
Revised list

Dec 2nd, 2019
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  1. Electricity Control~ Being able to create bolts and sparks (no, not lightening) out of the natural static charge in the air or if the need arises the need to take it from any source that can be used as a conductor. I.E: Outlets, phones, laptops, etc. This electricity may also travel through said conductors but only before so long and the longer it travels the weaker it becomes. This does make for a useful way to magnetize items, short circuit tech, recharge things like batteries and can mess up a pacemaker for minor "evil". The telling sign of these unnatural bolts are dark pink in color.
  3. There are draw backs, one being pure water. Due to the lack of impurities (like salt for an example), it can not turn into ions needed to carry currents. Rubber is also another huge weakness to electricity are glass, air, plastic, and wood. If there is a lack of charge or if there is no source readily avabile to be drawn from.
  4. Energy Based Constructs~ By using her own inner energy Maleficent is able to make plant based and stone based constructs for offensive reasons or...to just make the home look nice for everyone.
  6. Flight~ Being able to fly, there shouldn't be an explanation of how magical flight works...it's magic. However, being weakened with little to no energy will force Mal to be grounded or have limited time in the air.
  9. Hypnosis~ First off, this will always come with the consent of both writers! It doesn't matter if it works or not, something like this is not to be messed around with due to "godmoding" reasons. If it's to advance the plot or if it is something to even out the odds the writer will always ask for consent! Now then, even with consent given the person's character can and will have a chance to resist and break out of the attempt or if they are already entranced. This is to gain information from a target or to achieve a goal of either self-gain or for the betterment of a character (s). This can go so far as mass hypnotic or implanting suggestions. Trigger words or actions will be set up.
  11. Drawbacks as before stated it can be resisted or broken out of. The target may or may not remember what was done while being under. Just like everything else, it will be an attempt to resist just as much of an attempt will be made to influence.
  12. Fire control~ The element of fire is surprisingly strong with this one, this means that she is able to use not only her own body heat but heat sources in the surroundings. Including natural flames. (Note, she can not take control of another's fire.) The color of this flame will be the same of electricity.
  14. Wind bursts~ It's just as what the title states, bursts of wind for redirection to simple knockbacks. Taking control over natural air currents blasts of wind can range depending on airflow and what can be gathered. These blasts can go from being really small to large enough that can nearly topple buildings. However, there are factors to consider here. One being the weather, if it is colder out than there is an easier time to manipulate currents and flows as colder atmosphere is favorable. Another downside? Pressure? While pressure can be created through this manipulation it must also be naturally occurring in order to add to its destructive force and while this may seem scary it depends on how much Mal is able to concentrate to keep the onslaught up. If she is badly injured then results may vary.
  16. Shape shift~ No, people can not be mimicked even if she knows the person down to their very core. This is more animal-centered for transportation, spying, or combat. If she knows that it exists then it can be shifted into. The largest form that can be taken is that of a large black dragon capable of breathing fire. The scales are thick enough to withstand blunt damage and most piercing. The most obvious weak spots are the wings, stomach, eyes, underside of the neck, tail, spots between the scales, and size. While the tail can be used to whip and bash things it is also a weak spot due to mobility. It can not grow back if cut off.
  18. Due to the size of the dragon (let's go with) a minibus, she can not enter some spaces and can not move around beneath underpasses (Like side to side movements and backing up.) The parts listed like eyes, the underside of the neck, stomach, and spots between the tail are self-explanatory. However, this uses up too much magic and will leave her within a weakened state if knocked out of the transformation or if magic reserves are used up. Once out of this state she will be very much weakened.
  20. Energy Constructs~ It is as it says, living and non-living constructs made out of varies items and things. Anything can be used to make whatever Mal wishes. From monsters made out of the very pavement to buildings taken apart and weaved together into a car. The more intricate the construct the more energy is needed. These constructs can be harmed and destroyed.
  22. Curses: Curses are to be weaved with intent. Most curses have a defined way of being broken when stated. Some are more complex than others. The solution ranges from needing a product from one of the coven ran stores to fulfilling a task. Some may wear down in time. Death may be a risk depending, however? If someone is cursed then another can not be applied until it is removed. The caster of said curses can remove them unless stated otherwise. I.E: No force on Earth shall undo this curse unless it is true love's kiss.
  24. Drawbacks? If someone is well-versed with magic or how The Coven works then they should be able to tell what kind of curse and perhaps how to dispell it. One such way to end (mostly) said curse if the caster can not or will not is to kill them or the well-versed person may be able to reverse it or lessen the effects.
  29. Necromancy is a thing within The Coven, but it is heavily surveilled. No, this does not mean that there will be an outbreak of zombies, but it is more so to practice identifying causes of death and trying to see if the person could be healed via magic or herbs. Amongst that, bodies that are risen are locked away within an underground chamber at several locations one of which is at the main headquarters. Healing magic is not out of the question but it is something that Mal can not do herself. Bringing the dead back to life like calling the soul back to the body? Taboo and forbidden. Talking to spirits is fine but actually putting them back within rotted corpses or those that are too injured or suffered extremely illnesses are not okay.
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