

Oct 14th, 2015
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  1. Charmed1: I have many alts but my main alt
  2. DJ Luna: i like that color
  3. DJ Luna: always have
  4. Charmed1: so dont join lotus?
  5. DJ Luna: no
  6. DJ Luna: its a waste of time
  7. Charmed1: Why did you?
  8. DJ Luna: reasons
  9. DJ Luna: but its getting to me
  10. Charmed1: What is?
  11. DJ Luna: lotus
  12. DJ Luna: its so
  13. DJ Luna: annoying
  14. Charmed1: and somewhat cancery?
  15. DJ Luna: very
  16. DJ Luna: i would rather deal with 500 mauras
  17. DJ Luna: tbh
  18. Charmed1: some of the people seem nice
  19. DJ Luna: torpid is alright
  20. DJ Luna: jerb is alright
  21. DJ Luna: python is alright too tbh
  22. DJ Luna: its just the gts
  23. DJ Luna: and some of the gls
  24. DJ Luna: are so bad
  25. Charmed1: in battling?
  26. DJ Luna: not even that just
  27. DJ Luna: they arent pleasant to be around
  28. Charmed1: in their joks?
  29. DJ Luna: i mean
  30. DJ Luna: dj had its cancer
  31. DJ Luna: but ours was funny
  32. DJ Luna: and it wasent mean spirited
  33. Charmed1: they are not?
  34. DJ Luna: for the most part
  35. DJ Luna: i dont think its funny for a gt to call an e4 bad
  36. Charmed1: no they work hard to make it to that point
  37. Charmed1: i work hard to improve mbattling using different tiers
  38. DJ Luna: theres a lack of respect in lotus
  39. DJ Luna: i mean i dont really remember being dissed in shade or dj
  40. Charmed1: thats not good
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