

Sep 23rd, 2020
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  1. ###################################
  2. # Items: Options
  3. # Item: <ID:MD/Item Name> - You can choose the item with its id and meta data.
  4. # Amount: <Number> - Choose how many of the item you get.
  5. # Name: <Name> - The display name that goes on the item.
  6. # Lore: <Line 1>,<Line 2>,<Line 3>,<Line 4> - The lore that will go under the enchantments. Split lines with a ','
  7. # <Enchantment>:<Level> - Choose the enchantment you want to add to the item. You can use the in-game names of the enchantment if you want. Replace the spaces in the name with a "_".
  8. ###########################################################
  9. # Sound Options #
  10. # 1.9 and up players use these sounds:
  11. ###################################################################
  12. # Firework Colors: #
  13. # Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, #
  14. # Navy, Olive, Orange, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, White, Yellow #
  15. ###################################################################
  16. Settings: #Settings
  17. Prefix: '&7[&b&lNotes&7]: ' #The prefix before messages.
  18. Updater: true
  19. Vouchers: #Where you make your vouchers.
  20. Space: #The name of the voucher.
  21. Item: 'PAPER' #The item the voucher is.
  22. Name: '&7&l>> &5Space &7&lRank&d&lNOTE &7&l<<' #The item name.
  23. Lore: #The item's lore
  24. - '&7Use this voucher to recieve the &5Space Rank'
  25. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
  26. Player: '' #Set the Item: to PLAYER_HEAD and use this to set the skin on the player head. Can use Name/Hash/URL
  27. Glowing: true #Toggle if the item will have a glowing effect or not.
  28. Commands: #The commands that are ran when redeemed.
  29. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mood'
  30. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Founder'
  31. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Manager'
  32. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Developer'
  33. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Constructor'
  34. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Constructor'
  35. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Admin'
  36. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Mod'
  37. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mod'
  38. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Helper'
  39. - 'upc addGroup %player% Space'
  40. - 'colors white %player%'
  41. Options: #The options
  42. Message: '&7Congratulations, you just ranked up to the &5Space &7&lRank&d&lNOTE.' #The message sent to the player when redeemed. Set to '' if no message needs sent.
  43. Whitelist-Worlds: #This allows you to make it so some vouchers can only be used in specific worlds.
  44. Toggle: false #True if you wish to use this feature.
  45. Message: '&cYou can not use that voucher here as you are not in a whitelisted world for this voucher.' #The message sent to the user that tried to use it in a non whitelisted world.
  46. Worlds: #List of worlds you want the voucher to be used in.
  47. - 'world'
  48. Permission: #Permission options.
  49. Whitelist-Permission: #The player needs this permission to use it.
  50. Toggle: false #Toggle the permission on or off.
  51. Message: '&cYou do not have permission to use that voucher.'
  52. Permissions: #List of permissions the player needs.
  53. - 'voucher.use'
  54. Blacklist-Permissions: #If the player has any of these permissions then they can't use the voucher.
  55. Toggle: false #Toggle if it checks for blacklisted permissions.
  56. Message: '&cYou have a blacklisted permission and can''t use this voucher.' #The message that is sent to the player if they have a blacklisted message. Use %permission% if you wise to show the permission they need.
  57. Permissions: #List all the blacklisted permissions here.
  58. - ''
  59. Limiter: #Limiter options.
  60. Toggle: false #Toggle on or off the limiter.
  61. Limit: 10 #The limit of how many times it may be used.
  62. Two-Step-Authentication: #This is for when the player right clicks the voucher. It tells them to click again to confirm.
  63. Toggle: false #Toggle this option on or off.
  64. Sound: #The sound options.
  65. Toggle: true #Toggle on or off if a sound is played.
  66. Sounds: #The sound that is played. Make sure the sound works with your minecraft version.
  67. - 'CLICK'
  68. Firework: #The firework options
  69. Toggle: true #Toggle if the firework goes off.
  70. Colors: 'Green, Lime' #The colors of the firework.
  71. Captain:
  72. Item: 'Paper'
  73. Name: '&7&l>> &cCaptain &7&lRank&d&lNOTE &7&l<<'
  74. Lore:
  75. - '&7Use this voucher to rank up to the &cCaptain Rank'
  76. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
  77. Player: ''
  78. Glowing: true
  79. Commands:
  80. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Space'
  81. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mood'
  82. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Founder'
  83. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Manager'
  84. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Developer'
  85. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Constructor'
  86. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Constructor'
  87. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Admin'
  88. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Mod'
  89. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mod'
  90. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Helper'
  91. - 'upc addGroup %player% Captain'
  92. - 'colors white %player%'
  93. Options:
  94. Message: '&7Congratulations, you have just ranked up to the &cCaptain &7&lRank&d&lNOTE.'
  95. Whitelist-Worlds:
  96. Toggle: false
  97. Message: '&cYou can not use that voucher here as you are not in a whitelisted world for this voucher.'
  98. Worlds:
  99. - 'world'
  100. Permission:
  101. Whitelist-Permission:
  102. Toggle: false
  103. Permissions:
  104. - 'voucher.rankup'
  105. Blacklist-Permissions:
  106. Toggle: false
  107. Message: '&cYou already have this rank and can''t use this voucher.'
  108. Permissions:
  109. - 'voucher.blacklist.rankup'
  110. Limiter:
  111. Toggle: false
  112. Limit: 10
  113. Two-Step-Authentication:
  114. Toggle: false
  115. Sound:
  116. Toggle: true
  117. Sounds:
  118. - 'CLICK'
  119. Firework:
  120. Toggle: true
  121. Colors: 'Black, Gray, Red'
  122. Star:
  123. Item: 'PAPER'
  124. Name: '&7&l>> &eStar &7&lRank&d&lNOTE &7&l<<'
  125. Lore:
  126. - '&7Use this voucher to recieve the &eStar Rank'
  127. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
  128. Player: ''
  129. Glowing: true
  130. Commands:
  131. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mood'
  132. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Founder'
  133. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Manager'
  134. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Developer'
  135. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Constructor'
  136. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Constructor'
  137. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Admin'
  138. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Mod'
  139. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mod'
  140. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Helper'
  141. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Captain'
  142. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Space'
  143. - 'upc addGroup %player% Star'
  144. - 'colors white %player%'
  145. Options:
  146. Message: '&7Congratulations, you have just ranked up to the &eStar &7&lRank&d&lNOTE.'
  147. Whitelist-Worlds:
  148. Toggle: false
  149. Message: '&cYou can not use that voucher here as you are not in a whitelisted world for this voucher.'
  150. Worlds:
  151. - 'world'
  152. Permission:
  153. Whitelist-Permission:
  154. Toggle: false
  155. Permissions:
  156. - 'voucher.gset'
  157. Blacklist-Permissions:
  158. Toggle: false
  159. Message: '&cYou have a blacklisted permission and can''t use this voucher.'
  160. Permissions:
  161. - 'voucher.blacklist.gset'
  162. Limiter:
  163. Toggle: false
  164. Limit: 10
  165. Two-Step-Authentication:
  166. Toggle: false
  167. Sound:
  168. Toggle: true
  169. Sounds:
  170. - 'CLICK'
  171. Firework:
  172. Toggle: true
  173. Colors: 'Black, Gray, Aqua'
  174. Galaxy:
  175. Item: 'PAPER'
  176. Name: '&7&l>> &9Galaxy &7&lRank&d&lNOTE &7&l<<'
  177. Lore:
  178. - '&7Use this voucher to recieve the &9Galaxy Rank'
  179. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
  180. Commands:
  181. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mood'
  182. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Founder'
  183. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Manager'
  184. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Developer'
  185. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Constructor'
  186. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Constructor'
  187. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Admin'
  188. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Mod'
  189. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mod'
  190. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Helper'
  191. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Captain'
  192. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Star'
  193. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Space'
  194. - 'upc addGroup %player% Galaxy'
  195. - 'colors white %player%'
  196. Player: ''
  197. Glowing: True
  198. Options:
  199. Firework:
  200. Toggle: true
  201. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  202. Fly:
  203. Item: 'twisting_vines'
  204. Name: '&7&l>> &6&o&lAccess to /fly &7&l<<'
  205. Lore:
  206. - '&7Redeeming this will allow you to fly the whole server'
  207. Commands:
  208. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player%'
  209. Player: ''
  210. Glowing: false
  211. Options:
  212. Firework:
  213. Toggle: true
  214. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  216. Nebula:
  217. Item: 'name_tag'
  218. Name: '&7&l>> &7[&7&lNeb&b&lula&7] &7&l<<'
  219. Lore:
  220. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &7[&7Neb&bula&7] &fTag'
  221. Commands:
  222. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% deluxetags.tag.Nebula'
  223. Player: ''
  224. Glowing: false
  225. Options:
  226. Firework:
  227. Toggle: true
  228. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  230. Solar:
  231. Item: 'name_tag'
  232. Name: '&7&l>> &7[&7&lSol&6&lar&7] &7&l<<'
  233. Lore:
  234. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &7[&7Sol&6ar&7] &fTag'
  235. Commands:
  236. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% deluxetags.tag.Solar'
  237. Player: ''
  238. Glowing: false
  239. Options:
  240. Firework:
  241. Toggle: true
  242. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  244. Near:
  245. Item: 'painting'
  246. Name: '&7&l>> &9&l/Near Command &7&l<<'
  247. Lore:
  248. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &9&lNear &fCommand'
  249. Commands:
  250. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% essentials.near'
  251. Player: ''
  252. Glowing: false
  253. Options:
  254. Firework:
  255. Toggle: true
  256. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  258. Back:
  259. Item: 'painting'
  260. Name: '&7&l>> &9&l/Back Command &7&l<<'
  261. Lore:
  262. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &9&lBack &fCommand'
  263. Commands:
  264. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% essentials.back'
  265. Player: ''
  266. Glowing: false
  267. Options:
  268. Firework:
  269. Toggle: true
  270. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  272. Fix:
  273. Item: 'painting'
  274. Name: '&7&l>> &9&l/Fix Command &7&l<<'
  275. Lore:
  276. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &9&lFix &fCommand'
  277. Commands:
  278. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% essentials.fix'
  279. Player: ''
  280. Glowing: false
  281. Options:
  282. Firework:
  283. Toggle: true
  284. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  286. Feed:
  287. Item: 'painting'
  288. Name: '&7&l>> &9&l/Feed Command &7&l<<'
  289. Lore:
  290. - '&7Use this voucher to gain access to the &9&lFeed &fCommand'
  291. Commands:
  292. - 'upc addPlayerPermission %player% essentials.feed'
  293. Player: ''
  294. Glowing: false
  295. Options:
  296. Firework:
  297. Toggle: true
  298. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  300. PowerS:
  301. Item: 'NETHERITE_SWORD'
  302. Name: '&7&l>> &5&lPower Sword &7&l<<'
  303. Lore:
  305. Player: ''
  306. Glowing: true
  307. Items:
  308. - 'Item:NETHERITE_SWORD, Amount:1, Name:&7&l>> &5&lPower Sword &7&l<<, Sharpness:6, Unbreaking:6, Looting:6, Mending:6,'
  309. Options:
  310. Firework:
  311. Toggle: false
  312. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  314. PowerP:
  316. Name: '&7&l>> &5&lPower Pickaxe &7&l<<'
  317. Lore:
  319. Player: ''
  320. Glowing: true
  321. Items:
  322. - 'Item:NETHERITE_PICKAXE, Amount:1, Name:&7&l>> &5&lPower Pickaxe &7&l<<, Efficiency:7, Unbreaking:7, Fortune:7, Mending:7, '
  323. Options:
  324. Firework:
  325. Toggle: false
  326. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  328. PowerA:
  329. Item: 'NETHERITE_AXE'
  330. Name: '&7&l>> &5&lPower Axe &7&l<<'
  331. Lore:
  333. Player: ''
  334. Glowing: true
  335. Items:
  336. - 'Item:NETHERITE_AXE, Amount:1, Name:&7&l>> &5&lPower Axe &7&l<<, Sharpness:7, Efficiency:7, Unbreaking:7, Mending:7,'
  337. Options:
  338. Firework:
  339. Toggle: false
  340. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  342. PowerSS:
  344. Name: '&7&l>> &5&lPower Shovel &7&l<<'
  345. Lore:
  347. Player: ''
  348. Glowing: true
  349. Items:
  350. - 'Item:NETHERITE_SHOVEL, Amount:1, Name:&7&l>> &5&lPower Shovel &7&l<<, Efficiency:6, Unbreaking:6, Fortune:6, Mending:6,'
  351. Options:
  352. Firework:
  353. Toggle: false
  354. Colours: 'Black, Green'
  356. 10k:
  357. Item: 'name_tag'
  358. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$10,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  359. Lore:
  360. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$10k'
  361. Commands:
  362. - 'eco give %player% 10000'
  363. Player: ''
  364. Glowing: false
  365. Options:
  366. Firework:
  367. Toggle: true
  368. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  370. 15k:
  371. Item: 'name_tag'
  372. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$15,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  373. Lore:
  374. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$15k'
  375. Commands:
  376. - 'eco give %player% 15000'
  377. Player: ''
  378. Glowing: false
  379. Options:
  380. Firework:
  381. Toggle: true
  382. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  384. 30k:
  385. Item: 'name_tag'
  386. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$30,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  387. Lore:
  388. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$30k'
  389. Commands:
  390. - 'eco give %player% 30000'
  391. Player: ''
  392. Glowing: false
  393. Options:
  394. Firework:
  395. Toggle: true
  396. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  398. 80k:
  399. Item: 'name_tag'
  400. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$80,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  401. Lore:
  402. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$80k'
  403. Commands:
  404. - 'eco give %player% 80000'
  405. Player: ''
  406. Glowing: false
  407. Options:
  408. Firework:
  409. Toggle: true
  410. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  412. 120k:
  413. Item: 'name_tag'
  414. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$120,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  415. Lore:
  416. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$120k'
  417. Commands:
  418. - 'eco give %player% 120000'
  419. Player: ''
  420. Glowing: false
  421. Options:
  422. Firework:
  423. Toggle: true
  424. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  426. 180k:
  427. Item: 'name_tag'
  428. Name: '&7&l>> &a&l$180,000 &f&lNote &7&l<<'
  429. Lore:
  430. - '&7Use this voucher to gain &a&l$180k'
  431. Commands:
  432. - 'eco give %player% 180000'
  433. Player: ''
  434. Glowing: false
  435. Options:
  436. Firework:
  437. Toggle: true
  438. Colors: 'Black, Green'
  440. Nether:
  441. Item: 'PAPER'
  442. Name: '&7&l>> &dNether &7&lRank&d&lNOTE &7&l<<'
  443. Lore:
  444. - '&7Use this voucher to recieve the &dNether Rank'
  445. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
  446. Commands:
  447. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mood'
  448. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Founder'
  449. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Manager'
  450. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Developer'
  451. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Constructor'
  452. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Constructor'
  453. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Admin'
  454. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Sr.Mod'
  455. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Mod'
  456. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Helper'
  457. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Captain'
  458. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Star'
  459. - 'upc removeGroup %player% Space'
  460. - 'upc removeGroup &player% Galaxy'
  461. - 'upc addGroup %player% Nether'
  462. - 'colors white %player%'
  463. Player: ''
  464. Glowing: True
  465. Options:
  466. Firework:
  467. Toggle: true
  468. Colors: 'Black, Green'
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