvar. He told them that since they are in a sense children of Jiod and Saea, that they should go to them to correct the world before the flow of time cuts deep to solidify events.
  15. When they arrived, Saea had already been cursed and had fled. Before they could come across the wall that Othag's brothers made, Jiod called out to them, telling them not to come near, because of their corrupted nature, and to go back to their mother that they love so much.
  17. Veni spoke first to appeal to his heart, that while they do love their mother, they also love him, and that his love is unending and boundless; That he loves everything as though it were a part of himself. She pleaded with him to undo the mistakes that were done.
  19. However, he said he couldn't fix what was done. The land would still be full, and he'd be left unfulfilled. If he changed his actions, or Saea, they would have betrayed their purpose to create unchanging art; he would be corrupted by the change and destruction.
  21. Fuza spoke next, saying to compromise, to split the land fairly between those that would like things to stay the same. Those that wish to be changed back would be able to do so without guilt, and those that wish to stay the same will be left in peace.
  23. Jiod rebuked him saying that the world was in perfect harmony. How would there be harmony if half of the pieces are missing? How could missing pieces be replaced if there is no more room to replace them?
  25. Imir, thinking himself clever, spoke next. He suggested combining these two worlds together to create a new and grander creation, one that embraces the deviations. The contrast of two ideologies working together in a great new harmony. The valleys make mountains seem higher, the dark makes the light brighter, and pain creates greater pleasure.
  27. Jiod scolded his foolishness, saying that Good things are inherently good, not because bad exists. The unchanging pieces would depend on breaking parts, and would eventually stop functioning because something blue wanted to become red, or a gear to become a lever.
  29. Imir pressed on, telling him that if he continues making room, and correcting the missing parts, then he'll have created a breathing piece of art. He would feel fulfilled, intent would not be betrayed. Nothing is inherently bad. The only reason Jiod thinks things are bad are because he doesn't like them.
  31. For a second, Jiod considered this, though the thought was repulsive to him. The universe he separated from was of unchangingness, and he himself was born of wanting to defy the way things were with his own way. Could he really justly condemn his creations for defying the way things are with their own choices?
  33. The other Arulvar were not fully on board with this idea, and started their second plan if diplomacy failed. Othag was impeded by the wall, and had to tear a hole into it to reach the other side. Seeing the second plan was in motion, Imir hesitated, he was really hoping his rhetoric would be enough to sway Jiod, but took part in the other's plan by trapping Jiod in a puzzle box as the others got into position. Jiod solved Imir's trick as Fuza took his sword of order to fight Jiod back into Imir's changing box to wait untill Othag could make his way through. During his short time out of Imir's box, Jiod cut through the armor Afek made for Fuza to protect his fate, and Veni did her best to fix it to keep Fuza fighting but they had no hope to cut Jiod's fate. Soon Othag broke through the wall that protected the world, grabbing Jiod's fate that dangled behind him like a golden cape, and severed several strands with his cutting gaze. Jiod retaliated against the titan, and while he was great in size, he had only one string for Jiod to cut, he took Othag's purpose. Veni couldn't heal Othag's fate, because he had none left. Now without their great destroyer, the Arulvar were doomed to fail. In a fury, Jiod cut many of the Arulvar's fate from them, their strength, their ability, their purpose. They couldn't win. So they fled. The ties that Othag cut were Jiod's obligation to his failed creation, and Jiod left too, to start again.
  35. The hole in the wall remained... Neither Othag or his brothers could repair it any longer.
  38. Since Jiod's flight, the world couldn't benefit from his presence. There was no more sun to guide the world.
  40. Some time has passed, and the Arulvar had to forge new fates for themselves in this new world, now that they were no longer tied to Jiod. They had gotten their wish, in a sense. While they were all mostly still stronger than most of creation, they were not what they once were. The only one of them that couldn't find purpose was Othag, the oldest brother of his order. Now he wandered the world, looking for something that will never be found.
  42. Being born to usher in darkness, Mankind maintained their form, but were threatened by the effects of darkness on the rest of creation. Fuza used his great leadership to coralle many men into the great city of Zubo, and kept it safe from the creatures of the night. Fuza had asked Veni to become his queen, but in this new world Fuza's iron rule was not one that Veni could encourage, nor could she bring herself to Love someone who could be so ruthless. So she made her own empire of love, and called in Lena. Imir stayed with Fuza for a while, but betrayed him, stealing, and fleeing the empire. Afek saw the Arulvar were becoming distant and scattered and secluded himself to his observatory where he worked on his projects.
  44. Each of their endeavors were fruitful in their own right, but their expanding cities could only spread so far before being out of reach. They were running out of room for their creation. Deep in the mountains, Afek was working on a light to sustain the land for when time finally claims the Arulvar. He gathered all of them except for Othag, who couldn't be found, to tell them of his device. A magnificent orb of metal and spirit. It used the energy of the world to burn brightly, and breathe life in the world, just like Jiod would have.
  46. This new sun needed a divine power to ignite it, and it would take all of their willing last breaths as a pilot. The Arulvar were very old, and didn't have a way to secure their future, so they agreed. All that they needed was Othag, but he was still consumed by despair, and they worried he would rather just rot away than to craft a final dying purpose.
  48. They found othag in the mountainous lands nearly consumed by a bed of soft soil that had grown lush with grass and small peaceful creatures. Othag had tiny fate strings holding him down to the land he lied on, and was in good spirits for once and was pleased to see his fellow Arulvar. They echanged pleasentries, and told him of the new sun that Afek built, and what it meant for the Arulvar. He was hesitant. He wanted to see the plants around him grow even more, but they told him that with a new sun, they will grow even more than they ever could without it. Othag was a simple minded, but he had a good heart, and though it hurt him to cut his new ties, he knew that giving himself freely would benefit his new fate.
  50. They took care of matters in their own homes, to say good by and make accomodations, then reconvened for a final time, to celebrate the good times before giving themselves up. They each were sad at their own passing, but happy they could do what their father failed to do.
  52. The light from the sun continued without night for many years, and a new peace overcame the world, all of creation flourished, but it wasn't meant to last. The sun faded, and the monsters returned, but when the sun had its fill of destruction, day returned. And so this new cycle of death and rebirth has become the new normal.
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