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a guest
Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. Public Function method_6(string_0 As String) As Boolean
  2. Dim str As String = "signed_body="
  3. Dim text As String = String.Concat(New String() { "{""gender"":""1"",""_csrftoken"":""missing"",""_uuid"":""", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(), """,""_uid"":""3"",""external_url"":"""",""username"":""", string_0, """,""email"":""", Class6.string_5, """,""phone_number"":"""",""biography"":"""",""first_name"":""""}" })
  4. Dim str2 As String = Class6.smethod_4(text, Class6.string_12) + "."
  5. Dim str3 As String = "&ig_sig_key_version=5"
  6. Dim result As Boolean
  7. Try
  8. Try
  9. Dim httpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
  10. httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"
  11. httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = True
  12. httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = Class6.cookieContainer_0
  13. httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  14. httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Instagram Android (24/5.0; 515dpi; 1440x2416; huawei/google; Nexus 6P; angler; angler; en_US)"
  15. httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = True
  16. httpWebRequest.Proxy = Nothing
  17. httpWebRequest.Timeout = 8000
  18. httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-IG-Connection-Type", "WIFI")
  19. httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-IG-Capabilities", "3ToAAA==")
  20. Using requestStream As Stream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
  21. Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str + str2 + text + str3)
  22. requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
  23. End Using
  24. Dim httpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(httpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
  25. Using streamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
  26. If streamReader.ReadToEnd().Contains("""status"": ""ok""") Then
  27. Me.Button_0.Text = "Fucked"
  28. Me.stopp = True
  29. Me.bool_0 = True
  30. Me.Button_0.ForeColor = Color.Lime
  31. Me.stopp = True
  32. Me.bool_0 = True
  33. Interaction.MsgBox("#Fucked @" + Me.TextBox_2.Text, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Nothing)
  34. Me.stopp = True
  35. Me.stopp = True
  36. Me.bool_0 = True
  37. End If
  38. End Using
  39. result = True
  40. Catch ex As WebException
  41. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")
  42. Try
  43. Dim httpWebResponse2 As HttpWebResponse = CType(ex.Response, HttpWebResponse)
  44. Using streamReader2 As StreamReader = New StreamReader(httpWebResponse2.GetResponseStream())
  45. Dim text2 As String = streamReader2.ReadToEnd()
  46. If text2.Contains("feedback_") Then
  47. Me.stopp = True
  48. Me.Button_0.ForeColor = Color.Red
  49. Me.Button_0.Text = "Sleep"
  50. Me.stopp = True
  51. Me.bool_0 = True
  52. End If
  53. result = False
  54. ProjectData.ClearProjectError()
  55. End Using
  56. Catch ex2 As Exception
  57. End Try
  58. End Try
  59. Catch ex3 As Exception
  60. End Try
  61. Return result
  62. End Function
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