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May 9th, 2018
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  1. bin>ffplay -f dshow -crossbar_video_input_pin_number 0 -crossbar_audio_input_pin_number 1 -loglevel debug -i video="Blackmagic WDM Capture":audio="Blackmagic WDM Capture"
  2. ffplay version N-90991-g0736f32a4f Copyright (c) 2003-2018 the FFmpeg developers
  3. built with gcc 7.3.0 (GCC)
  4. configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth
  5. libavutil 56. 18.100 / 56. 18.100
  6. libavcodec 58. 19.101 / 58. 19.101
  7. libavformat 58. 13.101 / 58. 13.101
  8. libavdevice 58. 4.100 / 58. 4.100
  9. libavfilter 7. 21.100 / 7. 21.100
  10. libswscale 5. 2.100 / 5. 2.100
  11. libswresample 3. 2.100 / 3. 2.100
  12. libpostproc 55. 2.100 / 55. 2.100
  13. Initialized direct3d renderer.
  14. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] Selecting pin Video Capture on video/0
  15. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] Could not find audio only device with name [Blackmagic WDM Capture] among source devices of type audio.
  16. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] Searching for audio device within video devices for Blackmagic WDM Capture
  17. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] reusing previous graph capture filter... @device_pnp_\\?\decklink#avstream#5&28dc2e48&0&0#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\decklinkcapture1
  18. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] Selecting pin Audio Capture on audio only
  19. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 305470 orig timestamp 100000 graph timestamp 305379 diff 205379 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  20. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 100000 orig timestamp 100000 graph timestamp 305588 diff 205588 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  21. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] All info found
  22. Input #0, dshow, from 'video=Blackmagic WDM Capture:audio=Blackmagic WDM Capture':
  23. Duration: N/A, start: 0.010000, bitrate: 1536 kb/s
  24. Stream #0:0, 1, 1/10000000: Video: rawvideo, 1 reference frame, bgr0, 1280x720, 0/1, 59.94 fps, 59.94 tbr, 10000k tbn, 10000k tbc
  25. Stream #0:1, 1, 1/10000000: Audio: pcm_s16le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1536 kb/s
  26. detected 4 logical cores
  27. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e6ef40] Setting 'sample_rate' to value '48000'
  28. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e6ef40] Setting 'sample_fmt' to value 's16'
  29. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e6ef40] Setting 'channels' to value '2'
  30. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e6ef40] Setting 'time_base' to value '1/48000'
  31. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e6ef40] tb:1/48000 samplefmt:s16 samplerate:48000 chlayout:(null)
  32. [AVFilterGraph @ 000001ef21e5d040] query_formats: 2 queried, 3 merged, 0 already done, 0 delayed
  33. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 470206 orig timestamp 266833 graph timestamp 470107 diff 203274 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  34. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 266875 orig timestamp 266875 graph timestamp 470354 diff 203479 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  35. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  36. Audio frame changed from rate:48000 ch:2 fmt:s16 layout:0 channels serial:-1 to rate:48000 ch:2 fmt:s16 layout:0 channels serial:1
  37. Video frame changed from size:0x0 format:none serial:-1 to size:1280x720 format:bgr0 serial:1
  38. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] Setting 'video_size' to value '1280x720'
  39. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e689c0] Setting 'sample_rate' to value '48000'
  40. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] Setting 'pix_fmt' to value '123'
  41. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e689c0] Setting 'sample_fmt' to value 's16'
  42. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] Setting 'time_base' to value '1/10000000'
  43. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e689c0] Setting 'channels' to value '2'
  44. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] Setting 'pixel_aspect' to value '0/1'
  45. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e689c0] Setting 'time_base' to value '1/48000'
  46. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] Setting 'frame_rate' to value '10000000/166833'
  47. [ffplay_abuffer @ 000001ef21e689c0] tb:1/48000 samplefmt:s16 samplerate:48000 chlayout:(null)
  48. [ffplay_buffer @ 000001ef21e688c0] w:1280 h:720 pixfmt:bgr0 tb:1/10000000 fr:10000000/166833 sar:0/1 sws_param:
  49. [AVFilterGraph @ 000001ef21e7c840] query_formats: 2 queried, 3 merged, 0 already done, 0 delayed
  50. [auto_scaler_0 @ 000001ef21e68f00] Setting 'flags' to value 'bicubic'
  51. [auto_scaler_0 @ 000001ef21e68f00] w:iw h:ih flags:'bicubic' interl:0
  52. [ffplay_buffersink @ 000001ef21e5f580] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0' between the filter 'ffplay_buffer' and the filter 'ffplay_buffersink'
  53. [AVFilterGraph @ 000001ef21e7d200] query_formats: 2 queried, 0 merged, 1 already done, 0 delayed
  54. [auto_scaler_0 @ 000001ef21e68f00] picking bgra out of 2 ref:bgr0 alpha:0
  55. [swscaler @ 000001ef21e872c0] Forcing full internal H chroma due to input having non subsampled chroma
  56. [auto_scaler_0 @ 000001ef21e68f00] w:1280 h:720 fmt:bgr0 sar:0/1 -> w:1280 h:720 fmt:bgra sar:0/1 flags:0x4
  57. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  58. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 671734 orig timestamp 433666 graph timestamp 671608 diff 237942 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  59. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 433750 orig timestamp 433750 graph timestamp 672528 diff 238778 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  60. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  61. Created 1280x720 texture with SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888.
  62. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 833511 orig timestamp 600499 graph timestamp 833416 diff 232917 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  63. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 600625 orig timestamp 600625 graph timestamp 833720 diff 233095 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  64. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  65. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 1015041 orig timestamp 767332 graph timestamp 1014919 diff 247587 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  66. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 767500 orig timestamp 767500 graph timestamp 1015139 diff 247639 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  67. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  68. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 1189343 orig timestamp 934165 graph timestamp 1189225 diff 255060 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  69. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 934375 orig timestamp 934375 graph timestamp 1203579 diff 269204 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  70. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  71. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 1356033 orig timestamp 1100998 graph timestamp 1355934 diff 254936 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  72. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 1101041 orig timestamp 1101041 graph timestamp 1356196 diff 255155 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  73. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 1699047 orig timestamp 1267831 graph timestamp 1698952 diff 431121 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  74. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 1267916 orig timestamp 1267916 graph timestamp 1701928 diff 434012 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  75. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  76. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 1971831 orig timestamp 1434664 graph timestamp 1971743 diff 537079 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  77. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 1434791 orig timestamp 1434791 graph timestamp 2008586 diff 573795 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  78. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  79. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 2149555 orig timestamp 1601497 graph timestamp 2149441 diff 547944 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  80. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 1601666 orig timestamp 1601666 graph timestamp 2171470 diff 569804 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  81. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  82. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 2412593 orig timestamp 1768330 graph timestamp 2412406 diff 644076 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  83. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 1935208 orig timestamp 1935208 graph timestamp 2412847 diff 477639 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  84. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  85. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 2592659 orig timestamp 1935163 graph timestamp 2592511 diff 657348 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  86. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 2102083 orig timestamp 2102083 graph timestamp 2637720 diff 535637 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  87. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 2743732 orig timestamp 2101996 graph timestamp 2743367 diff 641371 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  88. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 2268958 orig timestamp 2268958 graph timestamp 2777414 diff 508456 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  89. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  90. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 2837643 orig timestamp 2268829 graph timestamp 2837449 diff 568620 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  91. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 2435833 orig timestamp 2435833 graph timestamp 2881743 diff 445910 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  92. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 3058734 orig timestamp 2435662 graph timestamp 3058609 diff 622947 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  93. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 2602708 orig timestamp 2602708 graph timestamp 3233907 diff 631199 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  94. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  95. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 3393863 orig timestamp 2602495 graph timestamp 3393783 diff 791288 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  96. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 2769375 orig timestamp 2769375 graph timestamp 3393962 diff 624587 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  97. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  98. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 3583031 orig timestamp 2769328 graph timestamp 3582928 diff 813600 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  99. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 2936250 orig timestamp 2936250 graph timestamp 3672548 diff 736298 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  100. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 3768422 orig timestamp 2936161 graph timestamp 3768091 diff 831930 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  101. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  102. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 3103125 orig timestamp 3103125 graph timestamp 3862938 diff 759813 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  103. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 3898978 orig timestamp 3269827 graph timestamp 3898887 diff 629060 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  104. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  105. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 3436875 orig timestamp 3436875 graph timestamp 4120768 diff 683893 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  106. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 4296052 orig timestamp 3436660 graph timestamp 4295926 diff 859266 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  107. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  108. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 3603541 orig timestamp 3603541 graph timestamp 4368372 diff 764831 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  109. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 4414194 orig timestamp 3603493 graph timestamp 4414091 diff 810598 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  110. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 3770416 orig timestamp 3770416 graph timestamp 4613399 diff 842983 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  111. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  112. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 4835081 orig timestamp 3770326 graph timestamp 4834975 diff 1064649 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  113. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 3937291 orig timestamp 3937291 graph timestamp 4835294 diff 898003 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  114. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5005097 orig timestamp 4103992 graph timestamp 5004995 diff 901003 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  115. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  116. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 4104166 orig timestamp 4104166 graph timestamp 5045118 diff 940952 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  117. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5089297 orig timestamp 4270825 graph timestamp 5089202 diff 818377 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  118. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 4437708 orig timestamp 4437708 graph timestamp 5184662 diff 746954 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  119. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  120. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5366487 orig timestamp 4771324 graph timestamp 5366297 diff 594973 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  121. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 4604583 orig timestamp 4604583 graph timestamp 5394583 diff 790000 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  122. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  123. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5518937 orig timestamp 4938157 graph timestamp 5518845 diff 580688 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  124. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 4771458 orig timestamp 4771458 graph timestamp 5528634 diff 757176 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  125. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  126. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5697322 orig timestamp 5104990 graph timestamp 5697223 diff 592233 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  127. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 4938333 orig timestamp 4938333 graph timestamp 5697462 diff 759129 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  128. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 5814634 orig timestamp 5271823 graph timestamp 5814520 diff 542697 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  129. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  130. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 5105208 orig timestamp 5105208 graph timestamp 5853716 diff 748508 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  131. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  132. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 5271875 orig timestamp 5271875 graph timestamp 6147652 diff 875777 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  133. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 6151073 orig timestamp 5438656 graph timestamp 6150989 diff 712333 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  134. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 5438750 orig timestamp 5438750 graph timestamp 6163382 diff 724632 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  135. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  136. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 6243948 orig timestamp 5605489 graph timestamp 6243838 diff 638349 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  137. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 5605625 orig timestamp 5605625 graph timestamp 6244301 diff 638676 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  138. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 6391576 orig timestamp 5772322 graph timestamp 6391500 diff 619178 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  139. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  140. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 5772500 orig timestamp 5772500 graph timestamp 6391755 diff 619255 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  141. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 6655480 orig timestamp 6105988 graph timestamp 6655404 diff 549416 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  142. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  143. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 5939375 orig timestamp 5939375 graph timestamp 6713147 diff 773772 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  144. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  145. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 6724669 orig timestamp 6272821 graph timestamp 6724585 diff 451764 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  146. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 6106041 orig timestamp 6106041 graph timestamp 6859141 diff 753100 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  147. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  148. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 7164218 orig timestamp 6439654 graph timestamp 7164119 diff 724465 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  149. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 6272916 orig timestamp 6272916 graph timestamp 7208150 diff 935234 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  150. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 7352396 orig timestamp 6606487 graph timestamp 7352278 diff 745791 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  151. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  152. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 6439791 orig timestamp 6439791 graph timestamp 7395397 diff 955606 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  153. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  154. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 7468269 orig timestamp 6773320 graph timestamp 7468075 diff 694755 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  155. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 6606666 orig timestamp 6606666 graph timestamp 7472751 diff 866085 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  156. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  157. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 7681996 orig timestamp 7106986 graph timestamp 7681912 diff 574926 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  158. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 6773541 orig timestamp 6773541 graph timestamp 7698182 diff 924641 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  159. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  160. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 7890457 orig timestamp 7273819 graph timestamp 7890305 diff 616486 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  161. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 6940208 orig timestamp 6940208 graph timestamp 7891050 diff 950842 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  162. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  163. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8081543 orig timestamp 7440652 graph timestamp 8081414 diff 640762 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  164. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 7107083 orig timestamp 7107083 graph timestamp 8081718 diff 974635 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  165. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  166. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8344812 orig timestamp 7607485 graph timestamp 8344728 diff 737243 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  167. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 7273958 orig timestamp 7273958 graph timestamp 8349043 diff 1075085 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  168. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  169. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8468471 orig timestamp 7774318 graph timestamp 8468398 diff 694080 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  170. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 7440833 orig timestamp 7440833 graph timestamp 8468657 diff 1027824 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  171. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  172. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8592307 orig timestamp 7941151 graph timestamp 8592171 diff 651020 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  173. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  174. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 7607708 orig timestamp 7607708 graph timestamp 8592475 diff 984767 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  175. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8662871 orig timestamp 8274817 graph timestamp 8662784 diff 387967 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  176. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  177. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 7774375 orig timestamp 7774375 graph timestamp 8724753 diff 950378 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  178. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8761619 orig timestamp 8441650 graph timestamp 8761110 diff 319460 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  179. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 7941250 orig timestamp 7941250 graph timestamp 8822117 diff 880867 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  180. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  181. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 8921370 orig timestamp 8608483 graph timestamp 8921172 diff 312689 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  182. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 8108125 orig timestamp 8108125 graph timestamp 8921686 diff 813561 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  183. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9228040 orig timestamp 8775316 graph timestamp 9227891 diff 452575 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  184. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  185. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 8275000 orig timestamp 8275000 graph timestamp 9228899 diff 953899 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  186. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 8441875 orig timestamp 8441875 graph timestamp 9261978 diff 820103 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  187. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 8608541 orig timestamp 8608541 graph timestamp 9306000 diff 697459 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  188. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 8775416 orig timestamp 8775416 graph timestamp 9316082 diff 540666 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  189. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9328014 orig timestamp 8942149 graph timestamp 9327927 diff 385778 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  190. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  191. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 9109166 orig timestamp 9109166 graph timestamp 9344953 diff 235787 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  192. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9387756 orig timestamp 9108982 graph timestamp 9387627 diff 278645 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  193. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  194. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  195. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 9276041 orig timestamp 9276041 graph timestamp 9504367 diff 228326 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  196. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9639406 orig timestamp 9275815 graph timestamp 9639314 diff 363499 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  197. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 9442708 orig timestamp 9442708 graph timestamp 9712163 diff 269455 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  198. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9778720 orig timestamp 9442648 graph timestamp 9778580 diff 335932 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  199. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  200. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 9609583 orig timestamp 9609583 graph timestamp 9847806 diff 238223 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  201. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 9990144 orig timestamp 9609481 graph timestamp 9989654 diff 380173 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  202. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 9776458 orig timestamp 9776458 graph timestamp 10040573 diff 264115 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  203. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  204. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10123085 orig timestamp 9776314 graph timestamp 10122560 diff 346246 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  205. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  206. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 9943333 orig timestamp 9943333 graph timestamp 10174779 diff 231446 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  207. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  208. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10226850 orig timestamp 9943147 graph timestamp 10226660 diff 283513 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  209. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 10110208 orig timestamp 10110208 graph timestamp 10328432 diff 218224 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  210. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  211. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10433220 orig timestamp 10109980 graph timestamp 10433106 diff 323126 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  212. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 10276875 orig timestamp 10276875 graph timestamp 10491085 diff 214210 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  213. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  214. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10513224 orig timestamp 10276813 graph timestamp 10513125 diff 236312 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  215. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  216. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 10443750 orig timestamp 10443750 graph timestamp 10698958 diff 255208 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  217. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10699513 orig timestamp 10443646 graph timestamp 10699414 diff 255768 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  218. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 10610625 orig timestamp 10610625 graph timestamp 10831666 diff 221041 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  219. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  220. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 10863970 orig timestamp 10610479 graph timestamp 10863901 diff 253422 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  221. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  222. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11005909 orig timestamp 10777312 graph timestamp 11005768 diff 228456 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  223. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  224. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 10777500 orig timestamp 10777500 graph timestamp 11006023 diff 228523 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  225. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  226. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11179079 orig timestamp 10944145 graph timestamp 11178934 diff 234789 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  227. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 10944375 orig timestamp 10944375 graph timestamp 11179900 diff 235525 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  228. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11402377 orig timestamp 11110978 graph timestamp 11402062 diff 291084 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  229. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 11111041 orig timestamp 11111041 graph timestamp 11430272 diff 319231 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  230. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11504706 orig timestamp 11277811 graph timestamp 11504584 diff 226773 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  231. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  232. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 11277916 orig timestamp 11277916 graph timestamp 11520231 diff 242315 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  233. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11660827 orig timestamp 11444644 graph timestamp 11660686 diff 216042 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  234. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  235. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 11444791 orig timestamp 11444791 graph timestamp 11660941 diff 216150 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  236. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  237. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 11864639 orig timestamp 11611477 graph timestamp 11864446 diff 252969 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  238. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  239. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 11611666 orig timestamp 11611666 graph timestamp 11864921 diff 253255 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  240. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12019042 orig timestamp 11778310 graph timestamp 12018932 diff 240622 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  241. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 11778541 orig timestamp 11778541 graph timestamp 12029352 diff 250811 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  242. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  243. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 11945208 orig timestamp 11945208 graph timestamp 12187282 diff 242074 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  244. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12187640 orig timestamp 11945143 graph timestamp 12187541 diff 242398 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  245. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 12112083 orig timestamp 12112083 graph timestamp 12351819 diff 239736 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  246. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12378144 orig timestamp 12111976 graph timestamp 12378068 diff 266092 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  247. [dshow @ 000001ef21e50840] real-time buffer [Blackmagic WDM Capture] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
  248. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  249. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12520843 orig timestamp 12278809 graph timestamp 12520721 diff 241912 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  250. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 12278958 orig timestamp 12278958 graph timestamp 12520965 diff 242007 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  251. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  252. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12722732 orig timestamp 12445642 graph timestamp 12722462 diff 276820 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  253. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 12445833 orig timestamp 12445833 graph timestamp 12723043 diff 277210 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  254. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  255. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 12866107 orig timestamp 12612475 graph timestamp 12865856 diff 253381 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  256. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3200 timestamp 12612708 orig timestamp 12612708 graph timestamp 12866380 diff 253672 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  257. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  258. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 12779375 orig timestamp 12779375 graph timestamp 13018803 diff 239428 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  259. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 13020731 orig timestamp 12779308 graph timestamp 13020658 diff 241350 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  260. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 51200
  261. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 12946250 orig timestamp 12946250 graph timestamp 13186036 diff 239786 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  262. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 13204244 orig timestamp 12946141 graph timestamp 13204066 diff 257925 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  263. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 13113125 orig timestamp 13113125 graph timestamp 13349052 diff 235927 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  264. [rawvideo @ 000001ef21e7aa80] PACKET SIZE: 3686400, STRIDE: 5120
  265. dshow passing through packet of type video size 3686400 timestamp 13404818 orig timestamp 13112974 graph timestamp 13404689 diff 291715 Blackmagic WDM Capture
  266. dshow passing through packet of type audio size 3204 timestamp 13280000 orig timestamp 13280000 graph timestamp 13530513 diff 250513 Blackmagic WDM Capture
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