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Gatorbait SAHA notes

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Sep 21st, 2013
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  1. Weird breaks in between lines are jarring.
  2. Looks like it's written for prose and then translated to green
  3. Dialogue after dialogue after dialogue gets kind of boring. Mix it up a bit with some descriptors of body language or even just "he described" or summat
  4. A lot of the description is great for getting a tone from Anon, such as "The city of Canterlot reeks of majesty, wealth, and pomp."
  5. Suggests he has a ton of disdain for the "noble elite". Small thing but good for building a character that not many writers do
  6. Outside of that, haven't noticed much character from Anon. Seems boring and stereotypical. Basically for the reader to self-insert.
  7. Again some paranoid traits in Anon shown through perspective description.
  8. Could be done a bit more subtly but expecting too much.
  9. Dialogue between Anon and Glory Road feels...weird. Not like how talking between friends should be.
  10. Specifically "oh Anon, you card. Now, who's running this show?"
  11. Commas being used all over the place, but only noticed because I was looking for them. Some places can be replaced with semicolons or periods.
  12. Anon is very mechanical in everything he says. Could be result of guard training. Want to see his interactions with civs on and off duty and guards off duty
  13. Nice touch to add some fish out of water places to an Anon who is seemingly familiar to Equestria
  14. Would like to see more of it though.
  15. Anon still noticing looks of ponies - still somewhat paranoid.
  16. Commas are getting much more noticable.
  17. Seems strange for Anon to be noticing Cadance's appearance after stopping an attack. Would think he'd notice later when time to spare.
  18. No real tension before and during fight with pegasi "Shall we go before my assailants cause more trouble?" might speak about her character but nobody else seems to care. so why should we
  19. Everyone seems to accept that the escort job was shit without explaining how. They got the girl with minimal effort and she's no worse for the wear.
  20. No experiences with Glory + no tension from the TWO DOZEN pegasi = boring "fight", no real early conflict
  21. Anon still manages to convey his disgust and impatience with Cadence to reader while keeping straight and calm to her
  22. Guards wouldn't really talk about themselves to royalty so freely. Might be part of his character, might be way to move the plot along
  23. Sudden 180 between snapping at Anon and begging him to stay either shows how fed up with Shining she is or, again, a way to move the plot along.
  24. Playful Cadance is fun to read. Hope it doesn't overstay welcome. Very curious as well
  25. Dialogue combined with flashback in Anon's mind is brilliant.
  26. Kind of strange can't get a general feel for Anon's character but we're shown some segments here and there to perhaps keep it interesting. Would prefer more of his own twist.
  27. Some past would also be nice. Got a small taste with that flashback, along with a greater mystery of the clock
  28. Cadence doesn't feel like royalty - good touch to get us along with her faster. Has some royal speech elements but not as much as expected.
  29. Again, just dialogue after dialogue after dialogue. Mix it up, even with just Cadence looking out the window with a faraway look in her eyes. cliche but mixes it up
  30. Just feels like shot-reverse shot.
  32. felt like her history could've been spaced out more than not at all (ie more than one breath/conversation)
  34. Whole huge exchange between Anon and Cadance feels weird. I would think Cadance would want to get to know him better before spilling her guts out to him. Perhaps shows that it's all boiling over already?
  35. Some dialogue with Glory immediately after could've gotten some good development for both of them along with getting an outside person looking in on it
  36. Not necessary to point out how distanced her speech is from Shining. Show, don't tell. I could tell at least a bit that she was peeved from just that one reply.
  37. We hear about Anon's exploits but we don't see them. Didn't do shit with Cadance. Anon still feels like a robot so it's not believable that he's a heartbreaker.
  38. Most of the recap at the end of chapter 2 is unnecessary. We've been with Anon the whole time so we know what just happened like 5 minutes ago.
  39. Again some more dialogue between Anon and Glory would've helped develop both of their characters. One of the few stories where I actually yearn for MORE dialogue
  40. No real reason given for Cadence being completely alone ie no attendants or anything
  42. Too much exposition given in small bursts rather than spread out
  43. Sympathy for Cadance shown in more subtle hints of thoughts instead of outright said
  44. Initial thought after Shining brings up him and Cadance further shows his paranoia and feelings of being an outsider. Again, not outright saying it.
  45. Shining says he's not qualified to be a leader or guard Cadence, yet made him the leader of the guard of an escort for her? Doesn't make sense.
  46. First real showing of emotion or passion from Anonymous after accepting job feels weird. Seems too obsessed with a pony he just met. Also doesn't fit with the paranoid/loner Anon we've been hinted to know.
  47. Mother. Fucking. Commas.
  48. For some reason Anon has this eagerness to improve now. Didn't feel like it before. More non-Cadence-related shenanigans with him would help.
  49. Still can't get a picture of Anon four chapters in.
  50. The finger gun suggests he's a huge nerd but his excitablity in the past two chapters are like the complete opposite of the others so far.
  51. Don't see much of a point of the scene showing that Luna's a huge whorse unless there's some punchline later and this is just the setup.
  52. The charm just screams "SHE'S GONNA GET KIDNAPPED AT SOME POINT". Maybe hide what its true purpose does a bit through cryptic wording?
  53. Staring at your charges ass 3 months after getting there and first day on the job? C'mon man
  54. Anon being a jokester now. Still feels like a complete 180 from before.
  55. Celestia being a fucking fatass also seems as pointless as Luna the whorse.
  56. Anon is also the complete opposite of professional. How'd he get a guard job?
  57. Cadance and Anon's interest in each other is as subtle as a brick to the face
  58. She then goes bipolar because of an off-hand comment.
  59. Romance budding from friendship progresses pretty well. Problem is that friendship didn't blossom from anything.
  60. Slight tease of memory from pre-Equestria is getting dick hard. Better finish.
  61. Loads of description while running from Blueblood makes me yearn for more of it everywhere else. Inconsistant detail.
  62. Again with the ass?
  63. Anon is incredibly undisciplined. How'd he get the job to oversee Cadance's escort again?
  64. This idiot jokester Anon is now a clever storyteller? He's all over the place.
  65. Perhaps this story could be in the beginning so we can get a CLEARER PICTURE OF ANON.
  66. It's a cool story though. More interesting than this love story.
  67. This dumb tease it excuse is dumb. We all want to know more about Anon and you stopped with the interesting story.
  68. Gonna say this now since I know how it goes: just making Blueblood an asshole doesn't make us love to hate him.
  69. Give us SOMETHING back on him that Anon will actually know about or this shit just gets boring.
  70. Anon seems pretty broken up over that fight with nameless pegasi that happened 7 centuries ago and was over in 2 minutes
  71. No real reason to see Shining dislike Anon so much besides "me against the world".
  72. Actually could be really interesting in only seeing the dislike from Anon's perspective, enforcing that paranoid trait from earlier that's seemingly the only constant.
  74. Minor point but he still has that internal clock right? Why does it say "it can't have been too long"?
  75. Celestia eats cakes thing again. Fuckin weird.
  76. Fight scene was exciting and action was well written. But now back to this boring shit I can't help but want MORE FIGHTS.
  77. Love story on par with Twilight. And I'm not talking about Sparkle.
  78. What in the fuck am I reading. Touching the princess? Wait how long did it take him to learn the language he's been here for like six months and he's been a guard for 3
  79. How did Lark become a royal guard if he's such a faggot
  80. Lark's reason for getting in seems forced.
  81. Cadance is feeling like a generic snarky love interest. Playful side is more interesting.
  82. Stardust seems like an actually interesting character. Change of pace, I assume.
  83. Another fight that's much more interesting than the love story.
  84. For a defensive magic specialist, Shining sure doesn't like it when Anon FIGHTS FUCKING DEFENSIVELY
  85. He's also a secret douchebag for no reason other than to serve as yet another antagonist (also the title kind of forces it to be so)
  86. Joss Whedon effect - everybody's a clever smartass for no reason.
  87. Language barrier stories are incredibly interesting. Makes flashback better.
  88. Why is a city guard (Glory) in charge of an alien? Especially if the captain of the guard would come right in to see him.
  89. Oh we're not going to see him actually learn the language are we? Not much point in putting the barrier there to begin with, then.
  90. Oh we're skipping everything else too. :(
  91. Back to the Twilight love story I guess.
  92. Thought Cadance loved all stories. Why is she not excited now? Knows something Anon doesn't?
  93. If Shining doesn't need advice from Celestia, what does he need besides a good dicking? Shit he's demanding something from the fucking ruler of the country and won't apologize
  94. For someone what cares so much about killing feral ponies, Shining sure does have an obsession with messing with Anon.
  95. Celestia seems to notice his fucking hatred for Anon, yet chooses not to do anything? This is the same leader preaching "no harm shall come to anypony" right?
  96. That time-keeping thing was in this story right? I'm not just taking something from a different one? Where'd it go?
  97. Wait a minute. Before whatshisname Winter Fir or whatever said he wouldn't use a spearhead. Does that mean that he was prepared to literally murder Anon and expect no consequences?
  98. Anon sure does have a thing for pony asses
  99. Cadance would blush from being called by her name? Shit I'd hate to imagine her childhood.
  100. “I’m ready to being whenever you would like, Captain.” 12.42
  101. Can Shining really afford to keep more than FIFTY guards from their posts just for a dumb test?
  102. Wasn't Snowy looking to regain his honor? Like in a fair fight? What happened to that?
  103. Shining knows Snowy is supposedly better than everyone, even him. No way anyone should believe this is fair.
  104. Anon sure does hate hypotheticals for no real reason
  105. And now he despises his captain....I'm guessing to move the plot along since I had no impression on that earlier
  106. Oh I guess the clock thing is still a thing after all. Nothing's happened with it and it's only barely mentioned though.
  107. This whole situation is also telling the readers pretty obviously that she's gonna get kidnapped (just like in Twilight)
  108. If Shining really hates Anon so much, why not just demote him saying that he doesn't believe he's capable enough and saying fuck you to anyone what says otherwise.
  109. Cadance is gonna be mad either way so why not cut out the middle man
  110. Or just make it even more one-sided to the point where it's literally impossible for him to succeed. Make it five to one.
  111. Short changes of perspective freshens the story up but maybe make it more obvious when it changes.
  112. Nice foreshadowing of the jumping over the battering ram guy from jumping over that fat pony before. Could use more of it.
  113. What happened to Anon's resistance to magic?
  114. Anon was trained right? Can't have been much of training if he likes to taunt his commanding officer like this.
  115. Man beating up an injured greenhorn sure will help gain Glenn's honor back.
  116. He's not even fighting. Just using magic. This is the worst plan to regain honor ever.
  117. See this is exciting. Roaming around the halls with Cadance as she and Anon somehow become attracted to each other is not.
  118. Hey look glenn and blueblood are still winning with no satisfaction given to Anon. Can't love to hate them. Only hate to hate. Worst kind of antagonist.
  119. If Cadance likes him so much, why not just tell Shining to fuck off and employ him under the Cryst-shit wait this takes place before that WHATEVER SHE'S STILL A PRINCESS
  120. Did Shining undergo the same 180 as Anon during the transition from either chapter 3 to 4 or 4 to 5?
  121. This scene of Blueblood berating Snowy was probably added to give us satisfaction, but it's not the same as Anon knowing it. Just frustrating
  122. How did the medical team fix the cracked ribs thing? As far as I know it'd take like a month to heal on their own
  123. Cracked ribs ain't nothin to fuck wit (as in they didn't work him over, they ain't do shiet)
  124. Cadance said earlier (or implied) that she wouldn't want a guard that couldn't protect her, but is now saying she doesn't want Anon to...willingly sacrifice himself for her?
  125. If Shining is so busy doing whatever the fuck he needs to do so much that he can't go escort his fiancee or even see her, why does he have time to guard the princesses as they shove food down their mouths
  126. how does pone blush thru fur?
  127. She's doing this whole spiel about wanting sum fuk from Anon (at least that's what I got from it), but he's doing basically everything she says she wants (besides the fuk)
  128. Does she understand that if he shows even a little weakness, shining will have his ass out of there faster than you can say "Anon for fuck's sake just give me the hot monkey dick"
  129. Cadance and Shining are fiancees aren't they? Where in the timeline are we goddamn ARE TWILIGHT AND PONKA FUCKING YET THESE ARE QUESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE ASKED
  130. All this weird friendromance made me forget: why is cadance here? If we're at chapter 13 and have barely even looked at the main plot then you must be in for the long haul
  131. Does "paying lip service" mean making out? Because if so I've missed more than I thought.
  132. Not noticing many subtle hints in descriptions from Anon's personality anymore. Either nonexistant or TOO subtle?
  133. Neat to see Cadance saying "Captain Shining Armor" when she's mad at him. Even more neat is how you're not drawing attention to it.
  134. Starlight Starbright is probably the most interesting pone of the bunch. Kind of like Dashie. Seems not to be as cocky. Getting nicer. Development from seeing him almost beat her or something to move plot along?
  135. She also seems to be the only one who's straight forward and not a cunt what's too clever for their own good
  136. For some reason this story is very hard to read in long stretches (while sleep-deprived (and intoxicated (and masturbating)))
  137. Shining says leaving was Celestia's request but he's the one what suggested it
  138. So I guess this is before Cadance and Shining got together judging from 13.181-13.183? Needs to be clearer. I feel less bad about the romance though.
  139. Man Shining seems like even more of an asshole now. No way he's gonna get some now.
  140. Anon exploring his subconcious? Could be interesting. Could've been more interesting if it was his first time.
  141. Having the same nightmare of a past experience is cliche but okay depending on what it actually is
  142. The ball being red means it's something significant. Is child younger Anon or JAY SUN what Anon saved and caused Anon being hit by a car, forcing him to Equestria?
  143. So many questions for so few answers. Story seems to take on a system of Cadance->story->action->Cadance->story->etc. Don't be predictable.
  144. What happened to no combat for a week with the cracked fuckin ribs?
  145. Starwing should know the cracked ribs thing but still trucks him in the chest and jumps on it?
  146. Anon not wanting to get his sprained fuckin ankle checked out either plays in to his immaturity or his stubbornness. Probably both.
  147. ...who's in charge while the captain is away?
  148. I have a feeling Glory will turn to the feral side. Kind of hinted at and gives Anon a small parallel. If it does happen, more time between him and Anon would help immensely. Kind of cliche but I'm a sucker for that shit.
  149. Starling is still a breath of fresh air. Everyone else seems...almost robotic and predictable. She's rash, proud, and kind of a bitch but brave and loya-wait is she Dash's mother or something
  150. Wait this is like the 5th or 6th day of Anon guarding Cadance and she still hasn't requested to go into town?
  151. Wouldn't ponies question why Anon would bring a batpo-wait why is Sterling out during the day when does she sleep what is happening why is batpone
  152. Oh no Stripdust is getting sarcasm give me an "a" give me a "b" give me an "o" give me an "r" give me a "t" what's it spell? abort. what's it mean? kill kill kill
  153. wish we could've seen more of that dream. stuck in there until the dream is over? could be a cool future idea.
  154. the fuck did ANon do to his ankle if it's already healed
  155. oh boy more "blueblood and winter sun are douchebags" we get it already
  156. is there a reason nobody will bring this up to Celestia? is Celestia even still alive she hasn't done anything but eat cake
  157. was gonna question why Cadance isn't used to Blueblood yet but then it was said she didn't get mad until he shittalked Anon. nice touch that was subtle enough to not need any extra attention brought to it
  158. Thought Cadance was a playful curious pony and that second in command nobody remembers said she'd want to go into the city often?
  159. Paranoid qualities link Anon and Cadance. Might be better match than originally though.
  160. Her insistence that nobody treats her like a normal pony is quickly becoming only character trait though
  161. Was she really just brought to tears from the fact that she's a princess?
  162. 14.189 she's not used to wearing clothes? as a royal that doesn't make sense
  163. Laurel is the second in command right? He warned Anon she'd want to go into town. Why would he need further convincing
  164. Is she really that worried someone will attack her or is she just trying to get reassurance about this dumb plan
  165. Surprised she's never thought of wearing a fucking cloak before
  166. Low point of Cadance, as little sense it makes, still makes for a better bonding/romantic experience than everything else that's happened.
  167. Low point of Anon next? Getting barely beaten twice by experienced almost-captain as a greenhorn doesn't count. Talkin bout them nightmares. Leading up to it at least.
  168. so many fucking commas holy shit
  169. 15.001 after team should be a colon, not comma
  170. Usually have a problem with OCs but First Bat I See Tonight, Citrus, and to a degree Rainy are good. Lark less so since he's just a timid...."guy" who will either sacrifice himself, become a badass, or betray Anon later
  171. Is nobody gonna question why Anon specifically wanted a batpone. Is nobody gonna question why I Wish I May Be A Bat accepted?
  172. Lark and Citrus Vodka must hate Anon for going underground to get out
  173. Foreshadowing with this cave and the darkness? Definitely. Siege already hinted at. Sneak that shit.
  174. More foreshadowing that Shining will disable Anon's badge? Nothing's gonna stop him from kicking Anon out when he gets back
  175. Cadance 180s (360?) to wanting to actually see the town.
  176. 15.077 "quite unlike the uncertain mare in her bedroom" lol
  177. Is incredibly cute to see her this playful.
  178. Lovebutt must have a good butt
  179. For someone what likes being called Cadance, she sure likes to call Anon "Guardspony"
  180. Weird flirting moments between them seem much less creepy now that I know Shining isn't an issue
  181. Flashback has a weird transition. Could make it clearer and less...cliche? I don't fucking know it's 3 pm and I'm already drinking
  182. Dumb cliche (this is beginning to become a theme) flashback only serves to show that Anon is compassionate. But we should already know this about him. Could've worked if this was from Cadance's perspective the entire time and Anon had shown he's a brute.
  183. There are other ways to get Anon to become a guard. Shit he's not even a resident and he decided to become a guard?
  184. This adventure could've been a good way to showcase both of their paranoia. Haven't seen any from either. Unintentional?
  185. Mountain Dew(tm) Orange Citrus is a silly pony. I like him.
  186. Do you have a monopoly on commas or summat
  187. Ponies sure do set their lips into a thin line often.
  188. Could've been a neat short jealousy mention. He doesn't say nothin but Cadance quickly says they never fucked (LYING WHORSE????)
  189. Man she sure is being free with her secret non-crushes. Trust in Anon shown not told good. Still no jealousy though. Trust in Cadance but there's nothing interesting in their relationship.
  190. 16.063 should I even mention typos? "you’re quite certain she a touch of the smile"
  191. nice description as they go through the upper districts. again exaggeration shows Anon's distate for the rich ponies
  192. I can't tell if "her hindquarters no longer rolling to an invisible beat" is alluding to her ass but I'm going to assume yes
  193. apparently Cadance has more "plot" than this whole story HEY-OH
  194. going to assume now that the whole paranoia traits I was noticing was seeing something from nothing
  195. Have I been spelling Cadance wrong this whole time how the fuck do you spell it
  196. 16.080 the pillars literally burst from the ground in front of them? maybe change this so it sounds like they've always been there
  197. Grapefruit Citrus is still fun. Hope he becomes a main character. More than Lark anyways.
  198. There is a way to put breaks in dialogue without using commas. Colons, semicolons, periods, etc.
  199. Man these guards suck if they break off from their duty so easily
  200. Was nobody watching Cadance as she is led off by someone Anon just met like 30 seconds ago? C'mon man these guards really do suck
  201. Is there any reason for Cadance and Anon to hold off on their relationship or keep it secret? I think it's pretty obvious to both of them by now what they feel about the other.
  202. Okay there's the jealousy though he doesn't really care YET.
  203. I thought Lemon Citrus was all about protecting the princess? Why would he give more of a shit about Fancy Pants? He's still cool.
  204. 16.177 Would Anon really ever think of his partner and girl what's been kicking his ass day after day as "cute"?
  205. 16.184 is this really necessary? Foreboding I guess but we've been in town for a while. I at least would like them to get back to the castle without much incident unless it's the main plot.
  206. Has Tropical Citrus really been on the royal guard for five years and never met Fancy Pants?
  207. Fleur either wants sum fuk, is a changeling, or is just a generally jealous bitch
  208. Out of everyone, would've expected Lark to have a hard time accepting Fancy Pants' shit. Possibly letting on that he's a traitor or changeling and not as green as he'd like us to believe?
  209. Fancy Pants is plotting something. Generally dislike when he's made into a bad guy since he was such a kind guy on the show, so I hope I'm wrong.
  210. Is Lieutenant Laurel even still alive? What does he do besides nothing?
  211. Ha, bonding with the other guards. Would like to see more of it.
  212. Would Fancy Pants really get anonymity in the market? He's pretty recognizable and doesn't have wings to hide.
  213. There's that jealousy I've been waiting to see. Wish it was more.
  214. So Fleur's a rebel or whatever the fuck. Wants Fancy Pants to get even more power? Hope it's not all explained away by lolchangelings. Fuck changelings. Not that way.
  215. Cadance will definitely either be kidnapped or attempted assination or whatever at that soiree. Hopefully Fancy isn't the mastermind.
  216. It is nice to see that Anon and Cadance are so close that she'll notice him acting differently even while intoxicated.
  218. Would Anon really care this much about the captain going south and taking some guards with him? Maybe if SOMEBODY left SOMEBODY in charge of the fucking guard or at least made some excuse.
  219. Why wouldn't they just tell Celestia about what they found? Why the secrecy?
  220. Shit at least tell her about Fleur's fucking THREAT don't just forget about it
  223. Oh you fucking cocktease.
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