
reverie slot

Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. username : @CLOUDYCHRIS
  3. slot : runner
  5. back up slot : reverie
  7. faceclaim: @pdh0522
  9. backup: @heeeeeeeeemin
  11. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
  15. " playing games from the star "
  18. name - 권시아 / kwon siah
  20. code name - volatile
  22. date of birth - 30/09/99
  24. age - 18
  28. height - 160cm
  30. blood type - B
  32. hometown - toronto, canada
  34. nationality - canadian
  40. " sinking your nails into my heart "
  43. personality - i’m very hot-headed. i was ever since i was born. if i didn’t get that one specific double choc cookie, but the one next to it, i’d scream my lungs out. i’m also very reserved and cold, because i want to hide my feelings and insecurities that build up throughout my years of training. i’m very bold and sassy and i try to loosen the mood sometimes. but most of the time i hurt someone with my weird sense of humor, purposely if i may add. you annoy me, i snap back at you. under all of that sarcastic mess that is me, i’m very traumatized and stressed out. since i was taken at such a young age, i never really got to live out my childhood. it just abruptly stopped. i’m immature and childish at times, especially when you’re alone with me. i try to cover up all of my blemishes and sorrows with cockiness and sarcasm, as i think that is what protects me from being hurt. you can curse at me all you want felicia, i don’t give a shit. as long as you don’t come for me or my past, we’re gucci. but if you dare to disrespect one of babes, you’re as good as dead. i know how to manipulate people with my looks and i’d love to work as a bait, not just the one who helps everyone to get away. i’m more of a lone wolf that has a few friends only. i wouldn’t describe myself as a person who hogs the limelight, but i do enjoy my occasional praise, it makes me feel good about myself and i need that reinsurance that i’m doing my thing well.
  45. background - you’d probably expect a regular “hi, my name is siah and i’m from toronto.” when you meet me, right? because i look like a regular girl, who got lost in this part of town. at least that’s what they tell me. but you’ll never understand my story, if you didn’t go through it yourself.
  46. my parents took me to seoul to meet my family when i was six years old. we were supposed to stay there for two months, but after just a few days, we were taken hostage. my dad always told me that everything would be alright, that we’d come out alive, all of us. i didn’t understand the situation. what do you expect from a six year old? i was a crying bundle in the back of a cold room. i couldn’t find any sleep, i was clinging onto my dad for my dear life. that’s the last faint memory i have of my dad. his strong arms around my tiny body. when my mom was taken, i thought she’d come back and bring us food, like she always did back home. i waited and waited, sitting in front of the door. “you have to be strong siah, okay?” when my dad explained why this was happening to us back in the day, i didn’t understand. my dad was born in canada, why would he be an interesting subject here in korea? up to this day i don’t understand why, but i came to understand one thing: they were the enemy. and for heavens sake, i will ruin them. chase them around, make them starve and kill them. i will show no mercy. i will make my parents proud and if it’s the last thing i do. keeping me locked up all these years didn’t help. i’ll make all of you regret what you did to me and my family.
  50. - dead memes and vines
  51. - roller coasters
  52. - dad jokes
  53. - thrillers
  54. - taekwondo
  55. - alcohol and occasional use of other drugs
  57. dislikes -
  58. - romantic movies
  59. - tomatoes
  60. - hot showers
  61. - dancing
  62. - cigarettes
  64. habits -
  65. - clicking my tounge when i’m satisfied with my work
  66. - snapping my fingers when i roasted someone like a rotisserie chicken
  67. - throwing kisses at everyone to confuse them
  69. " you bring out the worst in me "
  72. weaknesses -
  73. - i get over my head sometimes. especially when i go into rage mode, there’s noone holding me back
  74. - i get horrible road rage and almost fuck up our missions because of that
  75. - i can’t really empathize with people who hurt, as i try to oppress my feelings as much as i can
  77. strengths -
  78. - i stay focused on a certain goal i set myself and you can’t stop me from reaching it
  79. - i can act very well, if i want to have something
  80. - i make my friends laugh a lot because of my stupid humor
  82. main skills -
  83. - i was trained in taekwondo since i was ten, i find it a perfect way to release all of my anger and stress.
  84. - i was able to learn driving at 16 years of age. even though i am not really a good driver who respects the rules, i can drive fast and know my way around a lot of streets.
  86. secondary skills -
  87. - my navigation/mapping strategy is pretty advanced, even though it’s not my main skill it still helps me a lot ; 80%
  90. how does she act in life dangerous situations? -
  91. i probably wouldn’t think about a way out for too long. i’d just go for it and would try to save my ass. if that doesn’t work, meh i’m dead. i don’t really love life, so i’ll probably just go jackass.
  93. how many years has she been training? -
  94. they started training me at the age of ten, four years after taking me, making this my eighth year.
  98. " who do you think you are "
  101. love interest - seo changbin
  103. back up love interest - bang chan
  105. one personality trait of his -
  106. - he’s very focused
  108. her first impression - “what the fuck do you think you’re doing running into my trajectory?!”
  109. he’s trying to shoot a deer for them to feast on later that night. she pretty much hated him from the get-go, because he yelled at her. she snapped right back at him and was ready to kick the living shit out of him, until she realized that he was actually kind of cute.
  111. his first impression - he hated her for ruining his dinner, but he was mesmerized by her looks. she looked like a doll. he thought that he could maybe use her as bait.
  113. ending -
  114. “maybe this right here was worth living for after all.”
  115. i calmly state, as the blood pours out of my leg, where a bullet hit just minutes ago.
  116. “maybe i love you, more than you can imagine.”
  117. my pulse drops more and my grip around his wrist loosens, as i fade into darkness.
  118. (okay what the fuck that’s so cliche and bad lmaoooooo, idk if i want to die but if i even get accepted it’s up to you. i’m just horrible at writing)
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