Guest User

Homepage + UCP || iGetty

a guest
Apr 4th, 2016
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  1. ----------------[ Homepage ]------------------------
  2. The homepage shall be having our logo, which can be taken from here (, on the top. There should be blue buttons at the bottom of the logo saying "Forums" - links to
  3. "Connect" - links to samp://
  4. "UCP" - links to the upcoming UCP.
  5. There should be availability for the webmaster to edit the site text contect. On the right side, there should be the facebook streamed and the game data streamed to the site (like on sarp forums).
  7. ----------------------[ UCP & ACP ]-----------------
  8. UCP shall contain 1 button on the top and the logo, same as the homepage. The button shall be;
  9. "Login/Register" - players can register and the account saves to MySQL so they are registered in-game. Login shall log them in to the UCP - UCP and game password are same.
  11. When a player is logged in, the "Login/Register" button disappears and few new buttons appear;
  12. "My Statistics" - streams their current /stats in the same format as the command is.
  13. "Richest Players" - streams the name of the richest people (top 5). If a player is an admin, he shouldn't be listed here.
  14. "Settings" - when you press settings, there should appear some options. They would be;
  15. "Namechange" - would calculate how much a player needs for his namechange, depending on his level. It would take the money from the player and change his ingame name and the UCP name to the new name (must be Firstname_Lastname).
  16. "Change Password" - player can change his password - changes the UCP and ig password.
  17. Then there should be a button "ACP", but only for the people who are admins ingame. The ACP should contain;
  18. "Admin Messages" - streams /amsgs to the site and admins can communicate on the site and ingame.
  19. "Check stats" - shall open a box where you can type player's name and if its wrong it gives you error message "This player does not exist in the database". If it does, it would stream /(o)check command with the same format and everything to the site.
  20. "Set stats" - if a player is senior admin+ ig he can access this otherwise it sends him error message "You cannot access this feature." If he is sen+, he can set all the options that are on the /setstat command ingame.
  21. "Controlling Players" - would open a few options;
  22. "Ban" - You can enter the name of the player and he will be banned (ig + ucp).
  23. "Unban" - You can enter the name of the player and he will be unbanned (ig + ucp)
  24. "Prison" - You can enter the name of the player and hr will be prisoned, you also have to enter the time.
  27. NOTE: When the player logs ingame, it shows a message if he was recently prisoned, banned, his stats were set and so on and by who.
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