
Second Lesson

Jun 9th, 2015
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  1. 23:06:35 <Hankolijo> Arty would have gotten a note somehow, whether left by his door or handed by a security officer: 'Meet my in front of my room at 4:05 PM for your next lesson. -Leonard'
  2. 23:07:47 <DiePotato> Well. Then Artyom heads down the dorm halls and knocks on Leo's door. *knock knock*
  3. 23:08:44 <Hankolijo> "Come right on in, Arty." Leonard says from inside.
  4. 23:09:25 <DiePotato> Arty looks left and right down the hallways and opens the door
  5. 23:10:29 <Hankolijo> Well, Arty. Inside you see another training dummy, set on a stand next to Leonard's bed. There is a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the nightstand. Leonard nods to him. "Nice to see you could make it, Arty!"
  6. 23:11:19 <DiePotato> "..." :|
  7. 23:12:21 <Hankolijo> Leonard blinks. "What?"
  8. 23:12:43 <DiePotato> "Nothing." Arty steps further in and shuts the door
  9. 23:13:38 <Hankolijo> He nods and hands him a small sheet of paper. "I'm going to let you decide which lesson we take first. Just choose which one you think you could use the most and stuff."
  10. 23:13:40 <Hankolijo>
  11. 23:16:07 <DiePotato> "...How about being there for her?"
  12. 23:16:54 <Hankolijo> Leonard nods. He stands in front of the dummy and gestures to Arty to stand by him.
  13. 23:17:21 <DiePotato> Arty does so
  14. 23:18:42 <Hankolijo> "Okay. Hypothetical situation. This here," He gestures to the dummy. "Is Kit. She's crying. You don't know why. What do you do?"
  15. 23:20:06 <DiePotato> "I would ask her what is wrong."
  16. 23:20:18 <Hankolijo> He nods. "And?"
  17. 23:21:22 <DiePotato> Artyom blinks. "I would try to comfort her?"
  18. 23:21:52 <Hankolijo> Leonard nods and waits.
  19. 23:22:15 <DiePotato> Arty blinks again and then gently hugs the dummy
  20. 23:22:49 <Hankolijo> "Alright, she tells you the problem. You can't solve it. You're hugging and she won't stop crying. What now?"
  21. 23:23:11 <DiePotato> "Uh. I tell her it will be alright?"
  22. 23:23:40 <Hankolijo> Nod nod. "And? What's the topic of the lesson today?"
  23. 23:24:04 <DiePotato> "Being there for her?" Artyom sounds so unsure
  24. 23:25:13 <Hankolijo> "Exactly. Let her know you'll be there for her." He smiles and nods. "Now, but what if she doesn't /have/ a reason to be crying, but she is?"
  25. 23:25:34 <DiePotato> "Why would she cry for no reason?"
  26. 23:26:59 <Hankolijo> "What if she does?"
  27. 23:27:10 <DiePotato> "I would do the same thing no?"
  28. 23:27:35 <Hankolijo> "Right. You don't need a reason. "
  29. 23:27:58 <DiePotato> Arty nods. "Can I cease in hugging the dummy?"
  30. 23:28:28 <Hankolijo> He smirks. "Has she stopped crying?"
  31. 23:28:41 <DiePotato> "No?"
  32. 23:29:31 <Hankolijo> "Then you keep hugging. But for the time being let's say she has stopped."
  33. 23:30:22 <DiePotato> Arty nods and withdraws from the hugging of the inanimate object
  34. 23:31:12 <Hankolijo> "Now, she's stopped. She says she'll be fine and says you can go if you want. What now?"
  35. 23:31:41 <DiePotato> "I ask her if she's sure."
  36. 23:32:50 <Hankolijo> "She nods. But you hear a faint sniffle."
  37. 23:34:46 <DiePotato> "Then I would stay with her anyways."
  38. 23:37:05 <Hankolijo> "Correct!" He smiles and nods. "Now, let's consider another situation." He takes the dummy off of the stand and places it in the bed. "She's hurt. In medical. You come visit her, but don't have much time. Your patrols start soon. What do you do?"
  39. 23:38:04 <DiePotato> "Tell her I'll stay with her for as long as I can."
  40. 23:38:25 <Hankolijo> "And how long would that be?"
  41. 23:39:01 <Hankolijo> Leonard realizes how this example is approaching 'Get punched' territory. But it's a good example never the less.
  42. 23:39:54 <DiePotato> "As long as I can spare."
  43. 23:41:02 <Hankolijo> "Which is what? Until your patrols? Longer?"
  44. 23:41:17 <DiePotato> "Da. Until my patrols."
  45. 23:42:08 <Hankolijo> "WRONG! You stay there until she feels better! Patrols can be postponed, but not her!"
  46. 23:42:23 <DiePotato> Artyom blinks and then nods
  47. 23:43:46 <Hankolijo> "Always be there for her when she needs it. And make sure she knows you always will be."
  48. 23:45:05 <DiePotato> Arty nods
  49. 23:45:26 <Hankolijo> "Any questions? Got time for another topic?"
  50. 23:45:42 <DiePotato> "No questions. And I could do another lesson."
  51. 23:45:52 <Hankolijo> Nod. "Which one?"
  52. 23:47:07 <DiePotato> Arty re-examines the list and frowns. "What is taking initiative?"
  53. 23:47:56 <Hankolijo> Smiiiirk. "Something I added to the list inspiring from that little bet of ours."
  54. 23:48:09 <DiePotato> "...Oh..."
  55. 23:49:10 <Hankolijo> "That the lesson you want to take now?"
  56. 23:49:21 <DiePotato> "..." Artyom shrugs
  57. 23:50:45 <Hankolijo> Another smirk. "Alright." He puts the dummy into a sitting position on the side of the bed. He gestures to the spot next to it. The nightstand and, of course, champagne is right there.
  58. 23:51:05 <DiePotato> Artyom sits next to it
  59. 23:51:53 <Hankolijo> "Now. You two have had a lovely date. Things went smoothly, one would hope. You're in your room, bottle of champagne and her by your side. First move?"
  60. 23:53:38 <DiePotato> "Open the champagne?"
  61. 23:53:55 <Hankolijo> Nod.
  62. 23:54:47 <DiePotato> Arty does exactly that. Cork goes *bang* as he pulls it out. He pours an equal amount into both glasses and fake passes the glass to the dummy first
  63. 23:55:30 <Hankolijo> Leonard holds the glass for the dummy. "Good. You have a drink. You chat. Things are nice."
  64. 23:56:48 <DiePotato> Artyom nods.
  65. 23:57:10 <Hankolijo> Leonard doesn't say anything. He waits.
  66. 23:57:52 <DiePotato> Arty's confused
  67. 23:58:14 <Hankolijo> "Once again, Arty. What is /this/ lesson called?"
  68. 23:58:37 <DiePotato> "..." Arty nods and scoots over closer to the dummy
  69. 23:59:17 <Hankolijo> Leonard nods slowly. "You chat a bit more..."
  70. 23:59:46 <DiePotato> Arty awkwardly wraps an arm around the dummy
  71. Wednesday, June 10th, 2015
  72. 00:00:38 <Hankolijo> "Uh, feel free to describe what you do at this point. I don't need to see you fondle a dummy." :\
  73. 00:06:59 <DiePotato> "Uh."
  74. 00:07:07 <DiePotato> "I think we can just assume."
  75. 00:08:08 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh. So long as we assume the same thing, I guess. Well, there isn't much else to this lesson. Other than one thing that a friend once told me: You have to be bold."
  76. 00:08:38 <DiePotato> Arty nods. "Not too bold though da?"
  77. 00:08:55 <Hankolijo> "Appropriately bold, yes."
  78. 00:11:16 <DiePotato> Artyom nods. "Well since that lesson was so short."
  79. 00:11:20 <DiePotato> He pulls the list out
  80. 00:11:33 <Hankolijo> Leonard smiles and nods. "Yes?"
  81. 00:12:54 <DiePotato> Arty sighs. "I honestly do not know much about flirting."
  82. 00:18:23 <Hankolijo> "Flirting isn't hard at all. It's mainly just giving subtle compliments and saying things that mean more in context. Alright, pretend I'm Kit. Strike up a conversation with me."
  83. 4:19:02 PM <DiePotato> Arty nods and sits up some in the bed. "Hey Kit."
  84. 4:20:39 PM <Hankomobile> "Hey there, Arty. You look nice today."
  85. 4:21:38 PM <DiePotato> "You too. Have a nice morning?"
  86. 4:23:29 PM <Hankomobile> He nods. "A more flirtatious answer would have been 'not as nice as you.'" He clears his throat. "Yeah, I, um, did my hair differently today."
  87. 4:27:21 PM <DiePotato> "It looks quite nice."
  88. 4:29:59 PM <Hankomobile> "Don't use modifiers like 'quite'. She's great, let her know it. And try and use something other than just 'nice'"
  89. 4:31:01 PM <DiePotato> "It looks very beautiful?"
  90. 4:32:09 PM <Hankomobile> "Try and direct it at her, not just the hair."
  91. 4:32:29 PM <DiePotato> "You look very beautiful."
  92. 4:33:30 PM <Hankomobile> He nods. "Thanks, I don't think I'm looking my best today, though."
  93. 4:34:31 PM <DiePotato> "Nonsense. You look great."
  94. 4:35:56 PM <Hankomobile> "Really? You're looking as handsome as always yourself."
  95. 4:36:36 PM <Hankomobile> as ever*
  96. 4:37:09 PM <DiePotato> Arty chuckles. "Thanks."
  97. 4:39:50 PM <Hankomobile> Leonard is still holding his glass. Er, the dummy's glass. Kit's? Well, he intentionally spills a few drops on his shirt. "Whoopsy." He's visibly holding in so much laughter.
  98. 4:40:22 PM <DiePotato> "Be careful there."
  99. 4:41:29 PM <Hankomobile> "Oh, I can always just take it off." He's biting his lip. Pfffft.
  100. 4:42:07 PM <DiePotato> Arty puts a hand over his mouth to suppress the laughter. He needs a second.
  101. 4:42:52 PM <Hankomobile> "What's wrong, sweetie?"
  102. 4:43:46 PM <DiePotato> "Nothing. Nothing at all. And I would not mind that. Not at all."
  103. 4:47:43 PM <Hankomobile> Leonard can't keep it together for much longer. "If you're not feeling well, we could always have a little rest together." He taps the bed. Then bursts into laughter.
  104. 4:48:42 PM <DiePotato> Arty laughs as well. "I would enjo-hahhah."
  105. 4:49:52 PM <Hankomobile> "Yeah, I think you'll be fine." He says once he's done laughing.
  106. 4:50:57 PM <DiePotato> Arty wipes a tear and nods. "I think we're done for now. I can't take this seriously."
  107. 4:51:40 PM <Hankomobile> Leo nods. "Understandable. Same time tomorrow?"
  108. 4:51:46 PM <DiePotato> "Da. Sure."
  109. 4:52:00 PM <DiePotato> Arty stands and starts to head out. "Thank you Leonard." He exits
  110. 4:52:19 PM <Hankomobile> "No problem, Arty."
  111. 4:53:06 PM <Hankomobile> And as Arty exits, Leonard downs his champagne. What? Like he'd waste any alcohol.
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