
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 23

Dec 4th, 2014
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  1. >Running towards the addict greedily perusing the contents of Celestia's handbag, you feel anger bubbling inside you
  2. >This motherfucker better know where she is
  3. >Behind you, the slamming of car doors indicates that Ty and Santiago have jumped out too
  4. ''Hey! You!''
  5. >The addict's head snaps around, giving him an eyeful of angry Anon
  6. >Eyes looking like headlights, he bolts off into the darkened alley, dodging dumpsters and empty boxes, handbag still clenched in his grasp
  7. >You take off after him and pull your gun out
  8. ''Stop, motherfucker! I'll shoot!''
  9. >The only effect your yelling has on him is bringing forth a small yelp
  10. >Behind you, Santiago is yelling something to Ty
  11. >Running down the filth-encrusted alley, the addict takes a sharp turn to the right
  12. >Following closely in his footsteps, you bolt to the right as well, an almost identical alley opening before your eyes
  13. >The running addict is silhouetted against the snow-white road outside the alley entrance
  14. >You know that the only thing slowing him down here are the piles of trash and overflowing dumpsters
  15. >If he gets out of the alley you'll pretty much have to wing him to catch up
  16. >The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself, and a gunshot is a guaranteed way of attracting it
  17. >Suddenly, the addict stops mere feet from you, and with panicked strength, flings one of the dumpsters so that it's blocking your way
  18. >In the next moment, a lot of things happen
  19. >The addict takes off like a blue hedgehog, and your attempted jump over the dumpster ends with one of your feet catching on the edge
  20. >Time seems to slow to a crawl as you desperately grasp for a handhold in the air, but to no avail
  21. >You feel yourself flying in something akin to a botched front flip, and the ground is coming closer a bit too fast
  22. ''Oh fuc-''
  23. >Your cursing is cut short by painfully landing on your back, and you feel the wind get knocked out of your lungs
  24. >With tiny, flashing dots flying across the edges of your vision, you see the runner briefly looking back
  25. >Smirking at your condition, he stops and does an impromptu victory dance, his gangly form a striking contrast to the snow in the backdrop
  26. >''Yeah, motherfucker!''
  27. >Fuck it
  28. >There's no way to catch up to him now
  29. >Your right hand fumbles for your gun as you shakily rise to your feet, your chest burning from exertion and pain
  30. >As the addict spots the glint of chrome in your hand, he takes off without even looking back again
  31. >Steadying your breath and taking aim, you try to stop your hand from shaking
  32. >Fucking cocaine comedown
  33. >Despite your shaking, the addict is now squarely in your sights, the .45 aimed at his center of mass
  34. >Cursing under your breath, you let the gun drift lower, aiming at his right thigh
  35. >This is it
  36. >Mentally steeling yourself for the recoil and noise, you take a deep breath and steady your hands best you can, your forefinger slowly squeezing the trigger
  37. >Suddenly, the addict is joined by another silhouette, the newcomer grabbing the junkie by the collar
  38. >A split-second later, the druggie is forcefully flung agains the wall with a loud thunk, his forehead striking the concrete
  39. >You let the trigger go, the gun slumping to your side
  40. >Taking a deep breath, you jog off in the direction of the two struggling shapes
  41. >Judging from the wet cracking sound and muffled scream coming from the floored addict, you assume the mysterious stranger has cracked the junkie's nose bone
  42. >Drawing closer, you notice the newcomer currently holding the runner in a headlock looks awfully familiar
  43. >''What's up, mate?''
  44. >The newcomer cracks a grin, sparse light glinting off his teeth
  45. ''Teapot?''
  46. >''One and only, mate. Now-''
  47. >The addict's struggles are cut short by the tightening headlock
  48. >''Stay still, fucker. Now, what's this guy do to ya?''
  49. >Now close enough to make out his face, you answer his grin with an uncertain smile
  50. ''I just wanted to ask him some questions, that's all.''
  51. >''Questions, huh? What kind?''
  52. >You point at the handbag now lying in the filth of the alley, it's contents splayed out on the ground
  53. ''Well, where he got that, for starters.''
  54. >Teapot clicks his tongue, grin still present on his face
  55. >Turning to the addict, he chuckles and takes a scolding tone
  56. >''Now, what was that all about, Ronnie? Been robbing pretty girls again, have we?''
  57. >With Teapot relaxing his grip on the addict's throat after some insistent squirming and grunting, the addict's raspy voice fills the alley
  58. >''I swear man, I didn't do nothing, man! I swear!''
  59. ''How'd you get that then, huh?''
  60. >You lean in and press the cold steel of the barrel against the junkie's cheek
  61. >Fear and discomfort evident in his voice, the junkie coughs shakily
  62. >''I found it, I swear, man!''
  63. >Leaning in even closer, your voice adopts a low, dangerous purr as you forcefully press the gun to his head
  64. >The addict grimaces and closes his eyes in fear, his yellowed teeth looking like they might fall out any second
  65. ''You better tell me how you found it, and do it now. Or else-''
  66. >You pull back the hammer with an audible click, sending the junkie into a fit of hyperventilation
  67. >Truth be told, if you weren't so angry you'd probably be hyperventilating too
  68. >The burning knot of panic in your stomach is nothing new, and you hope to God you won't have to pull the trigger
  69. >''A-alright, man, I'll tell you, o-okay? J-just please, stow the p-piece, man, okay?''
  70. >Sighing deeply, you flick the safety back on and uncock the hammer, stowing the piece back into the front of your pants
  71. >The addict opens his eyes slowly, with a mixed look of surprise and relief in his eyes
  72. ''Now, talk.''
  73. >''Th-thanks, man. Thank you.''
  74. >Teapot shakes the shaken addict with a playfully disapproving look on his face
  75. >''Any fucking day now, sweetheart.''
  76. >''Oh, yeah, yeah. I-I'll tell. Just, can you p-please let my neck go, man?''
  77. >Teapot turns his eyes to you with a questioning look, and you answer him with a nod
  78. >As he relinquishes his grip, he stands up
  79. >The addict follows suit, casting nervous glances at you and the Cockney skinhead blocking the alley exit
  80. >''No funny business, mate.''
  81. ''Yeah. Don't try any shit.''
  82. >The addict hunches down, looking like a scared rabbit cornered by two foxes
  83. >''A-alright, man, alright. I promise, okay?''
  84. >You impatiently motion for him to continue, the crackhead getting on your nerves more and more
  85. ''The bag. How the fuck did you get it?''
  86. >''Alright, man, alright. So, I was just sitting here, alright? Then, this pretty lady comes through, all posh and shit, alright?''
  87. ''Get on with it.''
  88. >''Yeah, so I asks her if she could lend me a buck or two, alright? So the bitch just walks by, and-''
  89. >You draw closer and grab him by his collar, anger bubbling up once again
  90. ''She's not a 'bitch', alright? She's a fine lady, alright?''
  91. >''Hey, hey man, I'm sorry, alright? S-so this lady just walks on by and shit, so I follow her a bit, and-''
  92. ''Wait. You followed her? Why?''
  93. >You tighten your grip on his collar, the addict looking even more scared
  94. >''It-it's not like that, man, I swear! She jus' didn't look like she was from here, s-so I followed her to keep th' lady safe, yeah?''
  95. >He erupts into a nervous grin and you let go of his collar, leaving him visibly relieved
  96. ''Likely as fuck.''
  97. >Brushing aside your jab, he dusts his collar with an air of indignation
  98. >''Anyway, I was just walking toward her when this big ol' fat guy comes up behind her, alright? They start talking', and then, outta th' blue, boom!''
  99. >He slaps his fist into his palm, as if to illustrate the events
  100. >''Guy knocks her on her pretty head and the bit- lady falls down like a sack o' bricks, alright? So, he picks her up and takes her to this big-ass van outside th' alley and dumps her in.''
  101. >You feel the knot in your stomach rapidly tightening, and a cold wave of fear washes over you
  102. >So, Celestia is kidnapped, very possibly hurt, and maybe even dead
  103. >The chill of fear quickly mixes with a blaze of anger
  104. >Whoever did this to her deserved to pay
  105. >Whoever that motherfucker was, you'd get him
  106. >But then what?
  107. >You don't know
  108. >And as you remember why she even walked down the alley alone in the first place, you feel a wave of guilt and shame mixed with nausea washing over you
  109. >If only you hadn't yelled at her
  110. >If only she hadn't found the baggie
  111. >You know very well that it's your fault
  112. >You may not be the one who knocked her out, but you were the one that caused her to leave
  113. >For the first time in what seems like an eternity, you find yourself wondering what life would be like with a normal job
  114. >Celestia would still be with you if you just worked nine to five
  115. >Hell, you would've already left Slateside behind you if you worked normally
  116. >Maybe you and Celestia would even-
  117. >The sound of footsteps echoing down the alley breaks your thoughts
  118. >The steps are soon followed by shouting
  119. >''Anon, bro! What the fuck man, we been looking around the block for your ass!''
  120. >''Ese, don't go off like that, man!''
  121. >You clearly see Teapot's eyes narrow as the footsteps draw closer, his body language clearly showing that he is ready to start throwing punches at any second
  122. >Oh shit
  123. >You turn around just in time to see Ty, closely followed by Santiago, running up to you, Ty grabbing you in a bear hug
  124. >''Man, next time at least tell us what you plan to do, aight?''
  125. ''Y-yeah, sure.''
  126. >Ty lets you down and gives you a grin, before turning his eyes to Teapot
  127. >''So, who this guy?''
  128. >Santiago takes his place beside you and squeezes your shoulder, eyes narrowing at Teapot
  129. >Or, looking at it through his eyes, the tattooed skinhead wearing a flight jacket and a 'White Pride Worldwide' t-shirt
  130. >You give Ty and Santiago your best attempt at a disarming smile
  131. ''Oh, this? That's, uh, Teapot. Yeah.''
  132. >You turn to Teapot, the skinhead clearly tense over the situation
  133. ''Teapot, these two are Ty and Santiago. Very good friends of mine.''
  134. >The crack addict, with an extremely confused look on his face, takes the ensuing standoff-esque silence as his cue to speak
  135. >''Hey, man, did you say your name was Anon?''
  136. ''Yeah, how so?''
  137. >The crack addict cracks a relieved grin, yellowed, rotting teeth showing
  138. >''Man, don't you remember me? I'm-''
  139. >Teapot interrupts the addict with a slap to the back of the head
  140. >''Shut the fuck up, Ronnie.''
  141. >Santiago breaks the tense silence with a suspicious look on his face
  142. >''Ey, ese, where did you even find this guy?''
  143. ''It's Teapot. Him and his crew saved me when I got stomped.''
  144. >Relieved that the tension is somewhat broken, you babble on
  145. >Ty steps forward with an uncertain smile on his face, holding his hand out in a greeting
  146. >Stopping just in front of Teapot, he gives his best attempt at a friendly grin
  147. >''So, you saved Anon, eh? That's damn good of you, brother.''
  148. >Instead of returning the handshake, Teapot just stares at Ty with a disbelieving look on his face
  149. >Slowly but surely, a mocking grin creeps onto his face
  150. >''Ty, huh? What's that short for, mate? Tyrone? Tyreese?''
  151. >Ty's grin quickly turns into a glare, and you find yourself holding Santiago by the shoulder
  152. >You don't want any violence to occur
  153. >''It's Tyler.''
  154. >''Tyler, huh? Well, mate, that's not the first name I'd picked for you.''
  155. >''Well, I wouldn't name my own kid Teapot either, so I guess we in the same boat.''
  156. >Santiago erupts into laughter as Teapot steps closer to Ty with a livid look on his face
  157. >''You fucking what?''
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