
Keeping a promise

Dec 9th, 2020
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  1. Before a web infested rock.
  2. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There is a heavy snowfall. Dark shadows slither across the craggy surface of the desolate hills, converging on a shallow concavity where the foothills meet. Towering high overhead, greater in mass than any other object in the valley, rises a large outcropping of rock, covered in thick strands of sticky webbing that infest and drastically alter the landscape with their corruptive touch. A mature sheep stands here looking bored and boring. A green eyelash viper is slithering about here.
  3. You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, southwest, northwest, and in.
  5. The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the land to bask in his shining golden rays.
  7. You think to yourself: **a hopeful voice, a small smile, "I remember how tall he is, and his favourite colours. Oh yes! He loves sweets. Especially iced cream, and he also loves curry."**.
  9. You have emoted: Cheliyi shuffles quietly, and then sighs.
  10. Quietly, you say, "Mister Akuuko...."
  12. Promenade of roses.
  13. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Small paths of loose onyx stone wind throughout the area, forming symmetrical loops. Lining each pathway are well-trimmed rosebushes, an abundance of dark, red roses, bloom year-round upon each. In the centre, where each looping pathway both begins and ends, resides a large fountain. The pool at the base of the fountain is wide, a broad flat-topped boulder rising from its depths. Across its surface is an intricate forest of trees crafted from dark marble, each sculpted in exquisite detail. In the centre stands a statue of Lady Viravain, Her gaze turned down towards the forest and Her hand outstretched. A small stream of water pours from Her palm, this source of life raining down upon the trees.
  14. You see exits leading out and through a clear pool.
  15. Letting yourself fall, you drop into the pool but instead of the expected splash, you find yourself somewhere else.
  17. Among the climbing vines.
  18. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Climbing rosebushes adorn every surface here, wrapping their snakelike vines around every rock. The walls of the gardens are completely covered in blooming roses of varied hues, from dark to light, and the air is filled with their aromatic scent. A circle of six statues stands in the centre, each staring outwards. Though the creeping vines curl around each, it is possible to discern that each is a faeling, alternating male and female form, but nothing is clear beyond this. The delicate statues all have a crown of roses settled upon their brows, the only flowers visible upon them, despite being covered in thorny vines. Small pathways of glimmering black stones cut through the walls to the northeast. A beautiful and decorative rug lies here, formed from the fur of a single aslaran male. A black direwolf is here blending in with the shadows, its massive ebon wings folded at rest.
  19. You see exits leading northeast, northwest, and through an archway of black rock.
  21. You greet a black direwolf with ebon feathered wings with a respectful nod, your leaves swishing as the chimes clink gently.
  22. Softly, you say to a black direwolf with ebon feathered wings, "Hello again, yes. I am just here to deliver some food."
  23. You hum softly, your leaves resonating in tune with the small set of bone chimes.
  25. Curiously, you say to a black direwolf with ebon feathered wings, "Do you like shrimps?"
  27. Thoughtfully, you say to a black direwolf with ebon feathered wings, "You should decide, yes."
  29. A black direwolf with ebon feathered wings looks at you blankly. Apparently it isn't intelligent enough to realize what a great treasure you are trying to bestow upon it.
  30. You blink.
  31. You have emoted: Cheliyi places a bowl of shrimp curry in front of a black direwolf with ebon feathered wings, and then nods respectfully.
  33. You drop a bowl of shrimp curry.
  34. You think to yourself: Now to visit Mister Akuuko...
  36. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
  38. Howling loudly to the sky, a black direwolf glides out to the southwest on ebon wings.
  40. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  41. You think to yourself: You can do this. Fear is just a tool, like Miss Aleyah said.
  43. Near a statue of the Lady of Thorns.
  44. The slender, perfect beauty of the Lady of Thorns rises from a plinth of polished black marble, Her own form rendered in purest white. Her lips are curved in a chill smile beneath the hood that obscures half Her face - Her outstretched hands bear a long scythe, and the mantling form of a crow. At Her feet, innumerable candles burn with flames of shadowfire within embrasures of pallid stone. Filling the space about him with his charismatic presence, Akuuko lingers here. A rowan sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here.
  45. You see exits leading south and west.
  47. Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the land.
  49. You have emoted: Cheliyi keeps her gaze averted from Akuuko, the Rewoven, her shoulders tensing despite her efforts.
  51. ---> look akuuko
  53. Small bits of webbing cling to the nearly nude form of this young dracnari man, black ichor and dark dirt creating small, nonsensical patterns upon a body that is covered in dark green scales that shimmer with an otherworldly sheen. Shadows cling to him, protecting his modesty, deftly weaving darkness wherever necessary. Upon his face, and the part of his torso stretching from the right side of his neck to his hip, however, is a solid line of faint scarring that splinters with a pattern like lightning. On the other side of these scars, his scales darken to a deep violet, flecked through with traces of umbral red and swirls of stygian black, the skin beneath taut and corded as though the muscle were freshly grown. Brilliantly orange, his eyes stare out from a slightly sunken position within his pointed, mischievous face, above a crooked nose and a mouth that is prone to quirking into a lopsided smile. Lithe and limber in his five feet of finely muscled height, his movements carry a sense of grace and agility that translates to deadly ability when the clawed talons capping his hands and digitigrade feet catch the light.
  54. Akuuko, the Rewoven is quite powerful.
  56. With a gentle creak, you say to Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Hello, yes. I heard that you like curry and icecream muchly, so I... brought some? If that is okay."
  58. You think to yourself: You can do this you can do this you can do this.
  59. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
  60. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  62. The musky scent of loam and leaves fills you with vibrancy.
  64. Muginn shakes out his feathers, the plumes suddenly glowing with an ethereal haze. Ripples of mist pool at his talons, writhing with silent, screaming faces that leave hoar-frost in their wake.
  66. You have emoted: Cheliyi finally looks up and offers Akuuko, the Rewoven a small smile, her shoulders drawing inwards.
  68. You think to yourself: **purple scales glinting in the moonlight, dripping with red, choked screams-**.
  69. You have emoted: Cheliyi suddenly looks away, grimacing.
  71. With a gentle creak, you say to Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Um. Do you have any other foods that you like, yes? It is okay to not answer, if you are sleeping on the inside."
  73. Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
  75. You think to yourself: You can do this. You can talk. For Mixter Aschwar.
  77. Quietly, as if to not wake him, you say to Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Okay, you are probably sleeping, then. I will leave the foods here, and will come back with more next month, yes. If you need anything, please let me know, yes."
  79. You give an icecream sandwich to Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  81. You turn quickly as a twig snaps behind you.
  83. You give an icecream sandwich to Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  84. You give a bowl of shrimp curry to Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  85. You give a bowl of shrimp curry to Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  87. You nod your head sagely.
  88. You wave goodbye at Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  90. A snow white courtyard.
  91. A ghostly, snow-white willow looms at the centre of this courtyard in stark relief against reclaimed patches of obsidian marble. Contending with the dark roses that choke them, fingerling branches creep high above, the spear-like leaves secured with white apple blossoms pierced by ropes of thorns. Dangerously hanging cords of roses and thorns are interspersed between well-tended marble benches facing the gnarled trunk of the willow which has been carved with clandestine glyphs worshipping the Lady and the creation of the Wyrd. Trellises of sticky, cocoon-like webs weave around the canopy of the tree and the surroundings, keeping this area humid and cloying with the scent of flowering decay. A hemlock sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here.
  92. You see exits leading north and south.
  94. You have emoted: Cheliyi exhales softly, her shoulders lowering just a little.
  95. You think to yourself: ... I can do it.
  97. ---> steppy steppy out of the temple
  99. Before a web infested rock.
  100. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Small particles of dust fly through the air, caught up in a moderate gale. Dark shadows slither across the craggy surface of the desolate hills, converging on a shallow concavity where the foothills meet. Towering high overhead, greater in mass than any other object in the valley, rises a large outcropping of rock, covered in thick strands of sticky webbing that infest and drastically alter the landscape with their corruptive touch.
  101. You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, southwest, northwest, and in.
  103. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
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