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Life Is Strange EP2 Spoilers

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Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. E2_Page00_A="October 8"
  2. E2_Page00_B="I woke up this morning a different person. Even if nobody knows yet. After yesterday's intense revelations with my rewind power and saving Chloe's life among the other cray cray (as Victoria might say say) events at Blackwell, I have to assume everything is different now. And I thought exposing my photos to the world was going to be hard."
  3. E2_Page00_C="After Chloe dropped me back off to my dorm yesterday, I tried to find out more about that freak snowfall when we were at the lighthouse but the local meteorologists are stumped so far. I was so jacked up that I pulled an all-niter on time and physics research."
  4. E2_Page01_A="Not being Warren I ended up discovering less about my situation than when I started... I don't believe that my tornado vision and the snowfall are connected, but at this point, I have no fucking clue what to believe. I'm just so glad Chloe and I are a team again. That has to be destiny."
  5. E2_Page01_B="Now I have to hit the showers and get ready to meet Chloe for breakfast. I need it."
  6. E2_Page01_C="I ran into Kate in the showers and she asked for "The October Country" back. I love that book and need to definitely get my own copy. Of course when I was in the shower, Victoria and Taylor barged in and totally started ragging on poor Kate about the video. Just to be complete assholes they wrote the link on the mirror."
  7. E2_Page01_D="I truly don't understand how they get off on acting like that. Victoria has EVERYTHING. What does she gain by being a bully to Kate Marsh? We're supposed to be adults here but I swear it's like Battle Royale -- without the dystopia and exploding heads. Only Victoria could make me feel dirty in a shower."
  8. E2_Page02_A="The plot thickens. And I can't get out."
  9. E2_Page02_B1="So after listening to Victoria and Taylor rag on Kate about the video, I came back to my room to find it TRASHED. Or at least messier than it was before."
  10. E2_Page02_B2="So after listening to Victoria and Taylor rag on Kate about the video, I came back to my room to find all these creepy arranged photos. Only Nathan would be this disturbed."
  11. E2_Page02_C1="Now I have to clean up just to find Kate's book...I bet Victoria did this because of that paint photo yesterday. I should've expected swift retribution. Another day, another drama."
  12. E2_Page02_C2="The thought that Nathan was in here actually setting up this weird gallery is way fucked up. I better start being more careful around here. I almost want a surveillance system now..."
  13. E2_Page02_F="As if things here weren't dramatic enough, I got a creepy text threat from a blocked address. Nathan? Victoria? No clue. I really have to start watching my back all the time."
  14. E2_Page02_G="I still had to give Kate's book back, so I went to her room. I knew she wasn't doing good but I didn't know how bad until I went in. All the lights were off, blinds closed, like some emo-goth den. And Kate is the opposite of emo or goth. She was just crying in the dark, and it was so sad to see her like this. More sad is that I wished I could take a picture of her framed in her expressionist misery."
  15. E2_Page03_A="Kate admitted that she thinks something more happened to her than just a video. Plus she told me that Nathan Prescott gave her a ride from the party to the ER then to the dorm.... and she thinks he did something to her but she doesn't remember what."
  16. E2_Page03_B="It's hard not to believe Kate considering what kind of person she is and what kind of person Nathan is. I've seen for myself exactly what that fucker is capable of."
  17. E2_Page03_C="Of course, Kate asked if she should go to the police and the principal..."
  18. E2_Page03_D1="I told Kate she should absolutely go to them. Other people could be in danger...Of course, Kate also said she would use me as her back-up, which kind of scares me because of this text threat. Should I be getting this involved when somebody is obviously stalking me or worse? This is getting freakier then I can handle... Super-Max NOT."
  19. E2_Page03_D2="I felt like absolute shit but I told Kate she should not go to anybody until she has more proof she was drugged. That video doesn't help her case at all and it could backfire big time. She's going up against the whole Prescott empire not just one rich white boy on dope. She wasn't too thrilled by my answer. I don't think she trusts me to be the one investigating all this...How can I blame her? I sometimes wonder what I am actually doing besides getting myself in more trouble...Even Kate booted me out of her room. Hello, Everyday Hero!"
  20. E2_Page04_A="I ran into Warren, or rather, Warren was waiting to run into me. He naturally wanted to know what the hell happened in the parking lot with The Chloe and Nathan Show. Once again, I felt like a dick because I should have gotten ahold of Warren to see if he was okay after we just left him in the lot...I do owe Warren."
  21. E2_Page04_B="I told him only a little about what was going on with Nathan. The less he knows the better for him. I would love to at least tell him about my ability to fucking reverse time and space but ironically, I don't think it's the right time or space...Besides, he would want to marry me immediately just so he could have his own human time machine...or capture me for scientific experiments. Or make me to go to the drive-in with him."
  22. E2_Page04_C="Oh wait. I did say I would go to the drive-in with him. Hope he doesn't make a lame move on me. Not that he would, egomaniac. Warren and I do have a lot in common but he's like a supercool geek brother... Anyway, I definitely need a movie escape."
  23. E2_Page05_A="On the bus out to meet Chloe, I saw Nathan talking to David, which made me nervous. Otherwise I had a nice soundtracked ride to the Two-Whales Diner. Talk about going back in time...I haven't seen the diner in five years but it looks exactly the same. More food carts now although way less fishermen than when we were kids. Chloe and I had the best backdrop to play pirate: old ships and a big ocean. Then I see flashes of my vision, that tornado moving towards the bay..."
  24. E2_Page05_B="Chloe was late duh so I was happy to be distracted by seeing Joyce again. The diner is like a museum piece, except with customers. Better still, the food didn't change at all. Joyce seemed really glad to see me again and she didn't give me a guilt trip for not staying in touch. After William died, she wanted to move forward with a new life and husband. Chloe doesn't want to accept that."
  25. E2_Page05_C1="Joyce naturally gave me shit for corrupting Chloe with my devil weed tho I'm not sure she even believed it was mine. What could I say? I can see she actually loves David even if I don't see how. The breakfast was so worth the grief though."
  26. E2_Page05_C2="Joyce wasn't happy about Chloe getting busted for weed. I really should have stepped up and taken the hit instead of Chloe. I feel bad that Joyce has to defend David for laying a smack-down to his own step-daughter. William was always so kind and gentle with us. Can't even imagine how Chloe would be if he hadn't died."
  27. E2_Page06_A="The breakfast was so worth the grief though."
  28. E2_Page06_B="Finally Chloe showed up, more bubbly than I would have thought after almost getting killed in a bathroom yesterday. It makes me happy to see her smile. That meant trouble since she really just wanted me to show off my rewind power. So I did and I have to admit, I felt like a total boss. Except I did start feeling weak and woozy the more I rewound. I even bled from my nose, which kinda freaked me out."
  29. E2_Page06_C="Chloe always wants more so she demanded we go to her top-secret hideaway lair..."
  30. E2_Page06_D1="She still had to get pissed off at me because I dared answered Kate's call. I'm not a fan of Chloe's petulant side. She tried to me feel like ass but screw that. Kate was so happy I even answered it made me feel worse for her. Chloe has to know I can have two friends at once..."
  31. E2_Page06_D2="Kate called but I didn't answer because Chloe was giving me the stink-eye. And to be honest, I don't like Kate being so needy to me. Even though I keep acting like I'm her spiritual bodyguard. Man, I do suck. I'll make it up to Kate. At least Chloe is happy..."
  32. E2_Page07_A="Just when I thought shit couldn't get crazier."
  33. E2_Page07_B="Chloe took me to her secret lair: the city dump. Perfect for where the vehicle and appliance ghosts of Arcadia Bay come to rot and rust. Urban dystopia porn. So instead of taking cool photos, Chloe had me do some silly kinda fun gun tricks."
  34. E2_Page07_C="Until Frank Bowers showed up. He demanded Chloe pay him back...or else. I was shocked he wasn't as old and pervy as I expected but I could literally feel his bad mojo. I still can't see how my best friend ended up involved with a loser like Frank."
  35. E2_Page07_D="And I almost shot him."
  36. E2_Page07_E1="He pulled a knife on us and it felt like another one of my dreams. I don't even remember aiming the gun at him but my finger just tapped against the trigger...Thank God there were no bullets left. I could have used my rewind but the way my head was throbbing who knows...I can't assume my power will always be available...I don't know anything about how this works -- or how long -- so I can't take anything for granted. I just know I'm not ever holding another gun."
  37. E2_Page07_E2="Things got truly crazy when Frank took Chloe's gun (or should I say David's gun?) and now we have to worry about one more lunatic after Chloe...and maybe me...\n\nChloe really flipped out when she saw that Frank was wearing one of Rachel Amber's bracelets. That means we definitely have another suspect...\n\nThis is so not how I intended to spend my time back in Arcadia Bay."
  38. E2_Page08_A="After all that dramarama volume xxxiii, Chloe and I ended taking a walk along the tracks deep in the woods. We both needed to hear nothing but the sounds of nature and wildlife... I was shaking inside from our encounter with Frank and though Chloe fronts tough, I could tell she was shaken too."
  39. E2_Page08_B="She told me everything about Frank and trying to blackmail Nathan and it shocks me the girl I grew up with watching "Spongebob" ended up in such a scary orbit. Still, I felt safer with her at my side and I was glad we had a moment of silence."
  40. E2_Page08_C="So it probably wasn't the best idea to lay down on the tracks and wax about life, etc. -- as Chloe's leg got caught in the rail just as the goddamn train showed up. Of course I was off trying to take a photo of that mysterious doe... and then I had another quick flash of my tornado vision."
  41. E2_Page08_D="I could see it, almost feel it, tearing the sky apart...My head felt like it was exploding like in that 80's film "Scanners”. Just as fast as the vision comes in, it goes out. I may be in denial about what this apocalyptic image means...or doesn't…"
  42. E2_Page09_A="Then I heard Chloe SHOUTING for help. And I shit kittens."
  43. E2_Page09_B="Her foot was stuck in the damn rail and naturally the train was comin' round the mountain."
  44. E2_Page09_C="I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with a drastic if not destructive solution to saving Chloe -- ONCE AGAIN -- but just in case this journal ever falls into the wrong hands, it's going to remain our BFF secret. So there."
  45. E2_Page09_D="Our morning adventure over, Chloe dropped me back off at campus. She was so sweet and said that this had been the best week of her life.... despite everything."
  46. E2_Page09_E="That made me feel so AWESOME. She really sees us like we're taking over the world but after if I couldn't use my rewind power to get her off the tracks, Chloe might have to lower her expectations... and so will I..."
  47. E2_Page10_A1="Speaking of expectations, David Madsen stopped to talk to me -- without being a total prick. I thought he was going to bust me for taking the heat for Chloe's weed but we just talked a little...and for the first time, I felt kind of sorry for David. And he is a veteran, I know he saw awful things in combat. He probably doesn't want to fight with Chloe or even me. But with all the shit he's he treats Kate like she's a suspect...This makes it hard to get along. But I promise to try. For world peace."
  48. E2_Page10_A2="Speaking of expectations, David Madsen stopped to talk to me -- without being a total prick. I wanted to tear him a new one (thinking I could rewind if things got out of control) for hitting Chloe and he didn't seem sufficiently sorry to me. I know Chloe provokes but that's no fucking excuse to hit, especially a family member. I see David is sorry and reaching out to me. I know he saw terrible things in combat. I just can't trust him and his paranoid surveillance fetish, especially how weird he acts with Kate like she's a criminal. I'll give David props for trying to smoke the peace pipe with me, but he acts like he's still at war."
  49. E2_Page10_B="Now that was odd -- as if EVERYTHING happening isn't bizarro -- but I saw Kate talking intensely to Mr. Jefferson and she ended up practically running away from him in tears. I wish I could have casually asked, "Oh by the way, what's up with Kate?" Like he would tell me anyway. I know Kate treats Jefferson like he's an apostle or something so what did he say to make her so upset?"
  50. E2_Page10_C="Just when I was feeling good about Chloe and me, I had to go to Jefferson's class and see Nathan and Victoria actually sitting at my desk. Unreal. Asshole bookends."
  51. E2_Page11_A1="Kate Marsh killed herself."
  52. E2_Page11_A2="Kate Marsh almost killed herself."
  53. E2_Page11_B="My hands are still shaking but I have to write this down while I can. Right during Jefferson's class, Kate went to the roof of the girl's dorm to jump. Every student and teacher was watching her, like it was a Blackwell rooftop concert."
  54. E2_Page11_C="I saw her actually jump but this time I was able to use my rewind to get her back on the roof. I tried harder than I ever did and somehow I stopped time completely...I made it to the roof but again, my head felt like it was going to blow up...and I knew that I couldn't just keep rewinding to save Kate. I had to try and talk her down."
  55. E2_Page11_D="FAIL."
  56. E2_Page11_E1="She was already in so much pain over the video and all the bullying, so she wasn't going to buy everything I tried to tell her. You see movies with people trying to talk somebody out of suicide but it's very different when I'm the one talking. Because she didn't believe me or maybe she just didn't want to."
  57. E2_Page11_E2="She was already in so much pain over the video and all the bullying, so she wasn't going to buy everything I tried to tell her. You see movies with people trying to talk somebody out of suicide but it's very different when I'm the one talking. I covered everything in sight, and Kate almost jumped anyway. Cliche or not, I told her how much her friends and family love her, even if they don't all show it now."
  58. E2_Page11_F1="I tried. Kate still died."
  59. E2_Page11_F2="Lo and behold, Kate stepped back from the ledge. Alive. I almost cried in her arms."
  60. E2_Page12_A1="It was like that cliche about everything moving in slow motion, except in my case it was real time, not rewind time. I could see Kate's face right as she jumped and I'll never forget that look in her she didn't want to but had no choice."
  61. E2_Page12_A2="I know this isn't about me though I have to admit it was an amazing feeling walking arm in arm with Kate from the roof to outside the dorm. Like I said, the whole school -- and police -- were watching us almost completely quiet. Then I heard somebody yell out, "Way to go, Max!" and everybody started to clap and cheer. Students surrounded us, patting our backs and we were heroes."
  62. E2_Page12_B1="It was a look of total defeat and despair...Then I could see her body flailing in space, like she became aware of what she was doing and got more scared…"
  63. E2_Page12_B2="The best thing was that even though Kate was in tears and confused...I saw her smile when she saw how happy everybody was that she was alive. I smiled too."
  64. E2_Page12_C1="Jesus. I can't believe I'm writing these words."
  65. E2_Page12_C2="Thanks, Blackwell."
  66. E2_Page12_D="After she jumped, it was so weird that I was alone on the roof. Kate was there, then gone. I could hear the crowd screaming below and there was no way I was going to look at her body on the ground."
  67. E2_Page12_E="I felt so numb, I just casually turned and went back down the stairs. My head was pounding and my body was exhausted from the rewind. I felt exactly like a zombie must feel: dead inside."
  68. E2_Page13_A="When I stepped out of the dorm, I saw Kate splayed on the ground...she was surrounded by paramedics while the police kept the students back..."
  69. E2_Page13_B="I hope they all got a good look at their victim. They wanted to watch her on a viral video when she was alive and now they wanted to gawk at her in death...Not that I did anything to help her stay alive."
  70. E2_Page13_C="All my amazing new superpowers were worthless."
  71. E2_Page13_D="I'm nobody's hero."
  72. E2_Page14_A1="It's not enough that Kate is dead and I'm numb inside, I had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate jumped off the roof. Part of me wanted to smash Nathan's smug face against the desk, knowing he had something to do with Kate's suicide. I thought about doing it then flipping a quick rewind but I knew that would be a bad, dangerous habit."
  73. E2_Page14_A2="Fortunately, Principal Wells amazingly did the right thing and BOOTED Nathan for a few days after I told him what happened in the bathroom. He must have more shit on Nathan because otherwise I doubt this would happen to a Prescott. That's some small justice for Kate. There'll be more if it's the last thing I do. Which it could be if I'm not careful..."
  74. E2_Page14_A3="I should have known that David would narc me out to the Principal about my "joint." Like anybody cares about weed but David made me sound like a drooling fiend. So instead of Nathan getting the boot, I get suspended. Such BULLSHIT."
  75. E2_Page14_B1="It's not enough that Kate is dead and I'm numb inside, I had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate jumped off the roof. Of course, I was in a quiet rage. Until I told Principal Wells that I saw David harassing Kate. That set him off and part of me wanted to kick him in the balls knowing he had something to do with Kate's suicide, maybe more. I thought about doing it then flipping a quick rewind but I knew that would be a bad, dangerous habit."
  76. E2_Page14_B2="I took silent satisfaction watching the Principal strip him of his Blackwell duties for the time being. Although I wasn't even thinking how this would effect Chloe's home situation..."
  77. E2_Page14_B3="But for now, David is going to be a veteran of Blackwell. At least he survived. Unlike Kate."
  78. E2_Page14_C1="It's not enough that Kate is dead and I'm numb inside, I had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate jumped off the roof. I was like a robot, just going through the motions. I kept seeing Kate's face as she fell...And then I told the Principal about David harassing Kate, which sent him into a rage. I should have known that David would actually accused me of dealing weed. Yes, who wouldn't believe I carry oz's on me for the schoolkids? I couldn't believe that the Principal would take him at his word but he sure did."
  79. E2_Page14_C2="So naturally I GOT SUSPENDED. That's what I get for standing up for Chloe."
  80. E2_Page14_C3="Whatever. Poor Kate Marsh is part of Blackwell's concrete and the school has to purge itself by making sure Maxine Caulfield misses art and science class. What a lesson. My parents will be so proud and happy they sent me here. If this is how the adult world functions, maybe I don't belong. Even my so-called "power" doesn't mean shit anymore."
  81. E2_Page14_C4="I already see how the world treated Kate. And I'm starting to see why Rachel Amber wanted to get the hell out of here now. What's keeping me here?"
  82. E2_Page14_D1="It's not enough that Kate is dead and I'm numb inside, I had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate jumped off the roof. I was like a robot, just going through the motions. I kept seeing Kate's face as she fell...Somehow I ended up telling the Principal when I saw Kate crying after she talked with Mr. Jefferson...I wasn't trying to blame him, I just thought it was important information. Maybe I fucked up, narcing on the one person I respect most at Blackwell...I could see Mr. Jefferson was disappointed in me too. Obviously the Principal was more upset because he pulled Jefferson out from representing the school at the "Everyday Hero" contest. I didn't expect that at all. I'm so confused right now...How can I keep going to Mr. Jefferson's class after I ruined his reputation?"
  83. E2_Page14_D2="And do I still have to give him a photo for the contest?"
  84. E2_Page14_E1="It's not enough that Kate is alive, and though I'm not egomaniac enough to take the credit, I still had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate would attempt suicide. I was quiet but giddy inside, just rewinding in my head the moment when Kate stepped towards me with hope in her eyes not fear.... Part of me wanted to smash Nathan's smug face against the desk, knowing he had something to do with Kate's suicide attempt. I thought about doing it then flipping a quick rewind but I knew that would be a bad, dangerous habit."
  85. E2_Page14_E2="Fortunately, Principal Wells amazingly did the right thing and BOOTED Nathan for a few days after I told him what happened in the bathroom. He must have more shit on Nathan because otherwise I doubt this would happen to a Prescott. That's some small justice for Kate. There'll be more if it's the last thing I do. Which it could be if I'm not careful..."
  86. E2_Page14_E3="I should have known that David would narc me out to the Principal about my "joint." Like anybody cares about weed but David made me sound like a drooling fiend. So instead of Nathan getting the boot, I get suspended. Such BULLSHIT."
  87. E2_Page14_F1="It's not enough that Kate is alive, and though I'm not egomaniac enough to take the credit, I still had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate would attempt suicide. I was quiet but giddy inside, just rewinding in my head the moment when Kate stepped towards me with hope in her eyes not fear.... Until I told Principal Wells that I saw David harassing Kate. That set him off and part of me wanted to kick him in the balls knowing he had something to do with Kate's suicide attempt, maybe more. I thought about doing it then flipping a quick rewind but I knew that would be a bad, dangerous habit."
  88. E2_Page14_F2="I took silent satisfaction watching the Principal strip him of his Blackwell duties for the time being. Although I wasn't even thinking how this would effect Chloe's home situation…"
  89. E2_Page14_F3="But for now, David is going to be a veteran of Blackwell. At least he survived. Like Kate."
  90. E2_Page14_G1="It's not enough that Kate is alive, and though I'm not egomaniac enough to take the credit, I still had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate would attempt suicide. I was quiet but giddy inside, just rewinding in my head the moment when Kate stepped towards me with hope in her eyes not fear... And then I told the Principal about David harassing Kate, which sent him into a rage. I should have known that David would actually accused me of dealing weed. Yes, who wouldn't believe I carry oz's on me for the schoolkids? I couldn't believe that the Principal would take him at his word but he sure did."
  91. E2_Page14_G2="So naturally I GOT SUSPENDED. That's what I get for standing up for Chloe."
  92. E2_Page14_G3="Whatever. Poor Kate Marsh is in psychiatric ward and the school has to purge itself by making sure Maxine Caulfield misses art and science class. What a lesson. My parents will be so proud and happy they sent me here. If this is how the adult world functions, maybe I don't belong. Even my so-called "power" doesn't mean shit anymore."
  93. E2_Page14_G4="I already see how the world treated Kate. And I'm starting to see why Rachel Amber wanted to get the hell out of here now. What's keeping me here?"
  94. E2_Page14_H1="It's not enough that Kate is alive, and though I'm not egomaniac enough to take the credit, I still had to get the Blackwell third-degree from Principal Wells. It was bizarre to be in his tacky office with Nathan Prescott, David Madsen and Mr. Jefferson calmly talking about why Kate would attempt suicide. I was quiet but giddy inside, just rewinding in my head the moment when Kate stepped towards me with hope in her eyes not fear...Still, I ended up telling the Principal that I saw Kate crying after she talked with Mr. Jefferson...I wasn't trying to blame him, I just thought it was important information. Maybe I fucked up, narcing on the one person I respect most at Blackwell...I could see Mr. Jefferson was disappointed in me too. The Principal was more upset because he pulled Jefferson out from representing the school at the "Everyday Hero" contest. I didn't expect that at all. I'm so confused right now...How can I keep going to Mr. Jefferson's class after I ruined his reputation? \n\nAnd do I still have to give him a photo for the contest?"
  95. E2_Page14_H2="And do I still have to give him a photo for the contest?"
  96. E2_Page15_A1="I need a vacation from my life. I hung out with Warren on the lawn so I could feel grass under my feet and watch the fluffy clouds. He's such a sweetheart, he kept telling me I did everything I could for Kate. Even though I know I didn't..."
  97. E2_Page15_A2="I told Warren that something ominous is happening at Blackwell Academy. Rachel Amber, Chloe and now Kate have all been victims. Not to mention me if I keep playing amateur detective. Wish I could have let Warren know about my power but it's not the right irony intended."
  98. E2_Page15_A3="And to make the day end on the most surreal note possible, the sky went dark and we watched a solar eclipse that was not announced on the news or any astronomy site."
  99. E2_Page15_A4="What is happening to Arcadia Bay?"
  100. E2_Page15_B1="After being grilled in the Principal's den, I hung out with Warren on the lawn so I could feel grass under my feet and watch the fluffy clouds. He's such a sweetheart, he kept telling me how proud he was that I stopped Kate from jumping. I don't believe that I did but I have to say it's better to be treated like a hero at school than like a twee loser."
  101. E2_Page15_B2="Still, I told Warren that something ominous is happening at Blackwell Academy. Rachel Amber, Chloe and now Kate have all been victims. Not to mention me if I keep playing amateur detective. Wish I could have let Warren know about my power but it's not the right if anything is the right time anymore."
  102. E2_Page15_B3="And to make the day end on the most surreal note possible, the sky went dark and we watched a solar eclipse that was not announced on the news or any astronomy site."
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