

Dec 10th, 2016
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  1. [22:49:55] +Noble Kakyoin: Anyway yeah, the demon Giratina that absolutely flipped apophyll and ametrines environments
  2. [22:50:01] +Noble Kakyoin: that's crazy
  3. [22:50:05] +Bazаr🌀: oh yeah
  4. [22:50:07] +Bazаr🌀: Giratina
  5. [22:50:10] • pyrromanis flies at route 4
  6. [22:50:11] espeon860: i have many places to explore when i download ep 16
  7. [22:50:20] espeon860: when i get my computer repair
  8. [22:50:35] +Noble Kakyoin: from what we know, Giratina was one of the causes of Spinels teleporting disaster as well
  9. [22:50:43] +Bazаr🌀: Giratina is also able to copy the abilities of the PULSE mons
  10. [22:50:49] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  11. [22:50:50] +Noble Kakyoin: This
  12. [22:50:54] +Bazаr🌀: Abra started the teleporting
  13. [22:51:01] +Bazаr🌀: but once it was defeated it stopped
  14. [22:51:07] +Bazаr🌀: Giratina is doing this all now
  15. [22:51:13] +Bazаr🌀: same with the B Wasteland
  16. [22:51:13] pyrromanis: can someone confirm me, that we see absol at the railnet before we enter devon?
  17. [22:51:17] entreflores: #blameTina
  18. [22:51:19] +Bazаr🌀: Yes
  19. AO Dealer joined; AO Dealer left
  20. [22:51:33] Meteor Admin ZEL: yeah
  21. [22:51:35] +Bazаr🌀: Ame's Absol is underground before Devon
  22. [22:51:46] +Noble Kakyoin: Also, we now know of a drowned city near apophyll
  23. [22:51:54] pyrromanis: ok, cause i didn't use flash and it wasn't visible
  24. [22:51:58] +Noble Kakyoin: i really want to know more of it
  25. [22:52:01] +Bazаr🌀: Reborn City used to be bigger
  26. [22:52:08] +Noble Kakyoin: but as of rn it's just a dive quest
  27. [22:52:12] +Bazаr🌀: Azurine Lake is the crater where the meteor crashed
  28. [22:52:16] +Bazаr🌀: it buried half the city
  29. [22:52:21] entreflores: blurb blurb blurb. got it aaaall written down
  30. [22:52:56] pyrromanis: where exactly is her absol at route 4?
  31. [22:52:58] +Bazаr🌀: If you follow the grand stairway underground to the bottom room
  32. [22:53:02] +Noble Kakyoin: the waterfall
  33. [22:53:04] +Noble Kakyoin: at the top
  34. [22:53:06] +Bazаr🌀: you get to the water
  35. [22:53:19] +Bazаr🌀: jump across the rocks until you're facing the waterfall
  36. [22:53:24] pyrromanis: oh so it IS the same event as before
  37. [22:53:27] +Bazаr🌀: with an Ill-Fated-Doll in your inventory
  38. [22:53:30] +Bazаr🌀: yep
  39. [22:53:40] +Bazаr🌀: It's just stronger and pushed a little later
  40. [22:53:49] +Noble Kakyoin: Oooo wait baz
  41. [22:54:04] +Noble Kakyoin: The meteor buried lots of the city right?
  42. [22:54:12] +Bazаr🌀: it craterized most of it ye
  43. [22:54:19] +Noble Kakyoin: And the meteor is behind the door under the city right?
  44. [22:54:27] +Bazаr🌀: yep
  45. [22:54:32] +Noble Kakyoin: Will we find Solaris's village behind the door?
  46. [22:54:36] +Bazаr🌀: well, we think...
  47. [22:54:51] +Bazаr🌀: We don't know if the meteor is under the stairway, or at the top of the Arc, or both
  48. [22:55:03] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  49. [22:55:04] +Bazаr🌀: They're related somehow but we're not sure if they're the same thing
  50. [22:55:18] +Bazаr🌀: The Arc was made by El's people tho
  51. [22:55:18] +Noble Kakyoin: I honestly think both doors lead to the same place, but idk
  52. [22:55:37] +Bazаr🌀: Which is why he was able to climb it so quickly
  53. [22:56:25] pyrromanis: btw, do you know the lottery ticket prizes?
  54. [22:56:35] pyrromanis: so far i only win max revives
  55. [22:57:02] entreflores: best prize should be Master Ball
  56. [22:57:53] %Njab: ball exp share ppup max revive full restore
  57. [22:58:40] pyrromanis: a few more ppup would be nice
  58. [22:58:59] +Bazаr🌀: so we need to know where the meteor is
  59. [22:59:00] entreflores: they'll be in the E16 item guide
  60. [22:59:06] +Bazаr🌀: and where the other door leads
  61. [22:59:22] entreflores: also wait, which are the two doors you are talking about?
  62. [22:59:33] +Bazаr🌀: Arc and Grand Stairway
  63. [22:59:33] entreflores: the chapel door where we fight Ditto and?
  64. [22:59:41] +Bazаr🌀: the white room
  65. [22:59:57] +Noble Kakyoin: the room where you first meet solaris
  66. [22:59:58] entreflores: where Solaris talks to us?
  67. [23:00:01] +Bazаr🌀: mhm
  68. [23:00:11] +Bazаr🌀: We don't know which door leads to the meteor
  69. [23:00:11] entreflores: we know where that doos leads tho
  70. [23:00:15] +Bazаr🌀: and where the other goes to
  71. [23:00:20] +Bazаr🌀: or if they both lead to the meteor
  72. [23:00:23] +Bazаr🌀: ... or neither
  73. [23:02:07] entreflores: Baz, the door where Solaris talks to us leads to the corridor that leads to the ground level of the chapel
  74. Meteor Admin ZEL left
  75. [23:02:14] entreflores: or, so says logic
  76. [23:02:27] +Bazаr🌀: We don't actually know where the Arc is relative to the city
  77. [23:02:33] +Bazаr🌀: because of the dark tunnel between
  78. [23:03:14] espeon860: does like absol can see the future or something?
  79. [23:04:01] +Bazаr🌀: in the dex it says Absol appears before disasters to warn people about them
  80. [23:04:28] +Bazаr🌀: People didn't know that at first, and just assumed it caused whatever disaster happens right after they appeared
  81. [23:04:47] +Bazаr🌀: sooooo yeah, Absol knows when bad things are going to happen
  82. [23:04:56] +Bazаr🌀: This one just happened to see a lot of shit
  83. [23:04:58] espeon860: and many people have died
  84. [23:05:10] espeon860: and it first appeared after corey was going to the bridge
  85. [23:05:39] +Bazаr🌀: where all did we see it... corey's gym, pyrous mountain, devon underground...
  86. [23:05:43] +Bazаr🌀: where else
  87. [23:05:48] %Njab: waterfal
  88. [23:05:49] pyrromanis: route 3
  89. [23:05:53] espeon860: amaria gym
  90. [23:06:04] +Bazаr🌀: (besides where you catch it obv)
  91. [23:06:32] +Bazаr🌀: route 3... that's where all the bridges got broken
  92. [23:06:38] +Bazаr🌀: ah, Eclipse, right
  93. [23:06:41] pyrromanis: at route 3, before that meteor admin (name?) dies to sirius' chandy
  94. [23:06:52] pyrromanis: eclipse right
  95. [23:06:54] +Noble Kakyoin: ok so
  96. [23:06:59] +Noble Kakyoin: is she actually dead?
  97. [23:06:59] espeon860: i swear sirus is planing something
  98. [23:07:04] espeon860: sirius
  99. [23:07:15] +Noble Kakyoin: It hasn't said she's dead yet so i'm very angry
  100. [23:07:15] +Bazаr🌀: Eclipse has no soul
  101. [23:07:20] +Bazаr🌀: She's basically braindead
  102. [23:07:30] %Njab: ^
  103. +RBRN Alex left
  104. [23:07:53] pyrromanis: i beleive we should also see absol before tara's death
  105. [23:07:54] +Noble Kakyoin: Also where did Simon end up after talking to Eclipse's father?
  106. [23:08:02] pyrromanis: but i don't know how that can happen :/
  107. [23:08:08] +Bazаr🌀: He was with Meteor at Ametrine
  108. [23:08:13] +Noble Kakyoin: that's before iirc
  109. [23:08:23] +Bazаr🌀: Nope
  110. [23:08:32] +Bazаr🌀: Eclipse dies right before you get to Charlotte's city
  111. [23:08:37] +Noble Kakyoin: yeah
  112. [23:08:43] +Noble Kakyoin: wait not simon
  113. [23:08:45] +Noble Kakyoin: aster
  114. [23:08:48] +Bazаr🌀: w8 no wut
  115. [23:09:01] +Bazаr🌀: There's a thing where you can battle Aster right before Blake
  116. [23:09:07] %Njab: simon has nothing to do with eclipse
  117. [23:09:08] +Bazаr🌀: Only Aster because Eclipse died
  118. [23:09:09] +Noble Kakyoin: Aster talks to eclipse's father after he gives you the HM for waterfall iirc
  119. [23:09:28] %Njab: it depents on blake event
  120. [23:09:39] +Bazаr🌀: Yeah, if you get Waterfall or not
  121. [23:09:51] %Njab: and another thing you can get
  122. [23:09:56] +Bazаr🌀: He took some of Eclipse' mons and its such a sad fight
  123. [23:10:02] +Bazаr🌀: (even tho his teams OP)
  124. [23:10:20] espeon860: guess he want to honor eclipse memory
  125. [23:11:00] +Bazаr🌀: If he wants to honor her he'll turn on Meteor
  126. [23:11:08] +Bazаr🌀: I can see Sirius killing him for that
  127. [23:11:14] +Noble Kakyoin: anyway, have we seen aster any time after the conversation with eclipse's father? Or will he show himself again after we find a way to fix her up?
  128. [23:11:42] pyrromanis: if she can be fixed
  129. [23:11:48] +Bazаr🌀: He's in Labradora
  130. [23:11:53] +Bazаr🌀: We can assume
  131. [23:12:02] +Noble Kakyoin: nah man, he quit didn't he?
  132. [23:12:14] +Noble Kakyoin: or is he stuck in there with meteor?
  133. [23:12:28] +Bazаr🌀: I've never seen the convo with eclipse' dad
  134. [23:12:34] +Noble Kakyoin: ah wait
  135. [23:12:44] +Noble Kakyoin: he never said he quit meteor
  136. [23:12:44] espeon860: it also where you can get the shiny charm
  137. [23:12:48] +Noble Kakyoin: but i guess it's implied
  138. [23:13:00] +Bazаr🌀: Nah
  139. [23:13:17] +Bazаr🌀: Simon just quit, Ame wouldn't make 2 characters like that do the same exact thing
  140. [23:13:29] +Bazаr🌀: Aster will try to sabotage Meteor from the inside
  141. [23:13:35] +Bazаr🌀: and probably get killed for it :/
  142. [23:14:00] +Bazаr🌀: so even if Eclipse gets revived by some way, it'll still be bittersweet
  143. [23:14:05] +Noble Kakyoin: oooo you know what I really loved about this episode?
  144. [23:14:11] +Bazаr🌀: Ame likes bittersweet things very much
  145. [23:14:13] +Bazаr🌀: ?
  146. [23:14:13] +Noble Kakyoin: We finally got introduced to Dark material
  147. [23:14:25] +Noble Kakyoin: *technically that is
  148. [23:14:28] entreflores: got any info on that Pyrr_
  149. [23:14:34] +Noble Kakyoin: I do actually
  150. [23:14:35] +Noble Kakyoin: lots
  151. [23:14:41] entreflores: pm me? :3
  152. [23:14:48] pyrromanis: tell here
  153. [23:14:51] +Noble Kakyoin: nah, I can put it here
  154. [23:14:58] +Bazаr🌀: ?
  155. [23:15:09] +Noble Kakyoin: From what I've gathered, Dark Material can be found in three locations, and only these three, due to lore
  156. [23:15:20] +Noble Kakyoin: The seven sanctum, and the two in Iolia valley
  157. [23:15:52] +Bazаr🌀: oh right what's that stuff about
  158. [23:16:00] +Noble Kakyoin: If you've been paying attention to the books in the seven sanctum, you'd know in order to open up the gate to something we need the six shining pillars and the three materials void of light
  159. [23:16:47] +Bazаr🌀: so what's the 6 pillars
  160. [23:17:00] +Noble Kakyoin: now ok, six pillars? I thought there were only 4 key stones? You're correct, but our answer lies in the two missing colors that can be seen in the room with the dark material
  161. [23:17:15] +Noble Kakyoin: Everyone knows of the purple, red, azure and emerald pillars
  162. [23:17:17] espeon860: o hear that we have to do a puzzle in ep 16
  163. [23:17:22] entreflores: these are the colours of Arceus
  164. [23:17:22] +Noble Kakyoin: but what about the gold and ivory ones?
  165. [23:17:25] espeon860: how hard is it?
  166. [23:17:26] +Bazаr🌀: haven't been in that room either :[
  167. [23:17:44] +Bazаr🌀: Just remember that everything you do in the building is important
  168. [23:17:50] +Bazаr🌀: Remember that, and you'll be fine
  169. [23:17:55] +Bazаr🌀: And you gotta be quick
  170. [23:18:01] +Noble Kakyoin: let me show you a little something
  171. [23:18:46] +Noble Kakyoin: "So kind was light to show us mercy, That in its shade we festered heresy. Twixt three stones, each shaded void, Six pillars shone, their truth deployed: Emerald, Crimson, Violet, Gold, Azure and Ivory seal as told."
  172. [23:19:05] +Noble Kakyoin: "Take heed of its prison, o ye foolish men, For the blackest beast lies at light's end."
  173. [23:19:17] +Noble Kakyoin: -Light's End (A book found in the subseven sanctum)
  174. [23:19:41] +Noble Kakyoin: >Three stones: The three pieces of Dark material
  175. [23:19:55] +Noble Kakyoin: >Six pillars: The six pillars we see in the deepest sanctum room
  176. [23:20:02] +Bazаr🌀: White and Yellow keys huh
  177. [23:20:13] +Noble Kakyoin: Once we find all of these things
  178. [23:20:18] +Noble Kakyoin: What's going to happen?
  179. [23:20:20] entreflores: we've seen these pillars again tbh, they were out for the ritual
  180. [23:20:24] entreflores: now they're back in storage
  181. [23:20:25] +Bazаr🌀: the 6 can open the Arc
  182. [23:20:37] +Bazаr🌀: can the base 4 open the white room?
  183. [23:21:02] +Bazаr🌀: If I had to guess, I'd say the Meteor is in the Arc
  184. [23:21:10] +Bazаr🌀: and El's town is behind the white room
  185. [23:21:23] +Noble Kakyoin: the base 4 are what we need actually
  186. [23:21:25] +Bazаr🌀: maybe one of the hidden keys is there
  187. [23:21:47] +Noble Kakyoin: to quote a second book in the sanctum
  188. [23:21:51] +Noble Kakyoin: "Behind stone doors, four pillars of light bind the New World to a shadow of our own."
  189. [23:23:01] +Noble Kakyoin: I wanna know where the dark matter comes into play here
  190. [23:23:26] pyrromanis: I DON'T THINK THEY WILL PLAY BIG ROLE
  191. [23:23:31] pyrromanis: oops srry caps
  192. [23:23:33] +Bazаr🌀: CAPS LOCK OOPS
  193. [23:23:34] +Noble Kakyoin: it only takes 4 lights to open a door, but 6 and 3 dark matters to unleash a monster
  194. [23:23:49] pyrromanis: since one ofthem is a sidequest and not in main quest
  195. [23:24:01] +Noble Kakyoin: see but that's just it
  196. [23:24:12] +Noble Kakyoin: Why would something so plot relevant be limited to a sidequest?
  197. [23:24:40] +Noble Kakyoin: especially when it leads to two of the most important books in the game and 6 important pillars and 1 important item?
  198. [23:24:42] pyrromanis: maybe we are just overspeculating?
  199. [23:24:51] %Njab: I should start paying attention to books
  200. [23:24:54] entreflores: because the other side has 3 DMsalready
  201. [23:25:22] +Bazаr🌀: I wonder what role Giratina is going to have in the greater scheme
  202. [23:25:53] +Noble Kakyoin: btw
  203. [23:26:08] +Noble Kakyoin: any of you guys read that Destiny's End book hidden in the Beryl Library?
  204. [23:26:22] +Bazаr🌀: once
  205. [23:26:32] entreflores: I skimmed through it and kinda considered mumbo jumbo
  206. [23:26:34] pyrromanis: i am here to play video games, not read books :P
  207. [23:26:45] entreflores: predetetetetetermination, who gives a fuck
  208. [23:26:54] %Njab: also that fortune teller thing was interesting
  209. [23:27:15] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  210. [23:27:15] pyrromanis: i theorize that this is the 2nd universe
  211. [23:27:26] pyrromanis: maybe lin wants to return to the old one
  212. [23:27:36] pyrromanis: where we don't exist
  213. [23:27:55] +Noble Kakyoin: that universe she talks about is incredible
  214. [23:28:11] entreflores: tbh the medium in Jasper. Miss Direction. Misdirection. lel
  215. [23:28:16] +Noble Kakyoin: for one, she describes Fern as the main character
  216. [23:28:17] +Bazаr🌀: aaa I missed a lot
  217. [23:28:19] +Bazаr🌀: fill me in
  218. [23:28:41] +Noble Kakyoin: K so Ms. Direction tells us, Baz.
  219. [23:28:59] +Noble Kakyoin: That in this universe where we don't exist, while jasper is still under attack by pulsegrowth
  220. [23:29:09] +Noble Kakyoin: Fern steps up to the plate to save Jasper
  221. [23:29:18] +Noble Kakyoin: He gathers many allies too
  222. +ShаdowStar joined
  223. [23:29:46] +Bazаr🌀: If not for us...
  224. [23:29:47] +Noble Kakyoin: A man with spiked bracelets, a lady with azure hair, a girl with a sleeping star and a woman in a black and red suit
  225. [23:30:11] +Noble Kakyoin: together they purge the roots from the city, fix the lake and stop the camerupt
  226. [23:30:26] +Bazаr🌀: Cain, Amaria, Anna...
  227. [23:30:47] +Noble Kakyoin: But soon after they purge these things... disaster strikes
  228. [23:30:57] +Noble Kakyoin: The city streets crack open in fissures
  229. [23:31:07] %Njab: azure hair wasn't a lady
  230. [23:31:21] +Noble Kakyoin: spiked braclets splinter in the fissure below, shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red
  231. [23:31:26] %Njab: that was cal
  232. [23:31:36] +Noble Kakyoin: an enemy of fern's own blood stands against him, his sister
  233. [23:31:57] +Noble Kakyoin: "And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again."
  234. [23:32:29] +Bazаr🌀: Titania is involved in the world being "reborn?"
  235. [23:32:29] +Noble Kakyoin: "The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after."
  236. [23:32:45] +Bazаr🌀: who's the "woman in black and red"
  237. [23:32:48] +Noble Kakyoin: and that's all we get
  238. [23:33:11] +Bazаr🌀: the Big Top Ringleader is all I can remember
  239. [23:33:12] +Noble Kakyoin: me and azery couldn't figure it out, we assumed it was titania or charlotte, but we don't know
  240. [23:33:23] +Bazаr🌀: red and black suit
  241. [23:33:25] pyrromanis: so anna wished a different future and jirachi created the 2nd universe where we exist
  242. [23:33:34] +Bazаr🌀: ah, Charlotte
  243. [23:33:34] entreflores: Shade
  244. [23:33:36] +Noble Kakyoin: did it? i'm not so sure
  245. [23:33:43] +Noble Kakyoin: it says woman @ody
  246. [23:33:51] +Bazаr🌀: has a black tshirt with a pinkish jacket
  247. [23:33:51] entreflores: ok, sorry
  248. [23:33:54] +Bazаr🌀: thats possible
  249. [23:33:55] +Noble Kakyoin: i'm inclined to believe shade is genderless...
  250. [23:34:04] entreflores: I'm a little... right now
  251. [23:34:06] +Bazаr🌀: Shade
  252. [23:34:11] +Bazаr🌀: might be from the 1st universe
  253. [23:34:20] +Bazаr🌀: some entity that wasn't reset in the "wish"
  254. [23:34:31] +Bazаr🌀: That would explain how he knows so much
  255. [23:34:52] pyrromanis: where exactly is the 3rd dark material?
  256. [23:35:02] +Noble Kakyoin: there's two in iolia
  257. [23:35:09] +Bazаr🌀: rock climb?
  258. [23:35:10] +Noble Kakyoin: and one in the room with el's journal
  259. [23:35:11] pyrromanis: found the one up the waterfall
  260. [23:35:15] +Noble Kakyoin: you need rock climb yes
  261. [23:35:18] +Noble Kakyoin: it's behind luna
  262. [23:35:23] +Bazаr🌀: ah
  263. [23:35:33] +Bazаr🌀: I'm curious what Iolia Valley actually is
  264. [23:35:38] +Bazаr🌀: there's some secret to it
  265. [23:36:11] entreflores: I'm more interested in the City from another dimension
  266. [23:36:17] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  267. [23:36:24] +Noble Kakyoin: see, it's a city just like ours
  268. [23:36:32] +Bazаr🌀: [16:31] +Noble Kakyoin: spiked braclets splinter in the fissure below, shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red
  269. [23:36:34] +Noble Kakyoin: except... we just aren't there
  270. [23:36:45] +Bazаr🌀: Cain... falls into the fissures?
  271. [23:36:53] entreflores: Pyrr, I mean Agate
  272. [23:36:57] +Bazаr🌀: Shining Armor is Titania?
  273. [23:36:58] +Noble Kakyoin: AHHHHHHHH
  274. [23:37:00] +Noble Kakyoin: ok ok
  275. [23:37:05] +Noble Kakyoin: agate is interesting
  276. [23:37:17] +Noble Kakyoin: i'll get to it in a sec
  277. [23:37:29] entreflores: I thought earlier that it was a leftover Reborn city from eons ago or something
  278. [23:37:48] +Bazаr🌀: the Ringleader... obtained her role after her successful father died right?
  279. [23:37:54] +Bazаr🌀: do we know anything else about her
  280. [23:37:56] +Noble Kakyoin: There is one thing i find a little funny about the re-dyed hair
  281. [23:38:16] +Noble Kakyoin: in the world we're in, we can assume cal's hair has been red for a long while
  282. [23:38:25] +Bazаr🌀: mhm
  283. [23:38:28] +Noble Kakyoin: but then he un-dyes it
  284. [23:38:44] +Bazаr🌀: ye
  285. [23:39:02] pyrromanis: hhhmmm the fortune teller says "a taciturn woman in a black and red suit"
  286. [23:39:15] pyrromanis: titania isn't that taciturn
  287. [23:39:20] +Noble Kakyoin: ehhh
  288. [23:39:21] +Noble Kakyoin: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
  289. [23:39:25] +Noble Kakyoin: ^Taciturn
  290. [23:39:59] pyrromanis: last time i remember titatnia talking a lot, especialy about her feelings and such
  291. [23:40:03] entreflores: Miss Shade?
  292. [23:40:17] entreflores: universes can have differences between each othe
  293. [23:40:28] +Bazаr🌀: Tania wears red pants and a white t shirt
  294. [23:40:45] +Bazаr🌀: tank top, rather
  295. [23:41:29] pyrromanis: "from there, the suited girl disappears"
  296. [23:41:46] pyrromanis: so it is confirmed the black and red suit woman isn't in this universe
  297. [23:41:54] +Bazаr🌀: hold up
  298. [23:41:56] pyrromanis: so maybe it is shade?
  299. [23:42:05] +Bazаr🌀: Cain doesn't have bracelets at all
  300. [23:42:10] +Bazаr🌀: Who is "spiked bracelets" then
  301. [23:42:23] +Bazаr🌀: I've checked his sprites
  302. [23:42:26] +Bazаr🌀: nothin
  303. [23:42:32] +Noble Kakyoin: baz
  304. [23:42:34] +Noble Kakyoin: Arclight
  305. [23:42:44] +Bazаr🌀: ah, mk
  306. [23:42:50] +Bazаr🌀: that works
  307. [23:43:00] +Noble Kakyoin: So then... Are we headed towards that worlds future again?
  308. [23:43:14] +Bazаr🌀: well if that happens
  309. [23:43:19] +Noble Kakyoin: We've made basically the same allies as fern and we've finally fixed up reborn
  310. [23:43:25] pyrromanis: "and chase fire from the mountain peaks" is this about the PULSE camerupt?
  311. [23:43:28] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  312. [23:43:29] +Noble Kakyoin: yes
  313. [23:43:44] +Bazаr🌀: no wait
  314. [23:43:49] pyrromanis: then why she mentions it after the water was cleansed?
  315. [23:43:51] +Bazаr🌀: what if that's Azurine Mountain its talking about
  316. [23:44:01] +Bazаr🌀: it used to be a volcano
  317. [23:44:08] +Bazаr🌀: they "chased the fire" out of it
  318. [23:44:20] +Noble Kakyoin: that would mean they fought off giratina
  319. [23:44:23] +Noble Kakyoin: or used it
  320. [23:44:35] +Bazаr🌀: Or caused the change before Giratina did
  321. [23:44:45] +Noble Kakyoin: i'm more inclined to believe it's apophyll
  322. [23:44:52] +Noble Kakyoin: since it's nearly an identical world
  323. [23:44:58] +Noble Kakyoin: and the pulse conflict is going on
  324. [23:45:10] +Bazаr🌀: "spiked braclets splinter in the fissure below, shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red"
  325. [23:45:17] +Bazаr🌀: I think Arclight was supposed to die in Devon
  326. [23:45:19] +Noble Kakyoin: Shining armor strikes
  327. [23:45:31] +Noble Kakyoin: As we know, Titania is going to play a big role next episode
  328. [23:45:44] +Bazаr🌀: and we get Cal v Blake one more time
  329. [23:45:49] +Bazаr🌀: and it might end badly for Cal
  330. [23:45:50] +Noble Kakyoin: and the next episodes preview quote literally says
  331. [23:45:54] +Noble Kakyoin: "Shining armor"
  332. [23:45:55] entreflores: amen to that Baz
  333. [23:46:22] +Bazаr🌀: I'm still wondering
  334. [23:46:26] pyrromanis: also: she 1st says "azure hair is re-dyed red" and right next "an enemy of his own blood stands before him"
  335. [23:46:27] +Bazаr🌀: why they took Arc's eye
  336. [23:46:34] pyrromanis: so that should be blake
  337. [23:46:34] +Noble Kakyoin: And actually... as far as we know...
  338. [23:46:43] +Noble Kakyoin: This could very well be the second universe
  339. [23:46:52] +Bazаr🌀: or it could mean Florinia facing Fern
  340. [23:46:56] pyrromanis: cause "his" refers to cal and not fern
  341. [23:46:58] +Noble Kakyoin: Destiny's End states this is likely the only universe with Arceus in it
  342. [23:47:34] entreflores: wait
  343. [23:47:38] +Bazаr🌀: so Nostra created Arceus?
  344. [23:47:42] entreflores: is that Diego Brando's music?
  345. [23:47:46] +Bazаr🌀: We know Nostra created us
  346. DubstepPenguin joined
  347. [23:47:59] +Noble Kakyoin: what we know is
  348. [23:48:00] pyrromanis: WAIT!
  349. [23:48:05] +Noble Kakyoin: When arceus created this universe
  350. [23:48:06] +Bazаr🌀: Wait guys
  351. [23:48:07] entreflores: is the adult Lin Lin from another universe?
  352. [23:48:10] +Noble Kakyoin: it created the means to create itself
  353. [23:48:13] pyrromanis: what if Shade, is OUR shade????
  354. DubstepPenguin left
  355. [23:48:21] +Bazаr🌀: What if we're the Golden Key
  356. [23:48:34] pyrromanis: we are the one who is Taciturn
  357. [23:48:36] +Bazаr🌀: Anna said we're glowey, she knows we're special
  358. [23:48:43] +Noble Kakyoin: "When the world as we know it was created, it was given form. At that time, so did that which created it give itself a form."
  359. [23:48:45] +Bazаr🌀: she just doesn't know how because its not the same her
  360. [23:48:47] pyrromanis: we only say yes or no
  361. [23:48:51] +Noble Kakyoin: This is the Pokemon we know as Arceus.
  362. [23:49:08] +Bazаr🌀: so... Nostra is Arceus confirmed? :3
  363. [23:49:09] pyrromanis: and Shade is actualy us from the past universe
  364. [23:49:28] +Noble Kakyoin: baz hold on one sec, I'm putin more of the book in here
  365. [23:49:52] +Bazаr🌀: Shade wearing the red n black suit could be
  366. [23:50:05] +Noble Kakyoin: "And so at that time did that which created this world also create a means for its new form to have been itself created. This, of course, following all the laws of physics that Arceus was writing into place, must have been the
  367. [23:50:05] +Noble Kakyoin: meteor."
  368. [23:50:41] +Noble Kakyoin: "The meteor enshrined below Reborn is often said to be that upon which Arceus first came to this world. And while every piece of physical evidence would verify that claim,"
  369. [23:51:14] +Noble Kakyoin: "In reality, it was only constructed to serve that purpose in whatever retrospect may have existed before the process of time was created. Those astronomic and geological events that would set such a meteor in motion so as to crash onto our planet,"
  370. [23:51:29] +Noble Kakyoin: "Were all determined long after they must have occured."
  371. [23:51:55] +Bazаr🌀: so Elias knows the world we're in is only a copy
  372. [23:51:57] +Noble Kakyoin: "Therefore, what is not to say that this world that we are experiencing is the same? Every event set into motion as we know it, is simply a logical outcome of what happened in the past,"
  373. [23:52:09] +Bazаr🌀: he also knows the meteor is at fault
  374. [23:52:10] +Noble Kakyoin: "And what must happen in the future for Arceus to be realized."
  375. [23:53:01] +Bazаr🌀: so whatever being is in the meteor is what reset the universe
  376. [23:53:07] +Noble Kakyoin: "But Arceus is not complete. And so at that time did that which created this world also create a means for its new form to have been itself created. This world is that means. Arceus will complete itself yet."
  377. [23:53:07] +Bazаr🌀: it created Arceus and the PC
  378. [23:53:41] +Noble Kakyoin: "Until it does, each and every one of us, Each molecule in this constructed world, Each thought in our predetermined lives, Is just a means to Destiny's End."
  379. [23:53:51] pyrromanis: what about the baby arceus T3RR4 mentions?
  380. [23:53:54] +Noble Kakyoin: So we're basically caught in a time loop?
  381. [23:54:01] +Bazаr🌀: That's what El thinks
  382. [23:54:09] +Bazаr🌀: or believes, rather
  383. [23:54:15] +Noble Kakyoin: Where Anna wishes on her star to recreate the universe over and over
  384. [23:54:29] +Bazаr🌀: Either he'll use Arceus to stop Anna's wish
  385. [23:54:35] +Bazаr🌀: or he'll reset the world himself
  386. [23:54:53] entreflores: as far as we know, the latter
  387. [23:55:01] pyrromanis: imagine Ame put an option where Anna will ask us if she should make the wish or not
  388. [23:55:11] pyrromanis: and we say yes, and we get a new game :P
  389. [23:55:27] +Noble Kakyoin: I imagine it wouldn't be the exact same though if it reset
  390. [23:55:38] +Noble Kakyoin: For one, after the first loop, we were added into the mix
  391. [23:56:04] +Bazаr🌀: Nostra made us to break the loop
  392. [23:56:05] pyrromanis: so about the voice in the arc? who was that? arceus? nostra?
  393. [23:56:09] entreflores: Pyrr, we'll propably be Emporio
  394. [23:56:11] +Bazаr🌀: or maybe Elias did before us
  395. [23:56:14] +Noble Kakyoin: hell ye dog
  396. [23:56:19] +Noble Kakyoin: Emporio best Jojo
  397. [23:56:39] entreflores: and stop the madness before the world recreates itself
  398. [23:56:53] +Bazаr🌀: Maybe Elias figured out the loop and used Arceus to change the time loop by adding us?
  399. [23:57:05] +Noble Kakyoin: So that begs the question
  400. [23:57:17] +Noble Kakyoin: Are we helping to stop the loop for a good purpose or an evil one?
  401. [23:57:34] pyrromanis: so maybe elias was right in citae de arc?
  402. [23:57:38] +Noble Kakyoin: so far we've caused a lot of bad and good
  403. [23:57:47] +Bazаr🌀: Look at Undertale for reference of loops
  404. [23:57:56] +Bazаr🌀: So we want to play the same sick killing game over and over
  405. [23:58:06] +Bazаr🌀: Or do we want to move on to different things, for better or worse?
  406. [23:59:23] pyrromanis: so if lin was also in the orphanage, how did she escape in this universe? how she kept her memories from the other universe?
  407. [23:59:49] +Noble Kakyoin: actually... was lin caught in the effects of the loop?
  408. [23:59:56] +Bazаr🌀: And in Danganronpa 2 (another game Ame would likely base things off of) the main character decides to risk the future instead of playing the same killing game over and over
  409. [00:00:20] +Bazаr🌀: Is there evidence Lin knows about the other universes?
  410. [00:00:29] pyrromanis: she knows the sisters
  411. [00:00:44] pyrromanis: the sisters have bizzare memories from the other universe
  412. [00:00:52] +Bazаr🌀: hm?
  413. [00:01:07] pyrromanis: maybe the shock therapy has to do something with that?
  414. [00:01:20] +Bazаr🌀: what memories do they have
  415. [00:01:31] entreflores: I still believe that there is an age difference between Lin the orphan and Lin the Leader
  416. [00:01:33] +Noble Kakyoin: laura has memories of the eights thing
  417. [00:01:47] pyrromanis: lin seems familiar to them, to a little girl they used to knwo
  418. [00:01:55] +Bazаr🌀: eights?
  419. [00:02:04] +Noble Kakyoin: everyone says lin looks familiar, but nobody knows her except Sigmund
  420. [00:02:19] pyrromanis: does even sigmund remembers her?
  421. [00:02:20] entreflores: and Laura if you team up
  422. [00:02:22] +Noble Kakyoin: whenever laura had eight of something, lin would take the eighth thing away
  423. [00:02:38] +Bazаr🌀: Doesn't she have 8 circles of flowers
  424. [00:02:42] +Noble Kakyoin: yes
  425. [00:02:43] +Bazаr🌀: in the Cove
  426. [00:02:44] pyrromanis: lin was kind of a bully for laura in orphanage
  427. [00:02:51] +Noble Kakyoin: Everyone seems to remember orphan Lin
  428. [00:03:02] +Noble Kakyoin: and how she was younger than all of them even
  429. [00:03:08] +Bazаr🌀: hm
  430. [00:03:11] +Noble Kakyoin: but then how is this lin so much older?
  431. [00:03:12] +Bazаr🌀: Whoever said
  432. [00:03:18] +Bazаr🌀: that Anna was the one who made the wish?
  433. [00:03:33] +Bazаr🌀: What if Lin wished herself into a reset universe?
  434. [00:03:49] +Bazаr🌀: She could fall into new universes over and over
  435. [00:04:04] +Noble Kakyoin: that would mean she stole nostra from anna... right?
  436. [00:04:04] +Bazаr🌀: Aging normally, even though everyone else resets
  437. [00:04:08] pyrromanis: but how she gets nostra at her hands?
  438. [00:04:23] +Noble Kakyoin: or is she the one shade originally gave nostra too?
  439. [00:04:38] pyrromanis: shade gave nostra?
  440. [00:04:41] +Bazаr🌀: yes
  441. [00:04:47] +Bazаr🌀: Anna got Nostra from him
  442. [00:04:50] pyrromanis: where do we learn that?
  443. [00:05:05] +Noble Kakyoin: TV interview iirc
  444. [00:05:11] +Bazаr🌀: Shade seems indifferent about Lin
  445. [00:05:16] +Bazаr🌀: because her death is in his gym
  446. [00:05:22] +Noble Kakyoin: i believe anna mentions it in the underground railnet too
  447. [00:05:24] +Bazаr🌀: and he brings no special attention to her
  448. [00:05:41] +Bazаr🌀: If Lin were a danger to shade, he would make us stop her
  449. [00:05:45] pyrromanis: i want to beleive SHade is the shadow of someone
  450. [00:05:54] +Bazаr🌀: Shade is definitely from another universe
  451. [00:06:07] +Bazаr🌀: Probably some glitch or failsafe from the resets
  452. [00:06:15] pyrromanis: yes, a shadow from another dimension
  453. [00:06:24] +Noble Kakyoin: >Shadow of another dimension
  454. [00:06:29] pyrromanis: ;]
  455. [00:06:30] +Noble Kakyoin: FUNNY YOU SHOULD SAY THAT
  456. [00:07:24] +Noble Kakyoin: fuck i cant find it anymore
  457. [00:07:32] pyrromanis: find what?
  458. [00:07:37] +Noble Kakyoin: there's text in the game that mentions this world is a shadow of another one
  459. [00:07:49] +Bazаr🌀: [16:22] +Noble Kakyoin: "Behind stone doors, four pillars of light bind the New World to a shadow of our own."
  460. [00:08:06] +Noble Kakyoin: ^
  461. [00:08:24] +Noble Kakyoin: although idk if that one has to do with thi
  462. [00:08:27] +Noble Kakyoin: *this
  463. [00:08:32] +Bazаr🌀: Everything's related in the end
  464. [00:08:40] pyrromanis: shade is from the other side of the door?
  465. [00:08:52] +Noble Kakyoin: who knows
  466. [00:08:53] +Bazаr🌀: El is just trying to figure out how the other universes work
  467. [00:08:58] pyrromanis: and why he needed corey's body?
  468. [00:09:00] +Bazаr🌀: But he's one of the few who knows about them
  469. [00:09:13] pyrromanis: is still corey alive behind the door?
  470. [00:09:18] +Bazаr🌀: Whatever is beyond that door is keeping Shade here
  471. [00:09:49] +Noble Kakyoin: I wonder what Shade is really
  472. [00:09:50] pyrromanis: anyone has shades rhyme from episode 15?
  473. [00:09:57] +Bazаr🌀: He knows about the 4 deaths in his gym because he's seen them over and over again
  474. [00:10:01] pyrromanis: something about only 2 die?
  475. [00:10:08] +Bazаr🌀: He said 2 lives will be taken
  476. [00:10:12] +Bazаr🌀: but all will lose something
  477. [00:10:14] +Bazаr🌀: basically
  478. [00:10:22] +Bazаr🌀: Amy lost her memory
  479. [00:10:29] +Bazаr🌀: and probably her relation to Tania
  480. [00:10:57] +Noble Kakyoin: "Four screens foretold four souls' fortune forsaken, For, forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken."
  481. [00:11:04] +Noble Kakyoin: So on this note about shade
  482. [00:11:12] +Noble Kakyoin: Where did he get his teleporting powers from?
  483. [00:11:21] +Bazаr🌀: Also, if Lin's the one who can Wish
  484. [00:11:35] +Bazаr🌀: That would explain how her "fortune" could be saved
  485. [00:11:44] pyrromanis: he is a shadow, teleportation doesn't seem weird to me :P
  486. [00:12:10] +Noble Kakyoin: Hmmmm... The small girl at the arc could be orphan lin right?
  487. [00:12:40] pyrromanis: and we hear her from behind the door?
  488. [00:12:44] +Bazаr🌀: ... Adrienn
  489. [00:12:52] +Noble Kakyoin: Adrienn was trapped there for years and never aged, would it make sense if she never aged there too?
  490. [00:13:11] +Bazаr🌀: xyr time loop thing has to be involved in the resets
  491. [00:13:37] +Bazаr🌀: no, if young Lin were in the Arc
  492. [00:13:53] +Bazаr🌀: she would be normal age anyways
  493. [00:14:08] +Bazаr🌀: because everyone at the orphanage remembered Lin being much younger than she is now
  494. [00:14:26] +Bazаr🌀: so young Lin would be the Lin from this universe
  495. [00:14:34] +Bazаr🌀: and old Lin could be the one that jumps from reset to reset
  496. [00:14:34] pyrromanis: what civilization ended when giratina came?
  497. [00:14:57] +Bazаr🌀: she could've kidnapped her younger self and put her in the Arc
  498. [00:15:05] +Bazаr🌀: to prevent paradoxes or somethin
  499. [00:15:16] +Bazаr🌀: ... although that's all this is really
  500. [00:15:20] +Bazаr🌀: one enormous paradox
  501. [00:16:17] +Noble Kakyoin: So what plot revelation will we get next episode?
  502. [00:16:28] +Bazаr🌀: tanias involvement
  503. [00:16:34] +Bazаr🌀: probably Blake vs Cal
  504. [00:16:34] +Noble Kakyoin: I highly doubt any kind of plot revelation could tackle something as big as this one tbh
  505. [00:16:59] +Noble Kakyoin: maybe the final one that explains it all, but quite a few pieces are still missing
  506. [00:17:31] +Bazаr🌀: Tania will be next ep
  507. [00:17:34] +Bazаr🌀: Hardy on 18
  508. [00:17:35] pyrromanis: well, consider all this info just teasing, since they are from sidequests
  509. [00:17:42] +Bazаr🌀: I wonder where Amy will be
  510. [00:17:50] +Bazаr🌀: cuz one ep has 2 leaders in it
  511. [00:17:59] pyrromanis: so if we get plot revelation, all these will be restated
  512. [00:18:05] entreflores: Rust thicker than Water
  513. [00:18:11] entreflores: we propably get em both
  514. [00:18:15] +Noble Kakyoin: it could be both yeah
  515. [00:18:23] +Noble Kakyoin: we are due for a two leader episode after all
  516. [00:18:28] pyrromanis: 1v2 at the same match! let's go :P
  517. [00:18:29] +Bazаr🌀: then again, Hardy and Tania are siblings
  518. [00:18:40] +Bazаr🌀: they could be in the same ep even
  519. [00:18:50] +Bazаr🌀: a bit of a stretch tho
  520. [00:19:01] +Noble Kakyoin: we won't get to hardy until we get rock climb
  521. [00:19:22] +Noble Kakyoin: As we know, there's much more to route 4 that we haven't explored yet
  522. [00:19:25] +Bazаr🌀: We still have to deal with PULSE Claw, Hypno, and Mime
  523. [00:19:29] entreflores: We're getting to the desert next ep. to fight Hardy we have to deal with both Agate and Labradorra
  524. [00:19:45] +Noble Kakyoin: it's currently theorized that the upper part of route 4 will lead to the sleeping pulse
  525. [00:19:56] +Noble Kakyoin: and we'll enter agate via waterfall and dive
  526. [00:20:14] +Noble Kakyoin: or we may get to the pulse via waterfalling and diving through agae
  527. [00:20:29] pyrromanis: does anyone have the hand-draw map of reborn?
  528. [00:20:47] pyrromanis: ame removed the photo from the home page
  529. [00:20:57] ~Blιnd gυardιan: it used to be on the site but after everything moved around idk if she put it back up
  530. [00:20:58] ~Blιnd gυardιan: lemme see
  531. [00:21:18] pyrromanis: it isn't where it was before at least
  532. [00:21:35] +Noble Kakyoin: anyway, take a good look at agates map
  533. [00:21:36] +Noble Kakyoin:
  534. [00:21:46] +Bazаr🌀: the map's a 404 error right now dan
  535. [00:22:00] +Bazаr🌀: I see it on google images but I can't view it up close
  536. [00:22:06] +Noble Kakyoin: all of those waterfalls and dive spots lead back to one accesible point on agates map
  537. [00:22:50] +Bazаr🌀:
  538. [00:22:54] +Noble Kakyoin: Take a look at the cities PC, go up the stairs to the right and between the tree. That small pathway of water there
  539. [00:23:02] +Noble Kakyoin: loops all the way around
  540. [00:23:05] +Noble Kakyoin: and out of the area
  541. [00:23:21] pyrromanis: agate actualy reminds me of reborn itself!
  542. [00:23:28] ~Blιnd gυardιan: that link is wrong
  543. [00:23:40] +Bazаr🌀: I know
  544. [00:23:44] +Bazаr🌀: but the link in that thread
  545. [00:23:51] +Bazаr🌀:
  546. [00:24:02] ~Blιnd gυardιan: here:
  547. [00:24:04] +Noble Kakyoin: as of rn, the order we climb those waterfalls are going to be: Right, left, middle into agate
  548. [00:24:15] +Noble Kakyoin: or middle, left, right. Out of Agate
  549. [00:24:49] pyrromanis: ty dan!
  550. [00:24:51] ~Blιnd gυardιan: ya
  551. [00:25:26] pyrromanis: ok, so giratina is hiding in the wasteland
  552. [00:25:33] +Noble Kakyoin: so let's go over the areas we haven't been to yet
  553. [00:25:35] +Bazаr🌀: I miss the X gates
  554. [00:25:38] +Bazаr🌀: :L
  555. [00:25:44] pyrromanis: me too baz :(
  556. [00:25:50] +Noble Kakyoin: Desert and all thing in it, Suspicious House, Glass Workshop, Labradorra
  557. [00:25:52] pyrromanis: they teased us so much...
  558. [00:25:58] +Bazаr🌀: Ferris Wheel
  559. [00:26:12] +Bazаr🌀: We still haven't seen the Ferris Wheel
  560. [00:26:15] pyrromanis: what 1R253 means?
  561. [00:26:29] pyrromanis: is in front of scrapyard
  562. [00:26:58] entreflores: irz_e
  563. [00:27:37] pyrromanis: or ir_se
  564. [00:28:04] +Bazаr🌀: irzse
  565. [00:28:31] pyrromanis: this is where i'd love to have a terra's dialogue :P
  566. [00:28:42] ~Blιnd gυardιan: fwiw the map is incredibly dated at this point and there is no guarantee that they are all going to be playable areas
  567. [00:28:59] +Noble Kakyoin: most have been so far though
  568. [00:29:08] +Bazаr🌀: I've heard they might scrap the glass workshop and suspicious house
  569. [00:29:09] ~Blιnd gυardιan: yes, I know this
  570. [00:29:11] +Noble Kakyoin: i hope nothing gets scrapped
  571. [00:29:13] +Noble Kakyoin: ;]
  572. [00:29:16] ~Blιnd gυardιan: but I am saying that does not mean they are all going into the game
  573. [00:29:28] pyrromanis: we know that dan, but at least we can get information about waht ame had planned for reborn :]
  574. [00:29:31] ~Blιnd gυardιan: their existence in-universe notwithstanding
  575. [00:30:21] +Bazаr🌀: we won't get any good information out of dan
  576. [00:30:32] +Bazаr🌀: our best bet is to interrogate Ame
  577. [00:30:41] ~Blιnd gυardιan: that is almost insulting
  578. [00:30:57] +Bazаr🌀: she might give enough cryptic clues for us to make answers
  579. [00:31:05] +Bazаr🌀: I'm almost sorry dan :(
  580. [00:31:12] pyrromanis: or more of shade's rhymes :P
  581. [00:33:16] pyrromanis: i'm still curious which civiliztion was vanished when giratina came...
  582. [00:33:55] +Noble Kakyoin: presumably the one that drowned after apophyll's ice melted
  583. [00:34:46] +Bazаr🌀: that'd make sense
  584. [00:34:51] pyrromanis: but the man who study reborn's history 1st mentions that civilization was vanished and after giratina calmed down the snow melted
  585. [00:35:09] +Bazаr🌀: giratina caused the mountains to switch, so apophyll mountain melting into the crater to form a lake
  586. [00:37:02] +Noble Kakyoin: it doesn't really say it happened after
  587. [00:37:10] pyrromanis: "legends of an old civilization say the day their civilization ended was the day that giratina came in reborn"
  588. [00:37:11] pyrromanis: "they say the dragon was in a frenzy, and all around it bizarre things would happen"
  589. [00:37:34] espeon860: wonder when we get the two other stickers
  590. Swampellow left
  591. [00:37:44] +Noble Kakyoin: right, but his opening statement is that ametrine and pyrous were swapped roles at first
  592. [00:38:02] +Noble Kakyoin: "According to the stories, by the time the dimensional warrior finally settled in the south-east of the region, its chaos had already sealed the fate of Reborn."
  593. [00:38:15] pyrromanis: "objects would disappear, lands would be spun upside down, and whole towns were transported across the region in the blink of an eye"
  594. [00:38:16] +Noble Kakyoin: he never gives us an actual timeline of when things happen
  595. %Njab left
  596. [00:38:35] +Noble Kakyoin: as far as we know, this all could have happened in the first day
  597. [00:38:51] +Noble Kakyoin: because after mentioning the swap, he says
  598. [00:38:59] +Noble Kakyoin: "And in the months to follow, the rising temperatures thawed the snow, which formed what is now Azurine lake,"
  599. [00:39:08] +Noble Kakyoin: Note, this is after the swap
  600. [00:39:31] +Noble Kakyoin: we know the swap happened, and then months passed by
  601. [00:39:50] pyrromanis: hm true, but still uncertain about it
  602. [00:40:17] pyrromanis: also we get confirmation that 1st the meteor came and the giratina appeared
  603. [00:40:17] +Noble Kakyoin: also we know the city drowned is the old civilization
  604. [00:40:23] +Noble Kakyoin: "Burying their old city beneath it."
  605. [00:41:02] +Bazаr🌀: Giratina's chaos was created before the resets happen
  606. [00:41:17] +Bazаr🌀: the old city was probably Elias' town
  607. [00:41:24] +Bazаr🌀: so... I guess we know what happened to that
  608. [00:41:52] pyrromanis: what lands were spun upside down?
  609. [00:42:08] +Noble Kakyoin: who knows?
  610. [00:42:26] +Noble Kakyoin: it mentions that giratina could warp cities across the entire region though
  611. [00:42:34] +Noble Kakyoin: Is that what happened to Agate?
  612. [00:42:41] pyrromanis: maybe
  613. [00:42:44] +Bazаr🌀: Spinel is a small example of that being true
  614. [00:43:04] +Bazаr🌀: What's weird about Agate?
  615. [00:43:19] +Noble Kakyoin: Ody ping
  616. [00:43:29] pyrromanis: also the resemblance i get from agate with reborn...
  617. [00:43:30] +Noble Kakyoin: Where did you get the info on agates weirdness again?
  618. [00:44:42] +Bazаr🌀: how does Agate resemble Reborn?
  619. [00:45:08] pyrromanis: dunno, it is just in my eyes...
  620. [00:45:58] +Noble Kakyoin: i can't see it tbh
  621. [00:46:19] +Bazаr🌀: the ringmaster has the same hat as Radomus
  622. [00:46:22] +Bazаr🌀: card included
  623. [00:46:24] entreflores: Obisida par
  624. [00:46:26] +Bazаr🌀: its just a different color
  625. [00:46:29] +Noble Kakyoin: Thank you
  626. [00:46:40] +Noble Kakyoin: Also here's something to note about one npc in new coral ahem
  627. 2tousent left
  628. [00:46:50] +Bazаr🌀: pure black hair... could there be a relation?
  629. [00:47:16] +Noble Kakyoin: "On a night like this, there's something surreal. I can look at the sky, the lake, the stars, all fleeting as they are, but I feel like it could slip away at any
  630. [00:47:16] +Noble Kakyoin: second. Like, maybe it already has once before."
  631. [00:47:40] pyrromanis: YES! i remember that now
  632. [00:47:48] pyrromanis: he did say that
  633. [00:47:49] +Noble Kakyoin: "You ever get that feeling? Sort of like deja vu. This has already happened once, and what you see now is the result of someone's imagination. I'm not sure if I would like that or not."
  634. [00:47:58] +Noble Kakyoin: -Coral Ward NPC
  635. [00:48:17] +Bazаr🌀: So that just confirmed that the resets happen
  636. [00:48:26] +Bazаr🌀: That's all it says :/
  637. [00:48:47] pyrromanis: yes, but this is the imagination of someone
  638. [00:49:04] pyrromanis: so someone DID create us from his mind
  639. [00:49:22] pyrromanis: they wanted us to be here and fix theresets
  640. [00:49:25] +Noble Kakyoin: alright now as for the agate city thing @Baz
  641. [00:49:25] entreflores: anw Agate rumors
  642. [00:49:34] entreflores: is from a different region, magic stone underneath
  643. [00:49:39] +Noble Kakyoin: "They say it used to be part of a different region entirely."
  644. [00:49:51] +Noble Kakyoin: "And! I heard there's even a magic stone buried deep underneath it!"
  645. [00:50:00] +Noble Kakyoin: This could honestly be in reference to Orre's agate city
  646. [00:50:23] +Noble Kakyoin: As Orre's had a magic stone that purified pokemon, the relic stone
  647. [00:50:39] +Noble Kakyoin: because notice it isn't stones plural
  648. [00:50:45] entreflores: #fuck
  649. [00:50:52] entreflores: I know shit of PMD
  650. [00:50:57] +Noble Kakyoin: also funny thing to note about that same npc, she says this
  651. [00:51:00] +Noble Kakyoin: "If only something like that could exist here..."
  652. [00:51:02] entreflores: or whatever thing that is
  653. [00:51:13] +Bazаr🌀: I just checked
  654. [00:51:22] +Noble Kakyoin: Funny how she should say that. She doesn't even know what the city is built on top of
  655. [00:51:22] +Bazаr🌀: and Agate City matches Agate Village almost perfectly
  656. [00:51:25] pyrromanis: so, am i crazy that i see agate as a smaller rebrn?
  657. [00:51:30] +Noble Kakyoin: yes
  658. [00:51:36] pyrromanis: :P
  659. [00:51:49] entreflores: thanks bro
  660. [00:52:03] entreflores: :3
  661. [00:52:35] +Noble Kakyoin: uwu
  662. [00:52:48] entreflores: now do the guessning thread thing
  663. [00:53:05] +Bazаr🌀: sooooooo
  664. [00:53:22] +Bazаr🌀: we've had some breakthroughs here
  665. [00:53:22] pyrromanis: "A lush, green town of senior citizens where there is a relic honoring Celebi.Colo"
  666. [00:53:32] pyrromanis: from bulbapedia
  667. [00:53:59] +Bazаr🌀: celebi's X Door is probably there
  668. [00:54:28] +Noble Kakyoin: >X Door
  669. [00:54:31] +Noble Kakyoin: :[[[[
  670. [00:54:40] pyrromanis: maybe meteors want celebi to go back in time?
  671. [00:54:40] +Bazаr🌀: they'll reappear postgame :[
  672. [00:54:53] entreflores: Celebi's door is an ex-door
  673. [00:55:05] +Noble Kakyoin: nice one
  674. [00:55:20] +Bazаr🌀: If the purifying stone thing is still there
  675. [00:55:27] +Bazаr🌀: then Meteor might want it for something?
  676. [00:55:40] +Bazаr🌀: but there aren't Shadow Pokemon in Reborn
  677. [00:55:50] +Bazаr🌀: why do they want Agate so badly
  678. Swampellow joined
  679. [00:56:03] +Noble Kakyoin: maybe they need the stones purifying power?
  680. [00:56:12] +Bazаr🌀: what's corrupt though
  681. [00:56:13] +Noble Kakyoin: not for pokemon, but for something bigger?
  682. [00:56:21] +Noble Kakyoin: According to them, Reborn
  683. [00:56:22] ~Blιnd gυardιan: that's not really a breakthrough
  684. [00:56:33] pyrromanis: Connecting locations
  685. [00:56:34] pyrromanis: ↑
  686. [00:56:34] pyrromanis: Relic Cave and Relic Stone
  687. [00:56:35] +Bazаr🌀: this isn't
  688. [00:56:36] ~Blιnd gυardιan: ame/ika has said in the past it's meant to be the orre region
  689. [00:56:46] +Noble Kakyoin: i know
  690. [00:56:51] ~Blιnd gυardιan: I don't remember the specifics enough to comment beyond that though
  691. [00:57:11] pyrromanis: so the relic items we found might have something to do?
  692. [00:57:12] +Bazаr🌀: But we've finalized the fact that Nostra is resetting the world over and over
  693. [00:57:22] +Bazаr🌀: and us and Arceus were created somewhere in the resets
  694. [00:57:36] pyrromanis: maybe is only one reset so far?
  695. [00:57:40] +Noble Kakyoin: either that or arceus was there pre-reset
  696. [00:58:09] +Noble Kakyoin: i'm assuming the first universe already had arceus in it, as well as this one
  697. [00:58:10] +Bazаr🌀: Elias' book says that the thing that created Arceus (Nostra/the meteor) existed before it
  698. [00:58:26] +Noble Kakyoin: right, but as we know, Arceus is technically what created those
  699. [00:58:29] +Bazаr🌀: I think we've already been reset several times
  700. [00:58:30] entreflores: tru tbh. Gen3, Gen4
  701. [00:58:31] +Noble Kakyoin: idfk
  702. [00:58:46] +Bazаr🌀: Lin started the loop years ago
  703. [00:59:05] +Bazаr🌀: Then goes back and stops her younger self from doing it again by kidnapping her
  704. [00:59:14] +Bazаr🌀: Arceus got created
  705. [00:59:25] +Bazаr🌀: and X universes later, we get made
  706. [00:59:50] +Bazаr🌀: there are 4 events that we need to figure out across the universes:
  707. [00:59:57] +Bazаr🌀: How did the first loop happen
  708. [01:00:06] +Bazаr🌀: When did Arceus start
  709. [01:00:12] +Bazаr🌀: Why were we made
  710. [01:00:45] +Bazаr🌀: damnit I had a brain fart aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  711. [01:00:53] +Noble Kakyoin: fun thing to note
  712. [01:01:08] +Noble Kakyoin: the books in the seven sanctum say the new world will be born when arceus awakens
  713. Apex✦Epic left
  714. [01:01:48] +Bazаr🌀: If Arceus existed in several past universes
  715. [01:02:00] +Bazаr🌀: Then it's safe to say they've failed to awaken Arceus every time
  716. [01:02:24] +Bazаr🌀: if Lin was the one who started the loops
  717. [01:02:45] +Bazаr🌀: why would she help Meteor break the loops she made
  718. [01:02:54] +Bazаr🌀: unless she wants to break the loops?
  719. [01:03:02] +Noble Kakyoin: most of the books of rebirth and the new world note that the old world has to go before the new one can be born
  720. [01:03:09] pyrromanis: maybe she wasn't the one who made the 1st reset?
  721. [01:03:19] +Bazаr🌀: maybe
  722. [01:03:26] +Bazаr🌀: then go back to question 1
  723. [01:03:34] +Bazаr🌀: How did the first loop happen
  724. [01:03:50] +Bazаr🌀: Who did it
  725. [01:03:55] pyrromanis: someone who didn't like the future that was coming
  726. [01:04:05] +Bazаr🌀: It's safe to assume Nostra granted the wish
  727. [01:04:09] +Noble Kakyoin: "The Lord Arceus shall come again. The New World, too, shalt be Reborn." -- Arceus 38-27
  728. [01:04:21] +Bazаr🌀: "come again"
  729. [01:04:24] +Noble Kakyoin: Why would the new world need to be reborn?
  730. [01:04:36] +Bazаr🌀: That implies he's been awakened...
  731. [01:04:38] +Bazаr🌀: hm
  732. [01:04:48] +Bazаr🌀: Jirachi can make 1 wish every 1000 years
  733. [01:04:50] +Bazаr🌀: so maybe the wish
  734. [01:04:56] +Bazаr🌀: was to make Arceus?
  735. [01:05:07] +Bazаr🌀: and the "New World" is the reset?
  736. [01:05:24] +Bazаr🌀: The world destroys itself and recreates itself over and over
  737. [01:05:31] +Noble Kakyoin: Actually... Are we really in the second loop and not a previous one?
  738. [01:06:10] +Bazаr🌀: How can people be remembering past lives if this is the first universe
  739. [01:06:16] +Noble Kakyoin: As far as we know, we could have been sent back a loop or foward many loops
  740. [01:06:39] +Bazаr🌀: The only difference between our loop and previous ones
  741. [01:06:41] +Bazаr🌀: is us
  742. [01:06:49] +Bazаr🌀: it's safe to assume, anyways
  743. [01:07:24] +Noble Kakyoin: Right, but who's to say we aren't actually in a previous loop? Let's say loop 10 made the wish to add us, but we were put into loop 9 and not 11/ new 10.
  744. [01:07:54] +Bazаr🌀: Then it wouldn't matter, would it?
  745. [01:07:58] +Noble Kakyoin: guess not
  746. [01:08:03] pyrromanis: "arceus shall grant thee favours in the new world" arceus 12-3
  747. [01:08:04] +Bazаr🌀: If we were the only change made
  748. [01:08:12] +Bazаr🌀: It wouldn't matter which universe we're in
  749. +Mаrcello joined
  750. [01:08:25] +Bazаr🌀: Because they're all the same, except the ones without Arceus
  751. [01:09:03] +Noble Kakyoin: Another note on the books in the sanctum
  752. [01:09:19] +Noble Kakyoin: It says Arceus molded the heavens and earth from memories of eons passed and yet to come
  753. [01:09:42] pyrromanis: from the darkness, from stardust from the memories of eons passed and visions of eons yet to come, from these things did the lord arceus mold the heavens, the eath and all that walk upon it"
  754. [01:09:47] +Noble Kakyoin: is arceus able to see into every loop, dimension, reality, etc.?
  755. [01:09:49] pyrromanis: arceus 2-4
  756. [01:10:04] +Bazаr🌀: Let's say we're made in universe 10
  757. [01:10:21] +Bazаr🌀: Arceus was created in U2
  758. [01:10:24] +Bazаr🌀: when Nostra made it
  759. [01:10:46] +Bazаr🌀: Arceus from U2 could see U1, as well as U3, 4, etc before they even happened
  760. [01:10:51] +Bazаr🌀: and made identical worlds
  761. [01:11:05] +Bazаr🌀: someone in U9 figured this out and broke the loop by making us in U10
  762. [01:11:57] +Noble Kakyoin: have we determined what was in U1?
  763. [01:12:12] +Noble Kakyoin: was it the first story from ms. direction?
  764. [01:12:17] pyrromanis: "Renmants of the New World" - when our lord arceus had at last finished crafting the world from stardus, what then should the divine do with the remnants of immaterial?"
  765. [01:12:40] pyrromanis: >"our lord arceus had at last finished crafting the world from stardust"
  766. [01:12:58] pyrromanis: so arceus created the world with jirachi's help?
  767. [01:13:16] +Noble Kakyoin: it's safe to assume so, I guess
  768. [01:13:27] +Bazаr🌀: It created worlds based off of Jirachi's past world-making probably
  769. [01:13:44] +Bazаr🌀: so it's safe to assume both Nostra and Arceus each grant a wish
  770. [01:14:06] +Bazаr🌀: let's move Arceus' creation to U5 for a sec
  771. [01:14:24] +Bazаr🌀: Nostra's wish for U1-3 was to repeat the world
  772. [01:14:32] +Bazаr🌀: but in U4 it was to make Arceus
  773. espeon860 left
  774. [01:15:00] +Bazаr🌀: ... wait that would be U5 actually
  775. [01:15:14] +Bazаr🌀: and after Nostra made Arceus, Arceus reset the universe to U6
  776. [01:15:38] +Bazаr🌀: Arceus has been resetting U6-U9
  777. [01:15:48] +Bazаr🌀: but Nostra still has its wishes
  778. [01:16:01] +Bazаr🌀: what was wished for during that/those universe(s)?
  779. [01:16:15] +Bazаr🌀: one of them was for us to be made
  780. [01:16:26] +Bazаr🌀: what will be Nostra's wish this time?
  781. [01:16:53] +Bazаr🌀: maybe Arceus has only made 2 new worlds
  782. [01:17:06] +Bazаr🌀: the one after it was created, and the one we're in
  783. [01:17:18] +Bazаr🌀: of those 2, in the first, Nostra's wish was for Arceus
  784. [01:17:21] +Bazаr🌀: in the second, us
  785. [01:17:45] +Bazаr🌀: shit im monologuing
  786. [01:17:49] +Noble Kakyoin: so it's safe to assume we are in the most current loop
  787. [01:17:58] +Bazаr🌀: I would say yes
  788. [01:18:14] +Noble Kakyoin: arceus is born in 5, resets 5 to make 6
  789. [01:18:20] +Noble Kakyoin: 6 ends and we're added to 7
  790. [01:18:43] +Bazаr🌀: We don't actually know if other wishes were made between arceus and us though
  791. [01:18:49] +Bazаr🌀: what if Shade was a wish?
  792. [01:19:02] +Bazаr🌀: there could even be more like him
  793. [01:19:15] +Bazаr🌀: but yes, that's the basis pyrr
  794. [01:19:31] +Noble Kakyoin: so we've got a general timeline, which I'm trying to make a picture for
  795. [01:20:18] +Bazаr🌀: mk
  796. [01:20:30] +Bazаr🌀: dan can you tell us if we're on the right track or not? :3
  797. [01:20:35] +Noble Kakyoin: lol nope
  798. [01:20:40] ~Blιnd gυardιan: I absolutely could
  799. [01:20:46] pyrromanis: don't!
  800. [01:21:30] +Noble Kakyoin: i mean
  801. [01:21:35] +Noble Kakyoin: even if we told him to tell us
  802. [01:21:36] +Bazаr🌀: may you tell us? ;3
  803. [01:21:38] +Noble Kakyoin: I doubt he would
  804. [01:21:47] +Bazаr🌀: probably
  805. [01:21:54] pyrromanis: he will obviously lie
  806. [01:22:02] pyrromanis: so what he says, means is wrong :P
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