
Squid Update 7/26/2020

Jul 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Small-ish Update of Ranger Squid streams as of 7/26/20
  3. Hi there,
  4. I figured I would make this, since it't been a bit since I've updated anyone on what's been happening. First, camp has been going extremely well and I've been enjoying it a lot. I'm really tired when I come home, but every night I do think about what I want to do the next day for the kids at the camp, and that's how I know I really enjoy it there.
  6. Second, I finally have gone on 2 dates with a girl for the first time in a year and a half, and it seems like it is going well. For now, that's what i'll say about that until I begin to get to know her more than just a few weeks worth of time :)
  8. Lastly, ESA is coming up, but once ESA is done, I will be moving on from speedrunning for some time. I'm completely burnt out, and any attempt at getting PB's has been filled with disappointment in my own skills and/or anger at the game. Every run I either made myself or am at least good enough overall to keep getting PB's I feel like I hit a brick wall with. Butterfree is a mental brick wall, despite being something I made and enjoyed working on. Any Alt Main feels like a chore to work on, considering how much work I put into Butterfree. Trade Alt Mains are fine, which is what I'm working on now. The other Any% routes and other categories are just so boring to me personally that i have no interest in doing them. TLDR Sword and Shield are really boring games to me, and i'm starting to just accept that I can't really do many runs because of that.
  10. Mario Kart is another story. I feel as though if anything, the Bonus Tracks PB I have could be improved a bit, but other than that I feel content with my times currently, and am happy I pushed quite a bit on the game in order to improve my times I thought were stuck where they were.
  12. Other games, such as Zelda TP, learning the Any% route would take a very long time to understand the mechanics of it, and the (basically) glitchless category is a minimum 5.5-6 hour run, so if I have an attempt that fails 3 hours in, I lost 3 hours. Or if I have an attempt go dead at 5 hours, that's even worse. Hence why I'm feeling like I'm a bit stuck
  14. After ESA, most likely I will be either playing some games casually that I've been meaning to play, including the Bioshock series, Tomb Raider Games, or maybe just some pokemon challenges and maybe some Nuzlockes too (Renegade Platinum sits in the corner patiently). Once in ahwile I will go back to speedrunning when I feel like it, but otherwise I don't plan on returning until I feel ready to go back and put the time into one specific category or at most 3 categories that don't eat up my life, especially with the current situation in the world for right now.
  16. Any questions or comments, feel free to DM me or just talk to me in my discord :)
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