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Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. # AdvancedMonthlyCrates
  2. # Made by PM2
  4. # ** Commands and permissions
  5. # /amc list - Shows a list of all correctly made monthly crates. ; AMC.List
  6. # /amc give <player> <crate> <amount> - Gives a specified player the specified monthly crate. ; AMC.Give
  7. # /amc sgive <player> <crate> <amount> - Silent Give (Doesn't send a message of receiving a crate) ; AMC.Give
  8. # /amc giveall <crate> <amount> - Gives everyone on the server a specified monthly crate. ; AMC.GiveAll
  9. # /amc reload - Reloads all plugins configurations. ; AMC.Reload
  10. # /amc errors - Sends out why and where MCrates are not configured properly. ; AMC.Errors
  11. # /amc pouch list - Lists all Available Pouches. ; AMC.PouchList
  12. # /amc pouch give <player> <pouch> <amount> - Gives a Player the Specified Pouch. ; AMC.PouchGive
  13. # /amc pouch sgive <player> <pouch> <amount> - Silent Pouch Give (Doesn't send a message of receiving a pouch) ; AMC.PouchGive
  16. # What commands should be blocked for the player while he is opening a Monthly Crate? AMC.CommandBypass to bypass this restriction. Doesn't effect OPs!
  17. BlockedCommands:
  18. # - "warp"
  19. # - "home"
  21. # ** Variables **
  22. # {player_name} - replaces with the users nickname.
  23. # {random_number} - requires additional conditions: RandomNumberMin (number) ; RandomNumberMax (number)
  25. # ** Configurations **
  27. # Very important that you change this if your server is running on a spigot fork (Spigot fork examples: PaperSpigot, TacoSpigot, BeerSpigot..)
  28. # As if you are using those jars there won't be any armor stands appearing for a split second for the versions above 1.8
  29. SpigotFork: false
  31. # Should there be lightning at the end of the animation?
  32. Spinning_Lightning: true
  34. # Should item rewards not repeat? For example if you have 10 available rewards there won't be 2
  35. # of the same rewards at a time
  36. Spinning_Items_Dont_Repeat: true
  38. # What should be the main command in order to use AdvancedMonthlyCrates plugin, default is /amc
  39. main_command: "amc"
  41. # Do alts also get mcrate giveall crates or only 1 crate per ip?
  42. alts_get_giveall: true
  44. # How many Monthly Crates can a single player open at the same time?
  45. MonthlyCrates_Player_Limit: 1
  47. # How many Monthly Crates can be opened at the same time on the server?
  48. MonthlyCrates_Global_Limit: 15
  50. # How many Pouches can be opened at the same time on the server?
  51. MonthlyCrates_Global_Pouch_Limit: 50
  53. # How close by / what radius between the Monthly Crates should be to be able to open them?
  54. Crate_Radius: 10
  56. # How close by / what radius between the Pouches should be to be able to open them?
  57. Pouch_Radius: 2
  59. # How long should the display animation be rolling for? (measured in seconds)
  60. Display_Animation_Lenght: 25
  62. # What should be the interval between changing items in the display animation? (measured in seconds)
  63. Display_Animation_Item_Change: 3
  65. # Should the water drops in the Display animation be enabled?
  66. Display_Animation_Water_Drops: true
  68. # With what effect should pouches end? (Currently available: Lightning, Explosion, Smoke, Flame), leave empty for no effect.
  69. PouchEnding: "Lightning"
  71. # What particles should be shown when changing items in the "Round" animation? (Currently available: Instant_Spell, Flame), leave empty for no effect.
  72. Item_Change_Particle_Round: "Instant_Spell"
  74. # How high should the round animation be after being placed on the ground?
  75. Round_How_High: 3
  77. # How long should the round2 animation last? (measured in seconds)
  78. Round2_Animation_Lenght: 12
  80. # Should there be lightning when mystery items change into items on Round2 animation?
  81. Round2_Animation_Lightning: true
  83. # How fast should be the Round2 animation spinning? (decimals can be used)
  84. Round2_Animation_Speed: 3
  86. # Should there be Mystery Items displayed on the start of the animation and each item revealed with lightning?
  87. Show_Round2_Mystery_Items: true
  89. # How fast should be the Round animation spinning? (decimals can be used)
  90. Round_Animation_Speed: 3
  92. # How long should the round animation last? (measured in seconds)
  93. Round_Animation_Lenght: 8
  95. # Debug Mode
  96. Debug_Mode: false
  99. # Some configurable settings are explained, others should be self-explanatory.
  100. # Contact "BubbleBootie" on SpigotMC with any questions or bug reports.
  103. # Custom item modification options:
  104. # CustomModelData:
  105. #
  106. # RandomNumberMin: 5
  107. # RandomNumberMax: 20
  108. # Both needed to work, variable for commands - {random_number}
  109. #
  110. # Damage:
  111. # Used for older spigot versions.
  112. #
  113. # Base64Texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNlZjlhYTE0ZTg4NDc3M2VhYzEzNGE0ZWU4OTcyMDYzZjQ2NmRlNjc4MzYzY2Y3YjFhMjFhODViNyJ9fX0=
  114. # Textures can be applied to PLAYER_HEAD for newer versions or SKULL_ITEM + Damage: 3 for older versions
  115. # You can find different head textures here:
  116. # To find the skin texture, look for it on the bottom of the selected head page in the "Others:" section under "Value:"
  120. Crates:
  121. #Here you create a new monthly crate, you can call it any name but they must not repeat.
  122. February:
  123. Animation: "Cricle"
  124. #OnlyPlaceableAtLocations:
  125. # - "405,71,-1006"
  126. # - "-1052,60,510"
  127. #OnlyPlaceableAtLocations makes it so you can only place this specific crate at declared coordinates. You can find the coordinates by pressing F3 and looking at "Looking at block"
  128. #Currently there are 4 types of animations: Round ; Pyramid ; Display ; Round2
  129. Item: "ENDER_CHEST"
  130. #CustomModelData: 0
  131. #Is the block that will be the monthly crate
  132. Enchanted: true #Not all items can be enchanted.
  133. Name: "&d&l*&4&l*&d&l* &f&lCOSMIC CRATE: &4&lVALENTINE &d&l&n2020&r &d&l*&4&l*&d&l*"
  134. CommandOnCratePlace:
  135. - "broadcast &f&l{player_name} &7is opening a &d&l*&4&l*&d&l* &f&lCOSMIC CRATE: &4&lVALENTINE &d&l&n2020&r &d&l*&4&l*&d&l*&7!"
  136. MessagesToPlayer:
  137. - "&7Opening &d&l*&4&l*&d&l* &f&lCOSMIC CRATE: &4&lVALENTINE &d&l&n2020&r &d&l*&4&l*&d&l*&7, good luck!"
  138. RewardHologram:
  139. - "&cCongradulations to &a&l{player_name} &cfor opening"
  140. - "&cThe Monthly March Crate!"
  141. - ""
  142. - "&8Buy your own crate at:"
  143. #Customisable hologram above the main prize
  144. Final_Message: #these can be used on all crates
  145. - "&c&l{player_name} &3has opened a &cMarch Crate&3 and has received the following:"
  146. - "&31) &f{ColoredReward:1}" #{ColoredReward:rewardNumber} can also be used for items original colouring
  147. - "&32) &f{Reward:2}"
  148. - "&33) &f{Reward:3}"
  149. - "&34) &f{Reward:4}"
  150. - "&35) &f{Reward:5}"
  151. - "&36) &f{Reward:6}"
  152. - "&37) &f{Reward:7}"
  153. - "&38) &f{Reward:8}"
  154. - "&4Godly Prize) &c{Reward:best}"
  155. - "&3Get yourself a monthly crate also at: &"
  156. Size: 8
  157. #Amount of items that the person will get, ranges from 0-10
  158. #If set 0 there will be only the best prize in the animation
  159. Lores:
  160. - ""
  161. - "&e&lThank you for buying the crate &4&l{player_name}"
  162. - "&e&lSuper OP March Crate"
  163. - "&a&lThere is a lot of loot here"
  164. Prizes:
  165. #Prize names musn't repeat, though they can be called anything.
  166. DiamondHelmet:
  167. Item: ANVIL
  168. #CustomModelData: 0
  169. Enchanted: true
  170. Name: "&e&lSuper OP Diamond Helmet"
  171. RandomNumberMin: 5
  172. RandomNumberMax: 20
  173. Commands:
  174. - "give {player_name} diamond_helmet {random_number}"
  175. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Super Helmet!"
  176. MessagesToPlayer:
  177. - "&fYou Just Won a Super Helmet!"
  178. BroadcastMessagesToPlayers:
  179. - "&e&l{player_name} &fjust won &aa Super Helmet &ffrom opening the &dMarch Crate&f"
  180. Chance: 10
  181. BrewingStand:
  183. Enchanted: false
  184. Name: "&a&lStrange looking brewing stand (x1)"
  185. Permission: "AMC.Brewing" #without this permission a player wont be able to receive this item
  186. Commands:
  187. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Brewing Stand!"
  188. MessagesToPlayer:
  189. - "&fYou Just Won a Brewing Stand!"
  190. Chance: 25
  191. CreeperEgg:
  192. Item: MONSTER_EGG
  193. Enchanted: false
  194. Damage: 50
  195. Name: "&e&lOP Creeper Egg (x1)"
  196. MessagesToPlayer:
  197. - "&fYou Just Won an OP Creeper Egg!"
  198. Chance: 80
  199. MobSpawner:
  200. Item: MOB_SPAWNER
  201. Enchanted: true
  202. Name: "&c&lMysterious Mob Spawner (x2)"
  203. Commands:
  204. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Mysterious Mob Spawner!"
  205. Chance: 100
  206. CustomHeadExample:
  207. Item: PLAYER_HEAD
  208. Enchanted: true
  209. Name: "&e&lThis is an Example How to Apply Skins (x1)"
  210. Base64Texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNlZjlhYTE0ZTg4NDc3M2VhYzEzNGE0ZWU4OTcyMDYzZjQ2NmRlNjc4MzYzY2Y3YjFhMjFhODViNyJ9fX0=
  211. Commands:
  212. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won This Reward!"
  213. Chance: 50
  214. DiamondSword:
  215. Item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  216. Enchanted: true
  217. Name: "&e&lWardens Ultra Rare Sword (x1)"
  218. Commands:
  219. - "give {player_name} diamond_helmet 1"
  220. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won Wardens Ultra Rare Sword (x1)!"
  221. Chance: 1
  222. Flower:
  223. Item: YELLOW_FLOWER
  224. Enchanted: true
  225. Name: "&e&lJust a Yellow Flower (x1)"
  226. Commands:
  227. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Yellow Flower (x1)!"
  228. Chance: 80
  229. Apple:
  230. Item: APPLE
  231. Enchanted: true
  232. Name: "&f&lVery Rare Red Apple (x1)"
  233. Commands:
  234. - "give {player_name} apple 1"
  235. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Very Rare Red Apple!"
  236. Chance: 30
  237. Diamond:
  238. Item: DIAMOND
  239. Enchanted: true
  240. Name: "&c&lThis Server's Rare Tokens (x30)"
  241. Commands:
  242. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won Rare Tokens (x30)!"
  243. Chance: 100
  244. FishingRod:
  245. Item: FISHING_ROD
  246. Enchanted: true
  247. Name: "&a&lPoseidon's Fishing Rod (x1)"
  248. Commands:
  249. - "give {player_name} diamond_helmet 1"
  250. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won Poseidon's Fishing Rod (x1)!"
  251. Chance: 1
  252. Bed:
  253. Item: BED
  254. Enchanted: true
  255. Name: "&b&nVery Strange Looking Bed (x1)"
  256. Commands:
  257. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Very Strange Looking Bed (x1)!"
  258. Chance: 1
  259. #There will be only 1 Best Prize, it will be located in the middle of the circle. You can also delete BestPrizes section if you wish there to not be any item in the middle.
  260. BestPrizes:
  261. Bedrock:
  262. Item: BEDROCK
  263. Enchanted: true
  264. Name: "&8&l&nBest Block Ever (x1)"
  265. Commands:
  266. - "give {player_name} bedrock 1"
  267. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Best Block Ever (x1)!"
  268. Chance: 20
  269. Boat:
  270. Item: BOAT
  271. Enchanted: true
  272. Name: "&f&l&nSailer's Boat (x1)"
  273. Commands:
  274. - "give {player_name} boat 1"
  275. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won a Sailer's Boat (x1)!"
  276. Chance: 20
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