

Nov 29th, 2017
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  1. SelenaKiller: she set him up
  2. PresidentClarke: Stupid decision, Mr. Pereira.
  3. PresidentClarke: Even if she did, there's no evidence of it.
  4. HazelMay: im here to ask for a retrial as his defence
  5. PresidentClarke: Until then there's nothing I can do.
  6. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: O.o
  7. SelenaKiller: i think she gave yall head or sumthin
  8. PresidentClarke: I am gay.
  9. PresidentClarke: Nice try.
  10. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Hazel please dont waste your time
  11. SelenaKiller: -gasp-
  12. SelenaKiller: clarke
  13. SelenaKiller: i am so sorry
  14. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Selena dont disrepect that man
  15. HazelMay: he didnt have a lawyer present
  16. SelenaKiller: you wanna be my gay best friend i didnt know
  17. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: he believed in me and i failed him
  18. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i had no one present it was just all me i aske dbut the bais Judge denied
  19. HazelMay: well you have someone representing you now
  20. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: the person who was appointed to be judge was her lawyer but i say no more everything is final
  21. SelenaKiller: you know what
  22. SelenaKiller: ill get proof tonight
  23. SelenaKiller: just wait
  24. SelenaKiller: ive got evan
  25. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i just cant bear to go through that again
  26. PresidentClarke: Unless you have new evidence, there will be no retrial because it would be a waste of time and resources.
  27. HazelMay: well he didnt have a lawyer present
  28. SelenaKiller: did she have a lawyer
  29. PresidentClarke: No.
  30. SelenaKiller: then there needs to be a retrial
  31. SelenaKiller: a court date
  32. PresidentClarke: Like I said, unless there's "new" evidence.
  33. SelenaKiller: i told you
  34. SelenaKiller: just wait
  35. SelenaKiller: till tonight
  36. SelenaKiller: i have her son on my side
  37. PresidentClarke: Okay but until then I cant do anything.
  38. SelenaKiller: ik
  39. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: gotta pee
  40. SelenaKiller: i gtg laptop is overheating
  41. HazelMay: until this "new" evidence is present no one is to speak to my client
  42. PresidentClarke: Neither Plaintiff or Defendant had cousel present, therefore they represented themselves.
  43. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i must say that the acting jUDGE DEFENDED HER Mr.President
  44. PresidentClarke: .What are you doing?.
  45. HazelMay: usuing my law degree to some use i went to "uni" on here to do law
  46. PresidentClarke: Again that's because the substantial evidence against you.
  47. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I understand what happned to innocent unless proven guilty
  48. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: he closest friend was on the bench
  49. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: bais
  50. PresidentClarke: Mhm but you were proven guilty with that evidence.
  51. PresidentClarke:
  52. HazelMay: was it a chat log or screenshots?
  53. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Indeed, correct
  54. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: its the situation that played out
  55. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ill expalin to you
  56. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: what happned from start to finish
  57. HazelMay: smh barry was her lawyer
  58. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and why she only showed that part of it
  59. PresidentClarke: No he's wasn't her lawyer, I asked him to sit next to her so she'd feel comfortable.
  60. PresidentClarke: *he.
  61. HazelMay: You still didnt answer me
  62. HazelMay: was it a chat log or screenshots
  63. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: It was part of the chat log
  64. HazelMay: cause anyone can change chat logs
  65. PresidentClarke: Look at the screenshot.
  66. PresidentClarke: Pereira, you claimed you two talk on Skype?
  67. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: indeed.
  68. PresidentClarke: Surely you have something to show.
  69. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: for 29 mins 29 seconds i believed
  70. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: someone who was raped would want to talk to the person they rapied for that long
  71. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: who was raped by them*
  72. PresidentClarke: Who is KaseyNichole26?
  73. HazelMay: is that the only piece of evidence?
  74. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I dont know
  75. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i never showed it in during the thing
  76. PresidentClarke: What you presented has no relevance.
  77. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT:
  78. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thats the call
  79. HazelMay: (im winning majour brownie points with niko)
  80. PresidentClarke: Okay again this doesn't show anything.
  81. HazelMay: was that call on the same day this happened
  82. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: yes whilest the court was going on
  83. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and she was up their speaking such untruths
  84. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i must aks if someone raped you would like go in a 29 min 39second call with them
  85. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT:
  86. PresidentClarke: Let me ask you something, do you have the FULL chatlog?
  87. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: that was about 10 mins before the call happned
  88. HazelMay: but 12 years is a joke the minium for rape is 5 years
  89. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: No i dont
  90. PresidentClarke: "minimum" not maximum.
  91. HazelMay: speak out as a actual rape victim twice irl 12 years is a complete joke
  92. HazelMay: speaking*
  93. PresidentClarke: Your welcome to state your opion but it wont change the verdict without actual evidence.
  94. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Gove us some time my minster of FA is putting togther some stuff
  95. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I do acpet the offer for this matter to be head again, Tm anytime of the day i had no one to represent me just a screeen shot taken out of context
  96. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: by the SO called victim
  97. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and everything i say being dismissed
  98. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: let me bring come chracter witnesses
  99. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: for me and for her
  100. HazelMay: i am representing you now Pereira
  101. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: And for that i am thankfull
  102. PresidentClarke: The verdict is final until new evidence is stumbled upon.
  103. HazelMay: (i sneezed and head butted the wall)
  104. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: you okay
  105. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: (You okay)
  106. HazelMay: (i will be its not the first time)
  107. PresidentClarke: ((lmfao))
  108. HazelMay: ((aiden why is your son a semi dick)
  109. HazelMay: (like i love him but i want to strangle him)
  110. PresidentClarke: ((Semi-hard xD))
  111. HazelMay: (wouldnt you like to know ;) ))
  112. PresidentClarke: ((z))
  113. HazelMay: ((lets just say wow))
  114. HazelMay: ((also im legit jealous of you so much -.-)
  115. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she enters the room walking to her brothers side
  116. HazelMay: Pereira dont say nothing
  117. KaitlynnMClarke: Aiden?
  118. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright.
  119. PresidentClarke: Yes I am here.
  120. HazelMay: (aiden prewarning dont stop by mine and nikos room)
  121. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -He would look under the bed and pulls out a bible and begins to read form Chapter 1 the Creation-
  122. PresidentClarke: Pereira, why did you "act" out a rape scene in the first place, that's seriously not something to dabble with.
  123. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Well i wanted to see how quickly the OWG FBI would respond to it
  124. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ((pretty damn quick tbh))
  125. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so thats up to make
  126. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: mark*
  127. KaitlynnMClarke: How did this even all start? And why did you choose her as your target?
  128. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i explained dureing the case
  129. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: dont think anyone really took it to account
  130. KaitlynnMClarke: Well do explain once more as I was not here for a large portion of it
  131. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: but yet you voted aginst me, no problem one sec
  132. PresidentClarke: Who's idea was it?
  133. HazelMay: (hai daddy)
  134. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I invited her to my home the Foregin Residency infront my wwife
  135. KaitlynnMClarke: You had no evidence. Which is in fact why im back.
  136. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: told her that i am seeking full custody of our daughter
  137. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she agreed
  138. PresidentGrey: I thought this ended an hr ago
  139. HazelMay: He also had no lawyer but thats changed
  140. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and said shell sigh
  141. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: later i invite her again to speak about it
  142. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: then i had th eiea hey since am going to move a motion in the next overgiht meeting for stronger action aginst Rape how about i take this oppunity to act out ah scene and see how fast the OWG FBI would repsond
  143. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i did so
  144. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and after that
  145. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i then, went back to my wifes chat to see whos in the room she had a friend
  146. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i was meeting her and stuff
  147. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and then i saw the convo were i acted the scene in active again
  148. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and clicked and saw Max standing their
  149. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i booted her and tried to explain to him that it was all a joke by then she had already did she nastyness
  150. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and then court was happning all whiles i was in the skype chat with her
  151. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: iknew nothing
  152. PresidentClarke: I see but you have no chatlog?
  153. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i mesaged her
  154. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and i started to beg her not to do anything stupi
  155. KaitlynnMClarke: Do you have ANY evidence supporting you werent really intending any harm?
  156. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she told me she wanted me to get fired from everything
  157. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: this is her payback fo rme leaving her but she wanted to fuck every other guy then come cuddling me
  158. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: : and the thril was alread aginst me
  159. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: everyone in that court room
  160. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: : alread sucked up her story
  161. PresidentClarke: Not everyone.
  162. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and everthing i said was but as denied because no proof
  163. KaitlynnMClarke: Like I said. There is a reason I am here ahain.
  164. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and now am in a jail cell
  165. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and ses probley laughing at my ass
  166. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thats my story
  167. PresidentGrey: I was at work and tired of the he said she said and wanted it to end but I am also here again bc after deep thought something wasn’t right
  168. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and i understand were you guys are coming from with the evidence
  169. KaitlynnMClarke: How long have you both been having your arguement with each other?
  170. HazelMay: I'm here as lawyer for Mr Pereira
  171. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: no we broke up almost a month
  172. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: we made peace
  173. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and we spoke to each other respectfully
  174. KaitlynnMClarke: Well let me rephrase, how long ago did she say she wanted you to lose your job?
  175. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: when she greeted me in the owg room she came in and said Good Evening, Prime Minister you intended on meeting with me?
  176. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i had devloped this sense of trust towards her
  177. KaitlynnMClarke: Pereira, How long ago did she say she wanted you to lose your job
  178. HazelMay: He really should be on the stand to answer these
  179. PresidentGrey: Can we resume this in like 3 hours
  180. PresidentGrey: When I get home from work lol I’m very interested in this but at work
  181. KaitlynnMClarke: Grey if need be, I will send you a chat log
  182. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: since the day we broke up
  183. HazelMay: ( i will most likely be asleep so looks like im drinking coffee)
  184. KaitlynnMClarke: Did she come on to you at all?
  185. PresidentGrey: I know I can get a chat log but I want to b here be involved 😂😂
  186. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she was like you highhanded motherfuc*er
  187. KaitlynnMClarke: (Damn you.)
  188. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thing your all that with the OWG n stuff
  189. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: soon it would all be gone and you will be nothing
  190. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so said so done
  191. PresidentGrey: Same
  192. KaitlynnMClarke: I mean did she come on to you sexually before this took place?
  193. HazelMay: Like PrimeMinister Grey asked we will resume in 3 hours
  194. HazelMay: my client will not be answering no more
  195. KaitlynnMClarke: Very well.
  196. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: can i please just answer that last question?
  197. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she slams her notebook closed in frustration
  198. PresidentGrey: Can I get a log of this chat ? Sent to me :)
  199. KaitlynnMClarke: Absolutely.
  200. HazelMay: (i will send it daddy)
  201. KaitlynnMClarke: Aiden may I speak to you privately in Oversight?
  202. PresidentClarke: Yeah.
  203. HazelMay: aiden untill this resumes im asking for my client to be under house arrest
  204. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT:
  205. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: that is from start to finish the entire court session everything
  206. PresidentClarke: .Why house arrest?.
  207. KaitlynnMClarke: Thank you very much. Ill review that now.
  208. HazelMay: im reading it to
  209. HazelMay: and from the looks of things when Mr allen said you dont have to say anymore is acting like her defense regardless if he is or not
  210. KaitlynnMClarke: Thank you very much for sending that to me pereira. I will discuss this with my people.
  211. HazelMay: My client will say no more
  212. IAmBarryAllen: I was her Lawyer.
  213. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: See!
  214. IAmBarryAllen: Then When Aiden left I took the Mantle.
  215. KaitlynnMClarke: At any point Pereira if you choose to dismiss your lawyer you may do so.
  216. IAmBarryAllen: Then I Wasn't her Lawyer.
  217. HazelMay: this was when aiden was still active
  218. IAmBarryAllen: When Aiden Leaves I Take the Mantle.
  219. HazelMay: so mr pereira didnt have a lawyer present but she did, but yet aiden told me you was not her lawyer
  220. HazelMay: hmm.
  221. IAmBarryAllen: I Was for the Space of 5 mins.
  222. IAmBarryAllen: There was physically no Point though as No One Listened.
  223. HazelMay: still he had no legal representive but she did, that in its self is illegal
  224. IAmBarryAllen: Through the Trial Mira didn't have a Lawyer eitehr.
  225. IAmBarryAllen: He was given the Chance to get one.
  226. IAmBarryAllen: He couldn't come through So We Proceeded.
  227. KaitlynnMClarke: In fact it is not illegal.
  228. PresidentClarke: It's very much legal, they represented themselves.
  229. HazelMay: from here on end my client will only speak to me
  230. IAmBarryAllen: Well rn IC he is under Imprisonment.
  231. IAmBarryAllen: Under Sentencing.
  232. HazelMay: which is why untill this resumes i have asked for house arrest
  233. IAmBarryAllen: You may Sceduale another Trial.
  234. IAmBarryAllen: Ummm....
  235. IAmBarryAllen: No.
  236. IAmBarryAllen: He is Sentenced.
  237. IAmBarryAllen: He serves time, If you wish to Create a Trial Date, Do so.
  238. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -goes on reading his bible-
  239. IAmBarryAllen: Until then, He is in Sentencing.
  240. HazelMay: 12 years is a joke
  241. IAmBarryAllen: Rape is Rape.
  242. IAmBarryAllen: THATS the Joke.
  243. KaitlynnMClarke: For a crime like this hes lucky he didnt get 30
  244. HazelMay: dont give me that im a rape victim my self ive been to court twice dealing with this irl
  245. IAmBarryAllen: Okay. I'm sorry for you.
  246. IAmBarryAllen: But My Decision Stands.
  247. KaitlynnMClarke: No isnt it struck?
  248. IAmBarryAllen: Same thing.
  249. IAmBarryAllen: Different Context.
  250. IAmBarryAllen: "My Decision was Struck"
  251. KaitlynnMClarke: Thats right. lol
  252. IAmBarryAllen: "My Decision Still Stands"
  253. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  254. HazelMay: also i would like to ask for a whole new set of jury instead of it being most the clarke family
  255. IAmBarryAllen: Well, Scedule with Clarke over PM.
  256. IAmBarryAllen: Not me.
  257. HazelMay: oh i will
  258. KaitlynnMClarke: Lmao.
  259. IAmBarryAllen: I just ran the Show I didn't Organise.
  260. KaitlynnMClarke: This is a joke.
  261. IAmBarryAllen: I Know you Will Washy.
  262. IAmBarryAllen: I'm just letting you know.
  263. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: <.<
  264. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: >.>
  265. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: am hungry
  266. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: is it my feeding time?
  267. IAmBarryAllen: /me US Marshals bring you Food.
  268. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  269. HazelMay: fml i wanted a kebab but its like 5 past one
  270. IAmBarryAllen: Ew.
  271. HazelMay: shush geordie
  272. IAmBarryAllen: Chinese Washy
  273. IAmBarryAllen: Thats what you want.
  274. HazelMay: or a parmo
  275. HazelMay: cant beat a good chicken parmo
  276. IAmBarryAllen: Say Again?
  277. IAmBarryAllen: Parmo?
  278. HazelMay: parmisian or however
  279. IAmBarryAllen: Oh
  280. IAmBarryAllen: Still.. Chinese Beats it.
  281. HazelMay: true
  282. HazelMay: or indians
  283. IAmBarryAllen: Depends what Chinese you get though
  284. IAmBarryAllen: Not Indians.
  285. HazelMay: chow mein
  286. IAmBarryAllen: Meh
  287. IAmBarryAllen: Salt and Pepper Chicken.
  288. HazelMay: meh
  289. HazelMay: battered prawns and chicken
  290. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: umm, am used to a Glass of K R U G wine with a wel cooked stake, green beans and
  291. IAmBarryAllen: I Hate Prawns with a Passion.
  292. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: some apple sause
  293. IAmBarryAllen: Steak is my Favourite Ever.
  294. IAmBarryAllen: Don't mess with Cows.
  295. IAmBarryAllen: Ever.
  296. IAmBarryAllen: Like.
  297. IAmBarryAllen: I'll Kill you
  298. IAmBarryAllen: If you Take my Steak
  299. HazelMay: ew your a bloody person aint you
  300. HazelMay: i like my steak cooked
  301. IAmBarryAllen: Nah
  302. HazelMay: with no blood
  303. IAmBarryAllen: Rare Af.
  304. IAmBarryAllen: Blood Everywhere.
  305. HazelMay: /me gags
  306. IAmBarryAllen: Mmmmmmmmm
  307. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  308. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: am i getting the stuff i requested or am i going to ave to eat bread and channa
  309. IAmBarryAllen: Bread and Channa for now.
  310. IAmBarryAllen: We Start treating you, Could lead to Prisoners becoming rowdy
  311. HazelMay: tf is channa
  312. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Channah**
  313. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: no one needs to know
  314. HazelMay: i want kfc
  315. IAmBarryAllen: Dixy's is Better
  316. HazelMay: omg ikr
  317. IAmBarryAllen: Aye
  318. HazelMay: i havent ate for two days
  319. HazelMay: z
  320. IAmBarryAllen: Well done.
  321. HazelMay: the best food ever tho is
  322. HazelMay: GREGGS
  323. IAmBarryAllen: Ew.
  324. IAmBarryAllen: No
  325. HazelMay: omg
  326. IAmBarryAllen: I Like
  327. IAmBarryAllen: But Not too much
  328. HazelMay: are you even british
  329. IAmBarryAllen: I am.
  330. IAmBarryAllen: Probably more than you
  331. HazelMay: probs are
  332. HazelMay: i know more bout america than i do england
  333. HazelMay: lol
  334. IAmBarryAllen: There you Go the
  335. IAmBarryAllen: n
  336. IAmBarryAllen: Fuckin' Yank Sypathyser.
  337. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: So Bread and Channah huh
  338. IAmBarryAllen: Don't think I spelled that Right.
  339. HazelMay: im blonde
  340. HazelMay: i dont know how to spell
  341. IAmBarryAllen: Sympathyser.
  342. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  343. IAmBarryAllen: I Know alot of Intelligent Blonde People Actually.
  344. HazelMay: lol
  345. HazelMay: same
  346. IAmBarryAllen: You're just an Exeption.
  347. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  348. HazelMay: i feel special xD
  349. HazelMay: im now trying to convince your nephew to impregnate me xD
  350. HazelMay: cause like im building a army
  351. IAmBarryAllen: MY Nephew?
  352. IAmBarryAllen: I dont have a Nephew
  353. HazelMay: aidens son my husband
  354. IAmBarryAllen: Im a Family Friend.
  355. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  356. HazelMay: oh
  357. HazelMay: z
  358. HazelMay: rip
  359. IAmBarryAllen: Indeed.
  360. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  361. HazelMay: gurl bye
  362. HazelMay: wrong chat
  363. HazelMay: z
  364. IAmBarryAllen: Clarke, Iris and Pereira have No Idea what we're on About.
  365. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  366. HazelMay: ikr
  367. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: very true
  368. IAmBarryAllen: I'm having to Explain Everything to Iris.
  369. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  370. HazelMay: haha
  371. IAmBarryAllen: Like what Greggs is and Such
  372. HazelMay: whey aye pet
  373. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i know old gregg
  374. IAmBarryAllen: Dont.
  375. IAmBarryAllen: Not that Accent.
  376. IAmBarryAllen: XD
  377. HazelMay: given tha bairn a good old greggs sarnie hew
  378. IAmBarryAllen: Stopp...
  379. HazelMay: like oua bairn is like thabest hew
  380. IAmBarryAllen: ..
  381. HazelMay: why hew
  382. HazelMay: its funny af when im on skype with aiden and i start talking like that by habbit and hes like what
  383. IAmBarryAllen: No Fucker will Understand it.
  384. HazelMay: annar hew
  385. IAmBarryAllen: Wtf is "Hew" is that a Washy thing?
  386. HazelMay: ner na
  387. HazelMay: its a chav thing tbh
  388. IAmBarryAllen: Oh I know what it is.
  389. IAmBarryAllen: Its Weird.
  390. HazelMay: did you google
  391. HazelMay: lol]
  392. IAmBarryAllen: No, No.
  393. IAmBarryAllen: It's "Phoo" In Central Newcaste.
  394. IAmBarryAllen: Newcastle*
  395. IAmBarryAllen: Not "Hew"
  396. HazelMay: there actually is a geordie translate dictonary
  397. IrisWest: He rarely googles. He knows shit about shit.
  398. HazelMay: well hew is sunderland
  399. IAmBarryAllen: Well..
  400. IAmBarryAllen: Yeah
  401. IAmBarryAllen: How Many Mackems are in Central NCL though?
  402. IAmBarryAllen: Alot.
  403. HazelMay: idfk
  404. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -finishes reading bible-
  405. HazelMay: omg im convincing him
  406. HazelMay: i will have a mini army of children xD
  407. HazelMay: welcome madam president
  408. PresidentCasmeria: Thank you, Dear.
  409. PresidentCasmeria: Excuse my tardiness.
  410. HazelMay: ew a song i dont like is playing
  411. IAmBarryAllen: What Song?
  412. HazelMay: once i was 7 years old
  413. HazelMay: i legit think aiden fell asleep
  414. HazelMay: ok geordie
  415. HazelMay: kfc or burger king
  416. HazelMay: ive just realised minecraft ison the screens xD
  417. IAmBarryAllen: Burger King.
  418. HazelMay: haii daddy
  419. HazelMay: bye daddy
  420. HazelMay: -.-
  421. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: hmm
  422. HazelMay: /me yawns
  423. HazelMay: by any chance can we continue this tomorrow? cause like i have to be up in 5 hours
  424. PresidentClarke: Has new evidence been found?
  425. HazelMay: not that im aware of but my client has just left
  426. PresidentClarke: Alright.
  427. HazelMay: also aiden i need to talk to you in private bout something else
  428. PresidentCasmeria: I would like to speak to you also, aiden. When you have the chance.
  429. PresidentClarke: Of course.
  430. PresidentClarke: I'll be in O.S. HQ.
  431. PresidentCasmeria: Nod
  432. Guest_keyonnalee: Can I get a divorce here
  433. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: o.o
  434. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: No, not that kind of court room am affaird.
  435. Guest_keyonnalee: Ok thank you
  436. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i suggest you see your local police :)
  437. Guest_BartAllen7: hello ladies and gentlemen
  438. HazelMay: oioi bart
  439. Guest_BartAllen7: oh
  440. Guest_BartAllen7: everyone left
  441. Guest_BartAllen7: lol
  442. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: odd
  443. IrisWest: Night :)
  444. HazelMay: cause its almost 3 am for me nd barry
  445. Guest_BartAllen7: ah ok
  446. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Hazel
  447. HazelMay: yes pereira
  448. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: . he voted aginst me also maybe you would like to talk to him to
  449. HazelMay: bart did?
  450. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: indeed.
  451. HazelMay: i will get him to change it
  452. HazelMay: also invite me to a pc
  453. Guest_keyonnalee: Hey sorry do u know where I could go to get a divorce bc none of the divorce court has people in it
  454. Guest_BartAllen7: you got the wrong court lol
  455. Guest_keyonnalee: Ik but do u know where I could go
  456. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i told her go to her local police staation
  457. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: station*
  458. Guest_keyonnalee: O ok
  459. Guest_BartAllen7: hello Miss Clarke
  460. KaitlynnMClarke: Hello Bart. Aiden should be coming in shortly.
  461. HazelMay: Pereira aiden has a deal for you
  462. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: alright
  463. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: whats the deal?
  464. KaitlynnMClarke: Aiden will be in shortly to discuss
  465. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright, olo
  466. HazelMay: im talking to aiden now
  467. HazelMay: we are continuing tomorrow
  468. PresidentCasmeria: Wait
  469. PresidentCasmeria: don't leave
  470. PresidentCasmeria: i think we are about to render a verdict
  471. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: very well then and whats happning
  472. KaitlynnMClarke: Like I said Aiden is coming in
  473. HazelMay: i know
  474. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: should i come up their?
  475. HazelMay: yes
  476. PresidentClarke: Bart, please bring Pereira to the stand.
  477. Guest_BartAllen7: /me goes to the holding pen and cuffs Charles
  478. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -He would put his hands behind his back-
  479. Guest_BartAllen7: /me escorts Charles in front of the stand
  480. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -he would follow the lead of Mr. Bart, on apporach he would take a seat at the stand-
  481. Guest_BartAllen7: Have a seat Mr. Pereira
  482. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Thank you, Mr. President, Madam President.
  483. PresidentClarke: ((stand right in front of me or by Hazel.))
  484. PresidentClarke: ((@Pereira))
  485. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ((Sorry a bit laggy))
  486. KaitlynnMClarke: (Right at the middle stand Pereira)
  487. PresidentCasmeria: (( he will be fine there))
  488. KaitlynnMClarke: ((Was doing as Aiden asked.))
  489. HazelMay: (( aiden said either in front or by me so hes fine by me))
  490. KaitlynnMClarke: ((Mkayyyyyyyyy))
  491. Guest_copsonme: /me takes a seat
  492. Guest_copsonme: evening everybody
  493. PresidentClarke: Alright so after some discussion within O.S, we have decided we will offer you a plea agreement. Now you do not have to accept this agreement if you do not wish too and you can wait until your counsel finds more evidence to strengthen your case. But it's a risk because this is a one time agreement.
  494. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright.
  495. PresidentClarke: Do you wish to hear our terms for the plea agreement?
  496. HazelMay: We do
  497. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Indeed.
  498. PresidentClarke: ((Does anyone know that person?))
  499. HazelMay: (( met her earlier in a room but she was annoying so i left))
  500. PresidentCasmeria: (( I Don't))
  501. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ((No having some tummy problmes atm thats what i get for eating so many susages))
  502. PresidentClarke: ((LMAO ok))
  503. KaitlynnMClarke: /me her phones vibrates in her bag as a message from her babysitter but she ignores the sound
  504. Guest_BartAllen7: /me he would clear his throat during the proceedings
  505. PresidentClarke: Our terms are simple, if you choose to accept: You will be stripped of any and all titles (President of the OWG, Prime Minister, Etc.) including any official badges, clothing, patches, affiliation.
  506. PresidentCasmeria: /me would gently move her curled bang from in front of her face
  507. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: then i already dont acept
  508. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: the OWG is the most important thing to me on here its my pourpose
  509. HazelMay: /me looks at her client
  510. PresidentCasmeria: Now, let us also be clear.
  511. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: for still being on here
  512. PresidentCasmeria: By not accepting, you still run the risk of being stripped.
  513. KaitlynnMClarke: You must let them finish.
  514. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright am sorry plesase finish.
  515. PresidentCasmeria: If you were to continue in this proceeding, you would be faced with Imprisonment AND beign stripped.
  516. PresidentCasmeria: After we adjourn this session tonight, the offer will be no longer available, so i would encourage you and your counsel to deliberate thoughtfully.
  517. PresidentCasmeria: But if you stand on not accepting, we will adjourn, and reconviene tomorrow for further proceeding assuming your counsel has retrieved sufficient evidence.
  518. HazelMay: which we are doing now madam president
  519. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I must ask if i do chose the 1st one.
  520. PresidentCasmeria: Nod
  521. PresidentClarke: Also let me remind you, this will be your THIRD strike Mr. Pereira.
  522. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: And i do run for office again and i win would i be possible for me to become a member of the OWG again? Second* Mr. President.
  523. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: if you recall the issue with the Mafia was my 1st real problem in the OWG.
  524. PresidentClarke: 4.3) No person with a criminal record may hold the position of President.
  525. HazelMay: If he was to take the deal he would be released from prision and this case would be closed?
  526. PresidentCasmeria: Yes, that is his plea.
  527. PresidentClarke: Yes that's correct but he would have a criminal record ,only seen by OWG officials.
  528. PresidentCasmeria: While still accepting a criminal offence
  529. HazelMay: /me nods
  530. PresidentCasmeria: Effective Immediately, considering if you take the Plea.
  531. KaitlynnMClarke: So basically, He can either accept the plea and willingly give up all owg and presidential titles and get no jail or decline get jail and still get stripped of all titles.
  532. PresidentClarke: Yes.
  533. HazelMay: we know ms clarke
  534. KaitlynnMClarke: Just stating the facts :)
  535. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i did not committ the offence therefore am not going to say i did it. The deal is good but i will snap at anychance i get to redeem myself, i will not be seen as someone. As far i i see i rather take my chances, But still thanks for the plea. I value the OWG and My mY GOVERNMENT to much to just give it all up
  536. PresidentCasmeria: Very well then.
  537. PresidentCasmeria: We shall reconviene tomorrow we will examine the best placement of the session tomorrow and alert you in reasonable timing.
  538. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright thank you.
  539. PresidentCasmeria: I yield back to President Clarke for final Adjourning.
  540. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she now walks over to her phone reading her text message
  541. KaitlynnMClarke: Now if we are all done here, I must go home to my children
  542. PresidentClarke: Are there any questions before court is adjourned?
  543. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Indeed, What are my chances of wining tm
  544. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: honestly
  545. HazelMay: before court is adjourned may i talk to my client
  546. PresidentClarke: Without any evidence, very unlikely.
  547. PresidentCasmeria: Slim, unless your counsel provides new evidence.
  548. PresidentCasmeria: You have 3 minutes with your client, then we shall adjourn for the evening.
  549. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: If i was to acept would the OWG reconize me as Prime Minister if i run and win
  550. PresidentCasmeria: Once again, you will have a criminal offence
  551. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: yes not in the OWG as President
  552. PresidentCasmeria: Therfore, you will be unable to run for that position ever again.
  553. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: then we have nothing more to discuss. Again Thank you take me back to my cell please
  554. PresidentCasmeria: No matter where you are, you can not have a criminal offence and lead a country
  555. PresidentCasmeria: Bart, please escort Charles to holding.
  556. PresidentCasmeria: Session is Adjourned.
  557. PresidentCasmeria: /me she would tap the gavel down sternly
  558. Guest_BartAllen7: /me nods
  559. Guest_BartAllen7: /me walks over to Mr. Pereria and holds out my handcuffs
  560. PresidentCasmeria: Someone please grab these logs; only from the time the proceeding reconviened.
  561. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she walks over grabbing her purse then rushing to the doors jumping into her lifted duramax and driving off to go home to her children
  562. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I must ask
  563. Guest_BartAllen7: /me handcuffs him and takes him down to the holding pen
  564. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: How cnaa lady such as Hannah Camelot
  565. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: have a criminal recoard
  566. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and be acepted into the owg
  567. PresidentCasmeria: Voided Rper
  568. PresidentClarke: She's not accepted nor recongnised.
  569. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I see.
  570. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: well then you all i will see you tm i must say if i end up loseing do give me the death sentense
  571. PresidentCasmeria: You are done speaking now.
  572. HazelMay: pereira be slient
  573. Guest_BartAllen7: (just like me I'm not recognized :(
  574. HazelMay: say no more
  575. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright.
  576. PresidentCasmeria: Spare me the Pity Party.
  577. PresidentClarke: I do wish you goodluck tomorrow, Mr. Pereira.
  578. HazelMay: (im clawing my eyes out rn they burn x-x)
  579. PresidentCasmeria: I do as well.
  580. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thank you
  581. PresidentCasmeria: Log is officially being copied.
  582. KaitlynnMClarke: Log is copied
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