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Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. Sam Saffron / Jeff Atwood - Measuring Ruby - Discourse/StackOverflow
  3. - Always be measuring (don't be "playing it blind")
  4. - Dtrace/Stap
  5. - Added in Ruby 2.0
  6. - Using Dtrace call samplers to track method invocation counts
  7. - rbtrace
  8. - like strace but for ruby
  9. - very awesome
  10. - manual patching for instrumentation
  11. - old school
  12. - precise/clean
  13. - rack-mini-profiler
  14. - demo (see conference video)
  15. - in depth debugging information for rack requests (SQL tracing, intermethod timing analysis)
  16. - memory_profiler support for ruby-head (flamegraphs as well)
  17. - flamegraphs are much more accurate now, more samples per runtime slice
  18. - embedded callstack sampler in T*S_2
  19. - exception performance is poor (0.3 ms per exception) non-local transfer of controls are slow -- rack-mini-profiler shows these
  20. - require is expensive as well, 0.66 ms per require
  21. - improving dev speed
  22. - traditional fix is to enable asset bundling in Dev, this compromises the dev experience
  23. - why is this happening?
  24. - assets are validated after a full middleware crawl
  25. - etag calculation
  26. - ....
  27. - at discourse, shortcircuit this process w/ custom middleware (code in preso)
  28. - memory and ruby
  29. - in ruby head, memory profiler is new
  30. - CoW friendly GC lowers memory overhead
  31. - running benchmarks
  32. - continuously and with new hooks it's much easier to implement
  33. - what can you do?
  34. - audit memory usage
  35. - run rack_mini_profiler to integrate performance metrics into dev and production
  36. - Use flamegraphs to find your slowest code
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